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    Productivity bargaining is a form of collective bargaining in whichincreases of pay are secured in return for changes in working

    practices which allow labour productivity to be raised.

    Collective bargaining refers to the process of bilateral negotiations

    between representatives of management and labour representatives no

    such issues as wages, wage grades, working conditions and other welfareamenities. At the end of negotiations both the parties sign an agreement

    which has a stipulated duration.



    a) The issues involved in collective bargaining are not always fully

    understood by all the members concerned. In the words of Prof.


    b) Collective bargaining does not always take into account the effect onoverall economy and industry, of the wage agreements whether at

    local or national level.

    c) The bargaining is not realistically oriented to the performance. No

    mention is made of the productivity at the industry or at the plant levelduring the course of collective bargaining. It fails to obtain full union

    and worker co-operation to promote productivity, remove restrictive

    practices, re-development of labour in different craft. It fails to relate

    wage increase directly to change in the value of jobs in terms ofincreased effort or responsibility.

    d) Collective bargain is subject to political and social pressures and when

    wage increases are un-accompanied by productivity increases, it gives

    rise to inflationary tendencies. This is often reflected in terms of

    enhanced prices for products and services and as such the community

    has to bear the brunt of this inflationary tendencies. While the

    productivity gain, if any, is absorbed as profits, without in any way

    directly benefiting the consumers, wage increases are reflected as cost

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    increases in case of no change in productivity.

    Quoting the experience of Steel industry, Owen Smith observes:

    Traditional bargaining techniques were employed by Steel company of

    Wales. When using this method, both sides behave rather as if they are atan

    auction, with much importance being attached to finding the highest point


    which employers will go and the lowest point below which trade unions


    not go. In both cases, it is usually assumed that existing employment

    levels will be maintained. More important, both sides leave thenegotiating table uncertain as to the practicability of an agreement, let

    alone its life expectancy. This does not mean that either side need be

    dishonourable, but that short-run considerations transcend the long-term

    need to anticipate productivity changes with both the waged structure and

    any increases in earnings. Existing anomalies in a wage structure mightgrow worse as this type of negotiation proceeds and underpaid workers

    will become more resentful of their overpaid colleagues. It has already

    been established that, within limits, such a behaviour pattern will

    probably always exist in a collective bargaining situation; the

    introduction of measuring techniques will minimize this tendency.

    e) When once the agreement is broken it is damaged beyond repair.

    f) Collective bargaining does not take into account the consumers

    interest in terms of reduced of or steady price levels. It does not

    provide an effective check when either of the parties violates the

    agreement. It is essential that any bilateral agreement should be

    protected under law and any attempt by either of the parties to raise

    disputes seeking to re-open existing agreements should not beconsidered.


    When the employers found that the increased productivity is theresult of technological change and because of sophisticatedequipment. So some employers argue that if the increased

    productivity is not due to increased effectiveness of working of

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    employees but due to better equipment, all the benefits shouldaccrue to capital alone.

    They also consider the fact that the workers should also equally co-operate in the change, as otherwise it will not bear full fruits to themanagement.

    It will not be possible to achieve these changes without theconsequent industrial strife if the management is unwilling to share

    the gains of increased productivity.

    Financial incentives if applied injudiciously can lead towidespread discontent and fall in morale.


    The origin of productivity bargaining can be traced to the economicdifficulties experienced by Britain in the sixties. With wages and prices

    more and more under government control, a lead was taken by ESSOs

    refining affiliate, viz., ESSO Oil Company Limited in this new field.

    ESSO took a close look at the wages, job classifications, overtime

    practices and other practices and offered wage increases and other fringe

    benefits in return for unions acceptance forincreased productivity andchanges in The object of the negotiations was to improve the basic

    efficiency of the companies operations while evolving a moresatisfactory method of answering labours needs. In practice, Productivity

    Bargaining in England has succeeded in raising the ratio of productive tonon-productive time spent on the job by maintenance and process

    workers at several large factories. It has enabled capital intensive

    production and distribution facilities to go to shift working and reduced

    the time lost due to dispute arising from cumbersome wage structures.

    work practices.


    BARGAINING Productivity bargaining is a type of collective bargainnning In this method workers wages & benefits are linked to


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    Without such productivity bargaining agreements workers may notrealize the importance of raising productivity for organizational

    survival and growth.

    In this ,a standard productivity index is finalized throughnegotiations, if they are able to exceed the standard productivitynorms, workers will get substantial benefits.

    Productivity bargaining requires an explicit link between changesin work practices and changes in compensation

    The real impact of productivity bargaining is in the attitude of theemployees they have.

