
European Union Water Initiative Plus for the

Eastern Partnership Countries (EUWI+)

Result 2




Final report, December 2020

Methodology of groundwater status assessment



Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus

Responsible EU member state consortium EUWI+ project leader

Mr Alexander Zinke, Umweltbundesamt GmbH (AT)

EUWI+ country representative in Belarus

Mr Alexandr Stankevich

Responsible international thematic lead expert

Mr Andreas Scheidleder, Umweltbundesamt (AT)

Responsible national thematic lead expert

Ms Olga Vasneva, “Institute of Geology” branch of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Research and Pro-

duction Center for Geology


Ms Olga Vasneva, Ms Olga Berezko, Ms Elena Cherevach, Ms Olga Buynevich, Ms Tatyana Kononova,

all “Institute of Geology” branch of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Research and Production Center for



The EU-funded program European Union Water Initiative Plus for Eastern Partnership Countries (EUWI+) is im-

plemented by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Organisation for Economic

Co-operation and Development (OECD), both responsible for the implementation of Result 1, and an EU Mem-

ber States Consortium comprising the Environment Agency Austria (UBA, Austria), the lead coordinator, and the

International Office for Water (IOW, France), both responsible for the implementation of Results 2 and 3. The

program is co-funded by Austria and France through the Austrian Development Agency and the French Artois-

Picardie Water Agency.

This document was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed

herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union or of the governments of

the Eastern Partnership Countries.

This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of, or sovereignty over, any

territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries, and to the name of any territory, city or



Owner and Editor: EU Member State Consortium

Umweltbundesamt GmbH

Spittelauer Lände 5

1090 Vienna, Austria

Office International de l’Eau (IOW)

21/23 rue de Madrid

75008 Paris, France

Responsible IOW Communication officer:

Ms Chloé Déchelette [email protected]

December 2020

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


1 Executive summary ............................................................................................................................ 8

2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 9

3 Legal provisions and applied methodologies for assessing the status of groundwater quantity

and quality ........................................................................................................................................ 10

3.1 Summary of legal provisions .................................................................................................... 10

3.1.1 Legislation regarding GW monitoring in natural (low-disturbed) conditions ................... 10

3.1.2 Legislation regarding GW monitoring in disturbed conditions ........................................ 11

3.2 Summary of currently used methods for assessing the status of hydrodynamic and

hydro-geochemical regimes of groundwater in the Republic of Belarus .................................. 12

3.2.1 Sampling for hydro-geochemical regime assessment and level measurements for

hydrodynamic regime assessment ................................................................................. 12

3.2.2 Collecting, processing and transfer of primary information to the Information and

Analytical Center for Groundwater Monitoring for its subsequent adding to the

database "Groundwater of the Republic of Belarus" ...................................................... 14

4 Considered methods of status assessment and summary of the test results .................................. 15

4.1 Brief description of the considered methods of status assessment in accordance with

the principles of the WFD ......................................................................................................... 15

4.2 Summary of the results of the test condition assessment of groundwater status using

available monitoring data .......................................................................................................... 20

5 Proposed methodologies for the groundwater quantity and quality status assessment.

Summary of requirements and restrictions. ..................................................................................... 23

5.1 Assessment of the quantitative and qualitative groundwater bodies status in the context

of the Pripyat river basin ........................................................................................................... 25

5.1.1 Criteria for assessing the quantity status of a GWB ....................................................... 25

5.1.2 Criteria for assessing the quality status of a GWB ......................................................... 27

5.1.3 Criteria for assessing the quality risk of a GWB ............................................................. 28

5.2 Summary of method requirements and restrictions .................................................................. 29

6 Testing of the proposed methodologies (at 2 groundwater bodies in the Pripyat River Basin) ....... 30

6.1 GWB quality status assessment ............................................................................................... 30

6.2 GWB quantity status assessment ............................................................................................. 32

6.3 Summary of groundwater status assessments and conclusions.............................................. 35

7 Summary of open issues and missing data ..................................................................................... 37

7.1 Development of a regime network of observational wells in the Pripyat river basin: ............... 37

7.2 Transboundary groundwater monitoring of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine.................... 39

7.3 Scientific aspects ...................................................................................................................... 40

7.4 Regulatory legal objectives ....................................................................................................... 40

8 Conclusions and results ................................................................................................................... 41

9 References ....................................................................................................................................... 42

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


List of Tables

Table 1: Maximum decrease in GW levels in the operated aquifer at the Ostrovy water intake ..... 24

Table 2: Background concentrations of NO3- component in GWBs BYPRGW0002 and

BYPRGW0006 .......................................................................................................................... 31

Table 3: The number of observation wells in which the nitrate content is above the

background and MPC in the GWBs BYPRGW0002 and BYPRGW0006 ................................ 32

Table 4: Determination of the qualitative status of the GWB BYPRGW0002 and

BYPRGW0006 .......................................................................................................................... 32

Table 5: The number of observation wells for which the hydrodynamic information

processing was performed according to the GWBs BYPRGW0002 and BYPRGW0006 ........ 33

Table 6: Maximum level decrease in exploited aquifers at operating water intakes over a 10-

year observation period ............................................................................................................ 34

Table 7: Number of observational wells and site density of the GWBs of the Pripyat river

basin ......................................................................................................................................... 38

Table 8: Suggestions for inclusion of existing observation points of the groundwater

monitoring network in the Pripyat river basin............................................................................ 38

Table 9: Suggestions for improvement and equipment of new observation points of the

groundwater monitoring network in the Pripyat river basin ...................................................... 39

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


ADA ...................... Austrian Development Agency

DoA ....................... Description of Action

DG NEAR ............. Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations

of the European Commission

EaP ....................... Eastern Partnership

EC ......................... European Commission

EECCA ................. Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

EMBLAS ............... Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea

EPIRB ................... Environmental Protection of International River Basins

ESCS .................... Ecological Status Classification Systems

EU ......................... European Union

EU-MS .................. EU-Member States

EUWI+ .................. European Union Water Initiative Plus

FD ......................... Floods Directive

GEF ...................... Global Environmental Fund

ICPDR ................... International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River

INBO ..................... International Network of Basin Organisations

IOWater/OIEau .... International Office for Water, France

IWRM .................... Integrated Water Resources Management

MSFD .................... Marine Strategy Framework Directive

NESB .................... National Executive Steering Board

NFP ....................... National Focal Point

NGOs .................... Non-Governmental Organisations

NPD ...................... National Policy Dialogue

OECD ................... Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

RBC ...................... River Basin Council

RBD ...................... River Basin District

RBMP ................... River Basin Management Plan

RBO ...................... River Basin Organisation

ROM ..................... Result Oriented Monitoring

SCM ...................... Steering Committee Meeting (of the EU Action EUWI+)

SEIS ..................... Shared environmental information system

TA ......................... Technical Assistance

ToR ....................... Terms of References

UBA ...................... Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Environment Agency Austria

UNDP .................... United Nations Development Programme

UNECE ................. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

WISE ..................... Water Information System for Europe

WFD ...................... Water Framework Directive

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


Country Specific Abbreviations Belarus

BIEE .............................. Branch «Belarussian integrated exploration expedition» of the State Enter-

prise „RPCG“

ChNPP .......................... Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Council of Ministers ...... Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus

GIS ................................ Geo-information system

GWB ............................. Groundwater body

IAC GM ......................... Informational and Analytical Center for Groundwater Monitoring of the Branch

„Institute of Geology“

Institute of Geology ....... Branch "Institute of Geology" of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Research

and Production Center for Geology"

Ministry of Natural Resources ..... Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the

Republic of Belarus

MPC .............................. Maximum Permissible Concentration

NEMS ........................... National Environmental Monitoring System

RCAC ............................ State Enterprise „Republican Center of Analytical Control in the field of envi-

ronmental protection“ of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of


RUE «BelNITS ECOLOGIYA» .... Republican Research Unitary Enterprise „BelNITS „Ecologiya““

SE „RPCG“ ................... State Enterprise „RPCG“ ("Research and Production Center for Geology")

SWC ............................. State Water Cadastre

TCP ............................... Technical Code of Practice

Terms and Definitions

Hydrogeological post: consists of several observation wells, which are equipped for different aquifers

and are located in natural conditions.

Water intake (water intake facility): hydraulic structures designed for the intake of water from water

bodies (reservoir, watercourse, groundwater source).

Groundwater regime: changes in time and space of levels (pressure), temperature, chemical and

microbiological composition and other groundwater characteristics.

Monitoring observations: a system of regular observations of the groundwater state in terms of hy-

drogeological, hydrochemical and other indicators, assessment and forecast of its

change in conditions disturbed by operation.

Regime network: a set of observation points for the groundwater state and its pollution.

Groundwater observation points: observation well, the equipment of which allows for instrumental

observations of the groundwater state.

Natural conditions, groundwater is characterized by an undisturbed (natural) regime, which is

developed mainly under the impact of meteorological, hydrological, and geological


Disturbed (artificial) regime is a regime that is developed under the impact of new factors caused by

human activity. Groundwater regime can be violated by human disturbance in the

natural environment in connection with irrigation of fields; drainage of wetlands;

groundwater withdrawal for drinking, industrial and agricultural water supply; engi-

neering construction, including hydraulic, structures (water intakes); drainage of the

territory when exploiting minerals using mines or quarries.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

Natural groundwater reserves: the volume of gravitational water contained in pores, cracks in water-

bearing rocks in its natural conditions.

Natural groundwater resources: amount of aquifer recharge in natural hydrogeological conditions.

Groundwater reserves: the amount of groundwater that can be extracted at a deposit (deposit site,

subsoil site) by geologically-technically justified water intake structures under a

given operating mode and conditions, as well as water quality that meets the re-

quirements of its intended use during the estimated service life from taking into ac-

count environmental and sanitary requirements and restrictions, as well as the

economic feasibility of their use.

Approved groundwater reserves: reserves that underwent the state examination and were approved

in accordance with the established procedure for their intended purpose, quantity

and categories of knowledge for entering on the state balance.

Permissible decrease: the value of the permissible decrease in the water level in the water intake is

determined based on the aquifer thickness, the value of the groundwater pressure,

technical capabilities upon condition that the damage to the environment is pre-

vented or minimized associated with the groundwater withdrawal. If the maximum

decrease in the water level is exceeded, formation drainage, failure of pumping

equipment and other may occur.

SanPiN 10-124 RB 99: Sanitary rules and regulations “Drinking water and water supply of populated

areas. Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drink-

ing water supply systems. Quality control. Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN 10-124

RB 99", approved by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Re-

public of Belarus as of October 19, 1999 No. 46, with the changes approved by the

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Belarus as of

March 26, 2002 No. 16 (hereinafter - SanPiN 10-124 RB 99).

Maximum permissible concentration (MPC): the maximum concentration when substances do not

have a direct or indirect impact on human health (when exposed to the body

throughout life) and do not worsen the hygienic conditions of water consumption.

