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Page 1: Media eval
Page 2: Media eval

My media product uses, develops and challenges forms and conventions of media products in many ways. Firstly, my magazine cover uses only one large image on the cover to match the theme of the magazine. It takes up most of the space on the page; this is how most of the other magazines are laid out with an artist/band that is being focused on within the issue. I also laid out the text around the image and on top of the image ensuring that it was easy and clear to read. This followed the forms and conventions of a music magazine. Also, the masthead of the magazine is at the top in the centre which follows the forms and conventions of a real music magazine. However, the themes are different as my music genre was funky house and it was targeted for only female teenagers and therefore used bright, bold colours. I tried to make the front cover look appealing and feminine. I decided to aim the magazine at my own age group so that I could relate to it whilst creating the magazine and include ideas and features that would interest me.

However, the NME magazine is for males who are teenagers and older and therefore uses neutral, bright colours such as yellow, red and blue. Both of the magazines have used a colour scheme which make the magazine original. Both of the magazines have also used a strap line which follows the conventions of a magazine. My magazine has also mentioned funky house artists on the front cover like the NME magazine has but the layout has been changed to challenge the form and convention of a music magazine. I have written the artists at the bottom of the magazine in a white. Clear font so that it stands out and it is clear to read and also challenges the forms and conventions of a magazine. This makes the magazine unique and makes it stand out from the rest.

My magazine informs its readers of the latest news and gossip of the music industry and also includes interviews with the funky house bands and artists.

I have also written the issue number, the date and the price. I have placed the barcode on the bottom right of the front cover which follows the forms and convention of a real music magazine.

The model of the music magazine is posing typically like how a regular female teenager would which helps the target audience to relate with the magazine.

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To get an idea for my contents page, I researched music magazine contents pages such as NME. Although, NME and my music magazine did not have the same theme, it allowed me to see the forms and conventions of a real music magazine contents page.

The NME magazine has the main heading at the top which uses the forms and conventions of a music magazine. However, I decided that I would write ‘INSIDE...’ vertically up the page so that it looked unique and original and it challenged the forms and conventions. I used a similar format to the NME magazine by placing 4 images around the page with the page numbers on the image making it clear where that particular article or interview could be found. I organized my contents so that all the front cover stories were in one section, the new was in another section and finally the review was in its own section. This made it easy and clear for the reader to find a particular page or section the magazine.

I ensured that my contents page used the same colour scheme as my front cover so that it was visible that it belonged to that particular magazine. Therefore, I used a hot pink background with blue, green and black text and colours on the page.

I also added a box at the bottom right corner which said ‘FOLLOW US ON TWITTER AND FACEBOOK’ so that the readers could get hold of more information on those social networking websites.

The NME magazine looked very busy on the page and there was a lot of information all over the place. I preferred to keep my contents page simple and clear, however I ensured that it used the forms and conventions of a real music magazine and also ensured that it used the same colour scheme. However, if I were to do this better, i would add more images related to the theme of music and also add more text.

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When I was constructing my double page spread, I had to ensure that it would be appealing for my target audience. I decided to use the same model that I used for my front cover for my double page spread. She looked more older and sophisticated in this image. The model was wearing a black dress with red accessories and red heels so I decided to match the double page spread with the image so that it had the same colour scheme. Therefore, I decided that I would make the background black with red and white text. This went well together and made the double page spread stand out and look interesting.

I researched some double page spread in the process of creating my own. I found that quotes and the title in the texts were specifically made bolder and larger so that they stood out on the page which would catch the readers eye. I also realised that there was usually one or two images on the page of whom the article was about. I only used one image on my double page spread, however it was a full-length photo and I also wrote a caption at the next to the image informing the reader of where the photo was taken.

There were many interviews included in music magazines as well as articles which may interest the target audience as they could find out about their favourite artists’ lives.

I also found that the text was usually organized in 3 to 4 columns on the page which made it easy and clear to read. Therefore, I laid out my interview into 3 columns, with the questions in red and the answers in white so that it looked organized and matched the colour scheme.

I didn’t put a main heading at the top of my double page spread like most magazines, however, I did place a quote instead and made it larger on the page and made it read with a white outline to that it was eye-catching and looked attractive.