    ADVANTAGES OF PRODUCTIVE BARGAINING. It provides solutions to many of the typical problems of industrial


    It closes gap between rate of pay and actual earnings. It enables demarcation difficulties to be eliminated and reduced It concentrates decisions at the level of the company and factory



    Productivity refers to the ratio of output and input i.e., it is the efficiency


    which inputs are utilized and spent in achieving the output

    Productivity =OutputInput

    Or more precisely, productivity is the ratio of production to one of thefactorsof production viz, Land, Labour, Capital, etc. Thus we can arrive at


    producrivity ratios for different factors of production. A distinction must


    made between production and productivity. The former relates to the

    production or volume of output whereas the latter refers to the ratio of

    efficiency of utilization of different factors of production. That higher

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    productivity implies higher and higher standard of living for the workersand

    the community is a forgone conclusion.


    It should be shown that the workers are contributing towards

    the achievement

    of constantly rising levels of efficiency. Where appropriate,

    major changes in

    working practice or working methods should be specified in

    the agreement.

    The objective of efficiency agreements is to make possible the constant

    raising of efficiency; this will require close and continuing co-operation

    between managements and workers so as to achieve and maintain the

    highest standards in the use of both equipment and manpower. The

    secondsentence has special reference to agreements which specify major


    in working practice to which workers have agreed. Such changes shouldalways be spelled out if there is any possibility that commitments in more

    general terms will lead to difficulties of interpretation or will not be given

    fullexpression in practice.


    Measurements of efficiency should be based on the applicationof relevant

    indices of performance or work standards.

    Management should devise and use appropriate yardsticks for measuring


    contribution of workers of all kinds towards achieving rising levels of

    efficiency and develop an information system which makes full use of the

    data obtained as a result. For many manual operations work-studied

    standards are applicable and should be used, but work measurement can

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    also be applied to a wide range of clerical and other non-manual work.For

    other situations it will be necessary to use more broad based indicators of

    performance, if necessary on a group basis.


    A realistic calculation of all the relevant costs of the

    agreement and of the

    gain attributable in the workers contribution should normally

    show that the

    effect is to reduce the total cost of output or the cost ofproviding a given


    Relevant costs may include, for example, the cost of redundancy


    or a proportion of consultants fees where they are an integral part of anagreement, and these should be apportioned as necessary over a


    period rather than charged only to the first year following the agreement.Thegains attributable to the workers contribution may result from more

    effectiveworking methods, the fuller utilization of existing capital equipment, the

    adaptation of working practices to enable full and prompt use to be made


    new equipment and reduced capital investment (if for example revised

    scheduling and shift working make possible a smaller transport fleet).

    Thereference to a reduction in cost assumes a calculation for the purpose of

    which unrelated costs, e.g., the price of raw materials, are left out of



    There should be effective controls to ensure that projected increases in

    efficiency are achieved and that higher pay or other improvements are


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    only when such increases are assured.

    In order to observe this guideline, managements must operate effective

    controls, including an information system which makes it possible toestimate

    in advance and subsequently monitor the extent to which increases theefficiency are in fact being achieved. In so far as the information system

    shows that progress exceeds or falls short of the original projection, some

    adjustment may have to be made. In any case, due allowance should be

    made for the accrual of some of the achieved gain to the consumer.

    Particular care also needs to be taken to distinguish the contribution of

    workers from other sources of more efficient working.


    There should be clear benefits to, the consumer by way of a

    contribution to

    stable or lower prices.

    This guideline is of particular importance in areas of rapid economic

    expansion, since the most needs to be made of opportunities to reduceprices

    in these areas in order to contribute as much as possible to raising the real

    incomes of the community as a whole. In some cases the community may

    benefit by an improvement in quality while prices remain un-changed or


    the use of the gains to complete more effectively in export markets.


    An agreement applying to one group of workers only should

    bear the cost of

    consequential increases to other groups, if any have to be


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    An example would be if supervisors have to be given a pay increase toprevent the disappearance of a differential as a result of a pay increase

    granted to the workers whom they supervise. The need for consequential

    increases unrelated to increases in efficiency should, however, be reducedas

    much as possible by enabling other groups of workers to conclude theirown

    efficiency agreements or by including them within the scope of the




    Negotiators should avoid setting levels of pay or conditions

    which might have

    undesirable repercussions elsewhere.

    Where large increases in pay are shown to be justified, negotiators should

    consider the possibility of staggering the increases over a period of time


    alternatively, of a non-recurring lump sum payment. Failure to do so,

    mightraise expectations for future increases which could not be fulfilled and


    also, because of the exceptional size of the increases, have repercussions

    which would eventually rebound on the undertaking granting the originalincrease.



    The fundamental requirement of productivity bargaining is that a sincere

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    attempt must be made to raise productivity through positive increase inefforts.

    The bargain should aim at reduction in unit costs or at least try to de-

    escalatethespiraling price increases. A careful application of Productivity

    techniquesfor improving over-all performance is essential to achieve this.

