Page 1: MINUTES The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association ... · PDF fileBarbara Ann Burkey Betty Joanne Burns Barbara Anne Cairns ... Ronald Jack Houseman Elizabeth Marion Hubbert


February 17, 1956

The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association met at the home of

Charlotte Heath. Members present included Winston Merrick, Fred Slocum,

Mable Field, Mildred Jarman, Larry Moore, and O. Heath.

The Secret ary's Report was read, and approved.

The Treasurer's Report was read and approved. 3alance on hand $151.50.

Noting the response to having former teachers present at the alumni

banquet it was decided to )let the addressed of and encourage the attendance

of as many possible. It is felt that this, properly publicized, encourages

hesitant alums to attend.

We expect through greater effort, to have a larger mailing list of

alumna than in recent previous years. Switching from a card to a letter

form of invitation may prove helpful in encouraging attendence. All out

of town letters will bear the added "Please contact any known Hastings

Alumni in your vicinity.''

One person encourages another and we plan to use as many as possible

in our committees and to publicize this point. All stories should

indicate a formal invitation is not necessary. President and General Chairman Charlotte Heath appointed the following committees;

Publicity, Larry Moore; Tickets, Mable Field; Dinner Arrangement, Mildred

Jarman; Program, Harry Young; Table Planning and Dining Room Arrangement).

Dwight Fisher; Invitations, Winston Merrick; Alumnus of the Year Award,

Flynn Matthews; Decorations and Cleanup, Fred Slocum; School contacts,

C. Heath.

Next meeting will take place Larch 15 at Mable Field's.

Page 2: MINUTES The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association ... · PDF fileBarbara Ann Burkey Betty Joanne Burns Barbara Anne Cairns ... Ronald Jack Houseman Elizabeth Marion Hubbert


,March 15, 1956

The Board of Directors met at the home of Mable Fieldiffl Members present

included A. Jarman, M. Field, W. Merrick, H. Young, P. Matthews, and L. Moore.

Secretary's report was read and approved. Treasurer's report was un-

changed from last time.

M. Jarman reported on dinner arrangements. The Rebackahs will again

provide the meal. Three choices were submitted with the decision going to

swiss steak.

W. Merrick reorted on invitations; S'amptd envelopes aost 2 5/1q, mimeo

sheet about 1 5/14.¢. A rough letter was submitted for approval and accepted

as suitable for use.

E. Matthews reported on Alumnus of the Year: He has contacted other

members for his committee - consisting of Dick Cook, Dave Goodyear III, Tbm

Stebbins, Bernard Quigley. All are urged to send suggestions to any member

of the committee. Publicize this.

Nominating committee to consist of : Gertrute Matthews, Sally Robinson,

and Mrs. Robert Cook.

It is suggested the theme prom to the Former Teachers idea. Think

about this.

Don't forget, to pay special tribute to Pearl Henaershott.

Next meeting at Mildred Jarman's April 19.

i-1e-eting adjourned.

Page 3: MINUTES The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association ... · PDF fileBarbara Ann Burkey Betty Joanne Burns Barbara Anne Cairns ... Ronald Jack Houseman Elizabeth Marion Hubbert

April 26, 1956

Alumni Directors met at Mildred Will Jarman's. Present:

M. Jarman, O. Heath, W. Merrick, P. Matthews, L. Moore.

Rev. Glen Miller '57 will give the Invocation.

Lee Jones will speak for the 25th anniversery class.

Charlotte Heath will contact Thelma Kantner and Marie Smith

about the 25th Reunion.

Windy says the invitations will be ready sometime this

week. Larry will run off same signs at the Penney store,

Charlotte will ask the art department to make signs for the

interior and door. Enter by the old library and meet host

and hostess committee which will probably consist of Max and

Mildred Bauer, Don and Jeannette Tredinnick, mauvice and Katherine

I ngram.

Diana Boyne '54 has replaced Florence Cook as a member

of the Nominating committee.

Again use tags with "I am as identification.

Theme to be Familiar Faces.

Lyle Bennett, track coach at CMCE and former Hastings

coach has promised to be present, also present coach Jock

Clary, and Assistant Principal Herb Reinhardt.

Board Meeting May 17 at Harry Young's.

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X 1:i C),S TiI(..7I1 SC HOOL

ity 1956

Dear sc.,

The '')ch annual Hastings H5r,11 School Alunri Associat3on banquet wi'l neld in the old gymn at Hastings High School on Saturday June 9, 1956. The banquet will comence at 6:30 P.M.

DurLeg the past few years this affair has been growing in attend-ance and our association is one of the few in the state which has enjoyed so rany years of successful re-unions.

',;(3 chosen for our theme this year "Familiar Faces" and to go e]':h this idea, we arc inviting as many former teachers as

we are able to seouro a (1„sses. As usual we will honor the Classes o' 1 isS, 1931 and our ncwo;; renbsr : the Class of 1956. Once again /e, :r of:leers will chcerJe L—AC of our 1Dil:/ members to be honored as

luimus of The Yesr. We would appreciate it very much if yop 3 1,r'W,Ito for &Is honor, if you would submit his or her

1.":7 rop:Ilmatior Ju;t drop a line to secretary od list of names to select

Wo e the ej_idresse of all of our members so that we could sera thol.:: but as that is impossible, would you act as a conniti;ee tc eee that any Hastings graduate, or any person that eeey -..;tended MIS in your area, be invited to attend. Oh yes, your husband or wife are also very welcome.

