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Review ArticleTheme: Towards Integrated ADME Prediction: Past, Present, and Future DirectionsGuest Editors: Lawrence X. Yu, Steven C. Sutton and Michael B. Bolger

Mechanistic Approaches to Predicting Oral Drug Absorption

Weili Huang,1 Sau Lawrence Lee,1 and Lawrence X. Yu1,2

Received 14 January 2009; accepted 27 February 2009; published online 21 April 2009

Abstract. Modeling and simulation of oral drug absorption have been widely used in drug discovery,development, and regulation. Predictive absorption models are used to determine the rate and extent oforal drug absorption, facilitate lead drug candidate selection, establish formulation development strategy,and support the development of regulatory policies. This review highlights the development of recentdrug absorption models including dispersion and compartmental models. The compartmental modelsinclude the compartmental absorption and transit model; Grass model; gastrointestinal transit absorptionmodel; advanced compartmental absorption and transit model; and advanced dissolution, absorption, andmetabolism model. Compared to the early absorption models, the above models developed or extendedsince the mid-1990s have demonstrated greatly improved predictive performance by accounting formultiple factors such as drug degradation, gastric emptying, intestinal transit, first-pass metabolism, andintestinal transport. For future model development, more heterogeneous features of the gastrointestinaltract (villous blood flow, metabolizing enzymes, and transporters), food effects, and drug–druginteractions should be fully characterized and taken into consideration. Moreover, predicting populationinter- and intravariability in oral drug absorption can be useful and important for the evaluation ofclinical safety and efficacy of drugs. Establishing databases and libraries that contain accuratepharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic information for commercialized and uncommercialized drugs mayalso be helpful for model development and validation.

KEY WORDS: advanced compartmental absorption and transit (ACAT) model; advanced dissolution,absorption, andmetabolism (ADAM)model; compartmental model; dispersionmodel; oral drug absorption.


Oral drug absorption is a complex process. It consists ofmultiple steps that may include drug disintegration anddissolution, degradation, gastric emptying, intestinal transit,intestinal permeation and transport, intestinal metabolism,and hepatic metabolism. The factors that may have impact onthe rate and extent of drug absorption are dosage form,physicochemical and biopharmaceutical properties of theactive drug ingredient, and physiology of the gastrointestinal(GI) tract (1,2), as shown in Fig. 1. Knowledge of how thesesteps and factors influence absorption has fostered thedevelopment of predictive models for oral drug absorption.Currently, modeling and simulation of oral drug absorptionhave been widely used in drug discovery, development, andregulation. The predictive absorption models are used todetermine the rate and extent of oral drug absorption,facilitate lead drug candidate selection, establish formulation

development strategy, and support the development ofregulatory policies.

Based on a previous review by Yu et al. (1), mechanisticapproaches are classified into three categories: quasiequili-brium models, steady-state models, and dynamic models. Theclassification of these models is based upon their dependenceon spatial and temporal variables. The quasiequilibriummodels, which are independent of spatial and temporalvariables, include the pH-partition hypothesis (3) and absorp-tion potential concept (4,5). The steady-state models, whichwere independent of temporal variables, but dependent onspatial variables, include the film model (6), macroscopicmass balance approach (7,8), and microscopic balanceapproach (9,10). The steady-state models are limited toprediction of the extent but not the rate of oral drugabsorption. The dynamic models consider spatial and tempo-ral variables. As an improvement over the steady-statemodels, the dynamic models can predict both the rate andextent of oral drug absorption. The dynamic models includedispersion models (11) and compartmental models (12–14).Dispersion models portray the small intestine as a uniformtube with axial velocity, dispersion behavior, and concentra-tion profile across the tube (11). Instead of treating the smallintestine as one long cylindrical tube in a dispersion model,compartmental models assume the GI tract as one compart-ment or a series of compartments with linear transfer kinetics,

217 1550-7416/09/0200-0217/0 # 2009 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

The AAPS Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2009 (# 2009)DOI: 10.1208/s12248-009-9098-z

Opinions expressed in this manuscript are those of Huang, Lee, andYu and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the FDA.1Office of Generic Drugs, Food and Drug Administration, 7519Standish Place, Rockville, Maryland 20855, USA.

