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Miley Cyrus/We cant stop

Miley Cyrus is an artist in the music industry who hasnt failed to create wild controversy within the media, over the past few years. Miley has turned into a reckless, confused young woman who loves to smoke marijuana and take drugs (such as MDMA/MOLLY, as said in this song) and she is a girl who loves to expose her body to the public. These are only an example of the small amount of things that people from society and within media have said about Miley over the past two years. We cant stop was released onto the screens of the public in June 2013, in the video Miley is wearing minimal clothing and the lyrics refer to her being a typical young woman of society who feels as if things should be run her way. Maybe a new root of feminism?. We cant stop, we wont stop. We run things, things dont run we, these lyrics tie in with the visuals of the music video (directed by Diane Martel) as Miley is throwing a party and here is where we see Andrew Goodwins key features to a music video commencing. Looking at Goodwins theory and Mileys music video for this song, it has become apparent that Miley has quite a high sex appeal, she isnt wearing much clothing. The use of the mid shots are used to flaunt her body and gives viewers the impression that Miley can do whatever she wants, as she pleases. This idea continues to where she grabs the bed sheets towards the end of the video and her wild twerking is another reason for her sex appeal, something Goodwin has in his theory of what makes a music video. In the music video there are various establishing shots, one of these is when Miley is on her hands and knees and the camera hovers over her. (1:08, as mentioned before). When Miley is dancing, quite seductively (1.28) in the music video the camera angle changes to a long shot so the viewer can see her body, so we can see her friends bodies and see the surrounding areas around them, mese-en-sene. This adds to the fact that she wants to be seen as a sexual character to her audience, gaining as much attention from people in a short amount of time, as we are the MTV generation of an MTV based society. As Im watching this video, becoming a critique of my own kind, analyzing Mileys madness and capturing some of the shots used and questioning why they have been used? I realized that there was a camera shot that had captured my attention towards the beginning of the video and continued throughout. A hand held shot. This shot gives me (as the viewer) the feeling that Im at this party, that Im a part of the madness. That people in the music video (at the party) couldnt care less about whats going on, as this is stated repeatedly throughout the lyrics and visuals, combined.There are many quick cuts created during the editing process of this music video, the reason why Diane Martel may have wanted to do this is to show how attention can be drawn from different scenes, situations and issues, the quick cuts allow these thoughts to be looked over in a very short amount of time. I personally think that the use of quick cuts has been a main reason of effect to the music video, keeping people on edge, as we see Mileys different facial expressions and dance moves, showing us various sides of her. The happy side of her, the side having fun and not caring about what people think of her music and lyrics and of her lifestyle after her extreme breakout from Disneys Hannah Montana. Lip syncing has been used to a minor extent of this video. Lip syncing has to be done in the music video to make the viewers feel as if Miley is actually saying something directly to them, this is a demand of her record label. Miley is in fact a brand, a brand to society, a brand to her record label and overall her own brand, that people find hard to control. Leading onto close ups (another shot), if no close ups were used in the music video, I think it would be hard to see who the music video is directly targeted at and who or what the premise of video is allowing people to gain an idea of who the dominant figure in We cant stop is. The camera is also voyeuristic (Keeping Goodwins theory in mind.) Mid shots and wide angle shots have once again been used to portray what her lifestyle is like, how her body needs to cover the screen, the cameras need to be set and focused on her. Making her more appealing as she is filling the screen when these shots are being used, shots like this kind, brings in attention. Of course feminism and femininity would come into place when looking at Miley Cyrus Laura Mulveys theory has some kind of effect on this music video and it shows that Miley is not the man-hater she makes herself out to be. However, in the We Cant Stop video Miley isn't dominated and looked down upon, by a male figure. The video consists of her having fun and being with friends. There aren't any lovers introduced into the song, but referencing to many. Near the end she kisses a mans chest, as we see that Miley has just woken up from the night prior. His face is not shown in the shot, this illustrates (to the viewer) that he isn't that important that he needs to be shown and that Miley is important, that she is dominant over everyone else in the music video and she in fact, cannot be stopped.

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