Page 1: Meeting AAC - 2/2016 - Peel Region · 2016-04-15 · RECOMMENDATION AAC-2-2016: That the site plan for the TransHelp and Peel Regional Paramedic Services (PRPS) Satellite Station

For questions about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Meenu Sikand, Accessibility Planning Specialist at (905) 791-7800, Ext. 4778 or by e-mail at [email protected] Some meeting information may also be available in alternate formats, upon request. Please contact: Veronica Montesdeoca at (905) 791-7800, Ext. 5454 or by e-mail at [email protected]


ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA AAC - 2/2016 DATE: 2016-04-21 TIME: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM LOCATION: Council Chambers, 5th Floor Regional Administrative Headquarters 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A

Brampton, Ontario MEMBERS: C. Belleth; A. Brar; R. Chopra; F. Dale; M. Daniel; D. Farrace;

A. Groves; N. Husain; R. Khedr; M. Mahoney; J. McArthur; M. Palleschi; T. Tamlin

Naz Husain, Chair to preside. 1.






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AAC-2/2016 AAC Agenda -2- Thursday, April 21, 2016 4. PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES

4.1. Minutes of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC - 1/2015) meeting

held on February 18, 2016 (Receipt recommended)





6.1. TransHelp Update for Accessibility Advisory Committee (For information) (See also Communications – Items 7.3 and 7.4)

Presentation by David Margiotta, Program Manager and Aislin O’Hara, Project Advisor, Accessible Transportation Master Plan

6.2. Accessibility Planning Program Update - April 2016 (For information)



7.1. Rory Burke, Director, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure, Email dated January 7, 2016, Providing Notice that a File Review will be Conducted on the Region of Peel’s Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and its Standards (Receipt recommended) (See also Communications – Item 7.2)

7.2. Rory Burke, Director, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure, Email dated January 29, 2016, Thanking the Region of Peel for Providing the Information Requested on January 7, 2016 which Concludes the File Review Process on the Region of Peel’s Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (Receipt recommended) (See also Communications – Item 7.1)

7.3. Mark Castro, Manager of Accessible Transportation, TransHelp, Letter dated February 12, 2016, In Response to a Memo Issued by Brampton Caledon Community Living (BCCL) Regarding the Region of Peel Passenger Assist Program (Receipt recommended) (See also Reports – Item 6.1 and Communications – Item 7.4)

7.4. Jim Triantafilou, Executive Director, Brampton Caledon Community Living (BCCL), Email dated February 19, 2016, Providing a Copy of a Memo Issued by BCCL Regarding Region of Peel Passenger Assist Program (Receipt recommended) (See also Reports – Item 6.1 and Communications – Item 7.3)

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AAC-2/2016 AAC Agenda -3- Thursday, April 21, 2016 7.5. Naz Husain, Chair, Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee, Letter to Rick

Donovan, New Chair of the Province of Ontario’s Accessibility Standards Advisory Council (ASAC), Congratulating Him on His Recent Appointment (Receipt recommended) (As requested at the February 18, 2016 AAC meeting)


8.1. AAC Membership Update (Oral)


NEXT MEETING Thursday, June 16, 2016 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Council Chamber, 5th floor Regional Administrative Headquarters 10 Peel Centre Dr., Suite A Brampton, ON



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* See text for arrivals See text for departures




AAC - 1/2016 The Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee met on February 18, 2016 in the Regional Council Chamber, 5th Floor, Regional Administrative Headquarters, 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A, Brampton. Members Present: C. Belleth; R. Chopra; F. Dale; M. Daniel; D. Farrace; A. Groves;

R. Khedr; M. Mahoney; M. Palleschi; T. Tamlin Members Absent: A. Brar; N. Husain; J. McArthur; U. Tibbin Also Present: Region of Peel: K. Lockyer, Regional Clerk and Director of Clerk’s;

V. Ghandour, Acting Manager, Access to Information and Privacy; M. Sikand, Accessibility Planning Specialist; K. Dubuque, Legislative Specialist; V. Montesdeoca, Committee Clerk; S. Valleau, Legislative Assistant

Chaired by Dely Farrace. 1.


Dely Farrace, Vice-Chair of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) called the meeting to order at 1:31 p.m. Dely Farrace acknowledged the passing of former Regional Councillor Paul Palleschi, who passed away in January 2016. On behalf of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee, Dely Farrace expressed condolences to Councillor Michael Palleschi and his family. 2.



