
The Hunger Games Essay

In this trailer, teenagers are portrayed as being vigilant and caring. This is shown through Katniss Everdeen's actions; she chooses to fight instead of her sister Primrose. This is an act of kindness as Primrose could not have survived the Hunger Games. This is stereotypical as teenagers feel they need to protect their siblings. However, bravery and loyalty isnt usually associated with female teenagers, they are often shown as two-faced and selfish. This character is also shown as fearless and brave. This is clearly shown when Katniss is willing to go as tribute. The fact that she doesn't resist protecting her sister connotes that she is prepared to put her life at risk for others safety. This also tells us that Katniss is a kind-hearted character. As is demonstrated, Katniss supports Gale when he is chosen as tribute and says 'we could run away'. The fact Katniss replies with, 'We wouldn't get 5 miles' conveys that Katniss is realistic whereas, Gale is optimistic. Furthermore, Katniss is represented as being very resourceful. One example of this is that she is highly skilled at hunting. This tells the audience that she is an outdoor individual and should be taken seriously by other competitors in the Hunger Games. The fact that men are often associated with hunting and using bow and arrows, takes away Katniss' femininity. However, this relates back to Katniss being portrayed in a kind way due to the fact that she is hunting to provide for her family, which is against the law and assumes the male role. This stands out from the rest as she swaps this around, making her the best and the guy second best. Because of this, it encourages the female audience to be more confident about themselves and would more likely attract them towards the film more than men, due to the female heroin. This also results in this character being shown as independent and active, also going against the typical stereotype. Katniss was also represented as strong and confident and a brave female. This suggests that the producers may have chosen those characteristics to contradict with the common stereotypes of a teenage girl. Katniss is portrayed as very skilful through the huge ability she has and her hunting skills. Katniss can relate to characters such as Robin Hood. This is an anti-stereotype as the male gender is usually shown as most skilful. In addition, this female character is judged through the way she is dressed. This results in this character being an outcast. This in fact is also a typical stereotype towards teenagers. Everdeen uses a sarcastic tone when she is dressed up. This is an anti-stereotype as majority of teenage girls usually wish to get their hair done etc. whereas, Katniss isnt too bothered. Katniss is going against her peers, this is also an anti-stereotype. This character is shown as rebellious as she is participating in hunting even though its against the law. The blood on her hand is foreshadowing and may show the audience that problems will occur soon in the film that Katniss and other characters will need to take on. Red is also seen as prostitution, which indicates she is being sexualised. This tells us a lot about how the media portrays teenage girls today. Gale is a love interest in the Hunger Games, seen with Katniss at the beginning of the movie and lives in her district. The fact that they are seen together at the beginning of the trailer instantly shows a strong bond between the two characters. The two characters turn a horrifying scene, into a bit of a joke for a few seconds. This then drastically changes within minutes, when Primrose was chosen and Katniss runs out screaming after her. Because of this, Gale tries to calm everything down and when Katniss goes instead of her sister, Prim starts screaming manically and so Gale has to carry her away from the sight before something even worse happens in this trailer teenagers are portrayed as being caring and considerate. This is shown through Gale Hawthrones actions; he chooses to put his life at danger instead of his love Katniss'. This is an act of kindness and affection. Gale represents teenagers as comforting and supportive. This is clearly shown when he says they just want a good show to Katniss. This shows he's recklessly criticizing the Hunger Games where he could be overheard. This action shows his impulsiveness and passion. Gale is also represented as being very resourceful. One example of this is that he is highly skilled at hunting. This infers that this individual is an outdoor character and should be taken seriously by other competitors in the Hunger Games. Men are often shown as hunting and using bow and arrows and being more of an outdoor person. This is a typical stereotype towards the male gender. Overall, Gale is a very stubborn, sarcastic, jealous almost guy, who we can tell has a strong passion for loving Katniss and doesnt like anyone getting between that, especially Peeta and the Hunger Games competition.Second Love interest. Peeta instantly appears as the weaker, and less able to tribute in the Hunger Games. His fear overcome him and is left with his mouth open throughout. Teenagers are often presented as being fighters and violent. This is done through the way Peeta Mellark fights, he cuts the head of a mannequin viciously. Peeta is represented as a courageous person. This is shown through the way he sacrificed his safety and life for Katniss and was determined to stay himself. He says they dont own me. This is a typical teenage response towards that kind of situation. Nobody tells me what to do is often associated with teenagers and what society expects from these people. The fact hes quite thin and blonde hair gives him a sense of weakness, which is also a typical stereotype. Peeta comes across as a very independent, calm character, who dresses very naturally and maturely for his age. He gets it slightly better off than others because of his parents and his own job working in the bakery. His emotions are easily shown throughout as soon as we find out hes chosen for the Hunger Games. Immediately after finding out he was the chosen one, his jaw literally dropped and remained there for the rest of the reaping. This may not all be because of the fact he was chosen for the Hunger Games but also because of who he is. He shows a sense of weakness and fear. This could suggest that this character isnt a very brave and daring character. Overall, Peeta is quite a sneaky character, who has some element of strength, but is not found to be the strongest as a whole. If it werent for Katniss being there, Peeta probably wouldnt have the best chances of surviving the Hunger Games. This character comes across as a very independent, calm character, who dresses very naturally and maturely for his age.

Katniss younger sister, Primrose is shown in a certain way, very cowardly. The fact Katniss has to go as tribute to protect Primrose indicates that Prim has been shown as a typical girl, not very brave and courageous. This is a usual stereotype towards the female gender. This also tells us that she isnt very skilful. Primrose is a typical nervous girl, portrayed as very small and often being comforted by her sister. Prim is much more innocent and child-like than Katniss, and not just because she lacks the hunting aptitude of her older sister. However, this indicates that she isnt an outdoor person and isnt very venturous. Primrose is shown as very gentle and symbolizes goodness.

Clearly seen when selecting tributes and together as tributes and how they behave, youth is represented as the whole trying to protect others concept. In this trailer some teenagers are portrayed as being vigilant and caring whereas some are shown to be more violent and selfish. The fact all competitors in the district go against each other and fight to death suggests a violent element. Violence is often associated with teenagers as they tend to get into fights, play video games, watch vicious films etc. Majority of the crowd dont nominate themselves as tributes as they want to fit in with everyone, this is an anti-stereotype as teenagers are often rebellious and go against the rules. Adults in the Hunger Games trailer are shown as being In control, they decide where the youth go/what they wear etc. No adults participate in the Hunger Games, therefore this is a binary opposition. The fact that no adults take part in this event indicates that they are responsible for what happens in this event. Adults are stereotypically known as influential and wise. This suggests that the adults should be role models towards the teenagers in the Hunger Games and teach them what they need to know to survive this deadly event.

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