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    An Act to provide for the registration of Multi Level Marketing entities,

    for regulation of direct selling, banning of Pyramid selling and for other

    matters connected therewith.

    CHAPTER IPreliminary

    1. Short title, extent and commencement :-

    (1) This Act may be called Multi Level Marketing (Regulation)

    and Pyramid selling scheme (Banning) Act 2013

    (2) It extends to the whole of ..

    (3) It shall come into force.

    2. Definitions

    (a) Direct Sale':- means a sale by a direct seller acting in the course

    of business as such.

    (b) Controller means the controller of Direct Sales appointed

    under Section 4.

    (c) Direct Selling means marketing of consumer products/ services

    directly to the consumers generally in their homes or homes of

    others, at their work place and other places away from permanent

    retail locations, usually through explanation or demonstration of

    the products by a Direct Seller or by mail order slaes.

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    (d) Mail order sales means sale of goods and services which a

    person conducts either by himself or through any person

    authorized by him, by receiving an offer for a sale Contract by


    (e) Goods means every kind of movable property other than

    actionable claims, negotiable instruments, shares, debentures and


    (f) Customer means the person to whom goods or services are

    supplied or are to be supplied under contract and if the rights of

    that person are transferred by operation of law, includes the

    person for the time being entitled to those rights.

    (g) Service means service of any description which is made

    available to potential users for valuable consideration

    (h) Multi level marking entity means an entity which sells,

    distributes or supplies for valuable consideration, goods or

    services through independent distributors or direct seller, at

    different levels where in participants in the marketing programme

    may recruit other participants and where in commission, bonus,

    refunds, discounts, dividends or considerations in the programme

    are or may be paid as a result of the sale of such goods andservices or the action or performances of additional participants.

    (i) Pyramid selling scheme means any scheme or arrangements for

    the distribution or the purported distribution of a commodity

    where by a person receives any benefit, directly or indirectly as a

    result of the recruitment of one or more additional participants in

    the scheme or arrangement but shall not include such scheme or


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    arrangement for the sale, or other distribution of a commodity or

    any class of such scheme or arrangements as the Authority may

    by order prescribe, subject to such terms or conditions as may be

    specified in the order.

    (j) commodity means any goods, services whether tangible or

    intangible, capable of being the subject of a sale.

    (k) inventory leading means that a plan or operation requires or

    encourages its independent distributors to purchase inventory in

    an amount that unreasonably exceeds that which the direct seller

    can expect to resell for ultimate consumption, or to use or

    consume in a reasonable time period.

    3. Multi Level Marketing Regulatory Authority

    The Government shall constitute a Multi Level Marketing

    Regulatory Authority in the State for the purpose of registration,

    control and supervision of multi level Marketing activities.

    4. Controller,

    (1) The Government may appoint from among public officers, a

    controller not below the rank of ..and other officers for the

    purpose of this Act.

    (2) The Controller shall subject to the general direction and control ofthe government, perform the duties imposed and exercise the rights

    and powers conferred upon him under this Act and the Regulations.

    (3) The Officers appointed under Subsection (1) shall be under the

    direction and control of the Controller.

    (4) All officers appointed under the Act shall be deemed to be public

    servants within the meaning of Indian Penal Code.


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    5. Powers and Functions of the Authority

    (1) to implement the provisions of this Act and Rules made


    (2) to give registration or to refuse registration to multi level

    marketing entities

    (3) to control and supervise the conduct of multi level marketing/

    direct selling entities in the State.

    (4) to receive returns relating to the business conducted by multi

    level marketing entities.

    (5) to monitor the tax being paid by the multi level marketing

    entities to the commercial Taxes Department of Govt. of ..

    (6) to inspect and call for records relating to the multi marketing


    (7) to receive complaints from the Direct Sellers, stockists and

    consumers against multilevel marketing entities and to provide

    for settlement of disputes among them or to give legal advice for

    taking appropriate legal actions in accordance with the law for the

    time being in force so as to remedy their grievance.

