
    Metaphors in the Languages of Science1?

    (Appeared in New Trends in Specialized Discourse Analysis. (2006) Eds. Maurizio Gotti &Vijay

    Bhatia. Bern:Peter Lang, pp 197-220)

    1. Introduction

    Scholars in LSP studies have the gift of prescience – the discussions

    about the conceptual organization of the terminology of a domain,

    started nearly a century ago by Eugene Wüster, have a clear resonance

    with the discussions related to ontology in the current literature in distributed computing, especially in the literature on semantic web.

    The ever burgeoning web, with texts, images, music and movies, is

    searched predominantly using ‘keywords’; search engines have large collections of these words used to index texts (and images) such that a

    user can retrieve the indexed texts using the self-same or similar

    keywords. The literature on search engine technology has contributions on ontology – literally what there is, a notion that is not

    alien to the Wüster tradition: any attempts at the organization of

    concepts requires thought about what there is or is perceived to be.

    The work in ontology is about creating the conceptual

    organization for building term collections and about validating terms

    of a specialist domain. LSP researchers have moved on and are now focusing on how texts are organized by the use of terms and

    examining the social context of specialist writing. This chapter is

    about this move and here I would like to examine the use of metaphor in scientific writing. Linguistic metaphors are used extensively in

    science in particular and specialist writing in general. There are two

    strands in this chapter: first, a review of work in metaphor studies that

    1 This paper is based on three presentations: first, an invited key note speech at

    the 11th European Symposium on LSP (Ahmad 1997); second, a selected

    presentation at the European Science Foundation Workshop on Metaphors

    (Granada 2004); and third a contribution to the 15th European Symposium on

    LSP (Bergamo 2005).

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    focus on the transference between domains through the use of

    metaphors, in conjunction with mathematical symbolism and images.

    The source domain, to use a term in cognitive linguistics, may be

    everyday language or it can be a specialism, and the target domain usually is (another) specialist domain. Second, I will describe how

    corpus linguistics methods and techniques can be used in the study of

    metaphor in science and technology. My purpose is to draw attention to the edifice of science: there

    is no denying that science has improved the quality of life through its

    application of principles and practices. There is equally not much

    evidence to deny the critics of science that science, or its uses, has de-

    humanized human society at large and has created seemingly

    unsolvable problems for generations of humans to come. The utility

    and horror notwithstanding, scientists show us how language can be used to build a constellation of theories and experimentations, mostly

    to satisfy curiosity amongst some human beings. The curiosity then

    sometimes leads on to transistor chips, which when incorporated in my computer helped me write this paper; the computer was powered

    by energy generated through hydro-electric power or nuclear fuels.

    Scientists literally and metaphorically (!) create a world of make-believe through a web of words – some borrowed, some

    invented, endorsing self-belief here and suppressing the beliefs of

    others there. Consider the tension involved in the use of metaphors in

    biology: the positive use of metaphors is reflected in the use of

    metaphorical language in molecular biology: the mechanistic

    metaphor of information transaction between the macromolecules in animal beings, nucleic acid for instance, or the metaphor of signalling

    within biological systems has led to the development of molecular and

    evolutionary biology. Biological processes reportedly ‘edit’, ‘transcribe’ and ‘translate’ – these literary metaphors have helped

    molecular biologists to communicate amongst their own discipline and

    across related disciplines of medicine – pharmacology, for example. Literary metaphors “make extremely complicated molecular processes

    intelligible by highlighting their functional components in a human, or

    rather semiotic, reference frame. In this case, metaphors have helped

    to drive science to new insights” (Chew / Laubichler 2003: 52). The

    success of the message-passing metaphor in biology has impacted the

    equally ambitious workers in particle physics: there are a number of

  • Metaphors in the Languages of Science 3

    ‘elementary’ particles that are exchanged between other particles and

    thereby help the others to form a bond. These bonds are found in the

    nuclei, where protons and neutrons are bound together through the

    exchange of so-called mesons. Such exchanges take place through messenger particles “in deference to nomenclature for RNA” (Salam

    1990: 39).

    The negative, and nefarious, use of metaphors is perhaps best illustrated in the appropriation of scientific terms to describe people:

    The extension of genetics to eugenics owed much of its popularity in the

    United States and in Germany to its use of culturally resonant metaphors. Labeling people as a burden, a cancerous disease, or a foreign body

    (Fremdkörper) conveyed the ‘threat’ to society in terms that people could

    relate to in their respective historical and cultural settings. (Chew / Laubichler

    2003: 52)

    I am interested in the use of metaphors in specialist writing: writing

    produced only for an intra-community audience – journal articles and

    monographs aimed essentially at an audience that is within a specialism. The use of metaphors in learned writing appears to serve a

    different purpose; perhaps, metaphorical language facilitates cohesion

    and coherence within a community? Typically, studies of metaphor

    are restricted to samples of texts usually published in popular science

    magazines (de Beaugrande 1996).