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AAC – 1/2016 Thursday, February 18, 2016



Moved by M. Palleschi; RECOMMENDATION AAC-1-2016: That the agenda for the February 18, 2016, Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting include an item from Dely Farrace, AAC Vice-Chair regarding the Region of Peel Passenger Assist Program, to be dealt with under Other Business – Item 8.3; And further, that the agenda for the February 18, 2016, Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting include an item from Raj Chopra, AAC Member regarding the 2016 National Access Awareness Week (NAAW) Celebrations, to be dealt with under Other Business – Item 8.4; And further, that the agenda for the February 18, 2016, Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting be approved, as amended.


Minutes of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC-4/2015) meeting held on November 5, 2015


5. DELEGATIONS 5.1. Joanne Pattison, Manager Strategy Development, Measurement and

Reporting, Presenting an Update on Regional Council's Strategic Plan and Term of Council Priorities


Joanne Pattison, Manager, Strategy Development, Measurement and Reporting, provided an overview of the content of the Region of Peel Strategic Plan and the four year Term of Council Priorities. The feedback obtained from extensive community engagement which included the Region of Peel AAC, resulted in the Vision statement "Community for life" and the Mission statement "Working with you to create a healthy, safe and connected community"; as well as a new brand statement of "Working with you". 6. REPORTS 6.1.

Redevelopment of 3190 Mavis Road - TransHelp and Peel Regional Paramedic Services Satellite Station (S6) - Site Plan Review

Presentation by Joel Rieder, Architect, Reinders & Rieder Ltd., Joseph Nazareth, Acting Manager, Construction Project Management and Ashwani Sinha, Senior Project Manager, Real Property Asset Management


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AAC – 1/2016 Thursday, February 18, 2016


Moved by M. Mahoney; RECOMMENDATION AAC-2-2016: That the site plan for the TransHelp and Peel Regional Paramedic Services (PRPS) Satellite Station located at 3190 Mavis Road, Mississauga, Ward 6, hereinafter referred as the Redevelopment of 3190 Mavis Road, as presented to the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC), be supported; And further, that notification of the AAC‘s support for the subject site plan, be provided to the City of Mississauga, Planning and Building Department.

A site plan overview was presented for 3190 Mavis Road located in the City of Mississauga, Ward 5. The site, consisting of an accessible transportation and emergency services facility is designed in accordance with the “Peel Regional Paramedic Services Satellite Stations Accessibility Features Checklist”. In response to a question raised by Regional Chair Dale, Joel Rieder, Architect, Reinders & Rieder Ltd., noted that the amount of landscaping considered for the site meets the City of Mississauga requirements. He further noted that due to the limited space of the site, additional landscaping has been incorporated into the roof of the facility.

STAFF DIRECTION AAC-2016-1-01: That staff report back to a future AAC meeting with the results of the City of Mississauga site plan review for the Redevelopment of 3190 Mavis Road.

6.2. Accessibility Planning Program Update – February 2016


7. COMMUNICATIONS 7.1. Chris Wray, President, Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and

Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO), Email dated December 1, 2015, Thanking the Region of Peel for Organizing the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) 10th Anniversary Awards Presentation


7.2. Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), Email dated December 15,

2015, Regarding Repeal of Sections of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA)

Received 7.3. Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure, News

Release dated December 16, 2015, titled “Ontario Appoints New Chair to Lead Accessibility Advisory Council”



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AAC – 1/2016 Thursday, February 18, 2016


STAFF DIRECTION AAC-2016-1-02: That the Chair of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee send a letter to the newly appointed Chair of the province’s Accessibility Standards Advisory Committee (ASAC), Rich Donovan, congratulating him on his recent appointment.

7.4. ServiceOntario, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, Guidebook

dated January 2016, titled “Accessible Parking Permits Municipal Enforcement Guidebook”


7.5. Ontario Human Rights Commission, Email dated January 20, 2016, Advising of

the Launching of the Report “By the Numbers”, a New Report Offering a Statistical Profile of People with Mental Health and Addiction Disabilities in Ontario


7.6. Frank Dale, Regional Chair & CEO, and Naz Husain, Chair, Region of Peel

AAC, Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Congratulating Him on His Election Victory and on the Appointment of His New Cabinet Which Includes Two Appointments of Persons with Disabilities


7.7. Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure,

Communication and Detailed Summary, Regarding Proposed Changes to Accessibility Regulations


Given the approaching deadline of March 14, 2016, to submit comments regarding the proposed changes to accessibility regulations, Meenu Sikand, Accessibility Planning Specialist suggested that a task force be established to review the proposed amendments. Raj Chopra and Dely Farrace volunteered to participate on the task force.

STAFF DIRECTION AAC-2016-1-03: That the Accessibility Planning Specialist coordinate a meeting to conduct a review of the proposed changes to accessibility regulations; And further, that the task force be directed to provide comments and submissions on behalf of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee.