    (8) to ensure that the consumers are not being cheated by any

    multilevel marketing entities.(9) to enter the business places of multilevel marketing entities

    during business hours of that work place in order to enquire on

    the facts or examine documents or evidence in order to assure the

    execution of this Act.

    (10) to collect or take goods in reasonable quantities as sample

    for examinations or analysis without paying for such goods.


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    (11) to issue or publish information concerning goods or services

    which may cause damage to or be prejudicial to the rights of

    the customers.

    (12) to submit opinion to government concerning policy and

    measures for regulating and promoting multilevel marketing


    (13) to perform such other functions and duties as may be




    6. Multi level Marketing business to be carried on only under


    1. Registration is mandatory for Multi level Marketing Entities,

    2. No person shall carry on any direct sales business unless it is a

    Company incorporated under the companies Act 1956 (Central

    Act..) and holds a valid licence granted under Section 10.

    3. Any person who contravenes subsection (2) shall be guilty of an

    offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding.

    .. or imprisonment for a term not exceeding..years or to both,

    for a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding or to

    imprisonment for a term not exceeding . years or to both.

    7. Submission of application for licence

    Every Multi level marketing entity carry on multilevel marketing


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    in the state shall, within such date as the government may appoint in

    this behalf apply for registration before the Authority and every such

    multi level marketing entity which intends to carry on such

    marketing in the state shall apply for registration.

    8. How to apply for Registration

    1. The application for registration shall be made in such from and in such

    manner as may be prescribed.

    2. The application for registration shall contain the following:-

    (a) a copy of the Memorandum and Aarticles of

    Association duly verified by a statutory declaration made

    by a director of he applicant.

    (b) copy of audited balance sheet, profit and loss account of

    immediate preceeding 3 years and reports of the auditors and the

    directors of the applicant.

    (c) a copy of certificate of incorporation.

    (d) a statement on:

    (i) the name ,place and date of the establishment of the


    (ii) the name, place and date of the establishment of its

    related corporations.(iii) the principal business and field of operation of the

    applicant and of its related corporations.

    (iv) the names and addresses of the directors of the applicant

    and its related corporations.

    (e) a copy of PAN/TAN/TIN/CST/

    (f) a copy of certificate of Trademark.


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    (g) receipt of payment of registration fees,

    (h) compensation plan of the applicant.

    (i) such other information or documents as may be specified

    by the controller.

    (3) If the compensation plan is to be amended, the multi level

    marketing entity shall notify the amendment to the controller before

    applying the amendment to practice.

    (4) An application under this section may be withdrawn at any time

    before it is granted or refused.

    (5) Any person who provides false or misleading information or

    documents under this section shall be guilty of an offence.


    9. Conditions for Direct selling, Direct marketing etc

    Every Multi level marketing entity carry on multi level marketing inthe state shall comply following conditions: namely-

    (a) It shall be a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956.

    (b) The main objective of Multi level marketing entity shall be

    conducting of Multi level marketing business.

    (c) It shall have a registered Trade Mark granted under the Trade Marks

    Act 1999

    (d) It shall maintain records both manual as well as electronic with

    complete details of their goods, services, terms of services, price,

    income plan, details of direct sellers under it and all relevant

    informations about the company and business. The website of the

    Multi level marketing entity shall be updated regularly.


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    (e) It shall not require the direct seller to purchase any goods and

    services or to pay any membership fee as a condition precedent for

    registration or allotment of direct sellers.

    (f) It shall not require the direct sellers to pay any money by way of

    renewal charges.

    (g) It shall ensure full refund of the prices, if any goods returned by its

    customer on the ground of any defect or inferior quality as against

    the information given by it regarding such goods within 30 days of


    (h) It shall not terminate or shift direct seller from the list of enrolment

    or genealogy without prior permission of Authority.