2 To whom correspondence should be addressed. (e-mail: [email protected])

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and each compartment is well mixed with a uniformconcentration (12–15). Both dispersion and compartmentalmodels can be linked to pharmacokinetic models to predictplasma concentration-time profiles of drugs.

The article reviews and compares various mechanisticdynamic models developed and extended from the mid-1990sto the present, including the compartmental absorption andtransit (CAT) model; Grass model; GI transit absorption(GITA) model; advanced compartmental absorption andtransit (ACAT) model; and advanced dissolution, absorption,and metabolism (ADAM) model. In addition, this reviewexplores future developments of oral drug absorption modelswith better predictability.


The dispersion model defines the GI tract as a singletube with spatially varying properties (pH, surface area, etc.)along the tube. The dynamic drug absorption in the smallintestine is based on the convection–dispersion equation, asshown below (1,11):


¼ �@2C@z2

� �@C@z

� �C ð1Þ

where C is the concentration of a drug in the GI tract, z is theaxial distance from the stomach, α is the dispersion coefficientthat accounts for mixing by both molecular diffusion andphysiologic effect, β is the velocity in the axial direction, and γis the drug absorption rate constant.

Willmann et al. (16) employed an intestinal transitfunction TSI (defined as the fraction of the drug dose in acertain GI segment at time t) in the dispersion model todescribe the movement of the drugs though the intestine. By

accounting for the effects of solubility and permeability ondrug absorption, the dispersion model has successfullysimulated fractions of dose absorbed for a variety of drugsthat cover a wide range of absorption characteristics in rat(16), human (17), and monkey (18). For example, the modelpredicted the oral absorption of BCS Class I drugs (meto-prolol, propranolol, levofloxacin, etc.), BCS Class II drugs(ciprofloxacin, diclofenac, carbamazepine, etc.), BCS ClassIII drugs (atenolol, nadolol, etc.), and BCS IV drugs(furosemide, etc.) (16–19). It was found that, for mostpassively absorbed drugs, the dispersion model predictedthe extent of absorption very well, and the predicted valuesagreed with the literature (16–18).

However, due to the assumption of negligible first-pass,the original dispersion model may overestimate the absorp-tive fraction values for compounds such as benazepril,bromocriptine, and lovastatin, which undergo enzyme-medi-ated presystemic metabolism (18,20–22). In addition, thedispersion models only taking into account passive intestinalpermeability may result in an overprediction of the fractionabsorbed for P-gp substrates such as doxorubicin andranitidine (23), and conversely, an underprediction for PEPT1potential substrates such as valacyclovir (24,25), amoxicillin(26), cefalexin (27), and cefadroxil (27).

Therefore, additional inputs of Michaelis–Menten func-tions for metabolic enzymes and transporters are needed toovercome these limitations. Later, the dispersion model wasused as a part of the PK-Sim® ( physiologically based pharmacokinetic model(28), which encompasses body and organ weight, blood flow,tissue composition, GI physiology, metabolism, active trans-port, and controlled release to simulate the GI transit andabsorption process. Using in vitro dissolution data, PK-Sim®predicted the plasma concentration-time profiles of three

Fig. 1. Steps and related factors in oral drug absorption

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cimetidine tablets with different formulation and dissolutionprofiles (29). In addition, PK-Sim® also predicted the plasmaconcentration-time profile of nifedipine, a CYP3A substratewith significant first-pass metabolism (30).


CAT Model

The basic equation for the CAT model is described asfollows (Eq. 2):

dYn=dt ¼ KtYn�1 �KtYn �KaYn; n ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; 7; ð2Þ

where Yn is the percent of dose at the nth compartment, n isthe number of total compartments, Kt is the transit rateconstant, and Ka is the absorption rate constant.

