
Oral Roberts Ministries • Vol. 6 No. 1 • 2013

2013: A New Season of Breakthrough!

Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their

strength. —Isaiah 40:31

Mark your calendar, because The Place for Miracles is coming to an area near you. Join Richard for a Miracle Service—with encouraging testimonies, a good word from God, praise and worship, and laying on of hands for those who want prayer.

Invite your family and friends to attend, and share the blessing! Admission is free, but seating may be limited, so be sure to RSVP as soon as you can.

COME READY TO RELEASE YOUR FAITH AND EXPECT A MIRACLE, AS THESE PARTNERS DID!I had a large blood clot in my left leg. Recently, Richard Roberts held a meeting in Ohio and I came expecting a miracle. He laid hands on me and prayed for my healing. I’m happy to say that I have had a CT scan, and the doctors have declared my left leg completely healed!” —Donna from Michigan

“Hi, Richard and Lindsay. I want to thank you so much for your prayers. I came to your meeting in Los Angeles, and I came forward for you to lay hands on me. I released my faith and was instantly healed from terrible back pain that had bothered me for years. Praise the Lord!” —Mandy from California

For more information or to RSVP, go online to or call 918-495-7777.

Are you believing in God for healing in any area of your life? Are you ready for a spiritual boost?

Richard Roberts Miracle Services

• •PENSACOLA February 21, 2013

7:00 pmCrowne Plaza

Pensacola Grand Hotel200 E. Gregory St.

Pensacola, FL

GULFPORTFebruary 22, 2013

7:00 pmCourtyard by Marriott Gulfport Beachfront1600 East Beach Blvd.

Gulfport, MS

LAFAYETTEFebruary 23, 2013

2:00 pmPetroleum Club of Lafayette

111 Heymann Blvd.Lafayette, LA

may be coming your way!

More meetings are being scheduled too, so be sure to check our website,, call the Abundant Life Prayer Group at 918-495-7777, or view our Facebook page, our television broadcasts, and

the latest issue of Miracles for updates on where Richard is going next.






2013 Can Be Your New Season of Breakthrough in God by Richard Roberts

This year, you can have a new season of God’s blessings in your life.

Making a Mark in Ghana Richard ministered in the African nation of Ghana.

The Miracle That Didn’t Get Away by Lindsay Roberts

Keys from the healing of Bartimaeus that can help you.

It Is Later Than You Think A classic message by Oral Roberts

Learning about the second coming of Jesus Christ!

Miracle of Transformation The Story of Pastor Orlando Barela

A powerful testimony of a drug addict turned pastor.

In Revelation 21:5, the Lord declares this powerful word to you and me: “Behold, I [the Lord] make all things new.” The Lord has been speaking to me about this principle, and I believe He can bring you and me into a new season of breakthrough, miracles, blessings, and increase this year.

Now, many people have called or written and said that 2012 was a challenging year. Things may have been tough for you and your loved ones. You may feel weary or frus-

trated, or you may wonder if the Lord really does have good plans for you.

Let me remind you of Isaiah 40:31 Amplified, which says: But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.

According to this scripture, you can have hope in the Lord, even in the midst of challenging cir-cumstances. I believe He has a plan to restore you, refresh you, strengthen you, and give you a new season of breakthrough in Him in 2013. According to the Bible, God is not limited in what He can do for us in this new season. But it’s up to us to reach out in faith to receive His best for us this year.

So, I encourage you to grab hold of God’s Word and keep speaking faith into your situation, beliv-ing that this truly is YOUR new season! Continue to expect that God is making all things new for you and your loved ones, all throughout this year. And remember, I’m standing with you in faith, believing God for the answers to prayer that you need most in this new season of miracles in 2013!

This Can Be

Your New Season

in the Lord!


Vol. 6, No. 1 — Jan/Feb/Mar 2013. Copyright © 2013 by Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association. No part may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved. Your copy of MIRACLES© is made possible by Seed-Faith offerings to Oral Roberts Ministries. No subscription price.

MIRACLES© is published quarterly by Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association, P.O. Box 2187, Tulsa, OK 74102-2187. POSTMAS-TER: SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: MIRACLES, P.O. BOX 2187, TULSA, OK 74102-2187. For more information, call (918) 495-7777, or contact us on the Internet at Canada Publications Agreement #40774029.


The Lord has been speaking to my heart about His plans for the partners of this ministry in 2013… And He has said to declare that this year, 2013, can be a new season for you and your loved ones, as well as our family, and this ministry! It can be a new season for healing…for the miraculous in our lives as we honor God’s Word and obey what He tells us to do. It’s a new season!

I believe God has a good plan for your future ( Jeremi-ah 29:11). The things that have seemed impossible to you can be turned into God’s possibilities as the Bible says in Luke 1:37—nothing is impossible with Him.

I believe there is no better time than now—today—to rekindle your faith for the miraculous and the super-natural…believing and expecting God to make the im-possible possible in your life. Now, I want to share with you some keys that perhaps can help you step into a new season in your life.

The One who can usher in your new season is Jesus.

