Page 1: Methodologie Expression Orale en Interaction Student's Worksheet

Student’s Worksheet Date :


Listen to Dialogue N° 1 and pay attention to the tone of the characters speaking.He sounds :

She sounds :

Pick out words and expressions justifying your choice.

L’interaction orale implique à la fois de savoir comprendre l’autre et de savoir prendre la parole.

Soyez à l’écoute de l’autre.

Aidez-vous de l’intonation pour comprendre l’intention de l’autre et répondre de façon adéquate. (insister, convaincre, exprimer ses sentiments)

Utiliser une langue spécifique à l’oral : des marqueurs d’hésitation ( er ,well, you know), des tournures de phrase simples, des questions variées, des phrases exclamatives, des question-tags.

Relancez la conversation : évitez de laisser des blancs s’installer, faites preuve d’esprit d’initiative. ( Demandez l’avis de l’interlocuteur, changez de sujet, demandez-lui de reformuler)

Réagissez à l’imprévu : adaptez votre réponse à ce que vous dit l’interlocuteur.

Utilisez des gestes adaptés au message que vous voulez faire passer.

disappointed - excited - surprised - angry - enthusiastic - sad - sympathetic - encouraging - impatient - hesitant

Page 2: Methodologie Expression Orale en Interaction Student's Worksheet

Now listen to Dialogue N° 2 , answer the same questions and compare. Find the similarities and differences

He sounds :

She sounds :

Read the conversation box , then listen to the 2 dialogues again and say which words and expressions you hear.

Say what type of sentences you hear in each dialogue


Here are some useful expressions to help you interact with someone. Rewrite the expressions below under the

corresponding columns. Donner son opinion Exprimer son accord Exprimer son désaccord Couper poliment la parole

Organiser et résumer ses idées

Donner des exemples, reformuler, expliquer

Demander des éclaircissements

Atténuer son point de vue, concéder

questions - statements - question-tags - exclamations - orders - short sentences - complex sentences

Page 3: Methodologie Expression Orale en Interaction Student's Worksheet

Here are some useful hesitation devices to help you interact with someone.

Sorry, I didn’t get that. I don’t agree. / I disagree with you.

To my mind … Excuse me but ...

For example … / For instance ….

First of all … secondly … then ….

You may be right , but….

That’s quite right.

Hang on ! (familiar). What exactly do you mean ?.I think you’re wrong!


I think / I feel / I believe ... Sorry to interrupt you, but …. In a way …/ To some extent….

Don’t you think that … ? I couldn’t agree more.Certainly not !

On the whole…

I’ll explain it to you.

In other words…

I didn’t get your point .It may be true, but …

I don’t see it that way.

Can I just say something? To sum up, I’d say…That’s true. / Exactly!/ Absolutely!

Say that again.

Can you repeat what you said, please?I quite share your view.

In my opinion ….

I quite agree with you on this point.

On the one hand… on the other hand…

Let me give you an example . I suppose you’re right , but…

We could also say …

That’s all very well but…

Page 4: Methodologie Expression Orale en Interaction Student's Worksheet


Watch carefully and put yourself in someone’s shoes. Try and answer the journalist’s questions

Listen to the people being interviewed and to their answers. Imagine the journalist’s questions . v=7FVIxOqvQhs


NOW YOUR TURN ! Practise spontaneous exchanges with one of your classmates. Choose among the following subjects and start acting out the role-play.



Role A : You want a virtual girlfriend or boyfriend.

Role B : Imagine your friend wants a virtual girlfriend or boyfriend. What do you tell him/her?

Role A : You want to join a social networking site but you don’t really know which social network you should use.

Role B : You are a social network user and you have some suggestions for your friend.

Page 5: Methodologie Expression Orale en Interaction Student's Worksheet


Role A : You have had some bad news. Your parents have blocked access to the Internet after

5 p.m .

Role B : You feel sorry for your friend and try to cheer him/her up.

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