The original assumptions for this model include passiveabsorption, instantaneous dissolution, linear transfer kineticsfor each segment, and minor absorption from the stomachand colon (1). This model was originally developed to predictoral drug absorption for nondegradable and highly solubledrugs. Nevertheless, this model was shown to capture thedependence of the fraction of dose absorbed on the effectivepermeability for various drugs with different absorptioncharacteristics (31). The CAT model could also be linkeddirectly to pharmacokinetic models to predict plasma con-centration-time profiles.

By incorporating Michaelis–Menten kinetics for carrier/transporter-mediated absorption, gastric emptying rate con-stant, and compartment-dependent degradation rate constantinto the model, the CAT model was extended for predictingdose-dependent drug absorption with degradation in thesmall intestine, such as for cefatrizine (32). Moreover, theCAT model was extended to simulate the fraction of doseabsorbed in controlled release dosage forms by including a

compartment that represents the controlled-release dosageform (1). By taking gastric emptying and dissolution intoconsideration, the CAT model was also used to predict thefraction of dose absorbed for poorly absorptive drugs such asdigoxin, griseofulvin, and panadiplon, and to determine thecause of poor oral absorption (dissolution-, solubility-, orpermeability-limited absorption) (33).

Based on the CAT model, a very similar approach wasdeveloped by Kortejarvi et al. (34) by considering the processof gastric emptying, drug dissolution, and drug intestinaltransit within the GI tract. This model was constructed usingStella software for investigating the effects of differentfactors including formulation types, physiology of the GItract, dissolution, absorption, and elimination on biowaivercriteria evaluation (34). The investigators concluded that,based on the simulation, about half of BCS I drugs have ahigher risk to fail a bioequivalence study than BCS IIIdrugs do. The above statement can be valid for some BCS Idrugs with rapid absorption and elimination vs. BCS IIIdrugs when excipients have no impact on GI transit timeand permeability.

ACAT Model

The ACAT model (35) was developed based on the CATmodel to include first-pass metabolism and colon absorption(Fig. 2). This model includes linear transfer kinetics andnonlinear metabolism/transport kinetics, six states of drugcomponent (unreleased, undissolved, dissolved, degraded, me-tabolized, and absorbed), nine compartments (stomach, sevensegments of small intestine, and colon), and three states ofexcreted material (unreleased, undissolved, and dissolved). Ittakes into consideration physicochemical factors (pKa, solubil-ity, particle size, particle density, and permeability), physiolog-ical factors (gastric emptying, intestinal transit rate, first-pass

Fig. 2. The schematic diagram of the ACAT model developed by Agoram et al. (35). This recent versionwas provided by Dr. Michael Bolger

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metabolism, and luminal transport), and dosage factors (dosageform and dose) in predicting oral drug absorption.

It should be noted that there are a variety of drugmetabolizing enzymes and transporters localized in theintestinal epithelial cells (Fig. 3). The interaction of themetabolizing enzymes and transporters may have a compleximpact on the oral absorption of their cosubstrates. TheACAT model was able to simulate nonlinear saturableMichaelis–Menten kinetics of metabolism and transport inoral drug absorption by using in vitro activity data (Vmax andKm) of enzymes and transporters (35).

For example, the ACAT model successfully predictedoral absorption for drugs undergoing first-pass hepaticmetabolism (propranolol), first-pass intestinal and hepaticmetabolism (midazolam), efflux transport (digoxin), and first-pass metabolism plus efflux transport (saquinavir, Fig. 4) (35).Furthermore, this model demonstrated the potential topredict food–drug interactions (e.g., grapefruit juice withCYP3A substrates) and drug–drug interactions (e.g., rifampinwith P-gp substrate digoxin) during oral drug absorption.However, some features that have an impact on drug

absorption, such as local structure of gut enterocytes,cytoplasmic protein binding, segregation of blood flow tothe intestine, and the heterogeneous expression and activitiesof drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters along the GItract were not included in the original ACAT model (35).