    (i) The direct selling entity shall provide photo identity card to direct

    seller showing the name of Multi level marketing entity, Trade

    mark, No of registration and details of direct seller.

    (j) commission to the direct seller shall be paid through fund transfer

    system within 10 days after the finalization of monthly business.

    (k) the income plan of Multi level marketing entity shall not be

    based on

    (i) the number of new direct sellers registered or enrolled.

    (ii) products which have no real world market place.

    (iii) products which are sold at inflated price

    (iv) mandatory purchase of company product

    (v) plans which result in inventory loading distributors

    (vi) substantial cash investment requirements

    (vii) mandatory purchase of peripheral or accessory products or services.

    (viii) plans in which distributors are left with substantial unsold


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    convicted under Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes

    (Banning) Act 1978 (Central Act 43 of 1978) or the Securities and

    Exchange Board of India Act 1992 (Central Act 15 of 1992) or the

    Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 (Central Act 15 of


    (3) No Multi level marketing entity whose permit has been cancelled

    shall be entitled to a new permit for one year.

    11. Security Deposit

    (a) Where a registration certificate has been granted by the

    Authority, it shall require the Multi level marketing entity to

    deposit an amount as security as may be prescribed.

    (b) After depositing the security amount the Authority shall issue

    a certificate of registration in such a form as may be


    12. Validity of registration certificate

    (a) Every Registration certificate granted or renewed , unless

    revoked, shall be valid for a period of three years from the date

    of issue of the certificate.

    (b) Every Multi level marketing entity shall renew the registration

    certificate within one month of its expiry.(c) Every Multi level marketing entity shall deposit an amount as

    security as may be prescribed which shall be proportionate to

    the total turn over of such Multi level marketing entity in the

    state at the time of renewal of registration.

    13. Revocation of Registration:

    1. The controller of the Authority may revoke a certificate of


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    registration issued under this Act for the following reasons namely:-

    (a) If the Multi level marketing entity has been convicted, in relation to

    the conduct of its business under the Act stated in clause (2) of

    Section 10.

    (b) If the Multi level marketing entity has failed to comply with any

    of the conditions specified under this Act or the rules made

    thereunder in relation to the conduct of its business.

    (c) If the Multi level marketing entity has failed to comply with the

    conditions imposed as per the certificate of registration.

    (d) If the Multi level marketing entity fails to submit required details

    regarding its direct seller.

    (e) If the Multi level marketing entity fails to remit proper taxes to the


    (f) If the Multi level marketing entity fails to distribute benefits to the

    direct sellers three months continuously.

    (g) If it is found that any material information in relation to the Multi

    level marketing entity was not disclosed at the time of registration or

    renewal of certificate of registration and the certificate of registration

    was obtained stating false, misleading or inaccurate information or

    on misrepresentation, fraud or dishonesty.(h) If number of complaints affecting the interest of the consumers or

    direct sellers or stockist working under the Multi level marketing

    entity have been received in the govt. or the Controller against such


    (i) If the Multi level marketing entity has ceased to carry on the

    business which the registration certificate has been obtained.


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    (j) If it demonstrated the incapacity or unworthiness to carry on the

    business in respect of which the permit was granted.

    (k) If a receiver or manager of the Multi level marketing entity's

    business has been appointed by the Court.

    (l) When a licence has been revoked or cancelled under this Act, the

    holder of the licence shall return the licence to the Authority.

    (2) The controller shall revoke a licence granted to a Multi level

    marketing entity under Section 10 if he is satisfied that-

    (a) a winding up order has been made against it or

    (b) a resolution for its voluntary winding up has been passed.

    14 Imposition of restrictions in lieu of revocation of


    1) Where the controller is satisfied that there are grounds on which his

    power to revoke a licence is exercisable under section 13 but the

    circumstances are not such as to justify revocation, the controller

    may restrict the licence by-

    (a) imposing such limits on its duration as he thinks fit

    (b) imposing such conditions for such time period as he thinks desirable

    or expedient for the protection of the customers or prospective

    customers or other persons dealing with the multilevel marketingentity.

