Page 1: Media music magazine covers complete

Colouring: Bold red colouring to grab the audience’s attention and to engage them in the magazine, ‘Bob Dylan’ is in a slightly larger font to highlight his importance. There are also blacks and whites to perhaps suggest Rock colours, Rock being a genre of music.

Title: Rolling Stone, a well established and well known title, written in the well known flamboyant font.

Main Image: Bob Dylan, a very famous man in the music industry, and an international star. He looks straight at the reader, showing intimacy and connection.

Colouring: Bright Reds, Blacks and Whites, again signalling music and the genre rock. There is very little other colour.

Title: NME, standing for New Musical Express. It is much better known as NME. Written in bold capital letters, simply spelling out the title.

Main Image: Kasabian, with a sell line stating their name to catch the interest of the reader, some people may not know the faces of these musicians as often, bands are only played on the radio where they cannot be seen or identified. Wearing contrasting outfit colours of black and white.

Page 2: Media music magazine covers complete

Colouring: Black, Grey and embellishments of red, making the magazine stand out. The Font of the band title Slipknot is in their logo font, with a goldy yellow colouring.

Title: Kerrang!, A famous music establishment that also has a radio station. It is known in both forms o media. The title is large and in a bold font, with embellishments such as the white lines and cut out parts. The ‘A’ is filled in for effect. The sell lines also use media industry-lingo with the word converge.

Main Image: An image that represents the band slipknot, a fairly chilling character, with its face aimed at the audience.

Colouring: Red, grey, black and white. A ‘rock’ style colour palette. It jumps out at the audience who are looking at the cover, capturing their interest.

Title: Q. A famous British music magazine, with the Letter ‘Q’ smashed by the guitar. ‘Q’ was originally named ‘Cue’ as in a cueing record, ready to play, but was changed due to being mistaken for a snooker magazine.

Main Image: A member of the band Muse, dressed in black and smashing a guitar to give him a ‘rebel’ like image on the cover.

Page 3: Media music magazine covers complete

Colouring: White, black, blue and red. The white background shows it may be less of a rock genre magazine.

Title: Spin. It is outlined in red and written in white font. This is the only example of red on the cover of this magazine. This makes the title stand out and make a point.

Main Image: The main image is of a famous pop music icon. This also relates to it separating away from the rock genre magazines.

Colouring: The background for the magazine cover is pink, to coincide with the main image and article. There are filled in colours in some of the letters of the logo for Billboard.

Title: Billboard is written in big bold black lettering with some filled in letters with different colours. The title for this issue Katy Perry, with this featured article, is written in a font that is almost as large as the title of the magazine and its logo; showing the importance of this article/interview.

Main Image: The main image is of pop icon Katy Perry, wearing a floral dress and posing with flowers. The background for the magazine has been made pink. It therefore matches the image and makes this cover quite feminine.

Page 4: Media music magazine covers complete

Colouring: The colouring for this cover is black, white and pink. The band featured often used to have their name featured in this specific font and the pink colouring, hence the pink theme.

Title: The title Mojo is the main white part of the cover, standing out on the black background so you can see it. It is large and at the top centre of the page, making it easy to see. The title of the article is Sex Pistols the name of a famous band. It is written in their well known logo of a particular font and the colour pink.

Main Image: The main image is of the band, with the front man Johnny Lydon in the foreground. The second main image is of the CD featured.

Colouring: The cover is primarily grey, with a black and white image. The main article is highlighted with yellow colouring, and other features are written in blue bars at the top and bottom of the page.

Title: The main colour on the page is the red that surrounds the main title of the magazine. It is in the top left hand corner and is written in large font; however the title for the main article in fact has a larger font showing its exclusivity.

Main Image: The main image is of a band member of New Order (previously Joy Division). This image is in black and white for a different effect and it is more controversial that the typical image you would find on the front of a music magazine.

Page 5: Media music magazine covers complete

Colouring: The colouring of this magazine cover is mainly pink. This shows that it is aimed at a younger audience than the average music magazine reader and is specifically aimed at girls; due to the pink colouring.

Title: Smash hits is written in a familiar logo font and is written in two bright shades of pink to capture your attention. It also has a white outline to make it brighter. It then has a very similar concept for the title of the main article and is in bold font.

Main Image: The magazine can also be said to be a girls magazine as it has supposed ‘heartthrob’ Preston on the cover – which is the main image with him looking at the camera, making it feel more personal.

Colouring: The background is white, but there is little specific colouring on this page, other than the white and red text.

Title: The name of the magazine (Mojo) is in black text in the centre of the page. The title of the issue which names the main article, ‘The Beatles’ is in white text with a recognisable font which was often associated with The Beatles. The reasoning for the article (more detailed tag line) is in bold red text.

Main Image: The main image is of each of the members of the band, each using images of the members in the style that they were known best. Paul McCartney is centre frame and the most prominent character as the interview/article involves him. There is a smaller picture to show the outline of a CD, that you could get in the magazine, with the cover image featured.

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