John chapter 5 gives a powerful example of what we can do to fully embrace the new season that the Lord is bringing about in 2013. At the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry, there was a pool, or a spring, known as Bethesda. In that place, there were five porches—five levels or balconies—and those areas were filled with sick people…the lame, the blind, the incapacitated, those who could not care for themselves. They came to Bethesda because of a local legend claiming that when the water in that area stirred, it meant an angel had come down from heaven, and the first person into the water would be healed.

One day Jesus walked into this scene of sick and dying humanity, and he approached a man who had been ill for 38 years. I believe Jesus went there to usher in a new season in that man’s life.

Your new season could depend on where you choose to focus.

When Jesus approached the man who had been ill for 38 years, He knew it was important for the man to do his part and reach out for a miracle. I believe that’s why He asked the man this question: “Sir, do you want to be made whole?” You see, if you’re going to enter a new season in your life this year, I think it’s important to be clear in your mind and in your spirit about what you want God to do for you.

Notice that the man didn’t answer Jesus’ question with a “Yes, I want to be healed.” Instead, he talked about what he lacked—“Jesus, I don’t have a man to put me in the water.” At that point, he wasn’t focused on his hope of being healed; he was looking at the reasons he thought his healing might never happen. To me, this had to do with focusing on the natural circumstances he was in, and not what God could do for him.

Now, the way I read John 5, I believe the people at the pool of Bethesda wanted to be healed, including this man. They wanted to be well, and they were seeking a solution. The problem seemed to be that they had their eyes on the pool, or perhaps on the legend, not necessarily on God the Healer.

The man seemed to have that same problem and was looking to the wrong source. By his comments, it ap-peared as though he was looking to the movement of

2013 Can Be Your  

New Season of Breakthrough

in God!B Y   R I C H A R D   R O B E R T S


the water, even though the Son of God, the healing Jesus, was standing right in front of him!

I think that is an easy place to find ourselves when we have a need… It can be easy to focus on natural sources to meet our needs. But ultimately, to me, the final Source for any breakthroughs you may need is God Himself.

To enter your new season, I say, do what God directs you to do.

If the man at the pool of Bethesda was going to receive the healing he needed, then why not look toward the right Source—God the Healer? Jesus invited the man to enter a new season in his life by saying, “Rise, take up your bed, and walk.”

When Jesus said “rise,” He was talking to the man’s spirit, because according to the Bible, you can never rise up and enter into a new season in the natural until your spirit rises up in faith to enter God’s new season for you. Rising up is a choice we can make, and it comes before moving forward.

When Jesus said “take up your bed,” He was saying to the man, “That bed has carried you for 38 years. Is it time for you to carry it? Is it time to stop putting up with the situation you’re in?”

Are you tired of your circumstances? Do you want a change? How much do you want a change? Do you really want to enter into a new season, or do you pre-fer to stay where you are? To enter into God’s new season for you in 2013, I believe your attitude should be in line with God’s plan. In other words, the new direction that God has for you might not come about until you rise up in faith on the inside and begin to take charge over any circumstances that you may have allowed to dominate you.

Finally, when Jesus said “walk,” He was telling the man: “It’s time to make a decision that by faith, you are going to make it.” You see, sometimes the circum-stances we face can make us doubt ourselves, doubt God, and doubt that we’ll ever see a breakthrough.

It’s important to keep your eyes on the Lord and focus on serving Him. Remember His Word, which says, I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread (Psalm 37:25).

Remember, if you’re a child of God, as His child, the Word says you are to be blessed. You can call on Him in faith in times of need, expecting Him to meet you at the point of your need. I believe He has a plan to

deliver us, just as He had a plan to heal the man at the pool of Beth esda. And when the man did what the Lord asked—when he rose, took up his bed, and stepped forward in faith—he was miraculously healed!

Does God have a new season especially planned for you?

I believe a turnaround is coming for the people of God. In no way do I believe God would turn His back on His people. I believe He cares about you and me, and He can turn the impossible into the possible for us. When you and I get in line with His Word and do what He says, it can cause us to prosper.

I also believe there is an end-time transfer of wealth and an end-time harvest coming to His people, even in the midst of any economy. But who is that harvest coming to? According to Matthew 6:33, which says, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you…there is your answer.

I believe it’s time to put God’s kingdom first, and move forward in the things of God, believing that your situation in the natural can line up with God’s supernatural Word. That’s why the Bible says to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Often, what we see in the natural can look so discouraging, even impossible to overcome.

But we have a right to expect the miraculous from God according to Hebrews 11:6, which says, He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. So, we can look to Him and expect the impossible to become possible in our lives according to His Word. We can expect and release our faith for the new season He has for us this year.

Now, I encourage you to make this your declaration for 2013: “Lord, I declare that according to Your Word, 2013 is a new season for me! It’s a new year with new hope, new possibilities, new opportunities, new mercies, and new blessings from You. I receive it by faith, and I expect to see a turnaround in my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

“You see, sometimes the circumstances we face can make us doubt ourselves, doubt God, and doubt that we’ll ever see a breakthrough.”