    (c) imposing both such limits and conditions.

    2) Failure to comply with any conditions imposed under this section

    shall be a ground for the revocation of the licence but shall not

    invalidate any transaction.


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    15. Power to impose new condition and to vary or revoke


    The controller may at any time impose new conditions on a licence

    granted under Section 10, or vary or revoke any conditions imposed

    on such licence under section 14 or under this section, or may very

    or revoke any conditions already under this section.

    16. Notice of revocation of registration, imposition of restrictions

    or variations, revocation or imposition of new conditions

    (1) Where the Controller proposes-

    (a) to revoke a license granted under section 10

    (b) to restrict a licence under Section 14 or vary any restriction or

    condition under that section or

    (c) to vary or revoke any condition, or impose any new condition under

    section 15, he shall give the entity written notice of his intention to

    do so, specifying the nature of the proposed action and the grounds

    on which he propose to take such action and he shall give the

    licensee as opportunity to make written representation thereon

    within 15 days from the date of service of the notice.

    (2) After considering any representations made by the license under

    section (1) the controller shall decide-(a) whether to proceed with the proposed action

    (b) Whether to restrict or vary the restriction or to vary the condition in

    a different manner.

    3. The controller shall give the licensee written notice of his decision

    under section (2) and the decision shall take effect from the date on

    which such written notice is served on the licensee.


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    17. Surrender of licence

    (1) A Multi level marketing entity may surrender its certificate of

    registration at any time after giving one month written notice to the

    Authority and a public notice in its website and in four daily

    newspapers having wide publicity in the State.

    (2) On receipt of the notice the Controller shall make an enquiry within

    15 days of such notice and he shall ascertain as to whether all the

    payments and other benefits lawfully due to the Government,

    customers, direct sellers and stockists from the Multi level

    marketing entity has been paid or remitted and he shall fix the

    amount and pass orders to pay such amount due to the Government,

    customers, direct sellers and stockiests.

    18. Attachment of Security Amount

    1. Where the amount payable as per the decision of the Controller

    under Section 17 is not paid or remitted within time allowed by the

    controller, he shall order to pay such amount from the security

    deposit of the multi level marketing entity deposited with the

    Authority at the time of registration or renewal.

    2. Where the amount of security deposit is not sufficient to pay theamount fixed it shall be recovered from the assets of such multi

    level marketing entity as if it is an arrear of land revenue due and

    in case there is balance amount of the security deposited after

    payment of the amount fixed under Sub Section (1) such amount

    shall be repaid to the multi level marketing entity concerned.

    19. Authorization to carry on activities after revocation :-


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    The Controller may, in writing, authorize a Multi Level Marketing

    entity whose licence has been revoked to carry on it activities for

    such duration as the Controller may specify in the authorization, but

    only for the purpose of winding up the affairs for the purpose which

    are beneficial to its customers or other persons dealing with it.

    20. Amendment or alteration of essential documents of licence

    Every Multi level marketing entity shall, within three months after

    making of any amendment or alteration to any of its essential

    documents furnish to the Controller particulars in writing, duly

    verified, by a statutory declaration made by a director of the Multi

    Level Marketing entity, of such amendment or alteration.

    21. Unlawful to promote or participate in pyramid selling scheme or


    (1) It shall be unlawful for any person to promote or participate in any

    pyramid selling scheme or arrangement.

    (2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence

    and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding Rs.. or

    to imprisonment for a term not exceeding years or to both.

    22. Registration of business which is designed to promote pyramid

    selling scheme or arrangement prohibited

    (1) No business which is designed to promote a pyramid selling scheme or

    arrangement shall be registered under any law relating to the registration

    of business.