Remember the date, f_e aturday June 9th, 6:30 P. Right new sit dam and send reservations to rrs. rebel Field, S. Park St., Hastings, or tickets nay be secured at Cordes News Service, all drug stores in gastings and the Hastings Danner. Price each with all you can eat. Ticket deadline must be Tuesday, June 5th,,

Ve3 1.0.711 be looking for you,

up very truly,

Lawrence MOOre Secretary'

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Duane Rex Allerding John Delbert Anders Myrtle Maye Apsey Frieda Ann Arens Marvin Wayne Armour Helene Michael Banghart Geraldine LaRue Barnes Leila Jean Bassett Marcia Joy Bassett Mary Louise Bassett Ronald Guy Bauer Larry Eugene Beam Charlene Theresa Belson Monty Clare Bennett Patricia Suzanne Boyne Gordon Lee Bridleman James E. Brown Jerome Joe Brownell Elaine Ann Bryans Doreen Marie Buck Douglas Eugene Buck Richard Neil Burchett Martha Ann Burgardt Barbara Ann Burkey Betty Joanne Burns Barbara Anne Cairns Charles M. Cappon Thomas Lee Carpenter Carolyn Frances Chase Howard Lee Cheney Floyd Alvin Clark Robert Ocie Conner Edith Marie Converse Emily Kathleen Cortright Kenneth Allan Cox Duane L. Coykendall Duane A. Curtis Donna Jean Dale David Neil Dean Sterling Ramon Demond Judith Ann Denny Lynn A. Donovan Nancy Ann Drum Deanna Elaine Durbin Mary Irene Ellis Janet Lee Endsley

Donald Jay Falconer Barbara Jean Finnie Donald Lee Fountain Anna Mae Gibson Duane Robert Glasgow Ann Marie Grashuis David Joe Gury Anna Genell Harville Ronald Gene Hathaway William Henry Hawthorne Georgia Lynn Hayes Mary Lou Haywood Sally Louise Heath Ellen Eileen Heikka James Fredrick Helm Gary Alan Hill Shirley Edith Hinckley Berenice Magalyne Hine Cecile Marie Hoos Ronald Jack Houseman Elizabeth Marion Hubbert Michael George Huver Wendell Allan Hyde Joan Juanita Jenkins Ronald Clarence Johncock Joan Louise Johnson Darrell Nelson Jones Dolores Nordene Jones Alden G. Kidder Elizabeth Janet Lake Robert James Larabee Linda Louise Larsen Elaine Marie Lord Robert Louis Lowell Roger John Lundquist Gale Bishop Lyttle Catherine JoAnn MacI.eod Janet Kay McIntyre George A. Magoon Louis Charles Maurer Arthur J. Mead, Jr. Sandra Louise Moore -Darlene May Myers Walter Sanfrid Olsson Patty Lee Ossenheimer Phillip Warren Patten

Raymond Carl Patten Marjorie Ann Peake Ann Louise Perry Kendall Louis Pranshka James Clarence Quada Erlene Jane Rawson Jennie May Rine Shirley Ann Rose Sandra Kay Roush Shirley Anne Sanders Robert Harley Shaeffer Richard Blakney Sharp Catherine Grace Shaver Sharon Ann Shay Julia Jane Sheffield Robert Clayton Shurlow Linden Allen Skidmore Mary Ellen Slocum Marvin Frederick Smith David John Stem Maynard "Bud" Stone, Jr. Timothy Ross Straub Alfred Taylor Charlene K. Tebo JoAnn Marie Terpening Keith Allen Thaler Arlene Mary Tietz Boyd Russell Tolles August Arthur Turnes, Jr. Barbara Jayne Tyler Ilze Udris Janet M. Vanderlip Charles Elwood Vandlen Linda Louise VanHouten Alden Parker Vincent Merle James Welcher Barbara Kay Wespinter Colleen Marie West Russell Eugene Weyerman Alice Martha White Yvonne Whitney Arlene Ann Whittemore Theresa Mae Wickwire Patricia Arlene Winkle Maxine Ann Winters Marilyn Dee Zimmerman

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OLD H.H.S. GYM 6:30 P.M.

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of all of our


who have gone before.

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Invocation Rev. Glenn Miller '37


Music by "Bud" Wolfe '27

Group Singing Keith Lancaster '40

Business Meeting

Roll Call of Classes

and teachers Charlotte Heath '29

Toastmaster and

Welcome to Class of 1956. Stuart Clement '21

Response for '56 Mary Lou Haywood '56

Alumnus of Year Award

Response for 25th

Anniversary Class Leland Jones '31

Vocal Solo Genell Harville '56

Response for 50th

Anniversary Class Ray Erway '06

Group Singing

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Boast for our High School

The Best in the Land

Cheer for Old Hastings

Triumphant it will stand

Loyal and True, with Main,

and with Might

O'er all Victorious

We'll win in the Fight!

Loud raise our voices for

Old Hastings High,

Sing to her Praises, her Banner

raise on high:

We'll honor and cherish

Her glories and fame,

And all stand united, Her

Memories to acclaim.

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