6  Richard ministered to over 5,000 Ghanaian pastors and ministers.

Richard joins Dr. Lawrence Tetteh 

in praying for a local soldier.

Richard prays for the current President of Ghana, John Mahama.

Richard prays for the former President, 

John Kufuor of Ghana.

Recently, Richard traveled to the African nation of Ghana to minister at a pastors’ conference and to conduct nightly evangelistic meetings in the city of Accra.


At this local church, Richard prayed for a large crowd!

Richard ministered to over 5,000 Ghanaian pastors and ministers.

Woman says pain in kidney is gone. Declaring her breast tumor disappeared.

Celebrating God’s healing power Woman says sharp pain gone after  5 years of suffering.

Thousands came to receive healing prayer.

Richard conducted nightly evangelistic meetings, preaching the Gospel to the thousands who attended.


And Jesus answered and said unto him, what wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. And Jesus

said unto him, go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way. —Mark 10:46–52 KJV

now?” If the answer is yes, then we can move on to the next step that Bartimaeus took toward his deliverance.

After Bartimaeus realized he was dissatisfied, he made a declaration—the Bible says he cried out to Jesus. When we’re dissatisfied, in my experience, we either cry out in a complaining way, saying things like, “Oh, why me?” Or, we can cry out to God in faith, saying, “In the name of Jesus, I am going to press in to God.” In this case, Bartimaeus cried out in faith to Jesus, the Son of David, meaning the One able to heal. Barti-maeus made a declaration that Jesus was the Christ, the anointed One, the One with the ability to meet the need that he was facing.

I believe our own declarations are so important, because the Bible says that life and death are in the power of the tongue, and that what we receive in our lives is, in part, a result of what we’re saying (Proverbs 18:21). Barti-maeus said, in essence, that Jesus was the One who could meet his need. We can apply that principle by asking ourselves who we believe Jesus is and what we can see Him doing for us according to His Word. Who is the Lord to us and why? For what purpose was He created to be a part of our lives? So therefore, is there an area in your life that you feel needs divine intervention? I be-

The Miracle That Didn’t Get Away


The healing of Bartimaeus is a powerful miracle, and I believe it contains an important lesson that can help us receive answers from God for the needs in our lives. And I believe the key to the

healing of Bartimaeus is found in one word—ACTION!

In this Biblical passage, there are over thirty of what I call action words that describe what happened be-tween Bartimaeus, Jesus, and the people around them: he came, he saw, he went, he was healed, he followed, he cried, he shouted, he jumped—all these actions came from a blind man who normally sat begging on the side of the road.

Bartimaeus may have been blind in the natural realm, but what spiritual insight he had concerning Jesus! When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing by, he did something about it.

First of all, Bartimaeus was dissatisfied with something in his life. Ask yourself, am I dissatisfied with something in my life—spiritually, physically, financially, or emo-tionally? Many people have something in their life that they are not satisfied with, something that they want to see change for the better. So, the first question we can ask ourselves is, “Am I dissatisfied with my life right


lieve when we see who Jesus is and why God sent Him to this earth, then we can begin to speak out, in faith, what we desire to see happen to our lives, according to His Word. We can make His Word our declaration of faith, as Bartimaeus did.

Now, after he made his declaration, he had to make a decision. I love this part. Think about this: once Bar-timaeus made his declaration and cried out to Jesus, what did the people around him do? They told him to be quiet, to hold his peace! They rained on his parade!

In the story of life, there always seems to be the people who make it their business to rain on someone else’s parade. So Bartimaeus had to decide whether he was going to listen to the crowd or do what he believed in his heart that he must do. I believe we always come to a point where we have to make that critical decision. As Bartimaeus was thinking through what he would do, Jesus commanded, “Bring him to me.” And that’s when Bartimaeus had to decide whether to respond to Jesus or instead to respond to the crowd—because they were saying two different things, and he couldn’t do both. He had to choose one or the other.

Bartimaeus made the crucial spiritual decision to do what he knew was the Lord’s will for him in his heart and in his spirit, even in the midst of a tough situa-tion. In the midst of those around him telling him to shut up, he chose to get up in faith and go to Jesus. He determined in his heart to ignore what was going on around him and press into the Lord instead. He made a determination to go God’s way.

I believe the next action-word is critical. Bartimaeus re-moved his beggar’s robe, which was a demonstration of his faith. That beggar’s robe meant he could legally beg. With that robe, he was, in a sense, licensed to depend on other people to take care of him. But he cast off the beggar’s robe in faith, even before he was healed, as a demonstra-tion of his faith in the healing, delivering power of Jesus!

No matter what our situation may look like and no mat-ter what may be going on around us, we have a choice to live by faith. In fact, I believe we have to do things by faith before they come to pass in the natural. Whether we have to believe, or expect, or sow seed, or pray—whatever we feel God is directing us to do, I believe we have to take action in the natural as an act of our faith, because faith without works, or corresponding action, is dead (James 2:26). To me, putting action to our faith causes our faith to come alive and produce something supernatural for us. Bartimaeus acted first, and then Jesus

healed him. I believe we have to make a demonstration of our faith first, and when we do, I believe that gives God something to work with as He brings about the an-swer we are seeking.

