Page 1: Measurements of the Carrier Dynamics and Terahertz ...Measurements of the Carrier Dynamics and Terahertz Response of Oriented Germanium Nanowires using Optical-Pump Terahertz-Probe

Measurements of the Carrier Dynamicsand Terahertz Response of OrientedGermanium Nanowires usingOptical-Pump Terahertz-ProbeSpectroscopyJared H. Strait,*,† Paul A. George,† Mark Levendorf,‡ Martin Blood-Forsythe,‡Farhan Rana,† and Jiwoong Park‡

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Chemistry andChemical Biology, Cornell UniVersity, Ithaca, NY

Received April 30, 2009; Revised Manuscript Received June 22, 2009


We have measured the terahertz response of oriented Germanium nanowires using ultrafast optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy. Wepresent results on the time, frequency, and polarization dependence of the terahertz response. Our results indicate intraband energy relaxationtimes of photoexcited carriers in the 1.5-2.0 ps range, carrier density dependent interband electron-hole recombination times in the 75-125ps range, and carrier momentum scattering rates in the 60-90 fs range. Additionally, the terahertz response of the nanowires is stronglypolarization dependent despite the subwavelength dimensions of the nanowires. The differential terahertz transmission is found to be largewhen the field is polarized parallel to the nanowires and very small when the field is polarized perpendicular to the nanowires. This polarizationdependence of the terahertz response can be explained in terms of the induced depolarization fields and the resulting magnitudes of thesurface plasmon frequencies.

In recent years, semiconductor nanowires have gatheredmuch interest. Nanowires have been applied to an array ofapplications that highlight their versatility as building blocksofintegratedelectronics(transistors)andphotonics(waveguides,lasers, photodetectors, solar cells).1-6 Germanium nanowiresare of particular interest due to the attractive materialproperties of Germanium, including large electron and holemobilities and large optical absorption in the visible/near-IR. These properties could make Germanium nanowires thechoice for next generation electrical and photonic devices,such as transistors, CMOS compatible photodetectors, andsolar cells. Understanding the fast electrical and opticalresponse as well as ultrafast dynamics of carriers in nanow-ires is important for most of the applications mentioned here.In this paper, we present results on the measurement of theterahertz (THz) response as well as ultrafast carrier dynamicsin photoexcited Germanium nanowires using optical-pumpTHz-probe spectroscopy.

Ultrafast carrier dynamics in group III-V, II-VI, andgroup IV semiconductor nanowires have been studied with

optical-pump optical-probe spectroscopy measurements7,8 thatare sensitive primarily to the carrier occupation of specificregions in the energy bands. Optical-pump THz-probespectroscopy in which the probe photon energy is ∼5 meVis sensitive to not only the total carrier density but also tothe distribution of these carriers in energy within the bands.The latter is true since the energy distribution of carriersaffects the terahertz optical conductivity.9 Optical-pump THz-probe spectroscopy can therefore be used to simultaneouslystudy both intraband relaxation and interband recombinationdynamics of photoexcited electrons and holes on ultrafasttime scales. Our results show intraband carrier relaxationrates (attributed to intravalley and intervalley phonon scat-tering) in the 1.5-2 ps range and carrier density-dependentrecombination rates (attributed to nanowire surface defects)in the 75-125 ps range at room temperature in 80 nmdiameter wires.

The fast electrical response of nanowires at THz frequen-cies can also be studied with optical-pump THz-probespectroscopy.10 With this technique, we measure carriermomentum scattering times in the 60-90 fs range. Addition-ally, we find the THz response of oriented nanowires to bestrongly dependent on the polarization of the THz field. Thedifferential THz transmission through photoexcited nano-

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

† School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.‡ Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.