7.8. Sonya Pacheco, Legislative Coordinator, City of Brampton, Letter dated

February 1, 2016, Responding to a Letter from Regional Chair Dale dated October 23, 2015 Regarding Telephone or Video Conference Participation by Appointed Members of Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committees



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AAC – 1/2016 Thursday, February 18, 2016


8. OTHER BUSINESS 8.1. AAC Membership Update (Oral)

Moved by M. Palleschi; RECOMMENDATION AAC-3-2016: Whereas it is a requirement of the Terms of Reference that non-elected members of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC), be qualified electors of the Region of Peel pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 or be qualified electors and not a resident of the Region of Peel but represent a group or organization that acts on behalf of persons with disabilities within the Region of Peel; And whereas, Unblind Tibbin was appointed to the AAC on January 15, 2015 due to his representation of the Learning Disabilities Association of Peel Region; And whereas, the Region of Peel has been advised that Unblind Tibbin is no longer a representative of the Learning Disabilities Association of Peel Region, deeming him ineligible to continue his membership on the AAC; Therefore be it resolved, that the appointment of Unblind Tibbin to the Region of Peel AAC be terminated.

Meenu Sikand, Accessibility Planning Specialist noted that she will be starting the recruitment process to fill vacant positions on the Committee. She suggested that Committee members share this information with their networks. Councillor Mahoney suggested contacting the City of Mississauga who is undertaking a similar process. 8.2. Caledon Housing Initiative Committee Update (Oral)

Update by Dely Farrace, Vice-Chair, AAC

Received Dely Farrace, AAC Vice-Chair, informed Committee members of her involvement with CAFFI (Caledon Area Families for Inclusion), a support group established to find solutions and housing options for intellectually disabled adult children in Caledon. She noted that a housing task force has been created to find creative and innovative housing solutions to try and tackle the housing issues faced by adults with developmental disabilities. Councillor Groves noted her participation in CAFFI and stated that this initiative involves the collaboration of various community partners including the Region of Peel, Brampton Caledon Community Living, United Way of Peel, Habitat for Humanity, etcetera. She stated that funding and funding solutions are being explored and highlighted the partnership with the Town of Caledon Planning Department in finding new and innovative solutions. Dely Farrace undertook to provide the AAC with updates as they become available.


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AAC – 1/2016 Thursday, February 18, 2016


Additional Items – Items 8.3 and 8.4. 8.3. Region of Peel Passenger Assist Program (Oral)


Dely Farrace, AAC Vice-Chair, informed the AAC of a letter she received from Brampton Caledon Community Living regarding the Region of Peel Passenger Assist Program which will be placed on the April 21, 2016 AAC agenda. 8.4. 2016 National Access Awareness Week (NAAW) Celebrations (Oral)


In response to a suggestion posed by Raj Chopra, Committee member, regarding the need to start planning for the 2016 National Access Awareness Week celebrations, Meenu Sikand stated that staff training focused on accessible formats and communication supports was being considered for this year’s event, however, she was open to other suggestions.

STAFF DIRECTION AAC-2016-1-04: That the Accessibility Planning Specialist reach out to members of the Education and Awareness Working Group to review options for the 2016 National Access Awareness Week celebrations; And further, that the Accessibility Planning Specialist provide an outline of the 2016 NAAW event at the April 21, 2016 AAC meeting.

9. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee is scheduled for Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 1:30 p.m., Council Chamber, 5th floor, Regional Administrative Headquarters, Suite A, 10 Peel Centre Drive, Brampton, Ontario. Please forward regrets to Veronica Montesdeoca, Committee Clerk, (905) 791-7800 ext. 5454 or at [email protected]. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:31 p.m.


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REPORT Meeting Date: 2016-04-21

Accessibility Advisory Committee

For Information

DATE: April 5, 2016


FROM: Dan Labrecque, Commissioner of Public Works

RECOMMENDATION To provide an update to the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee on the status of Accessible Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) Implementation and upcoming changes to TransHelp’s Eligibility Policy.


• The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) requires TransHelp to change its eligibility criteria by January 1, 2017.

• TransHelp will be required to adopt the Human Rights definition of disability. • Changes to the eligibility policy will result in service impacts and will allow TransHelp to

provide service to a broader range of persons with disabilities in Peel. • While the revised eligibility policy will allow TransHelp to service a more diverse range,

the ultimate level of service is subject to funding availability.