Background concentrations: the average concentration of the target component of the studied ob-


Groundwater monitoring: a type of monitoring of the National Environmental Monitoring System in

the Republic of Belarus. Groundwater monitoring is carried out with the aim of ob-

serving hydrogeological, hydrochemical and other indicators of the groundwater

state, identifying negative processes, assessing and predicting their changes, pre-

venting their harmful consequences and determining the effectiveness of measures

aimed at rational use and groundwater protection.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment



The “European Union Water Initiative Plus for Eastern Partnership (EaP) Countries (EUWI+)” in-

volves six eastern neighbours of the EU: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and

Ukraine. The EUWI+ project addresses existing challenges in both development and implementation

of efficient management of water resources and in particular the water monitoring capacities. It spe-

cifically supports the EaP countries to move towards the approximation to EU acquits in the field of

water management as identified by the EU Water Framework Directive

The assessment of the groundwater quantity and quality status is a very important milestone within

the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). It is the main tool for proving whether

the environmental objectives of the WFD have been met and whether the Programme of Measures is

effective in achieving the objectives.

A workshop in December 2019 in Minsk initiated the discussion about the development of national

methods for assessing groundwater quantitative and qualitative status by discussing the aims and

the requirements given in the WFD and by discussing different options and experiences from EU

Member States in establishing appropriate and tailored methods.

This workshop was the starting point for the present study which proposes national methods for

groundwater status assessment (both quality and quantity) by:

1. summarising the current state of legal requirements in which new methodologies need to fit in;

2. discussing the WFD requirements in the light of the legal provisions in the Republic of Belarus;

3. proposing methodologies for assessing groundwater qualitative and quantitative status;

4. testing the proposed methods by monitoring data of two groundwater bodies in the Pripyat river

basin; and

5. summarizing the identified gaps and open issues and proposing steps forward.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


Since 2018, EUWI+ supported significantly the elaboration of a number of pilot projects, aiming at

implementing the main groundwater monitoring related provisions of the WFD in a stepwise approach.

The implementation started with the identification (delineation) of groundwater bodies, their characteri-

zation, the assessment and enhancement of the groundwater monitoring networks and the perfor-

mance of several groundwater surveys to gather necessary data for the assessment of risk and

groundwater status. In parallel, also significant progress was made in terms of transboundary coopera-

tion with Ukraine in the identification of the transboundary parts of the neighboring groundwater bodies

and the proposal of a transboundary groundwater monitoring network.

The logical next step in the implementation of the WFD is the assessment of the groundwater quantita-

tive and qualitative status which indicates whether the environmental objectives of the WFD regarding

groundwater are met. Accordingly, countries need to establish appropriate and tailored methodologies

in assessing the status, by considering the variety of natural conditions, the uses and receptors of

groundwater and the availability of monitoring data gathered from the national monitoring networks.

Hence, the developed methodologies vary from country to country and are only comparable to a cer-

tain extent.

According to the WFD, an integrated approach is applied for assessing the status of groundwater bod-

ies. This approach consists in a comprehensive analysis and assessment of hydrodynamic and hydro-

geochemical data obtained by the monitoring of groundwater, together with a list of calculated indica-

tors (for example: the value of the permissible decrease, background concentration, etc.).

It is well recognised, that also the health of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, which are dependent to

groundwater, as well as saline and other intrusion have to be considered in the comprehensive status

assessment according to the WFD. Nevertheless, it was decided to focus first at the legitimate uses of

groundwater by the assessment of the groundwater body as a whole as groundwater abstraction for

drinking water purpose is of highest importance in the Republic of Belarus

Based on the existing regulatory and legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, as well as taking into ac-

count the requirements of the WFD, a methodological approach is proposed that includes criteria for

assessing the status of groundwater bodies. The development of methodological approaches and the

assessment of the status of groundwater bodies (“good”, “under risk”, “poor”) is being carried out for

the first time in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. This first attempt will be further evaluated and

enhanced in future, once first experiences could be gained in the application of the methods.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment






3.1 Summary of legal provisions

The water legislation of the Republic of Belarus is based on the norms of the Constitution of the Re-

public of Belarus. On the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, a number of laws and

codes in the field of environmental protection have been adopted, which include: Law of the Republic

of Belarus dated November 26, 1992 No. 1982-XII "About environmental protection"; Code of the Re-

public of Belarus dated April 30, 2014 No. 149-З "Water Code of the Republic of Belarus"; Code of the

Republic of Belarus "About Subsoil" dated 14.07.2008 No. 406-З and others.

In accordance with the Water Code of the Republic of Belarus, the Water Strategy of the Republic of

Belarus has been developed, which determines the main areas of activity for protection and use of

water resources in the Republic of Belarus, ensuring a guaranteed supply of people with high-quality

drinking water, sustainable rational water use in industry and agriculture, protection of water bodies

and groundwater from pollution and excessive water withdrawal, protection of the population and terri-

tories from the negative impact of water, as well as a significant expansion of use of unique water

bodies for recreation and ecotourism by the population of the country, reduction of non-productive

costs in water management and increasing the return from water resource potential to the country's

economy. The strategy establishes the basic principles of state policy in the field of use and protection

of water resources, provides making and implementation of management decisions on preservation of

aquatic ecosystems, that provide the greatest social and economic effect, and creation of conditions

for effective interaction between participants in water relations [5, 6].

In order to protect and control groundwater usage in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, groundwa-

ter monitoring is carried out in natural (low-disturbed) and disturbed by operation (water intakes) condi-

tions, as well as in the area where local sources of pollution are located (municipal sources of pollu-

tion, filtration fields, etc.). Groundwater monitoring in the area of local sources of groundwater pollution

is not in the competence of the Information and Analytical Center for Groundwater Monitoring, which is

based in the Institute of Geology, a branch of the State Enterprise "Scientific Research Center for Ge-

ology" of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Belarus [2].

3.1.1 Legislation regarding GW monitoring in natural (low-disturbed)


On the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 28, 2004

N 482 "On approval of provisions on the procedure for monitoring surface water, groundwater, atmos-

pheric air, local environmental monitoring and use of these data as part of the National Environmental

Monitoring System in the Republic of Belarus" the following provisions were approved: the procedure

for conducting groundwater monitoring within the NEMS and using its data; on the Information and

Analytical Center for Groundwater Monitoring of the National Environmental Monitoring System in the

Republic of Belarus.

On the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Belarus dated

07.19.2019 No. 180-OD, the Instruction on the technology of work on the organization and conduct of

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

groundwater monitoring was approved. The same Order defines the number and location of observa-

tion points of the state network for observing the groundwater state, a list of parameters, frequency of

observations and a list of organizations that monitor groundwater through the state regime well net-


According to the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Re-

public of Belarus dated July 19, 2019 No. 180-OD, the frequency of monitoring groundwater level re-

gime is carried out once every 10 days, and the quality (macro components and organoleptic indica-

tors – once a year, micro components – once per five years). The list of micro- and macro components

is the following: pH, total hardness, total mineralization (dry residue), permanganate oxidizability, chlo-

rides, sulfates, carbonates, hydrocarbonate ion, nitrates (by NO3-), sodium, potassium, calcium, mag-

nesium, ammonia (by nitrogen), free carbon dioxide, iron (in total), activated silicic acid (by Si), nitrite

ion, fluorides, manganese (in total), boron (B), polyphosphates (by PO4), lead (in total), copper (in

total), zinc, cadmium (in total).

The groundwater quality is assessed in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 10-124 RB 99

"Potable water and water supply of residential areas. Hygienic requirements and quality control of

potable water quality in centralized potable water supply systems".

3.1.2 Legislation regarding GW monitoring in disturbed conditions

Based on the Water Code of the Republic of Belarus (Article 12, paragraph 1.8), the Ministry of Natu-

ral Resources of the Republic of Belarus, together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bela-

rus, is responsible for maintaining the State Water Cadastre; Resolution of the Council of Ministers

"Regulations on the procedure for maintaining the State Water Cadastre" dated March 12, 2010 No.

345 approves the procedure for maintaining the SWC, which is systematized data on quantity and

quality of water, as well as its use; The RB Water Code (Article 30) defines the procedure for issuing

permits for special water use (water intake from water resources or its reduction, etc.); The Subsoil

Code (Article 33) defines the procedure for granting a mining allotment (a subsoil plot provided to a

subsoil user for mining, etc.).

In accordance with the Code about Subsoil of the Republic of Belarus, an assessment of operational

reserves and state examination should be carried out for all subsoil plots provided for groundwater

extraction, in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Code of Practice "Rules for the as-

sessment of operational reserves of drinking and technical groundwater for subsoil areas operated by

single water intakes”.

Requirements for organization of sanitary protection zones and their observance are complied with

SanPiN No. 142 of 30.12.2016.

Geological norms and rules "Requirements for observing the groundwater regime" have been devel-

oped, but have not yet come into force.

Currently, in the Republic of Belarus there are no methodologies approved in the established manner

for assessing the state of quantity and quality of groundwater, along with this, the basic principles and

approaches to groundwater monitoring have been determined: the frequency of sampling; sampling

process; analysis of the data obtained, etc., which are based on the Methodological Recommenda-

tions "Organization and production of observations on the pressure and flow rate regime" developed in

1983 by the All-Union Hydrogeological and Engineering-Geological Institute (VSEGINGEO), Moscow.

These Guidelines set out the requirements for composition and location of the network of observation

points, equipment and design of observational wells, operation network monitoring, etc. [7].

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


3.2 Summary of currently used methods for assessing the

status of hydrodynamic and hydro-geochemical regimes of

groundwater in the Republic of Belarus

To assess the state of level regime and quality of groundwater in the territory of the Republic of Bela-

rus, in general, and in the Pripyat river basin, in particular, an algorithm of sequential actions has been

developed, which includes:

sampling for determining the hydro-geochemical composition and level measurement for deter-

mining the hydrodynamic regime of groundwater;

collecting, processing and transfer of primary information to the IAC GM for its subsequent add-

ing to the database "Groundwater of the Republic of Belarus";

processing, analysis and evaluation of hydrodynamic and hydro-geochemical data;

conclusions, annual reports and publications, provision of received information to the Ministry of

Natural Resources of the Republic of Belarus and interested parties for making management


3.2.1 Sampling for hydro-geochemical regime assessment and level

measurements for hydrodynamic regime assessment

Conducting field research with hydro-geochemical sampling of groundwater is a rather serious stage

and, to some extent, laborious work that requires an understanding (intuition) of the hydrodynamics

and hydrochemistry of the research area by a hydrogeologist.

Nevertheless, like any other work, the work on sampling groundwater is quite consistent, staged and


1 stage – Preparation / planning of sampling;

2 stage – Survey / inspection of well(s);

3 stage – Pumping of well(s);

4 stage – Sampling;

5 stage – Transporting and storage of samples.

At the first stage (even before visiting the well), the scheme of its location is considered, the route to

it is specified, its passport data, including information about geological and hydrogeological conditions,

primary information about the chemical state of groundwater, static and dynamic levels, etc. At this

stage, an idea is formed about the hydrodynamic and hydro-geochemical state of groundwater in the

study area. It is necessary to clearly present the list of chemical components and become familiar with

sampling techniques / features. This is necessary in order to have certain chemical reagents (buffers)

with you for preservation of groundwater samples, to know the volume of containers for sampling.

It is important to check and prepare all the necessary equipment for determining the coordinates of the

well (GPS), sampling, conservation, transporting samples to the laboratory, etc. For all wells on which

samples will be taken, field protocols, acts, labels are prepared to record the results of field studies,


It should be noted that a well-planned first stage saves time and minimizes the problems that often

arise during field work.