The commercially available software, GastroPlus™, wasdeveloped based on the ACAT mode. This software hasundergone several improvements with respect to the capabil-ity in predicting oral absorption of a variety of drugs incomparison to the original ACAT model. Gastroplus™ hasbeen used to simulate the in vivo absorption profile of drugsby using in vitro dissolution data, for establishing the in vitro–in vivo correlation (36,37). With an integration of drugphysicochemical properties and physiological parameters,Gastroplus™ has been used to aid in justifying biowaiversfor selected BCS II compounds (38). Moreover, the impact ofdifferent formulation factors such as solubility, particle size,and size distribution on oral drug absorption were alsopredicted by GastroPlus™ (39–41). Combined with biorele-vant solubility, the magnitude of food effects and the oralpharmacokinetics of different drugs under fasted and fed





























Fig. 3. The intestinal metabolizing enzymes and efflux/influx transporters. The metabolizing enzymesinclude phase I enzymes such as cytochrome P450s (CYPs) including CYP3A4/3A5, CYP2C9, CYP2C19,CYP2J2, CYP2D6, etc. (67), and phase II enzymes such as UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs),sulfotransferases (SULTs), and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs). The intestinal transporters areexpressed in the intestinal basolateral membrane (MRP1, MRP3, MRP4, MRP5, MCT1, ENT1/2,OATP3A1/4A1, and OCT1/2. MRP, multidrug resistance-associated protein; MCT, monocarboxylic acidtransporter; ENT, equilibrative nucleoside transporter; OATP, organic anion-transporting polypeptidetransporter; OCT, organic cation transporter) and luminal membrane (MDR1, MRP2, BCRP, MRP4,PEPT1/2, MCT1, OATP1A2, OATP2B1, OCT3, ASBT, CNT1/2 and OCTN1/N2. MDR, multidrugresistance protein; BCRP, breast cancer resistance protein; PEPT, peptide transporter; ASBT, apicalsodium-dependent bile acid transporter; CNT, concentrative nucleoside transporter; OCTN, carnitine/organic cation transporter) (19)

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conditions were also predicted by Gastroplus™ (42). Inaddition to its use for predicting oral drug absorption in theGI tract, whole-body physiologically based pharmacokinetic(43) and combined pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic(44) models have been constructed within Gastroplus™ forpredicting whole-body pharmacokinetic and pharmacody-namic characteristics in humans.

For drugs that undergo intestinal efflux, such as talinolol(a P-gp substrate), an additional consideration of a heteroge-neous expression of P-gp across the intestine was included tosimulate the nonlinear pharmacokinetics (dose-dependentabsorption) after administration of a series of doses oftalinolol immediate-release tablets (44), based on the factthat the P-gp expression level increases from duodenum tojejunum, to ileum, to cecum, and to colon (45).

Grass Model

A physiologically based multiple-compartmental modelwas developed by Grass (46) for predicting oral drugabsorption. This model describes fluid movement (emptyingand transit) in the GI tract and calculates the drugabsorption (flux) in each compartment (stomach, duodenum,jejunum, ileum, and colon) over time based primarily onthree parameters—solubility, permeability, and tissue surfacearea.

This model was shown to predict plasma concentration-time profiles including the AUC, Cmax, and Tmax for ketorolac(BCS I) and ganciclovir (BCS III) well. The softwareIDEA™ (47) was developed based upon compartmentalmodels (IDEA™ is not currently available). By usingIDEA™, the fractions of dose absorbed for atenolol (BCSIII), naproxen (BCS II), and ganciclovir (BCS III) in animalsand humans were successfully predicted (47). Similar toGastroPlus™, factors including dose, solubility, and perme-ability are considered. However, IDEA™ does not take first-pass metabolism and drug transport into account.

The main difference between early versions of Gastro-Plus™ and IDEA™ is that, for pure in silico prediction,Gastroplus™ requires the aid of QMPRPlus™ to estimate

solubility, permeability, and lipophilicity based on the chem-ical structure input, but IDEA™ only requires chemicalstructure as input. Another difference is that IDEA™ directlyuses permeability data from Caco-2 cells or rabbit intestinaltissue, whereas GastroPlus™ uses human permeability datatransformed from in situ intestinal permeability data of rat ordog or Caco-2 data (48,49). A set of 28 drugs was selected forpredicting their absorption classes and fractions absorbed byusing both early versions of GastroPlus™ and IDEA™; bothapproaches showed similar predictive abilities (48). In theearly discovery phase, IDEA™ is easy and convenient to usefor predicting characteristics of drug oral absorption based onchemical structure. For late discovery and development, aswell as for formulation evaluation, however, GastroPlus™ ismore powerful for integrating data and takes into consider-ation factors such as first-pass metabolism, transport process,and dosage form.

