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Minutes for Swansea Parent Council Meeting – January 23rd, 2019

Call to Order: 6:36 pm Swansea Parent Council meeting was held on January 23rd, 2019 in the library of Swansea Public School. The meeting was chaired by Stevie Yap with Maya Shenoy as secretary.

Attendees Voting members in attendance included Stevie Yap, Jen Shragge, Rose LeBlanc, Annabelle Edge, Natasha Apollonova, James Rothney, Meng Xiao, Ayan Kaillie, Reza Lofti, Susan Simon, Nasra Ahmed, Carol Walmsley, Charlene Elliott, Larraine Denne, Maya Shenoy

School administration: Mary Salvarinas, Cherril George, Natalie Patterson

Guests in attendance included: Mariana Aime, Jerelena Roper, Nasra Ahmed, Krista Hill, Peter Southern, Glenn Dunphy, Peter Koszo, James Downey, Heather Chiavegato, Kathy Richmond, Gord Chauhan, Michelle Larivière, Loris Giovanatto, Michael Santianni, Penny Nordstrom, Superintendent: Tracy Hayhurst, Trustee: Robin Pilkey, Pauline Petrus, Rapee Vattanakul, Carey Clifford, Ubah Hagi, Sylvia Abdul, Marijana Vuckovič, Sam Scott, Tara Gratto, Jacob Korczynski, Tejal Sethi, Ivana Anusic, Maia Shani, Lul Elmi, Cara Thomson, Ashley Hughson, Jen Pearce, Bérengère Santiard, Stephanie Dehan, Vivian Tsoumaris, Mila Jokič, Hudson Brisbin, Oksana Petrusiw, Ania Gorka

Regrets Teacher Representative: Alicia Orr-Lombardo was unable to make it and Larraine Denne attended in her absence. Welcome and Introductions Stevie confirmed quorum. Stevie asked if there were any conflicts of interest from voting members of council this evening. No declarations of conflict of interest.

Approval of Agenda and Minutes Natasha made a motion to approve the agenda. Jen seconded the motion. All in favour. Motion carried. Copies of the November 6th, 2018 minutes were circulated. Motion to approve the meeting minutes by Carol. Motion seconded by Reza. All in favour. None opposed. Motion carried.

Community Representative Reports Swansea Recreation Centre – Susan Simon

• The New Year’s Eve party went as planned and had low attendance due to rain. • The winter program is up and running!

Swansea Town Hall – Carol Walmsley

• The Swansea Town Hall Homework Club for kids in grades 3 – 8 is a free program offered every Thursday from 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Currently recruiting tutors for next year.

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• The Christmas clothing drive was very successful. Many items were donated from the Swansea lost and found. Thank you for those donations!

• There is currently an opening for the paid position of Coordinator for the homework club. For details, please go to

• Carol provided copies of flyers for the Homework Club, as well as the Swansea Town Hall Calendar for 2019.

Swansea Kids’ Place – Charlene Elliott. No updates.

Swansea Mews – Nasra Ahmed. No updates.

Committee Reports

Treasury –Annabelle Edge A colour copy of the Swansea School Council 2018-2019 Annual Budget Report was distributed to attendees of the meeting which clearly showed losses in red and profits in green. (Please refer to Appendix A) Annabelle reported that we are doing well, as there have not been any unforeseen expenditures and in total for all fundraisers complete we are ahead of planned by $1,017. Expenses incurred in the first 4 months and forecasting looks good. Jen has been doing a great job of fundraising, with Don’s Bakery raising $1,625. As Treasurer, looking at the proposed budget and what we have spent so far, there does not seem to be any significant foreseeable shortfalls at this time. Question: What is the transfer to school needs? Annabelle explained that this is the amount we proposed to transfer to the administration for school purposes. Ayan asked if there was an itemized spreadsheet for the craft sale. Annabelle responded in the affirmative and confirmed there is an itemized report for all fundraisers. Annabelle’s e-mail ([email protected]) is at the bottom of the 2018-2019 Annual Budget Report and she welcomed parents and council members to contact her for information.

Health and Safety – Reza Lofti

Nothing to report. Reza put a call out to all parents: if you are familiar with health and safety and if you have any suggestions or specific concerns, they should be directed to the administration, but should you want to share it with Reza you are welcome to do so. Reza’s contact information is [email protected].

