
Marc F. BernardSAP NetWeaver RIG

Migration Strategies to the SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools


BEx Design Time

BEx Runtime

BEx Broadcaster


SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 3


This presentations compares the BEx Suite of SAP BW 3.x to SAP NetWeaver 2004s. It also describes a phased migration strategy.


� BEx Query Designer

� BEx Web Application Designer

� BEx Report Designer


� BEx Analyzer (Microsoft Excel)

� BEx Web

� BEx Broadcaster

SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 4

Migration Strategy


� Minimizes complications

� Avoid confusing users by asking them to use multiple tools at the same time

� Reduce worries about backwards compatibilities or accidental



� Simplified migration path

� Small highly defined phases

� Focus on short term projects that can add immediate benefit to the organization

SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 5

Migration in Phases

1. Technical Upgrade

2. Analysis Authorizations

3. Portal Roles and KM Folders

4. SAP NetWeaver 2004s Tools Rollout

5. New Reporting Security

6. Migrate Web Templates/Move Workbooks

7. Broadcasting Security and Migration

8. Roll out Broadcasting

9. Visual Composer

Please check SDN Blog for information on other phases:

Focus for this presentation:

Phases 4, 6, and 7

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The Tools

SAP NetWeaver ‘04 (SAP BW 3.x)

SAP NetWeaver 2004s

SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 7

BEx Tools and Design-Time

With SAP NetWeaver 2004s, new tools and a new runtime are available in the Business

Explorer (BEx). At the same time, all of the previous tools and the Web runtime from SAP

BW 3.5 will be delivered in order to guarantee a step-by-step, demand-oriented transition

New BEx Tools in SAP NetWeaver 2004s

� New SAP NetWeaver 2004s Front-end features are ONLY available with the new SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEX tools.

� Objects that were created with the SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx tools can not longer be edited with 3.x BEx tools.

SAP BW 3.x Tools on top of SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI

� To ensure that existing customer scenarios can continue to be edited (mainly for correction purposes), an additional set of 3.x BEx tools is delivered with the SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx Front-end installation.

� It is possible to work with these 3.x BEx tools in connection with the new SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI server.

Transition from SAP BW 3.x to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx Tools

� Conversion (if possible) occurs when the previous objects are opened in the new tools. This enables transition on an as-needed basis. There is no mass conversion of objects.

� Converted objects are stored as new objects. Old objects are never automatically deleted.

� The recommendation is to make the change step by step, because further new features will only be made for the new tools.

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BEx Tool Changes & Replacements

�The BEx Browser and the BEx Download Scheduler are no longer developed. Their

functions are taken over by the SAP NetWeaver 2004s Portal, KM & BEx Broadcaster capabilities

���� The SAP NetWeaver Portal provides a role-based overview of various objects and distribution of documents takes place using the BEx Broadcaster or

functions in the BEx Portfolio area and Knowledge Management in the portal.

�The Reporting Agent is no longer developed. Its functions are taken over by the

BEx Broadcaster, the Portal & the SAP NetWeaver Alert Framework

�The BEX Ad-Hoc Query Designer is no longer developed. It is replaced by the BEx Web Analyzer.

���� In the BEx Web Analyzer, query views can be created based on BEx queries, InfoProviders and third party multidimensional data providers that offer an

XMLA or ODBO interface


BEx Design Time

BEx Runtime

BEx Broadcaster


SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 10

BEx Query Designer

Business Explorer Suite (BEx)

BEx Query Designer

BEx Broadcaster



BEx WebApplication


MS Excel Add-in



BEx Web BEx Analyzer

BI Pattern

SAP NetWeaver

BI Info Provider3rd Party BI

BI Consumer Services



SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 11

BEx Query Designer (1)

BEx Query Designer – SAP BW 3.x and SAP NetWeaver 2004s

�All existing SAP BW 3.x queries can be edited with the SAP NetWeaver 2004s

BEx Query Designer without further manual adaptation.

�After editing with the new tool queries cannot be edited with the SAP BW 3.x BEx Query Designer anymore

�Queries created or adapted with the SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx Query Designer will still appear in the Open Dialog of the SAP BW 3.x tool but they cannot be opened anymore

�For those scenarios were customers do not want to use the SAP NetWeaver

2004s BEx Query Designer, SAP ships an SAP BW 3.x version of the BEx Query Designer additionally to the SAP NetWeaver 2004s version.

