  • 8/9/2019 Mechanically Reinforced Granular Shoulders on Soft Subgrade Laboratory and Full


    Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full

    scale studies

    Mohamed M. Mekkawy a,*, David J. White b,1, Muhannad T. Suleiman c,2, Charles T. Jahren d,3

    a Fugro Atlantic Inc., 350 World Trade Center, Norfolk, VA 23510, United Statesb Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University, 476 Town Engineering, 50011-3232, United Statesc Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lehigh University, 326 STEPs Building, 1 W Packer Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18015, United Statesd Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University, 458 Town Engineering, 50011 3232, United States

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 13 March 2010

    Received in revised form

    24 August 2010

    Accepted 16 October 2010

    Available online xxx




    Granular shoulders


    Soil stabilization

    Mechanical reinforcement

    a b s t r a c t

    A recently completed eld study in Iowa showed that many granular shoulders overlie clayey subgrade

    layer with California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 10 or less. When subjected to repeated trafc loads,

    some of these sections develop considerable rutting. Due to costly recurring maintenance and safety

    concerns, the authors evaluated the use of biaxial geogrids in stabilizing a severely rutted 310 m tests

    section supported on soft subgrade soils. Monitoring the test section for about one year, demonstrated

    the application of geogrid as a relatively simple method for improving the shoulder performance. The

    eld test was supplemented with a laboratory testing program, where cyclic loading was used to study

    the performance of nine granular shoulder models. Each laboratory model simulated a granular shoulder

    supported on soft subgrade with geogrid reinforcement at the interface between both layers. Based on

    the research ndings, a design chart correlating rut depth and number of load cycles to subgrade CBR

    was developed. The chart was veried by eld and laboratory measurements and used to optimize the

    granular shoulder design parameters and better predict the performance of granular shoulders.

    2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Shoulder rutting performance problems are common in areas

    where the granular shoulder material is supported by weak

    subgrade. With repeated trafc loads,bearing capacity failure in the

    subgrade occurs leading to progressive rutting. In addition to being

    hazardous to drivers, severely rutted shoulders are expensive to

    maintain. Ruts are commonly maintained by shoulder blading and

    as necessary adding granular material. These maintenance prac-

    tices, however, are considered temporary solutions as they neither

    address the problem nor prevent it from reoccurring.

    The performance of 25 granular shoulder sections in Iowa was

    recently evaluated using various in situ tests with the objective

    improving shoulder performance while keeping ownership costslow (Mekkawy et al., 2010). At about 40% of the inspected sections,

    the subgrade layer had a California Bearing Ratio(CBR) of 10 or less.

    As a result, bearing capacity failure of the subgrade as well as lateral

    displacement of the granular and subgrade materials with repeated

    trafc loads were frequently observed. Based on the ndings of the

    eld study and on a pilot study basis, a granular shoulder test

    section overlying a soft subgrade was constructed and monitored.

    The test section involved three sections with different geogrids at

    the interface between the subgrade and the granular layer. Moni-

    toring the test section for a period of about one year demonstrated

    the success of geogrid stabilization in eliminating rutting. To

    supplement theeld study, a laboratory box model was designed to

    evaluate several stabilized models, which were subjected to cyclic

    loading with three incremental loading stages. The soil properties

    and displacement before and after each test were recorded and

    compared. The laboratory box model comprised of a loading frame,

    reaction beam, hydraulic actuator, and a steel box to contain the

    soil. The overall scope of the eld and laboratory experimentations,which is the focus of this paper, was:

    Evaluate the use of geogrid reinforcement to eliminate rutting.

    Compare and contrast, through laboratory testing, selected

    geogrid stabilizers.

    Develop simple designs tools, which will result in more stable

    shoulder sections and better prediction of performance in

    terms of rut depth and number of loading cycles.

    To help design stable granular shoulders, a design chart was

    developed from the semi-empirical method proposed by Giroud

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 510 267 4436; fax: 1 510 268 0545.

    E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.M. Mekkawy), djwhite@iastate.

    edu (D.J. White), [email protected] (M.T. Suleiman), [email protected] (C.T.

    Jahren).1 Tel.: 1 515 294 1463; fax: 1 515 294 8216.2 Tel.: 1 610 330 5413.3 Tel.: 1 515 294 3829; fax: 1 515 294 3845.

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    Geotextiles and Geomembranes

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    0266-1144/$e see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy, M.M., et al., Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scalestudies, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2010.10.006

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  • 8/9/2019 Mechanically Reinforced Granular Shoulders on Soft Subgrade Laboratory and Full


    and Han (2004a). The chart correlates rut depth and subgrade CBR

    (CBRSG). The reliability of the chart was conrmed by comparing it

    to eld and laboratory rut depth measurements. Field measure-

    ments that were visibly due to subgrade deformation only were

    used in this comparison since rutting can sometimes be due to the

    cumulative deformation of both the granular and subgrade layers.The chart was developed for a specic axle load, granular layer

    thickness, tire pressure, and granular layer CBR (CBRGL). Similar

    charts can be generated for a selected set of CBR proles and

    loading parameters.

    2. Background

    According to Fannin and Sigurdsson (1996), where trafc is

    channelized, rut is dened as the distance between the initial

    elevation of the surface before trafcking and the lower point in the

    rut beneath the wheel. Where trafc is not channelized, an erratic

    pattern of ruts develop, which can be dened as the distance

    between adjacent high and low spots of the base course thickness(Giroud and Han, 2004a). According to Giroud and Han (2004a),

    surface rutting occurs by one or more of the following mechanisms:

    Compaction of the base course aggregate and/or subgrade soil

    under repeated trafc loading.

    Bearing capacity failure of the base course or subgrade due to

    normal and shear stresses induced by initial trafc.

    Bearing capacity failure of the base course or subgrade after

    repeated trafc loads which can result in progressive deterio-

    ration of the base course, reduction in effective base course

    thickness due to contamination by the subgrade soil, a reduc-

    tion in the ability of the base course to distribute trafc loads to

    the subgrade, or a decrease in the subgrade strength due to

    pore pressure build up or disturbance. Lateral displacement of base course and subgrade material due

    to accumulation of incremental plastic strains induced by each

    load cycle.

