
Griffin ShawShaw 1Media Law & Ethics


9/3/14Griffin ShawShaw 1Media Law & Ethics



Reflection #1

After reading the assigned material it is obvious that Mr. Murdoch, Harbottle & Lewis, and News International are guilty of many unethical practices. From phone hacking to payment to police for information, these organizations and the people associated with them are involving themselves in behavior that is only justifiable with jail time. The biggest red flag to me in this reading is the amount of time that has lapsed for an official investigation to be open. These unethical and unlawful practices took place nearly a decade ago which has allowed the people responsible to slither by without being held accountable. This obvious scandal cover-up is very troubling to me because it shows that Andy Coulson, Clive Goodman, and Lawrence Abramson went to extreme measures to cover up their wrong-doing. William Lewis and his colleagues clearly state that they found unethical information as well as intentional malpractice in emails that span over 2,000 deep. Perhaps the most frightening information in this reading is that these men even changed the numbers of the emails from 2,500 to a mere 300. Statistics like these can only leave one wondering; What was in the other 2,200 messages. What bothers me most about these articles is the nature of the crimes. Phone hacking is a direct violation of a persons privacy as well as their rights. Each human should be allowed to carry out their own affairs without the looming threat of others hacking information, especially when its for malicious intent. Overall, this reading is a perfect example of how NOT to conduct ones personal behavior, especially when you are a member of the media. These crimes and allegations are ones that should be taken very seriously and I believe these people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. Hopefully these issues are resolved ethically and no one else is hurt in the process.

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