Ward 7 – James Rothney

The information shared this evening will be available through the minutes as well as the Weekly Update (WU).

• Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grants -- PRO grants are provincial funds distributed to parent councils who apply with a proposal to improve parent engagement in their communities. Issuance of the PRO grants was put on hold in October, but have now been released. Swansea parent council will receive a PRO grant of $1000. More information about PRO grants is available online:

• TDSB Policy Consultations-- The TDSB values community input and is committed to gathering public input regarding options, alternative courses of action and solutions. There are several consultations underway now, including Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy. Consultation is also underway to address the Student Dress Code Policy, for which an online survey is available. More information,

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including a link to the survey is available online:

• TDSB Local Feasibility Study -- The TDSB is conducting a Local Feasibility Study involving Swansea Public School. The study is a review of projected overutilization at the school. This review will include consideration of the space currently occupied by the Extended French Program and potential redirection of proposed residential development to schools with sufficient space. More information is available online:

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Parent Engagement – Natasha Apollonova

Natasha is currently working on the volunteer database with 147 volunteers entered. There are about 20 outstanding. When there is a need for volunteers, Natasha directs the call to parents who have expressed an interest in helping. If you would like to volunteer for the school and have not yet submitted your information, please reach out to Natasha.

Communications – Rose LeBlanc

Nothing to report. Rose would like to make some small changes to the Swansea P.S. Facebook page guidelines. Currently the guidelines say that no individual or group should be named. With these guidelines, we can’t talk about Lego Club. Rose would like to change the guidelines to reflect that no individual or group should be named or referred to negatively, and would like to make a motion to do that. Furthermore, she welcomes feedback from all parents and can be reached at [email protected].

Ayan shared that as the person who wrote the Facebook guidelines, it is important not to be negative. Ayan shared her opinion that the Facebook page should be turned into a one-way communication. There has been a lot of conflict in our tightknit community. As no guidelines existed previously, she created them and even with these guidelines, there were issues, including from Parent Council members. The rift needs to stop and we need to move on.

James supported this, stating that the Facebook page should not be a place for commenting or arguing and should be for information only.

Jen clarified that one-way communication already exists and that is through the Weekly Update (WU). If the Facebook page gets shut down completely then there is no forum for parents to ask questions and get answers quickly.

Ayan countered that she feels that the Facebook page is being misused. She fought to have Facebook available and now that she sees what has come because of it, she sees personal attacks, she has received references to her children and the KKK, and told that she is anti-LGBTQ. She feels affected deeply, and thinks it is neither right nor fair. As Co-Chair she feels that Facebook communication should be one-way only.

Parent (Krystle): There must be a way to communicate quickly. Many times she has used the forum to ask a question and very quickly she will get an answer from one of the administrators. She doesn’t get much information from her child’s teacher, therefore without this (page), she would be lost. Closing the communication on the Facebook page is wrong. If you don’t like what you see, then change the guidelines, but don’t shut down communication. Let’s hear what Rose has to say.

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A parent (Heather) took the opportunity to read something posted on the Swansea P.S. Facebook page on October 8th, 2018 as part of a very long thread about the lunchroom. The post referenced was from Michael Pearce in response to Heather questioning who had approved the original post. Michael Pearce said: This is an issue about our children’s safety and you are worried about who approved a post. Get your priorities straight. My son was assaulted by a lunchroom supervisor so there are issues. The Principal wants to deny that they exist and do nothing, which is unacceptable. That is the reason for these posts. If parents’ concerns were taken seriously by the administration perhaps this wouldn’t be necessary. She shared that in a later post he went on to say: Spare me your concerns about what is appropriate. You can shove your self-righteous attitude.

Heather doesn’t want to live in a community where this is said to a parent member of the community. Heather supports James and Ayan to have one-way communication on Facebook and if there are questions that need to be answered, then the [email protected] e-mail should be used.

Parent (Loris): Facebook is a public forum. We still don’t have a channel for exchanging information, but we need one. We have the website that died in 2017. There is an easy way to capture questions and concerns. If it is a forum, another way of getting the information, a mechanism to ask questions, you can track it, monitor it, administer it rather than it being public all the time. If we are going one -way put a template together and make sure that they are addressed. Two way there is too far great a possibility for there being negative impacts. We do need to have a conduit to share questions and get information that does not necessarily need to go to the administration.

