Page 1: Miracles of Jesus Virus... · 2020-04-23 · began to sink and cried, “Jesus, save me!” Jesus immediately caught him and they both climbed into the boat. Everyone looked at Jesus

Year 4 Re l i g i o u s Edu ca t i o n THE MIRACLES OF JESUS

Wha t i s a m i r a c l e? A miracle is a remarkable and unbelievable event with welcome consequences. In

the New Testament of the bible, there are many examples of miracles performed by Jesus. Read these Bible stories and see what you think…

Mira c l e 1 - The F i r s t M i r a c l e : Wa t e r i n t o Win e (John 2 :1-12) Jesus went with his friends and family to a wedding. Everyone was eating and drinking and having a good time. But when the hosts ran out of wine, Jesus’ mother told Jesus about the problem. She also told the servants to do whatever Jesus asked them to do. There were six huge stone pots on the floor and Jesus told the servants to fill them with plain water, which they did. When the pots were completely full, Jesus told the servants to tip some out and take it to the host. They did… BUT when the man tasted it, it wasn’t water anymore… it was wine and he thought it was even better than the wine they had been serving before! Everyone had plenty to eat and drink.

Mira c l e 2 – Mu l t i p l y i n g t h e Loave s and F i s h (Ma t t h ew 14 :13-21) One day there was a group of more than 5,000 people who listened to Jesus all day. As the sun went down, Jesus’ disciples wanted Jesus to tell the people to go home and eat dinner, but Jesus said, “They do not have to leave. You give them something to eat.” The disciples walked through the crowds, but found only one little boy who had brought food… five small loaves of bread and two fish… NOT enough food to feed over 5,000 people! But Jesus took the five loaves and the two fish. He blessed the food and broke the fish and bread into pieces. The disciples

passed out pieces to the people and there were more and more pieces. Everyone ate until they were full and there were still twelve baskets full of leftover pieces!

Page 2: Miracles of Jesus Virus... · 2020-04-23 · began to sink and cried, “Jesus, save me!” Jesus immediately caught him and they both climbed into the boat. Everyone looked at Jesus

Mira c l e 3– Hea l i n g a Pa ra l yz ed Man (Luk e 5 :17-26) Once there was a man who could not walk. He wanted to see Jesus so his friends carried him on a mat, but when they got to the house, it was so full that they couldn’t get near Jesus. But they didn’t give up! They went up to the roof of the house and moved the tiles until they could lower their friend and his mat down through the roof. When Jesus saw the man, he said, “Friend, stand up! Pick up your mat, you can walk home!” The man got up, picked up his mat and walked home thanking God. Everyone was amazed by what happened, and they said, “We have seen strange things today.”

Mira c l e 4 – Wa l k i n g on Wa t e r (Ma t t h ew 14 :23-33) Jesus was tired after a very long day. He wanted to be by himself to pray. The disciples went to the boat, but during the night the wind blew the boat far away from shore. In the morning, Jesus went to the boat – walking on water! The disciples did not know if it was Jesus or a ghost, but Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid. It is I.” Peter said, “If it is really you, tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” said Jesus. So Peter got out of the boat and started toward Jesus – he was walking on water too! But then Peter noticed the wind and was afraid. He began to sink and cried, “Jesus, save me!” Jesus immediately caught him and they both climbed into the boat. Everyone looked at Jesus and said, “You really ARE the son of God!”

Tas k s : 1. Chose two of the well-known miracles performed by Jesus and create a mini storyboard in your

books to describe what happens in each one. Ensure each miracle is given a title.

2. If Jesus was breaking the rules of science and nature...what rules was he breaking for each miracle? Complete the following grid in your books.

M i r a c l e Ru l e o f n a t u r e / s c i e n c e b r o k e n Water into wine Changing type of liquid to another

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