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1. History of the Prophets The Qur’an has adopted the method of citing

examples and gives detailed narrations of particular cases of prophets inviting people to Allah (s.w.t.).

The messengers of God, from Prophet Adam (a.s.) until Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.), were calling mankind to the right path of Allah (s.w.t.), Din al-Islam – Islamic Way of Life.


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2. Basic Foundations of the Prophetic Da‘wahEvery Prophet stressed on the same content: -

Tawhid (The Uniqueness of Allah), al-Nubuwwah (the Prophethood) and al-Akhirah (Judgment Day) as well as the worldly life as a life of complete submission to God and His Commandments.

The use of conventional method of oral and personal contact.

Applying physical approach in attaining conviction of people, i.e., performing miracles, etc.


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3. Examples of Prophetic Da‘wah:Prophet Nuh (a.s.w.) and his Da‘wah.Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.w.) and his Da‘wah.Prophet Musa (a.s.w.) and his Da‘wah.Prophet ‘Isa (a.s.w.) and his Da‘wah.Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) and his Da‘wah.

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لقد أرس�لنا نوحا إل�ى قومه� فقال� ي�ا قوم� ﴿قال الل�ه تعال�ى: اعبدوا الله� م�ا لك�م من� إل��ه غيره� إني� أخاف� عليكم� عذاب� يوم� عظيم� * قال� المأل� م�ن قومه� إن�ا لنراك� ف�ي ضالل� ب� بين� * قال� ي�ا قوم� ليس� ب�ي ضاللة� ولكن�ي رس�ول م�ن ر مالعالمين * أبلغكم رساالت ربي وأنصح لكم وأعلم من الله بكم� عل�ى م�ا ال تعلمون� * أوعجبتم� أ�ن جاءكم� ذكر م�ن رنكم� لينذركم� ولتتقوا ولعلكم� ترحمون� * فكذبوه� رجل� مفأنجيناه�� والذين�� معه�� ف��ي الفلك�� وأغرقن��ا الذين�� كذبوا

(64-59﴾بآياتنا إنهم كانوا قوما عمين )األعراف:

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We sent Noah to his people, and he said: “My people, worship God alone: you have no deity other than Him. I fear lest suffering befall you on an awesome day.” * The great ones among his people replied: “We certainly see that you are in obvious error.” * Said he: “My people, I am not in error, but I am a Messenger from the Lord of all the worlds. * I am delivering to you my Lord’s messages and giving you sincere counsel, for I know [through revelation] from God what you do not know. * Do you think it strange that a reminder from your Lord should come to you through a man from among yourselves, so that he might warn you, and that you may keep away from evil and be graced with His mercy?” * But they accused him of lying, so We saved him together with all those who stood by him, in the ark, and caused those who rejected Our revelations to drown. Surely they were blind people. (Verses 59-64)

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ون�ي ف�ي الله� وقد ﴿ ه� قومه� قال� أتحاج وحآج أ�ن يشاء� هدان� وال أخاف� م�ا تشركون� به� إالع رب�ي كل� شيء� علما أفال رب�ي شيئا وس�

رون )األنعام: (80﴾تتذك“His people disputed with him. He said: ‘(Come) ye to dispute with me, about Allah, when He (Himself) hath guided me? I fear not (the beings) ye associate with Allah: Unless my Lord willeth, (nothing can happen). My Lord comprehendeth in His knowledge all things. Will ye not (yourselves) be admonished?’” (al-An‘aam: 80)

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وكيف� أخاف� م�ا أشركتم� وال تخافون� ﴿ل�� به�� أنكم�� أشركت��م بالله�� م��ا لم�� ينزلطانا فأي�� الفريقين�� أحق�� عليكم�� س��

(81﴾باألمن إن كنتم تعلمون )األنعام: "How should I fear (the beings) ye associate with Allah, when ye fear not to give partners to Allah without any warrant having been given to you? Which of (us) two parties hath more right to security? (tell me) if ye know.” (al-An‘aam: 81)