Parent: If someone asks a question, 10 others may have the same question. I can see that there is toxicity. Maybe there is a one strike you are out rule. Sometimes I see stuff there that I didn’t know I should be worried about which is valuable.

Teacher Rep Ms. Denne: There is a way to have each post approved by the Administrator. Facebook has other ways, such as Messenger to ask a question and get a quick response. You can limit those forums that allow people to reach out without it being a public forum. It is inappropriate for someone to get the response that Heather received. Everyone’s comment should be honoured. If comments are going against parents, it is a misuse of the Facebook page.

Reza: Suggested a working committee for the Swansea P.S. Facebook page.

Parent: those (Swansea P.S. Facebook page) administrators showed poor judgment. It needs to be a broader group of people administering the site. There were no apologies for what happened and allowing it to carry out for as long as it did was terrible.

Parent (Ania): the damage has to stop. She volunteers in 4 capacities for the school. Formerly productive relationships have disappeared. It should be a one-way forum. Communications could offer a questions page. She is highly uncomfortable with the Facebook page.

Stevie as Chair requested to table this item.

Vice Principal (Natalie): To clarify, it is a Parent Council FB page. The administration is not attached to Facebook whatsoever. The school administration is not involved in this problem-solving forum. The administration has direct e-mails. Keep this in mind as you move forward.

Teacher (Mr. Chouhan): Let’s just have positive comments. The fact that you are talking about people without their knowledge is not professional and it is unfair. Facebook is not the forum for

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that type of discussion. Positive or negative: if you are talking about me and I don’t know it, that’s not fair. Reputations were being compromised. I am upset about that. That should not have happened.

Parent: Suggested the push method where all questions are private. They would go to Rose, as Chair of Communications, and answers becomes public if relevant.

Ayan: Sometimes a post will come that seems non-threatening, such as the Salvation Army toy drive posts. You can turn off posts for the comments.

Some parents shared that they have concerns and want to be able to raise them on Facebook. That is one way to get them to the Parent Council. Other parents responded that they should e-mail the Parent Council.

Stevie requested order and that decorum be followed.

Ayan interjected stating that she has been pushed around and bullied by Council members. She suggested there is one set of rules for Council members and friends, and another set of rules for everyone else, such as Heather. She is personally hurt by this. Being a Co-Chair and being pushed around and bullied is not okay.

Parent (Caroline): Concerns raised that this Parent Council is not functioning well and believes there needs to be a review of the parent council. It has become divisive. She explained she sent a private message to one of the moderators and was told that’s not appropriate. Stevie responded that he received her message, and redirected her to the appropriate forum. She was asked to stop, however she continued.

Parent: If it were you who were attacked, you would not be happy that your voice was not being heard. I would expect someone to acknowledge it. Don’t table it. Get the plan in place to have this fixed. There are two people who have been offended. There needs to be representation from parents.

Parent (Megan): can we come up with a plan?

Heather: What’s positive to one person is negative to another.

Annabelle: (Directed to Heather) it was terrible what happened. As a parent council is was a mess. We didn’t even have a policy or guidelines. We have a lot to apologise for that being left up for so long. Because we were caught not knowing what to do, it stayed up for too long. Heather thanked her. Ayan said she wished she got an apology.

James made a subsidiary motion to make Facebook one-way on an interim basis, where parents can forward questions or concerns via Messenger or [email protected], until the next meeting. Authorised people will post with school information only. Parents who are not admins cannot post on that page or comment on the information posted. This is until we have a full review by the committee. Ayan seconded the motion. In favour: 8. Opposed: 4. Subsidiary motion carried.

Fundraising – Jen Shragge

Things are going well. • This year we tried a new fundraiser, Don’s Bakery, and we may try a couple of extras

in the spring. • Pub night is scheduled for the spring and will be hosted at a brewery in the Junction.

It is scheduled for the first Friday in May so that we don’t compete with the Spring

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Fling at the Swansea Community and Recreation Centre. Notification will go out 3 weeks before.

• Movie Night is on Friday. Another one is coming in the Spring. • The only glitch this year is with milk. Due to capacity and storage, we are struggling.

Speaking to another distributor with another provider which will affect our profits. Krystle has volunteered to assist with Milk Day. Jen is being mindful of Pizza Day and is trying her best not to conflict with that fundraiser, as it is more popular than milk.