�New capabilities are only implemented in the SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx Query Designer

�Query Views that were created before will still run after a query has been changed with the new BEx Query Designer

� In general query views do not need to be migrated

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SAP BW 3.x

BEx Query Designer (2)




open save

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SAP NetWeaver 2004s

BEx Query Designer (3)


Queries | Queries 3.x | 2004s

open save



* Visible but can not be opened

open save

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SAP NetWeaver 2004s – How to use new functionality

BEx Query Designer (4)


Queries | Queries 3.x | 2004s

open save



* Visible but can not be opened

open save


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BEx Query Designer (5)

Upgrade of Queries

� Optional but necessary to use any of the new functionality

� Query views are not impacted by the upgrade


� Once a query is upgraded, it can not be opened anymore with the old tool

� If a reusable component (variable, restricted or calculated key figure) is changed in the new tool, then all queries that use this component can

not be opened in the old tool anymore!

Release Notes



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BEx Query Designer (6)

BEx Query Designer

� Allows you to define queries for InfoProviders to analyze the dataset of the BI System


� Queries are stored with same name but new version to existing database table

Overwrite with new version

�Exiting Queries are overwritten with new version

Editing Queries

� Queries with new version could only be opened with SAP NetWeaver2004s BEx Query Designer

� See Note 962530 how to restrict access to Query Designer

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BEx Query Designer (7)

Using Queries

� Both versions (SAP BW 3.x and SAP NetWeaver 2004s) of Queries could be used in both versions of BEx Tools and runtimes

� Samples

– Queries (SAP BW 3.x) could be used without change in BEx Web Application Designer (SAP NetWeaver 2004s)

– SAP NetWeaver 2004s Queries could be used in BEx Analyzer (SAP BW 3.x)

Process of Migration

� Save Query with SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx Query Designer

� Possible problem: reusable objects (structures, key figures, variables) might also get new version

�Other Queries using these reusable objects could be only opened with SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx Query Designer

�See Note 949330 about Query backup & restore

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BEx Web Application Designer

Business Explorer Suite (BEx)

BEx Query Designer

BEx Broadcaster



BEx WebApplication


MS Excel Add-in



BEx Web BEx Analyzer

BI Pattern

SAP NetWeaver

BI Info Provider3rd Party BI

BI Consumer Services



SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 19

BEx Web Application Designer (1)

BEx Web Application Designer (Web AD) – SAP BW 3.x and SAP NetWeaver 2004s

� SAP ensures that existing customer scenarios continue to be able to be edited with the SAP BW 3.x Web AD that is shipped in SAP NetWeaver 2004s along with the new Web AD

� Additionally to many new items in the SAP NetWeaver 2004s Web AD some SAP BW 3.x items are not included any more.

� Examples

–The menu item is replaced by Portal functionality

–The Alert Monitor is replaced by the Universal Worklist (Portal feature)

� A migration can be triggered if an SAP BW 3.x web application is opened with the SAP NetWeaver 2004s Web AD

� BEx Web applications in which certain customer-specific enhancements (e.g., Table Interface, custom Java-Script) were made cannot be automatically converted with the newBEx Web AD. Manual adaptation might be necessary to ensure the proper behavior of the web application.

� After saving with the SAP NetWeaver 2004s Web AD, the migrated version of a web application cannot longer be used in the SAP BW 3.x BEx Web AD. Migrated versions will not appear in the open dialog of the old tool.

� After migration, the old version of a web application is still available in the SAP BW 3.x BEx Web AD. The old version will still appear in the open dialog of the old tool. Migration can be done as many times as need since old web applications are not deleted.

� New capabilities are only implemented in the SAP NetWeaver 2004s Web AD

� Web templates for the new BEx Web runtime can only be created with the new BEx Web AD.

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BEx Web Application Designer (2)

SAP BW 3.x


Web Templates


open save

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BEx Web Application Designer (3)

SAP NetWeaver 2004s


Web Templates


open save


Web Templates


open save

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BEx Web Application Designer (4)

SAP NetWeaver 2004s – How to use new functionality



Web Templates


open save


Web Templates


open save

SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 23

BEx Web Application Designer (5)

Migration of Web Templates

� Optional but necessary to use any of the new functionality

� Some web items have been changed or been deleted

� If customer-specific enhancements have been made (for example JavaScript or Table Interface), then manual adjustments might be



� Once a web template is migrated, it can not be opened anymore with the

old tool

Release Notes



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BEx Web Application Designer (6)

Web Application Designer

� Allows you to use generic OLAP navigation for your BI data in Web applications as well as in business intelligence cockpits for simple or highly individual scenarios

Web Templates

� Different formats of Web Templates (HTML vs. XHTML) ���� Well-structured web design

� Different runtimes for Web Templates (ABAP vs. Java) ���� More standard functionalities, better performance

� Web Templates are stored with new name and new version to new database table

�Web Templates are always newly created

�Exiting Web Templates could not be overwritten

Stored as new object

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BEx Web Application Designer (7)

Process of Migration

� Rebuild or migrate with Tool in SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx Web Application Designer

