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Michael C. Mangan

ARTIST. DESIGNER. [email protected] 860-670-7755

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My journey in life speaks to the opportunities that I have been fortunate to receive. Before you is my story of the people and experiences that have truly made me the person I am today. Born into a family that provided constant support, I was able to explore a range of paths to figure out what my interests in life were. I traveled down paths that brought me to different schools, different cities, new jobs, new people, life changing events and currently a path that is just starting to be navigated. I have experienced events that have cultivated my need for giving back, something that I have been able to incorporate and project through my work as an artist and a designer. More than anything, I can truly affirm that my story is one that speaks to the person I have become and the person I strive to be.


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My parents purchased this home in Farmington, Connecticut in 1997. They took what was a small Dutch Colonial style house and turned it into a whole new home. This is how my parents showed me the power of creativity. They took a house & turned it into a home of great possibility.

Home, Sweet Home.

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Born into a family of a unconditional love, I was raised with every fortune

possible. My parents, Anne Marie and Stephen, were destined to be parents,

for they set the bar for everything a parent can be. Steph, my twin sister,

and I were brought up in an environment that fostered opportunity to explore

what life had to offer.

My parents became the type of people they are through the way in which they

were raised. Both sides are a testament to the reasons why I have become the

person I am. My grandparents from both sides of the family taught my parents

to strive for greatness in every aspect of life, a lesson that they continued

to teach me.

Raised with most of my family close by me, I had the fortunate opportunity to

be taught and loved by my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Each

member of my family has given me a value that I use in my everyday commitment

to live life to the greatest degree.

familyThe Twin(top left) Steph is my twin sister. We have spent our whole lives together. She is a strong & determined woman. She is a constant inspiration.

The Artist(top right) Kevin is considered the cool Uncle. To me, he is an artist that did what made him happy. Having an artist in the family made it seem all the more possible to pursue a career in that field.

A family Portrait(left) To me, this photo taken in the early 1990’s shows my parent’s love, a love that continues to guide me in my daily pursuits in life.

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Nestled deep in the woods of Connecticut stands a school called Avon Old Farms School for Boys. It was here I spent the four most difficult, yet life changing years of my life. It was the men and women around me that taught me to grow intellectually, emotionally & creatively.

Aspirando et perseverando

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The decision to become a student here was something that had been sitting

with me my whole life. There was something about this school that always

attracted me. It might have been the architecture that look liked a trip

through J.K. Rowling’s mind, the prestigious reputation the school carried,

or simply the chance for a new beginning.

Educated in an all male environment, it was not always easy to make it

through four years. Fortunately, my mentors, Christine, Michelle, Tim & Gail,

taught me to strive for success and to always be true to myself.

In the end, the experience was life altering. In four years, I saw myself

become a leader who felt it was important to find ways to give back and help

the people around me. It was also here that my talent in the arts flourished.

I knew my future would be fulfilled through art & design. Most importantly it was here that I became a man of integrity.

Avon Old Farms Schoolmen of avon. This room of men taught me to be strong and dedicated. This was a community of support and honor where everything we did was done with a sense of pride. The spirit of this school cultivated within me the desire to lead and be one who works to find the best for the people around me.

NAtional winner (right) The yearbook I designed won four national awards. Two first place prizes by the Scholastic Foundation, and two gold metals for design & photography.

The Order (left) The school’s most prestigious award “The Order of Old Farms” is given to a select group of graduates who have “most generously served the welfare of the school with a sense of honor.” I was fortunate to be one of the recipients.

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Boston Bound.

After graduating from prep school, Boston became my new home. It was now college and I enrolled in a small fine arts school on Arlington Street. Before attending, I knew that I did not want to graduate from here. The year here transitioned me towards an unexpected future.

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After not being accepted to RISD, the usual first choice for any artist, I

considered smaller New England schools in the middle of nowhere. The idea

of living in a city was something that always fascinated me, which is why I

chose New England School of Art & Design.

Although the school was small, the talent was great. Professors & students

were passionate about art and knew that the fine arts was destiny for them.

Everyday was spent in the studio painting, drawing, carving and ultimately,

creating. My work This was fulfilling to some degree, but I knew something

was missing.

While I loved my time here, the intense passion of others made me realize that my life and future needed to be more than oil painting and figure drawing. I soon left this school, but my experiences through fine art and in a community filled with passionate people remained with me.

