
To whom it may concern:

This email is in reference to Mr. Curtis Brown. I have know Curtis now for nearly seven years. I first met him in 2007. At that time, I was working for a large retail chain in the town where I live. I met Curtis one day while I was working, through a mutual friend whom I also worked with. My very first impression of Curtis was that this man loves the Lord. As time went on, I would have the opportunity to talk to Curtis more frequently and get to know him on more than just a customer level. We became very good and close friends. The more that I got to know Curtis, the more I could see what a deep, close, and very personal relationship this man has with God. It became very apparent to me that God brought this man into my life not only as a friend but as a tool to help me in my own personal walk with Christ. I have never met a person that I can honestly say is not afraid to witness to anyone for Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter what the circumstance at that very moment or the location whether public or private. Curtis loves to share the Gospel with anyone, believer or non believer. It doesn't take long to see being around him that the love of God is in him. His actions convey everything that he speaks. He is truly an amazing man of God. I wondered to myself on many occasions how this man could be on fire so passionately for God. It wasn't until the day that Curtis shared with me his personal testimony that I fully understood where that passion came from. I sat in awe as I listened to him tell me of his childhood, family life, and experience in the United States Army. What an amazing story of pain, loneliness, heartache, happiness, sacrifice, and the list just goes on and on. The best part about a person sharing their testimony is hearing the outcome. I believe what has amazed me the most, is hearing and seeing for myself the other end of all those hurtful events in his life. I have seen the man that God took him from being, to the man of God that the Lord Himself propelled Curtis to become and the amazing ministry that God has given to him. I have never know anyone else personally who conveys what living life as a Christian example should be or comes as close to as Curtis Brown. God has blessed this man in so many ways by giving him an amazing family, a fantastic church home, and a ministry that has given him the ability to speak to untold numbers of people all across the United States and foreign countries. I have personally seen him witness the love of Jesus Christ while being in some of the hardest times in his life to men and women at a nearby veterans hospital desperately in need of hearing the Gospel and knowing Jesus Christ personally. I have seen Curtis in the best of times and the worst of times. The one thing that has always and I do mean always has remained consistent, is his love and passion for Jesus Christ, for sharing His Gospel, and living his life on this earth to the best of his ability to be the example of what it means to live the Christian life. If there was ever a person that I would want as my friend or to speak to others about Christ, it would be Curtis Brown. His story and testimony are meant to convey a message of where God found him and where he found God. It is a story of triumph and heartbreak where God found a broken man and put him back together to share that story so that the Lord could be glorified because of it. I encourage you to visit with Curtis and to give him the opportunity to share his story with you and that of your congregation. Thank you for this opportunity to tell you about an awesome man of God. Sincerely, Michael Hunt

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