Page 1: MJ0010 Summer Drive Assignment 2012

Summer- 2012

Master of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication– Semester 2

MJ0010 – Communication Research - 4 credits

(Book ID: B0396)

Assignment - 1 (60 marks)

Answer the following questions:

1- How to develop good research questions? [15 Marks]

2- Answer the following: [3x10= 30 Marks]

a) Write a note on the stages of conducting a case study.

b) Write a note on questionnaire items and its types.

c) Write a note on ethics in data analysis and reporting.

3- Write short notes on any THREE of the following [3X5= 15 Marks]

a) Footnote.

b) Music Call-out research.

c) Group data and individual data.

d) Cluster sampling.

Page 2: MJ0010 Summer Drive Assignment 2012

Summer- 2012

Master of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication– Semester 2

MJ0010 – Communication Research - 4 credits

(Book ID: B0396)

Assignment - 2 (60 marks)

Answer the following questions:

1- What is sampling? What are the techniques to obtain representative samples?

[15 Marks]

2- What is a case study and what are its advantages and disadvantages? [10 Marks]

3- Write a note on research ethics and general ethical principles. [10 Marks]

4- Write a note on any TWO of the following: [2x10= 20 Marks]

a) Rating research and non-rating research.

b) Citing reference in the report

c) Concealment and deception.

5- Write a brief note on any ONE: [1x5= 5] a) Circulation studies. b) Content analysis.

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