GITA Model

Intestinal transit time could be variable across differentsegments of intestine and could impact drug absorption. Inaddition, the extent of drug absorption in each segment coulddiffer due to heterogeneity in physiology and structures,including heterogeneous expression patterns of metabolizingenzymes and transporters.

Based on the above considerations, the GITA model wasproposed (50). This compartmental model divides the GItract into eight segments (stomach, duodenum, upper jeju-num, lower jejunum, upper ileum, lower ileum, cecum, andlarge intestine), and GI transit and absorption processes ineach segment are incorporated. In this model, the absorptionrate constant for each segment was determined by aconventional in situ closed-loop method, and the GI transitrate constant for each segment was determined based on invivo studies using phenol red, a nonabsorbable marker. Thefollowing equations (Eqs. 3 and 4) describe drug movementfrom a segment (i) to the next segment (i+1) with segmentalabsorption (first-order absorption):

Stomach: dXs=dt ¼ � ks þ kasð ÞXs ð3Þ

Intestine: dXiþ1=dt ¼ Xiki � kiþ1 þ kaiþ1ð ÞXiþ1; ð4Þ

where at t=0, Xs is the dose of the orally administered drugand X, k, and ka represent the amount, the transit rateconstant, and the absorption rate constant, respectively. Thesubscripts s and i indicate stomach and each intestine site,respectively.

The GITA model was originally proposed to predict oraldrug absorption in rats because it is possible and convenientto conduct the in situ closed-loop experiment in animalsrather than in humans. Later, Kimura and Higaki (51)demonstrated an application of the GITA model to humansfor prediction of oral absorption of theophylline. In thismodel, the transit rate constant in humans was measured viagamma scintigraphy, and the absorption rate constant inhumans was estimated by normalizing the absorption rateconstant in rats based on interspecies differences in surfacearea and luminal volume of the small intestine.

Fig. 4. Oral bioavailability of saquinavir with and without grape fruitjuice simulated by using the ACAT model. Reprinted from Agoramet al. (35) with permission of Elsevier

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By accounting for the variations of drug absorption and GItransit among these segments, the GITA model was used topredict site-specific oral drug absorption (52). Moreover, thismodel was used to study the effects of food–drug interactionsand drug–drug interactions on oral absorption (51). In theoriginal GITA model, the plasma concentration-time profilewas overpredicted for drugs undergoing first-pass metabolism,such as propranolol (50). Incorporating a first-pass effect intothe GITA model successfully predicted the oral absorptionprofile of N-methyltyramine, a compound with first-passmetabolism (53). Furthermore, by incorporating the dissolutionprocess, the GITA model predicted the plasma concentration-time profiles of theophylline (BCS I) and griseofulvin (BCS II)when administered as powders (54,55).

ADAM Model

Similar to the ACAT model, the ADAM model wasrecently developed based on the CAT mode, and it is acompartmental transit model consisting of seven compart-ments for the small intestine (56,57). The ADAM modelconsiders the GI physiology including gastric emptying time,small intestinal transit time, and the radius and length of thesmall intestine, which were defined by the CAT model andliterature values.

Similar to the ACAT model, the ADAM model accountsfor the processes of dissolution, GI fluid transit, gut wallpermeation, drug degradation, intestinal metabolism, andactive transport (implicit consideration as stated by Jamei etal.) (56). In addition, the ADAM model also considers theheterogeneity of the GI tract such as heterogeneous distribu-tion of enterocytic blood flow and enzymes in the gut wall.Food effects such as the impact of changes in gastricemptying, splanchnic blood flow, and luminal pH are alsotaken into consideration and simulated (56). Differing fromother approaches using the Noyes–Whitney model (58), theADAM model uses the generalized diffusion model devel-oped by Wang and Flanagan (59) to describe dissolutionunder both sink and nonsink conditions.

