  • 1. Results of Audience Research Questionnaire


  • To gain an insight on what my target audience wanted from a new Rock/Indie music magazine I developed a small questionnaire, that was based on the mood board that I had previously designed, for them to complete. After compiling all of the data from the questionnaires together I made a series of bar charts that will make it easier to compare the results to find out what the audience would like to see in their new music magazine.

3. What Genre would you say this magazine represents?

  • Many of my target audience described the mood board as representing an Indie music magazine.

4. Over half thought that the magazine was intended for either an Indie or Rock genre. 5. None of the participants said that it was any other genre than Indie or Rock. 6. The style of the pictures, names of the bands shown and the masthead that were the main features in indicating the magazines genre. 7. Most said that the mood board showed the genre of the magazine successfully. 8. Several said that they would buy the magazine if it was published. 9. Which magazine name do your prefer?

  • The majority of my audience preferred 'Unplugged' as the new magazine name.

10. Many said that this was because it suited the genre of the magazine as it reflected the use of guitars and other rock/Indie music styes whilst also connoting a dangerous and exciting effect to the magazine. 11. Some also said that it also gives the impression of breaking the mold of the other generic 'pop' magazines. 12. Only 3 people out of the 20 asked had no opinion 13. Which type of font do you prefer?

  • The majority of the participants said that the font 'Rock It!' which in the mood board was used in the Unplugged masthead option.

14. Some said that this was because of the stamped effect of the font. This reminds them of underground gigs and clubs and connotes a sense of excitement and rebellion that they relate to indie music. 15. They also said that they thought the exclamation mark was a good idea as it showed that the articles in the magazine were important and should be read. 16. The participants that choose Hard Rock said that they were drawn to the unevenness of the text as it connotes informality and a relaxed attitude. 17. Which type of bands would you like to see in the magazine?

  • Many of the participants said that they would prefer to have a mixture of well known and unsigned bands in the magazine.

18. This, some argued, would appeal to the wider population as some prefer well known indie/rock bands whilst others prefer unsigned bands. This exposure will also allow more unsigned bands to become more well known. 19. There was little difference between the participants who preferred only unsigned bands to those who preferred only well known artists. 20. Only 1 person out of the 20 asked had no opinion 21. What color is best for the masthead?

  • The participants said that the color that they would most likely see the masthead in is black.

22. They argued that the color would be bold, draw the attention of the reader and therefore stand out on say a plain colored background. 23. This simple color also reflects the indie/rock music genre as it doesn't take anything away from the most important aspect of the magazine; the music. 24. Many of the participants ho marked 'Don't Know' said that the choices were too boring and the red and yellow colors were too bright and didn't reflect the genre. 25. Others options given were; Purple, Grey and Dark Blue. 26. Another recommendation was to use different shades of the same color for the masthead, which could be inside a wacky shape etc. 27. Would you like competitions inside the magazine?

  • The clear majority was to see competitions inside the magazine.

28. The participants said that this will give the magazine a sense of fun and excitement and with exclusive competitions will give in an edge over the other magazines in that genre. 29. The examples of competitions that they gave in response was; Concert tickets with backstage passes, meet and greets by the stars, signed CD or albums or other signed merchandise and music lessons by the stars e.g. guitar or drums. 30. What price would you pay for this product?

  • The views on this issue were more mixed, with no clear favorite however the majority said that the ideal price would be between 1.10- 2.00.

31. They said that this is because as the majority of the readers will be students or young people they would not have much spare cash to spend on weekly or monthly magazines. 32. The price also appeals to a wider audience as it is not too expensive to alienate a more working class audience and also not being too downmarket to limit the magazine from the more upper classes. 33. Do you like the extra features?

  • The clear majority was that the participants liked the extra features that were inside the magazine.

34. The participants said that this will give the magazine a sense of fun and excitement and with exclusive features such as the 'Send in your own demo', which will give unsigned bands the opportunity of becoming signed by indie labels in a structure that relates back to the 70's and Rough Trade, will give in an edge over the other magazines in that genre. 35. Which feature did you like the best?

  • When asked which feature they liked the best, many of the participants chose the range of music charts that were on offer; e.g. reader's album charts and celebrity singles chart.

36. They said that the inclusion of the celebrities in the music chart gives readers a sense of familiarity with the chosen celeb and gives them a form of parasocial relationship with them. This also shows the reader that the rich and famous enjoy the indie style of music as well and this therefore gives indie scene a boost and connotes a more fun and cool side. 37. The two people had declined to answer said that this was only because they couldn't choose between the three options given. 38. Girl band or boy band on the cover?

  • The clear winner was to have a girl band on the cover.

39. The females asked said that this was because it shows that women can be successful in the indie music scene as well as men, whilst the males that were asked generally said that they preferred to see more women on the front of Indie music magazines. 40. This will therefore appeal to a wider audience as both genders are targeted rather than just males or just females. 41. Many also said that they would like to see a more fun side to the magazine as it will connote a more youthful, informal and exciting air to the magazine. 42. What color scheme would you like to see throughout the magazine?

  • Many of the participants were divided in their opinions of what color scheme should be seen throughout the magazine; although the majority choose Purple.

43. This was because it was a more neutral color than the typical boy color of blue and the girl color of pink. 44. With set colors that will only change in shades, will also not take anything away from the music and articles inside the magazine as reflects the Indie music genre of concentrating on the music rather than the fancy designs on the covers.

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