  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Mitotic Jeopardy! Slide 3 Mitotic Jeopardy! 3 Stages 4 Phases Cancer! Synth- speration ChooChoo Transport 10 20 30 40 50 *5050 Final Jeopardy Slide 4 Slide 5 Back to Menu Slide 6 How are materials allowed into and out of a cell? What is this called? Slide 7 Back to Menu Through the Cell Membrane, which is Selectively Permeable. Slide 8 Describe how Diffusion works. What is Osmosis? Slide 9 Process by which molecules move from an area of high concentration to area of lower concentration. Osmosis is the diffusion of water. Back to Menu Slide 10 What are Active & Passive transport, and how are they like riding a bike? Slide 11 You use energy to ride a bike uphill. Active transport requires energy. Going down hill requires no energy, like Passive Transport. Back to Menu Slide 12 Why is it important for cells to be so small? Slide 13 Back to Menu Final Jeopardy In order to transport materials into and out of the cell efficiently. To have many cells doing the same job. So we are not as voluminous or massive. Slide 14 What is the regular sequence of growth and division that cells go through called? Slide 15 Cell Cycle The Cell Cycle. Back to Menu Slide 16 List the stages of the Cell Cycle in order. Slide 17 1.Interphase 2.Mitosis 3.Cytokinesis Back to Menu Slide 18 Of the stages, which one lasts the longest? Slide 19 Interphase, which lasts around 20 hours, compared to 1 hour for both Mitosis & Cytokinesis. Back to Menu Slide 20 What is the significant event that occurs during Cytokinesis? What about in a plant cell? Slide 21 During Cytokinesis, the cell membrane pinches off to form two new cells. Back to Menu Slide 22 what goes on during this stage? What are the 3 major events during Interphase? (what goes on during this stage?) Slide 23 Interphase 1)Structures are fully formed Replicates DNA 2)The nucleus grows as it Replicates DNA 3)Cell doubles in size Back to Menu Final Jeopardy Slide 24 What is the end result of Mitosis? Slide 25 One cell splits into 2 with identical copies of DNA. Back to Menu Slide 26 In order, what are the 4 phases of Mitosis? Slide 27 Back to Menu 1.Prophase 2.Metaphase 3.Anaphase 4.Telophase Slide 28 Which two phases are represented by the pictures below? Slide 29 Telophase leftAnaphase right These pictures represent Telophase (left) and Anaphase (right). Back to Menu Slide 30 What is the structure that connects the two cells? What is the genetic material that attaches to this structure? Slide 31 Spindle Fibers Chromosomeschromatid Spindle Fibers bridge the two cells and Chromosomes (chromatid) are attached to it. Back to Menu Slide 32 Describe an important event that occurs during each phase of Mitosis. Slide 33 1.Prophase 1.Prophase: cell doubles in size 2.Metaphase 2.Metaphase: chromosomes align in center 3.Anaphase 3.Anaphase: chromosomes split as spindles retract 4.Telophase 4.Telophase: nuclear membrane forms Back to Menu Final Jeopardy Slide 34 A damaging change to DNA causes a A) Tumor B) Mutation C) Freckle Slide 35 Back to Menu A damaging change to DNA causes a A) Tumor B) Mutation C) Freckle Slide 36 What is a Tumor? Slide 37 Back to Menu A mass of abnormal cells caused by uncontrolled cell division. Slide 38 Explain how cancer spreads. Slide 39 As tumors grow, some cancer cells can break away and enter the blood stream. Back to Menu Slide 40 What are the techniques used to treat cancer? Slide 41 Surgery RadiationChemotherapy Doctors use 3 methods: Surgery, Radiation, and Chemotherapy. Back to Menu Slide 42 Why is it harmful? How does cancer affect your cells? (Why is it harmful?) Slide 43 Back to Menu Final Jeopardy Like weeds, Cancer cells take nutrients away from normal cells. This lack of nutrition starves, and kills, your healthy cells. Slide 44 Photosynthesis What 3 ingredients do plants need to complete Photosynthesis? Slide 45 1.Sunlight 2.Water CO 2 3.Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Back to Menu Slide 46 byproductsPhotosynthesis How does a plant acquire each of its ingredients? What are the results (byproducts) of Photosynthesis? Slide 47 Roots Chlorophyll Stomata glucose Roots collect water, Chlorophyll the sunlight, and the Stomata takes in CO 2. The results are energy (glucose) and oxygen. Back to Menu Slide 48 Why are Photosynthesis and Respiration considered opposite processes? Slide 49 Photosynthesis uses CO 2 and water to make glucose and oxygen. Respiration uses oxygen and glucose to make CO 2 and water. Back to Menu Slide 50 which went to overtime and you won! After playing hard in a game of your favorite sport (which went to overtime and you won!), your legs are feeling sore. Why? Slide 51 You have built up Lactic Acid from Fermentation, a form of respiration that does not use oxygen. Back to Menu Slide 52 SynthSperation Q5 Slide 53 SynthSperation A5 Back to Menu Slide 54 This picture shows several purple cells in a particular stage of the Cell Cycle. Which stage is it and how do you know? Slide 55 Slide 56 Back to Menu Interphase: 1) Fully formed nucleus, which 2) contains replicated genetic material. 3) About 2x larger.

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