  • 8/14/2019 Mfr Nara- t6- Capitol Pd-jttf- Jttf Mbr 8-7-30!03!00531


    Law Enforcement Sensitive

    Eye~d kFBI Washington Field Office JTTF Agent) InterviewType.\~f event: InterviewDate: July 30, 2003Special AC~.~ssIssues: None"'.repared by: \~.ance Coleteam Number: '6 .L~ation: FBI w~~ington Field OfficeParti~ipants - Non-Com~ission: FBI Assistant General Counsel Sean O'Neillpartici.pants - Commission: '.Lance Cole and John Tamm

    , "'p~rsonal Backgroundi1 Loined the FBI Washington Field Office(:'WFO") J . .?int Terrorism Task Force ("JTTF") on March 3, 2001. He previously was ano'~cer in th'~,.Capitol Police Intelligence Section. He was assigned to the WFO JTTF fora t~ee-year ~~,~ation,but how long he will serve on the JTTF is up to the FBI and hissup~rvisors at t~.e Capitol Police. Two other officers from the Capitol Police IntelligenceSect~:~nhaveprev~,ouslY served stints on the WFO JTTF. Only the Intelligence Section ofthe Capitol Police'sends officers to the JTIF.

    " Iwa~'~ned as a criminal investigator while at the Capital PoliceIntelligence Section. "'Hehas been with the Capitol Police since 1993. He served in themilitary police in the 1~?Os, then earned a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice at theUniversity of Maryland \hile working as a fireman. After completing his degree hejoined the Capitol Police a ~ a ~niformed officer in 1993. He spent five years as auniformed officer, then in f~?8 he joined the Intelligence Section. The Capitol PoliceIntelligence Section protects ~embers of Congress while they are inside the UnitedStates. Their primary responsi'~,~lity is to follow up and investigate threats againstmembers of Congress. \...

    Pre-9ft1 FBI Experienc~"I---"'lwas asked by his supervisors at the CapitolP olice Intelligence Section to jo in the JT TF . H e joined the JT TF in M arch 2001, and

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    . , . . . , . . . .

    \ t \ : : \ ,.'\\ ''''''' \" prior to the 9-11 attacks he was in a rotation with the rest of the JTTF agents

    "';, \'::-., "'i[l~estigating suspicious packages and persons, investigating bomb threats, etc. Prior to\\::"'\ \\'" 9-n,he received his assignments from the JITF supervisor and was "an extra hand for..... ::::::~~eureau." He also was involved with anything that happened at the WFO that

    r~\olved"~~ngress, although he rarely had work that involved Congress. Most of histi ~: ~ ..was sp'e~~ following up on leads that might involve terrorism. He was "fullyinte~~ted" with.the FBI counterterrorism agents on the JTTF. Prior to the 9-11

    \\.\"\,~.ttack'~~ lai~'Q'-.receivedassignments from his Capitol Police supervisor. For"""'",...\example~. he might be-asked to investigate a threat against a Member of Congress that\. \ . t ook place ..n another state. He would work with the local FBI field office to investigate\ \ \ " . ~ h . ~matter.and he always ~6~ ,good responses from the field offices in such cases. This\ ~~gement"~ffectively leave~'1 l,vith two bosses, and his position requires a~ '. '. ..\"~~'l.~cing act ~.floyalties" to two sets of supervisors. There is not a security clearance~~~bl.~m reporting ..information to his Capitol Police supervisors, however, because hisSa~it~l Police supervisors all have TS/SCI clearances.

    ' \ \ , ' I ~as ~,?rking "right-wing stuff" such as white supremacists and militiagr~up's prior to the 9- i"-l.attacks. Since the 9-11 attacks he has been assigned to the "left-wing p,rogram" and is working "black separatist stuff" as a case agent on the DT -1 squad,He i' ~ working on source development because one of the squad's objectives is to developsou~sl ~as not not~d significant changes in policies or procedures since the 9-11 att~cks. He "does not get l~.volvedwith" FBI Headquarters, and does not know whatnew p~.licies have been put in pl~ce since 9-11. He has not used any of the newPATRI9T Act power, and he has-not used FISAs or non-FISA wiretaps in his cases.

    o/hen asked about his inte;ktion with other law enforcement and investigatoryagenciesJ Isaid that he "can 't '~ll cold and get information" and that it "takespersonal relationships" to get informetion. He has developed those personal relationshipsat other agencies, which is somethin that he did both before and after the 9-11 attacks.

    L- ......I . . . . _-IIlsaid that he is a former chair ofe /i2

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    ..-.:::>.' . .

    \ .\...~he R~gional Intemg~~c~~ommittee, which helped him establish contacts in the:: :..\\ ---. -. intelligence community : .\ \\:\ .\. \ ..~I Information S Y S ~ ~ m ~ : L ; I ~ l U iad an FBI Automated Case Support

    \("AC.~") .system password since before the 9-1 lattacks, but ACS "is a bear of a system."T h ~C~i>itol~olice system, while not nearly as large ad~iabase,is "much moreaccessible." For example, with the Capitol Police system you can plugin an address and

    . ..... \.get allinformation about it; he hasn't been able to do that with the ACS syst~in:I .. _--'h : ~ . ~heard-.t.~at a n e \ systeitl.~ill be in place in December. He also uses other law

    . . en:f~rcement'.~atabas~~ and hegoes to other JTTF members to access their home\\ \..~gen~.ies'databases. .'. -.

    . . . . .. , . \ , . \ " ' 1 Ib~l.~~vesth~"~FO JTTF'~~'~~probably unique" [among FBI field offices]',.,.be~ausef the number of law enforcementagencies in the area. He understands that the~o~~mission of the F~l is still d~mestic law ~~foJcement. For example, the AnthraxiAy~'~,~igationhas been r J n , out ofth~\~FO. As t~~'C.~pitolPolice representative on the: J T r F ~ l tnteracts with-the Irania~"sq~ad, and he'~il!. walk down the hall to talk with'\ the~ about activities affecting-'Congress, S~bl : I as lobbying ~ct,ivities.\. \"" Role of FBI Headquar~'e~s in Count~'rt~rrorism Ca~~s'l Forks with an~ alY ~ '~ at FBI Headquarters namedl .'-"k.sp?)on "black separatist matters:'b'4t oth'rwise has had little interaction with He has not been affected bythe fonna,tion of the National JTTF or the Flying SqUad~:f::Jfrequently uses theW F p anal~sts that are assigned to his squad, for example to analyze telephone toll callreco~ds. H ~ also sometimes uses the analysts for more substantive projects, such ashisto~cal an~lysis of an organization or group. H~ occasionally gets resources, such assurveillance p . .ersonnel, through other JTTF members, if FBI resources are not available.

    . Js not doing any ongoing work relating to the 9-11 attacks. He did workon the immedia,~ response to the attacks and on running down leads after the attacks, butnothing beyond that,

    In closing~~"I--'"'I~olunteered that he believes persona] relationships are the key

    has never had any problems with the timeliness or. . . . ._ . . . .quality of t he info rma t ion he has obtain~~Lfrom1......... ....._-----_ . . .3

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    - . :1 ~opes to stay on as the Capitol Police force representative on the JTTF forthe foreseeable future.


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