Page 1: Media Evaluation - Question 6

Evaluation - Question 6

ConstructionBy Jay Bullimore

Page 2: Media Evaluation - Question 6

The editing software I used to edit the footage we shot with our camera was called Final Cut Pro. This software had the necessary elements and features in order for us to effectively edit our footage in a number of different ways; from cutting the shots down in order for it to fit the sequence to adding a filter to change the feel of each shot.

The Editing Software...

Page 3: Media Evaluation - Question 6

Final Cut Pro looked like this...

It has an interface that allows to user to choose from all of the footage imported into the software, this is shown on the left of the illustration.

To the right of the illustration it shows the number of options you have once you have clicked on a particular piece of footage in the bottom section.

The Editing Software...

It also has a section at the bottom that shows you the footage and other edits currently placed together. This shows you the footage, music, sound effects and Foley you have recorded and imported.

This section also have small buttons to the top right that allow you to add other edits like filters, transitions and pre-recorded sounds. (as shown in the illustration above)

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Here to the right there is an illustration of the section within Final Cut Pro that holds all of the different filters that are available to the user.

These were a big part of our final piece as we did in fact use a couple of filters to successfully colour correct our sequence, this is because s couple of our shots had a slightly different colour to the rest, to resolve this we added a filter.

The Editing Software...

The illustration also showcases the different buttons that were mentioned in the last slide, these offered us a wider variety of options to add to our sequence to improve it from different pre-recorded sounds to options like the letter box.

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To get the correct soundtrack for my opening sequence I used the internet, the website I used to the royalty free music is called and his particular website allowed us to find and download a copyright free track for free.

It did take me a few attempts to find the correct website as there were many other very good websites to choose from, however, downloading the copyright free music was more of a challenge and even some website didn’t give us this option. This meant this was the only option we had for music, unless we created our own of course.

The Soundtrack...

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The Non-Diegetic Sound within our sequence was few and far between to be honest and re-viewing our opening sequence showed that we maybe could have added some, not because it needed it to make it better but it would have added some more depth to certain scenes.

In a few scenes there were sounds of a heartbeat that was added in post-production and at the end we added a gun shot that was also off camera but other than that we had nothing within the sequence. Though we could have added a clock ticking sound.

The Sound... The Diegetic Sound we added to

our sequence was mainly dialogue from both the protagonist and antagonist. With the planning and research we immediatelyy knew that dialogue was to be a diegetic sound within our sequence, though we could have also made it a Non-Diegetic Sound.

Some of this Diegetic and Non-Diegetic sound was actually recorded in post-production and is known as Foley.

Overall, in terms of the sound we added we effectively balanced out the Diegetic Sound With the Non-Diegetic Sound within the sequence.

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