    During recent years the use of geosynthetics to reinforce

    unpaved structures has shown a marked increase. Geosynthetics,

    which are typically placed at the interface between the base course

    and the subgrade, can carry higher trafc volumes, and can prevent

    lateral movement of the base aggregate stiffening the layer and

    distributing the wheel loads over a greater area of the subgrade

    (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2003). The following are benets of

    using geosynthetics as mechanical reinforcement (Berg et al., 2000;

    Giroud and Han, 2004a; Subaida et al., 2009; Hufenus et al., 2006,

    andPowell et al., 1999):

    Reduce the stress on the subgrade;

    Enhance subgrade connement and reducing heave

    Reduce pumping of the subgrade nes into the base layer;

    Prevent contamination of the base materials allowing for more

    open graded, free-draining aggregates;

    Reduce the excavation depth required to remove unsuitablesubgrade materials;

    Reduce the aggregate layer thickness required to stabilize the


    Minimize subgrade disturbance during construction;

    Reduce maintenance and extend the life of the pavement; and

    Prevent development and growth of local shear zones and

    allow the subgrade to support stresses close to the plastic limit

    while acting elastic.

    Two types of geosynthetics are typically used: geogrids and

    geotextiles. Geogrids and woven geotextiles have been used as

    a reinforcement to increase the resistance to trafc loadings (Giroud

    and Noiray,1981). Non-woven geotextiles havebeen mainly usedfor

    separation of the base course aggregate and the subgrade.The fundamental reinforcement mechanisms involving the use of

    geogrids are: lateral restraint; improved bearing capacity; and

    tensioned membrane effect (Giroud and Noiray, 1981and Hufenus

    et al., 2006). Lateral restraint refers to the interlocking and conne-

    ment of aggregate during loading restricting the lateral ow of the

    material (Hufenus et al., 2006). This increases the modulus of the

    base course material, which subsequently, increases the area on

    which the vertical stress is applied on the subgrade. The bearing

    capacity of the shoulder system is improved since more shear stress

    is transferred to the reinforcement, which would otherwise be

    applied to the soft subgrade layer (Hufenus et al., 2006). The

    tensioned membrane effect refers to the deformation of a geogrid

    under tensile stress, which in turn improves the vertical stress

    distribution. In early research stages, the tensioned membraneeffectwas believed to govern the reinforcement mechanism. However,

    later research demonstrated that reinforcement benets are

    obtained without signicant deformation, and that lateral restraint

    can be the primary reinforcement mechanism followed by the

    improved bearing capacity concept (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,


    The design method for geogrid-reinforced unpaved roads pre-

    sented byGiroud and Han (2004a,b) was adopted for comparing

    measured and predicted soil displacement as well as fordeveloping

    a shoulder design chart. The chart, presented later in this paper,

    shows the relationship between rut depth, CBRSG, and number of

    load cycles. In their design method, Giroud and Han (2004a,b)

    account for the inuence of geogrids by the bearing capacity

    factor (Nc), which implies interlock between the geogrid and the

    Fig. 1. Shoulder section on new Highway 34 bypass (a) visually suitable shoulder (b) 76 mm rut developed with a few truck passes.

    M.M. Mekkawy et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160150

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy, M.M., et al., Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scalestudies, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2010.10.006

  • 8/9/2019 Mechanically Reinforced Granular Shoulders on Soft Subgrade Laboratory and Full


    base course materials, and aperture stability modulus (J), which isdened as the resistance of the geogrid to in-plane rotational

    movementor in-plane rigidity, and is linked to the increase in stress

    distribution angle. The design method also accounts for the quality

    of the base course materials, the variation in the stress distribution

    angle with number of load cycles, and the inuence of rut depth.

    Only failure of the subgrade, which is assumed to be saturated and

    have low permeability (behaves in an undrained manner), is

    considered in this method (Giroud and Han, 2004a). Relationships

    between rut depth, CBRSG, and the number of load cycles are pre-

    sented later in the text for the date collected in this study.

    3. Field observations

    Encountering weak subgrade conditions was a reoccurring

    observation during a eld study aimed to evaluate the performance

    of granular shoulders in Iowa (Mekkawy et al., 2010). By conducting

    Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) tests (ASTM D6951, 2003), it was

    revealed that about 40% of the inspected shoulder sections had

    a CBRSGof 10 or less. Of those sections, rutting was observed with

    varying degrees depending on the level of off-tracking. Initially,

    a section with a soft subgrade layer may appear stable immediately

    after construction (Fig. 1a). However, when loaded by trafc,

    pumping and rutting develops along the wheel path (Fig.1b). In the

    example shown, 76 mm of rut developed only after six truck pas-

    ses.DCP tests conducted with varying distance from the pavement

    edge yielded CBR values of 6e12 in the upper 200 mm of the

    crushed limestone layer, 4e10 in the underlying earth shoulder ll

    underlying layer, and 2e29 in the subgrade underlying the earth

    shoulderll. It should be noted that some of the rut developed in

    this section can be caused by lateral deformation of the granular

    layer; however, the authors attribute the majority of the developed

    rut to subgrade deformation since contamination of the granular

    layer by the underlying subgrade material was observed (Fig.1b) as

    well as punching and shear failures. Currently, the Iowa Depart-

    ment of Transportation (DOT) has no design requirement for theCBRSG, which consequently does not restrict shoulders from being

    constructed over soft foundation soils.

    4. Geogrid stabilizatione highway 218 Nashua, IA

    4.1. Site description

    The inside granular shoulder was experiencing severe rutting

    (up to 200 mm at some locations) due to soft subgrade conditions.

    The problematic section extended a distance of about 9.6 km. Soft

    regions that needed repair were identied and isolated by driving

    a fully loaded dump truck weighing 21,337 kg over the shoulder

    section and measuring the rut depth at pre-identi

    ed locationsalong the wheel path, conducting Clegg Impact tests using a 20 kg

    hammer (ASTM D5874, 2007), and DCP tests. The prole of rut

    depth and Clegg Impact Value (CIV) with distance starting from

    milepost 224 is shown in Fig. 2. The region with the highest rut

    depth and lowest CIV, indicating soft conditions, extended about

    2000 m (from milepost 220.85e219.60). DCP tests conducted

    within this region showed a weighted average CBR of 6 in the upper

    200 mm and 5 at a depth between 200 and 500 mm.