A parent asked if we can we get another fridge? The concern is that the teachers already are giving up a lot of space which is dedicated to the kindie students. Principal Salvarinas pointed out that an additional fridge would pose issues with the fire code. She stressed that if we can make milk day work, we will. The more fundraisers we do as a community, the more it helps us to convene as a community and allows us to get to know one another. If you have other ideas regarding fundraisers, please connect with Jen. She is happy to hear your ideas. Please e-mail [email protected].

Education – Meng Xiao

Meng introduced herself as the Chair of Education.

• Over 100 students were involved in the Lego program. Start dates were as follows: January 14th – grade 1; January 17th for grade 2 students; and Grade 3 students start in February on Mondays; grades 4-6 students start in February on Thursdays. Dates will be mailed to parents who registered for the program.

Meng shared that she is new to the community and is very happy to be a part of the dear Parent Council. Although some on the council don’t have previous experience, what they want to do-- with solidarity-- is to make the community inclusive, respectful and democratic. She would appreciate advice instead of negative feedback. It is our goal to address issues. We may disagree but, as a whole, we want to move forward with solidarity. Give us more encouragement and we will do a better job.

Student Council -- Vivian Tsoumaris, Mila Jokič, and Hudson Brisbin

The Student Council is made up 3 representatives from grades 7 and grade 8. In October they created their executive team. The student council has organised numerous events: Moustache day, Valentine's day, Pyjama day / movie / toy drive. These fundraisers have been successful. Subcommittees have helped with planning of events such as the Winter Carnival. The student council is supported by Ms. Cameron, Ms. Dakin, Ms. Legacy and Mr. Higgins, who will field questions.

Parent: What they (the Student Council) just took from this meeting was not good modelling. When we are adults setting examples, we need to be aware of who is listening. Issues were valid and important, but they were not age appropriate. In the future, the kids should go first and be dismissed so we can carry on with our business.

Stevie acknowledged the suggestion and stated that in future, the Student Council will be added early on in the agenda. Stevie went on to introduce and welcome Superintendent Tracy Hayhurst, and Trustee Robin Pilkey to the meeting. He apologised for the delay and welcomed the Lunchroom Subcommittee to present.

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SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Lunchroom Subcommittee Loris Giovanatto and Mike Santianni prepared and presented on the Swansea Lunchroom Subcommittee: Observations, Findings and Recommendations. Please see Appendix B of these minutes. The Lunchroom Subcommittee was made of the following members: Loris Giovanatto Parent (grade 3, grade 5) Mike Santianni Parent (grade 2, grade 5) Lul Elmi Lunchroom Supervisor Maia Shani Lunchroom Supervisor Michelle Lariviere Teacher (grade 5) Rebecca Forte Teacher (grade 1) Michael Bene Teacher Alternate (Kindergarten) Alicia Orr-Lombardo Teacher (grade 6) / Parent Council

Representative Thank you to all the parents who contributed feedback and to the administration for their patience. Their mandate was expansive and focused on observing, assessing and providing recommendations to improve the climate, culture, and experience during the lunch period. Information was gathered through lunchroom observation, stakeholder feedback, document review, class discussion and meetings.

Mike and Loris would not address how the subcommittee was selected. Parents did come forward with a wealth of expertise (nutritionists, social workers, etc.) and the subcommittee strongly encourages the administration to continue to engage them to be part of the process. If there are questions beyond what is in the presentation, please direct them to the administration.

Background: there is a perception that there hasn’t been a lot done to resolve the lunchroom issue. A lot has gone on. Previously, kids ate in the basement; grade 7s would have to leave the school. Things changed throughout the school because of the population growth. Year to year things need to change as it is not a static situation. There have been a lot of changes to improve our situation and progress has been made but we still have a way to go.

Mike is the parent of a child with severe allergies (dairy). He was asked to bring extra attention on that and the anxieties for both the parents and the students. There are 47 students with allergies in the school.

Great response from parents. The subcommittee wanted to hear from the students. Reports came back from 4 classes. No response from grade 1s which is unfortunate.

Mike’s personal impression is that the kids were having a good time during lunch. A lot of reports indicated that students were not happy with the behaviour of their classmates. This may be a result of the fact that they were being asked in a classroom setting. This also suggested that they may not be respecting lunchroom supervisors the way they should. Kids overall were happy with the lunchroom supervisors, however some kids indicated that the lunchroom supervisors yell.