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إذ قال� ألبيه وقومه ما هذه التماثيل التي أنتم� لها ﴿ا عابدين� * قال� لقد عاكفون� * قالوا وجدن�ا آباءن�ا له�بين� * قالوا أجئتن�ا كنتم� أنتم� وآباؤكم� ف�ي ضالل� مبكم� رب� عبين� * قال� ب�ل ر بالحق� أم� أنت� من� الالماوات واألرض� الذي فطرهن� وأن�ا عل�ى ذلك�م الس�

اهدين )األنبياء: ن الش (56-52﴾م“Behold! he said to his father and his people, "What are these images, to which ye are (so assiduously) devoted?” * They said, "We found our fathers worshipping them." * He said, "Indeed ye have been in manifest error - ye and your fathers." * They said, "Have you brought us the Truth, or are you one of those who jest?" * He said, "Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, He Who created them (from nothing): and I am a witness to this (Truth).” (al-’Anbiyaa’ : 52-56)

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واذكر ف�ي الكتاب� إبراهيم� إنه� كان� ص�ديقا نبيا ﴿* إذ قال� ألبيه� ي�ا أبت� لم� تعبد م�ا ال يس�مع وال ر وال يغن��ي عنك�� شيئا * ي��ا أبت�� إن��ي قد يبص��جاءن�ي من� العلم� م�ا لم� يأتك� فاتبعن�ي أهدك� يطان�� إن�� ويا * ي��ا أبت�� ال تعبد الش راطا س�� ص��يا * ي��ا أبت�� إن��ي حمن�� عص�� يطان�� كان�� للر الشحم�ن فتكون� ك عذاب� من� الر أخاف� أ�ن يمس�

)مريم: يطان وليا (45-41 ﴾للش

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(Also mention in the Book (the story of) Abraham: He was a man of Truth, a prophet. * Behold, he said to his father: "O my father! why worship that which heareth not and seeth not, and can profit thee nothing? * "O my father! to me hath come knowledge which hath not reached thee: so follow me: I will guide thee to a way that is even and straight. * "O my father! serve not Satan: for Satan is a rebel against (Allah) Most Gracious. * "O my father! I fear lest a Penalty afflict thee from (Allah) Most Gracious, so that thou become to Satan a friend.” (Maryam: 41-45)

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قال� أراغب� أنت� عن� آلهت�ي ي�ا إبراهيم� لئ�ن لم� تنته� ﴿الم عليك��� ألرجمنك��� واهجرن���ي مليا * قال��� س���س�أستغفر لك� رب�ي إنه� كان� ب�ي حفيا * وأعتزلكم� ى أال وم�ا تدعون� م�ن دون� الله� وأدع�و رب�ي عس�أكون��� بدعاء رب���ي شقيا * فلم���ا اعتزلهم��� وم���ا حاق ويعقوب� يعبدون� م�ن دون� الله� وهبن�ا له� إس�حمتن�ا وجعلن�ا وكال جعلن�ا نبيا * ووهبن�ا له�م م�ن ر

)مريم: (50-46﴾لهم لسان صدق عليا

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(The father) replied: "Dost thou hate my gods, O Abraham? If thou forbear not, I will indeed stone thee: Now get away from me for a good long while!" * Abraham said: "Peace be on thee: I will pray to my Lord for thy forgiveness: for He is to me Most Gracious. * "And I will turn away from you (all) and from those whom ye invoke besides Allah: I will call on my Lord: perhaps, by my prayer to my Lord, I shall be not unblessed." * When he had turned away from them and from those whom they worshipped besides Allah, We bestowed on him Isaac and Jacob, and each one of them We made a Prophet. And We bestowed of Our Mercy on them, and We granted them lofty honour on the tongue of truth. (Maryam: 46-50)

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4. The Rise of the Science of Da‘wahThe science of Da‘wah is a new discipline or an academic subject in Islamic studies.A discussion of Da‘wah in other fields of Islamic studies such as in tafsir, hadith, kalam and fiqh.Usul al-Da‘wah by ‘Abd al-Karim Zaydan (1975) can be considered the pioneer work. He has elaborated four important basic foundations of Da‘wah, namely its content, caller, called, and means of Da‘wah.