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My magazine represents female teenagers who are between the ages of 13-19. In my opinion, mostly ‘working-class’ teenagers would prefer this type of magazine. It is aimed at those who like funky house music and also those who enjoy the latest news and gossip of the music industry. My media product represents this particular social group as it uses bright, bold and feminine colours such as hot pink which would attract girls around the ages of 13-19.

Also, the front cover of my magazine has a model who is female and is 16 years old. This would allow the socials group to relate with the model and attract them to the magazine.

I had to make sure that the mise-en-scene was correct and related to my theme of funky house and also to my social group of female teenagers. To do this, I had to ensure that the model was wearing casual clothes which could represent particular social groups such as working-class female teenagers. Also, she had a front fringe with long hair and it was open. This can allow them to relate to the model and therefore feel more involved within the magazine. I tried hard to ensure that the model looked like a funky house artists by the choice of clothing, make up and hair.

The main aim was to create a magazine that gave my target audience what they wanted; a music magazine.

I paid close attention on the language and how it was presented. I used formal language, however, I ensured that it was easy and clear for my social group to understand. I used quotes so that it would attract my social group and made sure it stood out on the page.

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I researched what media institutions that could distribute my media product. I typed it in on Google.

I used this website to help me decide which media institution could distribute my media product.

Bauer media group is a large German publishing company which is based in Hamburg and it was founded in 1875. The institution is privately owned by the Bauer family and it operates in 15 different countries worldwide. Bauer Media group’s worldwide circulation of magazine titles total up to 38 million magazines a week.

Bauer publishes magazines such as Kerrang!, Q and Mojo magazine. If my magazine was distributed by Bauer published my music magazine, it would ensure that my magazine was of a high standard as Bauer is a well-known distributor and has a good reputation.

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I found it difficult at first to create a particular target audience for my media product. I had to be very specific so that I could then produce my music magazine based on my findings.

To create my target audience, I made a questionnaire to find out what was the most popular types of magazines. I interviewed 15 individuals with females being the more popular. Therefore, I decided that I would create my magazine for females. I then tried to find out the most popular age group and their favourite type of music. Funky house music got the majority votes and most of the individuals were aged around 13-19. I also asked the individuals if they would prefer the magazine to be picture heavy or with more text. I found that most individuals preferred the magazines to be picture heavy. By ensuring that the 15 individuals completed the questionnaire, it made it easier for me to come to the conclusion of who my target audience would be for my media product.

The audience for my magazine are female teenagers aged around 13-19. This is because of the design of my music magazine and also the colour scheme which plays an important role when deciding the target audience. My magazine uses bright, bold and eye-catching colours such as hit pink, bright blue and neon green. The text is sophisticated and easy and clear to read. Also, the model that I have used for my front cover is a female who is 16 years old which who my magazine is aimed at. She is also wearing clothes that a female teenager would wear and therefore it may attract my target audience.

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My magazine attracts my target audience in many different ways. Firstly, it is by the way I have presented my magazine by using bright and bold eye catching colours which makes it stand out from the rest. My target audience will be looking for something vibrant and appealing on the shop shelves where there is clear, bold text and images that will interest them. I have also written ‘exclusive posters inside’ on the front cover which may attract my target audience and persuade them to buy the magazine.

I used photography that represented the target audience in a particular way. I photographed the women as men would have been photographed so that it showed gender equality.

I made sure that my magazine used formal language, however, I also ensured that it was easy for my target audience to understand and read.

I made the audience feel involved within the magazine and made sure that they were able to relate to it by including interviews about their favourite artists of their lives before they became famous.

To attract my target audience, I would advertise my magazine in places where my target audience could relate to. This would be on the TV such as music channels- especially funky house music, in newspapers and finally on the internet (social networking sites such as twitter and facebook)

Although my magazine is aimed at working-class female teenagers, it can also apply to other social groups such as middle-upper class individuals. The magazine is reasonably priced with the price of £2.20. It is a weekly publication. This is affordable for my social group to buy every week on a daily basis.