The model is implemented in the simulation softwareSimcyp® ( Simcyp® has successfullypredicted the plasma concentration profiles for three modifiedrelease formulations (fast, moderate, and slow) of metoprolol(60). In addition, the midazolam first-pass intestinal extractionratio and its interindividual variability were also predicted wellby Simcyp®. The simulation also predicted the regionalfractions of the dose absorbed and metabolized for midazolam,as well as the related interindividual variabilities in differentsegments of the small intestine (56).


For the past decade, pharmaceutical scientists havedeveloped and extended mechanistic absorption models tosimulate the rate and extent of oral drug absorption.Compared to the early models, the recently developed orimproved models have better predictability by accounting formultiple oral absorption factors such as dissolution, degrada-tion, gastric emptying, intestinal transit, first-pass metabolism,and intestinal transport (Table I). In addition, recent models

















































































































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have assessed food effect, explored in vitro–in vivo correla-tion, and estimated drug–drug interactions.

To date, there is no “perfect” model to completelycapture the complexity of the oral drug absorption process.In addition, proof of model utility is based on illustration witha small set of drugs or formulations. There are very few crosscomparisons of various methods in predicting the same set ofdrugs and formulations. In general, most compartmental anddispersion models successfully predicted passive oral drugabsorption of selected drugs and drug formulations. However,for drugs undergoing first-pass metabolism and transporter-mediated influx/efflux uptake, over- or underpredictions mayoccur depending on the mechanisms involved. Scientists inthe area of drug metabolism and transport have developedseveral novel approaches, such as the intestinal epithelial cellmodel (61), which can be used to predict the impact of intestinalCYP3A and P-gp interaction on oral drug absorption, thesegregated-flow model (62) and segmental segregated-flowmodel (63), which can be used to explain “route-dependent”metabolism by assuming only a partial intravenous dose reachesthe enterocyte region. These models may complement the oraldrug absorption models to improve the predictability of oraldrug bioavailability.

Although in vitro and in vivo animal data are often usedto inform the models, we need to be cautious since there aresignificant interspecies differences in expression levels andpatterns of metabolizing enzymes between human and ratthat may influence the prediction of oral bioavailability inhumans (64). In addition, Caco-2 permeability data aresuitable to simulate the extent of passive oral dug absorption,but may not be valid for active transport-mediated oral drugabsorption since the gene expression of transporters in Caco-2 cells differ qualitatively and quantitatively from those inhuman intestinal mucosa (65). Furthermore, in the earlyphase of drug development, different enzyme sources (micro-somes, supersomes, and hepatocytes), cell line sources (Caco-2 and MDCK cells), and assay conditions (pH, coenzymes,and ionic strengths) may bring variability into the estimates ofVmax and Km that are used in the model.

For future model development, more heterogeneousfeatures of the GI tract should be characterized andconsidered, such as heterogeneous distribution of villousblood flow, local structure of gut enterocytes, enterocyteprotein binding, and different expression patterns of metab-olizing enzymes and drug transporters in the intestine. Otherfactors, such as food effects and drug–drug interactions,including effects of inducers or inhibitors of enzymes/trans-porters, may increase inter- and intraindividual variations inoral drug absorption. These factors should also be fullycharacterized and taken into consideration. Moreover, pre-dicting population inter- and intravariability in oral drugabsorption can be useful and important to evaluate clinicalsafety and efficacy of drugs.

An important aspect in the development of new modelswill be the acquisition and collection of a large volume ofabsorption data. By establishing databases and libraries thatcontain accurate pharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic infor-mation for commercialized and uncommercialized drugs, thee-ADME concept that calls for reducing animal and humantesting and enhancing computer prediction for drug develop-ment and regulation (66) may be implemented.


The authors greatly thank Drs. Danny D. Shen andWallace P. Adams for their reviews and editing of thismanuscript.


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