Of course, God can do whatever He wants, because He’s God. He is sovereign and can act sovereignly anytime He chooses. But the majority of times I have seen things work in my life, it has been by acting on my faith, then seeing God’s response. If I have a need, then I must make a demonstration of my faith, whether it’s through prayer, through my expectations, through my seed sow-ing, or through some other form of action. It’s when I have acted in faith that I have seen the circumstances in my life change. I believe as we get into action, then Jesus can get into action. That’s what these Scriptures mean to me. It was then—after he got up in faith—that Jesus said to him, “Your faith has made you well” (verse 52), and Bartimaeus was healed and followed Jesus.

Now, let me ask you this: Do you need a breakthrough of some kind in your life? Is there a need in your spirit, your mind, your body, your family, your finances, or some other area of your life? You may need spiritu-ally to act on your faith. We can decide to believe God when the Word of God tells us we can have God’s best—healing, salvation, deliverance, provision, peace, joy, and all the other good things described in the Bible.

So, I encourage you to trust God, believing in faith for whatever your need may be. And as you honor God how-ever He directs you, I set my faith with you now for heal-ing, wholeness, soundness, peace, joy, and fulfillment in every area of your life, in Jesus’ name.

In the midst of those around him telling him to shut up, he chose to get up in faith and go to Jesus.


Ft. Wayne, Indiana

Ft. Wayne, Indiana

Chicago, Illinois

South Bend, Indiana


Partners Receiving Miraculous Breakthroughs at Miracle Services!Continuing his travels around the U.S. and Canada, Richard conducted Miracle Services for partners and friends of this ministry in Chicago, South Bend, and Fort Wayne. After sharing a powerful word from the Lord, Richard prayed and laid hands in faith on everyone in attendance who wanted prayer. As people reached out in faith to God for their miracles, praise reports have been coming in from these meetings all year long, and more meetings are being planned for 2013. So, make plans to attend a meeting near you, and invite your loved ones! Come expect-ing God to move in your life. We are believing for God to pour out His blessings for you! (The latest meeting schedule can be found at

Here’s what God has been doing in the lives of some of the people who have attended a Miracle Service!

“I went to a Richard Roberts healing meeting this summer in need of a touch from God, because I had terrible pain in my shoulder. During the service, Richard had a word of knowl-edge that God was healing shoulders and invited a group of people forward to receive prayer. I went forward believ-ing for my healing and Richard laid hands on me and prayed. I was instantly healed of the pain, and it has not returned.” —Richard from California

“My Mom and I attended the To-ledo, OH, Miracle Service, believ-ing for a miracle, and we both received prayer and have both been healed! Mom’s bladder is healed—no more rushing to the bathroom every few minutes. I had arthritis in my left knee be-cause of a car accident 25 years ago. I used to get up every morn-ing limping with the pain. Now, my knee feels wonderful. We are so thankful to God for the ministry we received through Richard Rob-erts! ” —Elaine from Ohio

Ft. Wayne, Indiana

Ft. Wayne, Indiana

South Bend, Indiana

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, Illinois

South Bend, Indiana

Chicago, Illinois


Jordan Roberts leading worship

“I took my daughter, Maria, to the Richard Roberts partner meeting in Tampa, FL. Maria had been having terrible pain in her back. When Richard laid hands on her, I laid mine on her too, in the prayer of agreement. She was healed that night and has been healed ever since.” —Monica from Florida

“I came to your partner meeting in Toronto, Canada, believing God for a job. I had been out of work for three years. I told God, “I know your power lives in Richard, and I believe when he touches my head, I believe I will find a job.” Richard laid his hands on me and I released my faith for a miracle. On the following Mon-day I called a company that was hiring, and they invited me for an interview. I went for the interview the next day and I was hired on the spot. I began work that day!” —Mudicia from Toronto, Canada

“Your partner meeting in Ohio was awesome! Everybody there was so personable, and Jor-dan’s voice was so beautiful. I wish you would come back ev-ery month!” —Karen from Ohio

“Hi, Richard. My wife and I attend-ed the healing service in Toledo, OH, along with our pastor. It was a wonderful time of praise and worship and healing. We were all very blessed to be in God’s pres-ence. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gifts with us.” —William from Ohio

“I had been seeking a mortgage modification on my home for four years. After sowing my seed and releasing my faith at a Richard Roberts crusade in Lancaster, PA, I received word that my loan modification had finally been approved. My home will not be going into foreclo-sure—praise God!” —Diane from Maryland

“When Richard Roberts came to Indiana, I went to his service believing for a miracle because I was in need of healing from diz-ziness. After Richard laid hands on me and prayed for me, I am totally healed.” —Wanda from Indiana

“I was going to bring my mother with me to your healing meeting in Atlanta, but she was too sick to go. But I attended the service and stretched out my faith for my mother as a point of contact for her miracle. She got healed anyway, even though she wasn’t physically present!” —Sonya from Georgia

Spiritual First Aid Kit The Word of God tells us, “Fear not!” With this Spiritual FIrst Aid Kit (book, CD, and Psalm 91 card), you can find scriptural encouragement to fortify your faith for miracles. $15 LC 2061c

To order: Visit our online bookstore at, call 918-495-7777, or use center envelope.