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Page 9: Media eval

In the process of constructing my magazine, I have learnt a lot about technologies and developed many skills. I improved my knowledge and developed my skills with the camera, an Apple Mac, BlogSpot and Photoshop. Before I began the course, I knew how to use a camera but at very basic levels. As I progressed through the course, I learnt more about taking photographs and the camera itself in more detail. I learnt about the different camera shots as I had to ensure that I had at least 4 different camera shots used within my magazine. I used many different shots such as the close-up shot, mid-shot and long shot. I learnt that by using different camera shots, it would create different vibes to the reader. For example, using a high angle shot would show that someone in superior, however, using a low angle shot would show that they are inferior. Also, using a close up shot would show the facial expression of that person in more depth and in detail. I used an Apple Mac for the first time for my media coursework. I allowed myself to experiment and look around on the Mac to familiarize myself with it so that it would be easier for me in the long run, once I began my coursework and began to use other software's such as Photoshop. I also learnt how to use BlogSpot. I had never used this website before. During the course, I had to upload all my work as I did it onto my blog so that the teacher could access my work and see it. I did not know how to use the website, however, by the end of it, I have developed my ICT skills and created a blog with all of my work from the preliminary task to the research to my final product. I did encounter some problems on the blog. I had to scan my flat planned draft on to the blog, however, when I did this, it came up as a small image which made it difficult and unclear to read and understand. I had to then re-do this and upload the images once again. It also took me some time to upload my Prezi magazine analysis onto the blog, however, after playing around, I finally figured it out. I also learnt how by just to change the theme of the blog and I learnt how to edit posts by just clicking on the ‘pencil’ icon. Finally, I learnt how to use Photoshop. I learnt a variety of skills in Photoshop and I developed them throughout the course. At the beginning of the course, I wasn't very familiar with Photoshop and had to experiment to figure out the different tools and what they did. You can see a significant improvement of my skills from the preliminary task to my final product. I learnt how to sharpen an image so that it looks more clear and professional on the page. I learnt how to add an outer glow around the images and test allowing it to stand out and look more attractive. I also familiarized myself with how the layers worked as I was not sure about this at the beginning. I have become much more professional in cutting around the edges of the images or text. The usage of the pen tool and magic eraser tool allowed me to do this. I also used the gradient tool to create a small circle behind’ EBZEE’ on the front cover which made it look more professional and attractive. In my preliminary task, sections of the background had been left in the image, however, this is not the case in my final product as I have removed the unnecessary background. This is improved the quality of my work overall.

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Although, the front cover and contents page of my preliminary task had matching colour schemes to show that they both belonged to the same magazine, it was very simple and brief. It followed some of the forms and conventions of a magazine such as the masthead at the top of the cover. However, images were not edited and were just placed anywhere on the page. There was no text around or on the images and therefore, it did not look like a typical music magazine.

The structure of my final product is much more complex than my preliminary task. The use of mastheads, strap lines and the overall text conveys a real music magazine much more than my school magazine.

The movement of the text placed around the page shows a better understanding of the forms and convention of a music magazine. I have overlapped the text with the images as shown in some real music magazines such as NME and Q. Also, I have written ‘EBZEE’ besides the image of the model to show what the name of the model is. I used the gradient tool to create a circle behind ‘EBZEE’ which made it stand out more. Also, I have added an outer glow effect around the images on my front cover, contents page and my double page spread making sure it matches the colour scheme. This makes the overall effect more professional and makes it look more attractive and also makes it stand out from the rest.

I also added the issue number, the month that the magazine is published for , the barcode and finally the price. I placed the price above the barcode which follows the forms and conventions of a music magazine. However, I added a outer glow effect on the price so that it stands out and is more easier to read.

I have also achieved a greater understanding of camera shots and what each shot represents. This has allowed my magazine to improve thoroughly as I have used different shots such ad mid-length shot, close up shot and long shot. Each shot shows a different analysis. For example, the close up shot shows facial expression in more detail. The preliminary task is restricted and only shows a high angle shot and a mid-shot. It does not show my skills and knowledge on shots, however, I have improved from my preliminary task to my final product.

Also, my knowledge of the forms and conventions of a real music magazine has also improved as you can see from the evidence of my preliminary task to my final product. This is shown in the layout my front cover, contents page and my double page spread compared to my preliminary task.

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