    A systems approach can help considerably in designing a productivity

    agreement. The inputs in the form of changes in operational procedures,


    of workers or work-place are to be clearly and unambiguously

    spelt out and a schedule of completion of such inputs stage by stage

    shouldbe clearly defined. The output in the form of increased productivity and

    rewards should be worked out on the basis of guidelines discussed earlier.

    The most important limb of a system is its control points. The system


    constantly check whether the output as envisaged is achieved or not. It isthus useful at times to implement the system in stages, in which case we


    draw from experience gained in preceding stages.

    When a productivity agreement is signed covering only part of the

    workers in

    the plant, a question arises as how to compensate those workers who are


    covered in these agreements. One possibility is to grant pay rises to only

    such of those staff who are covered under the agreement. But obviously


    would not be very conducive to harmonious industrial relations. The


    guidelines suggests that all rewards must result from the direct savings

    accruing out of implementation of the agreement. Thus all the workersmay

    be partly compensated through this change, the rest being given after theother set of workers are brought into the purview of the agreement.

    In large plants or companies with more than one plant, if a productivity

    agreement is envisaged forming part of a single or a few sections or

    plants, it

    is desirable to relate pay increases to the overall improvement of the plant

    rather than that achieved in the particular section or plant. If a job


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    is simultaneously carried out, it can help to reduce the disparities in wagestructure and ensure that increases in earning do not distort the existing

    wage structure.

    The reward for increased Productivity may also take the shape ofnonfinancial

    perquisites such as improved status, free grants or more welfareamenities, though it may be difficult to tell this idea immediately.

    Consumers must also have a share in the benefits of increased


    in the form of lower prices or stable price levels. If an agreement provides

    also for the growth of the organization in terms of re-equipping through

    sophisticatedequipments and as a consequence the productivity improves

    enormously, then it would be wrong for all the benefits to be enjoyed bythe

    workers and owners of the company. A reasonable share must be


    for the community as a whole.

    It is essential that all the implications of a productivity agreement areunderstood by all the levels of management. This calls for educating all


    them through negotiations and other means.

    There must be suitable organizational set up with qualified personnel to

    undertake productivity measurement collection and proceedings of


    information, etc., within the company itself. Also other aspects such as

    maintenance, safety and protective measures which are incidental to

    productivity increase must be taken care of in course of agreement.



    Productivity bargain is a more through attempt to achieve productivity

    rise in

    the company and increased earnings to the workers than what is

    attemptedwith conventional collective bargaining. However there are several


    to be encountered while introducing a productivity bargain in a company:

    i) The chief difficulty is to get over the inter and intra union rivalry.

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    Speaking at a recent seminar on Multiplicity of Trade Unions and itsEffect on Industrial Relations and Productivity on June 15, 1972, the

    President Mr. V.V. Giri reiterated the slogan of one union in one

    industry and said that multiplicity of trade unions is neither conduciveto the promotion of good industrial relations nor did it help increase

    production and productivity so essential to national prosperity. Itweaken the power of collective bargaining and reduces the

    effectiveness of workers in securing their legitimate rights.

    ii) The management must spend considerable time and effort to keep the

    required information ready and this calls for an effective information

    system. Also this information must be circulated in advance, so that

    the union can check the information and get all the clarificationsrequired.

    iii) Alternate avenues of employment must be ensured for redundant

    labour to ensure productivity without tears. This would call for

    expenditure for retraining labour in new skills.

    iv) There must be a continuous appraisal of the job evaluation system,

    since the skill requirements vary from time to time. There would also

    be difficulties arising out of the subjective elements of a job evaluation

    system and the irrational conceptions of individuals about their own


    v) The management must realize the productivity agreements are not

    solely intended to reduce labour costs, but have wider benefits also

    and as such should try to maximize the potential benefits from

    productivity bargaining.

    vi) Greater knowledge of management and unions about the productivity

    techniques, its concepts and implications leads to removal ofhesitation and hostility by both sides towards productivity agreements.


    1. Productivity Bargaining is different from collective Bargaining,

    even though both have some similarities.2. Mutually accepted guidelines/models help in sharing the gains

    of productivity equitably.

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    3. Introduction and implementation of productivity bargainingagreements involve considerable preparation.

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    Gainsharing is a system ofmanagement used by a business to increase

    profitability by motivating employees to improve their performance

    through involvement and participation. As their performance improves,

    employees share financially in the gain (improvement).

    Gainsharings goal is to improve performance and eliminate waste (time,

    energy, and materials) by motivating employees to work smarter as ateam rather than just working harder.


    Gainsharing is a program that returns cost savings to theemployees, usually as a lump-sum bonus. It is a productivity

    measure, as opposed to profit-sharing which is a profitability


    An employment arrangement in which an employee benefits fromhis or her contribution to improved performance of the


    For example, a hospital might offer physicians a share of any cost

    reductions in patient care attributable to actions taken by physicians. Gainsharing attempts to motivate employees through financial rewards.

