Page 1: m>~~e:JG' '~ l'W~ d!c:>e~- ~ ~ 2016... · I Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnatal

., ,

,<'';;·~·~ ···. ··;~·.:: :~·~',<:...... m>~~e:JG' nA d!c:>e~- ~ c.drl'41 ~'t3~ a:b ~ ~~ ./'~: ~} ... '~ l"'W~ es c: • ~ ~ .:i ~fD , C\)c)f' ,

f,:" . ' 0-;~ , , • \ \ 4~e ~ ?.JC)#, 'G3cxbcdr)d, z3or)~radJ - 560 04J ::,I q ' ;:• M . \ , ~ ~

~.iJ ~(·, ~\..~ Raj iv Gandhi University o f Jleallh Sciences, K.arnataka .... , .. ~... 4111 'T ' Block, Jayanagar, Bangalorc - 560 04 1

Ref: A C2-Adm/PG - Mcd/2016- l 7/M030 06. 12.2016


The Principa l, 1\ .T Institute or M edical Sciences & Research Centre, NI I-66, Kuntikana, Mangaluru 575 004,


Sub: "Admission Approval" (Supplem enta ry List) Ref: l.RGUIIS Noti fication No:i\CNM -3 0/20 16- 17 datcd:29.09.20 16

2 . Your letter N o: A JlMC& RC/PG/05/20 16- 17, dated: 01 .06.2016. **********

Please find enclosed the approved admission Jist of student for Post Graduate Medical

course fo r the year 2016- 17. The lola! number of admissions approved is 0 1 (One


/\11 the original documents of the student of 20 16- 17 should be co llected by

yo ur offi ce immediately or within fortnight al the latest. If the documents are not

collected within the stipulated time UniverJily is not responsible f or any

misplacem ent of the records.


lt is hereby in formed tha t th e name of the cand ida te ap proved in the admission s ta tement will be based on the Under Gradua te degree certificate.

If any spelling mis ta l<.e has been fou nd in the admission approved Jist, the same may be brought to the notice of this office within one month along with a ttested Xerox copy of Degree Cet·tilica te where in necessary correction will be effected

Copy to : I . Registrar (Evaluation), RGUIIS, Bangalorc. 2. Director, Curriculum Development, RGUHS, l3angalorc.

0< 1~ DC\ e' b ?-~ \ 6 ~ rJ ~13 / l -v \I h

Page 2: m>~~e:JG' '~ l'W~ d!c:>e~- ~ ~ 2016... · I Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnatal


Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnatal<a llth 'T' 131ock, .Jayanagar, 13anga lorc - 560 04 1

Sup plementa ry Approved List for the Academic Year 2016-17

Date: 06-12-2016 Fatuity: MEDlCAL

College: M030 A .I Institute or Medical Sciences, Mangalore

Rcr: RGU IISIDSW/COE/20 16-17, da ted 2 I .03.2016

SI.No. Course Name Sanction ed Intake Total Admitted


I : M]) 'Anatomy I)

MD Physiology 3 I ..

3 MJ) Biochemistry 3 0

- ..

/) MD Pharmaco logy I) 2

- -- ---- ------------5

MD Patho logy 5 5

---- --------6

MD Microbiology 2 2

7 MD Preventive & Social 4 2 Medicine - - -·--

8 MD forensic Medicine 2 2

---- --- --- - - - - ----- ---9

MS Ophthalmology 3 3

10 MS ENT 3 3


MS Orthopaedics I) I)

--- -- -- ------- ------ --··--


- -·- -- ----13

MD J\nacsthcsiology 8 8

----- ---MD Paed iatrics 6 6


- - --- --------MD Genera l Medicine 12 12

15 ------ -

16 MS General Surgery 8 8

17 MSOBG 6 6

18 MD RD 8 8

------------ -- --- ---- -

Admission Approvec~




-- -- ----2





- -3

3 ______ .,.


