

Features Observations Examples


Minimalistic scene, symmetry. no instruments, bland expression. Indie scene

Relationship between lyrics and visuals?

I am yours now affection is apparent showing the two have each other. the lyric so now ill never explore is repeated at the end of every verse which shows conformity with the lack of shots and repetitive dancing, there is no variety.

Relationship between music and visuals?

The dancers are choreographed to move in time with the music. At the start of each loop of the verse, each of the moves accompany the beat. This amplifies the beat played in each repeated tracking shot, with a slight change in their expressions each time.

Are there close-ups of the artist and star image motifs?There are no clear closeups of the artist however when the camera zooms in from the one point focus, you can see the artist clearer. Though, there is a clear close up of the large X at eye level in resemblance of The xx.

Is there reference to the notion of looking?Nobody is looking at the camera when there is no singing. But rom looks directly into the camera for a few seconds to create a connection with the audience.

Are there intertextual references?

There are no intertextual references in the video which emphasises their band as unique.

Is the video category illustration, disjuncture or amplification? how much of each?Id say that the video is mainly illustration and amplification. The performance based video shows the audience their talent through seeing them singing directly. The change of scene at the end with the fire changes the continuity slightly adding variation to the amplification.

Name of track: ISLANDSArtist: THE XX



Task 4 Answer all the questions below This is exactly the sort of thing youll need to do when evaluating your own coursework.

1. Why did you choose the text you are analysing?2. In what context did you encounter it?3. What influence do you think this context might have had on your interpretation of the text?4. Which conventions of the genre do you recognize in the text?5. To what extent does this text stretch the conventions of its genre?6. Where and why does the text depart from the conventions of the genre?7. What sort of audience did you feel that the video was aimed at (and how typical was this of the genre/style of music)?8. What sort of person does it assume you are?9. What assumptions seem to be made about your class, age, gender and ethnicity?10. What interests does it assume you have?11. What relevance does the text actually have for you?12. What knowledge does it take for granted?13. To what extent do you resemble the 'ideal reader' that the video seeks to position you as?14. Are there any notable shifts in the video's style (and if so, what do they involve)?15. What responses does the video seem to expect from you?16. How open to negotiation is your response (are you invited, instructed or coerced to respond in particular ways)?17. Is there any penalty for not responding in the expected ways?18. To what extent do you find yourself 'reading against the grain' of the text and the genre?19. How typical do you think this video is of Music Videos?

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