Things were not as bad as they were presented. Their findings showed that no one was in danger or harm. They assessed and addressed specific concerns.

The TDSB has a ratio guideline of 99 students to 1 lunch supervisor / administration. Findings showed that there were always more lunch supervisors / administration to students. Ratios averaged 65:1.

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Loris and Mike consulted with the nurse assigned to 15 schools including Swansea. As per the nurse, we are in the top 3rd of schools and there are no real best practices to adopt.

Recommendations were made for the short-term (to be implemented this term), medium term (to be considered for 2019 / 2020), and long term (continuing / ongoing). The following immediate recommendations were made:

• Adjust shift times by 5 minutes and better manage bathroom visits – currently affecting the younger kids in the first shift significantly

• Reinforce positive, respectful lunchtime behaviour • Reinforce authority and respect for lunchroom supervisors – they should be

identifiable • Training and communication for supervisors • Managing supervisor shortages • Explore noise reduction strategies

The Lunchroom subcommittee also recommends that the subcommittee be ongoing and that there be a rep who regularly reports back to and collaborates with the Parent Council, the administration and parents.

Parent: Very impressive how comprehensive this work is.

Parent (Peter): Concerns about the noise level. He explained the dB scale is logarithmic. 88 dB is 10 times louder than 87 dB. 90 dB is equivalent to the sound of a lawn mower. These children are small; we need to look at strategies as soon as possible to lower that. 88 dB for 17 minutes-- that is a long time for young ears. His kids’ complaints were consistently noise and they are susceptible to headaches. Strategically placed sound attenuation materials will go a long way.

Annabelle: As an engineer who was an acoustics consultant, she concurs with Peter. Those sound levels are concerning.

Parent: Is it mandatory that we supply a space for the children to eat lunch? Principal Salvarinas responded that yes, we do have to provide lunch. We provide it in the community centre from the school’s budget. To clarify, volunteers are not to replace paid staff. Salvarinas wants to thank the committee for doing a great amount of work. She also wants to thank and acknowledge former council members. Of multiple past chairs present, she thanked and acknowledged Trustee Robin (Pilkey), and Heather as former chairs of Swansea Parent Council who have done work on this topic. There was a time when they were eating in the basement and we have come a long way. A lot of work has been done and it is in the spirit of collaboration that we are here. We can only get better from here.

Parent (Ashley): Was invited to come in and witness a lunch room. The progression has been great throughout the years. The biggest concerns were around the junior students. The junior students while having 17 minutes for lunch time, doesn’t mean that they are eating for that time. The problem is that because the kids are allowed to go back out whenever they are done, a grade 4 kid (like hers) does not know how to regulate that. If told “you have to be in there for 20 minutes (you already had your play time)” then they would take time, sit down and eat. As they get older, they should be able to take time to sit down eat with more time, not rushed. This was not addressed by the subcommittee.

Vice Principal (Ms. George) shared that she tries to reinforce it.

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Parent (Ashley): responded that Ms. George likely does, however they should not be allowed to leave until there are 10 minutes left. Review the policy. If there is an audio signal to promote this, that would be helpful.

Parent: Loves the street light idea with a green, yellow, and red light to indicate lunchtime timeframes. Why is music played?

Vice Principal (Ms. Patterson): This was a suggestion from a parent. Tried it for a week with radio friendly versions of pop music with negative results. Natalie found classical and they tried that, but it was not popular with all students.

Chair: appreciates the conversation. Suggested that the conversation continue offline. In the interest of time, it is time to move on with the agenda.

In the interest of time, Principal Salvarinas advised that all information in her School Report would be shared via the WU.

New Business and Questions

One other order of business is to move to review the bylaws which are due this year, as they were last reviewed 3 years ago. Stevie called for a motion.

Ayan questioned exactly which bylaws. Ayan has no knowledge of which bylaws are being questioned and wants them discussed here. Stevie clarified that he is simply putting forward a motion to review the bylaws. Ayan did not believe that this was the process and deferred to former Chair, Heather, for the process.

Heather answered that you strike an ad hoc committee of Parent Council and, like any committee, anyone can go to those meetings; membership must be approved by the Council. Stevie agreed and stated that that is what he is calling for. Ayan countered that she wants clarification on the process and she knows nothing about this.

