

    CLASS - V


    TOPIC - Kinds of Nouns


    1. This assignment has to be done by 10th April 20

    2. It is to be done in the new/old Notebook

    3.Open the links for better understanding of Nouns


    b. Extramarks app Class V English Kinds of Nouns

    4. Feedback if any can be sent to [email protected]

    5. Please send activity pictures if any on whatsapp no. 9829145438

    6. Answer key will be sent along with the next worksheet.


    What is noun ?

    A noun is a word that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things, such as living creatures, objects, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas. However, noun is not a semantic category, so that it cannot be characterized in terms of its meaning.

    Kinds of noun

    The major ones are common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, possessive nouns, and collective nouns.[email protected]

  • 1. A common noun is used to name general things, places, ideas, events, or people. ... Even their official names or titles, such as teacher, preacher, clerk, police officer, delivery driver, grandma, and cousin are common nouns.

    2.A proper noun is a noun that identifies a single entity and is used to refer to that entity, such as London, Jupiter, Sarah, or Microsoft, as distinguished from a common noun, which is a noun that refers to a class of entities and may be used when referring to instances of a specific class.

  • 3. A collective noun is a noun that represents a collection of individuals, usually people, such as:

    • a team (for example: eleven football players)

    • a family (for example: mother, father and two children)

    • a crew (for example: 100 sailors)

    Here are some more collective noun examples. As you see, collective nouns can consist of a few people or tens, hundreds or thousands of people:

    committee, jury, senate, company, audience, police, army

    4. Abstract nouns are the opposite of concrete nouns. Abstract nouns are intagible.

    They can identify concepts, experiences, ideas, qualities and feeling. It is often fun to

    write with abstract nouns. Abstract nouns are often used in narrative to express

    emotion and feeling. Abstract nouns can also relate to the theme of a story.

  • Do the following exercise in the notebook;

    A. Underline the odd noun in the groups given below. In the blank space write what

    type of noun it is.

    1. boy, book, pen, fleet ---------------------------

    2. India, Raju, Eiffel Tower, rice ---------------------------

    3. birds, flowers, books, England ---------------------

    4. Kochi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, country -----------------

    5. city, village, town, India ------------------------

    6. gold, silver, cat, wheat ------------------------------

    7. Sophia, girl, sister, student ----------------------

    8. flock, fleet, bunch, school ------------------------

    9. team, family, teacher, bunch ---------------------

    10. metal, silver, copper, wool ------------------------

  • B. Abstract nouns exercise

    Against each word on the left, write the corresponding abstract noun.

    1. Brave -----------------------

    2. Wise ------------------------

    3. Kind ------------------------

    4. Beautiful ------------------------

    5. Please ------------------------

    6. Honest ------------------------

    7. True ------------------------

    8. Good ------------------------

    9. Bitter ------------------------

    10. Clear ------------------------

    11. Warm ------------------------

    12. Patient ------------------------

    Point out the nouns in the following sentences and say whether they are common, proper, collective or abstract.

    1. Always speak the truth. Truth is a/an ..................................

    common noun

    proper noun

    abstract noun

    2. Honesty is the best policy. Honesty is a/an ...................................

    collective noun

    common noun

    abstract noun

  • 3. King Solomon was famous for his wisdom. Solomon is a/an ..........................................

    proper noun

    common noun

    abstract noun

    4. A committee of five was appointed. Committee is a/an ......................................

    common noun

    collective noun

    proper noun

    5. We saw a fleet of ships in the harbour. Fleet is a/an ...........................................

    common noun

    collective noun

    proper noun

  • महारानी गायत्री दवेी गर्ल्स स्कूल

    अवकाश कालीन कायस

    कक्षा – पााँचवी

    ववषय – हहिंदी

    ्िं्ाधन ्ामग्री :

    1. कोई भी व्याकरण की पुस्तक

    2. कोई भी कहावनयों की पसु्तक



    आवश्यक ्चूना

    1. इ् कायस को करन ेहतुे एक नई कायसपुवस्तका लगाइए l यदद नई न हो तो वपछली

    कक्षा की हहिंदी की कायसपुवस्तका में करें या उ्के पृष्ठ अलग करके रखें व उ्में करें l