2009Vol. 9, No. 82967-2972

10.1021/nl901373j CCC: $40.75 2009 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 07/13/2009

Page 2: Measurements of the Carrier Dynamics and Terahertz ...Measurements of the Carrier Dynamics and Terahertz Response of Oriented Germanium Nanowires using Optical-Pump Terahertz-Probe

wires is most affected when the THz field is polarized parallelto the nanowires, while no appreciable response is detectedwhen the THz field is polarized perpendicular to thenanowires. The shape anisotropy of the nanowires at sub-wavelength scales leads to a strong polarization dependentmacroscopic THz response. Our results indicate the pos-sibility of realizing optically or electrically controlled activeTHz devices based on semiconductor nanowires.

Germanium nanowires used in this work were ∼80 nm indiameter and ∼10 µm in length (see Figure 1). They weregrown via CVD in a hot-walled quartz tube furnace usingGermane as the source gas and gold nanoparticles for thecatalyst.11 Germanium nanowires produced with this methodare known to grow predominantly in the ⟨111⟩ direction.12

Alignment of nanowires was achieved on quartz crystalsubstrates using a contact printing method previously re-ported by Fan et al.13 Nanowires used in this experimentwere not intentionally doped and expected initial carrierdensity is less than 1017 1/cm3. Electron-hole pairs wereoptically generated in the nanowires using 90 fs pulses froma Ti:Sapphire laser with a center wavelength of 780 nmfocused to a spot with standard deviation ∼150 µm. Pumppulse energies in the 1-12 nJ range were used. Thephotoexcited nanowires were then probed with a synchro-nized few-cycle THz pulse generated and detected with aTHz time-domain spectrometer (see Figure 2). The spec-trometer with a power SNR of 4 × 106 and measurablefrequency range of 0.5-2.8 THz was based on a semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive emitter14 and a ZnTeelectro-optic detector.15 By varying the delay of the THzpulse with respect to the optical pump pulse, we measuredthe time-dependent differential change in the THz transmis-sion. The optical pump and THz probe beams were mechani-cally chopped at 1400 and 2000 Hz, respectively, and a lock-in amplifier was used to measure the signal at the sum ofthese frequencies. Measurements in this work were per-formed at 300 K, and the measurement error, due primarilyto long-term drift of optomechanical components and theTi:Sapphire laser, is estimated to be ∼5%.

Figure 3 shows the measured differential amplitudes ofTHz pulses transmitted through photoexcited Germaniumnanowires for pump pulse energies of 10.2, 8.2, 6.1, 4.1,

and 2.0 nJ for a fixed pump-probe delay. The THz field ispolarized parallel to the nanowires. Since double-choppingis employed, the measured differential signal is affected onlyby the THz response of the photoexcited carriers within thenanowires. Figure 3 displays no measurable carrier densitydependence in the frequency dispersion of the THz responsesince the measured pulse shape remains unchanged fordifferent pump pulse energies (only the pulse amplitudechanges). As discussed in detail below, carrier densityindependent dispersion is a result of very small surfaceplasmon frequencies. These results show that the dynamicsof photoexcited carriers can be studied by measuring thedifferential amplitude of the peak of the transmitted THzpulse as a function of the pump-probe delay.16

Figure 4 shows the measured differential amplitude of thepeak of the THz probe pulse as a function of the pump-probedelay for different optical pump energies. The THz transmis-sion decreases in the first ∼5 ps following the opticalexcitation and then recovers on a 75-125 ps time scale.These two time scales in the measured transient can beexplained by the intraband and interband carrier dynamics,respectively. The optical pulse creates electron-hole pairsnear the Γ-point in the Germanium reciprocal lattice (seeFigure 5). Electrons quickly scatter from the Γ-point to the

Figure 1. Darkfield optical micrograph of oriented 80 nm diameterGermanium nanowires placed flat on a quartz substrate (100×, NA0.9 objective). Note: Nanowires appear wider than 80 nm due todiffraction.

Figure 2. Polarization-sensitive optical-pump THz-probe setupbased on a photoconductive THz emitter and electro-optic detection.