- ---8






Page 3: m>~~e:JG' '~ l'W~ d!c:>e~- ~ ~ 2016... · I Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnatal



2 1

MD Psychiatry

MD TB & Respiratory Diseases MD Dermatology




Sl.No. I Name-of tji~_ C~1~dida~e Course : MD Paediatrics

Page ~ of2 I

-·- ---- . ----- --- ------·---

- -------- -3 3 3

---------3 3 3

---- --·--2 2 2

-- - ----- --- -- --- ---- -- ·- --- ---

96 83 83

II Sri nivasu Pampana 12 1-04-2016 1 /\PRIL/M/\ Y -2019 ---·- ------

:t'.{lJ.mcs of the Students Whose Admission arc Not Approved ·---- --- ----------- - ------ ----

Page 4: m>~~e:JG' '~ l'W~ d!c:>e~- ~ ~ 2016... · I Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnatal

•• m>~eiJ6 nc>oQ ~~ ~cmiflt1 .O~"e)crl), ~FeJ~,

LWe e3 ~#, ZB<ilitcri'id, ejoi'i~dJ - 560 041

Rajiv Gandhi University ofHcahh Sciences, Karna1aka 4111 'T' Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560 041

Ref: AC2-Adm/PG ·Med/20 16-17 /M030

To, The Principal, A J Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, NI 1-66, Kuntikana, Mangaluru - 575 004,


Sub: "Admission Approval"


Ref: l.RGUHS Notification No:ACA/M-30/20 16- 17 datcd:29.09.20 16 2. Your letter o: AJIMC&RC/PG/05/2016-17, dated: 01.06.2016.


Please find enclosed the approved admission list of student for Post Graduate Medical

course for the year 20 16-17. The total number of admissions approved is 82 (Eighty

two only) and the total number of admissions not approved is 01 (One only)

and the students whose admission is not approved may be discharged.

All the original documents of the student of 2016-17 should be collected by

your office immediately or within fortnight at the latest. If the documents are not

collected within the stipulated time University is not responsible for any

misplacement of the records.


It is hereby informed that the name of the candidate approved in the admission statement will be based on the Under Graduate degree certificate.

If any spelling mistake has been found in the admission approved list, the same may be brought to the notice of this office within one month along with attested Xerox copy of Degree Certificate where in necessary correction will be effected

Copy to: I. Registrar (Evaluation), RGUI IS, Bangalore. 2. Director, Curricu lum Development, RGUHS, Bangalore.

Page 5: m>~~e:JG' '~ l'W~ d!c:>e~- ~ ~ 2016... · I Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnatal

' Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka 4th 'T' Block, Jayanagar, 13angalorc- 560 041

Approved List for the Academic Y car 2016-1 7

Date: 21-10-2016 Faculty : MEDICAL

College : M030 A J Institute Of Medical Scicnees,Mangalorc

Ref : RGUIIS/DSW/COE/2016-17, dated 21.03.20 16

-Sl.No. Course Name Sanctioned Intake Total Admitted

Admission Approved -· --

I MD Anatomy 4 0 0

- --2

MD Physiology 3 I I

- -.., .)

MD Biochemistry 3 0 0

4 MD Pharmaco logy 4 2 2

1-- - --5

MD Pathology 5 5 5


MD Microbiology 2 2 2

---- --MD Preventive & Social 4 2 2

7 Medicine -

8 MD Forensic Medicine 2 2 2

- - f--MS Ophthalmology 3 3


9 .)

- 1- -- ·-10

MS ENT 3 3 3

1-·- i- . MS Orthopaed1cs

II 4 4 4


12 1 I 1

- --

13 MD 1\.naesthesiology 8 8 8

- - -14

MD Paediatrics 6 6 5


15 MD General Medicine 12 12 12

I- - - -- --MS General Surgery 8 8 8

16 - - - ----- --

17 MSOBG 6 6 6


Page 6: m>~~e:JG' '~ l'W~ d!c:>e~- ~ ~ 2016... · I Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnatal


19 ' '--/---




TB & Respiratory MD Dis cases

21 MD Dermatology

22 I

23 DTC 0









8 8

1 1

3 3

--,., .) 3

--2 2

I 1

83 82

I Date of Admis""SlOn] Eligibility to Appear for Exam

MD Pharmacology

~ J\PRILIMJ\ --- '·--


--Y-2019 Robin ~2 1 -04-20 16 J\PRILIMJ\

2 Tanvi Vikram ShcuQ I 4-04-20 16 ---'-J\PRILIMJ\





MD Patholoey

/\run Gopinath --

2 J i by Sooscn inan

3 Kirthi Jayadhar

4 Rachana Kiran Ko alkar

5 Smitha B

Course : MD Microbiology


Jcslin Sara John


19-04-20 16


15-04-20 16




Course : MD Preventive & Social Medicine


Y-20 19 --








J\PRILIMJ\ --Y-2019




Y-2019 --

1 JlBI ~TEPIIE =];1-04-2016 3 J\PRILIMJ\


12 2. Pankaja1aJ\mritha 2 1-04-20 16 J\PRILIMJ\ Knshna

Course : MD Forensic Medicine

13 -]= Gauu;;; N I 30-05-20 16 14 2 JcrineS Das 14-04-2016

-- --Course : MS Ophthalmolo2:)'