Abundant Life Bookstore

A Cry for Miracles by Lindsay Roberts In this book, Lindsay shares how, in the midst of a family crisis, God told her, “It’s all right to cry...if you cry for miracles.” $7 LC 404

It’s Time for a Miracle by Richard and Lindsay Roberts No matter what need you’re facing, no matter how desper-ate the situation or how long you’ve struggled with it, there can always be hope for a miracle. These four messages from Richard and Lindsay Roberts are designed to point you to God’s Word, to see God’s time for you. $20 LC 2303

If You Need Healing Do These Things by Oral Roberts One of the first books ever written by Oral Roberts, this timely message can be a powerful tool to help you learn how to release your faith for healing! $7 LC 120

Recently, Richard traveled to Kiev in the Ukraine to conduct healing meetings at a local church. During these meetings, miracles were reported. Richard received a word from the Lord that there would be a great focus on miracles for women.

So, during the service Richard prayed for women who needed healing, then invited those who saw an immediate difference to share their testimonies.

About 200 women came forward! They shared their miracle stories, and then prayed for others in the church. The next morning, more people experienced healings as they, too, believed God for a miracle. It was a powerful time of ministry!

According to God’s Word, miracles can belong to you too… So, if you would like prayer today, call the Abundant Life Prayer Group at 918-495-7777 or email us at We are here to stand in faith with you for your needs to be met by our mighty God!

Miracles in the Heart of Ukraine:


This young girl came to the meeting with back problems—she couldn’t sit up straight in a chair without pain, so she would slouch. After prayer, she said she felt warmth in her body, and now she can sit up straight without any pain. She also said she can breathe deeply without coughing.

This lovely lady said that her shoulder was healed, as well as her legs and feet, after Richard’s prayer. She was able to walk around without any pain, and reported that she felt like she was 18 again!

When this woman came forward, she shared that she had received two miracles during prayer. Her back pain left after Richard prayed for her. And her eyesight had been blurry, but after prayer, she could see clearly.

For over a year, this woman reported that she had pain in her arms and her back. As Richard asked the women in the church to pray, she said she received her healing and was able to jump up and down with no pain. This woman (who wore glasses) said she had 

her eyesight restored. After prayer, she said she no longer needs her glasses and found that she could even read very small print.

Jordan Roberts in Kiev



A   C L A S S I C   M E S S A G E   B Y   O R A L   R O B E R T S












Recently, I had a visitation from God. I was in my ho-tel room when I felt God’s presence. I began walking the floor with my hands outreached toward Him, say-ing, “My heart is open, Lord. Speak, and I will obey.”

God flashed six words into my mind like six sharp blasts of thunder: It is later than you think!

Over and over, God made these words ring in my brain. The time for Jesus’ return is much nearer than the world realizes!

For over an hour, I was listening to Him with my heart as the Scriptures opened up to me, revealing things I never knew before.

JESUS’ FIRST COMING WAS “ON TIME”The Bible says, But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman (Galatians 4:4). There was a time—a precise time—for Jesus’ first com-ing. God ordained the birth of Jesus to occur in Beth-lehem. Because Caesar taxed the land and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem, she arrived “in time,” which made it possible for Jesus to arrive exactly “on time.”

A TIME FOR JESUS’ EARTHLY MINISTRYThere was a time for Jesus’ first appearance to the world. And just before it happened, God revealed it to a few of his most trusted servants. He chose John the Baptist as His messenger and gave him the sign whereby John would know who was the Christ: The Holy Ghost, in the form of a dove, would light on His head (Luke 3:22).

John appeared amidst the world’s confusion and began to preach that One was coming who was mightier than he. Therefore, the people must prepare them-selves by repenting of their sins and getting their lives right with God (Matthew 3:1–12).

“Prepare ye the way of the Lord,” John cried. “Bring forth fruits worthy of repentance.” His message an-gered the religious leaders, stirred the soldiers, and convicted the people of their unpreparedness for the coming of the Son of God.

A STRANGE FEELING IN THE WORLDThere must have been a strange feeling in the world just before Jesus appeared. Mankind can often feel

Altar call in Orlando, Florida


something deeply on the eve of some event that shakes the world and affects their destiny.

What is it we can feel so deeply and cannot shake off? I believe it is the outreach of the soul for its Maker…the Spirit’s warning that the return of Christ is closer than we realize…the red light that says, “Slow down; it is later than you think!”

While, according to the Bible, no man knows the ex-act date for Jesus’ return, God the Father does. The time is known and events are shaping up. Last-minute warnings are being given to us by God.

HOW THE “TIME” IS DETERMINEDGod knows the day and hour of Jesus’ return. He has set the time. But how is that time determined?

I often wondered about this until that evening in my hotel room where God opened my eyes and let me see:

The time is determined by man himself through the crystal-lization of human opinion.