� Web Templates with…

�JavaScript used for Layout (Tab Pages, etc.) should be rebuilt

�Charts could be migrated, manual adjustments may be required

Rebuilding Web Templates

� Content (Queries) already existing

� Required functionality already known

� Command Wizard accelerate creation of commands

� New Layout Web Items (Tab Pages, Container, Buttons, …) minimize need of JavaScript

� New Web Items (Navigation Panel, Properties Pane)

�Required time for rebuilding a Web Template is less than creating it initially in SAP BW 3.x

�Standard Web Items and HTML could be migrated

�JavaScript used for Commands could be migrated

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BEx Web Design API for Tables (Table Interface) (1)

Official statement in note 931395

... The BEx Web Design API for Tables (table interface) and

related customized ABAP coding that was available within

the ABAP Web runtime is not available in the Java Web



Therefore, in the next major SAP NetWeaver Release after

SAP NetWeaver 2004s, SAP will provide a Java-based

interface that can offer additional flexibility for

customized coding. ...

Situation in SAP BW 3.x

� HTML: Unrestricted usage of HTML

� JavaScript: Own coding without any guiding principles and limits

� Commands: Usable in links or in JavaScript but no tool support

� Table Interface: Change content and style of table in own ABAP class

� Help Service: Unrestricted generation of HTML in own ABAP coding

���� BEx Web offers a platform for freestyle web design

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BEx Web Design API for Tables (Table Interface) (2)

Situation in SAP NetWeaver 2004s

� Standard functionality replaces customer-specific coding (printing, exceptions, sorting, …)

� BEx Web Application Designer with Command wizard and new Web Items (Tab Pages, Button Group), BEx Report Designer, …

� XHTML and Unified Rendering is used for Web Items

�BEx Web offers a platform and a wide range of tools for well-

structured web design

Use cases of table interface need to be categorized by:

� Use cases replaceable by standard functionality

� Use cases with reasonable extension of standard functionality (add to planned feature list)

� Use case with too custom-specific requirements; for these gaps extension interface are planned

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Enterprise Reporting is the reporting component of the

Business Explorer

� BEx Report Designer is a user-friendly design tool to create formatted Reports

� Formatted Reports are optimized for presentation and print

� Reports are new objects in SAP NetWeaver 2004s

���� No migration required

BEx Report Designer and Reports


BEx Design Time

BEx Runtime

BEx Broadcaster


SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 30

BEx Analyzer / Microsoft Excel Runtime

SAP NetWeaver


Business Explorer Suite (BEx)

BEx Query Designer

BEx Broadcaster



BEx WebApplication


MS Excel Add-in



BEx Web BEx Analyzer

BI Pattern

SAP NetWeaver

BI Info Provider3rd Party BI

BI Consumer Services

SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 31

BEx Analyzer / Microsoft Excel Runtime (1)

BEx Analyzer – SAP BW 3.x and SAP NetWeaver 2004s

� Existing SAP BW 3.x queries and workbooks can be opened with the SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx Analyzer

� Standard workbooks are automatically upgraded, workbooks with customer coding will be upgraded with a best guess strategy.

� Manual adaptation might be necessary to ensure the proper behavior of the workbook. (e.g., customer Visual Basic has to be manually adapted)

� After saving in the new tool, workbooks can no longer be used in the SAP BW 3.x BEx Analyzer. They will not appear in the open dialog any more.

� For those scenarios were customers do not want to use the SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx Analyzer, SAP additionally ships a SAP BW 3.x version.

� After migration the old version of a workbook is still available in the old SAP BW 3.x BEx Analyzer. Migration can be done as many times as need. Old workbooks are not deleted.

� New capabilities are only implemented in the SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx Analyzer

� GIS functionality is only available via BEx Web (BEx Web Application Designer)

� The new BEx Analyzer gives access to InfoProviders & queries but not to query views created with the new BEx Web Analyzer. On the other hand, query views created with the new BEx Analyzer are available within the new BEx Web Analyzer

� Several features of the new BEx Query Designer and BEx Web (e.g., in the area of exceptions and conditions) are not available in the new BEx Analyzer.

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BEx Analyzer / Microsoft Excel Runtime (2)

SAP BW 3.x







open save

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BEx Analyzer / Microsoft Excel Runtime (3)

SAP NetWeaver 2004s




open save




open save

Queries | Queries

3.x | 2004s

open openopen

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BEx Analyzer / Microsoft Excel Runtime (4)

SAP NetWeaver 2004s – How to use new functionality




open save




open save

Queries | Queries

3.x | 2004s

open openopen


SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 35

Migration of Workbooks

� Optional but necessary to use any of the new functionality

� If customer-specific enhancements have been made (for example Visual Basic), then manual adjustments might be necessary

� Migrated workbooks are automatically saved under a new name/id


� GIS functions are only available with the BEx Web

� BEx Analyzer does not support some of the functionality that is available in BEx Web (for example, specific settings of exceptions)

Release Notes


BEx Analyzer / Microsoft Excel Runtime (5)

SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 36

BEx Analyzer / Microsoft Excel Runtime (6)

BEx Analyzer

� BEx Analyzer is Business Explorer's analytical, reporting, and design tool embedded in Microsoft Excel


� Workbooks are stored with new name and new version to existing database table

Stored with new name

�Workbooks are always newly created

�Exiting Workbooks could not be overwritten

Process of Migration

� Standard Workbooks are automatically upgraded by opening

� Workbooks with customer coding will be upgraded with a best guess strategy

�Migration could be repeated as many times as required

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BEx Web / Web Runtime

Business Explorer Suite (BEx)

BEx Query Designer

BEx Broadcaster



BEx WebApplication


MS Excel Add-in



BEx Web BEx Analyzer

BI Pattern

SAP NetWeaver

BI Info Provider3rd Party BI

BI Consumer Services



SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 38

BEx Web / Web Runtime (1)

BEx Runtime in SAP NetWeaver 2004s

�New SAP NetWeaver 2004s features & functions (e.g., BI Integrated Planning, Enterprise Reporting and PDF-based printing) are only possible with the new

Web runtime.

�This new runtime is based on the technology of the SAP NetWeaver Portal &

the SAP NetWeaver AS J2EE engine.

�The new runtime does not support the Table Interface anymore

�The old SAP BW 3.x runtime is still part of SAP NetWeaver 2004s and can be

operated in parallel to the new runtime. Therewith SAP ensures that existing customer scenarios continue to run. These scenarios can still be run on the SAP BW 3.x runtime within a SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI server.

�The recommendation is to make the change step by step, because further new features will only be made for the new runtime.

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BEx Web / Web Runtime (2)

SAP BW 3.x


Web Templates



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BEx Web / Web Runtime (3)

SAP NetWeaver 2004s


Web Templates




Web Templates



SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 41


� There is no migration

� The new runtime works only with new or migrated web templates

Release Notes


BEx Web / Web Runtime (4)


BEx Design Time

BEx Runtime

BEx Broadcaster


SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 43

BEx Broadcaster and Information Broadcasting



Business Explorer Suite (BEx)

BEx Query Designer

BEx Broadcaster



BEx WebApplication


MS Excel Add-in



BEx Web BEx Analyzer

BI Pattern

SAP NetWeaver

BI Info Provider3rd Party BI

BI Consumer Services

SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 44

BEx Broadcaster and Information Broadcasting (1)

Information Broadcasting

� In SAP NetWeaver 2004s, the BEx Broadcaster is shipped in an SAP BW 3.x version and in a SAP NetWeaver 2004s version

�The SAP BW 3.x version is started from the SAP BW 3.x BEx tools and/or the context menu of Web applications running on the old runtime

�The SAP NetWeaver 2004s version is started from SAP NetWeaver 2004s BEx tools and/or context menu of Web applications running on the new runtime

�Existing SAP BW 3.x broadcasting settings can still be maintained and processed with the SAP BW 3.x version of the BEx Broadcaster

� If you use the new BEx Broadcaster,

�You can build settings on all queries in the system but you have to build them from scratch. You cannot use already existing SAP BW 3.x broadcasting settings for queries

�You can build settings on all Web applications that were built or converted with the SAP NetWeaver 2004s Web AD. You cannot build settings on old Web applications.

�SAP BW 3.x broadcasting settings for workbooks can be used as before. There are no changes.

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BEx Broadcaster and Information Broadcasting (2)

SAP BW 3.x

Broadcast Settings


open save



start start

SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 46

BEx Broadcaster and Information Broadcasting (3)

SAP NetWeaver 2004s

Broadcast Settings3.x

open save



start start

Broadcast Settings2004s

open save



start start

open *

* Only for workbook settings

save *

SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 47

Migration of Broadcast Settings

� Optional but necessary to use any of the new functionality

� Queries

– New broadcaster can be used for ALL queries (3.x and 2004s)

– Settings have to be created from scratch

� Web Templates

– New broadcaster can be used only for new web templates (2004s)

– Settings have to be created from scratch

� Workbooks

– New broadcaster can be used for ALL workbooks (3.x and 2004s)

– Old settings continue to work

Release Notes


BEx Broadcaster and Information Broadcasting (4)


BEx Design Time

BEx Runtime

BEx Broadcaster


SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 49


� The new tools offer lots of benefits and remove limitations of the old tools.

� Both old and new tools are delivered in order to guarantee a step-by-step, demand-oriented transition.

� Some things work differently or are not yet available in the newSAP NetWeaver 2004s BI tools. Check the details.

� Take a phased approach to minimize complications.

� Remember, the majority of users will not need design-time tools.

� Manage the change to make sure the migration goes smoothly,

Have fun using the new SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI tools!

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SAP AG 2006, Migration Strategies to SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Tools / 51

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