    2. Ways of wor(l)d-making

    The philosopher Nelson Goodman has his own ways of word-making and for him “metaphor is no mere decorative rhetorical device but a

    way we make our terms do multiple moonlighting service” (1978:

    104). The multiple moonlighting of terms is evident, for example, in

    the use of the term nucleus: in everyday language nucleus refers to a

    kernel, in cell biology cells have a nucleus, and in nuclear physics, the

    atom has a nucleus. In everyday language, we have nuclear family

    and nuclear power, and the derivations of the metaphorical noun – the

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    adjective nuclear and the verb to nucleate – moonlight in a number of

    different subjects. The metaphor moonlighting service perhaps

    summarises two or three decades of literature published in the

    cognitive semantics on metaphor, where we see a number of terms moonlighting to describe the psycho-linguistic description of the

    origins and uses of metaphors. Consider, for instance, the phrase the

    great chain of being – which was used in 18th century biology – used in discussing why and how animal metaphors are used in the

    description of human behaviour (Kövesces 2002).

    The interest in the transition of metaphors from source- to

    target-subject matter has been typically discussed in the context of

    people’s use of this linguistic device. Recent work here dates back to

    Lakoff’s (1987) anti-rationalist approach, which privileges bodily

    experience in philosophical analysis. It is assumed that people’s or folk articulation of the possible worlds through language will allow a

    deeper view into the workings of the human mind/brain. Indeed such a

    position has been taken by pioneering biologists (Mendel) and psychologists (Freud and Jung) whose words have thrown much light

    on how the human mind/brain works. A sympathetic interpretation of

    the work of Lakoff and his colleagues can be found in Kövesces (2002), which describes three major classes of metaphor: structural,

    ontological and orientational metaphors. Structural metaphors “enable

    speakers to understand target A by means of the structure of source B”

    (2002: 33) – for instance, the passing of time is understood in terms of

    the motion of objects. Orientational metaphors “make a set of target

    concepts coherent in our [sic] conceptual system” (2002: 35); for example, the concepts of ‘more’ and ‘less’ are explained through the

    metaphorical use of ‘up’ and ‘down’ respectively, as in ‘speak up

    please’, ‘keep your voice down’. Ontological metaphors are relevant to LSP studies in that such metaphors help us to conceive of our

    “experiences in terms of objects, substances, and containers in

    general, without specifying further the kind of object, substance or container” (2002: 251).

    In the last century, metaphors have been used by scientists to

    construct the edifice of both experimental and theoretical sciences.

    This borrowing has been finessed by an erudite mathematical

    framework. The synthesis of two semes or modes of expression

    (linguistic and mathematical symbolism) have led to awe-inspiring

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    and awesome discoveries. This tradition of synthesising the two semes

    – the linguistic seme relying on the use of metaphors to describe

    human psychosocial behaviour, ranging from memorising to learning

    and from emotions to consciousness, and mathematical symbolism, including logic and statistics – has had a similar consequence in terms

    of awe-inspiring large-scale integration of semi-conducting devices

    on a chip, nuclear power and remote-controlled devices for aggressive purposes and nuclear weapons. The development of the Internet is

    suffused with metaphors that include the single term web and its

    interesting, perhaps oxymoronic collocations like the semantic web

    and the utilitarian term sets cluster around web services.

    An example of metaphorical usage is the assignment of the

    attributes of animate beings to inanimate beings. It is often argued that

    the rational approach adopted by scientists has led to great discoveries and nowhere is this truer than in physics. The 20th century theories of

    matter – the nuclear atom theory and the quantum theory of radiation

    – borrow heavily from the terminology of astronomy and (classical, 19th century) physics. Newton’s abiding contribution was to introduce

    a mathematical description of how planets moved around a star in the

    ‘celestial’ universe: the self-same equations could be used to describe the movements of objects on the earth – the proverbial apple falling to

    the ground – or the terrestrial universe. The mathematical description

    was extended to aquatic systems (a subject called hydrodynamics) and

    produced the Newtonian grand unification, with the celestial,

    terrestrial and aquatic universes described in one abstract framework

    grounded in the notion of force. But the term force as used in modern science has had a difficult birth or rather difficult adaptation by the

    community of scientists. The key term force originally referred to

    armed men/violence or physical human coercion: a people-centred term requiring vitality and volition was transferred to the target

    domain to mean ‘the agency that tends to change the momentum of a

    massive body’. Note, the body in question refers to a neuter noun and has no reference to humans. The term energy related to human ‘vigour

    of expression’ which, until the late 19th century, referred to vigour of

    action or utterance, combines its original people-centred meaning with

    the sense that energy is ‘a measure of the system’s ability to work’.

    The transfer of animate attributes to inanimate beings and vice-

    versa can be illustrated by the recent discussions in computing and

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    neurobiology related to the twin notions of computers having

    intelligence and the brain/mind being essentially a machine. A whole

    branch of computing, artificial intelligence, is dedicated to finding

    potential mappings between the mind/brain and ‘computer machinery’. Indeed, ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’ is the

    title of a key paper on the subject by the pioneer Alan Turing in the

    1950’s. Turing suggested that (intelligent) computers may play games and may be used in translating from one (human) language to another,

    and his prophecy has come true in large measure. There is also a

    contrary view: in ‘The Decline and Fall of the Mechanist Metaphor’

    (Shanker 1987) the title of the paper comprises metaphorical

    expressions in that its source is in history, referring to weaknesses in

    the political and military establishments of imperial powers.

