Page 1: mini-zine: the elements of art

8/4/2019 mini-zine: the elements of art 1/1

Name: _____________________________________ Date: ___________ Due: _________

MINI-ZINE: THE ELEMENTS OF ARTCreate eight-page mini-zine that communicates your knowledge and understanding of

the 7 elements of art. Identify and define each element in your own words, pictures, andillustrations, including a color study of a master artwork from around the room thatdemonstrates 1+ elements in its composition. Use your knowledge of hand-lettering to make

text that is just as artful as the images. Compose your pages artfully, so they areinformative, clear, and visually interesting.

Complete this rubric (including a 1-2 sentence comment) and submit it with yourfinished work by the due date.

RATINGS: 0=Not at all 1=Barely 2=Sort of 3=Mostly 4=Definitely 

Criteria: Student Teacher

Identified the 7 elements of art and demonstrated an understandingof their meaning with words and pictures in an eight-page mini-zine

Included a definition of each element in your own words in order toclearly communicate each elementʼs meaning in art

Carefully drew a ½-page (or larger) color study of a master artworkthat is a good example of 1+ elements on one page of your ʻzine

Used hand-lettering (not just handwriting) to make words and text

in your mini-zine artful and interesting to look at and read

Designed each page in an interesting way and arranged titles,images, definitions, and decorative details to create visual interest

Created a cover for your mini-zine that is eye-catching andincludes a interesting, artful, and legible title

Mini-zine is carefully folded/constructed and materials are usedneatly and carefully, demonstrating a high level of craftsmanship

TOTAL:28 28

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