    An incentive plan in which employees or customers receivebenefits directly as a result of cost-saving measures that they

    initiate or participate in the companys gainsharing program tiesbonuses directly to team performance

    Employee motivational technique where compensation is given formeasurable performance gains in such areas as sales, customer

    satisfaction, and cost reductions. The compensation is often given

    to employee teams for achieving specified goals.

    Gainsharing history
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    One of the first Gainsharing plans dates back to the 1930's. In the 1930's alabor leader and MIT Lecturer Joe Scanlon, preached that the worker

    had much more to offer than just a "pair of hands" (manual labor).

    Scanlon believed that the person closest to the problem often has the bestand simplest solution. Also, if the worker is involved in the solution hewill make the solution work.

    In an effort to help a troubled company, Scanlon and the company owner

    asked employees' for their ideas and suggestions to help reduce waste andlower cost. Many improvements were made. The company became more

    successful. Joe was asked to save other companies who had barely

    survived the depression. He eventually became the Acting Director of the

    Steelworkers Research Department and used his skills in creating joint

    labor/management improvement committees to help the war effort forWWII.

    After the war Joe became a lecturer at MIT and went on to develop a

    system for organizational development and gainsharing that becameknown as the Scanlon Plan.

    As the Scanlon Plan developed a method to measure (calculate) gains

    (improvements) was created. The monetary gains were then shared with

    all employees. This calculation represents the bonus (monetary incentive)element of Gainsharing. This concept addresses the principle of equity.

    "It is fair to share." Everyone in a company makes a contribution to the

    organization's success. Why limit bonuses to the select few? People

    typically take pride in their work and have a strong desire to be respectedfor what they do. By sharing the company is communicating an important

    message to the work force: "We all contribute. That contribution isrespected. Let's share in the financial benefits."

    Gainsharing today

    Today, companies use Gainsharing to both measure performance and

    reward employees when it improves. Companies use a pre-determined

    calculation (formula) to share the savings with all employees. The goalsof a companys Gainsharing plan depend on its cost structure and long-

    term competitive strategy and are tailored to fit the industry

    (manufacturing, service, or corporate). Information regarding the

    measures, formula, and gains (savings) is regularly and openly shared

    with all employees. Since the monetary gains are shared with employees,
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    people develop more of a sense of ownership for their work and thecompany. People have a better understanding of how they influence thecompany's success.

    Gainsharing develops the work culture

    It should be noted that in a Gainsharing plan, the company's current

    performance is compared to its historic performance (baseline period).

    The savings above the baseline period determine the gain or loss. This is

    a very important point. Since gains are measured in relationship to ahistorical period, employees and the company must improve in order to

    make a gain. Performance thresholds must be corrected periodically for

    the effects of capital investment in new equipment as well as for thecontinuous improvement needed to meet ever higher customer demands.

    When people do their work differently they must change. However, as

    everyone one knows, it is difficult for people to change. On the other

    hand, do people like money? Most people would say, "Yes." Therefore,

    Gainsharing can be a very powerful tool. Gainsharing promotes the needfor continuous improvement and eliminates employees' sense ofentitlement.

    The employee involvement element

    A very important part of a successful Gainsharing plan is the employee

    involvement element of Gainsharing. In order to foster a culture of

    positive change, a successful Gainsharing plan needs to incorporate a

    structure system of employee involvement. It is common for Gainsharing

    plans to have a "team-based" suggestion system in place.

    How does a team-based suggestion system work? First, teams are formed

    in order to gather suggestions from employees on ways to improve, (inother words, suggestions on how to work "smarter"). To avoid

    unnecessary bureaucracy, most companies ask managers/supervisors to

    lead departmental teams whose goals mesh with the overall objectives ofa companys Gainsharing plan. The teams are permanent groups. The

    teams meet on a regular basis to discuss the ideas and suggestions. They

    make decisions on approving or declining the ideas. Also the teams are

    given limited spending authority to approve and implement the

    suggestions. Suggestions that are approved by a team, but are beyond

    their spending authority, are advanced to a higher level in the
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    organization for final approval. Unlike a traditional suggestion system, ateam-based system does not provide individual monetary rewards. This is

    because everyone works together and shares in the gain together.

    Gainsharing is not an individual incentive plan.

