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Message Sent

Classroom with lots of student gathered to elect a representative of the class in the School Board.A girl named Sandy rushes into the classroom apologizing for being late.

Sandy: Im sorry Has the class started?

David: No, no no .you dont have to apologise all the time cos you are always late. and fortunately the lesson hasnt started yet.We are just waiting for you.Helen: dont worry Sandy. We are just talking about who is going to represent our class in the Schoolm student board.

Jill: why doesnt Sandy represent our class .She is the best.i think. She is the most creative, full of ideas about various projects she s helped us a lot so far .

Nick: Come on! Sandy? Are you serious about this?Look at her- a punk rocker ,representative in the School forum. No way!

Stephen: nick is right! I agree with him. For such a responsible position we should elect someone more serious and I think that person should be interested in computers.Jill: Computers?!? Can anybody explain to me why this person has to be into computers?

Stephen: Well, cyber technology is the most important thing nowadays and nanotechnology as well

Nick: I think that David is the most appropriate person.

Stephen: And you girls actually you cant understand that hi- technology.

Sandy: And the cyber nerds like you, know nothing about the world around but only those boring limited uncreative gadgets so called computers.

David: What are you talking about young punk lady!

Stephen:Punk has obviously blurred her mind. Leave her alone.

Helen: Stop,stop,stop.and be more sensible and reasonable.

Nick: Sensible and reasonable? How can someone be sensible who only thinks about flowers in my hairDavid: Hey Nick I think shed better put safety pin in her nose instead of a flower in her hair! Ha,ha,haScene II

At Davids place. Hes talking to himself.David: how could I be such a jerk? I shouldnt have reacted that way. Im a nasty jerk. How would I dare to look into her beautiful eyes again. Im a nasty jerk.

And the other day I wanted to ask her outbut Nick would probably laugh at me

Oh how could I have done that/I shouldnt have insulted her. If I could turn back the timebut how

Im so sorry now. I offended her and .But I didnt mean to humiliate her in front of whole class.

Im so sorry cos I fancy her a lot. I like the way she dresses and behaves. And the song. I wish I wasIts the best song Ive evr heard and thd she is the most beautiful girl Ive ever seen. She is so awesome.

I like herI love her.I adore her.

Why did I say those nasty things about her? I must tell her that I m terribly sorry but how?

I know. Ill write her a message but I wont tell her who I am.

Scene III

( A beep of mobile phone is heard. Sandy has just received the message she is reading it aloud.she starts laughing and then deletes it.

There is a magic mirror in her room that she consults every day.the mirror always asks her about her messages- a very curious mirror that is her advisor and counselor)

Sandy: Looking hlass upon the wall,who is the fairest guy of all?

Tell me pretty looking-glass,

Nothing but the truth I ask

Who in this world is fairest and

has the beauty of the rarest?

Mirror: Dare I ask you who was that lucky guy who sent you a message? HES probably the fairest of them all.Sandy: dont know.

Mirror: come on Sandy! Dont lie to me.youve been so weired ever since you came from school today.What happened?

Sandy: Nothing!

Mirror: I know you SandySomething is happening with you.Are you maybe in love? Whats bothering you?Mirror : You cannot tell you friends whats inside your backpack if you dont know whats in there yourself. You have to figure out what feelings you have. When you try to figure out what feelings you have , it might help to remember the feelings that make you happy. And if you keep your feelings inside ,it can even make you feel sick !but if you talk to someone who cares for you ,like your mom or dad , or ME you will always feel better.Now, you are not alone with your problems and worries. It doesnt mean that your problems will disappear magically , but at least someone else knows whats bothering you and can help you find solutions.Tell me ,Sandy.Sandy: I came late at school this morning and


At the internet caf

Nikola: Hey, look whos here! Our punk rock lady!

Stefan: whats she doing here? Didnt she say that computers are the most limited,and stupid gadgets. No freaks allowed.Nikola no,no computers are not stupid but she is too stupid to work on a computer. I wonder how she could.Who let her in

David : Hey,Stop. Dont exaggerate!

Nikola: What! Hey are you OK? Look at her! That greasy hair,those dark clothesShe looks as sh is going on a funeral.

Stefan : Punk Rock style.

David: Hey stop.that was enough. Stop saying bad things about Sandy. She is very clever girl. Actually you dont know her.St6efan : I dont need to know her. Her nasty style tells everything.

David : Hey fellow, come on! Dont offend her. Her punk style is awesome. she is really awesome as well.

Nick: Whats wrong with you David! How come that you like her now.

Stefan : We thought you couldnt stand her.

David : No,well yesIve chaged my mind.Irealized that I made a mistake.

Stefan : What mistake !

David : Well no one should be judge by the appearance. Its their choice after all.

She is so beautiful. ( to the audience)

Scene V

Sandys room.

Sandy: Oh I wish I

Her friends come .

Mirror : Your friend are here. You can talk to them as well.

Sandy: Hey ,come on in !

T: Hi Sandy I love listening to you.

N: I must confess-Extra ordinary voiceI

Mirror : They like you.they are your best friends.T: Hey girls I think I m in love.

S; really :

T : I must be completely in love.I have a crush!

All : Not again

T : But this time its not crush .Its a real feeling that burns me up.

N: How funny! What burns you up!

T: That feeling is like a volcano erupting inside and its like a hot molten lava pours out of my mouth and ears .Everyone can see it.

N: I cannot see anything.

T; everyone knows. I want him to know about my feelings towards him.

N: OK ____dont be silly. Today at school some other girls were talking about guys and they asked Me who Im interested in.I always say that boys are so immature that I cant find a single one I like.

S: Maybe they think that you are so cool or nuts because everybody in the school have a crush on somebody.

N: They are so childish.

T : I dont think so.I just want this guy to know about me.

Mirror: Why dont call him?

Sandy : Yes,do you know his number?

T: I found it but when I called him somebody else answered.

S: Who?

T: his mother or sister and I hung up at once.

N: Send him a message!

T;Hey good idea.

Mirror : this is going to be very interesting. Tell them Sandy about your message.

S: I received some messages.

N: Messages! Who from?

S: Anonimous.I dont lnow who sent them.I only know his nickname

..another message..

T: Look!good for you Sandy .who is..?

N; Who could he be?

T;this must be someone from the other school.

Sandy : No.

Ni: Let me see the other messages.

T: this..must be from our class because he felt sorry for the things he had said to you.

N: I know .he must be sorry for the things he said to you at the class meeting.

S: Probably

Scene VI

I wish I

T: Hey girls what are you gonna do tonight?S: Im going to do my project work.

N: Im going shopping.There is a new summer collection at Face Fashion.

T: I love Face fashion collection. Definitely, Im coming with you.

S: Stop. Look !what s this?

T : An announcement

N: we d better hurry for the class.S:.David from our class?!?

D: right behind you!Are you coming to my presentation tonight?

S: tonight? Well

D: Ill be honored.

( Can you feel the love tonight.-Elton John)

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