The first stage results are:

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

1. Description of general information about the study area, including geological, hydrogeological,

hydro-geochemical characteristics, anthropogenic load, etc.;

2. Preparation of the necessary equipment, namely: sampler, level gauge, pH, Eh-meters, con-

tainers for sampling, gloves, tape, buckets, cellophane (for covering equipment from rain /

snow), chemicals for preserving samples, field journals, acts, labels, containers for storing

samples at low temperatures, rope, laptop with software for documenting groundwater moni-

toring results, keys to wells, pump, battery, sampler.

At the second stage, the technical condition of the well is checked (coloring of the head, the pres-

ence of the well number on the head, measuring the depth, assessing the state of the water intake

part, silting, the presence and operation of the level gauge).

To ensure high quality of regime observations, a control inspection of wells of the regime network is

periodically carried out. The inspector, in the presence of an observer, conducts measurements of

water level and temperature, depth of each well, minor repairs of wells, inspection of the area around

observation points within a radius of 0.5-1.0 km.

The result of the second stage is: assessment of the well condition, preparation for pumping and sam-


At the third stage, before pumping the well, the water level is measured. Next, the well is pumped,

which provides a change of at least four to five volumes of water in the wellbore (the volume is calcu-

lated by the formula taking into account the radius of a well pipe and the height of water column inside

it) with manual or electromechanical pumps. After pumping, before sampling, pH, electrical conductivi-

ty, dissolved oxygen, and groundwater salinity are measured. All information received is recorded in

field logs.

The result of the third stage is an inflow of groundwater from the reservoir for subsequent sampling,

obtaining primary data.

At the fourth stage, once a year, if possible, during the summer-autumn dry season, groundwater

samples are taken. Water samples are taken from operational wells after preliminary pumping with 3-

time replacement of the water column. Water sampling is carried out with a sampler in a container

made of glass or chemically resistant polymer materials. The volume and preservation of samples are

determined by the type of analysis and must be sufficient for the method used. Each container with a

water sample must be labeled immediately after sampling.

The result of the fourth stage is obtaining and preparation for transportation of containers with water


The fifth stage is also a quite responsible part of the entire process listed above. During transporta-

tion, containers with samples (water) are placed inside a container (container, box, etc.), which pre-

vents contamination and damage of containers with samples.

Samples for immediate examination are grouped separately and sent to the laboratory.

In the Republic of Belarus, when monitoring the groundwater state by hydro-chemical indicators, se-

lection, storage and transportation of water samples are carried out in accordance with the require-

ments of STB GOST R 51592-2001 “Water. General requirements for sampling" (hereafter referred to

as STB GOST R 51592-2001); STB ISO 5667-14-2002 “Water quality. Sampling. Part 14. Guideline

on ensuring of quality during water sampling and handling with sample tests (hereinafter referred to as

STB ISO 5667-14-2002); Order No. 180-OD dated 07.19.2019.

The result of the fifth stage is the delivery of water samples to the laboratory, with registration in the

journal of incoming documents with the assignment of a laboratory identification number.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


3.2.2 Collecting, processing and transfer of primary information to the

Information and Analytical Center for Groundwater Monitoring for its

subsequent adding to the database "Groundwater of the Republic of


The obtained primary hydro-geochemical and hydrodynamic data are sent to the BIEE branch from the

"Central Laboratory" of the State Enterprise "Scientific Research Center for Geology" (hydro-

geochemistry), observers and level gauges (hydrodynamics) in the form of protocols and electronic


Further, at the primary level, the processing of the received data is carried out, which consists in

checking the correct filling in the field logs, plotting annual chronological graphs, identifying and de-

termining errors in measurements, comparing the data with data on precipitation, air temperature, etc.

The chronological graph is updated immediately after the field books are received by the BIEE.

Identification and elimination of errors, as well as restoration of missed measurements is carried out by

visual assessment of the chronological graph. Chronological annual graphs are plotted using data

from all observational wells for all years of observation.

The obtained hydro-geochemical data is compared with SanPiN 10-124 RB 99 [4]. Usually, if the ana-

lyzed value is within the limits of the detection limit, then the sign less is written with the value of the

lower detection limit in the analytical protocols (for example: <0.5 mg/dm3).

The verified and processed primary data is entered into specially developed formats for transfer to the

IAC GM with the aim of their subsequent adding to the database "Groundwater of the Republic of Bel-


In the IAC GM primary data is added to the database "Groundwater of the Republic of Belarus" and

are summarized in the form of tables, graphs, cartographic material, etc. Assessment of level regime

state and groundwater quality in the Republic of Belarus is carried out both in natural (low-disturbed)

and disturbed conditions, conclusions are made. For example: when identifying high concentrations of

a nitrogen-containing group in groundwater, the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors is taken

into account; high contents of iron and manganese are due to the influence of natural factors, etc.

Changes in hydrodynamic conditions are also analyzed and evaluated. For each deviation / decrease,

the reasons are defined if possible.

Based on the collected, processed, evaluated data, reports, annual publications, conclusions, etc. are

made. All information is transferred to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Belarus and

people interested in making management decisions.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment




In the period from 2018 to 2020, under the EUWI+ project and with the joint participation of Belarusian,

Ukrainian and Austrian hydrogeologists, a number of pilot projects were carried out aimed at further

developing the RBMP, development of national groundwater monitoring and transboundary coopera-

tion with Ukraine, with the aim of rational groundwater management.

The implementation of these projects made it possible to gain experience in terms of groundwater

monitoring in the European Union, get acquainted with a number of regulatory legal acts and guidance

documents developed in the EU and borrow some aspects (without violating the legislation of the Re-

public of Belarus) with the aim of further development and improvement of groundwater monitoring in

territory of the Republic of Belarus.

4.1 Brief description of the considered methods of status

assessment in accordance with the principles of the WFD

As a result of studying the EU regulatory documents (approaches, methods) in terms of groundwater

monitoring, some important components for the Republic of Belarus have been noted / highlighted,

which, in our opinion, will allow a more comprehensive approach to assessing the state of not only

groundwater in the Republic of Belarus (their status assessment), but also all ecosystems that depend

on the quantity and quality of groundwater (surface water, wetlands, forests, etc.).

For this, RBMPs are being developed in the EU, in accordance with the requirements and principles of

the WFD. The RBMP prescribes and compiles programs for each of the types of monitoring (observa-

tional, operational), prescribes frequency of sampling, level recordings, determines the status of the

GWB, etc.

With regard to determination of the GWB status, according to the provisions of the WFD, “good sta-

tus” of groundwater has a comprehensive understanding and combines “good chemical status” and

“good quantitative status” of groundwater.

According to the Groundwater Directive, a status assessment should only be carried out for GWBs

that are identified as being at risk [1]. Groundwater bodies not at risk are automatically classified as

being of good status. Nevertheless, the risk assessment requires also the validation of the risk as-

sessment by monitoring data. This means that all groundwater bodies are subject to an assessment

by using monitoring data.

The status assessment is carried out using the available groundwater monitoring data collected during

the RBMP period (from surveillance and operational monitoring) and is carried out at the end of the

RBMP (every 6 years) to reflect the effectiveness of programs of measures that were previously identi-

fied. In addition to assessing the status, the results of risk assessment are also taken into account (the

status assessment is about the effectiveness of the measures, the risk assessment looks into the fu-

ture). At the beginning of each RBMP cycle, a risk assessment takes into account pressures and im-

pacts and gives an estimate of the state of groundwater at the end of the cycle, and the risk assess-

ment is validated by using the data from surveillance monitoring.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


The WFD aims at achieving “good chemical status” of groundwater bodies, considering: there is no

salt or any other intrusion; the relevant EU standards and groundwater threshold values have not been

exceeded; there is no negative impact on groundwater associated surface water ecosystems and

groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems (e.g., wetlands) and the drinking water treatment efforts

shall not increase due to changes in groundwater quality.

For the assessment of groundwater chemical status, the WFD requires that “…in assessing status, the

results of individual monitoring points within a groundwater body shall be aggregated for the body as a


the mean value of the results of monitoring at each point in the groundwater body or group of

bodies shall be calculated, and

in … these mean values shall be used to demonstrate compliance with good groundwater

chemical status.

“Good quantitative status” means that the available groundwater resource is in the long term not ex-

ceeded by groundwater withdrawal and that there is sufficient groundwater flow to support the ecologi-

cal functions of associated aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Furthermore, the groundwater level is

not altered such as it would cause any saline or other intrusion and any damage to groundwater asso-

ciated surface water ecosystems and groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems (e.g., wetlands).

In the territory of the Republic of Belarus in the Water legislation there are no such concepts as “good

quantitative” or “good quality” status of groundwater. We speak of a good condition of groundwater in

general if: the fluctuation of groundwater level regime changes within climatic values and depends on

natural and geological-hydrogeological conditions; the permissible decrease, calculated when as-

sessing the exploitation of reserves at the water intake, significantly exceeds the actual one; there are

no tendencies (no dynamics) to an increase in the content of chemical components in the GWB (fluc-

tuations of hydro-geochemical components are within the background values); the quality of ground-

water meets the requirements of SanPiN 10-124 RB 99.

In terms of frequency of hydro-geochemical and hydrodynamic data obtaining, in stable groundwater

systems the monitoring program may be limited to two samples per year, while in more dynamic sys-

tems (e.g., karst aquifers), quarterly and more frequent sampling may be required.

It is recommended that groundwater samples from monitoring wells and/or springs are taken at refer-

ence points at least four times per year in order to determine seasonal fluctuations in the chemical

composition of groundwater. The sampling frequency may be reduced later, but it is recommended

that at least two sampling campaigns are carried out per year.

The frequency of monitoring is determined by the amount of data that is needed to determine the risk

and status and, if necessary, to assist in the design and evaluation of the program of measures. If

during the RBMP specialists see that there is not enough data to investigate and obtain the required

result, the frequency of sampling and level measurements may increase.

In the Republic of Belarus, observations on the groundwater hydrodynamic state in natural conditions

(at observation points of the state observation network within the NEMS) is carried out once every 10

days; on the hydro-geochemical state: macro components and organoleptic indicators once a year,

micro components once every 3 years at observation points of transboundary category, 1 time per 5

years at observation points of background category and observation points without category (accord-

ing to the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of

Belarus No. 180-OD dated July 19, 2019 "On monitoring surface and groundwater at observation

points of the National Environmental Monitoring System in the Republic"). Observations on groundwa-

ter state in areas, where local sources of groundwater pollution are located, are carried out once a

year during the recession of the spring flood (the list of components to be determined and the fre-

quency of sampling are defined by the Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources of 11.01.2017

No. 5 (as amended by the Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources dated 22.07.2020 No. 15)).

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

The groundwater quantitative monitoring network in Austria (area 83,879 km2) consists of about 3000

monitoring sites (this includes observational wells, wells for drinking water supply (water intake wells),

wells for industrial water supply, and also wells used for other purposes). While, for example, the basin

area of the Pripyat river is 114,300 km2,the number of operating observational wells of the state net-

work located in this territory and intended for monitoring the groundwater state is 75 (106 – together

with the abandoned ones).

It is important to consider, that the EU WFD groundwater status assessment (both quantity and quali-

ty) is based on a combination of individual, relevant tests both on the level of the entire groundwater

body as a whole and tests which consider the location of exceedances, in particular when assessing

saline or other intrusion and when assessing the impacts on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Data

aggregation of individual monitoring results is always needed. For this, geographic information sys-

tems are widely used and mathematical modeling is applied where the situation is critical as the efforts

of modelling are quite demanding and high.

