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Cardiovascular System

Physiology I

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Overview• Major Function of the heart

– To Pump Blood to every capillary in the body

• Major Function of the Vessels– As a pathway for the blood to pass

• Major Function of the blood– To distributr oxygen and nutrition to every cell in the body

• Bottom Line: The Main Cardiac Function is to ensure that every cell in your body is well oxygenized and nutritionized

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Page 4: MFL Physiology I

Cardiac Cycle

Defintion:“Is a term referring to all or any events related to the flow or blood pressure that occurs from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next.”1

Cardiac Cycle =1 Systole + 1 Diastole

Page 5: MFL Physiology I

Cardiac Cycle

1. Early Diastole2. Atrial Systole3. Isovolumic Ventricular Contraction4. Ventricular Ejection5. Isovolumic Ventricular Relaxation

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