










This Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as MoU) is made between

Acest Memorandum de intelegere (numit in continuare Mdi) se realizeaza intre

Party A: HANGZHOU DIANZI UNIVERSITY, CHINAAddress: No. 1158, Street 2, Xiasha Higher Education Park, Hangzhou 310018, P.R.ChinaRepresentatives:HDU Rector Zefei ZHU

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1~~ :m#lEt!T~Ht*~*~* *~~~tfPartea A: Hangzhou Dianzi University, China (HDU)Adresa: No. 1158, Street 2, Xiasha Higher Education Park, Hangzhou 310018, P.R.ChinaReprezentata de:RectorHDU, Z~eiZHU

Party B: Politehnica University Tlmlsoara (UPT)Address: Piata Victoriei No. 2,300006 Timisoara, RomaniaRepresentatives:Rector Prof. Dr. Eng. Viorel-Aurel $erban

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1~~ : ~*1t][fjLJ!I*~~* : Prof. Dr. Eng. Viorel-Aurel Serban ~tiPartea B: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara (UPT)Adresa: Piata Victoriei Nr. 2, 300006 Timisoara, Romania, ,Reprezentata de:Prof. Dr. Ing. Viorel-Aurel $erban, Rector

Reference to "the Party" shall refer to "HDU" or "UPT" and collectively as "the Parties".

~S~Jtl~-E~~-EmmEt!~~*,~~~EmmEt!~~*oReferirea la "Parti" se va face folosindu-se abrevierile "HDU" sau "UPT" sau comun, "Partite"., ,







1.1 The Parties, subject to the terms of this MoU and the laws, rules, regulations andnational policies from time to time in force, will endeavor to strengthen, promote anddevelop collaboration between the Parties on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

*~~~&~.5li~,~~~*~M.~~~*~~*~.$.~&~~,~h~~,~*~.~~~*~oPartile, ln conformitate cu termenii prezentului Memorandum de Inteleqere si cu legile,regulile, reqlementarile ~i politicile nationals In vigoare, vor incerca sa consolideze, sapromoveze si sa dezvolte colaborarea lntre Pai\i pe baza egalitatii si avantajuluireciproc.

1.2 The Parties hereto now desire to outline the general points of arrangements betweenthemselves in relation to the collaboration and agree to enter into binding agreement(s)to set forth the details of the collaborations.

*~XX~IYJtGJ_ffJt*~~1r.J£/~,1*~n~,.#~JiiT.lz:~~~'g *h ~t9Jis( , j..;JJ~B~*~~IH110Partite doresc sa prezinte In cele ce urrneaza punctele generale de inteleqere lntre elecu privire la colaborare, si sa accepte sa Tncheie un acord pentru a stabili detaliilecolaborarilor viitoare.



2.1 To develop a China-Romania Silk Road School at HDU and UPT respectively in whichthe joint master and doctorate degree programs in the fields of engineering or any otherfields mutually agreed by the two parties will be carried out. The IT training, languagestudy and Sino-Romania cultural exchanges may be carried out. The teachinglanguage for students from other Party at the Silk School is English.


xX15tcJ1£m Eg ~ ;w*-~ 1jU}I"iL - pJT" t:p ~ '!J ~ @SIIL~~Jij.~ ~Jt", 1£I~.¥J.)~JtB xX15~ ~ mB'g®l:t§!7f ~ ~OOit~*g.!!~ lJl§ ,7f HilT!!iJil , lit ~~~ , ~t:p'!J3t1t,~5At~fL f:~~~~~ili~ ~ PJ~i~oSa dezvolte scoala chino-rornana Drumul Matas;; la HDU si, respectiv, UPT, in cadrulcareia se vor desfasura programede masterat si de doctorat in domeniile ingineriei sauin oricare din domeniile stabilite de comun acord de cafre cele doua Parti, Se potdesfasura ~i programe de preqatire in domeniile IT, limbi straine ~i schimburi culturaleSino-Rornane. Limba de predare in cadrul Scolii Drumul Matas;; pentru studentii de lacealalta Parte este engleza.