Nesad @ suffolk university

Fruit on paper(right)2010.

24” x 36” Pastel on Canson .

monoprint #3(above)

2009. 12” x12”

(each square) Ink and oil pastel

on paper.

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monoprint #3(above)2009. 12” x12” (each square) Ink and oil pastel on paper.

Greed(left)2009. 11” x 17”Mixed Media.

Self Portrait(opposite page)20108.5” x 6”Oil paint on masonite.

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Mid summer of 2010, the fiancée of a Professor at my prep school expressed

interest in owning a few pieces of my work. At this point in my life, I had

never truly sold a piece of my art. Instead of letting this potential

buyer browse work already created, we discussed possibly commissioning new

work. Having never been commissioned before, I eagerly accepted the offer.

Inspired by the gestural work of Franz Kline and the color usage of Jean-Michel Basquiat, two works came to fruition. Having no restrictions, I stretched two 5’ x 5’ canvases and used house paint as my medium. The process

involved pouring, staining, removing and adding repeatedly.

After being compensated for my work, the commissioner unfortunately never

followed through in taking the work after completion. In the two years to

follow, I found myself inspired to add to Untitled #1, officially completing

the piece. The opportunity of having free artistic range to create works for a

person willing to compensate was an exciting look into the careers of artists.

COmmissioned work

Untitled2012. 5’ x 5’Acrylic & oil.

Untitled2010. 5’ x 5’Acrylic & oil.

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to the East SideMoving on down

After Boston, I made the decision to move to New York City in the fall of 2010. This was always a place I assumed I would move to, but never this early. My years here have been eye opening. The city aided in cultivating the most invigorating years of my life.

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My first week of living in Manhattan, I was exploring my new neighborhood

when I came across a familiar “Garamond” typeface paired with bright colors

and rich textures. It was finally time to work with J. Crew.

In September of 2010 my journey with J. Crew began. Hired as support staff,

my role in the store was small, but it allowed me to see what I could become.

In time, my passion for providing great service transitioned me into becoming

a Lead Cashier. As a Lead Cashier, it is your responsibility to manage the overall operations and client experience at the cash wrap, always allowing for the most efficient and superior service to be provided.

My career with this company has been curated by the incomparable people I

work with daily, but also by the message and passion of J. Crew’s CEO Mickey

Drexler and creative director, Jenna Lyons. The J. Crew family has given me

the opportunity to first hand experience the power that a service can have on

a wide range of people.

J. Crew

a beautiful service(top right) The J.

Crew Style Guide is known as a tool that

has revolutionized the way people

understand a brand’s identity. Distributed

monthly, this guide is a service designed for customers to be a part of the J. Crew lifestyle.

It is what it is(top left) The store

speaks to the goals and standards of the

company. Beautiful merchandise is paired

against aesthetic beauty and with a staff

of people who are passionate about

working for J. Crew.

91 Fifth Avenue(right) The lower

Manhattan address gave me first hand

experience in the world of service. This

experience was made possible by some of

the most brilliant, dedicated, passionate & hardworking groups

of individuals.

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The New School was indeed what it sounded like, a new school. This was a

second chance at college, the chance to figure out what road to travel down.

Parsons was always a school that lingered in the corners of my mind, but now

it was a reality.

It was the first day of college all over again. I was placed into a sea of

freshman on E. 15th Street, which was not my first choice. The freshman year

experience already happened to me, it was now my time to figure out the right

path to travel on. That, however, was not easily achievable.

My schedule was a completely unstructured and unfocused concentration of

courses. I dabbled in film, urban planning, printmaking, web design and what would ultimately become my focus, Service Design. In hindsight,

this was the best way for me to start Parsons, for it allowed me to find a

balance between my fine art and design.

PArsons the new school for design

A study of Apple, Inc.(second row) 2010.This study analyzes Apple, Inc. as a service provider using basic service concepts.

making myself(first row) 2011.FilmA two-minute self portrait film that explores daily routines in creating my appearance.

grassroots mapping(left) 2010Stitched aerial photos of street life in NYC’s Union Square mapped using a DIY low-cost, balloon and camera tool.

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In the first year of The New School, there was still uncertainty in my

studies. It was clear to me that the fine arts would not be my full focus,

however, it was still an important part of my curriculum. In the fall of

2010, my first class was Printmaking Basics with a zany man named Bill. He

brought light to a foreign medium as he told these fabulous stories about

New York and the art scene of the Eighties. I was hooked.

