  • JES


  • Types of AutopsiesMedico-legal or Forensic autopsies- seek to find the cause and manner of death and to identify the decedent.

    2. Clinical or Pathological autopsies are performed to diagnose a particular disease or for research purposes.

  • 3. Anatomical or Academic Autopsies - are performed by students of anatomy for study purpose only.

    4. Virtual or Medical Imaging Autopsies - are performed utilizing imaging technology only, primarily magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). Types of Autopsies

  • Pathological Autopsy vs Medico-legal AutopsyPATHOLOGICAL AUTOPSYMEDICO-LEGAL AUTOPSYRequirement

    Consent of next of kinLaw that gives the consent2. Confirmation

    Clinical findings of researchCorrelate tissue changes to criminal act3. Emphasis

    Notation at all abnormal findingsEffect of wrongful act 5. Minor

    4. Conclusion

    Summation of all abnormal findingsSpecific to the purpose

    Need not be mentionedIncluded if useful

  • The following manner of death should be autopsied:Death by violenceAccidental deathsSuicidesSudden death of persons who are in good healthDeath unattended by physicianD.O.A. with no clinical diagnosisDeath occurring in an unnatural manner

  • P.D. 856Section 95.Autopsy and Dissection of Remains. The autopsy and dissection of remains are subject to the following requirements:

    XXX(b) Autopsies shall be performed in the following cases:1. Whenever required by special laws;2. Upon orders of a competent court, a mayor and a provincial or city fiscal;3. Upon written request of police authorities;4. Whenever the Solicitor General, provincial or city fiscal as authorized by existing laws, shall deem it necessary to disinter and take possession of remains for examination to determine the cause of death; and5. Whenever the nearest kin shall request in writing the authorities concerned to ascertain the cause of death.

  • Mistakes in autopsy:Errors or omission in the collection of evidence for identificationErrors or omission in the collection of evidence required for establishing the time of deathErrors or omission in the collection of evidence required for the medico-legal examinationErrors or omission result in the production of undesirable artifacts or in the destruction of valid evidence.

  • Negative Autopsies- if after all efforts including gross and microscopic studies and toxicological analysis fail to reveal a cause of death

    Negligent autopsy- No cause of death is found due to imprudence, negligence, lack of skill, lack of foresight.



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