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Methods & Approaches in Methods & Approaches in Language Teaching (1)Language Teaching (1)

Methods & Approaches in Methods & Approaches in Language Teaching (1)Language Teaching (1)

Zhang Lu Zhang Lu

Shanghai Normal UniversityShanghai Normal University

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Task 1

Discuss in the group of four, what do

you think are the differences between

the concepts of method and approach?

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• Generally speaking, the two terms are often used interchangeably. But in English language teaching context, they are identified as two different terminologies.

• In real practice, approach is of the theory of learning language including learning process.

• Method usually refers to a way, or a technique, or process of doing things.

• Method of learning emphasizes the teaching process while approach focuses on both the teaching and the learning process.

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Teaching Methods & Approaches

1. The Grammar/Translation Method2. The Direct Method3. The Audio-Lingual Method4. The Communicative Approach

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Grammar – Translation Method (1)

It used to be & still is the most popular teaching method.Features: • Abstract rules about grammar• Focus on translation• Memorization/rote - learning• Over use of L1• Dominance of the written form. Tests or

sentences to practice grammatical items.

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Grammar-Translation Method (2)Advantages:• Large class can be taught• Teachers with low level of oral ability can be used• This approach can be used at all levels• Learners can use coursebook on their own

Disadvantages:• Content of materials often boring and of little

interest to learners• Inappropriate for young learners who can not read

much• Exposure to authentic spoken language absent

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Direct Method (1)It appeared as a reaction to the grammar-translation method in the early years of 20th century.

Never List Always list NEVER translate ALWAYS demonstrateNEVER explain ALWAYS actNEVER make a speech ALWAYS ask questionsNEVER imitate mistake ALWAYS correctNEVER use the book ALWAYS use your lesson planNEVER go too fast ALWAYS keep to the learners’ paceNEVER speak too slowly ALWAYS speak normallyNEVER speak too loudly ALWAYS speak naturally

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Direct Method (2)Features: • Meaning conveyed through demonstration “see-hear-say”• Teacher replaces book as the model• Accuracy in speaking & writing emphasized• Speech dominates over writing• Immersion in the target language• Teaching through target language • Grammar learnt inductively from examples• Use of visual aids

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Direct Method (3)Advantages:• It gives the opportunity to speak in meaningful

contexts.• It encourages spontaneous speech by learners• Lessons can be very lively in the early stages.

Disadvantages:• Small groups are normally required• Difficult to provide enough variety of content &

activity after a while.• Teachers must be fluent speakers of the


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Audio-Lingual Method (1)Based on the psychological theory of Behaviorism (Stimulus – Response – Re-inforcement)Features:• Language is structured into patterns to be learnt• Habit formation central to language learning (stimulus-respons

e-re-inforcement)• Use of target language in classroom. No L1 to avoid interference.• Need to memorise (“over-learn”)• Primacy of speech over writing (hear-say-see-write)• Grammar taught when language familiar• Errors to be avoided to counter “wrong” habits

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Audio-Lingual Method (2)

Advantages:• Medium-sized classes can be used• Much practice of listening & speaking• Can be used at elementary and intermediate levels• Learners can form grammatically-accurate language

Disadvantages: • Fluent & confident teachers needed• Repetition can be very boring and meaningless• Little exposure to spontaneous or authentic speech• Reading writing are neglected & not treated as

independent forms

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