    The motivation for using human metaphors for inanimate objects, and mechanistic metaphors for animate beings, is explained to

    an extent by Feyerabend’s observations about the use of metaphors in

    science: “the history of science […] does not just consist of facts and conclusions drawn from facts” but “contains ideas, interpretation of

    facts” and “problems created by conflicting interpretations” (1993:

    11). He goes on to suggest that scientific education is designed to discount the scientist’s “metaphysics, or his [/her] sense of humour”

    such that scientific facts appear “independent of opinion, belief and

    cultural background” (1993: 11). The case of the classical physicists

    (Isaac Newton, Thomas Young) shows extensive focus on their

    personal beliefs, sense of humour and how they borrowed words

    established in pre-16th century English and metaphorically deployed

    them to construct so-called natural philosophy (our physics).

    The question is ‘how does the belief system of a group of

    scientists assert itself in what would otherwise be regarded as a purely rational exercise where personal beliefs should play little or no role?’

    Consider the metaphor of the planetary system – a star surrounded by

    planets executing fixed orbits around the star – which was used to construct the edifice of the nuclear atom: the ‘star’ here was the

    nucleus and the (subsequently) discovered electrons were the

    metaphorical planets. The electrons executed fixed orbits around the

    nucleus and only when electrons ‘jumped’ from one orbit to another

    was energy released or absorbed in fixed (Planck’s) quanta of

    radiation latterly ennobled as the ‘universal quantum of radiation’ or

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    h. The population of each orbit was carefully controlled through

    properties of matter that only manifest themselves at very small scales

    or quantum scales. There is anecdotal evidence that some authors

    speculated that since electrons were planets there must be hills, valleys, rivers and seas on individual electrons. The original planetary

    system, in turn, is based on Greek mythology and the Judeo-Christian

    hypothesis of a helio-centric universe; recall that Galileo had to apologise to the Church of Rome when he declared that the earth was

    not really the ‘centre’/star of the universe, but rather belonged to a

    planetary system, one of many perhaps in the universe, and again one

    of many planets.

    Once transferred to the micro-world of atoms and nuclei, the

    metaphor of the planetary system was re-transferred to the sub-nuclear

    world and this time led to the development of nuclear physics. The question nuclear physicists asked was ‘how is it that the principal

    constituents of a nucleus – protons and neutrons – are packed so

    tightly in a nucleus?’ The answer proposed by Heidi Yukawa was that there was a nuclear force that was far more attractive than any other

    force hitherto known to human beings. Enrico Fermi proposed that

    neutrons and protons – so-called nucleons – form orbits in a nucleus, much like the electrons going round a nucleus. So is there something

    like a ‘nucleus’ within the nucleus? The ingenious answer was that the

    collective effect of the presence of the nucleons creates a virtual

    nucleus within the nucleus. Late 20th century physics argues that

    protons and neutrons are in themselves composite particles comprising

    so-called quarks. In the new physics, the quark metaphor was borrowed partly from Hinduism and Buddhism, and is partly based on

    an elusive character in James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake – Muster

    Mark (Gell-Mann 1994, 1997).

    2.1. Lexical inversion and lexicogenesis

    Studies in the philosophy of science suggest yet another

    transformation of a metaphorical usage of language – a ‘massive

    shift’, almost an inversion, in the meaning of a metaphor

    (Verschuuren 1986). Take the example of the planetary system again:

    Brahe argued that sunrise was caused by the rising sun only to be

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    contradicted successfully by Kepler who argued that sunrise is due to

    a turning earth. When atomic and nuclear physicists borrowed the

    planetary metaphor in atomic (and subsequently nuclear) physics, the

    meaning of the term atom was inverted from something which was the epitomy of indivisibility to something which was divisible into its

    constituent parts. An earlier inversion that established physics as a

    subject in its own right, closer to a sub-division of philosophy (natural philosophy to be precise), was the notion of motion. Aristotle thought

    that objects move because they have an in-built tendency to do so –

    this was contradicted by Galileo, who argued that motion was caused

    only when force is exerted on an object.

    Lexical inversion, or the denial of an extant concept and its

    replacement by a new concept whilst keeping the original term in

    place, is a feature of bio-medicine as well. Let us consider one of the central themes in biology and now in medicine – the evolution of

    species and its progeny, evolutionary biology. It would appear that the

    concept of species is itself a surrogate of a rational construct, but this is not as true as it appears. Some recent discussions in evolutionary

    biology about ‘species’ and, in particular, the views of an eminent

    evolutionary biologist, naturalist, explorer, ornithologist and historian of science, Ernst Mayr, suggest that the status of the term is under


    The species, together with the gene, the cell, the individual, and the local

    population, are the most important units in biology. Most research in

    evolutionary biology, […] and almost any other branch of biology deals with

    species. How can one reach meaningful conclusions in this research if one

    does not know what a species is and, worse, when different authors talk about

    different phenomena but use the same word – species? (Mayr 2004: 171)

    The lexicogenesis of the term ‘species’ shows how a range of

    metaphors were used by the great and the good of biology over the last 300 hundred years or so to revise, refine and sometimes contradict

    the extant meaning of the term. For the French biologist Buffon

    (1707-1788), to whom the metaphor ‘The Great Chain of Being’ is

    sometimes attributed, the notion of species was critical for a

    systematic study of a living organism: the biological whole is divided

    into classes, classes into genera, and genera into species (c. 1749).