DISCUSSION 1. Background

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) provides legislation guiding the provision of accessible transportation services. TransHelp is required to make several program changes by 2017 to continue to meet AODA compliance standards. To ensure compliance and address growth pressures on the program due to population growth, an aging population and the expanded definition of disability, the Region of Peel began a review of the TransHelp program in September 2012. The objective of the ATMP Final Report was presented to Council on January 26, 2014 Regional Council endorsed the Plan’s recommendation. On November 26, 2015 Regional Council received the report with a detailed workflow matrix outlining the implementation plan for ATMP. In order to proceed to the next phase of implementation, an AODA complaint eligibility policy must be established for TransHelp.

Compliance with the AODA requires a new set of eligibility criteria for TransHelp which aligns with the definition of “disability” as defined by the Human Rights Code: “Disability”


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covers a broad range and degree of conditions, some visible and some not visible. A disability may have been present from birth, caused by an accident, or developed over time. There are physical, mental and learning disabilities, mental disorders, hearing or vision disabilities, epilepsy, mental health disabilities and addictions, environmental sensitivities, and other conditions (Ontario Human Rights Code 2016). By January 1, 2017 the AODA will require all specialized transportation service providers to adopt three categories of eligibility: unconditional, temporary and conditional.

2. Impacts to Service Delivery

The new eligibility criteria will focus on the barriers to using conventional transit for some trips or as part of a trip. To clarify, an accessible trip could be provided entirely or in part on conventional transit. For this reason, many specialized transit agencies, particularly those that own and operate the conventional transit service in addition to specialized transit, have begun to align their services more closely. To this end, staff have begun working with the Region’s municipal transit partners to identify opportunities for seamless transitions between conventional and specialized transit services to the benefit of the client and the regional taxpayer. This may include public education, sharing data and working to address and promote a fare transfer system between TransHelp and MiWay and Brampton transits.

3. Impacts to Eligibility

Adoption of new policy broadens the definition of who is eligible and will result in an increase of TransHelp clients; subject to funding availability. Currently there is a community of individuals underserved; this has led to additional programs such as the Passenger Assistant Program (PAP). PAP began as a small pilot in 2009 to meet the needs of those with cognitive disabilities travelling to day programs that fell outside of TransHelp’s limited mandate. The program serves 128 clients and is delivered by both Red Cross and Caledon Community Services. All vehicles are equipped with both a driver and support person. Providing a support person is not a requirement of the AODA, since PAP was created as a result of TransHelp limited eligibility criteria which doesn’t include those with cognitive disabilities. It is anticipated that under the new eligibility policy a majority of these passengers will receive service through TransHelp. There will be users who would still require a support person. Because this is a complex issue, once the eligibility policy is established staff will develop options for council to determine the course of action with this group. That report is scheduled to be presented to Council in May/June 2016.

4. Next Steps

Under the new eligibility criteria clients will need to undergo recertification in order to determine which eligibility category they fall into. There is a significant demand for TransHelp services that exists outside the current mandate including persons with cognitive disabilities, visual impairments and sensory disabilities. It is recommended that the TransHelp service continue building integration with conventional transit in order to expand the transportation options to persons with disabilities in Peel. In order to achieve the above recommendations, TransHelp is required to change and update its application, recertification


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and assessment processes. Staff will continue to work with Council, the ATMP Implementation Advisory Group, the TransHelp Advisory Committee and several key stakeholders to seek input and direction on a proposed service model.

CONCLUSION Revising TransHelp’s current eligibility policy is critical to ensure AODA compliance. In addition, by adopting the Human Rights definition of disability, TransHelp’s eligibility will include a broader range of persons with disabilities residing in Peel. Ultimate levels of service will be subject to funding availability and will be a decision point for Regional Council. A report to Regional Council on April 14, 2016 regarding TransHelp’s revised eligibility policy will initiate the next steps.

Dan Labrecque, Commissioner of Public Works Approved for Submission:

D. Szwarc, Chief Administrative Officer For further information regarding this report, please contact David Margiotta, Program Manager ATMP, [email protected], ext. 4495 Aislin O'Hara, Project Advisor, ATMP, [email protected], ext. 4490. Authored By: Anna Mammone & Aislin O’Hara


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Accessibility Advisory Committee

ATMP Implementation

April 2016


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2012-2014 • Review began in 2012 • Extensive stakeholder outreach and

engagement: over 150 outreach events, 4 full day open houses, over 500 stakeholders, 144 customer surveys, 18 AAC presentations, 4 focus groups, 8 workshops & Council presentations

• Final report completed and adopted by Council in June2014

ATMP Background 6.1-5

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What is changing?

Eligibility Service Delivery


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Eligibility Changes • TransHelp to adopt the Human Rights Code definition

of disability • TransHelp to adopt AODA eligibility categories:.