Both Austrian and Belarusian experts attach great importance to quality assured sampling techniques

and laboratory performance. Having international experience in the EUWI+ project, Belarusian special-

ists have shown excellent results in this direction. In the Republic of Belarus, sampling of groundwater

for hydro-geochemical indicators and their testing is carried out in accordance with the requirements of

technical regulatory legal acts STB ISO 5667-11-2011. The only difference is that in the EU, when

taking samples, field equipment for measuring pH, electrical conductivity, oxygen concentration, tem-

perature, as well as sometimes test strips for express analysis of water samples.

When taking a more detailed look at the methods related to the assessment of the quantity and quality

of groundwater, then for the quantitative assessment of groundwater, the WFD requires the measuring

of the level of groundwater in wells and the related guidance document recommends also the measur-

ing of the flow rate of springs, runoff characteristics and/or levels of surface watercourses during the

dry season, water levels in wetlands and lakes, significantly dependent on groundwater, which is also

relevant for the Republic of Belarus. Also, in order to determine the overall quantitative status of the

GWB according to the requirements and objectives of the WFD, a series of tests is used that consider

the impact of changes in groundwater levels due to anthropogenic factors and/or runoff. The results of

all relevant tests together indicate whether the GWB meets the environmental objectives and the

GWB is of good quantitative status.

The series of tests includes:

1. Water balance: the long-term average annual withdrawal from the GWB should not exceed

the long-term average recharge. This test takes into account the cumulative effect on the

GWB and is a whole body test;

2. Surface water: there should be no significant deterioration in the chemical composition or

ecology of surface water;

3. Terrestrial ecosystems dependent on groundwater: there should be no significant damage

to a terrestrial ecosystem that depends on groundwater;

4. Salt (or other) inclusions: there should be no intrusion of saline solutions (or other pollu-

tants) as a result of anthropogenic impact and/or change in pressure, decrease in flow or

change in direction of flow as a result of water withdrawal

5. Drinking water protected areas: No deterioration in quality of waters intended for human

consumption. No increased water treatment due to anthropogenically induced change in

groundwater quality. [3].

When assessing the GWB quality in accordance with the requirements of the EU WFD, the mandatory

components that must be determined when carrying out a particular groundwater monitoring program

are: oxygen content; pH; conductivity; nitrates; ammonium. The list of other components is selected

depending on the characterisation of the GWB and the sources of groundwater pollution identified in

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


the characterisation process and the pressure and impact assessment (risk assessment). At the same

time, the sampling frequency should be linked to the regime of infiltration and recharge of aquifers and

to seasonal changes in the use of agrochemicals that cause groundwater pollution.

Assessment of groundwater quality both in the Republic of Belarus and in the European Union begins

with the fact that hydro-geochemical data is compared with existing norms, standards, threshold and

background values.

The good chemical status of groundwater in the European Union is based on: quality standards, as

well as background and threshold values for those pollutants that cause a risk that a groundwater

body is failing to achieve the good chemical status at the end of the management plan period. The

threshold values take into account both the variability of the natural quality of groundwater (natural

background levels) and the needs of the receptors (e.g. human health via drinking water, ecosystems

health, agriculture use, etc.).

The Groundwater Directive lists substances for which there are quality standards already applied

throughout the European Union. For other substances that cause risks to achieving good groundwater

quality status, countries impose threshold values themselves. The threshold value is understood as an

individual quality standard for a specific country, region, river basin or GWB. The concept of "threshold

value" was introduced because natural conditions are not homogeneous, therefore, the composition of

water in different regions / river basins, etc. will not be homogeneous [3].

The minimum list of components for which Member States have to consider the establishment of

threshold values includes: Cd, Pb, Hg, NH4, NO2, Cl, SО4, phosphorous (total/orthophosphate, trichlo-

roethylene, perchloroethylene, electrical conductivity.

Such threshold values can be set at the national level, at the level of an individual river basin, or at the

level of one groundwater body or a group of such bodies.

For transboundary groundwater bodies, threshold values are coordinated with the values adopted with

neighbouriпg countries. The Groundwater Directive recommends that countries establish their own

“thresholds” taking into account the identified risks associated with specific anthropogenic impacts.

When setting thresholds, countries need to take into account the natural background concentrations of

naturally occurring substances [8]. Compared to a quality standard, a “threshold” can be more striсt.

For example, if concentrations of components in groundwater are below quality standards, and they

lead to chemical or ecological disturbances in groundwater-related ecosystems, then more striсt val-

ues should be set, which are then called “threshold values”.

Furthermore, the establishment of “threshold values” considers the natural background values and

quality standards of the receptors of the groundwater. For example: in some EU Member States the

drinking water standard for chloride is 200 mg/dm3. If, for example, the natural background value of

chloride is already 300 mg/dm3, then a threshold value cannot be lower than 300 mg/dm

3. If the natu-

ral background level of chloride, for example, is 100 mg/dm3, then the threshold is often somewhere

between 100 and 200 mg/dm3. Austrian establishes the groundwater threshold values at 90% of the

drinking water standard (for example, for chlorides, it is 200 mg/dm3), which it results in a "threshold

value" for chloride of 180 mg/dm3.

The Groundwater Directive describes how countries determine their own “thresholds“ based on the

identified risks associated with specific anthropogenic impacts. Countries need to take into account

natural background concentrations of naturally occurring substances when setting thresholds and the

needs of the receptors of the groundwater. For more details on approaches to setting the threshold

values, see [3].

When processing data, both in the European Union and in the Republic of Belarus, special attention is

paid to the length of the time series of the data, on the basis of which the analysis and processing of

data is carried out in order to subsequently assess the status of the GWB. According to the recom-

mendations of the CIS guidance documents, the length of the time series that should be used de-

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

pends on the conceptual model of the groundwater body, the temporal evolution of concentrations and

changes in the quality of the monitored data. Too long time series can lead to biased results because

low or high values in earlier years of the time series influence the conclusions todays status [3]. For

example, in Austria for the analysis of hydro-geochemical data, the length of the series is 3 years.

Data processing consists in calculating average annual values for each substance and for each

groundwater monitoring site which is then followed by the calculation of a 3-year average value per

monitoring site. This 3-annual value is compared with the threshold value for this substance and de-

cides whether a monitoring site is called “endangered” if it exceeds the threshold value or not.

Further, for each GWB, the percentage of those groundwater monitoring sites is calculated, where the

average value over 3 years exceeds the threshold value. If this percentage exceeds a certain limit

(e.g. 20-25%) then the GWB has a “poor groundwater chemical status”.

In assessing groundwater trends, the WFD provides a concept of “starting point for a reversal of an

upward trend in concentrations” – a starting point for implementing measures to change trends. This

point is the one when concentration of a substance has reached a value when it is necessary to take

measures to reverse the upward trend (dynamics to increase) so that this trend does not exceed the

threshold value.

This point is defined as a percentage of a threshold value or quality standard. The Groundwater Di-

rective proposes to use 75% of the threshold value as a starting point for a trend reversal. This per-

centage can be determined individually for each GWB, depending on different geological and hydro-

geological conditions and characteristics of the pollutant. For example*1: Cretaceous GWBs are very

dynamic and quickly respond to changes in their hydrochemistry and hydrodynamics. This means that

any measure implemented can lead to a very rapid improvement of the GWB quality. As a result, we

can postpone the implementation of environmental protection measures and apply a higher % (for

example, 85%). On the other hand, if we consider deeper aquifers, which react to ongoing processes

very slowly, then it is advisable to start implementing measures earlier and use a lower % value (for

example, 60%), since the purpose of the research is to prevent the exceedance of the established

standard by the trend, since it may take years for such aquifers to improve their condition, although

environmental measures have long been implemented. The overall goal is that the upward trend does

not exceed any threshold value. It is also based on the experience and intuition of an expert who can

predict preliminarily / approximately how long it will take for the GWB to react to the implemented

measures (measures to prevent the spread of pollution).

As noted earlier, the concept of “good chemical status” is absent in the regulatory legislation of the

Republic of Belarus. At the same time, in the territory of both the Republic of Belarus, in general, and

of the Pripyat river basin, in particular, a good hydro-geochemical state can be asserted if the content

of the determined components meets the established requirements of SanPiN 10-124 RB 99 and the

hydro-geochemical indicators change within the background values typical for a particular territory of

the country, a particular river basin, and also if there are no trends towards an increase in the content

of one or another component. When hydro-geochemical data is compared with SanPiN, about it

means that the data are compared with maximum permissible concentrations (MPC). By MPC we

mean the maximum concentrations at which the substances do not have a direct or indirect effect on

human health (when exposed to the body throughout life) and do not make the hygienic conditions of

water consumption worse.

In the Republic of Belarus, in general, and in the Pripyat River basin, in particular, the time series of

observations are 5 years (while the frequency of groundwater sampling is 1 time per year). The data

obtained during implementation of groundwater monitoring in natural (low-disturbed) conditions and

conditions disturbed by operation are systematized in the form of graphs, diagrams, tables and then

compared with the background values. Thus, tendencies to an increase in the content of one or an-

other component and cases of exceeding the MPC are determined.

1 An example was kindly provided by the Austrian expert on groundwater

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


Based on the analysis of the tabular material, wells are selected in which the hydro-geochemical char-

acteristics of groundwater do not meet the established requirements. If the condition of groundwater

does not meet the defined requirements, then a kind of test approach is performed. It is clarified, which

of the factors could affect the change in the state of groundwater quality: natural or anthropogenic. If

these are natural factors, then recommendations on the possibilities of further operation of the water

intake / deposit are offered. If these are anthropogenic ones, it is assumed which of the pollution

sources could have influenced such a change in the state of groundwater. In such cases, additional

research is recommended.

Based on this approach, an idea of groundwater quality state within the hydrogeological station and

water intake is compiled. In the Republic of Belarus, observations on the groundwater hydro-

geochemical regime are carried out at local sources of groundwater pollution.

Quarterly and annual studies, conclusions on the state of groundwater for all types of groundwater

monitoring are published in reports, publications that are submitted to the Ministry of Natural Re-

sources of the Republic of Belarus.

For the further development and improvement of groundwater monitoring in the Republic of Belarus, it

is necessary to solve a number of scientific, industrial and regulatory legal tasks, which are presented

in detail in Chapter 7.

In general, comparing the methods and approaches of the EU and the Republic of Belarus, it should

be noted that the approaches used to assess the status of GWBs in the EU are quite complex. It is

important to understand that some ecosystems are dependent on groundwater and, in their turn, are

indicators of groundwater state.

In further work in terms of groundwater monitoring and assessment of the GWBs status in the Repub-

lic of Belarus, it will be useful to use such WFD concepts as: “threshold value”, “starting point for a

trend reversal”. After the completion of work on determining the coordinates of observational wells, the

development and creation of GIS for groundwater of the Republic of Belarus and taking into account

the recommendations of the WFD, it will be useful to revise the approaches to statistical processing of

hydro-geochemical and hydrodynamic data.

The set of scientific and practical measures listed in this chapter and in Chapter 7 will allow to run a

full determination of the GWBs status of the Pripyat river basin and will be an example for determining

the GWBs status for other river basins of the Republic of Belarus, which in its turn will improve the

RBMP quality.

4.2 Summary of the results of the test condition assessment of

groundwater status using available monitoring data

This chapter will present an approach to determining the quantitative and qualitative status of GWBs in

the territory of the Republic of Belarus (using the example of the Pripyat river basin). In accordance

with the requirements of the WFD and the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, criteria are

proposed for determining the status of the GWBs of the Pripyat River basin.