2.2 To develop student exchange programs

~~~5Jrt~~Sa dezvolte programe de schimburi studentesti

2.2.1 Postgraduate exchange programs: up to 20 master's and doctoral students may besent to each other's campus for one to two semesters' project research or coursestudy annually. Both parties shall recognize credits from each other. The studentsthemselves, shall cover the tuition fees and living cost for the outgoing studentmobilities. The distribution of students for each specialty and degree level will bemutually agreed annually upon by a separate agreement.




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Programe de schimb postuniversitar: pana la 20 de studenti la masterat ~i doctoratpot fi trirnisi in campusul celeilalte Pa'1i in fiecare an pentru proiecte de cercetaresau cursuri de 1 pana la 2 semestre. Ambele Parti recunosc reciproc creditele.Studentii vor acoperi ei in~i~i taxele de scolarizare si costurile de sedere prevazutede mobilitate. Repartizarea studentilor pe specialitatl ~i nivelul de diploma seaqreeaza anual de ambele Parti prin act additional.

2.2.2 Undergraduate student exchange programs: undergraduate students' groups, upto 25 students, may be sent to each other for 2-4 weeks short-term exchange inwinter or summer vacation, for IT-related course study, culture and languagelearning and project practice. The tuition fees, accommodation and meals will bemutually agreed upon by separate agreements. Travelling, insurance and otherexpenses shall be borne by the students themselves.


Programe de schimb pentru studentu la cictuf licenta: grupurile de studenti la Iicenta,de pana la 25 de studenti, pot fi trimise reciproc pentru schimburi de scurta duratade 2-4 saptamant in timpul vacantelor de tarna sau de vara, pentru cursuri de IT,de tirnba si cultura ~i practica. Taxele de scolarizare, cazare ~i rnasa vor fi stabiliteulterior prin act additional. Cheltuielile cu calatoria, asiqursn ~i alte tipuri decheltuieli sunt suportate de studentli Insisi.

2.3 To develop faculty exchanges programs

~~rp~mtSa dezvolte programe de schimburi Intre cadre didactice

2.3.1 Teachers will give lectures attend international conferences, symposiums, andparticipate in other academic activities organized by the other side.

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Cadrele didactice vor tine prelegeri, vor participa la conferinte internationale,simpozioane si la alte activitat. academice organizate de cealalta Parte.

2.4 To establish a joint research collaboration between both parties

3f§g.tF~~oSa puna bazele unei colaborari comune de cercetare lntre ambele Parti

2.4.1 Establish a joint research center, collaborate in research activities, joint publicationand to jointly apply for research grants from both countries.

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Sa creeze un centru comun de cercetare, ~a colaboreze in activitatile de cercetare,sa publice in comun ~i sa aplice in comun pentru granturi de cercetare din ambeletari.


2.5 Any other areas of co-operation as agreed to by both Parties from time to time.

:XX15-a)"~ ~ 15 Jil!t ttB®Lt§! B'9.g. 11=0Oricare alte domenii de cooperare convenite de ambele Parti in viitor.



3.1 This MoU shall not give rise to any financial obligation by one Party to the other.

~~~~~F~-15~~-15B'9~~~~oPrezentul Mdl nu da nastere niciunei obllqath financiare de catre una dintre Parti catrecealalta Parte.

3.2 The terms and conditions including the fee incurred for any of the areas ofcollaborations mentioned shall be discussed by both Parties. For this purpose, aseparate agreement shall be agreed upon by both parties.

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~ ~ ~ fflll:l] mXX15 ~ ~ IT~~ t1}i)(oTermenii ~i conditiile, inclusiv onorariile suportate pentru oricare dintre domeniile decolaborare rnentionate vor f discutate de ambele Parti, In acest scop, ambele pai\i vorconveni asupra acestora intr-un acord separat.


~ raHmmq~.iJ:*i4DURATA~I iNCHEIERE

4.1 This MoU shall take effect on and from the date of execution of this MoU and shallcontinue to be effective for a period of five (5) years and may be extended for suchfurther period as may be agreed by both institutions in writing.

~~~~§~~LS@~~,~~m~n~,*-a)"~*~~15~OO~J!B'9m~NoPrezentul Mdl va intra In vigoare la si de la data executarii prezentului Mdl si va rarnanein vigoare pentru 0 perioada de cinci (5) ani si poate fi prelungit pentru 0 perioadaulterioara convenita de ambele institutii in scris.

4.2 It is understood that either party may terminate this MoU by giving written notice to theother at least six (6) months prior to the proposed date of termination.


Se Inteleqe ca oricare dintre Parti poate rezilia acest MdTprin notificarea sensa catrecealalta Parte, cel putin cu sase (6) luni inainte de data propusa pentru reziliere.

4.3 This MoU may be modified, varied or amended at any time after due to consultationand with the written agreement of both institutions.

Prezentul Mdi poate fi modificat, completat sau amendat in orice moment dupaconsultarea sl cu acordul scris al ambelor institutii.



5.1 The Parties agree that this MoU represents the mutual understanding of the Parties'intention to collaborate. The rights and obligations of the Partieswill be mutually agreedupon by separate agreements, annexes to this MoU. The current MoU is not intendednor shall be deemed and construed to be a legally binding contract and shall not giverise to any rights and liabilities under a contract.

