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Page 1: Media Evaluation

Who Would be the target audience for your media product? How did you attract / address your audience?

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My magazine was designed around a target

audience that listened to club, dance and

techno genre of music and enjoyed their night

life. I was generally aiming my product at both

sexes, my magazine contained strap lines of

girls for the men and or fashion for the women.

The age I was aiming my product at was 18 –

25. It isn't a very wide age range however I feel

these are the ages at which people would enjoy

it and could relate to my product. I feel my

target audience would be at the lifestage that

they are very outgoing, loud, friendly and

confident and this would be appropriate for this

target audience because this is what night life

and club life is all about.

I had to be careful with my mode of address in

this magazine as if I used language too formal

it wouldn’t appeal to my audience, however it

couldn’t be too slang. The sentences had to be

short and sharp and always interesting as my

target audience aren't big readers and would

get bored very easily. I had to keep on the

topic, as waffle would also bore the audience.

Preferred reading was an important point in

this, as whatever I said I had to make sure my

audience would agree. I couldn’t be too harsh

in my album review as If a reader enjoyed a

certain topic I was talking about and I started to

say its bad, I’m not sure id keep my readers!

My Audience

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My audience would be 18 – 25, listen to radio 1, loves their nightlife

and friends. Loud, confident and popular.Always on there mobile phone and loves their ipod with passion.

Has a huge cd collection that they no longer use because its all on

their beloved ipod. A very messy room with clothes everywhere, generally a messy

person however when it comes to social life they are very organised.

Doesn’t really have time for television unless its funny or a music

channel.Wear all designer labels including g star, fcuk, adidas, nike etc..

Shops in normal high street stores like river island, bank and office..



Drives, and their car is messy and stacked with cd’s

and Ipod connectors.

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“Good detailed article, amazing Eiffel tower affect” – Nice comment reflecting on the pictures I used and my general layout of the magazine. Positive

“Good pictures that suit the magazine, good layout and good colour in piece” – All positive comment, the colour I chose was relevant to what I was trying to achieve and my target audience (Around the age that analysed my mag) liked the colours.

“Quality colour scheme, Main picture slightly distorted and double page spread layout really good” – For the colour scheme, again I chose this to connote the right feel to my audience and having looked at the last two comment I feel I achieved this, The comment about the distortion of the main image, it was my intention to give a distorted affect as it gives a wild feel similar to the general feel of clubbing however maybe this wasn’t the best way to achieve this .Again a nice comment on my layout I personally thought it could have done with more work but obviously people liked it as it was simple and effective.

“Nice fonts, Colour on black is effective” – The font I used I thought was really nice and looked quite professional, my target audience obviously agreed and the reversing out of the font went well with the reversed out white text on black background.

Audience FeedbackThis is just some of the feedback I received from my audience..

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Challenging forms & Conventions

The fonts I used are quite different

to any other font in a magazine. I

think I challenged the conventions

when using this font as its very

different however very stylish. I think

the font is quite attractive although I

think I could have picked better

colours to go with my main picture

on the cover as they didn’t go too


My genre was club, dance and techno

which isn’t everyone’s ‘cup of tea’ and

that’s why I made sure by looking at

my magazine it was very obvious with

the colour scheme and images I

attracted the right audience. The

bright colours and the techno modern

font used conventions of real media


I didn’t use columns in

my double page as it

wasn’t really

appropriate for the

double page spread I

was doing. The spread

was an album review

and I don’t think

columns generally

would have worked.

However I think the

paragraphs I used

worked as the page

doesn’t look too text

dominated to put off

my audience.

My main magazine cover challenged forms and conventions by not having a model on the front cover. I purposely chose to do this as after having taken this picture and edited it on Photoshop as it looked great. I think it would be a success as a main sell because of the funky colours

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Representing Social Groups..I think my magazine creates a

dominant representation of 18-25 year olds, being as it is quite limited in text and quite heavy in colour and pictures. The reason I think this gives off the dominant representation is because people between those two ages interested in clubbing and going out are not going to be big readers. I think it also creates the dominant ideology in that it allows

people between those ages to relate to it and just looking at you would know its target audience.

The gender could be both male

and female and I think under

the age group of ‘young


I think my target audience

would mainly fall under ‘E’ in

Socio-economic class. The

main reason for that is because

most of them would have small

part time jobs or still studying at

college or university.

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What kind of media institution would distribute my product and why?

I think my media product would generally be distributed by a mainstream magazine company. Mainly due to the fact that most teenagers and young adults are into this genre of music and i think throwing straight

in as a mainstream magazine would be a successful distribution. However I also think it could be distributed as alternative as some genres within club, trance etc.. Are

quite hardcore and would only be liked by a

smaller percentage of my target audience.

I also think my product

could be distributed

online as a media

magazine, viewable by

subscribers or members

for a fee. I think this type

of distribution would

encourage readers of my

target audience as it is

use of technology,

something they would


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What have i learnt about technologies from this product?

When creating my product i took a

lot of my pictures if not all of them

with a digital camera. I found this

useful as i could get exactly the

shot i wanted to use. After having

taken many pictures and deciding

which ones to use i was able to

edit them using Adobe Photoshop

to get the right affect and look on

the photo i wanted. I found this

really useful as without this i don't

think my pictures would be giving

off the right feel and the blending

around my titles.

I don't feel that using this sort of technology allows amateurs to produce material that is reasonably professional as there is

still a lot to learn with programs like Photoshop and Quark. However i do believe that with a reasonable understanding of these programs it is possible for anyone to come up with reasonable material.

I don’t feel that blogging really helped me keep track of what i have learnt, i found the handouts and notes i had taken the most important resource for what i had learnt, however i do think that blogging is a good way to present your research and what you have learnt in an easy and clear way.

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What have i learnt in the progression from the preliminary task to this ?

Planning and preparation was

vital in creating my product. If

i hadn't have planned i don't

think my magazine would

have come together

especially not as well as i

think it did. Also planning

allowed me to properly think

about what i was including in

my magazine rather than just

putting it in. It allowed me to

decide if it was appropriate

for my audience, how i was

presenting it to my audience

in a way to get the best look.

I think my organisation of my

time was a very important

part of the completion of my

product and everything to go

with it. I think having just met

the deadline for my

preliminary task i was more

conscious to the time i took

on all of the parts of this task

and was very time weary.

I think even simple things also, like taking the right procedures and time over the picture taken for my front cover was even something to take into consideration after the trouble i had first time around with my preliminary task.

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