    Bulk soil samples were obtained from the subgrade and granular

    material and classied as SC (A-4) and GW (A-1-a) (Table 1). The

    subgrade soil optimum moisture content and maximum dry unit

    weight determined using standard Proctor (ASTM D698, 2000) test

    were15% and 17.9 kN/m3, respectively. The in situ moisturecontents

    and unit weights were measured at 13 locations along the shoulder

    section using driven cores and compared to the standard Proctor

    curve (Fig. 3). Generally, all in situ dry unit weights were lower than

    the standard Proctor curve even in good performing sections. Unit

    Distance (m)

    0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000




























    Rut depth

    Test section

    Fig. 2. Rut depth prole measured inside the wheel path and CIV measured at 0.6 m

    from the pavement edge.

    Table 1

    Engineering properties of test section and laboratory box study materials.

    Properties of shoulder test section material

    Material D10 D30 D60 Cu Cc %P200 %P#4 LL PI USCS AASHTO

    Granular 0.75 2.9 6.1 8.1 1.8 4 52 e e GW A-4

    Subgrade 0.001 0.008 0.19 190 0.3 49 95 32 23 SC A-1-a

    Properties of laboratory box study material

    Limestone 0.09 2.0 5.9 66 7.5 10 51 e e S P-SM A-1-a

    RAP 0.9 3.1 6.8 7.2 1.5 0.5 42 e e GP A-1-a

    Subgrade e 0.006 0.04 e e 78 100 50 32 CH A-7-6

    Moisture content (%)

    6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26









    19M.P. 223.20

    M.P. 224.0

    M.P. 223.80

    M.P. 223.0

    M.P. 223.60


    M.P. 221.40

    M.P. 220.35

    M.P. 222.20

    M.P. 220.60M.P. 219.20

    M.P. 218.40

    M.P. 219.80

    dmax= 17.9 kN/m


    wopt= 15%


    Fig. 3. Lower eld densities relative to the standard Proctor curve.

    M.M. Mekkawy et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160 151

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy, M.M., et al., Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scalestudies, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2010.10.006

  • 8/9/2019 Mechanically Reinforced Granular Shoulders on Soft Subgrade Laboratory and Full


    weights measured between milepost 220.60 and 219.80 in partic-

    ular were considerably lower than the maximum dry unit weight (%

    relative compaction80%). Also, most

    eld moisture contents werehigher than the optimum moisture content (8.8%).

    4.2. Stabilization of test section

    Three biaxial geogrid types, henceforth referred to as BX1, BX2,

    and BX3, were used to stabilize the shoulder section. The properties

    of the geogrids are presented in Table 2. The purpose of using three

    geogrid types was to compare performance as there are mechanical

    and cost differences between them. The geogrids were placedat the

    interface between the subgrade and a new 200 mm overlying

    crushed limestone layer. As shown in Fig. 4, the test section was

    approximately 310 m long (from milepost 220.60 up to milepost

    220.40) and was about 2.4 m wide. The rst 60 m were left unsta-

    bilized as a control section. Following the control section was

    a 100 m long section stabilized with BX1. Two sections, each 75 m

    long, followed the BX1 section, and were stabilized with BX2 fol-

    lowed by BX3.

    The shoulder test section was stabilized by rst removing and

    discarding the contaminated granular layer (Fig. 5a). This layer was

    replaced with about 450 tons of new crushed limestone material.

    The subgrade was leveled and compacted using a skid loader fol-

    lowed by a pneumatic roller (Fig. 5b). Using a power saw, the

    geogrids were cut to 2.4 m wide to match the width of the stabi-

    lized area. The geogrids were rolled over the soft subgrade starting

    with BX1 followed by BX2 then BX3 (Fig. 5c). Beyond approxi-mately 300 m, the BX3 was damaged, which occurred while

    transporting the geogrid to the site. The defective grid, denoted by

    BX3*, was placed without alteration to evaluate the effect of

    improper geogrid installation. A motor grader followed by a pneu-

    matic roller were used to spread and compact the aggregate. The

    edges of the geogrid were exposed at about 2.4 m from the pave-

    ment edge at the end of construction (Fig. 5d). This was due to

    tapering of the granular layer thickness during construction (i.e. the

    thickness of the granular layer decreased with increasing lateral

    distance from the pavement). The entire process of excavation of

    contaminated material, geogrid placement, aggregate placement,

    and compaction took approximately 5 h. Upon construction

    completion, the section was opened to trafc. Unlike some chem-

    ical stabilization, mechanical stabilization using geogrid is fast to

    install and does not require curing time, which is a benet for

    providing minimum disturbance to trafc.

    4.3. Field monitoring

    The section was continuously monitored using in situ tests over

    a period of about one year. After one month from construction, an

    edge rut of about 127 mm was measured at the control section as

    Table 2

    Geosynthetics engineering properties.

    Property Test method Geosynthetic material

    BX1 BX2 BX3 Woven geotextile Non-woven geotextile

    Polymer type Polypropylene

    Grab tensile strength (N) ASTM D4632 e e e 1400 712

    Tensile strengtha (5% strain) (kN/m) ASTM D6637 11.8 8.5 8.0 e e

    Elongation (%) ASTM D4632 e e e

    15 50Flexural stiffness (mg-cm) ASTM D5732 750,000 250,000 250,000

    Junction efciency (%) 93 93 93

    Aperture stabilityb (kg-cm/deg) e 6.5 3.2 2.8 e e

    Minimum rib thickness (mm) 1.27 0.76 0.76

    Aperture dimensionc ( mm)/Appar ent openi ng siz e ASTM D4751 25 25 33 40 US S td. sieve ( 0. 425 mm) 70 US S td. sieve ( 0. 212 mm)

    Resistance to installation damaged (%SC/%SW/%GP) 95/89/86 90/83/70 90/83/70

    Resistance to long term degradation (%) 100 100 100

    a Tensile Strength values are measured in the machine direction.b Measured in accordance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Methodology for measurement of torsional rigidity.c Reported aperture dimension are measured in the machine direction.d Resistance to loss of load capacity when subjected to mechanical installation stress in clayey sand (SC), well graded sand (SW), and poorly graded crushed stone (GP).

    Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the test section (a) plan view (b) cross section.

    M.M. Mekkawy et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160152

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy, M.M., et al., Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scalestudies, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2010.10.006

  • 8/9/2019 Mechanically Reinforced Granular Shoulders on Soft Subgrade Laboratory and Full


    shown inFig. 5e. The stabilized sections showed no signs of rutting

    (Fig. 5f).