To determine the quantitative and qualitative status of the GWBs in the territory of the Republic of

Belarus (using the example of the Pripyat river basin), first of all, we have a conceptual understanding

of the formation factors of groundwater hydrodynamic and hydro-chemical regime in the Pripyat river

basin. In other words, it is necessary to have an idea, which of the GWB formation factors can have /

has an impact on the status of the GWB of the Pripyat River basin, which will / does lead to a change

in the hydrodynamic or hydro-geochemical characteristics.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

The concept is based on the knowledge that the GWBs in the Pripyat river basin are influenced by

natural and anthropogenic factors, which mainly determine their status.

Natural factors primarily include climatic factors (precipitation, temperature, etc.), geomorphological,

geological and hydrogeological features (swampiness of the territory, dynamics of groundwater, com-

position of water-bearing rocks, etc.). Anthropogenic factors are reclamation activities, mining, agricul-

tural activities, concentrated water intake, etc.

As a result of the influence of natural factors there is a high content of organic matter (up to 100–300

mg/dm3) in the GWBs of the Pripyat River basin, represented mainly by fulvic and humic acids. These

water bodies are characterized by high iron content, sometimes reaching 25–30 mg/dm3 (with an MPC

of 0.3 mg/dm3). That is why the residue of groundwater is colored from light red to brown. The maxi-

mum values of mineralization (up to 600 mg/dm3) are observed within river floodplains and the first

above-floodplain terraces, i.e. in areas of aquifer discharge. Here, a sharp increase in the content of

Cl- and Na

+ (up to 120-220 mg/dm

3) is recorded in groundwater, and the water composition becomes

hydrocarbonate-chloride calcium-sodium, etc.

As a result of the influence of anthropogenic factors, in the GWBs of the study area, there is a de-

crease in the phreatic groundwater and associated confined aquifers levels (the influence of land rec-

lamation, water intake, drainage measures, etc.), as well as an increase in the content of the nitrogen-

containing group, sometimes pesticides, etc.

Without going into detail on the conceptual understanding of the hydrodynamics and hydrochemistry

of the GWBs in the Pripyat river basin, in order to assess the hydrodynamic and hydro-geochemical

state of the GWBs in the study area of the Pripyat river basin, groundwater is monitored in natural

(low-disturbed) and by operation disturbed conditions, as well as in areas where local sources of

groundwater pollution are located.

In natural conditions, level regime and groundwater quality monitoring is carried out at 25 hydrogeo-

logical stations (76 observational wells), which are located at various GWBs and 5 water intakes.

To assess the qualitative status of the GWBs in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, in general, and

in the Pripyat river basin, in particular, the approved document SanPiN 10-124 RB 99 is used, as well

as background indicators (not approved legislatively), which are determined for each GWB in the Pri-

pyat river basin.

Hydro-geochemical status assessment of the GWBs in natural (low-disturbed) conditions consists in

the analysis of the obtained hydro-geochemical data on hydrogeological stations for the previous 5

years and the last year (plotting of graphical, tabular material, etc.). In process of analyzing hydro-

geochemical data, the status of groundwater is determined both in each well and the GWB as a whole.

Wells with a tendency of increase of one or another component, excess of the MPC are identified. If

possible, the potential source of GWB contamination is identified.

Hydrodynamic regime assessment of the GWBs of the Pripyat river basin in natural (low-disturbed)

conditions consists in processing data based on the calculation of the qualitative and quantitative

characteristics of the annual and long-term groundwater regime. Qualitative techniques include plot-

ting of histograms of timing of reaching characteristic levels. The quantitative characteristics of the

annual and long-term level regimes include the amplitudes of rise and fall for characteristic periods of


The relationship between amplitudes, timing of the reaching of extreme levels, pressures, etc. with

meteorological, lithological composition of the aeration zone and water-bearing rocks, hydrogeological,

etc. factors and conditions is analyzed. A lag is determined (especially typical for deeper aquifers),

knowledge of which is an important element in making forecasts.

It has been defined that in single wells in the Pripyat river basin, the level decreases are 0.8-1 m,

which is due to the influence of the economic activity of the private sector.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


State assessment of the GWBs in conditions disturbed by operation is carried out for operating and

observational wells (in the area of water intakes).

The analysis of hydro-geochemical data is carried out according to the same scheme as in natural

(low-disturbed) conditions.

Assessment of the state of hydrodynamic conditions consists in analyzing the values of groundwater

recharge from above and below, as well as from the side of the flow boundaries, determining the

boundary conditions, compiling epigenous calculations of the disturbed groundwater regime.

The qualitative characteristics include the development of histograms of the timing of the onset of spe-

cific levels. The quantitative characteristics of the annual and long-term regime of levels include the

amplitudes of rise and fall for specific periods of time.

The connection between amplitudes, timing of the onset of extreme levels, pressures, etc. is analyzed

with meteorological, lithological composition of the aeration zone and water-bearing rocks, hydrogeo-

logical, etc. factors and conditions. A time lag is established (especially typical for deeper aquifers).

This knowledge is an important element in making prognosis.

It has been established that in certain wells in the Pripyat river basin, the level decreases are 0.8-1 m,

which is due to the impact of the economic activity of the private sector.

The assessment of the GWB state under disturbed operating conditions is carried out for production

and observation wells (in the area of water intakes).

The analysis of hydrogeochemical data is carried out according to the same scheme as in natural

(slightly disturbed) conditions.

The assessment of the state of hydrodynamic conditions includes analyzing the values of groundwater

recharge from above and below, as well as from the side of the flow boundaries, identifying of bounda-

ry conditions, and compiling epigenous calculations of the disturbed groundwater regime.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment





On the basis of the analysis and comparison of various methods and approaches to monitoring

groundwater in the European Union and the Republic of Belarus, this chapter describe the methodolo-

gies for assessing groundwater quantitative and qualitative status using the example of the Pripyat

river basin. It should be noted that on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, for a rather long period of

time, no integrated work has been carried out to assess the qualitative and quantitative groundwater

status. An integrated assessment of the groundwater body status in general and the ecosystems that

depend on them in particular is relevant for the territory of the Republic of Belarus. It would be useful

to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the GWB status and the ecosystems dependent on them

every 5 years (according to the nationally established River Basin Management planning cycle).

Before beginning the methodology development, it is necessary to emphasize once again that the

groundwater monitoring in the territory of the Republic of Belarus is carried out in natural conditions

(slightly disturbed) and in conditions disturbed by operation (at hydrogeological posts and water intake


The goals of the natural groundwater regime include: identification and study of the factors and condi-

tions for the formation of the groundwater regime in terms of qualitative and quantitative indicators;

establishment of regional and local patterns of changes in the regime and balance of groundwater in

terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators; making forecasts of the qualitative and quantitative

groundwater state.

Under natural conditions, observations of the groundwater state are carried out at hydrogeological

posts, which consist of a number of observation wells equipped for various aquifers (complexes). Ob-

servation wells are not being operated.

The goals of the disturbed groundwater regime include: assessment/revaluation of groundwater re-

serves according to the data of regime observations in conditions of intensive exploitation; study of the

impact of intensive exploitation on surface runoff and on environmental changes; organization of ob-

servations and obtaining information in order to develop the theory of the formation of operational

groundwater reserves; preparation of regional forecasts of changes in hydrogeological conditions un-

der the influence of intensive exploitation of groundwater.

Under conditions disturbed by the operation, observation of the groundwater hydrodynamics is carried

out through observation wells. Therefore, observation wells in the area of the water intake are

equipped in such a way as to control the development of the depression funnel at the edges and in the

center of the water intake (equipped for the exploited, overlying and underlying aquifers (complexes).

For observation wells, which are equipped in the center of the water intake (for the exploited aquifer),

one determine by how much the actual decrease in the groundwater level as a result of water intake is

above or below the permissible decrease. For the rest of the observation wells, the course of ground-

water levels (increase/decrease/development of the depression funnel, etc.) is assessed under the

conditions of the water intake operation.

For the hydro-chemical state of groundwater in the area of the water intake location, observations are

carried out both for observation and production wells.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


Regardless, for natural and disturbed conditions, the assessment of whether a groundwater body is “at

risk” in terms of its quantitative status is based on a decrease in groundwater levels and a comparison

of the actual decrease with the acceptable one.

The differences is contained in the fact that the determination of the decreasing of the groundwater

levels is assessed by observation wells of the natural regime and the disturbed regime (observation

wells are located at the edges of the water intake and on the overlying aquifers) regime. In turn, the

permissible decrease is determined for observation wells located in the center of the water intake to

the main exploited aquifer (it makes it possible to control water intake, assess the state of the aquifer

itself, which is being abstracted/operated).

For example: for the Ostrovy water intake (the water-bearing Dnieper-Sozh water-glacial complex is

being exploited) during operating, it is determined that the value of the permissible decrease (m) is 21

m (Table 1). According to the data of the regime observations, it was determined that the maximum

decrease in the level in the center of the water intake (according to data for 2018) was 6.0 m.

Table 1: Maximum decrease in GW levels in the operated aquifer at the Ostrovy water intake

Settlement Water intake name Aquifer index Maximum level decrease in the center, m

Estimated permissible decrease, m

Minsk Ostrovy f,lglld-sz 6,0 21

This is to say that the actual decrease in the groundwater level in the exploited aquifer does not ex-

ceed the calculated permissible decrease validated in the assessment of the exploitable groundwater

reserves, which indicates the provision of water withdrawal within the approved groundwater reserves.

If the maximum decrease in the water level is exceeded, formation drainage, failure of pumping

equipment, etc. may occur.

If the permissible decreases are calculated when the water intake is put into operation, then the de-

crease in the groundwater level, according to which the GWB will be considered “at risk”, must be

determined. For this, the following approach was applied: processing and analysis of hydrodynamic

data for a 10-year period (natural conditions). Then the result is compared with the initial year. It was

found that those observation wells that somehow fell into the zone of anthropogenic impact, the mag-

nitude of the decrease in them in comparison with the initial year was more than 1 m.

Qualitative status assessment is done by comparing the actual hydrogeochemical values with back-

ground values and maximum permissible concentrations (adopted in SanPiN 10-124 RB 99).

Taking into account the approaches of the Water Framework Directive to assessing the status of

GWBs, as well as considering the legislative requirements of the Republic of Belarus, a methodology

is proposed, which will be a first step in assessing the status of groundwater bodies for the territory of

the Republic of Belarus (for example, the Pripyat river basin).

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

5.1 Assessment of the quantitative and qualitative groundwater

bodies status in the context of the Pripyat river basin

5.1.1 Criteria for assessing the quantity status of a GWB

On the basis of the above mentioned the criteria for assessing the quantitative status of the GWB of

the Pripyat river basin are defined as follows.

Step 1а. For observation wells located in natural and disturbed conditions (observation wells are lo-

cated at the edges of the water intake and within the overlying aquifers), the main criterion for deter-

mining the quantitative status of the GWB is a decrease in the groundwater level by more than 1 m. I

this is the case, the monitoring site is called “endangered”

Step 1b. For observation wells equipped on the exploited aquifer (complex) and located in the center

of the water intake, the observation well will be "endangered" when the actual decrease in S(act) ex-

ceeds the allowable decrease in S(per), which is defined when approving groundwater reserves.