• Unconditional: those whose disability prevents them from

using conventional transportation all of the time

• Temporary: those whose disability is short-term (under 1 year)

• Conditional: those whose disability limits their ability to consistently use conventional transit some of the time


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What is changing? Eligibility 6.1-8

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Multimodal trips using conventional transit:



Service Delivery


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Our Approach

• To adopt the new eligibility criteria which allows work to continue on application, assessments and servicing the much larger broader community.

• To identify the individuals who may have negative

impacts and present various options to council for this much smaller group.


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The TransHelp subset of the Disabled Community




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What does Equity really look like? 6.1-13

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Equality Vs. Equity

Equality = Sameness Equality promotes fairness and justice by giving everyone the same thing

Equity = Fairness Equity is about making sure people get access to the same opportunities


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• Report to Council April 14, 2016 • Next report scheduled for late May/ early June

2016 • Continued stakeholder engagement

Next Steps 6.1-15

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REPORT Meeting Date: 2016-04-21

Accessibility Advisory Committee

For Information

DATE: April 7, 2016


FROM: Lorraine Graham-Watson, Commissioner of Corporate Services

OBJECTIVE To provide an update on the activities undertaken by the Region of Peel Accessibility Planning Program (AP) and the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) since the February 18, 2016 AAC meeting. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS

• Accessibility Advisory Committee and Accessibility Planning Program were involved in various activities during this period, which are categorized as following:

o Consultation and Compliance Support provided to Regional Programs;

o Participation in Community Events; and

o Upcoming Events. DISCUSSION 1. Background

The main objective of the Region of Peel’s Accessibility Planning Program (AP) is to ensure that Regional programs, services and facilities continue to be inclusive and accessible for persons with disabilities. In order to accomplish this objective, the Accessibility Planning Program works collaboratively with all Regional departments and the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC).

2. Activity List

The following are the activities the AP and the AAC has been involved in since the last AAC report was presented to the AAC on February 18, 2016. The activities have been divided into three categories: Consultation and Compliance Support, Participation in Community Events and Upcoming Events.


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Consultation and Compliance Support a) Accessibility Compliance Audit Report 2015

• On January 7, 2016, the Regional Clerk received notice from the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) that they are conducting a file review of the Region of Peel (ROP)’s compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).

• The ADO requested to receive the evidence and compliance information within 15 business days for the following areas of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR):

I. The Region of Peel Multi-Year Accessibility Plan as required under section 4(1).

II. Document(s) identifying that the ROP has provided appropriate IASR training to all persons on accessibility standards and Human Rights Code, as required under section 7(1-4).

III. Document(s) describing that the ROP has met the requirements of section 12(3) relating to Accessible Formats and Communication Supports Requirement, which states that the ROP shall notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports, including a description of where the information is posted and/or a hyperlink to its location on the ROP’s website.

IV. Document(s) confirming that the ROP provides public notification of the availability of accommodation in its recruitment processes, as required under section 22.

V. Document(s) identifying that the ROP will provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have a disability (if necessary), as required under section 27(1).

• On January 26, 2016, the Regional Clerk submitted the required documentation

which provided evidence that the ROP is in compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) in all of the above areas.

• On January 29, 2016, the Regional Clerk received notification from the compliance branch of the AODA, that the ROP is in full compliance in all of the areas they investigated. There were no requests to provide any further information.

b) Feedback to the Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure

on the Proposed Changes to Accessibility Regulations

• As per the direction received from the AAC at its February 18, 2016 meeting, members of the AAC Task Force were provided with information packages to assist them with the review of the proposed changes to accessibility legislation in order to provide comments and submissions on behalf of the ROP AAC.

• A meeting was coordinated with members of the Task Force to review the changes and provide recommendations.


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• On review, the Task Force agreed with the changes being proposed by the Ministry and decided that there was no need to submit any additional comments or recommendations to the Province at this time.

c) Congratulatory Letter to Ontario’s New Chair of the Accessibility Standards

Advisory Council • As directed at the February 18, 2016 AAC meeting, a letter was sent to Rick

Donovan congratulating him on his appointment as the new Chair of the province’s Accessibility Standards Advisory Committee (ASAC).

d) Accessible Formats and Communications Support Policy

• Work is underway for the creation of a Region of Peel Accessible Formats and Communications Support policy.

• This new policy would outline the ROP’s responsibilities related to the Section 12 of the Integrated Accessibility Standards (IASR), which requires that upon request, the ROP shall provide or arrange for the provisions of accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities as it relates to information about Regional goods, services or facilities.

• This policy is intended to provide staff with assistance in responding to requests for: I. Documents in accessible formats, and/or II. Information provided through or with a communication support.

• This policy will apply to all Regional employees and volunteers. • This policy will apply to all information and communication materials produced by or

on behalf of the ROP for release to the public (for example consultant reports) or for Regional staff. It will not apply to unconvertible information or information that the ROP does not control directly or indirectly through a contractual relationship.