    Part of monitoring the performance of the test section was by

    performing plate load tests (PLT). The PLT comprised of a 300 mm

    steel plate, hydraulic jack for applying incremental loads, and three

    linear variable differential transducers (LVDTs) to measure platedeection. PLT was conducted immediately after construction,

    three months, and 10 months from construction at about 1.2 m

    from the pavement edge where the granular shoulder is a nominal

    200 mm. No tests were conducted near the shoulder edge where

    the granular layer started to taper to avoid excessive deformation of

    the granular material, which may bias the results by increasing the

    magnitude of rutting. Immediately after construction, the highest

    modulus of subgrade reaction for both the loading (K) and

    reloading (KR) stages of the PLT was measured at the section

    stabilized with BX1. K was determined by calculating the secant

    modulus between 0 and 10 mm deection. K was slightly higher at

    the BX2 section compared to the BX3 section (Fig. 6). This may be

    attributed to the small difference in their aperture stability

    modulus (the aperture stability modulus of BX2 and BX3 are 3.2

    and 2.8 kg-cm/deg, respectively) as well as the small difference in

    tensile stiffness (Table 2). As expected, the highest soil deection

    was measured at the control section where the average K wasabout

    60% less than the BX1K value for the rst loading stage (Table 3).

    After three months, a 70% increase in K was measured for all geo-

    grid sections compared to values after construction. The increase inK with time can be caused by progressive lateral connement of

    aggregate under repetitive trafc loads. It is also possible that as the

    section was loaded, the subgrade layer deformed applying tension

    forces to the geogrid adding to the stability of the sections. The

    increase in K at the control section was due to placing and com-

    pacting new crushed limestone material to alleviate the rutting

    developed after one month. PLT results obtained after 10 months

    showed a reduction in K values for the control section and BX2

    section by about 23% and 8%, respectively. The sections stabilized

    with BX1 and BX3, however, continued to show increase in K with

    time by 5% and 26%, respectively (Table 3).

    Using a 20 kg hammer, CIV tests were performed every 15 m.

    The tests were performed at different time intervals as shown in

    Fig. 7. The CIVs measured after stabilization were about 3 times

    Fig. 5. Shoulder reconstruction using geogrids (a) motor grader removing the contaminated granular layer (b) pneumatic roller used to compact the subgrade (c) rolling the geogrid

    over the subgrade (d) exposed geogrid at the end of construction (e) rutting developed at the control section after one month (f) no rutting at the geogrid stabilized section after one


    M.M. Mekkawy et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160 153

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy, M.M., et al., Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scalestudies, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2010.10.006

  • 8/9/2019 Mechanically Reinforced Granular Shoulders on Soft Subgrade Laboratory and Full


    higher than CIVs before stabilization. After three months, addi-

    tional increase in surface stiffness was measured at the stabilized

    sections evidenced by an average 20% increase in CIVs. No consid-

    erable increase in CIVs was measured at the control section. Therewas no clear difference between the CIVs measured at the three

    geogrid sections even though their aperture stability modulus

    varied. It is possible that the CIV value obtained by dropping a 20 kg

    Clegg hammer is inuenced by a relatively shallow depth, and

    therefore unable to detect different degrees of connement. At 10

    months, CIVs were reduced in all the stabilized sections by an

    average of 4%. Relative loosening of the granular layer after the

    freeze-thaw period may be a reason behind this reduction.

    DCP tests were also used to evaluate and document changes in

    the test section performance. DCP testing carried out before and

    after stabilization for each geogrid section, and was used to calcu-

    late CBRGL(Fig. 8). For the BX1 section, CBRGLincreased from 3 to 18,

    whereas for BX2 and BX3 sections, CBRGLincreased from 4 to 19

    and 3 to 17, respectively. As anticipated, the strength increase

    occurred in the granular layer with no considerable change in CBR

    values below the depth of the geogrid (i.e. subgrade layer). The

    increase noted at 240 m (Fig. 8c) below about 400 mm is attributedmore to the variations in measurements and repeatability associ-

    ated with the DCP test.

    Parts of the defective BX3* were exposed after four months from

    installation (Fig. 9a). The exposure was a result of severe rutting.

    Use of defective geogrid demonstrates no reinforcement benet.

    After 10 months, additional geogrid exposure was observed along

    section BX3*. The exposed portions were along the edges of the

    stabilized section where the grids were originally insufciently

    covered with little crushed limestone (Fig. 9b).

    In spite of the small reduction in strength parameters and

    geogrid exposure, overall, geogrid stabilization improved the

    shoulder performance and eliminated shoulder rutting. To prevent

    geogrid exposure in future stabilization applications, the thickness









    Deflection (mm)

    0 10 20 30 40








    Deflection (mm)

    0 10 20 30 40




    BX2 BX3












    15 m, K=12.03 MN/m3, K

    R=36.17 MN/m


    30 m, K=7.18 MN/m3, K

    R= 40.83 MN/m


    322 m, K=12.58 MN/m3, K

    R=42.6 MN/m


    91 m, K=26.28 MN/m3, K

    R=80.43 MN/m


    122 m, K=26.41 MN/m3, K

    R=69.67 MN/m


    183 m, K=18.92 MN/m3, K

    R=53.17 MN/m


    213 m, K=26.23 MN/m3, K

    R=79.03 MN/m


    244 m, K=20.59 MN/m3, K

    R=60.65 MN/m


    274 m, K=15.73 MN/m3, K

    R=47.74 MN/m


    Fig. 6. Plate load test results immediately after construction.

    Table 3

    Modulus of subgrade reaction determined from plate load testing.

    Section Distance (m) After construction 3 months after construction 10 months after construction

    K (kN/m3) KR(kN/m3) K (kN/m3) KR(kN/m

    3) K (kN/m3) KR(kN/m3)

    Control section 15 12030 36170 32050 112260 28100 201470

    30 7180 40830 28720 88690 25040 125400

    322 12580 42600 7900 34600 10140 54670

    BX1 91 26282 80427 28250 107500 40550 136510

    122 26400 69670 55090 122430 35650 109470

    BX2 183 18900 53170 33670 94340 27380 80680

    213 26230 79030 18030 90270 28040 83070

    BX3 244 20590 60650 28560 78500 35200 109160

    274 15730 45730 25820 60300 25990 111930

    M.M. Mekkawy et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160154

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy, M.M., et al., Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scalestudies, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2010.10.006

  • 8/9/2019 Mechanically Reinforced Granular Shoulders on Soft Subgrade Laboratory and Full


    of the overlying granular layer should be uniform. Based on the

    experience from this test section, a nominal 150 mme

    200 mmgranular layer thickness is recommended.