    ्त्र प्रारम्भ होते ही कायस प्रस्तुत करें l

    2. ददए गए कायसपत्रों को अप्रैल 10 तक करना ह ैl

    3. कायसपत्र पर आधाररत उत्तर दर्शसका अगल ेकायसपत्र के ्ाथ दी जाएगी l

    4. प्रवतपुवि के वलए [email protected] पर ई मले करें l

    5. ए 4 शीट पर बनाए गए प्रकृवत के वचत्र और उ् पर वलख ेवाक्य की तस्वीर खींचकर

    9829145438 पर व्हौट््एप करें l

    पाठ्यक्रम व्याकरण ्वहत ( अवकाश काल में दकया जान ेवाला )

    वणस ववचार, वणसमाला, स्वर, व्यिंजन, मात्राओं ्े बनने वाले शब्द, बारह खड़ी, अनुस्वार,


    ववषय ्िंवधसन गवतवववध :[email protected]

  • ए 4 शीट पर प्रकृवत ्े ्म्बिंवधत कोई ्ुन्दर वचत्र बनाकर उ्के बारे में आठ ्े द् वाक्य

    वलवखए l

    कायसपत्र 1

    ददनािंक :................................

    प्रश्न 1. स्वर व व्यिंजन दशासते हुए वणसमाला वलखें l

    स्वर :


    कायसपत्र 2

    ददनािंक : ...................................

    प्रश्न 1 : स्वरों की मात्रा व्यिंजन पर लागाकर बारह खडी वलवखए l (एक उदाहरण

    ददया गया ह ैl )

    स्वर मात्राओं ्वहत व्यिंजन

    क क, का, दक, की,कु , कू ,कृ, के , कै, को, कौ. किं ,

    कायसपत्र 3

    ददनािंक : ...................................

  • प्रश्न 1. ददए गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीवजए l

    (क) वणसमाला में दकतने स्वर और व्यिंजन होते हैं ?

    उत्तर .

    (ख) स्वर दक् ेकहते ह ै?

    उत्तर .

    (ग) व्यिंजन दक्े कहते हैं ?

    उत्तर .

    प्रश्न 2. खाली स्थान भरो l

    क. वज् वणस के और टुकड़ ेन हो ्कें उ् े........................... कहते हैं l

    ख. वणों का क्रमबद्ध ्महू .......................... कहलाता ह ैl

    ग. दो व्यिंजनों के मेल ्े बने वणस ................................ व्यिंजन कहलाते हैं l

    घ. .................................... भाषा की ्ब्े छोटी इकाई ह ैl

    ङ. वजनका उच्चारण स्वतन्त्र रूप ् ेहोता ह ै, वे ध्ववनयााँ .............................

    कहलाती हैं l



    CLASS- V


    TOPIC – Large numbers


    1.This assignment is to be done by 10thApril 2020.

    2.It is to be done in the new/old notebook.

    3.Open the links for better understanding of Large numbers


    b.Extramarks app Class V - Large Numbers

    4. Feedback if any can be sent to [email protected]

    5. Please send activity pictures if any on whatsapp no. 9829145438

    6. Answer key will be sent along with the next worksheet.

    Read and do the worksheets in the notebook.

    Large Numbers

    Large numbers are numbers that are significantly larger than those

    normally used in everyday life. We have already learnt numbers upto

    six digits. 1,00,000(one lakh) is the smallest six digit number and

    9,99,999(nine lakh ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine) is

    the largest six digit number.

    To read the numbers easily we put commas between each period.

    Let us take the number 5,38,947[email protected]

  • In words it can be written as: five lakh thirty eight thousand nine

    hundred forty seven.