Natasha made a motion to review the bylaws and strike a committee to support the review of the bylaws. Jen seconds. Discussion? James wanted to clarify some of the things on the table: adjusting the number of members on Council, who are voting members, updating privacy policies. Stevie added that it would be to review data privacy, much like what the TDSB is doing now.

Trustee Pilkey spoke of Michelle Munroe at the TDSB Parent and Community Engagement office. She suggested that the Parent Council ask her to come and speak. Do not recreate the wheel.

Ayan requested more information, specifically who is going to be on the committee. How are those people being selected?

Stevie explained that a call would go out for committee members. People with interest would submit their names. This is a bylaw for an organisation that has impact on our community as a whole and offered his personal opinion that he doesn’t think any voice should be hushed.

Parent (Carrie): The feedback she received from Ayan, in combination with the Facebook discussion, and the lunchroom discussion… She feels that Ayan was thrown under the bus. She feels like she has wasted her time with the Equity Committee. Certain people on this parent council have stood up and said that they are all for equity and have demonstrated, specifically with the Facebook brouhaha, that they are not. She is really disappointed.

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Parent (Caroline): Again, I think that this parent council is not functioning well and should be reviewed.

Both Reza and Natasha responded by saying that they found this comment to be frustrating and insulting. The parent was asked if she is prepared to join.

James: That is valid feedback from Caroline (parent). There is dysfunction on this council.

Vice Principal (Ms. Patterson): Maybe the meeting with Michelle should happen before the bylaws.

Natasha suggested that Michelle Munroe can help us with bylaw reviews. She reinforced the point that the Council wants to move forward productively.

Parent (Loris): their experience was that they were left in the dark with no support from administration and parent council. They didn’t want that to affect what they were trying to achieve. Had they known that there was this much dysfunction, they would have bowed out. He was ready to quit. There was so much tension. He is concerned about the fact that there will be no collaboration. He does not think Council should bring any other committee forward. The Lunchroom Subcommittee scrambled on their own without support. Parent Council and the Administration need to work in good faith openly and honestly.

Parent: You guys have to own up that there is dysfunction and identify a plan. As a parent, he feels he is throwing soft balls and they are getting bounced back because there is so much dysfunction. He appreciates that the Parent Council is made up of volunteers, however there needs to be emphasis on trying to make this work for everyone. He feels that the Parent Council is in denial that there is a problem.

Stevie stated that if he could take off his Chair hat for a second, there is definitely a problem. The permit for the room expired at 8:30 p.m. and we have gone beyond our time, therefore if there are any questions, we can chat in the hallway as we do not have permission to be in this room any longer. We have the motion tabled.

Stevie asked Natasha if she would like the vote to continue. Natasha decided to withdraw her motion. Motion is withdrawn.

Stevie thanked everyone for coming. We are all pleased to see so many people show up tonight and hope attendance continues. There is a lot of work to be done and he really wants to move forward to make things happen, and to ensure that all the hard work that the lunch committee did was not in vain.

Stevie make a motion to adjourn. Jen seconded. All in favour, none opposed. Meeting adjourned.

Adjournment: 8:45 pm

Secretary Swansea Parent Council

Date of Approval

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Swansea School Council 2018‐2019 Annual Budget Report

23-Jan-19Swansea School Council 2018-19 Annual Budget

REVENUEAs Entered in Acounting Records:

Please see *** Note below

RevenueWelcome Back Party 1,050 2,543 104% 2,450 1,762 2,576 1,298 1,254 2,304 Welcome Back Party 2,543.25

Pizza Day 24,000 47,483 108% 44,000 46,424 39,331 20,954 Pizza Day 47,482.58

Milk Program* 1,500 0 5,500 5,462 6,133 3,446 Milk Program* -

QSP Commission Earned 1,500 1,076 72% 1,500 1,404 10,146 10,916 1,076 -424 QSP Commission Earned 1,075.61

Craft Show 10,500 11,189 90% 12,500 12,450 8,712 8,043 9,308 -1,192 Craft Show 11,189.05

