Page 1: McGoorty May Up Middleweight - Chronicling AmericaCornell Fancied to Win the ln- tercollegiate Track Meet. MARQUARD OUT FOR RECORD News and Views on Live Topies ofthe Day, BothAmateur

Cornell Fancied to Win the ln-tercollegiate Track Meet.


News and Views on Live Topiesof the Day, Both Amateur

and Professional.Before anothef week ls over the Intercol-

legiate gamea it rranklln Fiei.i. Phlladel-pbla, wlll be eportlng hbitory. lt ls hardlypoaalbla that the meetlng wlll be markedby the eenaatlonal performancea ..i a yeara«o. when. among othera, the world'i ama

t.ur on*-mlle record of 4:142-8 «.'

Mahed b] lohn Puul Jonca. the brllliant Cor¬

nell runaer. The travk on Pranklln F* m.

however, is almost as faat aa the one in tbeBtadlum at CambridKe. BO that Tather Time

may be put to tho teet in the fleM eventa.

partirularly the pole vaulta, new marka are

llkely to he eet, and furthermore competl-tion is sure to bo of the keeneet,Mars of the year are fairly well dlatrlbntedamons four or flve of the leadlng colb geaand univ. ralUea whl'h wlU aend tenms.

it is not my purpo-r ai thla time to delve<]. r r.)y into the question ...' tl e pi

polnt winner*. aa thi? taak hai been bb-

. iu-ned to one «.f my valued aasiBtanta,whose work along t' ¦ Mne for ih.

collegiate games hi Ihe laat 6o remarkaMv accurat« aa t<

incst nncannv. Hla '.',,,.

lished ln The Trlbun. on Priday. and wlll

h*. well worth .¦ all thoae Intereat-*<\ ln track »-¦> nrld » orte, a II almoataure to pomt ti.- way to t >l« ""¦-

come, lf be has ;r ywhere nciir thethat marked hb prophetlc utteranc.

mt and lfdl. ii will be the r< aull "f a

narefal and i *;';'"-

every perfcrim nce on Ira nd *ld thla

..ear by l -¦' ,,;,,, mJ "un

ideas cn t ¦""l t0 l*

frank. I t ¦' '" *

?rophy. but onlj '. < narrow marg

voth Pewnj <

atrongl:rolumbla»«e Uttfc hop. I. '"« *"

mouth. and , ¦>

appean io bav. lb. i.reat I.

: ca:'.

Corm" th* "^

.. ., ,,, halfandonenJlrtm. T.i Bcrna. In thi .mlleran.

and T ...

out a;; 11 lk^arlyWellbal-nced^ndwould no doubt bebeaten

. ;.;;. beartng on the blg,, aaetare from other

r..ege wlll cut ln here and then-. to the

(1My of Harvard, Co

£,.,... Pehnaylvanla a-,.. "»¦»"»*",r Marshall, the Penna>lvanla

B bouW be at hla be.t the Quakerachance o win. but

, breakdown at Itbaca makea...»,.... lf ho does not Mart

brdoes nol return to hla top formColum-,, proflt. aa. «,«-oidmg; to

, wefer*. Jacoba waa tlmed ln »4-a, no..i, Blao 1

fancied ln the quarter becauae of hla

. rgjtb and abfllty to crowd hla waj

through a big fleld. but Reidpath. of Byra-rUge atanda oul *. the loglcal wlnwar.

. olumbla a'.so la counttng on Babcock. the

intercollegiate pole vault ohampum.and, .. of th* best all around men ln the <ol-

Ho world to aay nothlng ol Beetty. who

holda t"e collegiate record for putting the

and who is QUtte llkely to beat Kohier... gan'f atar ^eiRht man. It is a ras-

.nd I would bke to go into

mow fully. but this wlU come

, or. Frlday. as said before.

f-om'a ci Uc who has followed the work

ai tei "-:x ,v,an T "»"*

in spit'kof the fact thal Irving McCool,tor of the K'.r.eo Camp for boys in

Malne, haa generouely rcmoved a handl-

rap that atood ln the way of John Pau,

Jonea the Cornell runner. aecepting an in-

vlutlon to repreaent this country at the

oivmpic cam.-a in Sweden. it la poaMbletha, .. of tha workPo amateur one.

! ma, be unable to msk* the

trtp becauae of famll* reaaoae. it la quite,,-r, that theae reaaona may

C overcome, nnd it- boped that such may

>f: a lt would be a ptty if theA. .., ahould loee th< - . ol

auch a tar.