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Al-Da‘i (The Caller) Al-Mad‘u (The Called) Al-Risalah (The Message of Islam). Al-Usul (The Foundations) or Usul al-Da‘wah Al-Manahij (sing. manhaj) (The Methods) Al-Asalib (sing. uslub) (The Ways) Al-Wasa’il (sing. wasilah) (The Means)


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Da‘i, is a matured Muslim who invites others to Islam by undertaking the responsibility of Da‘wah. His duty is to invite people to come to Allah (s.w.t.), i.e. towards worshipping and obeying Him alone (Abdullah M. Zin, 1995:28).

It is obligatory on every Muslim to play his/her role as a Da‘i, no matter which part of the world he/she belongs to, what language he/she speaks, or how much educated he/she is.

This obligation starts from the day one embraces Islam till his/her death (ICNA, 1983:11).


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The called are all human beings, regardless of their nationalities, races, tribes, groups and gender identities.

ا الناس� إن�ي رس�ول الله� إليكم� ) جميعاقل� ي�ا أيه� ...) ( 158األعراف: )“Say: O Mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the Messenger of Allah

…” (Q 7:158, see also 35:28). A Da‘i must come to a Mad‘u and preach him. The Prophet (s.a.w)

used to go to the Quraysh people, pilgrims, people of Ta’if, etc., because his duty as a Da‘i is to preach or convey.

(فإن توليتم� فإنم��ا عل�ى� رس�ولنا ا�لبالغ� الم�بين�...)( 12التغابن: )

“Then the duty of our Messenger is only to convey (the message) clearly.” (al-Taghaabun: 12).


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1. al-Mala’ (Noble, Elite people)2. Common people3. Hypocrites, and 4. Disobedient people.


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To proclaim Islam as the Din of Allah (s.w.t.) which was brought by Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.), and the Qur’an is the Book of Allah, which is for all mankind and forever.

Islam is not a religion of mere belief and ritual but a complete and comprehensive transcendental way of life.


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The Foundations of Da‘wah include: 1. Da‘i (Caller).2. Mad‘u. 3. Mawdu‘ al-Da‘wah and its methods.


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A successful Da‘wah depends on how a Da‘i approaches the Madu’. He should:1.identify the disease (al-da’) and know its remedy

(al-dawa’), 2.remove doubts and suspicions (shubuhat) in

respect of Islam, 3.awaken the spirit to use the right remedy when the

audience rejects it, and, 4.give proper education which becomes a

mechanism of defense against inner and incoming diseases (al-tarbiyyah wal-ta‘lim) (Zaydan, 1981: 404-28).


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Al-Manahij (sing. Manhaj, method): ◦Wisdom, goodly advise and debate in gracious

manner (Abdullah M. Zin, 1995: 48-58). Al-Wasa’il (sing. wasilah, means):

◦Among important media are through words, action and example (Zaydan, 1981: 452-69).


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On the basis of: Revelation Reason Nature, and, Reality

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Every Muslim must realize that Da‘wah is an obligation upon him.

Every Muslim has the obligation to play the role of a Da‘i, no matter which part of the world he belongs to, what language he speaks, or how much educated he or she is.

This obligation starts from the day one embraces Islam till his or her death (ICNA, 1983: 11).