    The bonus calculation element

    In terms of the calculation, a Gainsharing plan may have from one to six

    key performance measures. The most effective Gainsharing plans have

    relatively few performance goals because employee understanding ofthem is necessary for success. Examples of measures include

    productivity, quality, waste, spending, and customer service which are all

    factors employees can control. The gains (savings) from each measure arecalculated separately. Then gains and losses from each measure are added

    to determine the total gain. A portion of the total gain goes to the

    company and a portion is shared with all employees. Generally, from10% to 50% of the gain is shared with employees. The percent of the gain

    shared with employees depends on employee controllability and

    importance of the measure to the organization. The pool is distributed to

    all participants, typically on a monthly or quarterly frequency. The

    frequency of payouts depends on the employee line-of-sight (employees

    ability to identify what they do today to earn a payout at the end of the

    Gainsharing period). Companies with unskilled and semi-skilled

    employees typically have plans calling for payouts at shorter intervalsthan those with highly skilled workers.

    Gainsharing implementation

    It is very important to note that the development and implementation of a

    Gainsharing plan involves employees and that its goals are within

    employee control. An employee committee called the "Design Team"

    helps to make policy decisions on issues such as the plan's measures,employee eligibility, frequency of payout, and method of communication.

    Next the design team gets upper management approval before

    implementation. After approval, the Design Team is responsible for

    conducting meetings with all employees to communicate the details of theplan. Follow-up training should also take place.

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    Elements of Gainsharing

    Element Gainsharing


    To drive performance of an organization by promoting

    awareness, alignment, teamwork, communication and



    The plan commonly applies to a single facility, site, orstand-

    alone organization.


    Payout is based on operational measures (productivity,quality, spending, and service), measures that improvethe line of sight in terms ofwhat employees do and

    how they are compensated.

    FundingGains and resulting payouts are self-funded based onsavings generated by improved performance.

    Payment targetPayouts are made only when performance hasimproved over a historical standard or target.


    Typically all employees at a site are eligible for planpayments.

    Payout frequency

    Payout is often monthly or quarterly. Many plans have

    a year-end reserve fund to account for deficit periods.

    Form of Payment

    Payment is cash rather than deferred compensation.

    Many organizations pay via separate check to increase


    Method of


    Typically all employees receive the same % payout or

    cents per hour bonus.

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    Plan development

    Employees often are involved with the design and

    implementation process.


    A supporting employee involvement and

    communication system is an integral element of

    Gainsharing and helps drive improvement initiatives

    There are three major types of gainsharing:

    Scanlon plan:This program dates back to the 1930s and relies on committees to

    create cost-sharing ideas. Designed to lower labor costs withoutlowering the level of a firm's activity. The incentives are derived as

    a function of the ratio between labor costs and sales value ofproduction (SVOP).

    Rucker plan:This plan also uses committees, but although the committee

    structure is simpler the cost-saving calculations are more complex.

    A ratio is calculated that expresses the value of production requiredfor each dollar of total wage bill.

    Improshare:Improshare stands for "Improved productivity through sharing" and

    is a more recent plan. With this plan, a standard is developed that

    identifies the expected number of hours to produce something, and

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    any savings between this standard and actual production are sharedbetween the company and the workers.


    Features of each gainsharing plan include:

    Strategic objectives-

    Most successful gainsharing programs utilize clearly

    communicated objectives. Common objectives include: improving

    safety, reducing operating costs, enhancing productivity and

    quality, and reducing materials and/or energy usage.

    Employee involvement-

    Involving employees should be an important consideration

    in gainsharing plans. The Scanlon and Rucker plans utilize a

    multitiered employee-involvement program that consists of a

    suggestion system and one or more committees to identify and

    solve operational problems. Although Improshare doesn't requirean involvement program, plans having an involvement vehicle tendto be more successful than those that do not.

    Employees covered by gainsharing plans-

    There is wide variability in the employee groups covered by

    gainsharing plans. Some organizations have established plans that

    cover all employees, while other plans have focused on production

    and indirect labor. One of the most difficult decisions to make isdesignating which employee groups should be included in

    gainsharing. In the decision process, organizations must consider

    the tradeoffs between including those groups of employees who

    can impact the measurement formula the most, and including all

    employees to develop esprit de corps.

    Typical elements of a Gainsharing plan include the following:
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    Gains and resulting payouts are self-funded. The plan commonly applies to a single plant, site, or stand-alone

    organization. However, some organizations have levels of sharing

    across multiple locations or corporation-wide. Performance is typically measured across

    departments/units/functions. Measures are commonly narrower and controllable by employees

    rather than being an organization-wide measure of profits.

    However, some organizations have measures as broad as profits. Payout is often monthly or quarterly. Many plans have a year-end reserve fund to account for deficit


    Employees are involved with the design process. All employees are eligible for plan payments. The bonus is often paid as an equal percentage of compensation or

    equal cents per hour worked, rather than paid on the basis of

    individual performance.

    A supporting employee involvement system is part of the plan inorder to drive improvement initiatives.