    (2) A person who in contravention of subsection (1) obtains registration of a

    business which is designed to promote a pyramid selling scheme or

    arrangement shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction


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    to a fine not exceeding Rs. or to imprisonment for a term not

    exceeding .. years or to both.

    23. Registration of company which proposes to promote pyramid sellingscheme or arrangement prohibited

    (1) No company which proposes to promote a pyramid selling scheme for

    arrangement shall be incorporated or registered under the companies Act


    (2) Where a company which is designed to promote a pyramid selling

    scheme or arrangement contravenes subsection (1) by obtaining

    registration under the companies Act 1956, the company and every

    officer thereof shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on

    conviction to a fine not exceeding Rs. or to imprisonment for a term

    not exceeding years or to both.

    24. Penalty to be imposed in addition to other punishment

    (1) Where a Court convicts any person of committing an offence of

    promoting or participating in a pyramid selling scheme or arrangement

    under section 21 then

    (a) if the person has received any benefit, directly or indirectly as a result of

    committing the offence, and

    (b) if the benefit received by the person is a sum of money or if the value of

    the benefit can be assessed, the court shall, in addition to imposing on

    that person any other punishment order him to pay as a penalty, within

    such time as may be specified in the order, a sum not exceeding the

    amount of or, in the opinion of the Court, the value of the benefit received

    by the person, and any such penalty shall be recoverable as a fine.


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    (2) in determining the amount of penalty that a person, being a participant,

    shall be required to pay under subsection (1), the court may take into

    account any benefit that the person may have given for the right toparticipate the pyramid selling scheme for arrangement, as the case may

    be, or any loss that the person may have incurred as a result of such


    (3) Nothing in subsection (1) shall prejudice or affect any right which any

    person may have under any written law or rule to recover damages from

    the person referred to in subsection (1).

    25. Certain Agreement void

    Every agreement, verbal or written, expressed or implied, in which any of

    the provision of this Act or regulations shall not apply or that any benefit

    or remedy provided by those provisions shall not be available, or which

    in any way limits or abrogates or in effect limits, modifies or abrogates

    any such benefit or remedy, is null, void and of no effect.

    26. Appeal

    Any person aggrieved by an order of the Controller may appeal to

    the Government within such time and with such fee and in the

    manner as may be prescribed.


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    27. Calling at any premises for purpose of negotiating door to doorsales

    (1) Any person who calls at any premises of negotiating door to door

    sales shall immediately indicate the purpose of his visit before

    entering the premises and shall leave the premises at the request of

    the occupier of the premises or any person acting with the actual or

    implied authority of the occupier.

    (2). Any person who contravenses this section shall be guilty of an


    28. Persons negotiating door to door sales to produce identification

    card and authority card.

    Any person negotiating a door to door sale shall produce to the

    prospective purchaser-

    (a) his direct seller card issued by the multi level marketing entity


    (b) his identification card issues by Government authorities

    29. Mail Order Sales

    No person shall supply or advertise for the supply of, by mail order,

    any goods or services except in accordance with this Act or the


    30.Contents of advertisement in mail order sales

    Any advertisement by any person for the supply of goods or services


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    by mail order shall contain

    (a) the name and licence number of such person

    (b) the address of such person, which address shall not be a postal

    box number

    (c) the telephone number of such person

    (d) a detailed description of the goods offered or service to be


    (e) the places and times where a sample of goods may be inspected

    (f) the prices of the goods or services.

    (g) the cost of delivery, if any, and the manner of delivery, of the goods.

    (h) the time when goods or services could be expected to be delivered

    or performed

    31. Signed Receipts information etc to the Customer

    1) On receiving payment with respect to sale of goods or service, the

    direct seller shall issue a signed receipts to the customer concerned

    in accordance with the provisions of Indian Stamp Act 1999

    ( Central Act- 2 of 1989) in such form as may be prescribed which

    shall contain the grounds for cancellation of the transactions and

    such other terms and conditions in respect of the sale of goods or

    service concerned.(2) A customer may rescind a direct sales contract at any time within

    30 days from the date of direct sales contract by serving on the

    direct seller a notice in such from as may be prescribed.

