Download - Mixing Station

  • 8/16/2019 Mixing Station


    Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing

    Fab 3 17K Implanter Cleanroom Expansion Proect


    !he testing and commissioning of these units in"ol"e the follo#ing$

    1.2.1 Mixing Station Schematics

    !he schematic diagram is necessar% as it gi"es a simple illustration of the #ater


    1.2.2 Pump Performance

    !he performance of the pump is "erified against the pump cur"e produced b% themanufacturer$ !he #ater flo# rate and the head are significance$ Measurements of #ater

    flo# through the secondar% balancing "al"es and pressure gauge reading across the

     pump& plotted on the pump cur"e& sho# the performance of the pump$

    Pump shut'off condition is also "erified b% closing the discharge "al"e full% and

    recording the pressure gauge readings across the pump$

    1.2.3 hi!!e" #ater $a!ancing

    Chilled #ater flo#ing through the secondar% balancing "al"e is throttled according to the

    re(uirement of the dr% coil$ !he primar% balancing "al"e is also adusted to allo# about

    one'third the amount of #ater re(uired b% the dr% coils$

    !he secondar% "al"e adustment is necessar% to ensure the correct amount of #ater flo#s

    through to the dr% coil$ !he primar% "al"e adustment is necessar% the right mixingamount to achie"e the intended dr% coil suppl% #ater temperature$

     !a)asago *S+ Pte$ ,td$

  • 8/16/2019 Mixing Station


    Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing

    Fab 3 17K Implanter Cleanroom Expansion Proect

    1.2.2 P%MP P&'(O'MAN&


    •  !o chec) the pump shut'off condition$

    •  !o "erif% pump #ater capacit% and head$


    1$ Ensure that all "al"es at dr% coil are opened full%

    /$ Ensure that all b%pass "al"es are closed and all 3'#a% control "al"es stems are up$3$ Close the primar% loops "al"es$

    0$ -pen full% the balancing "al"e at secondar% loop$

    $ 2oo) up measuring instrument to balancing "al"e at secondar% loop$

    $ 4un one pump$7$ Slo#l%& shut off the pump discharge "al"e completel%$

    5$ 4ecord readings of pressure gauges across the pump to calculate the head at 6ero

    flo#$$ Measure and record reading of running ampere$

    18$ -pen the pump discharge "al"e slo#l%& until the specified pump head is reached$

    11$ Measure and record #ater flo#rate and pressure drop across the balancing "al"e$1/$ Measure and record reading of running ampere and speed of motor$

    13$ Plot reading of flo#s and head on pump cur"e$

    10$ 4epeat for the other pump$


    From the results obtained& the performances of the pumps is #ithin acceptable limits of 918:$

    !he flo#rate capacit% of the pumps differs from the '1:to;8$7:$ !his small differences

    can be attributed to the accurac% of the achie"ing the pump head during measurement& asit is onl% dependent on the "isual reading of the pressure gauges& Since the re(uired flo#

    is much less than this difference& the pumps still has some capacit% for future upgrade$

  • 8/16/2019 Mixing Station


    Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing

    Fab 3 17K Implanter Cleanroom Expansion Proect

    1.2.3 *I++&, #AT&' $A+ANING


    • !o balance the amount of #ater flo# into the mixing station$


    1$ Ensure that all "al"es at dr% coil are opened full%$

    /$ Ensure that all b%pass "al"es are closed and all 3'#a% and /'#a% control "al"estems are up$

    3$ -pen full% the balancing "al"e at secondar% loop$

    0$ -pen full% all "al"es at primar% loop except the b%pass "al"e$

    $ 2oo) up measuring instrument to primar% balancing "al"e$$ Ensure pump discharge "al"e is opened full%$

    7$ 4un one pump$5$ !hrottle the primar% balancing "al"e to the re(uired flo#$

    $ Measure and record #ater flo#rate and pressure drop across the balancing "al"e$


    From the balancing results& the "al"es ha"e been acceptabl% adusted to the re(uired flo#$

     !a)asago *S+ Pte$ ,td$

  • 8/16/2019 Mixing Station


    Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing

    Fab 3 17K Implanter Cleanroom Expansion Proect

    1$3$/ C2I,,E= >


    •!o balance the amount of #ater flo# into the dr% coil$


    1$ Ensure that all "al"es at dr% coil are opened full%$

    /$ Ensure that all b%pass "al"es are closed and all 3'#a% control "al"e stems are up$

    3$ Ensure onl% one pump is running$

    0$ Chec) initial flo# in all the dr% coils in the pump s%stem$$ Calculate the total l flo# to establish that the initial in the coil is e(ui"alent to the

    flo# in the balanced secondar% loop$

    $ Identif% the branch #ith the highest to lo#est flo#$

    7$ Start balancing the dr% coils from the branch #ith the highest flo#$5$

  • 8/16/2019 Mixing Station


    Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing

    Fab 3 17K Implanter Cleanroom Expansion Proect

    1$3 =4B C-I, ?

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