
Mining Programming Language Usage with Boa Robert Dyer These research activities supported in part by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) grants CNS , CNS , CCF , CCF , CCF , CCF , CCF , TWC , CCF , CCF , and CCF Tien N. Nguyen Hridesh Rajan Hoan Anh Nguyen 2 Todays tutorial is about Mining Software Repositories at an Ultra-large-scale 3 What do I mean by software repository? 4 5 What features do they have? 6 What do I mean by mining software repositories (MSR)? 7 What are some examples of software repository mining? 8 9 What is the most used programming language? 10 How many words are in commit messages? Words[] = update, Words[] = cleanup, Words[] = updated, Words[] = refactoring, Words[] = fix, Words[] = test, 9428 Words[] = typo, 9288 Words[] = updates, 7746 Words[] = javadoc, 6893 Words[] = bugfix, 6295 11 How has unit testing been adopted over time? JUnit 4 release 12 What makes this ultra-large-scale mining? 13 Previous examples queried... Projects699,331 Code Repositories494,158 Revisions15,063,073 Unique Files69,863,970 File Snapshots147,074,540 AST Nodes18,651,043,23 Over 250GB of pre-processed data from SourceForge 14 Most recent dataset (Sep 2015) Projects7,830,023 Code Repositories380,125 Revisions23,229,406 Unique Files146,398,339 File Snapshots484,947,086 AST Nodes71,810,106,868 Over 270GB of pre-processed data from GitHub (focusing on Java projects) What am I interested in? 15 16 Language Studies What languages do programmers choose? [Meyerovich&Rabkin SPLASH'13] Reflection [Livshits et al. APLAS'05] [Calla et al. MSR'11] JavaScript / eval [Yue&Wang WWW'09] [Richards et al. PLDI'10] [Ratanaworabhan et al. WEBAPPS'10] [Richards et al. ECOOP'11] Generics [Basit et al. SEKE'05] [Parnin et al. MSR'11] [Hoppe&Hanenberg SPLASH'13] Object-oriented Features [Tempero et al. ECOOP'08] [Muschevici et al. OOPSLA'08] [Tempero ASWEC'09] [Grechanik et al. ESEM'10] [Gorschek et al. ICSE'10] Finding use of assert Requires use of a parser (e.g. JDT) Requires knowledge of several APIs / GitHub API SVNkit/JGit/etc Must be manually parallelized 17 18 ASSERTS: output sum of int; visit(input, visitor { before node: CodeRepository -> { snapshot := getsnapshot(node, "SOURCE_JAVA_JLS"); foreach (i: int; def(snapshot[i])) visit(snapshot[i]); stop; } before node: Statement -> if (node.kind == StatementKind.ASSERT) ASSERTS { snapshot := getsnapshot(node, "SOURCE_JAVA_JLS"); foreach (i: int; def(snapshot[i])) visit(snapshot[i]); stop; } before node: Statement -> if (node.kind == StatementKind.ASSERT) ASSERTS { snapshot := getsnapshot(node, "SOURCE_JAVA_JLS"); foreach (i: int; def(snapshot[i])) visit(snapshot[i]); stop; } before node: Statement -> if (node.kind == StatementKind.ASSERT) ASSERTS statement; after T -> statement; }; visit(node, id); 27 Easing Source Code Mining with Visitors id := visitor { before id : T1 -> statement; before T2, T3 -> statement; before _ -> statement; }; 28 Easing Source Code Mining with Visitors ASTRoot Namespace Declaration MethodVariable Type StatementExpression ASTRoot Namespace Declaration MethodVariable Type StatementExpression 29 before n: Declaration -> { } Easing Source Code Mining with Visitors Method Type StatementExpression ASTRoot Namespace Declaration Variable before n: Declaration -> { foreach (i: int; n.fields[i]) visit(n.fields[i]); } before n: Declaration -> { foreach (i: int; n.fields[i]) visit(n.fields[i]); stop; } Lets revisit the assert use example. 