According to the WFD, where there is reliable information on the groundwater levels of the GWB, this

data can be used to detect the presence of a decrease in the water level caused by groundwater ex-

traction. If such a decrease is present, it indicates that the conditions for good status are not met and

the groundwater body is in poor status. However, water levels by themselves may not provide a relia-

ble classification, so an alternative is to estimate the water balance. Currently, such types of research

are not carried out on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Hence, this criterion will be taken into

account in the future.

For generalization of the groundwater level observations to the level of groundwater bodies

and the assignment of a quantitative status to groundwater bodies, the percentage of observa-

tion wells that are "endangered" is compared with the total number of observation wells, This takes

into account the observation wells that are in natural and disturbed operation conditions (observation

wells are located at the edges of the water intake and within the overlying aquifers) that are equipped

for one water body, as well as the permissible decrease (calculated according to observation wells

located in the center of the water intake and equipped on the main exploited aquifer).

Step 2. Status determination. A groundwater body will have a “poor” quantity status if: more than

25% of observation wells are “endangered”. This means all observation wells in undisturbed conditions

and at the edges of water intakes that have a depression of more than 1 meter (the value of 25% is

taken on the basis of WFD recommendations); and all wells where the actual decrease of the observa-

tion wells in the center of the intake is higher than the calculated permissible (Sact.> Sper).

Figure 1 shows a scheme for the step-by-step determination of the quantity status of the GWB of the

Pripyat river basin.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


Figure 1: Scheme for assessing the quantitative groundwater status

Alternative methodology for future consideration

Also, one of the proposed approaches for the determination of the quantitative status of the GWB in

the Pripyat River Basin may be as follows: The assessment of the quantitative status will be performed

using trend analysis (decrease), as well as comparing the actual decrease with the permissible;

trend analysis will be performed on the regime wells network, which is located in natural condi-

tions and observation wells located in disturbed operating conditions and equipped on the over-

lying, non-exploited aquifers. The comparison of the actual decrease with the permissible one

will be performed for observation wells equipped for the producing aquifer (complex);

in the result of the performed trend analysis and calculation of the percentage of all wells, where

the trend has negative dynamics in comparison with the total number of observation wells

equipped for that GWB, for which it is necessary to identify its quantitative status, we determine:

o if more than 25% of wells have a negative trend, the quantitative status is “poor”;

o if the actual decrease is more than the permissible - the quantitative status is “poor”.

All the proposed approaches should be tested and analyzed once again, which will make it possible to

make a final decision on which of the proposed methods has the right to exist and is more effective for

determination of the quantitative GWB status in the Pripyat River basin.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

5.1.2 Criteria for assessing the quality status of a GWB

As already noted earlier, within the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the assessment of the status of

the groundwater hydrogeochemical regime consists in comparing the actual hydrogeochemical data

with the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC, established in SanPiN 10-124 RB 99). That is

why these established MPC values will be the main criteria for determining the quality status of

groundwater bodies in the Pripyat river basin.

Step 1. At the first stage, it is necessary to generalize the hydrogeochemical data per monitoring well

located in natural and disturbed operating conditions. Analyze hydrogeochemical data and determine

for each monitoring site the average value of the chemical component based on data for three years.

The assessment of whether a monitoring site is “status endangered” is based on a comparison of the

mean (over three years) with) the maximum permissible concentration (MPC).

To summarize and subsequently give a quality status to groundwater bodies, it is necessary to

calculate the percentage of all wells that are: ”status endangered” compared to the total number of

observation wells equipped for that GWB, which are subject to determine the quality status.

Step 2. Assessment of the status:

A groundwater body has a "poor" chemical status when > 30% of observation wells do not meet the

requirements of SanPiN 10-124 RB 99.

A groundwater body has a “good” chemical groundwater status when ≤ 30% of observation wells do

not meet the requirements of SanPiN 10-124 RB 99.

Figure 2 shows a scheme for the step-by-step determination of the quality status of the GWB of the

Pripyat river basin.

Figure 2: Scheme for assessing the groundwater quality status

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


5.1.3 Criteria for assessing the quality risk of a GWB

As already noted earlier, within the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the assessment of the risk of

the groundwater hydrogeochemical regime consists in comparing the actual hydrogeochemical data

with the natural background concentrations. That is why these calculated background concentrations

will be the main criteria for determining the quality risk of groundwater bodies in the Pripyat river basin.

Step 1. As for status assessment, in the first stage it is necessary to generalize the hydrogeochemical

data per monitoring well located in natural and disturbed operating conditions. Analyze hydrogeo-

chemical data and determine for each monitoring site the average value of the chemical component

based on data for three years. The assessment of whether a monitoring site is “risk endangered” is

based on a comparison of the mean (over three years) with the background value.

To summarize and subsequently give a quality risk to groundwater bodies, it is necessary to

calculate the percentage of all wells that are ”risk endangered” compared to the total number of obser-

vation wells equipped for that GWB, which are subject to determine the quality status.

Step 2. A groundwater body is “at risk” when, in > 30% of observation wells, polluting components

exceed background values and have a tendency to increase their content.

A groundwater body is “not at risk” when ≤ 30% of observation wells exceed background values.

Step 3: In the case where > 30% of observation wells are ‘risk endangered’, a trend assessment is

necessary to identify the tendency of concentrations to increase.

Figure 3 shows a scheme for the step-by-step determination of the quality risk of the GWB of the Pri-

pyat river basin.

Figure 3: Scheme for assessing the groundwater quality risk

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

5.2 Summary of method requirements and restrictions

To assess the groundwater status both in the territory of the Republic of Belarus as a whole and in the

Pripyat river basin in particular, it would be relevant to determine the “threshold value” and “initial point

for the reverse trend”.

The background of the “threshold value” and “starting point for the trend reversal” is that they can be

used to more flexible approach to groundwater quality management issues. For example [3]: nitrate

values in groundwater are below 45 mg/l (50 mg/l EU quality standard) and nitrates cause eutrophica-

tion in the relevant surface water body, which justifies setting a lower threshold for nitrates. In other

words, if, as a result of deterioration in the groundwater quality (for example: nitrate pollution), the

surface water quality has deteriorated (eutrophication), then using the “threshold value”, the require-

ments for the quality of groundwater can become stricter.

The benefits of a “starting point for trend reversal” is to take measures early enough to prevent

groundwater pollution at the initial stage of its formation.

Naturally, in order to determine the “threshold value” and “starting point for trend reversal” qualified

experts who understand the regional, local features of the geological and hydrogeological conditions

of the Republic of Belarus should be involved; processes (water-rock) occurring as a result of anthro-

pogenic loads, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of the factors of groundwater formation,


Methodology of groundwater status assessment





According to the requirements of the WFD, status assessment should only be carried out for GWBs

that are identified as being at risk. GWBs that are not at risk are automatically classified as having

good status.

In this chapter, the proposed methodology will be tested on the example of two GWBs in the Pripyat

river basin. They include GWB BYPRGW0002 (water-bearing Holocene alluvial, Poozerie alluvial,

Poozerie lacustrine-alluvial aquifer (s)) and BYPRGW0006 (water-bearing Berezina-Dnieper water-

glacial and Paleogene and Neogene complex). These GWBs were chosen because: GWB BY-

PRGW0002 is the first aquifer below the surface, thus it is more exposed to anthropogenic impact;

And GWB BYPRGW0006 is the main exploited aquifer.

6.1 GWB quality status assessment

In order to assess the chemical status of GWB BYPRGW0002 and BYPRGW0006, data obtained as a

result of monitoring observations on natural and disturbed regimes for the period from 2016 to 2018

were used. This period was chosen because it is more comprehensive. The largest number of obser-

vation wells have data for this period of time.

The compound NO3- was chosen as the experimental component (by which the GWP status was de-

termined). This is due to the fact that rather large areas of the Pripyat river basin are used as agricul-

tural land, the effect of which on groundwater can be shown in increased concentrations of NO3- com-

pound. According to the proposed methodology, the status assessment includes:

1. Compilation and generalization of hydrogeochemical data on GWBs BYPRGW0002 and


In order to determine the chemical status of the GWB BYPRGW0002, 13 observation wells were uti-

lized (of which 7 wells in natural conditions and 6 wells in disturbed conditions).

In order to determine the chemical status of the GWB BYPRGW0006, 104 observation wells were

utilized (of which 43 wells in natural conditions and 61 wells in conditions disturbed by the operation).

As a result of aggregation of all hydrochemical data, the dataset for the GWB BYPRGW0002 and BY-

PRGW0006 were compiled.

2. Determination of "average value"

Figure 4 shows a fragment of the dataset with the calculated average values for GWB BYPRGW0006

(disturbed conditions). The same work was performed for the rest of the datasets, including the GWB

BYPRGW0002 for each observation well (natural, disturbed conditions).

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

Figure 4: Determination of the average value according to GWB BYPRGW0006 (disturbed


3. Comparison of the “average value” with the background level and MPC

Comparison of the "average value" with background and maximum permissible concentrations was

carried out (established by SanPiN 10-124 RB 99).

The calculation of background concentrations was carried out for hydrogeological posts (natural condi-

tions) located in the territories of forest areas. Average values for each component were calculated

over a period of 5 years.

Table 2 shows the background and maximum permissible concentrations of the NO3- compound for

the GWBs BYPRGW0002 and BYPRGW0006 in the Pripyat river basin.

Table 2: Background concentrations of NO3- component in GWBs BYPRGW0002 and


GWB name Aquifers and complexes Background levels

NO3-, mg/l


-, mg/l


aIV 1,5


aIIIpz 2,4

laIIIpz 1,1


f,lgIbr-IId 2,2

P3+N 1,4

P3hr 1,2

P2kv 1,4

4. Determination of chemical status

As a result of comparing the "average value" for GWB BYPRGW0002 with background concentra-

tions, it was found that out of 7 wells (natural regime) in the 1st well, the average value of NO3- ex-

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


ceeds the background concentration. Out of 6 wells in the disturbed regime - in 2 wells, the nitrate

content is higher than the background (Table 3).

GWB BYPRGW0006: out of 43 wells (natural regime) in 8 wells, the average value of NO3- exceeds

the background concentration. In disturbed conditions, out of 61 wells - in 8 wells the nitrate content is

higher than the background, in one - higher than the MPC (Table 3).

Table 3: The number of observation wells in which the nitrate content is above the background

and MPC in the GWBs BYPRGW0002 and BYPRGW0006


Natural regime Disturbed regime

total wells

above background level

above MPC

total wells

above background level above MPC

BYPRGW0002 7 1 - 6 2 -

BYPRGW0006 43 8 - 61 8 1

One should calculate the percentage of all wells that are: a) above the background level (at risk) b)

above the MPC (poor status) compared to the total number of observation wells equipped for that

GWB, for which it is necessary to determine its qualitative status (Table 4).

Table 4: Determination of the qualitative status of the GWB BYPRGW0002 and BYPRGW0006

GWB name GWB area total wells

above background level

above MPC

background level percentage

MPC percentage

GWB status

BYPRGW0002 14254.25 13 3 - 23% - at risk

BYPRGW0006 39879.46 104 16 1 15.40% 0.96% good

On the basis of the results obtained and according to the presented methodology, it was determined

that the qualitative status of the GWB BYPRGW0002 is "good", since the percentage was <30%, no

excess of the MPC was identified.

Good status has been identified for GWB BYPRGW0006. Here, the percentage of background and

MPC was <30%.