    Buffon’s reflection on the biological systems led him in the next 25

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    years to conclude that species are “a whole independent of number,

    independent of time; a whole always living, always the same” (c.

    1765). Darwin’s metaphor was ‘The Tree of Life’: species were the

    “product of divine creation, and it is this that constitutes their reality”; each species has a species-specific essence – a set of characters which

    remain fixed and permanent throughout the duration of its existence,

    and which allow it to be captured in a definition. And the Tree of Life had explanatory power because, according to Darwin, “species are

    immutable in that they cannot change into other species – varieties are

    the limits of species variability”. The debate about species continues

    apace and now the metaphor of species is central to conservation and

    the ‘species problem’ has to be solved (Stamos 2003: 356).

    Ernst Mayr’s 50 years in biology and its related branches shows

    an evolution in his understanding of what a species is. In the 1940’s, Mayr (2004) notes that “species are groups of actually or potentially

    interbreeding populations which are reproductively isolated”. In the

    next 30 years or so he is more comfortable with his definition and drops the hedges ‘actually or potentially’: “Species are groups of

    interbreeding populations that are reproductively isolated”. There is

    then a shift in his position when 18 years later he observes that “modern biologists are almost agreed that there are real discontinuities

    in organic nature, which delimit natural entities that are designated as

    species”. Note the use of metaphors of space (discontinuities and

    delimitation). In the next three years, Mayr was to re-define species as

    “a reproductively isolated aggregate of populations which can

    interbreed with one another because they share the same isolating mechanism”. The name of the abstract object – species – remains the

    same, some of the basis of the definition is perhaps intact, especially

    procreation, but the modern biologist neither invokes a deity nor merely uses the concept of species as a place-holder. Species were

    once immutable but now there is a degree of mutation allowed.

    2.2. What are metaphors for?

    Hoffman (1985) lists 12 functions of metaphors which will help us to

    close this section. According to him, metaphors can be divided into

    three major categories: (i) metaphors for describing novelty at

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    different levels of scientific description including hypothesising,

    theorizing, conceptualizing; (ii) metaphors used for interpreting extant

    theories; and (iii) metaphors for explaining and predicting the

    consequences of theoretical concepts and experimental measurements (Table 1).

    (a) Novelty

    To suggest

    new hypotheses, hypothetical concepts, entities, relations,

    events, or observations;

    new laws or principles; new models or refinements of old ones;

    new theories/theoretical systems, or world views; new research methods or ideas for experiments or hypothesis


    new methods for analyzing data;

    To give meaning

    to new theoretical concepts for unobservable or unobserved events;

    To predict new phenomena or cause-effect relations;

    (b) Interpretation

    To suggest

    choices between alternative hypotheses or theories,

    (often) choice between more and less fruitful metaphors;

    alterations or refinements in a theory;

    To contrast theories or theoretical approaches;

    (c) Explanation

    To provide Scientific explanations in the form of metaphoric redescriptions;

    To describe new phenomena or cause-effect relations;

    Table 1. The three major categories of metaphor used in science and technology.

    We now look at the different uses of metaphor in particle physics and

    nuclear physics, two major areas of rational, objective and scientific investigation.

    3. Quarks and leptons, parody and subversion: metaphors

    and lexicogenesis in particle physics

    Twenty-first century physics is concerned with three inter-related

    notions: matter, force and energy. This trinity has some resonance

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    with the ancient Greek’s concern with a quartet of fundamental

    entities: air, water, earth, and fire. The ancient Hindus had an octet of

    fundamentals: five ‘gross elements’: earth, water, fire, wind and ether

    and three ‘manas’: mind, conscience and ego (Prabhavananda / Isherwood 1947: 171-85).

    The consolidation of a body of knowledge, now called physics,

    relies critically on the metaphor of force. One ‘force’ that surrounds us is gravitational force. This force can be used to explain and to predict

    (a) the ordered motion of planets, (b) the ebb and flow in aquatic

    systems, and (c) the motion of physical objects on the earth. The term

    is metaphorical in that its source is in terms of 17th century concepts

    like anima, vis or kraft. It has been argued that the notion of force

    actually shows a preoccupation with “the theme of potent, active

    principles” (Holton 1973: 58). Einstein has argued that the curvature of space and time in effect determines gravity – the cause of

    gravitational force.

    The development of quantum theory and nuclear physics took place under the rubric of modern physics in 1887-1946 (cf. Jeans

    1950). In this period, two radically new types of forces were

    postulated: first, a strong nuclear force, exerted through the agency of mesons; which helps to explain some of the workings of atomic nuclei

    – how a nucleus is bound together, for example, and why nuclei

    disintegrate. Second, weak nuclear force, which manifests itself when

    the atomic nuclei decay/transmute by emitting electrons from within

    the nucleus: β-radioactivity, where a nucleus decays by emitting an

    electron and a neutrino, shows that the left-right symmetry found to exist in all physical systems is violated during β-radioactivity. The

    notion of force in post-modern physics is at considerable variance

    with that in Newtonian physics. The strong nuclear force changes its attractive character to a repulsive one at very small distances; in

    Newtonian mechanics forces do not change their nature, no matter the

    distance. And forces do not ‘conspire’ to violate the fundamental principles of such systems, like for instance preferring the left to the

    right. Nevertheless, the term force remains and the metaphor used

    initially is preserved in the meaning, in a vague historical sense.