    Expanded form is: 5,00,000+30,000+8,000+900+40+7


    1. Insert commas at the correct place and write the number names

    according to Indian system of numeration.

    a) 490981 b) 209116 c) 561082 d)


    2. Expand the following numbers.

    a) 5,31,827 b) 9,70,631 c) 8,40,305 d)


    3. Rewrite the numbers in ascending order.

    a) 6,58,987; 7,68,893; 5,09,890; 9,67,284

    b) 6,09,874; 4,67,887; 6,79,081; 4,68,877

    4. Rewrite in descending order.

    a) 4,93,005; 3,90,045; 3,40,095; 40,00,593

    b) 5,60,072; 5,38,514; 5,00,946; 5,13,247

    5. Write the number that is 10,000 more than

    a) 5,97,624 b) 8,09,564 c) 1,72,104

    6.Write the number that is 1,000 less than

    a) 7,00,512 b) 8,11,603 c) 3,60,510

  • 7. Write the place value of the underlined digit.

    a) 1,02,346 b) 3,29,504 c) 1,29,857

    8. Use the digits to make the greatest and smallest number(without

    repeating the digits)

    a) 3,9,2,5,7,6 b) 1,7,6,0,9,2 c) 1,3,2,4,5,8 d)


    9. Write the numeral and the number name by counting the beads in the


    10. Place commas correctly and write the numerals.

    a) Four lakh thirty two thousand fifty

    b) Nineteen thousand ten

    c) Two lakh thirty three thousand thirty seven



    CLASS - V




    1.This assignment has to be done by 10th April 20

    2. It is to be done in the new/old Notebook.

    3. Open these links to understand the concept


    b. ExtramarksApp - Social Science Class V -The Globe

    4. Feedback if any can be sent to [email protected]

    5. Please send activity pictures if any on whatsapp no. 9829145438

    6. Answer key will be sent along with the next worksheet.

    Read the passage and do the work sheet in the notebook.

    Continents – There are seven major continents of the world. Sixty-percent of the population of the world lives in the continent of Asia. Australia, by comparison, is the least populated continent accounting for less than three-tenths of the world population. Africa is the hottest continent, on average, and homes the largest desert in the world. Antarctica is the coldest continent and is completely covered in ice. Antarctica also has no inhabitants; it is not hard to figure out why. Europe which is composed of fifty-one countries has the most developed economic and political union in the world. South America is home to the largest rainforest in the world. North America is often thought to house just three countries, but it is actually composed of twenty-three countries.

    A continent is a large, continuous area of land that is composed of a kind of rock

    called “continental crust.” Continental crust is largely granite. For the most part, the

    continents are separated by oceans. However, if you look at a map you will see that

    some of the continents are actually touching one another. This is because a[email protected]

  • continent is more than a geographically distinct land mass made of a certain kind of

    rock; it is also an area of land whose inhabitants make up cultural groups who have

    things in common with each other. For example, though Europe, Asia, and Africa

    share borders, they are comprised of people with three very distinct cultural

    identities. A continent usually includes the islands that are associated with it. Asia is

    the largest and most populated continent. There are 50 countries in Asia, and 60% of

    the people on Earth live there. The next largest continent is Africa. There are 54

    countries in Africa. Africa is the hottest continent. The world’s largest desert, the

    Sahara, takes up 25% of its total area. Europe, though comprised of 51 countries, is

    the next to smallest continent. North America is comprised of the United States and

    Canada. There are 23 countries in North America. South America is the home of the

    Amazon rainforest, which covers 30% of its total area. There are 12 countries in

    South America. The coldest continent is Antarctica. Antarctica is completely covered

    with ice. The only people on the continent are scientists working at research stations.

    The smallest continent is Australia. There are 14 countries in Australia. It is the next

    to least populated continent, home to only .3% of the people who live on Earth.


    QUESTIONS: What is a Continent? Circle the correct answer.

    1. What is a continent?

    A. an area of land surrounded entirely by water

    B. an area of land whose inhabitants make up cultural groups who have things in

    common with each other

    C. a large, continuous area of land that is composed of a kind of rock called

    “continental crust.”

    D. B and C

    2. A continent usually includes:

    A. a kind of rock that is mostly granite

    B. the islands that are associated with it

    C. the surrounding waters

    D. geographically distinct land masses

    3. The largest and most populated continent is:

    A. Africa

    B. Asia

    C. North America

    D. Australia

    4. The smallest continent is:

    A. Africa

    B. Antarctica

    C. North America

    D. Australia

  • 5. The hottest continent is:

    A. Africa

    B. Antarctica

    C. North America

    D. Australia

    6. The coldest continent is:

    A. Africa

    B. Antarctica

    C. North America

    D. Australia

    7. Write the names of Continents and oceans in the given map.



    CLASS - V


    TOPIC - Animals


    1.This assignment is to be done by 10th April 20

    2. It is to be done in the new/old Notebook

    3.Open the links to understand the concept of Animals


    b. Extramarks app class V science Animal Life

    4. Feedback if any can be sent to [email protected]

    5. Please send activity pictures if any on whatsapp no. 9829145438

    6. Answer key will be sent along with the next worksheet.


    Do you know how and what animals eat helps to classify them in the animal kingdom?