• A draft of the policy will be presented to the AAC for information, once internal review has been completed.

• Completion date of the Policy is May, to be launched at the June NAAW event.

e) Mid-Term AAC Recruitment • Process is currently underway to recruit AAC members for the currently vacant

positions. A list of potential candidates has been prepared and interviews are being scheduled.

Community Events No events have been planned for this reporting period. Upcoming Events 1. The Coalition for Persons with Disabilities Annual Resource Fair “Connections 2016”

• Date: Wednesday May 4, 2016 from 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm • Location : Mississauga Convention Centre


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- 4 -

2. National Access Awareness Week (May 29 – June 4) • Proposed Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 • Proposed Location: Council Chambers • This year’s event would focus on educating staff on the creation of accessible

formats as well as launch the new Region of Peel Accessible Formats and Communications Support Policy, which is targeted to be approved in May 2016.

• Together with the Education and Awareness subcommittee, options are being explored for an external trainer for the event. The objective of this training is to build staff knowledge on how to create accessible formats and make them aware of their obligations under the AODA. It will also provide information on resources available to create accessible formats.

3. Councillor Saito’s Annual Senior Fair • Date: Tuesday September 13, 2016 from 10:00 am - 12:00 noon • Location : Meadowvale Community Centre

CONCLUSION This report summarizes the activities and consultations that the AP program and the AAC members have participated in since February 18, 2016. The AAC and AP program will continue to engage in activities that support the ROP’s primary accessibility objective of ensuring regional programs, services and facilities continue to be inclusive and accessible for all persons with disabilities and respond to our evolving community needs.

Lorraine Graham-Watson, Commissioner of Corporate Services Approved for Submission:

D. Szwarc, Chief Administrative Officer For further information regarding this report, please contact Meenu Sikand, Accessibility Planning Specialist, ext.4778, [email protected]. Authored By: Meenu Sikand, Accessibility Planning Specialist, Region of Peel


Page 29: Meeting AAC - 2/2016 - Peel Region · 2016-04-15 · RECOMMENDATION AAC-2-2016: That the site plan for the TransHelp and Peel Regional Paramedic Services (PRPS) Satellite Station

From: Sent:

AODA Compliance (MEDEI/MRI) <[email protected]> January 7, 2016 9:23AM

To: Lockyer, Kathryn Subject: AODA File Review

Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure

Standards, Policy and Compliance Branch Accessibility Directorate of Ontario

61h floor, Suite 601a & 601b

777 Bay Street Toronto ON M7A 2J4 Fax: 416-325-9620

January 7, 2016

Kathryn Lockyer, Clerk Accessibility Report Certifier Regional Municipality of Peel 10 PEEL CENTRE DRIVE, 51

h floor BRAMPTON ON L6T 489

Dear Kathryn Lockyer

Ministere du Developpement economique, de I'Emploi et de I' Infrastructure

Direction des normes, des politiques et de Ia conformite Direction generale de l'accessibilite pour !'Ontario

6e etage, bureau 601a & 601b 777, rue Bay Toronto ON M7A 2J4 TE~Iecopieur: 416-325-9620




REFERRAL TO ______________________ _




Re: Notice - Request for Documentation File Review- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005

Thank you for filing your 2015 Accessibility Compliance Report in accordance with the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07 (Customer Service Standard) and Integrated Accessibility Standards, Ontario Regulation 191/11 under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 ( the Act).

The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario periodically conducts file reviews on selected organizations to confirm that they are in compliance with the Act and its standards. The review is being conducted under the authority of sections 16 and 17 of the Act.

We are requesting the following documentation within 15 business days from the date on this letter bye­mail at [email protected] or by fax at (416) 325-9620 (please quote your reference number above in the e-mail or fax).

Integrated Accessibility Standards:

• A copy of your multi-year Accessibility Plan (including the link to your website, if applicable) required under section 4(1 ).

• Document(s) identifying that appropriate training is provided to all persons on accessibility standards and Human Rights Code, as required under section 7(1-4).


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• In addition to the requirements of section 7(1-4), document(s) identifying that the school board, educational, or training institution provides educators with accessibility awareness training related to accessible program or course delivery and instruction, as required under section 16(1), if applicable.

• Document(s) describing how your organization meets the requirements of section 12(3) including a description of where the information is posted and/or a hyperlink to its location on your organization's website.

• Document(s) confirming that you provide public notification of the availability of accommodation in your recruitment processes, as required under section 22.

• Document(s) identifying that your organization will provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have a disability (if necessary), as required under section 27(1).