In terms of GWB BYPRGW0002, such a methodological approach is likely to be premature. This is

primarily due to the fact that on the territory of 14254.25 km2 (area of the GWB BYPRGW0002), ob-

servations of the hydrogeochemical regime are carried out only in 13 wells.

It should be also taken into account that the peculiarities of geological and hydrogeological conditions

(the aquifer is poorly protected from surface pollution), anthropogenic load (large areas are occupied

by agricultural land). In the light of information, we believe that it is necessary to assign this GWB the

status "at risk", with recommendations aimed at developing the regime well network for this GWB.

6.2 GWB quantity status assessment

To assess the quantitative status of GWBs BYPRGW0002 and BYPRGW0006, data obtained as a

result of monitoring observations on natural and disturbed regimes were used. The interpretation of

the data on the hydrodynamic regime was conducted over the last 10 years of observations (com-

pared with the initial year of the analyzed 10-year period).

According to the proposed method, the assessment of the hydrodynamic status of the GWB BY-

PRGW0002 was carried out with the use of observation wells located in natural conditions and obser-

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

vation wells located at the edges of the water intake and equipped on the overlying, not exploited aqui-


According to the proposed method, the assessment of the hydrodynamic status of the GWB BY-

PRGW0006 was conducted for observation wells located in natural conditions and observation wells

equipped for the exploited aquifer (complex).

In accordance with the proposed methodology, the status assessment will include:

1. Compilation and generalization of hydrodynamic data for the GWBs BYPRGW0002 and


In order to determine the quantitative status of the GWB BYPRGW0002, 4 hydrogeological stations

were utilized, which include 8 observation wells (natural regime) and 2 observation wells located at the

Lesnoy water intake in Kalinkovichi (well 1 is located in the central part of the water intake, well 3 - 0.5

km from its center).

In order to determine the quantitative status of the GWB BYPRGW0006, 21 hydrogeological posts (42

observation wells of natural regime) and 23 observation wells are utilized, located on the main produc-

tion aquifer (Table 5). As a result of aggregation of all hydrodynamic data, datasets for GWBs BY-

PRGW0002 and BYPRGW0006 were compiled.

Table 5: The number of observation wells for which the hydrodynamic information processing

was performed according to the GWBs BYPRGW0002 and BYPRGW0006

GWB Number of observation wells

Natural regime Disturbed regime

BYPRGW0002 8 2

BYPRGW0006 42 23

2. Determination of “decrease”. Comparison Sact. and Sper.;

GWB BYPRGW0002. As a result of the performed data processing, it was determined that over a ten-

year period, the course of levels the GWB BYPRGW0002 in natural conditions had a negative trend,

however, the decrease in the levels (compared to the initial year of the analyzed 10-year period) cor-

responded to natural fluctuations and ranged from 0.25 to 0.64 m.

As a result of the performed data processing, it was determined that over a ten-year period of time, the

maximum decrease in the level (in comparison with the initial year of the analyzed 10-year period)

under disturbed operating conditions was 0.53 m in 2015, when the amount of water withdrawal was


GWB BYPRGW0006. As a result of the performed data processing, it was determined that over a ten-

year period of time, the course of the levels of the GWB BYPRGW0006 in natural conditions had a

negative trend, however, the decrease in levels (compared to the initial year of the analyzed 10-year

period) corresponded to natural fluctuations and ranged from 0.08 to 1 m.

Water withdrawal from GWB BYPRGW0006 was carried out only at water intakes Lesnoy-1, Go-

rodskoy (Kalinkovichi) and Luchezhevichi (Mozyr). The observations for the groundwater levels of the

BYPRGW0006 water body at the water intakes Lesnoy-1 and Gorodskoy (Kalinkovichi) were carried

out at 11 observation wells.

The analysis of actual data and graphic material showed that at the water intakes of Lesnoy-1 and

Gorodskoy in the exploited aquifer in the central part of the water intake in well 2, the absolute marks

of groundwater levels ranged from 119.9 m in 2015 with a maximum water withdrawal of 9.3 thousand

m3/day up to 121.5 m in 2017 with a water withdrawal of 8.04 thousand m

3/day. The maximum level

decrease from the initial level in the central part was 2.45 m (well 2) and was noted in 2015.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


In observation wells at the water intake Lesnoy-1, located at distances of 0.6 km (well No. 5) and 1.1

km (well No. 6) from the center, the magnitudes of decreases are 2.22 m and 0.33 m, respectively.

The wells at the Gorodskoy water intake, located outside the depression zone (at a distance of 4-8.6

km from the water intake center), the levels decreases was practically not recorded. The permissible

decrease, calculated when assessing the operational reserves at these water intakes reached 55 m. It

significantly exceeds the actual ones (Table 6).

Table 6: Maximum level decrease in exploited aquifers at operating water intakes over a 10-

year observation period

City Water intake

Well code

Exploited aquifer index

Distance from center of water intake, km

Maximum level decrease in the center S, m

year Q 1000 m


Permissible decrease, m

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



4 f,lgIbr-IId 0.6 1.19

2015 9.3 55.0

2 Pkn-hr center 2.45

5 Pkn-hr 0.6 2.22

6 Pkn-hr 1.1 0.33

7 Pkn-hr 2.5 +0.12

8 Pkn-hr 1.0 2.6


20 f,lgIbr-IId 2.5 1.83

1 Pkn-hr 2.0 0.63

3 Pkn-hr 4.0 0.3

6 Pkn-hr 8.6 0.19

7 Pkn-hr 6.0 +0.33

Mozyr Luchezhevichi

3701 f,lgIbr-IId 1.7 no data

2009 40.8 37.0

3702 f,lgIbr-IId 0.7 no data

3703 f,lgIbr-IId center no data

3704 f,lgIbr-IId 2.1 no data

3705 f,lgIbr-IId 2.5 no data

701 P+Q 1.7 2.08

702 P+Q 0.7 3.84

703 P+Q center 6.49

704 P+Q 2.1 0.69

705 P+Q 2.5 +0.31

2702 P2kv 0.7 no data

2703 P2kv center no data

On the basis of the analysis of groundwater level observations of the exploited aquifer system in re-

gime wells in the area of water intakes of Kalinkovichi, the radius of the depression funnel along the

isoline of a decrease of 1 m during the ten-year observation period did not exceed 2.5-3.0 km.

At the Luchezhevichi water intake, monitoring the levels of the water body BYPRGW0006 during

2009–2018 were carried out in 12 wells located at different distances from the center.

In the exploited joint water-bearing Quaternary water-glacial and Paleogene terrigenous complex, the

absolute marks of groundwater levels in the central part of the water intake in well 703 varied from

112.8 m in 2009 with the highest water withdrawal of 40.8 thousand m3/day to 114.27 m with its mini-

mum value of 21.7 thousand m3/day in 2018. The maximum groundwater level decrease in the center

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

of the water intake over the 10-year observation period was 6.49 m (well 703). Decreases in levels in

observation wells located at distances from 0.7 km (well 702) to 2.5 km (well No. 705) in the same

time period reached 3.84 and 0.31 m. In wells located near the Pripyat river (wells 705, 3705, 704 and

3704) fluctuations in the GWB BYPRGW0006 are greatly impacted by the hydrological regime of the

Pripyat river, and the impact of water withdrawal practically does not affect.

The permissible decrease, calculated when assessing the exploitation of reserves at the water intake

reached 37 m. And it significantly exceeds the actual ones.

3. Quantitative status determination.

On the basis of the generalization of hydrodynamic data on the natural and disturbed regimes, we will

determine the status of the GWB BYPRGW0002 and BYPRGW0006.

The maximum decrease of the GWB BYPRGW0002 in natural conditions reached 0.64 m and 0.53 m

under disturbed operating conditions with the maximum water withdrawal in 2015. The obtained max-

imum decrease naturally does not exceed 1 meter, thus the quantitative status of the GWB BY-

PRGW0002 is “good”.

The maximum decrease of the GWB BYPRGW0006 in natural conditions reached 1 m (in 2 wells).

Under disturbed operating conditions, the maximum actual decreases were 2.45 and 6.49 m, which

did not exceed the permissible level: 55 and 37 m, respectively (Table 6), thus the quantitative status

of the GWB BYPRGW0006 is “good”.

On the basis of the research performed, it was established that with all available calculations, the qual-

itative status of the GWB BYPRGW0002 should be kept “at risk” in order to further develop the regime

network of wells for this aquifer. The quantitative status of the GWB BYPRGW0002 is “good”.

The qualitative and quantitative statuses of the GWB BYPRGW0006 are"good".

It should be noted that the proposed methodology will be gradually improved and elaborated as the

issues concerning the development of the regime network of wells (for example: uneven distribution

and insufficient number of observation wells, lack of coordinates of observation wells, etc.); the im-

provement of the database "Groundwater in the Republic of Belarus" (for example: transfer to GIS

technology, conducting integrated groundwater monitoring); creating mathematical models, calculating

balances, etc.

Despite the existing limitations, we have performed a huge amount of work, which consisted in com-

paring the methods of groundwater monitoring in accordance with the requirements of the WFD and

the legislation of the Republic of Belarus; establishment of criteria for determining the GWB status of

the Pripyat river basin; development of methodology and its approbation on real hydrochemical and

hydrodynamic data.

6.3 Summary of groundwater status assessments and


On the basis of the research carried out, it was established that with all available calculations, the

qualitative status of the GWB BYPRGW0002 should be kept "at risk" in order to further develop the

regime network of wells for this aquifer. The quantitative status of the GWB BYPRGW0002 is “good”.

The qualitative and quantitative status of the GWB BYPRGW0006 is “good”.

It should be noted that the proposed methodology will be gradually improved and elaborated as the

issues concerning: development of the regime network of wells (for example: uneven distribution and

insufficient number of observation wells, lack of coordinates of observation wells, etc.); improvement of

the database "Groundwater of the Republic of Belarus" (for example: transition to GIS technology,

conducting integrated monitoring of groundwater); creating mathematical models, calculating balanc-

es, etc.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


Despite the existing limitations, a lot of work was done, which consisted in comparing the methods of

groundwater monitoring in accordance with the requirements of the WFD and the legislation of the

Republic of Belarus; establishment of criteria for determining the GWB status of the Pripyat river basin;

development of a methodology and its approbation on real hydrochemical and hydrodynamic data.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment



In the period from 2018 to 2020, under the International Program " European Union Water Initiative

plus for the Eastern Partnership countries" (EUWI+) and with the joint participation of Belarusian,

Ukrainian and Austrian experts-hydrogeologists, a number of pilot projects were carried out, the main

goal of which was to support the state management in the implementation of the principles of the Wa-

ter Framework Directive (WFD) with the subsequent development of the Pripyat River Basin Manage-

ment Plan.

In this chapter, the authors have collected and summarized all open issues and gaps that were identi-

fied during the implementation of pilot projects (from 2018 to 2020) in the Pripyat river basin. It should

be noted that most of the presented issues are relevant not only for the Pripyat river basin, but also for

the entire groundwater monitoring system of the Republic of Belarus. The gradual elimination of these

issues will allow to improve the methodological approaches and the groundwater monitoring system,

on the basis of which the assessment of the state of groundwater in the Pripyat river basin is carried

out in order to make quick and high-quality management decisions both in the country and abroad (in

terms of international relations).