    In the 1936-1970 period, physicists could study particles by (i)

    examining cosmic ray tracks in photographic emulsions – a shower of

    particles leaving tracks in emulsions sent up in balloons or on top of

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    mountains; and (ii) by building accelerators or atom smashers to study

    interaction amongst particles in laboratory conditions – particles were

    accelerated to speeds close to that of light and bombarded on a variety

    of targets. The reaction products were rich repositories of information. Cosmic rays have helped in the detection of an anti-particle – the

    positron, which is an anti of the well-known electron, is a positively

    charged electron. Then followed the discovery of the anti-proton, and anti-neutron. When a particle and its anti-particle collided then both

    were annihilated and turned into energy. Nature appeared to be

    symmetric – for every particle there was an anti-particle; in a few

    cases when there were no anti-particles detected or predicted by

    theory, the particle was declared its own anti. Very few particles are

    stable – protons, electrons and photons are amongst the few; most

    other particles decay in less than a billionth of a second! Cosmic rays and accelerators provided a wealth of particles:

    mesons, for example, were an intermediate (meso) particle,

    intermediate in mass between the ‘heavier’ nucleons and the lighter electrons. There were three kinds of mesons (positive, negative and

    neutral pi-mesons) and mesons were fundamentally different from

    nucleons and electrons and their antis. Pi-mesons were called bosons – they had an intrinsic property called spin, like all other particles, and

    the value of spin was 1. Nucleons and electrons have spin value of ½

    and are called fermions. Bosons ‘obey’ Bose-Einstein statistics and

    fermions Fermi-Dirac statistics. Pi-mesons were initially called

    Japanese electrons and the prefix pi was to distinguish these mesons

    from another group of particles (accidentally) named mesons, which were subsequently called mu-mesons; the mu-mesons are fermions,

    and are much lighter in mass than the pi-variety.

    3.1. Strangeness and flavour in the (particle) zoo

    In most of the observations it was found that some particles are

    created in pairs; for example, a K-meson or kaon is always produced

    together with its anti, and these particles took much longer to decay:

    they were called strange particles and a fundamental property of

    matter was thought up by physicists – that of strangeness. The number

    of particles grew and grew and there was a need to categorise the

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    growing zoo (an affectionate term actually used in the particle physics

    literature) – comprising at one time over 500 particles. Particles were

    classified in families: protons and neutrons were classified as

    nucleons, then they were subsumed into baryons, which included a number of unstable fermions including sigma, ki, omega, lambda and

    delta particles, together with the strange particle hyperon. The other

    major class was that of mesons. In addition, there were leptons, of course. Many of the elementary particles were energy peaks found in

    various reactions involving other particles – called resonances. These

    families in many ways had a Wittgensteinian resemblance: no obvious

    unifying factor, except for spins, but they appeared to share nebulous

    properties. The family metaphor led to the elementary particle zoo in

    the 1960’s: the zoo metaphor was complete with the announcement of

    particles births and deaths. ‘Birth’ announcements, still published occasionally in learned physics journals, accompanied the detection of

    a fundamental particle in laboratory conditions. The obituaries were

    essentially errata sheets announcing errors in the experimental procedure/technique that led to a wrongful report of birth – so that the

    particle-that-after-all-was-not-a-particle was declared dead.

    Twentieth century physics introduced the notion of fundamental or elementary particles of matter. All matter is supposed to be made

    of atoms, a 15th century concept, and we are now told to believe that

    all matter is made up of quarks and leptons. During the 1960’s,

    Murray Gell-Mann, partially inspired by the eight-fold way of the

    Hindus and partly James Joyce, was responsible for the introduction

    of the term quark. The post-modern (post 1950’s) physicist does not use sonorous terms like fundamental particle or building blocks of the

    universe, but simply refers to ‘elementary units’: quarks and leptons.

    And then there are gluons, particles exchanged during interactions between quarks and leptons which ‘glue’ matter. This has led to a new

    term, quagma, a composite of quarks and gluon matter; there is a

    resonance between the terms magma (in geology) and quagma in particle physics. To sum up, physicists now claim that there are six

    different types (or flavours) of quarks and six different leptons. The

    six quarks are in turn divided into three generations.

    The terminology used by the new physicists (c. 1970 onwards)

    had an element of parody and subversion. Gell-Mann, the inventor of

    the abiding concept of quark, has suggested that the precedents for

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    naming conventions, rooted in a ‘pretentious Greek word’ are not very

    encouraging. For example, one particle was named after a

    hypothesised property which it was deemed to possess but “turned out

    later not to be an important property, or even, in some cases, a correct one […] so one might as well invent a zany, relatively meaningless

    name, and have fun” (1997: 164). Quarks started life as a purely

    mathematical concept (Gell-Mann 1964) used to elaborate certain theoretical constructs in elementary particle physics. Even today there

    is a touch of abstractness about this elementary unit, as we are told by

    one US government laboratory “While an atom is tiny, the nucleus is

    ten thousand times smaller than the atom and the quarks and electrons

    are at least ten thousand times smaller than that. We don't know

    exactly how small quarks and electrons are; they are definitely smaller

    than 10-18

    meters, and they might literally be points, but we do not know” (Lawrence Berkley Labs 2006).