    How does Gainsharing work? The typical Gainsharing organizationmeasures performance and through a pre-determined formula shares thesavings with all employees. The organization's actual performance is

    compared to baseline performance (often a historical standard) to

    determine the amount of the gain. Employees have an opportunity to earn

    a Gainsharing bonus (if there is a gain) generally on a monthly or

    quarterly basis. Gainsharing measures are typically based on operational

    measures (productivity, spending, quality, customer service) which are

    more controllable by employees rather than organization-wide profits.

    Gainsharing applies to all types of business that require employeecollaboration and is found in manufacturing, health care, distribution, and

    service, as well as the public sector and non-profit organizations. Typicalelements of a Gainsharing plan include the following:

    When does Gainsharing work best?Works best when company performance levels can be easily quantified

    and in a work environment that is based on openness and trust. A

    supporting system of employee involvement will significantly enhance

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    the long term effectiveness of the plan. Requires managementcommitment, training and frequent and ongoing communications.

    What is the best way to implement Gainsharing?Executives and managers must be educated in order to develop a clear

    understanding of the Gainsharing philosophy and the management style

    required for success. If an organization moves forward with a plan, it is

    best to form a team of employees to work on various elements of the

    project. The team is involved in preparing many of the rules of the planand final approval for the plan details from top management. The team is

    then responsible for presenting and communicating the plan details.

    Supervisors and managers are trained in the relationship of their role

    toward the plan. Teams are formed and trained in order to work on

    performance enhancement initiatives. It's best to have an expert on

    Gainsharing to guide and facilitate the process in order to work throughthe pitfalls and to avoid payout out of false gains.


    Helps companies achieve sustained improvement in keyperformance measures

    Rewards only performance improvement Payouts are self-funded from savings generated by the plan Aligns employees to organization goals Fosters a culture of continuous improvement Enhances employee focus and awareness Increases the feeling of ownership and accountability Enhances the level of involvement, teamwork and cooperation Supports other performance improvement efforts and helps

    promote positive change Promotes morale, pride, and more positive attitudes toward the



    Measures are narrower than organization-wide profit and thereforegains may be paid even though profits may be down.

    Requires a participative management style

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    Requires that management openly shares information related toperformance measures

    Employees may question or challenge management decisions thatmay adversely impact a gain.

    Increases the level of organizational stress since everyone has moreof a financial stake in the organization's success

    Applies best to and a work environment that requires teamworkand collaboration rather that individual entrepreneurship

    Paid on the basis of group performance rather than individual merit

    Our experience in designing and studying many gainsharing plans

    suggest six factors must be addressed in creating an effective

    gainsharing program.

    Utilization of an easy-to-understand:- Formula that tracks those

    variables which directly affect an organization's strategic performance.

    Employees must have an impact on formula's elements.Regular program evaluation (at least annually) :- This can include

    developing metrics to assess program performance, creating procedures

    for revising the bonus formula and using a process for communicating theprogram's changes.

    Employee involvement during design, implementation and periodic

    evaluation:- Organizations that solicit employee input regarding program

    design tend to have programs that outperform systems designed without

    such contributions.

    A base reward system that pays at the current market level:-

    Gainsharing is not a substitute for paying salaries below the market level.

    It is designed for and works best when augmenting a base salary system

    that reflects market conditions.A subject-matter expert to guide the design process:-Gainsharingsystems are not do-it-yourself programs. Success requires an expert who

    has successfully designed these types of reward systems. Organizations

    that think the process is as simple as reading a book usually encounter

    significant problems.Stable product/service lines:- Organizations that have relatively stable

    product/service lines or an ability to develop a stable formula tend to havethe highest success rate. Rapidly changing product/service lines and

    unstable baselines will result in wide payout variations, which tends to

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    undermine employee confidence in the program.

    Types of measurement formulas

    There are two distinct types of gainsharing measurement formulas:physical and financial.

    Physical formulas :- reward employees for improving the relationship

    between physical units of output and input (e.g., Improshare). This type

    of formula affords many advantages because it's based on easily

    understood variables within the employee's direct control. The downside

    of using this type of formula is that it can pay bonuses during periods of

    shrinking or nonexistent profit.

    Financial formulas :-are based on an organization's overallprofitability. Employees become eligible to receive a bonus only when

    the organization makes a profit. The Rucker and Scanlon plans use thistype of formula. Since financial formulas are affected by factors beyond

    an employee's direct control (e.g., inflation, government regulations,

    taxation, pricing decisions), they are distorted by the relationship between

    effort and reward. This can have a deleterious effect on employees'

    motivation (see figures 2 and 3).

    In some organizations, the three textbook formulas don't track and rewardthe variables required for competitive advantage. In these instances, it

    may be appropriate to develop a customized formula that meets an

    organization's special needs. When developing a formula, you should

    consider the following guidelines:Create a formula that can be administered easily.