Figure 3. The measured differential amplitudes of THz pulsestransmitted through photoexcited Germanium nanowires for pumppulse energies of 10.2, 8.2, 6.1, 4.1, and 2.0 nJ are plotted for afixed pump-probe delay. The THz field is polarized parallel tothe nanowires, and the differential amplitudes plotted are scaledby the peak amplitude of the transmitted THz pulse in the absenceof photoexcitation.

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X-point within 100 fs due to strong intervalley phononscattering, after which they scatter to the lowest L-valleywithin a few picoseconds.17 Photoexcited holes in the threevalence bands are also expected to thermalize within 0.5 ps17

and cool due to optical phonon emission within a fewpicoseconds.18 Higher electron mobility in the L-valley andthe high hole mobility at the top of the light hole bandincreases the THz optical conductivity. So as the photoex-cited carriers relax, the transmission of the incident THz

radiation decreases. The transmission of the THz radiationthen recovers on a slower time scale as the hole and theelectron densities decrease due to recombination.

Using a simple theoretical model discussed below, the fitsto the measured transients are also shown in Figure 4. Acharacteristic time scale of 1.7 ps is extracted for the initialtransmission decrease. Since the experiment is sensitive tothe total conductivity of both electrons and holes, this valueof 1.7 ps corresponds to an average intraband relaxation timeassociated with hole cooling and electron scattering fromthe X-point to the L-point. The measured relaxation time isconsistent with the calculated rates and previously reportedmeasurement results.7,18,19 In bulk Germanium, carrier re-combination rates are highly dependent on the dopingdensity. Recombination times as long as hundreds ofmicroseconds for undoped Germanium20 and as short ashundreds of picoseconds for doped Germanium19 have beenreported. Our measurements show that electrons and holesin 80 nm Germanium nanowires recombine with carrierdensity-dependent recombination times between 75-125 ps.This shorter time scale, compared to that in bulk Germanium,indicates that surface defect states may be responsible forfaster recombination in agreement with recent electrical andoptical pump-probe measurements.7,21

The THz frequency response of a finite length nanowirecan be described by the Drude model modified to considerthe depolarization fields22 due to the induced charges on thesurface of the nanowire.10,23,24 The inclusion of the depolar-ization field leads to a surface-plasmon-like resonance in thefrequency dependent current response of the nanowire. Thecurrent I(ω) in a nanowire of cross-sectional area A can bewritten as

where σ0 is the DC conductivity of the nanowire material, τis the carrier momentum scattering time (assumed to be thesame for both electrons and holes),25 Eext(ω) is the appliedfield, and Ed(ω) is the depolarization field. The aboveexpression can also be expressed as I(ω) ) Aσeff(ω)Eext(ω),where the effective conductivity σeff(ω) is

Here, Ωp is the frequency of the surface plasmon resonance.Ωp is related to the bulk plasma frequency ωp by a constantfactor g that depends on the polarization of the applied fieldwith respect to the nanowire axis (see Figure 6). For a fieldpolarized perpendicular to the nanowire, g equals [εs/(εs +ε0)]1/2, where εs and ε0 are the permittivities of the nanowirematerial and free-space, respectively. In the case of the fieldpolarization parallel to the nanowire, the value of g is smalland is on the order of (d/L)(εs/ε0)1/2, where d and L are thediameter and length of the nanowire, respectively. Since d, L, when the field is polarized parallel to the nanowires,

Figure 4. (a) Measured (solid lines) normalized differentialamplitude ∆t/t of the peak of the THz probe pulse is plotted as afunction of the pump-probe delay for optical pump energies of12, 9.8, 7.6, 5.4, 3.3, and 1.1 nJ. The theoretical fit (dashed lines)is also shown. THz probe transmission is seen to recover on a75-125 ps time scale. (b) Close-up of the differential transmissiontransient.

Figure 5. Ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited carriers in a Germa-nium nanowire energy band are depicted.17 Electrons are photo-excited near the Γ point and quickly scatter to the X point. In thenext few picoseconds, electrons scatter to the L-valley where theyremain until they recombine with the holes.

