

Aspirational Brave Compassionate Determined Enlightened

Friday 16th July 2021 Summer Term Issue # 20

Message from our Executive Headteacher Message from our Head of School

Dear parents and carers,

It has been another engaging week with our children busy preparing for the carnival which is scheduled to take place on Thursday 22

nd July at Friendly Gardens. Each class

will be representing a country and they have been making costumes and mask for the event. They have also been rehearsing dance and other performances they will be showcasing on the day…very exciting!

We are looking forward to having Year 6 and 4 as well as nursery back next week; we have missed them all very much. I have joined in with the online learning and seen them during those times, but it is never the same as having them in school.

A reminder that Year 6 will be performing on Monday and Tuesday at 4:30pm each day.

Huge congratulations to Year 3D children and, of course, parents for winning the Attendance Cup…well done parents and thank you for bringing the children in everyday and on time. As a reward, the children will be going on a special trip next week.

Children will be bringing home their reports next week and they will find out who their new teacher will be. Please ensure you sign the slip, and return, to confirm that you have received and read the report.

As always, we are very grateful for your continuous support and kind words; they really mean a lot to us.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Cobblah

Message from our Executive Headteacher

It is said of three world religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam that they are three

branches of the one great tree, and although names and nuances change, we share

many of the same stories. The birth of Jesus (Isa) from the Virgin Mary (Maryam) is one

that we share with Islam.

One of the most powerful stories in the Old Testament of the Bible, the Torah and the

Quran is the story that lies behind the festival of Eid Al-Hada, which is to happen next

week. It is also known as the festival of sacrifice. In the Christian and Jewish tradition a

great prophet called Abraham has a son , called Isaac. Abraham loved his son beyond

all things, except for his love of God. In the ultimate test of faith, God calls on

Abraham to sacrifice his own son. This is unbearable for Abraham, who would rather

give his own life than that of his son, but in obedience to God- he prepares to do this.

When God sees the devotion of Abraham and his obedience, he shows him a ram

caught in a thicket and commands him to spare his son and sacrifice the ram instead.

In the Quran, Abraham is called Ibrahim and his son Ishmael, but it is, essentially the

same story. This is the story behind the festival of Eid Al-Hada which our Muslim

families will be celebrating together next week. The festival is to acknowledge the

duty of obedience to God and is marked by sharing food with family and friends, and

also donating to the poor- a key pillar of Islam. On behalf of the federation, I wish Eid

Mubarak to all our Muslim families, may the festival bring your family together.

Mickey Kelly

Executive Headteacher



From Nursery We celebrate everyone in Nursery for adapting so well to online learning. From Reception

Jaylen - for improved effort in writing.

Una - for her excellent attitude to learning!

From Year 1

Lulu -determination in her writing.

Khyrell and Kameron- both for their excellent recall of Cinderella.

From 2H Sumaira—for persevering to learn how to use an empty number line to help her add two 2-digit numbers.

Isaac—for persevering to learn how to use an empty number line to help him add two 2-digit numbers.

From 2W

Meela—for her story writing.

Piranavi—for her perseverance with her maths.

From 3D

Harry - For his clear explanations particularly in Geography.

Yusuf - for taking his time to improve his presentation in all learning.

From 3K

Daniella – Excellent inference

Mariam – Brilliant speaking and listening

From 6D

Kiaree- for being determined to keep out of situation and making a conscious effort to take pride in his learning.

Chyna- for being a good role model and helping others when needed.

From Year 6 For the whole year group in being dedicated to ensure the production goes ahead—great rehearsals online.

3D had the overall best attendance for the Year as they won the cup more times than any other



Here are some photos of the work we have been doing at home - to learn about how we are celebrating Carnvial and our focus which is

the Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

This week in Nursey

Our focus books this week have

been Commotion in the Ocean,

Sharing a Shell and

The Singing Mermaid.

This week in Reception

Reception have been fascinated by the snails

in the outdoor area!

We talked lots about what they need to be

happy and how we can take care of them too!

In DT this week we made fruit salads.

This week in Year 1

A great way to enjoy different types of fruit is in a fruit salad.

We used lots of different fruit to make our fruit salad really colourful!

3k enjoying capturing sounds in the park. We started off writing the

sounds we could hear. Then we used onomatopoeia to improve our poetry! The buzzing bees, and

rustling leaves made our time in the park very enjoyable.

Well done 3k!

This week in Year 3

Message from Mr Gordon

On 16th January of this year, in the full lockdown, we led a small

delegation of pupils from Lucas Vale and Grinling Gibbons to

number 439 New Cross Road and to a memorial in Fordham Park.

It was the fortieth anniversary of the New Cross fire. We laid

some flowers at the

house and said a few

words before lighting

candles at the


Had we not done this there would have been nothing to show

at either site. I was immensely proud of our children and the

great attitude and maturity that they showed at such a

poignant remembrance.

Next week, as part of our carnival, we were to assemble at Fordham for a picnic, to lay flowers at the

memorial but also to celebrate the great uprising of the Black

People’s Day of action which left from Fordham Park forty years

ago. Over 20,000 black people from all over South East London

marched to Fleet Street and to the centre of the City of London.

The slogan of the day was “13 dead nothing said” and also

‘Come what may we are here to stay’. Like a Phoenix arising

from the ashes, a new determination, a new anger, a new

confidence and militancy arose within our community. As the

march passed schools in Peckham, teachers locked the gates

but many of our children climbed over to join the march. The

City of London police was determined to stop the march at Blackfriars bridge, they were swept aside by

the surging crowd. People were angry. We were going to be heard, whatever the cost.

Next week, Steve McQueen, the director of ‘12 Years a Slave’ and the recent ‘Small Axe’ series, will be

showing a series of dramatic reconstructions of the events of the New Cross Fire and its aftermath on

BBC one on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night. While these may not be suitable for children, they

are an essential part of the history of the Black community in this part of London and I ask you to watch

or to record these for yourself to see. Although the black community have made an immense

contribution to this country, sometimes our history is not acknowledged, is not cherished and is not

celebrated. In our federation, we hope to put that right. We want our child to hold up their head, to see

and to know the work and determination of their elders and to carry that torch forward for another


Dean Gordon

Grinling Gibbons—Head of School

Summer School

Walk-in vaccination clinics - UCKG HelpCentre, Saturday 17 July, 12pm - 4pm

This weekend there will be a COVID-19 vaccination walk-in clinic (no appointment needed) at UCKG HelpCentre, 1 Bromley

Road, SE6 2TS (the old cinema building) in Lewisham:

UCKG HelpCentre, Saturday 17 July, 12pm-4pm

A walk-in vaccination clinic for everyone aged 18 or over.

AstraZeneca and Pfizer will be offered

Lewisham NHS COVID-19 Vaccination Bus

This week, the bus will be at the following locations offering COVID-19


Wednesday 14 July 2021

Deptford High Street, SE8

Thursday 15 July 2021

Lewisham Shopping Centre, Molesworth St, SE13 7HB

Friday 16 July 2021

Place Ladywell, 261 Lewisham High Street, SE13 6AY

Final goodbyes

Autumn term

Monday 6 September to Friday 22 October

Half term: Monday 25 October to Friday 29 October

Monday 1 November to Friday 17 December

Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd September will be inset days.

Upcoming Dates Summer Term 2

Monday 7th June—Thursday 22nd

July 2021

CARNIVAL—22nd July 2021

Inset Day Friday 23rd July

Please remember you can contact the school on 020 8692 4660 or via email [email protected]

This email box is monitored on a regular basis including evenings and weekends.

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