We may contact you to request additional documentation or information not outlined in this letter. The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario is not responsible for and does not assume any risks associated with misdirected e-mails or faxes, or incomplete or illegible documents because of the nature of fax services. All information you provide is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. A Senior Compliance Analyst has been assigned to review your documentation and assist you with any questions you may have. If you require clarification of your obligations or have any questions or concerns, contact Melain Chung at 416-850-0546 or 1-844-519-8515 by pressing 1 after the greeting and language prompt or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Please quote the reference number on this notice. Thank you for helping to make Ontario accessible. Sincerely,

Rory Burke Director, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act


Page 31: Meeting AAC - 2/2016 - Peel Region · 2016-04-15 · RECOMMENDATION AAC-2-2016: That the site plan for the TransHelp and Peel Regional Paramedic Services (PRPS) Satellite Station

From: Sent:

AODA Compliance (MEDEI/MRI) <[email protected]> January 29. 2016 10:03 AM

To: Lockyer, Kathryn Subject: AODA File Review

Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure

Standards, Policy and Compliance Branch Accessibility Directorate of Ontario

61h floor, Suite 601a & 601b

777 Bay Street Toronto ON M7A 2J4 Fax: 416-325-9620

January 29, 2016

Kathryn Lockyer, Clerk Accessibility Report Certifier Regional Municipality of Peel 10 PEEL CENTRE DRIVE, 51

h floor BRAMPTON ON L6T 489

Dear Kathryn Lockyer

Ministere du Developpement economique, de I'Emploi et de !'Infrastructure

Direction des normes, des politiques et de Ia conformite Direction g(merale de l'accessibilite pour !'Ontario

6e etage, bureau 601a & 601b 777, rue Bay Toronto ON M7A 2J4 Telecopieur: 416-325-9620



Ref#: 207-3828075

RE: File Review- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005

Thank you for providing the information requested in our previous correspondence dated January 7, 2016. We have completed our file review and will not be requesting any further information at this time. This letter therefore concludes our file review process.

Private sector and non-profit organizations are required to file an accessibility report in 2017. For details on how to file your report in 2017 and learn about your organization's requirements, please visit

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding accessibility or future requirements, please contact Service Ontario at 1-866-515-2025 or 416-849-8276.

Thank you for helping to make Ontario accessible.

Sincerely, REFERRAL TO ______________________ _




Rory Burke Director, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities


Page 32: Meeting AAC - 2/2016 - Peel Region · 2016-04-15 · RECOMMENDATION AAC-2-2016: That the site plan for the TransHelp and Peel Regional Paramedic Services (PRPS) Satellite Station

February 12, 2016 Dear Passenger Assistant Program clients: It was brought to our attention that in recent days Brampton Caledon Community Living has released a news statement via email and on their website about service changes to TransHelp’s Passenger Assistant Program. The statement was not authored or approved by the Region of Peel. Some clients may have misinterpreted this message. TransHelp would like to take the opportunity to clarify some of the points raised. The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) required TransHelp to review the type and delivery of service it provides. The Accessible Transportation Master Plan adopted by Regional Council set out to make TransHelp an AODA compliant transit service by 2017 while also, providing a sustainable plan in response to the forecasted growth. TransHelp’s 2017 eligibility criteria needs to align with Human Rights code definition of disability which includes a broader range of disabilities than what TransHelp currently accommodates, including cognitive and learning disabilities. The Passenger Assistant program was developed in 2009 because TransHelp’s original mandate was limited to only serving clients with mobility devices. The Passenger Assistant program serves clients with cognitive disabilities travelling to adult day programs. Approximately 128 clients are now served with no further capacity to provide service to the 1,080 individuals now travelling to day programs on a daily basis. The good news is these individuals may be eligible for TransHelp once it is AODA compliant. In essence, by 2017 we will be in a position to accommodate more clients with cognitive disabilities. Once we are in a position to make changes to programs, we will communicate with clients and families in advance. We do not anticipate this happening for some time. As always TransHelp staff strives to be accessible and discuss and answer any questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact TransHelp if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mark Castro Manager of Accessible Transportation, TransHelp

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FAQ for Passenger Assistant Program (PAP)

What is the future of the PAP program? This will be a decision from Regional Council. The proposal that will go to Council in the spring recommends that the eligibility criteria of TransHelp be expanded to include residents with cognitive disabilities to meet AODA requirements. When would this happen? The AODA sets a compliance date of January 1, 2017. What will happen to PAP clients in 2017? It is anticipated that most clients will be eligible for TransHelp. It is anticipated that the majority of clients will be able to travel without a support person and will fit into TransHelp’s new service delivery model. For those clients who would require a support person to travel, TransHelp is in consultation with the LHIN’s (Local Health Integrated Networks) and working with Region of Peel Adult Day Programs to explore coordination options. Will there be a replacement program for PAP in 2017? It is anticipated that most clients will be eligible for TransHelp services and will be able to attend their day programs via TransHelp. This will be determined through a reassessment process. How is eligibility for TransHelp going to be determined in 2017? Staff are developing an application process that reflects the new legislative requirements, that reflects the Human Rights definition of disability, which includes persons with cognitive disabilities.