    3.2. Enter James Joyce in the zoo

    These elusive particles appear like characters in a literary fiction text. Gell-Mann unravels this mystery for us:

    In 1963, when I assigned the name ‘quark’ to the fundamental constituents of

    the nucleon [protons and neutrons], I had the sound first, without the spelling,

    which could have been ‘kwork’. Then in one of my occasional perusals of

    Finnegans Wake, by James Joyce, I came across the word ‘quark’ in the

    phrase “three quarks for Muster Mark”. Since ‘quark’ (meaning for one thing,

    the cry of a gull) was clearly intended to rhyme with ‘Mark’ as well as ‘bark’, I had to find an excuse to pronounce it as ‘kwork’ […] [The] phrases [that]

    occur in the book are partially determined by calls for drinks at the bar. I

    argued, therefore, that perhaps one of the multiple sources of the cry “Three

    quarks for Muster Mark” might be “Three quarts for Mister Mark”. […] In any

    case the number three fitted perfectly the quarks [which] occur in nature. […]

    The recipe for making a neutron or proton out of quarks is, roughly speaking, Take three quarks. (1994: 180-1)

    Gell-Mann introduces the term by arguing that “a simpler and more

    elegant scheme can be constructed [for classifying elementary

    particles – baryons and mesons] if we allow non-integral values for

    the charges. […] We then refer to the members u[p], d[own] and

  • Metaphors in the Languages of Science 15

    s[trange] of the triplet as ‘quarks’ […] q and the members of the anti-

    triplet as anti-quarks q” (1964: 214). He concludes his landmark paper

    by noting that “it is fun to speculate about the ways quarks would

    behave as if they were physical particles of finite mass (instead of pure mathematical entities as they would be in the limit of infinite

    mass)” (1964: 215). Fritzsch further elaborates on Gell-Mann’s choice

    of term and suggests that “Joyce’s novel is full of plays on words that are difficult to understand. […] Mr Finn in the novel appears as Mr

    Mark, and the three quarks denote the three children of Mr Finn, by

    whom he himself is represented from time to time” (1983: 64). And,

    in a remarkable leap of the imagination from the novelist Joyce to the

    scientist Gell-Mann, Fritzsch concludes: “Thus the association with

    particle physics becomes clear. The proton is associated with Mr Finn;

    under certain circumstances the proton acts as if it had three quarks’ (1983: 64).

    So we now have two basic types of quarks: up-type and down-

    type quarks. There are three generations of quarks, each having an up-type and a down-type: up-type quark flavours are up, charm and top;

    down-type quark flavours are down, strange, and bottom. Again,

    flavour is a fundamental property of ‘matter’ but has nothing to do with the perception of flavour. The lightest flavour is the up quark and

    the heaviest is the bottom quark. Most quarks, despite their permanent

    ‘confinement’ inside baryons or mesons, have been detected

    indirectly. Particle physicists have therefore been creating neologisms.

    The evolution of species in biology is paralleled in particle

    physics by the decoupling of erstwhile elementary particles. The evolution of our universe, according to physicists, from its origin in

    time (nearly 10-44 seconds after the Creation) to the formation of

    galaxies (about 1013 seconds after the Creation) has led to the

    proliferation of building blocks in a universe which itself evolved in

    stages. Each stage in the evolution of the universe comprises the

    ‘decoupling’ of an elementary(?) particle into two particles costing less and less energy; each evolutionary stage is characterised by the

    breaking of historical symmetry. The last of the decouplings took

    place about 102 seconds after the creation of the universe. Before that

    (10-6 seconds after the Creation) there was a quark-nuclear transition

    and so on. The fact that all particles were ‘one’ at some distance in

    time, about 10-44 seconds after ‘creation’, has led to the notion of

  • Khurshid Ahmad 16

    super-symmetry (SUSY), i.e. that bosons and fermions are symmetric:

    each boson has a fermion equivalent and vice versa. Each particle has

    a super-symmetric partner – the sparticle. The fermions, particles with

    spin half, have a postulated bosonic-partner, whose name is built prefixing an s-. The quark has a squark; the lepton a slepton; and the

    neutrino a sneutrino. The boson, with spin 1, has a fermionic-partner

    with an -ino suffix: the photon has a photino; the gluon has a gluino; the w-boson has a wino; and the z-boson a zino. The boson with spin

    zero (known as Higgs-boson) has a shiggs.