    (3) Where a customer cannot return the goods to the direct seller in


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    substantially the same condition as and when the customer received

    the goods because of an act or fault for which the customer is

    responsible, the customer may not cancel the contract.

    (4) Every direct seller shall comply with provisions of Kerala Value

    Added Tax, Act, 2003 ( Act 30 of 2004)

    (5) The Direct Seller shall inform the customer the following


    (a) name, address, register number and telephone number of the

    direct seller and of multi level marketing entity concerned.

    (b) a description of the goods or services to be supplied.

    (c) the order date, the total amount to be paid by the consumer along

    with the bill and receipt.

    (d) time and place for inspection of the sample and delivery goods.

    (e) a notice to the consumer of consumers right to cancel the order

    and to receive a full refund of sum paid.

    (f) details regarding the complaint redressal mechanism of multi

    level marketing entity concerned.

    (6) Direct Seller shall at all times carry photo identity proof issues

    by the multi level marketing entity with photo identity card

    issued by the Government authorities.



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    32. Declaration of office

    Every Officer appointed under this Act when acting against any person

    under this Act or the Regulation shall forthwith declare his Office and

    shall on demand, produce to the person against whom he is acting such

    authority card as the Controller may direct to be carried by such


    33. Power to enter premises and to inspect and seize goods and


    (1) If a Magistrate of Judicial First Class of territorial jurisdiction is

    satisfied on information given on oath that there is reasonable

    ground to believe-

    (a) that there are on any premises any document or goods the

    inspection of which is likely to disclose evidence of thecommission of an offence under this Act, or

    (b) that any offence under this Act has been, is being or is about

    to be committed on any premises, he may issue a warrant,

    which shall be in force for a period not exceeding one month,

    under his hand authorizing any officer under this Act to enter

    those premises, if necessary by force, and to search those


    (2) Any officer who enters any premises under the authority of a

    warrant issued under Subsection (1) may-

    (a) require any person found on such premises to supply him with

    any information or to produce any goods or any documents


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    35. Investigation by Authority

    (1) The Authority or any person authorized by him in writing may

    investigate and enquire into any mater the investigation of which he

    deems expedient for the administration of this Act.

    (2) The person making an investigation may at all reasonable times

    demand the production of and inspect all or any of the books,

    documents, papers, correspondence and records of person in respect

    of whom the investigation is being made and any person who has

    custody, possession or control of such books, documents, papers,

    correspondence or records shall provide them and permit the

    inspection thereof by the person making the investigation.

    (3) The investigation Officer shall furnish the reports of investigation to

    the Authority within 15 days of investigation.

    36. Conduct of Prosecution

    Prosecution in respect of any offence under this Act or Regulations

    may be conducted by any person appointed under this Act.

    37. Forfeiture of goods

    (1) All goods seized in exercise of any power conferred under this Act

    shall be liable to forfeiture

    (2) An order for the forfeiture or for the release of any goods seized inexercise of any power conferred under this Act shall be made by

    the Court before which the prosecution with regard thereto has been

    held the and an order for forfeiture of the goods shall be made if it

    is proved to the satisfaction of the court that an offence under this

    Act has been committed and that goods were the subject matter of


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    or were used to the commission of the offence, not withstanding that

    no person may have been convicted of such offence.

    (3) All thing forfeited shall be delivered to the Controller and shall be

    disposed in accordance with the directions of the Authority.

    (4) Where any goods seized in exercise of the powers conferred by this

    Act are of perishable nature or where the custody of such goods

    includes unreasonable expenses and inconvenience, such goods may

    be sold at anytime and the proceeds of the sale to be abide by the

    result of the prosecution.