What does crystallization mean? When I was a boy, Mama used to make wild plum jelly. She would cook it, then take it off the stove, and put it in a jelly dish to

“jell.” When it jelled, it was ready to eat.

Likewise, concrete is poured into a mold to “set,” until it becomes hard and permanent.

Throughout the generations, human opinion and thought have been taking shape. Now man is reach-ing the apex of all human thought. The grand finale is perhaps beginning to come into reach right now.

IN THE DAYS BEFORE THE FLOODOnly once before has man reached a point in his thinking and believing. It is described in the book of Genesis: And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on earth and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth…for it repenteth me that I have made them (Genesis 6:5–7).

The crystallization of human thought and action in the days before the Flood resulted in what God described as scenes of mass-violence and human corruption. Genesis 6:11–12 says, The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence…for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

THE SAINTS WILL RISE TO MEET HIMThe Bible says that when Jesus returns for His bride, those whose faith in God has crystallized, becoming permanent, will rise to meet Him in the Rapture of the saints. Those whose decision to live apart from God has crystallized, becoming permanent, will be “left” in a world without Him.

THE WORLD WILL BE CHANGEDThe Rapture of the saints will remove them from the sphere of Satan’s power in this world (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

It is God who is bringing things to a point. How? By giving a worldwide revival of signs and wonders—pouring out His Spirit on all flesh.

Today, many people have reached the place where only a supernatural power can cause them to make any change in their thinking. The Bible refers to that pow-er as the miracle-working power of the Spirit of God. Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6).

TIME IS RUNNING OUTIf we knew all God has for us, I believe most of us would begin to alter our lives. Perhaps we would right our wrongs…pay our tithes…keep the Sabbath day holy…believe the message of Bible deliverance…accept all God has for us…and send the Gospel to the ends of the earth so that others would have the same chance to know God as we have.

Perhaps we would no longer compromise our con-victions, but rather, we would stand up for healing, holiness of heart and life, the Holy Spirit and His anointing.













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Richard and Lindsay have felt the leading of the Lord to make the Word of God and their personal teachings available to more people! They strongly believe that it is more important than ever for people to have access to sound biblical teaching. The days in which we are living can be very challenging. We require spiritual weapons and wisdom to overcome life’s difficulties, and we must be equipped to share the saving, healing, delivering Gospel of Jesus Christ to people in need!

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Richard also ministered to the youth group, encouraging them to rise up in faith believing God for healing.

Lindsay was awarded with two honorary degrees from the Halvorsons’ Bible school in honor of her work preaching and ministering at women’s conferences around the country.


There was a great expectancy for the miraculous when Richard conducted a Miracle Service in Riverside, California. Pastors Ron and Annie Halvorson opened their church, Bethel Christian Center, to host the event, where a large crowd of church members and many others from the surrounding areas gathered to hear the Word of God and experience His healing touch. Rich-ard preached a powerful message and then laid hands on people and prayed for the sick. Many miracles were reported as well as a great time of refreshing in the Lord. It was a blessed time, and God showed Himself strong on behalf of His children.

Miracles BREAK OUT in Riverside!


When Richard prayed for me, the Holy Spirit was so strong that I sunk down to my knees. Somehow I made it over to the chairs, still feeling a tangible power of the Holy Spirit throughout my body. As I was seated, I looked at my sister, and she said some-thing to me that made me laugh. Once my physical body had started laughing, the Holy Spirit took over with a spiritual laughter straight from my belly. I could not control the laughter. I tried, but I could not put two words together. I was truly under the full influ-ence of the Holy Spirit. Still laughing, I made it out of the sanctuary to a back room. I could barely make sense while speaking with my family. I felt glazed over, and my son had to drive us to lunch where I could barely order my food! My sister and I continued to find the most minuscule items hilarious. We laughed breathlessly in the restaurant. When I went home, I felt cleansed and released and was able to sleep in a deep, restful sleep—something I had not done in quite some time. I am still experiencing what my fam-ily and I are calling a “peace bubble.” I’ve been under immense pressure and prior to Richard’s meeting, I had felt tremendously weary, but now I know that God has me in His hand. —Kristi C., Staff Pastor

Several months ago, I injured my back at work. When I went in for an MRI, I was told that there was no disc be-tween two of my vertebrae. I was also told that I would need surgery to fix the problem. I was constantly in pain and had to be very careful in what I did and how I did it. When Richard called out for those who needed healing for back pain, I stood in faith, ready to receive, and asked God to heal my back. Immediately the pain left—all of it. I’m still believing for a full manifestation of my healing and no need for surgery. I still am being care-ful with what I do and how I do it, but I’m not on the pain medication any more. Thank You, Jesus! —Drew B.

