Page 1: Megacorporations: Wealth equals Power - Ropecon 2014


Wealth equals power

Antti LaxJussi PerttolaZaibatsu Interactive Oy

Jussi Perttola
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Page 2: Megacorporations: Wealth equals Power - Ropecon 2014

Antti Lax

❖ Game Designer❖ Roleplaying game

enthusiast❖ Game industry

entrepreneur❖ Pokémon Master


Jussi Perttola

❖ CEO, Game Producer❖ Master of Science (MIT)❖ Serious gamer❖ Metal Gear fanboy

Page 3: Megacorporations: Wealth equals Power - Ropecon 2014

1. Name the Megacorp!

2. What is a Megacorporation?

3. Real World Megacorporations

4. Fictional Megacorporations

5. Harsh reality

6. Last words


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Name the Megacorp!

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What is a Megacorporation?

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● “An extremely large and powerful corporation ”

- Merriam-Webster

● “A corporation that is a massive conglomerate, holding

monopolistic or near-monopolistic control over

multiple markets (thus exhibiting both a horizontal and a

vertical monopoly)”

- Wikipedia

Defining Megacorporation

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● “Superpowers of the Shadowrun universe, with the

largest corporations having far more political,

economic, and military power than even the most

powerful nation-states.”

- Shadowrun Wiki

● “A huge corporation that sells everything and has

government-like reach and powers.”

- TV Tropes

Defining Megacorporation

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● The term megacorporation originated in cyberpunk


o Popularized by William Gibson

● Used mostly in fiction, but also recently in blog posts and

other unofficial contexts regarding big real life


Brief Summary

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● Megacorporations can be part

of a:

o Monopoly

o Oligopoly

● Common business fields:

o Information Technology

o Pharmaceutical / Biotech

o Military Technologies /


Making Money

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● A combination of two or more corporations engaged in

entirely different businesses that fall under one corporate


o Usually involve a parent company and many


o Large, often multinational, multi-industry companies

● Merges and acquisitions can form powerful companies

that can create new innovations by combining knowledge

from different fields


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● Term originates from 19th century Japan

o Originally a vertically controlled family business that

controlled various fields of business

o Usually had a bank to support them financially

● The Zaibatsu were cut into smaller companies after WWII

when the Americans felt that they had become too



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● There aren’t currently any companies that operate like

the former Zaibatsu (Japanese corporate groups are

called Keiretsu)

● Zaibatsu is often used in fiction for Japanese megacorps

that have some connections to organized crime or other

illegal activities


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1. Start a company

2. Assimilate others and grow big

3. ???

4. Profit!

How to become a Megacorp?

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Real World Megacorporations

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● Founded in 1976, revenue $170.91 billion (2013)

● Business:

o Consumer Electronics

● Renowned for:

o High-value, cutting edge products

o Minimalistic product line

o Former CEO – Steve Jobs

Apple Inc.

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● Founded in 1998, revenue $59.8 billion


● Business:

○ Internet

○ Telecommunications

● Renowned for:

○ Collecting huge amounts of data per


○ Slogan: “Don’t be evil”


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● Founded in 1975, revenue $77.85 billion (2013)

● Business:

o Consumer Electronics & Software

● Renowned for:

o Windows

o Founder & technology advisor – Bill Gates


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● Founded in 1905, revenue $102.2 billion


● Business:

o Food processing

● Renowned for:

o Promoting infant formula

o Wanting to privatize water

o Melamine in Chinese milk

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● Founded in 1962, revenue $468.65 billion (2013)

● Business:

o Retail

● Renowned for:

o World largest public corporation (Fortune Global 500,


o Huge warehouse stores

o Family-owned business (Walton family)


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● Founded in 1923, revenue $45 billion


● Business

o Mass media

o Digital entertainment

o Consumer products

● Renowned for:

o Animations and movies

o Disneyland Resorts

The Walt Disney Company

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● Founded in 1999, revenue $420.84 billion (2013)

● Business:

o Oil and gas

● Renowned for:

o World’s third largest company by revenue

o The merger of Exxon and Mobil

Exxon Mobil

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● Founded in 1901, revenue $14.8 billion


● Business:

o Biotechnology and agrochemistry

● Renowned for:

o Genetic modification of plants

o Biological patents

o Pesticides and herbicides


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● Founded in 1.4.14, revenue $??? billion (2014)

● Business:

o Video games

● Renowned for:

o Biggest little megacorp in the world

o Honour, Integrity, Zaibatsu

o ???