    5. Laboratory box study

    A laboratory testing program was developed to supplement the

    eld study and evaluate the performance ofve geogrids and geo-

    textilesand twogranularmaterialsin reducing shoulderrutting.The

    selected materials were tested by designing a laboratory box model

    to simulate a granular shoulder overlying a soft subgrade. The box

    model was then stabilized with each geogrid and geotextile and

    subjected to cyclic loading where the surface displacement was

    recorded. The cumulative soil displacement and change in soil

    properties afterthe test were used toassess theperformanceof each

    geogrid and geotextile.

    5.1. Test setup

    The model setup consisted of a loading frame, reaction beam,

    and a hydraulic actuator (Fig. 10a). The actuator had a maximum

    force of 250 kN and a dynamic stroke of 150 mm. Twelve 200 mm c-

    channels were assembled together to form a 0.2 m3 steel box

    (0.6 m 0.6 m 0.6 m), used to contain the soil. The box was

    loaded using a 150 mm diameter loading plate (Fig. 10b). To mini-

    mize friction and stress concentrations, a compressible 12 mm

    thick neoprene pad covered with a Teon sheet was placed at the

    interface between the soil and the steel box.

    The subgrade soil was placed at the bottom of the box and

    compacted in 76 mm lifts by applying a static load to reach a nal

    thickness of 300 mm.The reinforcement wasplaced at the interface

    between the subgrade and the overlying granular layer. Similar to

    the subgrade layer, the granular layer was compacted by applying

    a static load to reach a nal thickness of about 150 mm (Fig. 11). To

    ensure soft foundation conditions for all tests, the target range of

    CBRSGvalues was selected to vary between 3 and 5, whereas the

    target range of CBRGLvalues was 4e7.

    The hydraulic actuator was used to apply a sinusoidal load pulse

    to the 150 mm diameter loading plate. Three incremental cyclic

    loads were applied tothe soil each sustained for5000 cycles (totalof

    15,000 cycles) at a frequency of 1 Hz. The initial cyclic pressure was

    275 kPa,which was then increased to550 kPa and then 827 kPa.The

    frequency of one cycle per second was sufcient in sustaining the

    applied load despite the large deections observed at some tests.

    The hydraulic actuator control system was used to collectdisplacement data at predetermined load cycles. DCP and a 4.5 kg

    clegg hammer were used to document the changes in CBR and CIV

    for each soil layer before and after each test.

    During the test, and for every loading stage, the deection of the

    reaction beam was measured using a dial gauge. A linear relation-

    ship was developed between the applied load and beam deection.

    The measured beam deections were subtracted from the recorded

    soil displacement at the corresponding loading stage to calculate

    the nal soil displacement.

    5.2. Materials

    Three soil materials were used throughout the laboratorytesting program. The subgrade soil consisted of Paleosol clay with

    a PI of 32 and classied as CH (fat clay; A-7-6). The materials used

    for the granular layer were Class A crushed limestone and recycled

    asphalt pavement (RAP). The crushed limestone was classied as

    SP-SM (A-1-a) with optimum moisture content and maximum dry

    unit weight of 6% and 21.9 kN/m3, respectively, whereas the RAP


    1 10 100








    0.1 1 10 100


    1 10 100

    Before stabilization After stabilization

    180 m 240 m

    a b cGranularlayer


    60 m

    Increase inCBRGLafter


    Fig. 8. DCP results before and after stabilization (a) BX1 (b) BX2 (c) BX3.

    Distance (m)

    0 50 100 150 200 250 300













    Before stabilization

    After stabilization

    3 months

    10 months


    BX1 BX2 BX3


    Rutting after1 month.New aggregateadded





    Fig. 7. CIV prole with time at 1.2 m from the pavement edge.

    M.M. Mekkawy et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160 155

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy, M.M., et al., Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scalestudies, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2010.10.006

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    material was classied as GP (A-1-a) with a ne content of about

    0.5% compared to 10% for the crushed limestone (Table 1).

    The laboratory study assessed the performance of three poly-

    propylene biaxial geogrid types, polypropylene woven, and non-

    woven geotextiles. The biaxial geogrids were the same type as theones used to stabilize the eld test section (i.e. BX1, BX2, and BX3).

    The geotextiles were a woven geotextile lm used mainly for soil

    separation and stabilization, and a needle-punched non-woven

    geotextile ber. The properties of the selected geosynthetics mate-

    rials are presented in Table 2.

    5.3. Test results

    A total of nine tests were executed and compared to determine

    the performance differences for the selected materials. During all

    tests, the subgrade moisture content for was kept constant at about

    25% during placement. The changes in soil properties before and

    after each test are presented in Table 4, whereas the soil cumulative

    displacements recorded by the hydraulic actuator control systemare presented inFig. 12.

    5.3.1. Test no. 1 e control

    Therst test performed was a control test, which modeled eld

    conditions where a granular shoulder overlies a soft subgrade layer.

    At thebeginning of thetest, thedry unit weightfor thesubgradeand

    granular layers were 19 kN/m3 and 13.4 kN/m3, respectively. The

    CBRSGvalue, calculated from DCP tests, increased from 3 to 9 after

    the test was completed as a result of subgrade soil densication. On

    the contrary, there was no signicant change in the CBRGLvalues.

    The nal soil displacement after 15,000 cycles was 284 mm. Visualinspection revealed about 50 mm of aggregate punching into the

    subgrade layer.

    5.3.2. Test nos. 2, 3, and 4e BX1

    In test Nos. 2, 3, and 4, BX1 was placed at the interface between

    the granular and subgrade layers. During test No. 1, the dimensions

    of geogrid were 6 mm shorter than the dimensions of the box to

    eliminate any interaction between the grid andthe box. The dry unit

    weight of the subgrade and granular layers were 18.6 kN/m 3 and

    14 kN/m3, respectively. After the test, the CBRSG value increased

    from 5 to 7 indicating less soil densication compared to Test No. 1.

    Further, the subgrade modulusdetermined by LWD (ELWD) increased

    from 7.0 to 12.0 MPa. Almost no change in properties of the granular

    layer was measured. The maximum measured soil displacement at15,000 cycles was 125 mm, which is about 55% less than the control

    test. The measured soil displacement was compared to the predicted

    soil displacement at the endof each loading stage. The predicted soil

    displacement was determined using a semi-empirical method out-

    lined by Giroud and Han (2004a,b). It should be noted that this

    method does not account for staged loading so rut that developed

    Fig. 9. Exposed geogrid after 10 months (a) BX3* (b) BX1.