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بيل ربك��� بالحكمة��� )ادع��� إل���ى س���والموعظة� الحس�نة وجادله�م بالت�ي هي� أحس�ن إن� ربك� هو أعلم� بم�ن ضل� ع�ن ( )النح�ل: بيله وهو أعلم� بالمهتدين� س�

125)"Invite to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided." [al-Nahl (16):125]

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ة� يدعون� إل�ى الخير نكم� أم )ولتك�ن مويأمرون�� بالمعروف�� وينهون�� عن�� المنكر وأول��ئك هم� المفلحون�( )آ�ل

(104عمران: "Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to

all that is good, enjoining al-ma‘ruf [i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do] and forbidding al-munkar [polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden]. And it is they who are successful." [Al ‘Imran (3):104]

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The second verse may seem to be restricting the general obligation given in the first verse, but a close look at the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (a.s.w.) reveals that calling to Allah is an individual obligation, rather than a collective one.◦The Prophet (a.s.w.) said: "Convey from me, even one verse." [al-Bukhari].

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Conveying the message, therefore, does not require a high level of scholarship, it is in fact a responsibility of each and every Muslim, according to his or her ability.

How to fulfil this obligation or duty? Highlighting the importance and obligation

of Da`wah, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, former head of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and member of the Fiqh Council of North America says:

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“We should first understand what Da`wah is. Da`wah means to invite people to the way of Allah the Almighty, to call unto them to know the truth and follow it. Da`wah is done in two ways. The first one is through example, through being a role model. In the Qur'anic terminology it is called "being witnesses towards mankind" (Shuhada' 'ala an-nasi). It is the duty of every Muslim, male or female, young or old, to be a witness of Almighty Allah among the people. When people see a Muslim, they should see a good person, a person of truth, of sincerity and of virtue. A Muslim's life should be an open invitation through which people see the beauty of Islam and find it an interesting code of ethics and teachings to follow.

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Allah Most High says in the Qur'an: "Thus we have appointed you a middle community in order that you may be witnesses towards humankind and that the Messenger may be a witness towards you… (Al-Baqarah: 143).

All Muslims must give Da`wah through their good Islamic life as individuals, as families and as communities. People who come into contact with them should see Islam as a living and practical faith that makes the life of human beings better.”

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“Another way of giving da`wah is through teaching, preaching, communication, engaging in dialogues, discussions and debates, writing books and articles, giving lectures, etc. Almighty Allah says: “Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious. " (An-Nahl: 125).

Of course this requires deep knowledge, preparation and training. Muslims should use the most effective and appropriate methods of da`wah in every place and time. Nowadays, for example, da`wah requires modern ways such as the use of radio, television, Internet in addition to the person-to-person preaching and teaching.”

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Islam does not contradict human’s reason, rather it corrects, compliments and guides it to the straight path. Islam’s theory is to fulfill the Divine Mission of Allah (s.w.t.):

1. God’s Commandment.2. Da’wah is the greatest charity.3. Mission is necessary for religion (Faruqi, 1986, p. 187):

◦ To promote Islam through intellectual argument that Islam and its principles suit all mankind throughout all times and space.

◦ As religion Islam means submission and total surrender to Allah.◦ Islam also means peace, which carries peace to all mankind, in heart

and society at large.

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Human is of dual nature, physical and spiritual. Human has desire (nafs) and mind. Mind needs to control

desire (nafs) based on the teaching of Shari‘ah. Da‘wah is to nurture and guide man.

Man is approachable, through touch and wisdom. Should there are rooms of guidance in one’s heart.◦ A Da‘i must always make an effort to call those people, particularly

those who are in power. ◦ The Prophet (a.s.w.) said, “People are on the religion of their rulers”

( ملوكهم دين على .(الناس

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The reality is that man is in a great need of Divine Guidance.

The teaching of Islam consists of Maqasid al-Shar‘iyyah (the Objectives of Shari‘ah) denoting the protection of religion, life, mind, lineage and property. This is in line with the nature of human being to secure themselves and to be protected.

Contemporary realities of Islam: The Misunderstood Religion.