When Richard Roberts called out to those who needed healing from cancer, I grabbed my cell phone and called my sister, Roberta, and had Richard pray over her. I also handed Richard photos of my sis-ter that showed the life-support systems that were attached to her body; she was getting her only nourishment through a feeding tube. Roberta has been battling cancer for the past nine years. It started as breast cancer and now it has expanded into her lungs. The doc-tors have told her that she would not live to see Christmas. Richard prayed for Roberta over the phone, and as soon as the service was over, I drove down to see her. She was sitting up! That was a miracle itself. Since that time of prayer, Roberta is off all life-support and the feeding tube. She is sitting up, talking, and eating. She is in great spirits and improving every day. We are continuing to believe for her complete healing and restoration—praise the Lord! —Ben C.

Be sure to go online to see Richard’s latest itinerary so you can  join in at a miracle service near you! Go online at or call the Abundant Life Prayer Group at 918-495-7777.

I was in a car accident years ago. Since then, I have been in constant pain. I was unable to stand or walk without help, and I could only stand in a bent-over position. During Richard’s healing service, the pain left. I am healed. I still have some rough days, yet I am walking and moving all on my own, and I can now stand up straight. Praise the Lord! —Jon


Pastor Orlando Barela from Household of Faith Family Church in Orange, CA, recent-ly joined Richard and Lindsay on The Place for Miracles. He shared his powerful testimony

of how God transformed him from a drug addict to a pastor, along with an update about what God is doing in his church today.

Richard: Orlando, Lindsay and I thank God for your church and for the power of God that’s moving, and that you’re not ashamed of the healing ministry of Je-sus. Tell us what’s happening at Household of Faith.

Orlando: Well, things are moving! We believe in teaching the untaught, training the untrained, telling the untold, to reach the unreached. That’s our goal. And we have some church members and attendees who have come from gangs, drugs, prison, and every-where in between, but we are finding out that no mat-ter their background, they need Jesus.

Richard: Orlando, did you ever dream when you were a teenager in the gangs that you would ever be pastor-ing a church?

Orlando: Absolutely not! To be honest, my mentality was that if I could live to be 21 years old, I would have lived a full life. I knew death could be that close for me. I started using drugs at a very young age. I had an uncle who introduced me to heroin and told me it was going to make me a man. I ended up doing drugs on and off for a long time, and I was in and out of jail as a juvenile. But I got delivered and set free, and it was the greatest thing!

Lindsay: Your lovely wife, Elizabeth, played a promi-nent role in that. Could you share a little about her?

Orlando: Yes, she did. One day I was in a place where we were shooting up dope, and there were two other drug addicts there with me, and one of them asked me a question that I’ll never forget. God used that drug addict to get my attention. He asked, “Do you have a family?” I answered him, “Yes, I have two daughters and a wife.” Then I pulled out my wallet and showed him their picture. Then he said to me,

“Then what are you doing here, man? We don’t have anybody, but you have them.”

Richard: Now, this is a drug addict saying this to you?

Orlando: Yes, a heroin addict. I’ll never forget it. I ended up calling my wife and she said, “Where are you? Come home. I’m praying for you. Come

miracle of transformation:

the story of pastor orlando barela


home.” I said, “Come and pick me up.” And she and my two daughters came and found me sitting on the curb wearing the same clothes I’d had on for three days. You know, that’s what happens when you live that life. The crazy thing about being a drug addict or a gang member is that you pay a high price to live a low life.

Richard: But you had a wife who was praying for you.

Orlando: Yes, and she still is. We will be married 35 years this month.

Lindsay: Praise God!

Richard: You came out of a lifestyle that nearly de-stroyed you. How did you know that God was leading you into the ministry?

Orlando: Well, you know, it’s funny because one day, some friends started witnessing to us, and they wanted me to go to church. My wife was trying to get me to go with her, and I admit it, you know how men can sometimes be, I was just doing it to shut her up.

But I went, and I’ll never forget it. When they gave an altar call, the minister said, “There’s somebody here whom God has placed a call on your life.” He said, “You’ve been on drugs for a long time, but you’ve got a call on your life.” And I remember telling my wife,

“These people, they’re trippy. They pray in tongues, and they cry and things like that, so don’t trip out on that stuff.” But I was the one who ended up going to the altar!

Lindsay: It was you!

Orlando: It was me crying, and people were shocked. I remember a story in Genesis 28. It says when Ja-cob was asleep, and he woke up, he said, “Surely the Lord was in this house, in this place, but I never knew it.” And you know, it was the same for me. There was a call of God on my life, but I never knew it. I never thought God could use anybody like me, but here I am, 22 years later. We are pas-toring now in Orange, CA, and God has done some great, great things. We’re really excited about what God is doing. We definitely know that God is doing something amazing.

Richard: Praise God!

Lindsay: I have heard the expression, “Been there, done that.” But you really have, and it’s first-hand

You paya highprice

to live alow life.

experience. And you don’t want another soul to have to go through it. That is so apparent in your church. There is such compassion there and such an anointing.

Richard: Yes, there is! Pastor Orlando, thank you so much for joining us. If you live in the Orange County area and are looking for a powerful church, I believe Household of Faith is a wonderful place to go.