    3.3. From religion, poetry and heraldry to nuclear physics

    Physicists talk about the stability of a nucleus in terms of the number of neutrons and protons within it. In very stable nuclei like helium (2

    protons and 2 neutrons), carbon (6 protons and 6 neutrons) and

    oxygen (8 neutrons and 8 protons), the ratio is one to one. But there are other, heavier, highly stable nuclei with far greater numbers of

    neutrons than protons – 92 protons and 128 neutrons in the lead

    nucleus. There appears to be a linear relation between the number of neutrons and protons for ensuring stability. Almost all nuclei have

    isotopes – more neutrons than in the more frequently occurring variety

    but the same number of protons. Thus carbon-13 (7 neutrons and 6

    protons) is unstable and decays spontaneously; the element uranium

    only occurs in an unstable form U-238 (92 protons and 146 neutrons)

    but its isotopes are even more unstable. More recently, nuclear physicists have developed methods and techniques for producing

    neutron-rich, short-lived isotopes of a number of nuclei: reported

    isotopes include a helium isotope with up to 8 neutrons – 6 more than the 2 neutrons in the stable variety, carbon isotope with up to 16

    neutrons (13 more than the stable variety) and so on. A number of

    isotopes have been produced for different elements and their radius measured. In some cases it was found that the radius of one unstable

    isotope was unusually large: the additional neutrons were too distant

    from the stable core. These were called halo nuclei. I will discuss the

    use of this metaphor, transferred from poetry, religion, and astronomy

    to nuclear physics.

  • Metaphors in the Languages of Science 17

    The study of unstable isotopes helps nuclear physicists to study

    nuclei at the ‘edge of stability’ and to infer something about nuclear

    forces. We already have two spatial metaphors: first, the idealized

    (one-dimensional) line standing in for the concept of a directly proportional relationship between the number of neutrons and protons;

    direct proportionality is plotted as a graph and the graph is a straight

    line.. And, second, the metaphor of a (two-dimensional) edge. The line of ‘stability’ is an idealization: for Helium 6, the two extra-

    neutrons are distant enough not be subjected to nuclear forces within

    the otherwise stable core of the Helium nucleus (2 protons and 2

    neutrons) but they still are sufficiently attached to the core to form a

    ‘nucleus’. The extra neutrons appear to ‘drip’ out of the Helium-6

    nucleus, thus forming a halo – a kind of neutron ‘dust’ around the

    stable core, much like the dust particles that surround our Moon and, under certain conditions, give the semblance of a halo.

    Let us now look at some evidence of the incorporation of the

    various metaphors associated with the so-called halo nuclei, which are neutrons dripping towards the dripline. A further specialisation of this

    sub-branch of nuclear physics illustrates how a metaphor has been

    borrowed even from heraldry – namely from an inscription in the seal of the Princes of Borromeo (a 15th century kingdom in what is now

    Italy). The evidence is from a 1.32 million words corpus created from

    279 documents – journal articles, books, theses, conference

    announcements – written by nuclear physicists between 1970 and

    2005 – a kind of post-modern nuclear physics corpus.

    The dripline (also written drip line) acts as a line in space: so things may happen at, above, along, below, near, or far from the

    metaphorical line. Below is a concordance of the use of spatial

    colligates of the dripline drawn from our corpus of post-modern nuclear physics. This includes nuclear pairing correlations,

    wavefunctions, exotic nuclei, and nuclear halos at the dripline. As if

    to reassert the metaphor, it also talks of nuclei ‘well past the literal dripline’.

  • Khurshid Ahmad 18

    nuclear pairing


    at the dripline

    particle decay modes at the dripline

    single particle states and


    at the dripline

    structure in light nuclei at the neutron dripline has given new


    stability and exotic nuclei at the neutron dripline

    nuclear halos are






    where nucleon


    can be pursued to




    dripline for heavy nuclei

    within a few nucleons of where


    dripline is presently


    The dripline is also used in the abstract, with references to the study, investigation and access to nuclei:

    studying nuclei along the proton dripline

    preliminary investigations of


    at the dripline

    offer access to nuclei right at the dripline

    The term halo is also used in a descriptive sense, as in: a halo of diffuse neutron

    neutron halo of 11Li(thium) nucleus

    or halo of valence particles

    the halo of Li(thium)

    Typical for specialist writing, halo appears as an adjectival-noun, as in

    different kinds of halo nuclei and with reference to the properties of a

    halo nucleus – as for density distribution within a halo nucleus:

    known halo nucleus 6He(lium)

    neutron halo nucleus 15C(arbon)

    neutron halo nucleus 11Be(rrylium)

    neutron halo nucleus 6He(lium)

    proton halo nucleus 8B(oron)

    halo nucleus elastic scattering

    halo nucleus density distributions

    two-neutron halo nucleus

  • Metaphors in the Languages of Science 19

    However, there are many more examples of the use of the term as a

    component of a compound:

    halo bound state halo orbit

    neutron halo breakup


    halo orbitals

    neutron halo candidate halo particle


    halo characteristic halo particle mass

    halo charge halo phenomena

    halo clusterization halo physics

    halo configuration halo picture

    halo constituents halo projectile

    borromean halo continuum halo properties

    halo core halo proton

    the halo degrees of


    halo radii

    the halo densities proton halo reactions

    transverse halo density halo region

    neutron halo distribution halo sizes

    the halo distribution resonance halo sources

    borromean halo excitation


    halo spectrum

    low halo excitation


    halo state

    halo excitation


    proton halo structure

    halo excitation


    pronounced halo system

    halo fragments and


    halo type of


    halo model halo wave functions

    One of the contemporary terms used instead of halo was skin. The

    extra neutrons in neutron-rich nuclei act like a skin around the stable core:

  • Khurshid Ahmad 20

    a significant neutron skin appears

    best examples of neutron skin behaviour

    whether [..] a neutron skin does exist with a

    have neutron halo or skin structures

    possibility of halo and skin systems in heavier nuclei

    the rapidly increasing neutron skin thickness as a function of a

    for the 6He(lium) neutron skin thickness was about

    The term skin is used far less frequently now than in the early days of

    artificially created neutron-rich nuclei: halo is used about 12 times

    more often than skin – the plural halos is used 10 times more often

    than skins. If we compare the use of the two terms in our specialist

    corpus and in the British National Corpus, it turns out that there is a

    pronounced and noticeable propensity for using the term halo – which

    is 596 times more frequent in the specialist corpus than in the BNC,

    calculated by comparing the relative frequency of the term in the

    specialist corpus and in the BNC; the plural is used 765 times more often. The term skin is used with about the same relative frequency in

    both corpora (Table 2).

    Term f f/N Weirdness Term f f/N Weirdness

    halo 1284 0.097% 596 skin 101 0.008% 0.95

    halos 81 0.006% 765 skins 8 0.001% 1.1

    Table 2. A contrastive distribution of keywords in our nuclear physics corpus (N=1.32 Million tokens; 279 documents, published between 1970-2005,

    mainly American English).

    Discussion of halo nuclei includes a reference to a coat of arms: a

    transfer of meaning from heraldry into nuclear physics. The neutron-

    rich Helium isotope that has a skin or halo of 2 extra neutrons presents

    a special problem for physicists, as the system He-

    4+neutron1+neutron2 appears to be much longer lived than any of its binary constituents: He-4+neutron, and di-neutron (neutron1+

    neutron2). It was suggested that there are three sub-systems in Helium-

    6: He-4+neutron1, He-4+neutron2, and the di-neutron. These can be

  • Metaphors in the Languages of Science 21

    visualized as forming three intersecting rings but if one ring is taken

    out all three fall apart. For this reason they are usually known as

    Borromean Rings, after the heraldic symbol used by the Princes of

    Borromeo, in northern Italy:

    ‘Borromean’ is also used as an adjective to describe a different type of halo nuclei. The full term borromean halo nucleus/nuclei is used to

    describe its creation, properties, and break-up as shown in the

    concordances below:

    excitations of 2-neutron borromean halo nuclei

    continuum spatial correlations in borromean halo nuclei

    correlations in borromean halo nuclei

    breakup of borromean halo nuclei diffractive breakup of borromean halo nuclei

    relativistic fragmentation of borromean halo nuclei

    ground state properties of borromean halo nuclei as 6He, 11Li

    series of borromean halo nuclei such as 11Li ,

    explorations of spectra of borromean halo nuclei

    continuum spectra of the borromean halo nuclei

    And, sometimes the ‘halo’ is ellipsed in the compound:

    bound hyper-radial wavefunctions for borromean nuclei

    continuum spectra for borromean nuclei Halo phenomena in light borromean nuclei

    nuclear reactions of borromean nuclei bound states of borromean nuclei

    internal structure of borromean nuclei neutron-rich double borromean 8He nucleus

  • Khurshid Ahmad 22

    4. Afterword and thanks to Goodman

    I would like to end with Nelson Goodman’s observation about the

    creativity in the use of language shown by scientists:

    The artist’s resources – modes of reference, literal and non-literal, linguistic

    and non-linguistic, denotational and non-denotational, in many media – seem

    more varied and impressive than the scientist’s. But to suppose that science is

    flatfootedly linguistic, literal, and denotational would be to overlook, for

    instance, the analog instrument often used, the metaphor used, the metaphor

    involved in measurement when a numerical scheme is applied in a new realm,

    and the talk in current physics and astronomy of charm and strangeness and

    black holes. Even if the ultimate product of science, unlike that of art, is a

    literal, verbal or mathematical, denotational theory, science and art proceed in

    much the same way with their searching and building. (Goodman 1978: 106-7)

    It is the use of metaphor that underpins creativity both in the arts and

    the sciences. The study of metaphor can enrich work in LSP.

    Particularly in the study of terminology, sometimes due to its commitment to clarity in human communication and sometimes due to

    one-to-one correspondence between a term and a concept, LSP may

    appear ‘flatfootedly linguistic, literal, and denotational’. However, the

    emphasis in terminology on organising concepts with a degree of

    clarity and consistency, may stem from a rightful distrust of non-

    literal reference. Metaphor can be regarded as the study of how one

    human or a group of human beings relate their often unusual insights

    and speculations of what there is through the agency of language. In

    the limited evidence presented in this chapter, we might be led to believe that language invariably involves the use of linguistic

    metaphors in the writings of scientists, but language is partly innately

    endowed and in part influenced by the culture and environment of its speakers. It is the cultural and environmental influences that may

    motivate the use of metaphors, and not surprisingly metaphors take on

    their own scientific or specialist life becoming the centre-piece of

    scientific writing. Terminology and metaphor appear intertwined at

    least at the beginning of a science; subsequently, perhaps, when the

    metaphor dies, scientists have fun and indulge in parody.

  • Metaphors in the Languages of Science 23


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