    All living organisms need food to grow and remain healthy. Food gives us energy to work and play.

    What is feeding?

    Feeding is the process by which an animal obtains its food. The method used and how the food is assimilated in the body after ingesting, the digestive process and the process of elimination are all extremely important processes that determine evolution

    mailto:[email protected]

  • of living organisms. Infact it is so important, it determines a living organism’s presence and role in the food chain and also in the ecology of the planet.

    What is a food chain?

    A food chain is a linear sequence or order of living things, which are dependent on the other for food. In this order one living thing depends on the other for its food. All food chains begin with a green plant or a plant like organism, which uses available atmospheric conditions to manufacture its own food. Except the first organism, every other organism is a consumer. Grass — butterfly — frog —- snake —-eagle or any similar ones

    What is the difference between herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and scavengers?

    Herbivores : Animals like cows , buffaloes , sheep etc., that eat plants. Carnivores : Animals like lions, tigers, etc., that prey on and eat other animals. Omnivores : Animals like bears, crows etc., that eat both plants and animals. Scavengers : Animals like vultures and jackals that eat dead and left over animals generally preyed on by carnivores.

    Feeding habits of different animals

    Let us enter the animal world and see how some animals eat their food.

    • Animals like squirrels, rabbits and rats feed on hard grains and nuts. They bite these hard nuts with very sharp front cutting teeth. This is called Gnawing.

    • Animals like snakes do not have chewing teeth, they do not chew their food instead they swallow their food whole.

    • Animals like frogs have a long sticky tongue to catch its prey. When a frog spots an insect, it sticks out its tongue and catches its prey, then it rolls back its tongue back into its mouth.

    • Insects like bees and butterflies have a long tube to suck nectar from plants. • Animals like cows and buffaloes have a special way of eating their food, they first

    swallow their food whole and fill their stomach, later they bring it back into their mouth and keep chewing it for hours. This is known as chewing the cud.

    • Dogs and cats use their tongue to lap up their food. • There are some animals like giraffe that use their long necks and

    the elephant that uses it trunk to take in food.

  • Worksheet on animals and its feeding habits contains various types of questions on animals life and its eating habits. We know the feeding habits of animals depend on the type of teeth they have.

    Read the concept to answer the questions on animals and its feeding habits.

    I. Answer the following questions:

    (i) Why do all animals depend on plants for food?

    (ii) Write the difference between herbivorous and omnivorus with examples.

    II. Rewrite the name of the animal which is not a part of the group:

    (i) cow goat lion deer

    (ii) tiger camel leopard eagle

  • (iii) man bear crow rabbit

    III. Name three animals which will come under these groups:

    (i) Tearing teeth

    (ii) Biting teeth

    (iii) Gnawing teeth

    (iv) Animals which swallow their food

    IV. Underline the correct answers:

    (i) An elephant/fly uses its trunk to suck liquid food

    (ii) The ox/fox is a herbivorous animal.

    (iii) Man/Tiger is an omnivorous animal.

    (iv) Snakes/Rats swallow their prey whole.

    V. Fill in the blanks:

    (i) A dog is an ________.

    (ii) A ________ sucks the nectar of the flowers.

    (iii) A deer is a ________.

    (iv) Snakes ________ their food.

    (v) A tiger is a ________.

    VI. Tick (√) against the true statement and (X) against the false one:

    (i) Carnivores eat fruits and vegetables.

    (ii) The tiger is an omnivore.

    (iii) The rabbit is a herbivore

    (iv) Animals make their own food.

    (v) A bear is a herbivore.

    (vi) A butterfly sucks nectar.

    VII. Write names of 4 animals under each of them.

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