\ week ago ln thla column 1 neglected to

romment upon tbe remarkai.le teet fur-fourteen-mlle ruce

armj men aa a feature of an

a.nau M ¦.' O* ""klalFennlng. " waa atrlklngly algnlflcant that

the thref plac.*d horaea ln a fieid made up

¦.«., ... eedd-blooded hoi '- were thor-

cmahbVeda it emphasiaed In no uncertalnenUon ef Auguat Belmont,

rhairman of the Jcekey Club; Major Gen¬

eral Leonard Wood. Major Allen and other

good Judgea. that the breedlng Induatry ln

'hla counl ."° eneouragemenl andfirther rerognltloo lf the cavalry is to be

properly i.ited. Thoroughbred blood la

eaaentlal io thi proper developmenl of bom

udi n tb. boree, and tbliicoun-

lry m orl nateai lt maj Beem, la tar be-

htod Bogland Oermany. inraoce aadCan*.aalniral ".

, th, teatlng ground, and without radngr ^ BdUatry la bound to auffer.

StHkea rebellloa and oth*r forma of

vtolent i awtoat government oi

ragnlatlon demand general aupport to be

¦oaaathlng more than a tempeal ln a tea-

pot Thla th. Detrolt Tlgera found out

,0 t,.,;, aorroa Bomethlng more than

,il6 avmpathy from playera of other

taaaaa waa needed lo make thelr proteatagaii t the puniehmenl of Ty Cobb ef-

factlve. but falllng to get anythlng ex-

,ept kindly expreBaiona they declded wlae-iv anough to capltuUte. 8o anded thehaeehaii atrtke, whlch threatened for a

gay or two to roch the great natlonalpame to ita very toundaticm. In a aenae,

however. aome good has come out of the

ill-advis.d effofi of tho Detrolt playera to

place an indlvidual above the Amcrban

Laague. Buch a radleal step may not have

baea needed w open the ayea of club owa-

,,s to the neeeeelty of protectlng thelrmen from the Inaulta of raMd, aelnah and

unaportamaallke "fana," bul lt broughlaboul "'. -» l1"" ^'i"l'iUl,f

al tbe bperial meetlng of the

An. League on Tueaday ls observed

and carrled out to the letter the chance

f, tltlOB Of the disgrai.-ful aeene

o the bllltop, when Cobb rat. up ln theatand and took the law into hi8 own

t ia, haa baea mhrtrnlaod, Aa i «aid lathla column a week ago, the playera muat

proteetad aa well bn thoae who eapportthe game and mako lt what it ls.

I'laylng as they are, the Yankees may

not need the eztra reoa at the Poiotlnaanda te acoomnaodate those who would

baaeball game. aa Memorial Pay,.lohn T. Brubh, chief owner Of tho

lllaate, did a graceful thlrig ln offerlnghis park to the Yankees free of cost as a

partlal return for the ourtcsy ahown byrank i Parrell a ye^.r ago, whea the

Ulanta were drUen from thelr own home' nre, and uaed Arnerlean League Parkfoi lully half the aeason. The offer and

ucceptanee niww that the two olube,Whleh onea were. bltler enemiea nnd at¦worda' points, are now on moal frlendlyi. Tiuiv baaeball la a great leveller.

.fobn J McOraw haa been playlng no fa-

I Vantea wlth Kuba Marquard, who blda falr

-.. ...-.

to establleh a pltching reeord thla ecason

that haa ncver been equalled. Tbe lankjaouthpaw. who two yeara ago was an ex-

penatv* luxury and of httle value to hl*

team. ia now unbeaten In i*tne Kames thlayear, and, further, he ban faccci and d-

feated every team in fie drcult I*B8t t.ill

McGraw was quoted aa aaylag that NapRucker, of Brouklyn. was the greab st left

handed pitther in the history of haseball.If he should cxpresa lhat i.plnion to-day the

majorlty of "fans" would think he was

losinu hls ieaF'm.

It is almoat a Waate of worda to reiteratethat It would be safe to rl.-k the parloicarpet, aa Dan Smith used to Ba\, in wager-Ing tliat the Giauts will win tbe NatlonalLeague pennant Everybody is raylng ltBaaeball is uncertain at beat but any teamthat can go into th-- camp of the enem)

and on forelgn dlamonda wln eleven "Jt ofthirteen aames played is deaervlng of the

eonfldence and support of tiie moat Bkeptt-jcal. ln fieldins. battlng. baae runnlng and|pltching ihe team >.- golng well, and, whllea Blump ls altnost BUre t" "tn.' .it -'.tn-'

time duiing the Beason, ii la hard towhat team beyond the poaalble exceptlonof Clnclnnatl will be ln a poaltlon to takeadvantage of it.

