Download - Media evaluation


EVALUATIONOver the past five months I have been working towards completing a brief given to me by the campaign Copyright Heroes. I have been working in a group to try and meet the needs of the brief. My three media products, my website, twitter and posters are clearly linked in many ways. One way is that the logo appears on all posters, one large one at the top and a smaller one at the bottom, it appears on various pages on my website and it is the 'profile

picture' on my twitter. Our same slogan and contact details also appears on all products, at the bottom of my posters, on the contact us page on our website and in our bio on twitter.

I feel that the three of my posters are clearly linked to each other as well as they contain the same slogan, contact details, logo, house style and layout but also the images which appear

on every poster include images of teenage girls and some are on more than one poster which make it easier to see that they are from the same campaign.

The posters that the other members of my group have made also follow the same layout,

colours and similar pictures. The target

audience for each of our products is the same,

teenage girls of ages 15-17. I think that having the

same target audience helps to make our products clearly linked and I

think it is clear that all of our products are aimed at

the same audience because we have used

the same colour scheme throughout and we have used the same language

which is aimed at the younger audiences. Also

on our posters I think it helps show a link between each of ours because we have used similar style background images and in most posters there are girls who feature on more than one poster. I feel that we have made a connection to Copyright Heroes from the brief because we have hopefully informed our

audience of the possible effects of copyright infringement and piracy and have taught them that it is better to pay for their music and films instead off downloading them for free.

I think the best way we have done this is through our website. Our website was the only way we could get a large amount of information across to our audience. I believe that

Copyright Heroes are well known by a small percentage of people which will continue to grow. I think our twitter account is a key reason we have been recognised because most

people from the age group in our target audience have social media and if we are able to get lots of people following us, we are able to get them to know more

about the issue we are raising awareness to. We have also retweeted several relevant things from famous people who are also trying to raise awareness of the

effects from copyright. For example this tweet from One Republic.

I think our audience will listen more if the message is from a well-known celebrity. We have also informed them how the music and film industry will not have a future if copyright

continues which is what is asked for us from the brief.

I think the research I have carried out has been really useful for us to be able to fulfil the brief as it helped us understand what people from our age group which include people from my target audience still need to be informed about. If I did not complete all of the research

that I did, I would have found it difficult to be able to achieve the requirements from the brief as before I carried out my research I did not understand some of the terms (like

intellectual property and copyright infringement) that I needed to know to be able to inform my audience so the research helped my knowledge which I then used to notify my target

audience. I think my whole project has followed the brief and I have referred to

it in most stages of my campaign with clear links throughout.

The audience for my media product is females of ages 15 to 17, they would be in class E as they are in education and are earning nothing or very little. Their

interests would include listening to music, watching movies, social

networking, dance, sport and playing instruments. The majority of them will

still be in full education. I think this is a suitable target audience because I feel they will be the easiest audience to get

my message across to because as I am part of this audience and therefore I will know what I would expect to hear and I

know what I did not know before my research.

My group and I carried out various surveys that members from our target audience gave their responses to. We found the responses we got very useful as we used them to find out

what people from the age group and gender knew about the issues of

copyright and piracy. I used my responses to tell me what I needed to focus on informing my audience. Although we only got responses from small amount of

people, it still helped us as it still gave us a clearer idea. For example from just three of our questions we got the idea

that the majority were not aware of the copyright laws which helped us

because it told us we need to inform our audiences on the laws. We found out that even though the

majority of people


AGED 15-17

believe piracy is not ok, there are still some who think it is ok and for those who have said it is not ok, a large amount of them still think it is ok to watch or download something illegally. This helped us understand that we needed to work on teaching our audiences the consequences of copyright

and piracy.

I used the feedback from mine and my group’s first presentation to improve my second. From my first presentation I was told I needed to speak with more confidence and that us,

as a group needed to

mention links to the brief more often. We used this for when

we were preparing the

second presentation as we made several links to both our target audience and the brief. I feel I was

more confident with the second presentation as well. We also used our presentation feedback to improve my target audience as from the comments we got, it made us realise that our target audience could be reduced and we

could be more specific which I feel has helped us as we learnt that we were working with a too large range. This is the only major change we made during our project. I am glad we

decided to however I feel it would have helped us more if we decided to change our target audience sooner into the project so that we could have focused on targeting just females.