Holiday Fund** 0 1,235 82% 1,500 1,525 1,400 1,414 0 0 Holiday Fund** 1,235.15

Movie Fundraiser 4,050 0 4,500 2,173 0 2,520 0 Movie Fundraiser -

Progrant 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 Progrant -

Parent Engagement 0 0 1,562 1,349 523 1,300 40 Parent Engagement -

Legacy Gift & Awards 0 0 625 0 0 0 0 Legacy Gift & Awards -

Grade Eight Grad - Dance 970 5,294 2,665 3,592 1,415 2,838 4,040 na Grade Eight Grad - Dance 5,293.50

Pink Shirt Day 500 0 500 445 0 0 0 Pink Shirt Day -

Pub Night 12,000 0 15,000 0 26,677 0 0 Pub Night -

Mabel's Labels 500 205 41% 500 73 0 0 205 -295 Mabel's Labels 204.74

Popcorn Day 2,800 9,897 283% 3,500 0 0 0 Popcorn Day 9,897.00

Don's Bakery 1,000 1,625 162% 1,000 0 0 0 1,625 625 Don's Bakery 1,624.55

>>>>>> $80,545 82% $98,302 $77,658 $98,866 $53,730 YTD: $1,017 Total Revenue YTD: $80,545

(Above Budgeted ^^^ )

EXPENSES Please see *** Note below

Program Costs ExpensesWelcome Back Party - 1,289 37% 3,500 3,372 3,359 2,034 Welcome Back Party 1,289.27

Pizza Day - 8,494 42% 20,000 20,617 15,524 9,594 Pizza Day 8,494.41

Milk Program* - 7,000 6,955 5,790 4,431 Milk Program* -

QSP Expenses - 0 0 419 459 QSP Expenses -

Craft Show - 1,881 94% 2,000 1,777 1,343 1,394 Craft Show 1,881.23

Holiday Fund - 1,235 82% 1,500 1,525 1,861 1,275 Holiday Fund 1,235.15

Movie Fundraiser Expenses - 450 214 0 1,880 Movie Fundraiser -

Apple Program 2,240 182 8% 2,240 3,970 4,034 3,321 Apple Program 182.00

Scientist in School 5,970 5,970 5,459 5,169 3,491 Scientist in School -

Volunteer Appreciation 750 750 746 1,338 920 Volunteer Appreciation -

Progrant - 1,000 1,000 1,027 1,000 Progrant -

Parent Engagement - 40 3% 1,562 1,349 898 1,300 Parent Engagement 40.02

Legacy Gift & Awards - 625 325 0 1,161 Legacy Gift & Awards -

Grade Eight Grad Dance 970 1,253 3,635 4,086 1,596 1,438 Grade Eight Grad Dance 1,253.18

Lost Lunch 300 125 42% 300 207 161 0 Lost Lunch 125.12

Completed Fundraisers, Events & Programs

Actual YTD 2018-19

Total Revenue

Compared to

Budget 2018-19

Actual YTD Profit / Loss

Budget Profit / Loss

Actual YTD 2018-19

YTD *** (see note) 2018-19

YTD *** (see note) 2018-19 Budget





Actual 2015-16

% of YTD vs Budget

% of YTD vs Budget

Budget Profit / Loss

Actual 2016-17

Actual 2017-18

Budget 2018-19

Actual YTD Profit / Loss

Compared to



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Swansea School Council 2018‐2019 Annual Budget Report

Please see *** Note below

RevenueCompared to

Budget 2018-19

Actual YTD Profit / Loss

Budget Profit / Loss

Actual YTD 2018-19

YTD *** (see note) 2018-19

Actual 2015-16

% of YTD vs Budget

Actual 2016-17

Actual 2017-18

Budget 2018-19

School Safety 150 0 150 169 0 0 0 150 School Safety -

Pink Shirt Day 1,000 1,000 1,016 0 0 Pink Shirt Day -

Council Sundry 500 500 299 807 1,680 Council Sundry -

Pub Night Fundraiser - 3,000 60 6,318 0 Pub Night Fundraiser -

Popcorn Day - 2,114 302% 700 0 0 0 Popcorn Day 2,114.45

Walk-a-Child to School 500 0 500 859 237 0 0 500 Walk-a-Child to School -

Equity Fund 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 Equity Fund -

Bank Charges 50 52 104% 50 22 201 47 Bank Charges 52.00

Program Costs before School Needs >>> $16,667 29% $57,432 $55,438 $50,083 $33,550 YTD: $650 Total Expenses YTD: $16,667