30 31 Finding use of assert ASSERTS: output sum of int; 32 Finding use of assert ASSERTS: output sum of int; visit(input, visitor { }); 33 Finding use of assert ASSERTS: output sum of int; visit(input, visitor { before node: Statement -> }); 34 Finding use of assert ASSERTS: output sum of int; visit(input, visitor { before node: Statement -> if (node.kind == StatementKind.ASSERT) }); 35 Finding use of assert ASSERTS: output sum of int; visit(input, visitor { before node: Statement -> if (node.kind == StatementKind.ASSERT) ASSERTS { snapshot := getsnapshot(node, "SOURCE_JAVA_JLS"); foreach (i: int; def(snapshot[i])) visit(snapshot[i]); stop; } before node: Statement -> if (node.kind == StatementKind.ASSERT) ASSERTS if (node.kind == StatementKind.ASSERT) ASSERTS cur_date = int(node.commit_date); }); First Uses of Annotation 48 AnnotFirstUse: output bottom(1)[string] of string weight int; cur_date: int; cur_file: string; visit(input, visitor { before node: Revision -> cur_date = int(node.commit_date); before node: ChangedFile -> { if (!iskind("SOURCE_JAVA_JLS", node.kind)) stop; cur_file =; } }); First Uses of Annotation 49 AnnotFirstUse: output bottom(1)[string] of string weight int; cur_date: int; cur_file: string; visit(input, visitor { before node: Revision -> cur_date = int(node.commit_date); before node: ChangedFile -> { if (!iskind("SOURCE_JAVA_JLS", node.kind)) stop; cur_file =; } before node: Modifier -> if (node.kind == ModifierKind.ANNOTATION) }); First Uses of Annotation 50 AnnotFirstUse: output bottom(1)[string] of string weight int; times: map[string] of bool; cur_date: int; cur_file: string; visit(input, visitor { before node: CodeRepository -> clear(times); before node: Revision -> cur_date = int(node.commit_date); before node: ChangedFile -> { if (!iskind("SOURCE_JAVA_JLS", node.kind)) stop; cur_file =; } before node: Modifier -> if (node.kind == ModifierKind.ANNOTATION) if (!haskey(times, cur_file)) { times[cur_file] = true; } }); First Uses of Annotation 51 AnnotFirstUse: output bottom(1)[string] of string weight int; times: map[string] of bool; cur_date: int; cur_file: string; visit(input, visitor { before node: CodeRepository -> clear(times); before node: Revision -> cur_date = int(node.commit_date); before node: ChangedFile -> { if (!iskind("SOURCE_JAVA_JLS", node.kind)) stop; cur_file =; } before node: Modifier -> if (node.kind == ModifierKind.ANNOTATION) if (!haskey(times, cur_file)) { times[cur_file] = true; AnnotFirstUse[] cur_file =; before node: Modifier -> if (node.kind == ModifierKind.ANNOTATION) files[cur_file] = lookup(files, cur_file, 0) + 1; }); if (len(files) > 0) { keyset := keys(files); foreach (k: int; keyset[k]) { AnnotUse 0 && len(m.statements[0].statements) > 0) Opportunity: Assert 61 # visit the method before m: Method -> if (len(m.statements) > 0 && len(m.statements[0].statements) > 0) # visit the first statement inside the methods block visit(m.statements[0].statements[0], visitor { before node: Statement -> }); Opportunity: Assert 62 # visit the method before m: Method -> if (len(m.statements) > 0 && len(m.statements[0].statements) > 0) # visit the first statement inside the methods block visit(m.statements[0].statements[0], visitor { before node: Statement -> # look for: if (..) throw new IllegalArgEx() if (node.kind == StatementKind.IF }); Opportunity: Assert 63 # visit the method before m: Method -> if (len(m.statements) > 0 && len(m.statements[0].statements) > 0) # visit the first statement inside the methods block visit(m.statements[0].statements[0], visitor { before node: Statement -> # look for: if (..) throw new IllegalArgEx() if (node.kind == StatementKind.IF && node.statements[0].kind == StatementKind.THROW }); Opportunity: Assert 64 # visit the method before m: Method -> if (len(m.statements) > 0 && len(m.statements[0].statements) > 0) # visit the first statement inside the methods block visit(m.statements[0].statements[0], visitor { before node: Statement -> # look for: if (..) throw new IllegalArgEx() if (node.kind == StatementKind.IF && node.statements[0].kind == StatementKind.THROW && match(`^(java\.lang\.)