The Brooklyn Bupi ir to be .¦

hopelei They dld .< |*>orlj in theWeat aa the Glant*. dld well, wlnnlng nnl\three gamea and loaing nlne. Thej may dobetter "ti tbelr own dlamond whlle entei

the \\ eat< ni teama, ut thi out-ira-k la none too brlght, and it la lik«'!\ t"

be a long llmi bi fi r< the) abli toeraa il of last place

I to the Yankee*. th< leaal -. d altime the better. am beglnnlng to lo»econhdence In a team tbat looked au atronato ii. on paper « n ihi Beaa '¦¦ npi nedThe idtchen on * om Wolverton and Ihicrltlca banked ao largelj havi t.i aad>|y dlaappolntlng. The playi rs are

the hull .md acoring plent) ol un b ¦'

the defenalve work haa been ol a hallow tbe oppoaing leati to mak< qulte ai

many hita and, at a rul« mor< r ina 11 laJusl poaalble that the long-looked-for lm-provement will come on the Weatern triPiwhich la noa at hand, a ordt-nary dreumatancea, t would be lea t ex¬

pectedCaptain Da\ a. whn rank* mnona the

beal llegi i Itcht of th< taon; Bh n -

th* bi llllanl centi '¦¦ Idi r. L,*e b tbehead! " '' brought

fame to Wllllama College and Ita... .. to 1

..I, Tueaday, only to fall befon Vernoianother plteher of the flrai rank. and Am

herat on Thuredaj They cam* rlghl back,however, and defeated Dartmouth at : to0 < n Baturdaj. Al the pac« " '. »m is

golng It will he hard to keep it oul of tbe

ttrst three or four ln the ni ranklng.nfortunatel) one gamt la hardlj ** falr

leat, Hlthough rlei "f three la notmuch better ln declding between two nlneawhlch ari reaaonably well matched. IImay be said ln paaaing that the Wllllamateam a* a. whole is much Btronger andbetter balanced than waa the raae « yearago, when it also rtefoatrd both Yal* andPrini eton.Brown'a <!efe.,t of llarvard en Wednea¬

day by a econ of 5 t" 4 ln eleven Innlngakept tbe t«am from Provldence In « for.-ward place, although the loaa of a wmf to

Holy Croaa on Baturday hurl .i blt. Theresult of ihe battle at Cambrldgi v as dla-

ntlng and far from BBtlafyll g to llar¬vard men for two reaeona.ftrat becauaeFelton waa bo wlld and erratlc thal higave ftve baaea on balla and forced tn two

of the i>>rie runa in th< flrat Innlng, and¦ queatlonable dedalon by

the umplre made lt poaalble for Brown to

Bcorc the wlnnlng run on the Boueexa pleleventh Inmng. The teain* we-e

remarkably well matehed. but the fa<" «

maine that Brown won, and thla muateount

Yak and CorneU had a merry >trugglaat Ithaca on Baturday and the former earnedwhat httle advantage vletory brought, as

the teama were remarkably well matched.Aa in the cn3e of Bro^ n and Harvatd,however, tbera «» th*- dlfference between

Dg and loaing, and as the flaht forthe ao-called championship ls young, this

u much for Tale. Ona other gamemuat be conaldered. Harvard'a chaneea,

ged t"- Brown, practlcally were

rulned when Prmceton won in dedatvefashion on Baturday in tbe only F*mr be¬tween the two collegeaCharles E. Courtney haa lost none of hla

cunning and the Cornell crews have lost

none of their rowtag abillty. The conelat-ency with whlch tbe ei(?ht-oar ahellB fromIthaca win raee after race is Httle rhortof remarkable. Ccluinbla men thlnk theFpeii win ba broken at Pougbkeepale lnth< blg Intercolleglato regatta next monthbul almoBt everybody elae in the rowlngworid now bellevei thal Cornefl again winBwcep the rlver It is r.ut aurprlalng,elther, after tn« deciBlve vletory over Har-\,ird and Prlnceton on the Charlea rlverw»i Tburada>.


Tajaj kleredltb, of Merceraburg Academy,the achoolboy marvel, la llkely to have ¦

I fuiure marrcd by too much workwhlle, he U growing and developlng. Anyyoungater who can eoual the ii tercollegl-ate Quarter-mlle reeord of 48 4-5 aecondaand run tbe balf-mlle in ¦.>. e-8 on theaama afternoon. aa he d!d «n May 17, inI ie] hla, Khould be carefully bandled.