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Obligatory Duty as Fard al-‘Ayn Obligatory Duty as Fard al-‘Kifayyah Evidence of the Obligation of Da‘wah

in the Qur’an and the Sunnah

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Fard al-‘ayn is a religious duty or obligation that is binding on every Muslim such as knowledge of ‘aqidah, performing salah, giving zakah, fasting during the month of Ramadan, and performing hajj.

Conveying the message according to his or her ability is in fact a responsibility of each and every Muslim.

A Muslim's life should be an open invitation through which people see the beauty of Islam and find it an interesting code of ethics and teachings to follow.

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Fard al-kifayah: What is divinely ordained and binding for the Muslim community as a whole, but it is not necessary to involve each member of the community. When a group does it the rest will be discharged from that responsibility.

Muzammil Siddiqi’s view: “Giving da`wah with proper training and specialization is regarded as fard kifayah (collective obligation).

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That means in every community some people must take the proper Da`wah training and should do this work in a systematic and methodical way on behalf of all other members of the community.

If some people do this work, then there is no blame on others, but if no one does it, all Muslims of the community are considered sinners. It is the duty of all Muslims to support this work by providing facilities and funds so that it can be done in a proper manner.” (Muzammil Siddiqi)

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طا )وكذلك��� جعلناكم��� أمة��� وس���لتكونوا شهداء عل�ى الناس� ويكون�

ول عليكم� شهيدا...( س� )البقرة : الر143)

“Thus we have appointed you a middle community in order that you may be witnesses towards humankind and that the Messenger may be a witness towards you… (2: 143).

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�ة� يدعون� إل�ى الخير ويأمرون نكم� أم )ولتك�ن مبالمعروف��� وينهون��� عن��� المنكر...( )آ���ل

(104عمران: “Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is

good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong.” (3:104) ة�� أخرجت�� للناس�� تأمرون�� )كنتم�� خير أم

بالمعروف��� وتنهون��� عن��� المنكر...( )آ���ل (110عمران:

“You are the best nation evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.” (3:110)

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وجاهدوا ف���ي الله��� حق��� جهاده��� هو(اجتباكم� وم�ا جعل� عليكم� ف�ي الدين� من� اكم م لة�� أبيكم�� إبراهيم�� هو س�� حرج�� ملمين م�ن قبل� وف�ي هذا ليكون� المس�ول شهيدا عليكم� وتكونوا شهداء س� الرالة وآتوا عل���ى الناس��� فأقيموا الص���موا بالله�� هو موالكم�� كاة�� واعتص�� الز

(78)الحج : فنعم المولى ونعم النصير(

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“And strive hard in Allah’s Cause as you ought to strive. He has chosen you (to convey His Message of Islamic monotheism to mankind by inviting them to His religion of Islam), and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship: it is the religion of your father Ibrahim. Allah has named you Muslims both before and in this (the Qur’an), that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you be witness over mankind. So perform salah, give zakah and hold fast to Allah. He is your Maula (Patron, Lord), what an Excellent Maula and what an Excellent Helper.” (al-Hajj (22): 78).

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�غوا عني قال رس�ول الل�ه ص�لى الل�ه علي�ه وس�لم: "بل��ولو آية" )صحيح البخاري(

The Prophet (a.s.w.) has said: “You should convey to others from me even if you know one verse." (al-Bukhari).

�قال� رس�ول الله� ص�لى الل�ه علي�ه وس�لم: »من� رأ�ى منكممنكرا فليغيره� بيده� فإن� لم� يس�تطع فبلس�انه فإن� لم�

يستطع فبقلبه وذلك أضعف اإليمان« )صحيح مسلم(. The Prophet (a.s.w.) said: "Whoever among you witnesses wrongdoing,

let him correct it with his hand. If he is unable, then let him correct it with his tongue. If he is unable [to speak out against it] at least he should resent it in his heart and that is the weakest level of iman." (Sahih Muslim).

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