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MildewHow to Keep Your Boat and Boat

Cover Safe from Nature’s Decomposer

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IntroductionMolds and mildew are essential parts

of the recycling process. They help break down organic material, convert it into compost and return it to Earth. However, if not kept in check they will grow in unwanted places. Mildew can ruin boat interiors, boat covers and be detrimental to your health. Learn what precautions to take to keep you and your boat safe during both boating season and winter.

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What is Mildew?O Mildew is mold in its

early stages. It thrives in warm, moist and dirty environments and devours anything organic in nature, including wood, fabric, wallpaper, ceiling tiles, drywall, carpet, insulation and plants.

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How Does Mildew Grow?O Mildew colonies can grow

on virtually any damp surface in as little as 24 hours. They reproduce by sending spores into the air: little “seeds” that plant themselves. If they land on an uninhabitable surface, they can lie dormant for hundreds of years until conditions become suitable for growth, such as an introduction of water.

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How Much Damage Can It Do?

To Your Health To Your Boat

O If exposure to molds is great and prolonged, the consequence could be fatal.

OThis is especially true among individuals with asthma and severe allergies.

O When not properly ventilated, boat covers, even in Utah where the climate is dry, create warm, humid environments perfect for mildew growth.

O Mildew can ruin boat upholstery, electronics and weaken structural integrity.

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How Can I Get Rid of It?

You will recognize the presence of mildew by

smelling a musty odor and seeing black, green, blue

or sometimes gold splotching. Although it is

impossible to totally eradicate all mildew

spores, you can fight back and restore your boat’s

interior and boat cover to their original condition.

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How to Clean Your Boat Cover

O Boat covers should never be thrown into a washing machine, as this can damage the fabric.

O You can purchase a commercial cleaner made especially for boat covers or you can use your own remedy:

O In a bucket or sprayer, combine 1 cup Borax powder (found in grocery stores), 1 cup vinegar and 2 cups warm water. Pour directly onto mildew stains, let sit and then gently scrub with a soft bristle brush.

O If that solution is ineffective, try a mixture of 4 quarts water, 1 quart bleach and 2/3 cup TSP (tri-sodium phosphate, available at hardware stores). Be sure to wear rubber gloves and eye protection.

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How Do I Prevent Mildew From

Growing?There are a variety of

methods to help prevent mildew growth, including

monthly cleaning, purchasing a high-quality boat cover from a Utah manufacturer, installing

vented support poles and purchasing a dehumidifier

or air dryer.

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Keep It CleanO Since mildew thrives best in dirty

places, one of the best ways to prevent it from growing is to keep your boat and boat cover clean.

O Periodically brush any dirt and debris off of your cover.

O About once a month or so, hand-wash your boat cover with soap and lukewarm water.

O Before covering and storing your boat for winter, be sure that the boat’s interior is clean and thoroughly dry.

O When boating season is in play, store you boat cover in a safe, dry place, never inside your boat where it can get wet.

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Purchase High-Quality Fabric

O Invest in the best and purchase a boat cover made from breathable, mildew-resistant fabric such as Sunbrella or Performance Poly-Guard.

O Shop at a reliable boat covers manufacturer in Utah.

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Install Vented Support Poles

OVented support poles increase the airflow underneath boat covers.

OThey release trapped heat and moisture without letting in rain or snow.

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Try a Dehumidifier or Air Dryer

O Dehumidifiers and air dryers work by reducing humidity and condensation.

O Electric dehumidifies raise the air temperature slightly above dew point in order to prevent mildew growth.

O Non-electric air dryers use crystals or gel to collect moisture from the air, essentially soaking it up like a sponge.

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A Final Word

NEVER put a tarp or vinyl cover over your boat

cover. Doing so will trap moisture and prevent

proper air flow, encouraging mildew


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