Pastor Orlando Barela Household of Faith Family Church 1024 N. Lemon Ave., Orange, CA 92867 714-997-5335 •


“Thank you for your Limitless CD. It is truly touching my soul to hear the wonderful songs of praise and love. Richard and Lindsay, I appreciate your anointed teach-ing. God bless you.” —Carol from Florida

Awesome God, Everyday People: Partners Share News of God’s Goodness

We serve an awesome God! And He is no respecter of persons. What He has done for these partners of our ministry, He can do for you!

The Abundant Life Prayer GroupFor prayer anytime, call 918-495-7777, log on to our website at, or use the center envelope.

“Earlier this year I had rotator cuff surgery on my shoulder. Ever since then I have been in agonizing pain. I went to the Richard Roberts healing meeting in Philadelphia and stood in the prayer line. Richard laid hands on me, I believed God, and within just a few minutes, the pain began leaving my shoulder and I could raise my arm higher than I’d been able to since my surgery. I slept better that night then I had in months. I’m so glad you came to Philadelphia!” —Cara from Pennsylvania

“My daughter Geneva was admitted to the hospital for

a serious infection. I called the Abundant Life Prayer

Group to agree in prayer because doctors said things

really did not look good. That same night, after we

prayed in faith, Geneva started to improve. The doc-

tors were able to remove the IVs and her body began

to fight off the toxins. God raised my daughter up

and two weeks later, she is home and healthy. Thank

you, ALPG.” —Joyce from Surrey BC

“Richard, I received your letter about the double blessing.

I sent in a seed-faith gift and I wrote on it that I was

believing God for my daughter to get a job teaching

school in a specific city. She called me tonight with

the news that she got the teaching position. Praise the

Lord!” —Isaiah from Texas

“I called the Abundant Life Prayer Group for

emergency prayer for my brother-in-law, Leon,

who had suffered a heart attack while he and my

sister were camping out in the woods. He was

flown to the hospital by helicopter and doctors

were able to successfully place three stents in

his heart. He is recuperating well at home and

we are all so thankful to God for His mercy and

to the ALPG for praying with us in our time of

need.” —Betty from West Virginia

“I was watching your show and you gave a word of knowledge from God and said, “There is a person sitting in their recliner in their living room and you have sharp pains shooting down from your left hip and into your legs.” That was me. You said, “I be-lieve the Lord is healing you right now.” I stretched my arms out towards the TV and said, “Yes Lord, I receive!” Glory to God, I’ve had no pain since then.”

—Lisa from Alabama


Many years ago, I was not a man of faith. In fact, I was an atheist. But for some reason, I was drawn toward watching the tele-vision preachers back in the seventies, and that’s

how I came upon Oral Roberts’ program. I felt a kind of connection with him that I can’t even explain. I don’t know why; it wasn’t even a conscious thing. So, I decided to write to him, and Oral Roberts actually answered me personally. He sent me some books about what it meant to be a Christian. All his books just blew me away. I read and read and grew in the Lord and in the knowledge of the prin-ciples of seed-faith. I have since lived by the principles of seed-faith, and over the years, I have seen it work again and again in my life.

I was in a bad way before I came to the Lord. The devil would have taken me down the wrong path, and I’m so grate-ful to the Oral Roberts Ministries and for the continuing ministry of Richard and Lindsay Roberts. They really saved my life. The work they are doing carrying on what Brother Oral started is amazing, and I ap-preciate them doing what I can’t do.

Recently, I took out a gift annuity in order to financially support Richard and Lindsay’s ongoing work. I am so happy to be able to sow this gift annuity into the ministry so it can continue blessing people and going places that I can’t go. It is a blessing to give to an organization that is giving to others.

Investing for Eternal Benefits

Proverbs 6 tells us to consider the way of the ant, which gathers food and prepares for the future—a choice that the Bible calls wise.

Planning for your future can be a wise decision. And the Oral Roberts Ministries Home Ministries Department can help you make your future financial plans today.

Our ORM Home Ministries website at has great information about the many ways you can pre-pare for your financial future and maximize your gifts to the Oral Roberts Ministries as we join together to reach more people for the kingdom of God.

Go online today to use our online guide to planning your will. Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get financial tips and read the stories of partners like you who are successfully planning for their financial future. And don’t forget to request our step-by-step estate planning guide—it’s FREE!

And it’s all online at! You can visit us today. We look forward to answering your questions and helping you find ways to plan for your future and make the most of every charitable seed you plant into the Oral Roberts Ministries.

Plan Your Future Giving

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“I believe as Christians, we can have the ultimate and best source of Good News that there ever was and ever will be—and that’s the Word of God.” —Lindsay Roberts

With all the demands we face daily in our busy world, it can be a challenge to find time to build our relationship with the Lord. Yet He can be the source of great strength and refreshing for us.

In this inspirational book, Lindsay Roberts shares 31 encouraging Biblical devotionals that you can pick up at your convenience any time during the year as you seek the Lord in your personal devotional time, Bible study, prayer groups, and other areas of your life. With each entry, Lindsay shares wisdom gained from her rich heritage of more than 30 years of ministry and her family relationship with Richard, Oral, and Evelyn Roberts—wisdom that can be applied to everyday living.

Follow our website,, this magazine, and our television programs for more on this exciting new book.

Coming Soon!

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