?IllegalArgumentException$`, node.statements[0] }); Opportunity: Assert 65 # visit the method before m: Method -> if (len(m.statements) > 0 && len(m.statements[0].statements) > 0) # visit the first statement inside the methods block visit(m.statements[0].statements[0], visitor { before node: Statement -> # look for: if (..) throw new IllegalArgEx() if (node.kind == StatementKind.IF && node.statements[0].kind == StatementKind.THROW && match(`^(java\.lang\.)?IllegalArgumentException$`, node.statements[0] # found one! o if (e.kind == ExpressionKind.NEW # make sure it is a generic type && def(e.new_type) && strfind(" -1 # make sure it isnt using a diamond already && strfind("", == -1) Opportunity: Diamond 79 before e: Expression -> if (e.kind == ExpressionKind.NEW # make sure it is a generic type && def(e.new_type) && strfind(" -1 # make sure it isnt using a diamond already && strfind("", == -1) # found one! o # try statement if (s.kind == StatementKind.TRY Opportunity: Try w/ Resources 82 before s: Statement -> # try statement with at a finally block if (s.kind == StatementKind.TRY && len(s.statements) > 1 && s.statements[len(s.statements)-1].kind == StatementKind.BLOCK) Opportunity: Try w/ Resources 83 before s: Statement -> # try statement with at least a finally if (s.kind == StatementKind.TRY && len(s.statements) > 1 && s.statements[len(s.statements)-1].kind == StatementKind.BLOCK) visit(s.statements[len(s.statements) - 1], visitor { before e: Expression -> }); Opportunity: Try w/ Resources 84 before s: Statement -> # try statement with at least a finally if (s.kind == StatementKind.TRY && len(s.statements) > 1 && s.statements[len(s.statements)-1].kind == StatementKind.BLOCK) visit(s.statements[len(s.statements) - 1], visitor { before e: Expression -> # find a call to close() if (e.kind == ExpressionKind.METHODCALL && def(e.method) && e.method == "close && len(e.method_args) == 0) }); Opportunity: Try w/ Resources 85 before s: Statement -> # try statement with at least a finally if (s.kind == StatementKind.TRY && len(s.statements) > 1 && s.statements[len(s.statements)-1].kind == StatementKind.BLOCK) visit(s.statements[len(s.statements) - 1], visitor { before e: Expression -> # find a call to close() if (e.kind == ExpressionKind.METHODCALL && def(e.method) && e.method == "close && len(e.method_args) == 0) # found one! o potential N+1 (Revision N) (Revision N+1) 90 Detected lots of conversions! manual, systematic sampling confirms 2602 conversions 13 not conversions AssertVarargsDiamondMultiCatch Try w/ Resources Underscore Literals Count K8.5K Files K3.8K Projects 91 Similar usage patterns AssertVarargsDiamondMultiCatch Try w/ Resources Underscor e Literals Count K8.5K Files K3.8K Projects Old code converted to use new features Only few features see high use AssertVarargs Binary Literals DiamondMultiCatch Try w/ Resources Underscore Literals Old 89K612K56K3.3M341K489K5.3M New 291K1.6M5K414K24K33K507K All 380K2.2M61K3.7M365K522K5.8M Files 1.39%12.74%0.11%12.25%2.28%1.85%5.86% Projects 18.18%88.78%5.9%59.08%49.75%37.27%51.15% Despite (missed) potential for use Feature adoption by individuals To summarize... 92 Summary Ultra-large-scale language feature studies pose several challenges Automatically parallelizes queries Domain-specific language, types, and functions to make mining software repositories easier Boa provides abstractions to address these challenges Ultra-large-scale dataset with millions of projects 93 Boa's Global Impact 370+ users from over 20 countries! Participate in the MSR 2016 Mining Challenge 94deadline: Feb 19

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