
Memory Management

Hussam Abu-LibdehCS 2026, Spring 2009

Administrative Announcement

● Assignment #3 due Friday at 11:59PM– Office hour today after class

– Questions ?


● Recall unmanaged code– e.g. C:

double* A = malloc(sizeof(double)*M*N);for(i=0; i<M*N; i++) {

A[i] = i;}

– What can go wrong?● Memory leak: forgetting to call free(A);● Common problem in C/C++


● Solution: no explicit malloc/free– e.g. In Java/C#

double[] A = new double[M*N];for(int i=0; i<M*N; i++) {

A[i] = i;}

– No leak: memory is “lost” but freed later

● A “Garbage Collector” tries to free memory– Keeps track of used data somehow


● Can control the behavior of the Garbage Collector (GC)

– Not recommended in general

– Sometimes useful to give hints

● Some methods:– Collect

– Add/RemoveMemoryPressure

– ReRegisterFor/SuppressFinalize

– WaitForPendingFinalizers


● protected virtual void Finalize()

● Finalizers are called nondeterministically– You don't know exactly when will be called

– Before an object is freed up by garbage collector

– When GC.Collect method is called

– When CLR is shutting down

– Can be suppressed by GC.SuppressFinalize


● Called when object is being destroyed● Used to free up resources tied to it● Destructors are called “bottom-up”public class A {

~A() { Console.WriteLine(“Destroy A”); }}public class B : A {

~B() { Console.WriteLine(“Destroy B”); }}

● B's destructor is called first then A's

Destructors and Finalizers

● Destructors are just syntax sugar for finalizers

● ~MyClass() { … } gets translated toprotected override void Finalize() {

try { // do work }finally { base.Finalize(); }


● Use destructors instead of finalizers


● Used to free unmanaged resources– Files, streams, handles ..etc

● IDisposable declares void Dispose()– Can be explicitly invoked

– Often used in the finally block of a try/catch

● public class A : IDisposable {public A() { .. }public void Dispose() { // free resources }


The using Statement

● The using block declares variables and calls Dispose() on it automatically

● using (Font font1 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f)) {byte charset = font1.GdiCharSet;


● Compilers translate this to{

Font font1 = new Font("Arial", 10.0f);try {

byte charset = font1.GdiCharSet;} finally {

if (font1 != null)((Idisposable)font1).Dispose();


Weak References

● Sometimes want to keep references but not cause the GC to wait

– A a = new A();WeakReference wr = new WeakReference(a);

– Now a can be collected● wr.Target is null if referenced after a has

been collected

C# Garbage Collectors

● Different types based on the machine and environment

● Workstation GC– Concurrent GC

– Non-concurrent GC

● Server GC– Optimized for throughput, not response


Soundness and Completeness

● For any program analysis– Sound?

● Are the operations always correct

– Complete?● Does the analysis capture all possible


● For Garbage Collection– Sound: does it ever delete current


– Complete: does it delete all unused memory?

Some intuition on how a Garbage Collector works

Reference Counting

● Keep count of references of an object– Increment ref count on assignment

– Decrement ref count when out of scope

● When ref count reaches zero– Reclaim memory

● Why can this work ?– Because when an object has no

references, it can not be used

Reference Counting

● Advantages– Simple

– Incremental

● Disadvantages– Frequent updates & Requires extra

storage for each object

– Can not detect cycles

Reachability Graph

● Instead of counting references– Keep track of some top-level objects

– Trace out the reachability of objects

– Only cleanup heap when out of space● Much better for low-memory programs

● Two major types of algorithms– Mark and Sweep

– Copy Collectors

Reachability Graph

● Top-level objects (root)– Managed by CLR

– Local variables on stack

– Registers pointing to objects

● Garbage collector starts top-level– Builds a graph of reachable objects

Mark and Sweep

● Two-pass algorithm– First pass: walk the graph and mark all

objects● Everything starts unmarked

– Second pass: sweep the heap, remove unmarked

● Not reachable implies garbage

● Soundness?● Completeness?

Copy Collectors

● Instead of just marking as we trace– Copy each reachable object to a new part

of heap

– Need enough space to do this

– No need for second pass

● Advantage– One pass

● Disadvantage– Higher memory requirement

Compacting Copy Collectors

● Move live objects to bottom of heap– Leaves more free space on top

– Contiguous allocation allows faster access● Cache works better with locality

● Must then modify references– Recall: references are really pointers

– Must update location in each object

Compacting Copy Collectors

● Another possible collector:– Divide memory into two halves

– Fill up one half before doing any collection

– On full:● Walk the graph and copy to other side● Work from new side

● Need twice memory of other collectors● But do not need to find space in old side

– Contiguous allocation is easy


● Common problem in memory schemes● Enough memory but not enough



Heap Allocation Algorithms

● Best-fit– Search the heap for the closest fit

– Takes time

● First-fit– Choose the first fit found starting from

beginning of heap

● Next-fit– Just like first fit, but starts searching from

last place found

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