GRENDA STARATVELODROMEAustralian Wins Twice, Defeat-

ing Drobach and Kramer.Air Grenda, the newly arrlved Australian

champlon, was the atar at tbe cycle meetheld at the Newark velodrome yeaterdayafurnoor. Grenda won the Australian pUr-hult match rac« agalnal Peta Drobach, ofBoston.

l/,tt' r he took the meaaure of FYank L.Krami r, natlonal champlon, ln the flve-mlle open, for the money chaaera, after a

Btrong pull, from 1'rank Cavanaugh. whoOnlahed fourth, A bad aplll in thlH race

ellminated "Trlcky" Comea, the French-ii au. and a dosen otbera, but no one wai

badly"fhe back mark men COUld not get up lu

the half-mlle profeaslonal handhap, andthe race went to Tommy Smith, from the70-3 ard mark.Oeorge Morgauer, the Clevaland ama-

teur, who yeaterday oompeted in tha 100-milo Olympb eliiiilnatlon trluls. tinlshedthlrd in two of the atnateur eventa. FrniePye won tbe teu-mlle motor-pacad racefrom Oeorge Wlley, the Byracuaa maaaan-ger boy. The Mtter recelved a punctureat the nalf-way mark and loat time m

cbangmg wnt b,Ooa-mUe norlea rmca.Won i>. lleniy Novak,

Newark; Thomiui Fitzgeraid, Newark, aeeond.¦nd J Xndracoia, New Yoik Clty, thlrd.; Ime 2 20.Match raee iprofeaalonal; b»bt eut of three

beata; between Carlo afeasorl, cbamploa ofIi..I'. I'i.'I Waat, Baa Franciaco, and John>. Newark)- afeaaarl won in atralghtheat*. with W'est ttcunj ln ea< h. Time.1 :fta 2-0 and 1 :0.'»Half rnllo handlcap iprofeaeional)-.Won by

Thomaa Bmttb, Newark <70 yardal; Frank I*Kramer, Eaat Orange (wratch), aacond; l/eonCoraaa Parla, Pranca (ecratcb), thlrd; ParcjLawraaoe, t-m rraaclaoo (t»5 yardai, foorth.Time, ii 67.

Bpeclal match race lAuatruiian purt,uit; pre>feaalonal; between Alf Oraada, ehamptea ofAaatraluL aad Peter Dreaaeh, Bonotn.Wonby Oraada, Uataaca four and onr-baif mllea.Time, B:BX

lialf-iiille handicrfp tamateurV- Wnn BTI'z'fi Dlvar, Bay Vlaw wtieeimen. Newark ii"yardK); Irvtna B. Riec. Newark <70 yardsi,aacond; Kr.-d Noraauer, Cla/velaad (Bi yards),thlrd Time, 0;MS-i.Two-mlle Invltatlou ihandlcap; by Claren.-a Carmen. Jamal. a, Long

laland (240 yarda); George Canieron, Newyork fltfo raraa), aeeond: Edwar.l Ruppreoht,Newark (2^0 yardai. thlrd; II K. Blccker,New Vork '230 yard*.). fourth: Bmeal .tokurNewark (tl yarda), tlfth. Time. 4;BJ1 i,Two-mlle open famateur) -Won by 'lu

Woblrab; Earl Adama, Montriair. aeeond;Kred Norgauer. Clcvelatid, thlrd; NorinunHarisen. Iienmark, fourtti Time. 4:'J2.

Flve-nille open <profes»lonal i.Won by AlfOreiida, I^a'jnceaion. TaaniHtil*: Frank Kra¬mer, Kaai Oranaa, aaeoad; .luke Magin, n«w-ark. thlrd; Frank Cavananwh. Newark, fourtii.johnny Klna. Newark, flfth: Normaa Andet-aun, Denmark, alxth. Time, io IB2-0

T«a-mll< Btotor-paeed race- Brale fy. Aaa-imiia, \« Oeoraa wiiey, Byracuaa won byi>t. caced ti Jimmy Uuotct. Tima. 13.19.

Duncan, Kiviai and Scott Shineon Track and Field.