    38. No costs or damages arising from seizure to be recoverable:-

    No person shall, in any proceedings before any court in respect of

    the seizure of any good seized in the exercise of any power

    conferred under this Act, be entitled to the cost of such proceedings,

    subject to section 37, to any damages or other relief unless such

    seizure was made without reasonable or probable cause.

    39. Cognizance of offences

    (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal

    Procedure, 1973 (Control Act 2 of 1974) a Court of Judicial First

    Class Magistrate having jurisdiction over the area concerned shall

    have jurisdiction to try all offences under this Act and to impose thefine provided for such offences.

    (2) No Court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under this

    Act, except on a report in writing of facts constituting such offence,

    made by the Controller of the Authority.

    40. Regulations


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    The Government may make regulations:

    (a) prescribing requirements respecting applicants for permits.

    (b) prescribing the terms, conditions and restrictions of permit.

    (c) relating to the suspension or cancellation of permit.

    (d) prescribing the form of contract by direct seller.

    (e) exempting any class of transaction by direct seller from all or

    any of the provisions of this Act.

    (f) respecting the content of direct sales contract.

    (g) respecting the form and content of a statement of cancellation


    (h) respecting code of conduct of a direct seller.

    (i) defining any word or expression used but not defined in this Act.

    (j) prescribing any other matter or thing that is required or

    authorized by this Act to be prescribed by regulation.

    41. Miscellaneous

    This Act shall not apply

    (a) Where the customer or prospective customer is a body


    (b) to any contract of insurance and reinsurance issued by an

    insurer registered under the IRDA Act 2002.(c) to the subject of which is goods or services, the sale of which is

    regulated by Government of Union or State.

    42. C.P.C. Powers to controller

    (1) In deciding all matters under this Act, the controller shall have

    the power to regulate his own procedures and for this purpose of

    making any enquiry or investigation under this Act, he shall have the


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    same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Civil Procedure

    Code, 1958 (Central Act 5 of 1958) while trying a suit in respect of

    the following matters, namely -

    -summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and

    examining him on oath

    -discovery and production of any document or other material

    object producible as evidence

    -reception of evidence on affidavit.

    (2) Any inquiry or investigation before the controller shall be deemed to

    be a judicial proceeding within the meaning of section 193 and 228

    of Indian Penal Code (Central Act 45 of 1960) and the controller

    shall be deemed to be a civil court for the purpose of section 195 and

    chapter XXIV of the Code of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973

    (Central Act 2 of 1974)

    43. Offences by companies

    (1) Where any offence against any provision of this Act or the

    Regulation has been committed by a company, any person who at

    the time of the commission of the offence was a director, manager,

    secretary or other similar officer of the company, shall be guilty of

    that offence unless he proves that the offence was committedwithout his consent connivance and that he exercised all such

    diligence to prevent the commission of the offence as he ought to

    have exercised, having regard to the nature of his functions in that

    capacity and to all the circumstances.

    44. Relationship of Agency


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    Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Act, the

    relationship among the multilevel marketing entity, direct seller,

    stockist and customer shall be that of among the principal, agent and

    third parties respectively under the provisions of Indian Contract Act

    1872 (Central Act IX of 1872) and their rights, duties and liabilities

    shall be fixed accordingly.

    45. Protection of Controller and other Officers.

    No action or prosecution shall be brought, instituted or maintained inany court against the Controller or any other officer duly appointed

    under this Act for or on account or in respect of any act ordered or

    done for the purpose of carrying into effect this Act and the

    Regulations and no suit or prosecution shall be lie in any court

    against any other person for or on account or in respect of any act

    done or purported to be done by him under the order, direction or

    instruction of the Controller or any other officer appointed under this

    Act if the act was done in good faith and in a reasonable belief that it

    was necessary for the purpose intended to be served thereby.

    46. Limitation

    No prosecution for an offence under this Act or Regulation shall be

    commenced after two year from the date of offence.



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