J\ditya Morbaita 16-04-20 16

2 Sangapur 26-05-20 16

3 Mcrin Susan Rajan 20-04-20 16 --"--

Course : MS ENT



J\PRILIMJ\ --Y-2019





J\PRILIMJ\ -Y-2019 -


Page 7: m>~~e:JG' '~ l'W~ d!c:>e~- ~ ~ 2016... · I Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnatal

18 I · Chikku Thankam Sunny 18-04-2016

19 2 Shravan S Shelly 20-04-2016

I --- --20 3 Sunilha 27-05-2016

-Course: MS Orthopaedics

21 l /\mith Sridhar /\lankar 20-04-2016

22 2 C.Kunal Kushalappa 2 1-04-2016 -

23 3 Shelly Suraj Ravindra 2 1-04-2016 -- -

24 4 Sumanth M a yak 18-04-2016 -- '-

Course: M:QRT

25 II Rakesh Reddy J 130-05-2016

Course: MD Anaestbesioloe:x

26 1 Ananya P 13-04-20 16 1-

27 2 /\nshul henkar 13-04-2016 -- --

28 3 0 han an j a ya K. S 19-05-2016 ----

29 4 Giles George 18-04-20 16 -

30 5 Rahu l R a1r 20-04-2016

31 6 Sanalh Kumar K 13-04-2016 - - -

32 7 Shruthi R Nayak 14-04-201 6 - -- - -

33 8 Tamanna /\hemad 27-05-201 6 - -

Course: MD Paediatrics

34 I Paras Gulati 13-04-2016 - t---

35 2 Rakshith Reddy II V 16-04-2016 - 1-

36 3 Siby Mathews 2 1-04-2016 -- -- --

37 4 Swathi S Sanjee 18-05-20 16

38 5 Y Bhanu Chandar

20-04-2016 Redd~

Course : MD Geu,eral Medicine -- - - r--

39 1 /\ditya Mahajan 2 1-04-20 16 -

40 2 Ba1a Siva Venkata

18-04-2016 Ourga Prasad Mente

41 3 Bin Remakanthan 16-04-2016 -- - -- -

42 4 Jyothsna B.K 18-04-201 6 - - --

43 5 Katragadda Praveen

15-04-201 6 Kumar

44 6 Kishan Premehandra 14-04-201 6 - --

45 7 Kshama . Ramesh 13-04-201 6 -- - ---

46 8 Mi thunlal K Mukundan 20-04-201 6 - --

47 9 Sakinya I legde 18-04-2016

/\PRILIM /\ Y-2019

/\PRII J M AY-2019

/\Y-2019 /\PRIJ) M '---

/\PRILIM /\Y-201 9




/\PRILIM -------

/\PRILIM /\Y-2019

I /\PRILIM /\Y-2019

/\PRILIM /\Y-2019

/\PRIL/M J\Y-2019









/\PRILIM /\ y -2019

/\Y-20 19 /\PRIL/M

/\PRILIM /\Y-2019 -------1

/\PRILIM /\Y-201 9














/\ Y-2019

/\Y-201 9

/\ Y-2019

/\ Y-201 9


/\ Y-2019 --------


/\ Y-2019


/\Y-20 19

J\Y-20 19

Page 8: m>~~e:JG' '~ l'W~ d!c:>e~- ~ ~ 2016... · I Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnatal

r-· - .-- - - -- --4·8 10 . Sharanabasava 18-05-2016 J\PRILIMJ\ Y -2019

- -- - - -49

1 1 Shayma Sheikh 15-04-20 16 APRIL/MJ\ Y -20 19

-;) I Abdulla - ---12 Sneha1 Sudhakar 13 20-04-2016 J\PRIL/MJ\ Y-20 19

Course: MS General Sure:er~ - - --51 1 Arun Kumar 1\ 18-04-2016 /\PRILIMA Y -2019