I(ω) ) Aσ0

1 - iωτ(Eext(ω) + Ed(ω)) (1)

σeff(ω) )σ0

1 - iωτ(1 - Ωp2/ω2)


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Ωp is much smaller than ωp. We estimate Ωp to be less than300 GHz for even the largest photoexcited carrier densitiesin our experiments. The interaction between nanowires isexpected to reduce the depolarization field inside the nanow-ires and, therefore, further reduce the value of Ωp. Atfrequencies much larger than Ωp, σeff(ω) reduces to the Druderesult, and in the DC limit σeff(ω) goes to zero as it shouldfor a finite-length uncontacted nanowire. The differential THztransmission (normalized to the transmission in the absenceof photoexcitation) can be written as

where η0 is the impedance of free space, f ≈ 0.08 is the fillfactor of the nanowires, d ) 80 nm is the diameter of ananowire, and n ) 1.96 is the THz refractive index of thequartz substrate.26 F(ω) is an overlap factor that accountsfor the frequency dependence of the measured THz responsedue to the mismatch between the optical and THz focus spots.Assuming Gaussian transverse intensity profiles for theoptical and THz beams, the overlap factor is found to be

where ω0 ≈ 2πc/a is approximately the frequency corre-sponding to the standard deviation, a ) 150 µm, of theoptical beam transverse intensity profile. In the case of theTHz field polarized along the nanowires, since Ωp , ω forfrequencies ω in the 0.5-3.0 THz range, σeff(ω) has thefrequency dependence of the Drude model. There is thereforeno carrier density dependence in the frequency dispersionof the differential THz transmission, in agreement with themeasured results shown earlier in Figure 3. Figure 7 showsthe measured frequency spectra (solid lines) of |∆t(ω)/t| fordifferent pump pulse energies. Also shown are the theoreticalfits (dashed lines) obtained from eq 3. As seen in Figure 7,the theory agrees well with both the frequency dependenceand the carrier density dependence of the data. From ourfits, we find the momentum scattering time to be τ ) 70 (15 fs, which corresponds to an effective electron plus hole

mobility of 1590 cm2/(V·sec). This is smaller than thereported value for the bulk Germanium electron plus holemobility of 5700 cm2/(V·sec) at 300 K.25

Equation 3 shows that the differential THz transmissionis approximately proportional to the carrier density throughσeff(ω). If the carrier density changes on a time scale muchslower than the momentum scattering time, then the dif-ferential amplitude of any one point on the transmitted THzpulse measured as a function of the pump-probe delay canbe used to study ultrafast carrier dynamics. The timeresolution in our experiments is limited by the width of theoptical pump pulse to ∼150 fs. In order to describe thecomplete differential THz transmission transient shown inFigure 4, we model the time dependence of the photoexcitedcarrier densities in the Germanium nanowires with rateequations. Since the differential transmission measured inour experiments depends on the total conductivity of bothelectrons and holes and, as mentioned earlier, the time scalesassociated with the intraband relaxation dynamics of bothelectrons and holes are expected to be nearly the same, wemodel both the electron and the hole dynamics with the samerate equations. We assume that the photoexcited electron andhole density at higher energies, N′, relaxes with a charac-teristic time τr. The density of the cool electrons and holesat the L- and Γ-valleys, respectively, is N. We assume thatonly the high mobility cool electron and hole populationsinteract with the THz radiation until they recombine.17

Recombination in bulk Germanium with low doping isgenerally attributed to the Shockley-Reed-Hall (SRH)mechanism of defect-assisted recombination. Auger recom-bination becomes dominant for doping densities above 1018

cm-3.20 Surface defect recombination in nanowires is alsoexpected to have carrier density dependence similar to thatof the bulk SRH mechanism. We assume that the recombina-tion rate is described by a second-order polynomial in theelectron and hole density N. The rate equation for the carrierdensities is

Figure 6. (a) A nanowire oriented parallel to the polarization ofthe external THz field (Eext). The depolarization field (Ed) due tocharge confinement on the surface of the nanowire is weak, allowinga Drude-like induced current. (b) A nanowire oriented perpendicularto the external field polarization. Here, the depolarization field isstrong, suppressing the induced current.