    Fig. 10. Schematic of the laboratory apparatus setup (a) Steel frame and hydraulic actuator used for loading the stabilized soil (b) steel box used to contain the soil.

    M.M. Mekkawy et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160156

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy, M.M., et al., Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scalestudies, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2010.10.006

  • 8/9/2019 Mechanically Reinforced Granular Shoulders on Soft Subgrade Laboratory and Full


    during previous stages is not accounted for. Therefore, rut depths

    predicted for stages 2 and 3 were based on loading and the number

    of cycles only. This may explain some of the discrepancy between

    measured and predicted rut depths. The predicted and measured

    soil displacements were similar at the end of the rst loading stage

    (i.e. at 5000 cycles). However, the predicted soil displacement was

    considerably lower than the measured one at the end of the second

    and third loading stages (Fig. 13). Examining the unanchored geo-

    grid after the test revealed that the geogrid was deformed and

    pulled to the center of the box (a phenomenon that would not occur

    in the eld) under the effect of repetitive cyclic loading. This

    observation may explain the difference between the measured and

    predicted soil displacement. Similar to the control test, most of thesoil displacement occurred during the rst 500 cycles of each load

    increment. The amount of aggregate punching through the subgrade

    layer was reduced compared to Test No. 1 but was not eliminated.

    Visual inspection revealed an aggregate punching depth of about

    25 mm.

    During Test No. 3, the four corners of the geogrid were anchored

    using steel rods driven to the bottom of the subgrade layer. The dry

    unit weight of the subgrade and granular layers were 19.2 kN/m3

    and 14.2 kN/m3, respectively. As a result of soil displacement, the

    CBRSGvalue increased from 5 to 8 and the ELWDincreased from 8.0

    to 11.0 MPa. The results show no change in the properties of the

    granular layer. Partially anchoring the geogrid further decreased

    the soil displacement by about 10% compared to Test No. 2 (geogrid

    was not anchored). Moreover, partially anchoring the geogrid

    decreased the difference between measured and predicted soil

    displacement (Fig. 13). At 15,000 cycles the difference between the

    measured and predicted soil displacement was 47 mm for Test No.

    2 and 35 mm for Test No. 3. Visual inspection showed punching of

    aggregate through the subgrade soil to a depth of about 25 mm.

    The setup of Test No. 4 was similar to the previous two tests

    except that the entire perimeter of the BX1 geogrid was xed to

    eliminate any geogrid movement. This was accomplished by xing

    the geogrid edges between the c-channels used to assemble the

    wallsof thesteelbox.The purpose of eliminating geogrid movement

    is to better represent the geogrid eld behavior where movement isprevented yet the geogrid can still deform and put in tension under

    repeated load. The dry unit weight of the subgrade and granular

    layers were 18.7 kN/m3 and 13.8 kN/m3, respectively. The CBRSGvalue increased from 4 to 7 after the test. Also, the subgrade E LWDincreased from 8.0 to 10.0 MPa. By restricting the geogrid move-

    ment, the measured soil displacement was further reduced

    compared to Test Nos. 2 and 3. At 15,000 cycles, the soil displace-

    ment was 35% lower than that measured in Test No. 3 (75% lower

    than the control test). Also, the differences between the measured

    and predicted soil displacement at all three loading stages were

    reduced (Fig. 13). Since locking the geogrid yielded a more repre-

    sentative behavior of a geogrid installed in the eld, other

    Fig. 11. Laboratory box setup (a) applying a static load to compact the soil (b) applying cyclic loading through a 150 mm loading plate.

    Table 4Change in soil properties before and after each test.

    Test No. Test


    Dry unit weight of

    granular layer


    Dry unit weight of

    subgrade layer


    CBRGL CBRSG CIVGranular CIVSubgrade

    Before test After test Before test After test Before test After test Before test After test

    1 Control 13.4 19.0 5 6 4 9 2.9 7.1 e e

    2 BX1a 14.0 18.6 5 5 4 7 3.7 5.4 3.2 6.2

    3 BX1b 14.2 19.2 6 6 5 8 4.8 4.4 4.2 8.1

    4 BX1 13.8 18.7 5 6 4 7 4.3 5.3 4.1 7.8

    5 BX2 13.5 18.7 4 5 5 8 4.7 3.6 4.0 6.6

    6 BX3 14.2 19.2 4 5 5 9 3.7 4.1 3.8 8

    7 Woven geotextile 13.4 19.0 5 6 4 10 3.4 6.1 4.1 6.3

    8 Non-woven geotextile 14.0 18.9 6 7 4 9 4.9 5.8 3.6 6.5

    9 BX1 with RAP 14.0 19.2 5 5 4 8 4.0 4.2 4.0 7.0

    a Not anchored.b Partially anchored.

    M.M. Mekkawy et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160 157

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy, M.M., et al., Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scalestudies, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2010.10.006

  • 8/9/2019 Mechanically Reinforced Granular Shoulders on Soft Subgrade Laboratory and Full


    mechanical reinforcements used later in this laboratory study were

    xed to the steel box in a similar manner.

    5.3.3. Test nos. 5 and 6e BX2 and BX3

    The soft subgrade was stabilized with BX2 in Test No. 5 and BX3

    in Test No.6. The engineering properties of both geogrids are

    summarized inTable 2. The dry unity weight of the subgrade and

    granular layers for Test No. 5 were 18.7 kN/m3 and 13.5 kN/m3,

    respectively. Afterthe test,the CBRSG value increasedfrom5 to8 and

    ELWD increased from 9.0 to 12.0 MPa. The soil displacement

    measuredat 15,000cycleswas about 15%higherthanTest No.4 (BX2

    geogrid). However, the soil displacement was still about 70% less

    than the control test.

    The dry unit weight of thesubgrade and granularsoils forTest No.

    6, which was stabilized with BX3, were 19.2 kN/m3 and 14,2 kN/m3,

    respectively. Dueto soil densication, the CBRSG increasedfrom5 to9

    andELWDincreased from 9.0 to 16.0 MPa. Similarto previous tests,the

    properties of the granular layer did not change. Test No. 6 resulted ina similar soil displacement as Test No. 5 (displacements overlap in

    Fig.12). This may be attributed to the somewhat similar mechanical

    properties of the geogrids. It is apparent from the cumulative

    displacement of Test Nos. 4, 5, and 6 that the BX1 showed better

    performance; nonetheless, the other geogrid types greatly reduced

    the soil displacement when compared to the control test.