Candidates for Olympic TeamAstound Thousands with Their

Brilliant Work.Three w rld n corda a. e bi uken yea-

ln the carnival of the Poet«offlce Cterka' Aaaoclatlon, heW al Celtlc

Park, Ixmg laland Clty. Thow who

¦chlev. ' were Jamea Duncan, the

dlacua thi »e r, :c m. ¦' ihe MohawkAthl. tl. 'lu I... 8. ott, the naatlonalten-mile .-na- ploi .¦ th. Bouth Pay.Y.\< tic '!;¦'. ¦..¦". etli In, nnd Abel lt. Klvlal tl e oi m

llonal lltle holdei ol Ihe Irl ih \"

Athl. th: < ng ln Ihe MO-met .¦

M! ..;. .!. - for th.< llj mpiC !'¦.. In.

Th. w Ith the d Dun-at the C'lymi vil Uith ripiit

'i (lt-< l... luok :i rroad of (hnuaands h> etorm.

allng 11 wlth hl rtgl hai 'uncaiietted th* rliatHiice

im li. This eaf A r< r »rd of4.; ifet ! loch k i " Slleaon,tbe Ol]Ing fo m ..:. ihe .--.

tbe ti lala i lo. khoh laat Fatut V Ithhli '. 'i ti. ini I luncHh madf .. maz-

Ing throw n W .. .. " bi< "

t the total to.. rnn ln het tei form In capt-

unng th* long .'¦ " H'atarted from th* rat< h mark, <" afbgraduall pl< king up ih< ' *cam

; ei ed a "oi. . .

vantag ... | tiiutea ,; flvebetter ihan the mark make by Gene Bouln.

..... an opponi ' Krameithe flve- ... .. ttonal .* ountri

.flie 1.1., hiel <;. \< rmtito boUll W IO (.. 1*1 ''. P »Ce Hl the

ta rll.nti h s. "'i t fr< ... lap

gcoti dei nm Inted awa* froiu d .¦- r he had galned -

twent iead Krann <'. rided to

retlr.' J.ouis aprli ted along llke .< hallmUer, and thr. e l undred * arda furtherpaaaed 11< orgi !i M hl >y. ol the N'ea Yorktthletic Plub, who had been leadlng tbe,,,!,] ,,, ,,,. ia, mlle Never ilacl enlnghia ,.... e, > otl entert .! the llnal atiwith reaerve apei d

Abel T< Klvlat ehowed th* reaulta ot

his many w..eks of falthful trainlng f"r

th* coming Ol: mph try-outa by defratinc.-, celebrated quartette compoaed of Hed-lund. M'l Pheppard and Rlley ln the 1.800-ni.f-e event He won by a margin of fll

teen in the new Olympic time of 3

minutea BI I i aeconda Th>. prevlouamark of r> minutea F» 4-S aeconda waa

hung up by Harold fPony") Wllaon, theBrltlafa champion illar, la thi Olympictryoute of 1908Th, r;,.., wai tl moat bltterlj fought o*

tbe afternoon, Klvlal being forced ali the

wa>. Tlu Irlah-Amerlcan Athleti Clubrunner waa acheduled to ha.\e another t:it

wlth t'scar Hedlund, tho New Knglandchampion of the Boaton Athlet

but tii" Utt-r was compeiled to re-

t!ie. a^l*r pettlnp the pa. e. for W)It was th* ftral time that the Boaton atn

letp had been forced to BtOp ln an Important event Melvin w. Bbeppard and FrankN. BUey, both of tha IrlBb-Aanarleaa Atn

letle Club, were tbe two other Uading ron

testanta, flnishlng tn the order named, after

being run Into the dirth.tvfter Hedlung lefl the tr,:rk BUey aet th*

pace, but was eupplant*d by Klv'.at oi

!a«-t lap, with Rlley aecond and -

next, barely flve yards eeparatlng them.,\be. earrled them along at the kUUng paceand Blowly <~rrn away rrom th.e tieid on

the backatretch. Roundlng thi laat I iroprlnted and left bla two rlvala r,er.::.d

and EUieppard flew after him, byarda from home, the exnauetlag pa< e told..n Rlley, who weakened, *rd waa tlnally

ppard twentj ..t- a yardialan.

Th.- aummarlea (¦ llon100-ru'tre da-h ¦. . ->r

»i,y, Irlah- Amerl an A. 14 yardai IEiiar. '¦'r*'" .- ardi)J. Klrby, ' '*'.» yarda),

0:11.100 metre di h (. lo ed) Won by A. D I

erty, Butlon '¦.

i«'rv Dlvlalon .2 ardi .

ti. n W .4 ltrn>, ".'-§09 .. :¦ <.:¦. w. n y II" n#r

\'.n>fr. Sv* Torl >. .17 -^r5 '."¦ il' P'n.