This class dove deep into the techniques and wonders of printmaking, a field

that always intrigued me. It was an experience trying new processes and forms

to express my creative freedom. One printmaking process, Lithography, became

my new found passion.

My first litho print was a minimalistic rendering of disco diva, Grace Jones.

In a sole Lithography class with a print master, Lorenzo Clayton, my

capabilities were pushed to every limit. The visual style & process of creating a lithograph print captivated me for years to follow.


print time(top right) Here, I

remove asphaltum from my “Elvis

Presley” image in order to roll up and

print the stone.

Grinding The stone(top left) Original

lithography was first done on slabs of limestone. Here I grind a slab to a perfectly smooth

surface to create on.

It’s about the process(right) This cabinet

stores chemicals and tools that are used to grind and

prepare a stone for a lithograph. This is a time consuming and

arduous process.

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Matthew 27:29(top left)2011. 16” x 20” Lithograph.

Elvis Presley(top right)2012. 22” x 30”Lithograph.

Grace Jones(opposite page)201024” x 36”Lithograph

Fiore Moire(left)2010. 20” x 16”Screenprint.

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Hello, Service Design.

My path started to finally make sense with the introduction of Service Design. Here, design could be seen as a way to positively impact everyday life in many forms. Finally I found a field that seeks to create for the greater good.

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All throughout my life, there has always been a sense of leadership in me

that has driven me to find ways to give back to the community around me. When

the concept of designing for services started being passed around throughout

my classes, I quickly found a connection through the design work it seeks to

do and the work I enjoy. Service Design fulfilled what I had been looking for,

design that means something.

People use services everyday. Service Design uses a unique multi-disciplinary

approach to the development of new groundbreaking service innovations. The role of design is explored in shaping people’s experiences in everyday life, focusing on key interactions between people, environments, communication systems and products.

This field has cultivated the common goal to innovate beneficial new services

and to improve existing ones that will meet the demanding needs of the 21st

century and the future.

Service DesignThe User Journey(top left)Mapping a ser-vice through the experience of the user analyzes the touch-points, faults, strength and emotions triggered a user goes through, to name a few.

Idea Generator(top right)Here an idea generation session of limitless possibility shows ways to redesign the how children understand and associate the term “kid food”.

Food prototype(left)Fellow designers set up a prototype lunch system for our design collaborators, The Fortune Society.

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In the fall of 2011, The New School tasked six of its service design

students to use service design as a method to redesign three departments of

Student Services: Financial Services, Social Services and Housing Services.

The guidelines, however, were not defined. It was our job to immerse ourselves with the departments to test the service efficiency and range of offerings the departments offer in order to understand potential areas of opportunity for innovation.

In order to design for housing, partner Caitlin Webb and I experienced

the services provided by Housing Services. By researching and mapping the

customer’s journey, two major areas of opportunity for design arose: the move

in & move out periods.

With months of research, innovation, prototyping & critiquing, we designed a

toolkit that provided a systematic and enjoyable approach to the move in and

move out periods that focus on the needs and realistic capabilities of

students and the The New School.

the new school: housing services






The Team

Me caitlin webb

The Student Journey(above) Through a

journey map, we walked a student through the

average year in relation to Housing Services.

Identifying different touch-points, emotions, issues and benefits of

the user journey, we distinguished the “Move

Out” & “ Move In” periods as key intervention areas.

moody move out(right) A mood board

looks at the user’s emotions throughout the “Move Out” period at the

end of the school year.

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Moving Down(top left)A snapshot from the “Move Out Day Play by Play” shows the user that a staff member will directly move it’s belongings to the lobby, avoiding elevator congestion.

Finishing(top right)A snapshot of the last page in the guidebook illustrates finishing packing and offers “Quick Tips” to prepare for the last 12 days of school leading up to move out day.

Move Out Toolkit. Our final deliverable is a prototype of a toolkit that seeks to offer a new way students and staff approach moving out of a dorm. The toolkit contains a specifically designed guidebook and schedule for move out, informational materials, and moving related tools to assist in packing.

The ProposalAs a specific response to the necessity of designing for the “move out” period at the end of the New School’s academic year, the service proposal looks at providing simple and efficient solutions for both students and staff during this period.

Toolkits would be delivered to each resident in February, an ideal time to transition into “spring cleaning”, a period that is integral to preparing for move out period. Inside the toolkit is a double sided guidebook, moving related media and moving themed objects like scissors, tape and labels.