) 11 + σeff(ω)F(ω)η0fd/(1 + n)

- 1

≈-σeff(ω)F(ω)η0fd/(1 + n)(3)

F(ω) ) ω2/(ω02 + ω2) (4)

Figure 7. Data (solid) and theory (dashed) for the spectra of thedifferential THz transmission |∆t(ω)/t| is plotted for different pumppulse energies. The theory assumes a standard deviation of ∼ 150µm for the optical intensity profile at the focus and a momentumscattering time τ ) 70 ( 15 fs independent of the carrier density.


) -N'τr


) N'τr

- (AN + BN2) (5)

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The initial photoexcited density N′(t ) 0) is estimated tobe 4.5 × 1018 1/cm3 for a 12 nJ pump pulse and is assumedto scale linearly with the pump pulse energy. The DCconductivity σ0 equals (µe + µh)eN, where µe and µh are theelectron and hole mobilities. Agreement between the rateequation model and the data is shown in Figure 4, wherethe extracted values of the various parameters for best fitare as follows: τr ) 1.7 ps, A ) 8.8 × 109 1/sec, and B )2 × 10-9 cm3/sec. This model agrees with the data for allpulse energies. The necessity of the B parameter indicatescarrier density-dependent recombination rates in Germaniumnanowires, which is consistent with density-dependent SRHsurface and Auger recombination.27

Photoexcited carriers in oriented nanowires are expectedto exhibit a polarization dependent THz response due to thegeometries depicted in Figure 6. In order to study thepolarization dependence of the THz transmission, the incidentTHz electric field was polarized at 45° with respect to thenanowires (see Figure 8). As a result, the field had componentsboth parallel and perpendicular to the nanowires. After trans-mission through the nanowire sample, the field polarization wasselected for measurements of ∆t/t by rotating the polarizerthrough an angle θ with respect to the nanowires. Figure 9shows the measured values of |∆t/t| for different angles θ.The most striking feature of the data is the absence of anymeasurable THz response when the field is polarizedperpendicular to the nanowires. In this case, the surfaceplasmon frequency Ωp equals ωp[εs/(εs + ε0)]1/2 and is inthe tens of THz range for the photoexcited carrier densitiesin our experiments. Equation 2 shows that when Ωp . ω,and the product ωτ is not too small, the induced current issignificantly reduced compared to the case when Ωp , ω.Therefore, for perpendicular THz field components the depo-larization field is strong enough to suppress the induced current,and so the resulting THz response is much weaker comparedto that for parallel components. In this way, the shape anisotropyof the nanowires on subwavelength scales determines thepolarization dependence of the THz response. Assuming thatthe THz response of oriented nanowires is negligibly smallwhen the field is polarized perpendicular to the nanowires, themeasured THz transmission is expected to be proportional tothe cosine of the angle between the field polarization and thenanowire axis. In our experiments, since the field polarizationis selected post-transmission, the measured values of |∆t/t| areexpected to be proportional to cos (θ)/cos (π/4 - θ). Figure 9bshows that the (peak) values of |∆t/t| exhibit exactly thisangular dependence.

In conclusion, we have measured the time, frequency, andpolarization dependence of the THz response of Germaniumnanowires using optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy.Carrier intraband relaxation times, interband electron-holerecombination times, and carrier momentum scattering timeswere also measured using the same technique. Our resultsdemonstrate the usefulness of ultrafast THz spectroscopy forcharacterizing nanostructured materials.

Acknowledgment. The authors acknowledge support fromEric Johnson through the National Science Foundation, theDARPA Young Faculty Award under Ronald Esman, andthe National Science Foundation through the CAREERaward. The authors also acknowledge the DARPA TBNprogram and the Cornell CCMR REU program.

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