    Develop a formula that adapts to changing environmental conditions.

    Before installing a formula, do simulations or modeling to identify how

    the bonus is affected by changes in volume, selling price, market share,


    The baseline:-Baselines are used as a starting point for calculating improvements.

    Organizations use either permanent, dynamic, rolling or targetedbaselines. Permanent baselines remain constant during the plan's lifetime.

    This provides employees with an added advantage because their bonuses

    reflect improvements made during previous periods. Dynamic baselines

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    are revised on an intermittent basis (usually early) according to theperformance level achieved in the previous measurement period. Plans

    that utilize dynamic baselines have problems maintaining bonus levels

    because employees must generate new improvements constantly.

    Rolling baselines calculate the average performance for a specific numberof periods. The length of time typically varies from four to six weeks. For

    example, if a company utilizes a four-week rolling average as it begins

    the first week of month two, the first week of month one is dropped.

    Targeted baselines are used when no appropriate baselines are available.

    This can occur when a new product or technology is introduced or when

    work processes are significantly changed, making the existing baseline


    The employee bonusThe percentage of savings shared with employees varies depending on the

    gainsharing plan utilized. Generally, plants that only measure labor

    productivity share the greatest percentage of savings with employees.

    Traditionally, the Scanlon plan (labor-only formula) returns 75 percent ofthe gain to employees. Improshare usually returns 50 percent of the gain

    to employees, while the Rucker Plan varies greatly.

    When determining the bonus share, management should consider the

    capital intensity of the business, frequency of baseline changes and

    expected motivational impact. Capital-intensive industries usually pay outsmaller shares to employees. Plans that frequently change the baseline

    require larger productivity improvements for employees to receive a

    bonus. Typically, these types of plans provide employees with a larger


    In most plans, organizations pay out bonuses either weekly, monthly,

    quarterly or annually. Most organizations reward employees monthly.When deciding on payout frequency, consider the availability of data,

    motivational intent desired, administrative costs and environmental

    uncertainty (uncertainty in the environment can cause considerable

    payout variations).

    Organizations can divide employees' share of gains as follows:

    Percent of income-

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    The bonus pool translates into a percentage of salaries, with eachemployee receiving an equal percentage of compensation. This method is

    used in about 75 percent of the plans.

    Equal shares-

    Every employee receives the same dollar amount.

    Hours worked-

    The bonus is paid in terms of dollars per hour worked and applied

    to employees accordingly.

    Advantages of productivity gainsharingOrganizations that have successfully implemented productivity-

    gainsharing plans report a number of benefits. Many of theseorganizations believe it has significantly improved organizationalcommunications, especially between labor and management, and between

    different interdependent functional units. Since gainsharing supports a

    true pay-for-performance culture, employees tend to see their prosperity

    linked directly to the organizations. This tends to increase their

    commitment to the organization.

    Since gainsharing plans measure changes in critical relationships between

    inputs and outputs, employees must understand the variables-that theycan control-which affect organizational performance. Many gainsharing

    plans create an esprit de corps between interdependent work groups, and

    between labor and management, which usually reduces conflict, improves

    cooperation between related work units and benefits labor-management


    It's not uncommon for these quality-of-worklife benefits to have a

    positive effect on absenteeism, turnover and tardiness. Also, most

    companies report considerable reductions in their cost drivers (e.g., laborcosts, product/service quality, purchased goods or services). Lastly,

    gainsharing plans motivate employees to improve the performance of key

    success factors within an organization.

    Is gainsharing right for you?Listed below are seven variables that should be considered when

    assessing the feasibility of gainsharing.

    Fit with strategy and ongoing operational initiatives-

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    An organization's strategy is the vehicle of change. Gainsharing isviable only when it supports the business strategy and is integrated with

    ongoing operational initiatives.

    Alignment with existing culture-

    Gainsharing is not an overlay. It must be consistent with the

    organization's existing beliefs and values.

    Commonality with the prevalent leadership style of management

    Gainsharing requires a participatory leadership style. Supervisors

    and managers must not be threatened by increased employee

    empowerment. Management must be receptive to suggestions for

    improvement and be willing to act on those suggestions.

    Capabilities of the information-reporting system-

    Gainsharing plans can tax an organization's information system.

    Successful plans require accurate, timely and appropriate information tocalculate the bonus and track the plan's performance.

    Type of product/service mix-

    Plan complexity increases exponentially as the product/service mix

    becomes greater. It is, therefore, more difficult to implement gainsharing

    principles in an organization with a wide range of product/service lines.

    Interdependence of the work force-

    Gainsharing works best in organizations that have highly

    interdependent processes.