The guidebook on one side outlines key periods and suggestions for the move out process, transitioning into spring with suggestions of ways to reduce through donating or disposing, up to the final days of being prepared to move. These periods are complemented by student insight and quick tips tailored towards the lives and interests of The New School students.

On the reverse side, a specifically designed schedule for the University’s move out days, outlines a systematic approach to move residents out of a dorm in designated time slots, floor by floor. This tentative schedule is created around the student/staff to floor ration and the infrastructural capabilities of the specific dorm.

This service proposal seeks to approach the move out period, a time regarding as overly stressful and unorganized, in a simple, systematic, enjoyable and efficient way tailored to the lives and capabilities of students and staff within The New School’s Housing Services.

move out day play by play. The lead in pages outline the key points that students will need to know about move out day, as well as a dorm schedule where students can clearly distinguish what time they will move out.

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After working on my first significant service project, my interest continued

to peak at the idea of designing to aid in the daily efficiency of people’s

lives. In the spring of 2012, fellow designers and I were provided the

opportunity to work with the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and

Development in conjunction with Public Policy Lab.

My group of four phenomenally dedicated and brilliant designers, were tasked

at assessing the current offerings of HPD and to generate potential

improvements for points of service specifically related to Tenant Services and

filing code violations, services that all NYC residents are entitled to.

Through in depth research, meetings, field visits, constant drafting and

prototyping, we designed a service proposal that proposed simple design

changes towards HPD’s identity as well as ways in which we could empower

tenants to make positive change towards quality of life.

NYC Department of housing preservation and development

The Team

Me caitlin webb Ivett Cser jim chen

The Tenant Night(center left)In order to visualize Tenant Nights, a monthly HPD event, we used Playmobil® characters to simulate interactions by both the service provider and customer.

Tenant journey(center right)Here we flush out a number of scenarios that a tenant can experience so that we can see HPD’s role in relieving the situation.

Map the User experience (above) Here we map out the sections of a potential new website that focus on efficient and simple user experience.

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Failed prototype(top left) Team members Caitlin, Jim and I play the failed prototype of a game designed as a teaching material for Tenant Nights. Although the idea of an interactive game failed, the concept behind it stayed.

file a complaint(top right) Here we focus on the specific interactions between the user and 311 in order to file a complaint to HPD.

THE HOUSING GAMESThe goal that the concept of an interactive game seeks to accomplish continued through a game themed poster. This “game” would be used as an educational material for HPD to looks at the user’s steps from identifying and reporting violations, through HPD’s role in resolving the violation.

A New Website. Part of our proposal looks at envisioning a new user friendly and efficient website for NYC Tenants. Here, the website is broken down into distinct categories that outline the different platforms where the user can navigate. The website contains key information related to violations, rights and the overall services, but it also reintroduces HPD as a user friendly service provider.

The ProposalWith the task of designing for “Tenant Services”, a complicated and broad area of HPD’s service offerings, we first looked into every step that a user would go through for a vast range of potential scenarios. Our service proposal approaches “Tenant Services” from the view of the tenant the way HPD’s service are most efficient and educational for the user.

Divided into separate services, each falls under the umbrella of providing efficiency and educational support both for HPD and the user. Research of HPD’s services and the experience of users who interact with HPD gave great insight to the abilities and inabilities of both. Our proposal speaks greatly to tenant rights in New York City, especially the right to report violations that eliminate positive quality of life. The proposal also speaks to the overwhelming information that HPD provides to tenants, specifically what the information is, seeks to do and the way it is distributed to people.

We propose service channels that provide HPD’s identity and the information it seeks to provide tenants in a clear, efficient and educational way. We first propose the redesigning of aspects of the HPD website, specifically a portion that specifically is designed for the user. The redesign heavily focuses on the process of understanding, reporting and following through on violations, but, it also looks at ways to empower tenants to strive for positive quality of life.

Departing from the digital, we propose change to HPD’s educational and informational materials, using the concept of “games” to be an interactive source of information that speaks to HPD and it’s offerings as a public service.

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This is my story for now. As I travel on this road of uncertainty, there is one thing that is certain. No matter where life takes me I know that when I am there, the people and experiences in my life will guide me in doing the things that I feel passionate for.

Michael C. Mangan [email protected] 860 670 7755

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