We changed our logo to appeal to just females instead of males and females.

On all of our posters we have many groups of girls, who are part of our target audience featuring on each of our posters. They are shown holding a piece of paper which has

relevant information about some of the issues we have covered, whether it’s the title, a tweet or a definition. I think this is a good idea because it tells our audience that there are

people of the same gender and age groups who are supporting the issues which may help to encourage them to help stop copyright and piracy. The groups of girls are acting as the ‘heroes’ in our campaign as they are helping to get the message across to others giving

them a positive representation. We have chosen to represent them in this way because it tells the audience that they can too, make a positive difference.

On all of our posters, they follow the same layout and I think we have made it clear that they are from the

same campaign. They have their own original looks to them however the all have similarities. They all feature

our logo, the striped top edge, black section at the bottom with all of our information, the image

with the group of girls holding a piece of paper, bright colours and the use of ‘bubble’ speech marks. They also have our slogan at the top, our logo repeated at the bottom and

our twitter and website links.

I think that as a group we started off very organised however we found it hard to keep on track nearer the end as it was more difficult as we had to be together during the production

of the website and posters because we had to make them have a clear link and we had to work together on the website as it was a joint task between us which made it hard as we had to find time when we were all free to meet up and work on it. We split up the work

fairly equally and we all did extra bits of work to help each other. During the creation of our product we changed one thing. We changed our target audience which is quite a large part of the process as it affects how our products look and the language we use etc however we

all decided it was the best thing to do as it would help us to make our target audience clearer. Due to changing our target audience, we chose to change the colour of our logo

from the colour scheme of red and black to pink and black which we all preferred. I do not think that we worked to time as we spent too much time on our research and we should

have saved up more time for our production as we left it quite late to start the production of our website and posters.

We have decided that we will put our posters in schools because that is where everyone in our target audience go, we will put them on toilet doors, in the corridors and in classrooms. These are suitable places in a school because girls will see them if they pass them regularly.

We will also place some posters at bus stops and in shop windows. Although these will be seen by a

smaller percentage, they will still be seen by many of our audience. We have decided to leave posters in places where members of our target audience visit regularly in their free

time such as shopping centres and cinemas. We will have a link to our website on our posters which will be seen where they are placed, in schools, shopping centres and cinemas where lots of our target audience will see it and they can easily copy the link down and visit it. It will also be posted on our twitter account regularly. I think this will be the best place to

put our website link as the majority of our target audience have social media

and will easily access the link.

I think me and my group worked as a team very well. However when we were

working together we found it quite difficult to focus and got very distracted during lesson time but we got

everything completed in the end. I think I made quite a large contribution to our project, the main pieces of work I did for our group were the brainstorm for what products we were

going to make, the prezi for the conventions of our campaign,

the pros and cons for our idea, our logo designs, the prezi and script for our 2nd

presentation, our final ideas, several pages in our website including the reducing the issue, our research and contact us and the movie/clip for our website. We also split the main production up as we all produced 3 posters each and at least 3 pages on our website.

Overall I think all of us pulled our weight in the production and research for our campaign because we all put a lot of work into what we did.

Overall what I think went well in our project is the link between our posters, twitter and website with the bright colours and pictures we have used. I think this went well because it helps to show we are from the same campaign and we would be easily recognisable. I also think that we listened to our audience feedback with the surveys and feedback from our

presentations. I feel we have done this because we completely changed our idea after listening and reviewing our feedback from our second presentation which lead to changing

our target audience which meant adapting our logo and how we presented our whole campaign. I think our presentation is a strength but we should think about how we manage our time next time. What also went well was us working as a team as even though we fell a little

behind on the production, we all got on really well, got on with the work we had to do but also agreed and listened to everyones opinions and ideas.

I think that for us as a group we found it difficult to manage our time. To improve next time we should set deadlines to when we need certain parts of the project completed. This way we would not spend too much time on the research tasks and would have enough time to

complete the production on time. Next time I also think we should decide who is doing what before we start so that all of us have equal amounts of input to the project.

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