
Men’s health matters!If men’s health problems are

not high on your to-do list or if it isn’t a health priority for a loved one, this one’s for you!

We’re talking about men’s health and prostate health in


The prostate explained

The prostate gland in men is usually the size of a walnut. It’s shaped like a doughnut and surrounds the urethra, the tube that empties urine

from the body.

BPH explained

The prostate:Doubles in size at puberty.

Doubles in size 21-50 years.Doubles again from 50-80.

Enlargement can trigger the symptoms associated with

benign prostatic hypertrophy.

Symptoms of BPHEnlargement puts pressure on the

urethra and bladder triggering:• Difficulty in urinating • Sudden need to pass urine• Needing to pass urine more

frequently• Night waking to use the loo• Incomplete emptying.

Regular check-ups are a must!You can’t self-diagnose

BPH See your doctor for

regular, simple check-ups,

individual diagnosis and advice.

BPH is common

A substantial number of men have symptoms of

BPH.Incidence increases with

age as the prostate continues to enlarge.So what can you do?

Rate your reds!

Tomatoes and other red fruits are rich in lycopene, which is

great for all round body health and also for prostate health. Try to eat some tomato-based foods


IsoflavonesConsumption of isoflavones is associated with a small reduction in risk of prostate problems. Scientists continue to examine the role of isoflavones in prostate health.

Go for garlicMen who eat the equivalent of

three cloves of garlic daily tended to have better prostate health (the Journal of the National Cancer Institute).

Sprinkle stir-fries and salads with spring onions (about 2tbsp) which

also contain beneficial organo-sulphur compounds

Spice it up!Adding herbs and spices to your

meals may also help prostate health. Ginger and herbs such as

oregano and rosemary plus that all round good guy,

green tea in lab tests which show promising results for

prostate health.

Time for an oil change?Trans fats (in manufactured foods, takeaways etc.) trigger inflammation and insulin resistance which

can affect body tissues including the prostate. Look on food labels and avoid foods that contain

hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil.

Instead, boost your levels of omega-3

anti-inflammatory fats

Get into a healthy weightIncreased body fat levels are

associated with enlarged prostate volume. So, get rid of the spare kilos that may be clinging to your middle

which is associated with the pro-inflammatory condition, insulin


Get moving!Regular exercise, boosts mind and body health

including prostate health. A meta-analysis found moderate to vigorous

physical activity cuts BPH risk by up to 25 per cent:

protective effects increase with higher activity levels.

Pick Palmetto Plus™?Palmetto Plus contains saw palmetto, lycopene

and isoflavones to support male

physiology and maintain overall good health

Saw palmetto

Appears to inhibit the production of an enzyme that converts

testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT is produced in the prostate and other organs.

DHT accumulation in the prostate causes continued growth.

Prostate conditions and hair loss?

The hormone dihydrotestosterone triggers hair loss and prostate

growth. Reducing DHT levels has been used to treat hair loss in men.

More clinical trials are needed to prove a definitive link.

LycopeneLycopene, the pigment that

gives tomatoes their red colour, is the most abundant carotenoid in the prostate. It helps to maintain the cell membrane and protect DNA

from oxidation.

Essential fats, zinc and seleniumIncreasing essential fats and zinc and selenium may help maintain the health of the

male physiology and overall health.

Zinc and selenium are not included in the Palmetto

Plus™ formulation.

Essentials™ and BiOmega™Essentials Multimineral is a good

source of zinc and selenium. BiOmega provides a highly purified

source and therapeutic quantities of the key omega-3 fats, EPA and DHA

(potent anti-inflammatories for long-term and general good health

including prostate health).

Why Palmetto Plus™?Palmetto Plus is:


Pharmaceutical QualityJust one capsule daily.

All of the natural botanical components in Palmetto Plus are standardised extracts and, as with all USANA Nutritionals, are guaranteed for purity and potency.

Palmetto Plus is laboratory tested, quality guaranteed. Meets British Pharmacopoeia specifications for potency, uniformity, and disintegration where applicable.

Don’t turn your back on men’s health!Men are much more likely to avoid the doctor’s surgery for regular health tests

and even when they’re ill. Rate your health – or your man’s health – high by always attending health appointments,

eating well, exercising, modifying alcohol intake and stress control. Plus,

try Palmetto Plus – specially formulated to protect men’s health.

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