Page 34: Meeting AAC - 2/2016 - Peel Region · 2016-04-15 · RECOMMENDATION AAC-2-2016: That the site plan for the TransHelp and Peel Regional Paramedic Services (PRPS) Satellite Station

From: Jim Triantafilou <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 9:25 AM

To: Lockyer, Kathryn

Subject: Accessible Advisory Committee/Passenger Assist Program

February 19, 2015

Kathryn Lockyer

Regional Clerk

Region of Peel

Transmitted by Email

Dear Ms. Lockyer:

Further to your conversation with Dely Farrace of the Accessible Advisory Committee, attached

is the memo we respectfully request to be added to the agenda at the next meeting of the AAC. I

understand that you will forward a copy of the memo to the Accessible Transportation Advisory


Please call me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your assistance.

Jim Triantafilou

Executive Director

Brampton Caledon Community Living

[email protected]

905.453.8841 ext.1233

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Page 35: Meeting AAC - 2/2016 - Peel Region · 2016-04-15 · RECOMMENDATION AAC-2-2016: That the site plan for the TransHelp and Peel Regional Paramedic Services (PRPS) Satellite Station

Region of Peel to do away with its Passenger Assist Program

Peel Regional Council is looking to end the Passenger Assist program by January, 2017. A Peel

Region official says that the Region will be phasing out its Passenger Assist program because it

is incompatible with a transit service.

The Passenger Assist Program has been operating under the Region’s TransHelp service since

2009 and provides service to approximately 120 Peel citizens. It is no longer adding new riders

or routes and will be phased out by January 2017.

Although TransHelp will be broadening it eligibility criteria to include persons with a cognitive

disability in order to comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, the

Region says that it still plans to end the program. The official says the issue of Peel citizens

who require attendant care is one that caregivers and social service providers will need to work

with us on but the fact is that the future eligibility framework does not require Peel Region to

provide such attendant care for individuals needing it.

If you or your family member will be impacted by this decision you may wish to contact your

regional councillor for more information.

Town of Caledon

Mayor Allan Thompson [email protected]

Downey, Johanna Ward 2 [email protected]

Groves, Annette Ward 5 [email protected]

Innis, Jennifer Wards 3 & 4 [email protected]

Shaughnessy, Barb Ward 1 [email protected]


Jeffrey, Linda Mayor [email protected]

Gibson, Grant Wards 1 & 5 [email protected]

Medeiros, Martin Wards 3 & 4 [email protected]

Miles, Gael Wards 7 & 8 [email protected]

Moore, Elaine Wards 1 & 5 [email protected]

Palleschi, Michael Wards 2 & 6 [email protected]

Sprovieri, John Wards 9 & 10 [email protected]


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Maki;:J/IWay rF Region d Peel Wo!tkttUf lo!t qott For Ontarians with Disabilities

The Chair of Accessibility Standards Advisory Council 777 Bay Street, 6th Floor Tor onto ON M7 A 2J4

Dear Mr. Rick Donovan:

On behalf of the Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee, I would like to extend our sincere congratulations for your appointment as the new chair of the Province of Ontario's Accessibility Standards Advisory Council (ASAC).

The Region of Peel Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) is a standing committee appointed by the Region of Peel Council, comprised of ten citizen members, three Regional Councillors and the Regional Chair. As you are aware, the Region of Peel serves over 1.4 million residents, of which 16.4% residents are persons with disabilities. This number will continue to rise as the population ages.

The AAC's vision for Peel is that we become an inclusive and accessible region where people with disabilities are valued equally and can participate without experiencing barriers or exclusion. The Region of Peel's AAC, together with members of Regional Council, work diligently to carry out this vision by ensuring that Regional services, programs and facilities continue to become more inclusive and accessible for persons with disabilities.

I am pleased to see your commitment and leadership to ensure greater accessibility and opportunities for Ontarians with disabilities. I look forward to sharing Peel's success stories with you and your council members.

Yours Truly,

REFERRAL TO __________ _




Naz Husain Chair, Region of Peel AAC

.cc Meenu Sikand, Region of Peel Accessibility Planning Specialist

Region of Peel 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A, Brampton, Ontario L6T 489 Telephone: 905-791-7800 Web:


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