    5.3.4. Test nos. 7 and 8e woven and non-woven geotextiles

    For Test Nos. 7 and 8, the subgrade layer was stabilized with

    woven and non-woven geotextiles (Table 2). The geotextiles are

    used primarily for soil separation and stabilization. The soil

    densication, which occurred during Test No.7, was reected in the

    increase in CBRSGfrom 4 to 10 and the increase in E LWDfrom 9.0 to

    14.0 MPa. After 15,000 cycles, the soil displacement was about

    78 mm equal in magnitude to the displacement measured during

    the BX2 and BX3 tests. One advantage of using woven geotextiles is

    the complete elimination of aggregate punching by separation of

    granular and subgrade materials.

    A non-woven geotextile was used to stabilize the soft subgrade

    soil during Test No. 8. Similar to previous tests, the CBRSGand ELWDincreased after the test, while there was no considerable change of

    the granular soil properties. For the rst and second loading stages

    (10,000 cycles), the non-woven geotextile showed better perfor-

    mance and managed to reduce soil displacement by up to 25%

    compared to the woven geotextile test. Also, the non-woven geo-textile outperformed all geogrids. However, at the third loading

    stage, the soil displacement increased rapidly exceeding that

    measured during the BX1 test (Test No. 4). The displacement at

    15,000 cycles was about 82 mm (70% lower than the control test).

    Visual observations showed that the non-woven geotextile elimi-

    nated aggregate punching through the subgrade.

    Number of cycles

    0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000










    BX1 not anchored

    BX1 partially anchored




    Woven geotextile

    Nonwoven geotextile

    BX1 (RAP)

    Fig. 12. Measured soil displacement with increasing load cycles.

    Number of cycles

    0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000









    140 x= Predicted rut value based

    on Giroud and Han (2004)

    CBRGL= 5

    CBRSG= 4



    Fully anchored

    Fig. 13. (Color) Measured and predicted soil displacement for the BX1 tests.

    Measured soil displacement (mm)

    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350











    BX1 not anchored

    BX1 partiallyanchored




    Woven geotextile

    Nonwoven geotextile

    BX1 (RAP)

    Fig. 14. Measured versus predicted soil displacement.

    M.M. Mekkawy et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160158

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy, M.M., et al., Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scalestudies, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2010.10.006

  • 8/9/2019 Mechanically Reinforced Granular Shoulders on Soft Subgrade Laboratory and Full


    5.3.5. Test no. 9e BX1 with recycled asphalt pavement

    Due to the increasing use of recycled material in shoulder

    applications, this test aimed to document the performance of RAP

    material when used as a granular layer. Similar to the setup of Test

    No. 4, the underlying subgrade was stabilized by placing the BX1 at

    theinterface between both layers. After the test, the CBRSG andELWDvalues increase from 4 to 8 and from 8.0 to 12.0 MPa, respectively.

    Compared to Test No. 4, where the granular layer comprised of

    crushed limestone, the soil displacement was about 20% higher at

    the end of the third loading stage. The authors attribute the differ-

    ence in displacement to a less stable granular layer because of the

    lower percentage ofnes content in the RAP material.

    The measured and predicted soil displacements were compared

    forall threeloading stages as shownin Fig.14. Overall,thereis a good

    agreement between the measured and predicted soil displacement.

    The design method over predictedthe soil displacement for six tests.

    The range of over prediction ranged from 8% (control test) to 40%

    (woven and non-woven geotextiles tests). The over estimation of

    soil displacement was considerably lessfor geogrid tests(an average

    of 23%) compared to 40% for the geotextiles. The design method

    appears to be more applicable for geogrid reinforcements. The

    design method underestimated the soil displacement for the

    unanchored BX1, partially anchored BX1, and BX1 with RAP tests.

    The range of under estimation ranged from 16% (BX1 with RAP) to

    37% (Unanchored BX1). It is believed that the Giroud and Han

    (2004a,b) method can, with an acceptable level of accuracy, esti-

    mate the magnitude of rutting for granular shoulders.

    6. Shoulder design charts

    After demonstrated applicable, the Giroud and Han (2004a,b)

    method was utilized to develop a shoulder design chart to help

    design stable shoulders and mitigate rutting that occurs due to

    bearing capacity failure of the subgrade. The magnitude of rutting is

    predicted based on deformations in the subgrade layer only. In

    other words, rutting that may occur due to degradation of the

    granular layer is not accounted for. The chart can be a rapid tool for

    designing new granular shoulders and provide basis for QA/QC

    specications.Fig. 15shows an example of a design chart that was

    developed for an unreinforced granular shoulder with a 150 mm

    thick granular layer, 80 kN load, 550 kPa tire pressure, and a CBRGL

    of 6, which are common parameters encountered eld values. To

    use this chart, an allowable rut depth for a granular shoulder

    section is selected and the corresponding CBRSG is computed for

    a certain number of load cycles (N). Similar charts can be generated

    for any set of shoulder parameters. Field and laboratory rut depth

    measurements were compared to the design chart. Even with some

    unknown eld parameterssuch as N and trafc loads,the measured

    and predicted rut depths are in a relatively good agreement. The

    chart was found to be simple yet practical for designing new

    unreinforced granular shoulders, QA/QC, and predicting the

    performance of existing granular shoulder.

    7. Summary and conclusions

    A common shoulder performance problem in Iowa is granular

    shoulders overlying soft subgrade soils. Once developed, this

    problem is both hazardous and difcult to maintain. Field obser-

    vations of granular shoulder across the state of Iowa demonstrated

    that many existing sections have a soft subgrade layer with a CBRSGof 10 or less. The maintenance alternative using mechanical stabi-

    lization was evaluated by constructing a test section, where the soft

    subgrade was stabilized using three biaxial geogrids. The shoulder

    performance wasevaluated over a periodof 10 month using various

    in situ tests. Overall, all three geogrid types managed to eliminate

    shoulder rutting and improve the strength properties of the

    shoulder section evidenced by the increase in CBR, CIV, and K with

    time. Compared to chemical stabilization, geogrid stabilizationallows for a more rapidreconstruction. Further, the repaired section

    can be opened immediately for trafc with no curing time required.