    Potential to absorb additional output-

    The basic premise behind gainsharing is to improve the ratio of

    inputs to outputs. Typically, organizations focus on increasing outputs. If

    your organization competes in a market that cannot utilize additionaloutput of products/services, productivity gains can become personnel


    Implementation issuesSince no two organizations are alike, there is no map that can be used to

    design and implement gainsharing in all environments. Listed below are

    several broad steps that should be considered when designing and

    implementing a gainsharing program.Conduct a readiness assessment-

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    A readiness assessment answers two important questions: Isgainsharing a fit within my organization, and what are the requirements

    for a successful transition to gainsharing?

    In most instances, the readiness assessment should start with a review of

    your operations.

    This can include an analysis of the current physical layout and process

    flows, existing productivity measures, historical information on resources

    used, key cost drivers, input/output variables that measure productivity,

    capital investment plans and assessment of the degree employees can

    impact profitability.

    It is not advisable to install gainshar-ing in an environment where large

    capital investments are planned, which can affect the capital-labor ratio

    and makes the baseline unreliable.

    In addition to the operations review, you should conduct an assessmentthat identifies how a gainsharing program will affect your organization's

    architecture. We believe architecture is composed of three elements:

    technology (i.e., the equipment, data and applications used); organization

    (i.e., administrative control systems, structure, human resource systems,

    culture and employee competencies); and process (i.e., work processes

    and physical layout).

    Design gainsharing program-

    Typically, this begins with the formation of a design team. Ourexperience suggests a cross-functional design team-represented by human

    resources, training, finance, operations and the union, if applicable-with

    significant employee representation a must for success.

    Unless the design team has considerable gainsharing experience, werecommend you conduct education on gainsharing principles, including:

    the history of gainsharing; successful case studies/plant visits;

    benefits/risks; features of each gainsharing plan; and a blueprint for


    After completing the training, the design team should get down to thenuts and bolts, and develop the objectives of the gainsharing program,

    identify which groups will be covered by the plan and design the plan's

    key features (e.g., employee-involvement vehicles, productivity baseline,

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    bonus formula, bonus payout). Before selecting which plan to implement,we recommend highly that the design team simulate the Scanlon, Rucker

    and Improshare plan formulas based on historical data while using a

    variety of input/output measures.

    One of the most critical components that organizations frequently ignoreis the evaluation strategy of the gainsharing plan. This should include

    metrics to measure the plan's effectiveness, timetables for ongoing

    measurement and the establishment of a committee or team that has the

    authority to review and modify the plan.

    After the plan has been designed fully, decide the scope of initial

    introduction. Specifically, will the plan be introduced on a pilot basis, orwill full implementation take place? The optimal time to implement

    gainsharing is when demand for the organization's products or services

    exceeds current production levels. Avoid new product introductions or

    implementing technology with long learning curves. Also, avoid

    introduction during peak times or labor negotiations.Maintenance-

    Gainsharing plans must be flexible enough to respond to changingmarket conditions. The last key task that the design team should tackle is

    clarifying maintenance roles and responsibilities.

    This is a ticklish issue. For a plan to succeed, employees must understand

    and have confidence in the plan. Whenever a plan is modified, employees

    tend to be skeptical. They assume that management has a hidden agenda.Plan modifications usually occur because of changes in the

    product/service mix or capital investments (i.e., new technologies).

    One way to mitigate the perception of tampering is to include a section in

    the gainsharing policy on plan evaluation and modification. The policyshould describe who will review the plan, circumstances under which the

    plan can be modified and a process for modifying the plan.

    Always include employees in the review process. The utilization of a

    gainsharing policy should reduce employee mistrust. And some

    organizations document how and why decisions to modify the plan weremade, what assumptions were made and what conditions existed that

    necessitated the change, reporting the results to em-ployees.

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    The following summarizes many of the elements of a Gainsharing

    plan which have been discussed.

    Gains and resulting payouts are self-funded based on savingsgenerated by improved performance.

    The plan commonly applies to a single plant, site, or stand-aloneorganization. However, some organizations have levels of sharing

    across multiple locations or corporation-wide.

    Performance is typically measured across departments, units, orfunctions.

    Measures are typically based on operational measures(productivity, quality, spending, customer service) and are more

    controllable by employees rather than an organization-widemeasure of profits.

    Payouts are often monthly or quarterly. Many plans often have a year-end reserve fund to account for

    deficit periods. Employees often are involved with the design process. All employees are eligible for plan payments. The bonus is often paid as an equal percentage of compensation or

    equal cents per hour worked, rather than paid on the basis of

    individual performance. A supporting employee involvement system is part of the plan in

    order to drive improvement initiatives. Plans are often reviewed at least annually and adjustments may be

    made that make sense for both the company and employees.

    The keys to successful implementation are simplicity and employeeinvolvement

    Simplicity - Employee understanding is necessary for them to bemotivated by it.

    Involvement - The more employees are involved in a plan's design,the more ownership they will take in it.

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