Zaibatsu Interactive

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Fictional Megacorporations

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● Multinational or sovereign corporations

● Bending the laws for their own good

● Paramilitary security forces or a private army

● Access to an army of lawyers

Tropes and clichés

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● There might be spoilers ahead

● We are not experts on every franchise and fandom, but

the facts should be consistent

o Please point out any false information we might


● There are too many fictional megacorps, we might not

cover your favourite one, sorry


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● Franchise: Alien

● Business:

o Technology supplier

o Manufacturing Synthetics,

spaceships and computers

● Hidden Agenda?o Experimenting with bioweaponry


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● Franchise: Resident Evil

● Business:

o Pharmaceuticals, medical equipment

o Cosmetics, consumer products, foods

● Hidden Agenda?

o Experimenting genetic engineering and bioweaponry

o Owns and Utilizes several paramilitary units

Umbrella Corporation

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● Franchise: Tekken

● Business:

o Robotics (Jack, NANCY-MI847J)

o Tekken Force - mercenaries

● Hidden Agenda?o Creation of an "ultimate


Mishima Zaibatsu

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● Franchise: Bioshock

● Business:

o Genetic enhancements (Plasmids)

o Research of ADAM

● Hidden Agenda?

o Turning girls into Little Sisters for gathering ADAM

o Creating Big Daddies

Fontaine Futuristics

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● Franchise: Werewolf the


● Business:

o Oil and Mining indistry

o Holding company

● Hidden Agenda?

o Spiritual, moral and environ-

mental corruption of the



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● Franchise: Oddworld

● Business:

o Food Processing & Manufacturing

● Hidden Agenda?

o Accused of slavery

o The origin of the meat unknown

o Mysterious disappearing of laborers


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● Franchise: Shadowrun

● Business:

o Computer technology

o Cybernetics

o Communications

● Hidden Agenda?

o ?

Renraku Computer Systems

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● Franchise: Fallout

● Business:

o Heavy construction (mainly Vaults)

● Hidden Agenda?

o Experimenting genetic engineering

o Human experiments


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● Franchise: Assassin’s Creed

● Business:

o Computer Technology

o Computer Entertainment

o Space Technology

● Hidden Agenda?

o Establishing a New World


Abstergo Industries

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● Franchise: Half-Life

● Business:

o Scientific research (experimental physics)

o Artificial intelligence research

● Hidden Agenda?

o Creating great quantities of deadly neurotoxin

o Human experiments

Aperture Science

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● Franchise: Robocop

● Business:

o Consumer Products

o Military Tech / Security


o Private Space Travel

● Hidden Agenda?

o Privatize Detroit into Delta City

Omni Consumer Products (OCP)

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● Franchise: Final Fantasy VII

● Business:

o Electric Power

o Genetic engineering, space exploration

● Hidden Agenda?

o Refines the planet’s Lifestream to create Mako energy

o Weapons Development

Shinra Inc.

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Harsh Reality (June 2014 issue)

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Megacorps own the Media

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Megacorps own the Food

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Megacorps own the Money

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● Most of our consumer products and digital services are

produced by a select number of companies

o Little freedom of choice

● Pooled resources make it easier to innovate and create

new products and services never seen before

o Google and Apple have changed the way we think

about Internet and smart phones

Why does it matter?

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Last Words

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● While Megacorps make good antagonists, remember that

they aren’t usually inherently evil

o Sometimes you just have to make sacrifices

● Focus on their products and services

o How and why people use their products?

o Are there any alternatives? Other options?

Megacorporations in RPGs

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● What are your favourite Megacorps and why?

● What makes Megacorps interesting in fiction?

● Are we on the brink of being in a cyberpunk world?

● Any questions for the presenters?

Audience time

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