Donations (Council Fundraiser Facilitated) 200 (Unspent Budget ^^^ ) Net Income Accounting = $63,879NET INCOME (before School Needs) $63,679 $40,870 $22,220 $48,784 $20,180 Donations $200

Net Income Budget = $63,679

Swansea School Council 18-Jan-192018-19 Annual Budget YTD

2018-19Budget 2018-19

Actual 2017-18

Actual 2016-17

Actual 2015-16

Budgeted to Transfer to School Needs $40,870 $40,870 $35,744 $48,542 $28,345Revenue $98,302 $91,181 $98,625 $61,895NET INCOME $0 -$13,523 $241 -$8,165

Previous year carry forward $0 $0 $9,454Net Cash Flow (before exceptions) $0 $0 -$4,069

Donations 10,000 $10,000 $10,872 Donations 200Final Net Cash Flow 10,000$ 6,803$


January 23, 2019 - Council Meeting Budget Summary: As of Dec 31, 2018 we are on track with budget, including the actuals for completed fundraisers and events, forecasting ongoing fundraisers with the use of Sept to Dec 2018 Rev&Exp Actuals, and assuming the Revenue and Expenses of upcoming Fundraisers and Events are as budgeted. Completed Fundraisers include the Welcome Back Party, Craft Sale and Don's Bakery. Ongoing Fundraisers include primarily Pizza Day and Popcorn Day. Upcoming Fundraisers include Movie Night(s), Pub Night and Donations Drive. Any questions or concerns regarding the above data presented, please feel free to contact [email protected].

* Milk Program does not actually operate at a loss of $1,500 as table indicates. The milk expenses for both the Pizza Days & Milk Program are included as the $7,000 expense. Inventorytracking measures will be implemented this year, to properly account for how much milk expenses shoulc be attributed to each program.** Holiday Fund - This is the admissions collected at the Annual Swansea Craft & Bake Sale, all admissions are transferred to and spent by Holiday Fund so the Income and Expenses are flow through accounts and it is a net zero income/loss *** Differences between presented YTD in Budget and as recorded in Acconting Records (Data System) are to accommodate accurate correlation with traditional previous year's presentation of Annual.

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Completed Fundraisers, Events & Programs As Entered in Acounting Records:

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Presentation Overview

1. Subcommittee introduction (5 minutes)2. Acknowledgements (2 minutes)3. Lunchtime chronology (2-3 minutes)4. Concerns/Issues Parents, Students, Supervisors (10 minutes)5. Findings (10 minutes)6. Recommendations (10-15 minutes)7. Q&A

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Concerns fromFeedback

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From Feedback

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● In-class discussions with one class in each grade (1-5)

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Student Feedback - Likes & Dislikes

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Counts Concerns Frequency

Total Count Concerns 85Time 12 36%Volume (Noise) 9 27%Supervision 8 24%Ratio 7 21%Dress 6 18%Space 5 15%Logistics/Shifts 5 15%Crowding 4 12%In Class Lunch 5 15%Procedures 3 9%Support 3 9%Anaphylaxis 2 6%Cleanliness 2 6%Contract 2 6%Respect 2 6%Training 2 6%Attendance 1 3%Bathroom time 1 3%Bullying 1 3%Music 1 3%Nutrition 1 3%Safety Plan 1 3%

Safety-Access 1 3%

Smell 1 3%

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From Feedback

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Grades Kids* Supervision* Administration* Ratio*

1 and 2 204 2 1 62

3 to 5 214 2 1 65

* Averages of observation data

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Shift Grades Available Time (Avg.) Used Time (Avg.)

11:30 am - noon 1 and 2 17.6 17.6*

noon - 12:30 pm 3 to 5 20.7 < 15

* Difficult to determine when primary students are actually done eating.

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● Strictly anecdotal observation

● Observations were done wearing full outdoor gear

● Room always at a comfortable temperature

● Windows occasionally open to regulate temperature and air flow

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● Total tables = 18● Grades 12 use on avg. 13 tables for 204 students = 15/table● Grades 35 use on avg. 18 tables for 214 students = 12/table

Grades Average tables occupied Students Students/table

1 and 2 13 204 15:1

3 to 5 18 214 12:1

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SKP HallRain Day

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Thank you!

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Procedure / Document Contents




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