For this, first of all, it is necessary to work out the issues related to the development and optimization

of the regime well network in the Pripyat river basin, including the development of transboundary

groundwater monitoring in the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine, solving problems of scientific and

regulatory legal focus. The main ones include:

7.1 Development of a regime network of observational wells in

the Pripyat river basin:

1.1 To include the regime network of observational wells developed and equipped in 2019 at the GWB

BYPRGW0001 in the list of observation points for the groundwater state of the National Groundwater

Monitoring System of the Republic of Belarus, and to continue observations on it;

1.2 To include observational wells of the Lomachi hydrogeological station and the regime well network,

equipped in the 80-90s for state monitoring of groundwater subjected to radionuclide contamination in

the National Groundwater Monitoring System of the Republic of Belarus;

1.3 To conduct additional survey (to find and survey the technical condition of single wells, perform

their testing) of those sections of the Pripyat river basin, which are not covered by observational wells

for groundwater monitoring. If they are absent, drill new ones;

1.4 To perform coordinate referencing of all wells included in the regime observational network (natu-

ral (low-disturbed), disturbed by operation conditions);

1.5 To optimize the regime network of wells in order to distribute them evenly within the boundaries of

each GWB, since (as can be seen from the Table 7) there is clearly not enough observational wells to

monitor the state of the GWB for some water bodies;

1.6 To equip with automatic level gauges the observational wells that will be included in the regime

network for groundwater monitoring in the transboundary territory of the Pripyat river basin;

1.7 It is proposed to include 22 new observation sites. Within the boundaries of distribution of the

GWBs BYPRGW0001, BYPRGW0002, BYPRGW0003, BYPRGW0004 and BYPRGW0009, we pro-

pose to drill 12 new wells (Table 8 and Table 9).

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


Table 7: Number of observational wells and site density of the GWBs of the Pripyat river basin

GWB code GWB area, [km


Number of observational wells (both operating and abandoned)

Number of operating wells

Number of wells per 1000 km


Quaternary deposits

BYPRGW0001 13,431.09 15 15 1.12

BYPRGW0002 15,522.56 24 13 1.55

BYPRGW0003 13,470.77 13 4 0.97

BYPRGW0004 11,333.91 42 30 3.71

BYPRGW0005 9,821.77 13 6 1.32

Total: 107 68

Pre-Quaternary deposits

BYPRGW0006 45,678.55 148 121 3.24

BYPRGW0007 27,515.15 29 20 1.05

BYPRGW0008 2,444.55 18 17 7.36

BYPRGW0009 23,738.88 92 72 3.88

BYPRGW0010 108.52 н.с. н.с. -

BYPRGW0011 1,404.03 н.с. н.с. -

Total: 287 230 -

Total: 394 298 -

Table 8: Suggestions for inclusion of existing observation points of the groundwater

monitoring network in the Pripyat river basin

GWB code Monitoring network suggestions

BYPRGW0001 To continue monitoring at 13 wells equipped in 2019.

BYPRGW0002 To continue monitoring at 8 operating wells in natural conditions (5 hydrogeological stations) and 2 wells in the Lesnoy water intake. Also, to continue monitoring on 3 wells surveyed in 2019.

BYPRGW0003 To continue monitoring at 3 operating wells in natural conditions (3 hydrogeological stations) and 4 wells in the Ostrovy water intake. Also, to continue monitoring at 1 well surveyed in 2019.

BYPRGW0004 To continue monitoring at 3 operating wells in natural conditions (3 hydrogeological stations) and 27 wells in the Ostrovy water intake.

BYPRGW0005 To continue monitoring at 5 operating wells in natural conditions (3 hydrogeological stations) and resume monitoring at the abandoned well 706 (Luchezhevichi water intake). Also, to continue monitoring at 1 well surveyed in 2019.

BYPRGW0006 To continue monitoring at 42 operating wells in natural conditions (21 hydrogeological stations) and 79 wells at 7 water intakes. Rotation is recommended at least for 20 wells.

BYPRGW0007 To continue monitoring at 4 operating wells in natural conditions (4 hydrogeological stations) and 16 wells in water intakes.

BYPRGW0008 To continue monitoring at 2 operating wells in natural conditions (1 hydrogeological station) and 15 wells in water intakes.

BYPRGW0009 To continue monitoring at 3 operating wells in natural conditions (2 hydrogeological stations) and 67 wells in water intakes.

BYPRGW0010 No suggestions

BYPRGW0011 No suggestions

Methodology of groundwater status assessment

Table 9: Suggestions for improvement and equipment of new observation points of the

groundwater monitoring network in the Pripyat river basin

GWB code Monitoring network suggestions

BYPRGW0001 To drill 2 new observational wells in the western and eastern parts of the Pripyat river basin. To include 13 wells equipped in 2019 in the regime observation network.

BYPRGW0002 To drill 4 new observation wells in the transboundary area. To include 3 wells surveyed in 2019 in the regime observation network. To recommend 2 sites for additional survey

BYPRGW0003 To drill 2 new observation wells. To include 1 well surveyed in 2019 in the regime observation network. To recommend 3 sites for additional survey.

BYPRGW0004 To drill 2 new observation wells. To recommend 5 sites for additional survey.

BYPRGW0005 To recommend 5 sites for additional survey due to the lack of information about single wells, water intakes and wells located at local sources of groundwater pollution.

BYPRGW0006 To include in the regime network and resume observations on 2 wells of the conserved Lomachi hydrogeological station, surveyed in 2019

BYPRGW0007 To include in the regime network and resume observations on 1 well of the conserved Lomachi hydrogeological station, surveyed in 2019

BYPRGW0008 To continue groundwater monitoring on the existing regime well network

BYPRGW0009 To drill 2 new observation wells. To include 2 operating wells of Pina-2 water intake surveyed in 2019 in the annual analysis of groundwater monitoring

BYPRGW0010 No suggestions

BYPRGW0011 No suggestions

7.2 Transboundary groundwater monitoring of the Republic of

Belarus and Ukraine

2.1 To determine the list of groundwater monitoring points for water bodies within the borders of trans-

boundary corridors from the Ukrainian side;

2.2 To unify hydrogeological legends for the transboundary territories of the Republic of Belarus and


2.3 To make a map with the suggested sites for groundwater monitoring for each water body from both

the Belarusian and Ukrainian sides for their subsequent inclusion in the program of transboundary

groundwater monitoring;

2.4 To develop a joint transboundary groundwater monitoring program for the territories of the Repub-

lic of Belarus and Ukraine with the purpose of integrated joint management of transboundary water


2.5 To provide implementation of pilot projects that will be aimed at obtaining additional hydrodynamic

and hydrogeochemical information, focusing on the transboundary aspect.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment


7.3 Scientific aspects

3.1 To determine the quantitative and qualitative status of groundwater, it is necessary to carry out a

geological and ecological assessment of state of the GWBs in the south-east of the Pripyat river basin,

namely: to build / draw up maps of natural protection of the GWBs and anthropogenic load in the

south-east of the Pripyat river basin with application of hydro-geochemical information;

3.2 To conduct a comprehensive assessment of groundwater bodies and associated surface water or

terrestrial ecosystems, which at this stage was impossible due to the lack or unavailability of infor-


3.3 For a comprehensive analysis and assessment of state of the GWBs in the Pripyat river basin, the

IAC GM shall provide access to information on pollution sources (local sources of pollution) of


3.4 To convert / transform step by step all geological and hydrogeological, hydrodynamic and hydro-

geochemical, coordinate, etc. information on groundwater in the territory of the Pripyat river basin to


3.5 To improve statistical approaches to assessing monitoring information in order to obtain more de-

tailed and more demonstrative conclusions;

3.6 For the final study of the transboundary territory of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine, it is nec-

essary to provide implementation of pilot projects in the part of the Western Bug (Zakhodni Buh) river


3.7 The issue of restoration and research work within the balance areas, which were located in the

Pripyat river basin as well, remains open and currently relevant (climate change issues);

3.8 To provide research work on determining threshold values and starting points for reverse trend.

7.4 Regulatory legal objectives

4.1 To provide possibility of developing a regulatory document that would make it possible to legisla-

tively improve the conduct of groundwater monitoring in such a way, that all organizations that have

information regarding groundwater / groundwater monitoring would transfer it in accordance with the

established procedure to the IAC GM of the State Enterprise "Scientific Research Center for Geology",

branch "Institute of Geology" for its storage in the database "Groundwater of the Republic of Belarus"

and its use in order to generalize the material and comprehensively assess state of groundwater both

in the Pripyat river basin and the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus

Solution of the above tasks will improve the methodological approaches to groundwater monitoring,

will make it possible to comprehensively assess state of the GWBs in the territory of the Republic of

Belarus, and after that it will be possible to talk about the integrated management of water resources,

decision-making in terms of preserving resources and groundwater reserves, their protection from


Methodology of groundwater status assessment


To develop a methodology for determining status of the GWBs of the Pripyat river basin the following

studies were performed:

The regulatory legal and methodological documents of the European Union and the Republic of Bela-

rus have been worked out. As a result of their analysis and comparison, the following was determined:

one of the directions of the EU groundwater monitoring concept is not only the protection of groundwa-

ter from pollution and depletion, but also the protection of ecosystems that directly or indirectly depend

on the state of groundwater. It is also important that the EU WFD groundwater monitoring system is

not based on the analysis of a single point (well), but is aimed at analyzing and understanding the

operation of the entire hydrogeological system, which is especially important for a comprehensive

assessment of the state of groundwater and its protection from pollution and depletion.

Some EU methodologies for assessing the quantity and quality of GWBs are considered, in which the

WFD recommends measuring the following to assess the quantity of groundwater: the level of

groundwater in wells or springs; flow rate of springs; runoff characteristics and/or levels of surface

watercourses during the dry season; water levels in wetlands and lakes, significantly dependent on

groundwater, which is also relevant for the Republic of Belarus. Also, in order to determine the overall

quantitative status of the GWB, a series of tests is applied to consider the impact of anthropogenic

changes on groundwater levels and/or discharge. Each test assesses whether the GWB meets envi-

ronmental objectives.

To assess the quality of the GWB, it is quite interesting to use concepts such as “threshold value” and

“starting point for the reverse trend”, which would be useful for assessing the quality of groundwater in

the Republic of Belarus.

Criteria have been determined and a methodology has been proposed for assessing the GWB status

of the Republic of Belarus, in general, and the Pripyat river basin, in particular. As a result, a prelimi-

nary assessment of the status of each GWB of the Pripyat river basin was made (according to the

principle: “good”, “under risk”, “poor”).

On the basis of the previous and present studies, proposals were given for the development of a na-

tional and transboundary regime network of observational wells in the Pripyat river basin; the tasks of

scientific and regulatory legal orientation were listed, the solution of which will make it possible to in-

troduce new approaches to groundwater monitoring and comprehensively assess the state of the

GWBs in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Methodology of groundwater status assessment



1. Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23, 2000;

2. "INSTRUCTIONS on the local environmental monitoring procedure for legal entities carrying out

economic and other activities that have a harmful effect on the environment, including environmentally

hazardous activities." Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environ-

mental Protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 9 on February 01, 2007 (as amended by the Resolu-

tion of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus No.

4 on January 11, 2017);

3. Common Implementation strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). Guideline No.

18 Guidelines on groundwater status and trend assessment;

4. Sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN 10-124 RB 99 2.1.4. “Potable water and water supply of resi-

dential areas. Hygienic requirements and quality control of potable water quality in centralized potable

water supply systems. Mn., 1999;





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