    Other mechanical stabilization alternatives such as woven, non-

    woven geotextiles, and the use of alternative shoulder granular

    material like RAP were evaluated by conducting a laboratory box

    study. Subjected to 15,000 cyclic loads, each stabilizer was evalu-

    ated based on the cumulative measured soil displacement. The

    following conclusions are withdrawn from the laboratory study:

    Thehighest soil displacement was measured during the control

    test, and was about 284 mm after 15,000 cycles.

    To better represent eld behavior, movement of the mechan-

    ical reinforcement was constrained by xing the geogrid

    perimeter to the steel box. This reduced the soil displacement

    Allowable rut depth (mm)

    0 50 100 150 200







    N = 10

    N = 100

    N = 1,000

    N = 10,000

    Field measurements

    Lab measurements


    = 6

    Axle load = 80 kNGranular layerthickness = 150 mmRange of CBR values

    for chemical stabilization

    Range of in situCBR values

    Fig. 15. Unreinforced shoulder design chart correlating CBRSG with allowable rut depth.

    M.M. Mekkawy et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160 159

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy, M.M., et al., Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scalestudies, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (2010), doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2010.10.006

  • 8/9/2019 Mechanically Reinforced Granular Shoulders on Soft Subgrade Laboratory and Full


    and resulted in smaller differences between measured and

    predicted soil displacements.

    The CBR and ELWD values of the subgrade layer always

    increased after the test as a result of soil densication. There

    was almost no change in the properties of the granular layer.

    BX1 reduced soil displacement by about 75% compared to the

    control test, whereas using BX2 and BX3 reduced soil

    displacement by about 70%. All geogrids, however, did not

    prevent aggregate punching through the subgrade layer.

    The woven and non-woven geotextiles reduced the soil

    displacement by about 70% compared to the control test. The

    performance of the non-woven geotextile started to deterio-

    rate after the third loading stage. Both geotextiles were

    successful in separating the granular and subgrade layer and

    eliminating aggregate punching.

    Using RAP as a granular material resulted in a 20% increase in

    soil displacement compared to using crushed limestone.

    TheGiroud and Han (2004a,b)semi-empirical method slightly

    over predicts the soil displacements at the end of each loading

    stage, except for Test Nos. 2, 3, and 9 (unanchored, partially

    anchored BX1, and BX1 with RAP).

    The results of the eld and laboratory studies indicate thatmechanical reinforcement as is an effective method in reducing

    rutting and repairing granular shoulder overlying soft foundations.

    Additional monitoring of the constructed test section is needed to

    verify the long term performance and evaluate the effect of higher

    trafc load and freeze-thaw cycles.

    To design or repair unreinforced granular shoulders, the

    provided design chart can be a simple design tool in selecting

    a minimum CBRSGvalue corresponding to an allowable magnitude

    of subgrade rutting. The chart may also provide bases for QA/QC.


    The Iowa Department of Transportation and the Iowa Highway

    Research Board sponsored this study under contract TR-531. The

    authors appreciate the help of the technical steering committee in

    identifying shoulder sections for investigation, and in their assist in

    rening the research tasks. The authors would also like to thank

    Iowa DOT personnel, Jim Howely for providing geogrid materials,

    Heath Gieselman, Mike Kruse, and Amy Heurung, for their assis-

    tance with eld and laboratory testing.


    ASTM D5874, 2007. Standard test method for determination of the impact value (IV)of a soil. American Standard Testing Methods, West Conshohocken, Phila-delphia, pp. 1e9.

    ASTM D6951, 2003. Standard test method for use of the dynamic cone penetrom-eter in shallow pavement applications. American Standard Testing Methods,West Conshohocken, Philadelphia, pp. 1e7.

    ASTM D698, 2000. Standard test method for laboratory compaction characteristicsof soil using standard effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)), West Con-shohocken, Philadelphia, pp. 1e11.

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    Fannin,R.J., Sigurdsson,O., 1996. Field observations on stabilizationof unpavedroadswith geosynthetics. J ournal of Geotechnical Engineering 122 (7), 544e553.

    Giroud, J.P., Han, J., 2004a. Design method for geogrid-reinforced unpaved roads. I.Development of design method. Journal of Geotechnical and GeoenvironmentalEngineering 130 (8), 775e786.

    Giroud, J.P., Han, J., 2004b. Design method for geogrid-reinforced unpaved roads. II.Calibration and applications. Journal of Geotechnical and GeoenvironmentalEngineering 130 (8), 787e797.

    Giroud, J.P., Noiray, L., 1981. Geotextile-reinforced unpaved road design. Journal ofthe Geotechnical Engineering Division 107 (GT9), 1233e1254. Proceedings ofthe American Society of Civil Engineers.

    Hufenus, R., Rueegger, R., Banjac, R., Mayor, P., Springman, S., and Brnnimann, R.2006. Full-scale eld tests on geosynthetics reinforced unpaved roads on softsubgrade. 24 1. 21e37.

    Mekkawy, M.M., White, D.J., Jahren, C.T., Suleiman, M.T., 2010. Performance prob-lems and stabilization techniques for granular shoulders. Journal of Perfor-mance of Constructed Facilities 24 (2), 159e169.

    Powell, W., Keller, G.R., Brunette, B., 1999. Application for geosynthetics on forestservice low-volume roads. Transportation Research Record 1652, 113e120.

    Subaida, E.A., Chandrakaran, S., Sankar, N., 2009. Laboratory performance ofunpaved roads reinforced with woven coir geotextiles. Geotextiles and Geo-membranes 27 (3), 204e210.

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2003. Use of geogrids in pavement construction.Technical Letter No. 1110-1-189, Washington, D.C., pp. 1e38.


    The following symbols are used in the paper:

    Nc:Bearing capacity factorJ:Aperture stability modulus

    CIV:Clegg Impact ValueCBRSG, CBRGL:California Bearing Ratio of the subgrade and granular layersK, KR:Modulus of subgrade reaction during load and reload cyclesELWD:Modulus measured using light weight deectometerD10, D30, and D60:Sieve size through which 10%, 30%, and 60% of the particles would

    passCu:Coefcient of uniformityCc:Coefcient of gradation

    %P#4: Percent passing the No. 4 sieve%P#200: Percent passing the No. 200 sieve

    M.M. Mekkawy et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 29 (2010) 149e160160

    Please cite this article in press as: Mekkawy M M et al Mechanically reinforced granular shoulders on soft subgrade: Laboratory and full scale

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