-52 2 Chiranth G.S 19-04-20 16 1\PRIL/M/\ Y-20 19 1--

53 3 Koustubh Jeevan

12-04-2016 1\PRIL/M/\ Y -2019 Gaonkar

r---54 4 Manisha Narayan 18-04-2016 J\PRILIMJ\ Y-20 19 -- -- - -- - --55 5 a man ingha l 26-05-2016 J\PRILIMJ\ Y-20 19

- - - --- -- --56 6 Naveen Kumar Salutagi 2 1-04-20 16 J\PRILIMJ\ Y-20 19

- - 1--- -- -57 7 Praneeth Raj Patel K 19-04-2016 J\PRILIMA Y-20 19

-58 8 Souvik Patra 18-04-2016 APRIL/MAY -20 19

- --Course : MSOBG .


59 1 J\nusha G.P 13-04-2016 J\PRILIMJ\ Y-20 19 --

60 2 Lakshmy Srcckandan

19-04-2016 1\PRILIM/\ Y-20 19 au· - - -61 3 Lcandra Lcllis 0 Costa 12-04-2016 J\PRIL/MA Y-20 19 -- -- - -- - - --

62 4 Shivakumar U Pujcri 20-04-2016 J\PRILIMJ\ Y-20 19 - -63 5 Soumyarani.T 20-05-2016 J\PRIL/MJ\ Y-2019 --- -- ---64 6 Vishnu Priya R.S 19-04-2016 J\PRILIMJ\ Y-2019

-Course: MD liD

-r-- -- - --65 1 .Jini Pul1a1athu Abraham 20-04-20 16 J\PRILIMJ\ Y -20 19 1-- - --

66 2 Lochan Gowda J\ 12-04-20 16 J\PRILIMJ\ Y-20 19 --67 3 Mcera Varghese 15-04-2016 J\PRIL/M/\ Y -20 19

- --1-

68 4 Ramzi Shamsuddecn 15-04-2016 APRILIMJ\ Y-20 19 - - 1- -

69 5 Ranjan Sharath Shctty 15-04-2016 J\PRIL/MJ\ Y -20 19 --- - --70 6 Rohit Kumar Sharma 20-04-2016 J\PRIL/MJ\ Y-20 19 f-- - - -- -- --

71 7 herine Marian 20-04-2016 J\PRILIMA Y -201 9 -- - -- -- --72

8 Shctty I Iarsha1i 2 1-04-2016 1\PRIL/M/\ Y -2019

Prabhakar i-- -- -- --

Course: MD Ps~chiatr~ --

I' Jio-05-20 16 I J\PRILIMJ\ Y-20 19 73 l larini K.C

Course: MD TB & Respiratoly Diseases - -- - -- -- --

74 1 /\bdu Rahiman

2 1-04-20 16 /\PRILIMJ\ Y-20 19 Erinhikath Ummer --

75 2 Muhammed Faseed C II 20-04-2016 J\PRIL/MJ\ Y-20 19 --- i--

76 3 harath Babu S 19-05-2016 1\PRIL/M/\ Y-20 19 1-

Course : MD Dermatolo~ --

Page 9: m>~~e:JG' '~ l'W~ d!c:>e~- ~ ~ 2016... · I Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnatal

r. 7'J I I · /\kula Madhavi Latha 19-04-20 16 J\PRILIMJ\ Y -2019 -- -- --

~ 4 2 Ameen Basi l Cholakundan

3 Monisha Shelly

14-04-20 16


J\PRILIMJ\ Y-20 19

J\PRILIMJ\ Y -20 19 79 ----~--- -------~ --------~-----------------~ Course: DCII

80 l Lakshmi Ramya Gontla 2 1-04-2016 J\PRILIMJ\ Y-2018 -------- ___________________ , 81 2 Swetha ri Uppal uri 2 1-04-2016 J\PRILIMJ\ Y -2018

r- --- - '------ _____ _!_ ---

Course : DTCD

:--f l Konda Mithuneswar ~_05_2016 _:__]_Reddy 1

1':/ __ _

Names of the Students Whose Admission arc Not Approved

Course : MD Paediatrics

lienee You arc hereby directed to discharge the above mentioned candidates whose admissions arc not approved and submit the compliance report to the university within a week from the date of this letter. If no report is received it shall be presumed that the directions arc complied with. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. For any violation, the Principal will be solely held responsible.

Rajiv Gandhi University of I ' tenc~es Karnalaka

1J. W' ' '

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