~~~.*~M~~~ft~~~~~~.~~mli~Mo~~~a~~~§~~*~M~~~Mm~.~~~~fi~~o*~M~~~~.m~$~~~*M~~~~~~~*h~~~,m~$~~~~~~~1±-W*X~~~~1foPartite sunt de acord ca prezentul MdTreprezinta inteleqerea reciproca a intentieiPartilor de a colabora. Drepturile si obliqatiile partllor vor fi stabilite in concret prinacorduri separate, anexe la prezentul Mdi. Prezentul Mdi nu este destinat ~i nici nu vafi considerat ~i interpretat ca fiind un contract obligatoriu din punct de vedere juridic ~inu va creea drepturi ~i obliqatu in cadrul unui contract.

5.2 Nothing contained herein shall be construed so as to constitute a joint venturepartnership, or formal business organisation of any kind between the Parties or so toconstitute either Party as the agent of the other.



Nici 0 prevedere din prezentul document nu va fi interpretata asttel lncat sa constituieun parteneriat de tip joint-venture sau 0 organizare formala de afaceri de orice naturaIntre Parti, ~i nici ca una dintre Parti sa se constituie ca agent al celeilalte parti,

5.3 Each Party will be solely responsible for its own acts and omission (and the acts andomission of its employees, consultants and other agents) and neither party will havethe authority nor will purport to act for, or legally bind, the other Party in any transactionwith a third party.

~~§e~~e.ff~~M~~a~.(~ffi~M,~~~.~ftRA~ff~~M~),G~-~~~a~~. ~~G~~~~ft~~~~*~-~oFiecare Parte va fi singura responsabila pentru propriile sale acte ~i omisiuni (~i actelesi omisiunile anqajatilor sal, consultantil si alti aqenti) si nici una dintre parti nu va aveaautoritatea 9i nu va intentione sa actioneze sau sa stabileasca 0 leqatura leqala cucealalta parte In orice tranzactie cu 0 terta parte.

5.4 The Parties acknowledge that nothing in this MoU is intended to grant any rights toother Party under any patent trademark or copyright and this MoU does not in any waygive rise to any right or permission to use or to be associated with each Party'sintellectual property, confidential information and study.

~~um,*.~~~~¥,##.~-~~ffl~~~.~~~a;#~FJi~-~ilf~ffffl~~x~~~1miRF*)(,1¥Wffi;!&..~~~fi*ij*0Partite recunosc ca nimic din acest Mdi nu are ca scop acordarea oricaror drepturiceleilalte Parti cu privire la drepturi de autor sau brevete sl acest Mdi nu da nastere lnnici un fel nici unui drept sau permisiuni de a folosi sau de a fi asociat cu proprietateaintelectuala, intorrnatii confidentiale sau studii ale celeilalte Parti,

5.5 This MoU shall be written in English, Chinese and Romanian in two originals. Eachparty keeps one original. In the event of any discrepancy between the threeaforementioned versions, the English version shall prevail.

*.~~~~-~~&,~~~,~~,~~@~~-~~~~~o3l[]_.t~ ~i! ~~*LIB]ff~G~l' -~~ ~~,~;J_~~~*~ ItoPrezentul Mdi va fi redactat Tnlimbile enqleza, chineza si rornana, In doua exemplare.Fiecare Parte pastreaza un original. in cazul oricarei discrepante lntre cele trei versiunirnentionate mai sus, versiunea In limba enqleza prevateaza.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorised by their respectiveorganisations, sign this MoU on the date as above written.

~~~.~~~mtt,~~~~A~~~Sm~~*~M.~,M~~~oDREPT CARE, subsernnatii, fii!:,d autorizati In mod corespunzator de catre orqanizatiile lorrespective, sernneaza acest Mdl la data rnentionata mai jos.

Representative Representative

of Party A: ofPartyB:

Reprezentantul Partii A Reprezentantul Partil B

Prof. Zeifei ZHU Prof. dr, eng. Viorel-Aurel ~ERBAN

President of HDU Rector of UPT


Presedinte al ADU

'0 =>Date:




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