Boiton .> .' .'. art », tecond B. Anc.n, i'orrla A. A. <40 yards), tMrd. TIn.e,8,000-matra tteaplechaaa run [ha ¦

ib .i Daly, friah ameiicao a C. .nm: <>>.John .t. Ktack. onatiacb. (180 jarda), aecond;Tom Dwyer, Mohawk A 0 ihlrd,Time. f.L«

1.600-matra run .-orat'.h. .¦¦ n v--

abel h. Klvlat. Iriata Aj rlcaa ' '.. Melvinv. Bbeppard, Irlah-Atnartcan k. C, ».

Kratik N. Rlley, Irlah Amerleaa .» C,Time, 3 :.'.:>'». tnatra run (bandl ap, r^athollc Al "

Lcaaua).Won by II. W'. ii" ¦. M CaJdln(12 yarda); E Gllmora, L)orr.mi-«u

Lyoeum (I rat't... *.' ond; W. Oatlgh, iij mardLyeeu i2S yarda), ilrd r ima. l 2 ¦'¦

^"'i-metre run Oiandlcae, doaed)- Wen h*v a !*-rtus, unattacbed (30 yarda); r. l.i»»nrlng, Mone; Order Departmani i^'". yarda), lee-ondj a i»ougiitrtj. ,-iatk:i \v (acratcb), i.'.ir.t.Time. '6:^\H

.'«"?'».metre run Hiindlrapi 'A'on by .1. « nrt-r.

Paulisl I i' "¦ arda); W. O I'h. k;irft, r.'. a

I ork k. C I ida», aecond: i". '. le,dn a (184 yarda), tl Ird. Time,

Pu'tniK 10-pound fv".t Olympic »i>le'-rfp lltnlt. ti feei rlglit and Irft hBDd) ^lPal MeDonald. Iri'h Amerlcau A. (' ip.r.u. I...pul wlth rlght haad, <7 :..' «i Inehea; -juiwlth lefl haad, 41 feel 1 Inch; total >u-tatice.M feet, 71- irii-he*. ii. Klaaea, New tork a.C. in teet), wlth n tr.ial put ..f 74 un. <¦. ii,a. Reieh, Irlah Amerk-an A C. (B feeti, uith atotal put of 71 teet I1-,. Inehea, Ihlrd2.S00-metre walli (handicap) Won 1-. Tom

rirn.ii, Irlsb Acnerlcaii A. fid .eeonda); W.Plant i/i>ng Jslanri «, ' .«" ¦eeondaI, «<-. eni;

bwartz, unattarhed .i- aeconda), thtrd.11:57 4-S.

J,.'H)0- rneire run n i by FYankJoyee, altdiawli \ C (50 yarda); 8. Jaaney,unattached f&0 rarda), Mrend; .' UcCann,Mornlngilde A. '7., >uru ., Ihlrd. Time.4.H1 3 .".

liiinniiig htgh 'iiinp (handicap) Ron tn r.Miiilijrnn, Orace A. <' .¦" Inehea), a.mai )umpof .' feet II Inehea; A. M..iier, Norweslaa A. C.7 tncbea), wiih an artual jun-.p ot r, t^t 9

m aecoad; J. W, Prlce, Bt. Oeerga A C.7 Inehea), wlth an jiin.p of ."> feet Sn ¦¦ tn. tr« run rhandi.api \\"n hy !«

gcott. Bouth Paters..n A C (acral h); OeoraeCritchley. New Tork A. <- flOO eerr.n.l;t\- D. il itea, Trlnlty Club (330 ^¦i^r',.<^ thtrd.Time, 15*083 5. N..«. world'i record.Throuing the dlacui (Otyiaplc ft-le, bandl-

cap, righl and lafl band) woa t>>- Jamea i» unattaohed (acral h), wlth n rlicht-han.1uu-ow <.f 1*..'. feel i Inch; lefl haad thn ajfeel 7'j techee; total, ,-'.'.*J feet B«» liAndy Bherldan, Irlih-Amerlcan K. C. (13 'eet),aecond with a rlght land thrsw ot 121 feel IInrhe.s; lfft-hand thr..w. S5 feet 1S lachea;total artual thiow. 208 f'-et 4'» Inehea. H.Klairee. New York A. C. 190 fe».t). thtrd. wlth .i

rlRM liand throw of los frrt 7 Inebe*; left.hand thrrw. Kl feet V; In.-h; artual totHl .'

'.'il feel TM in< hep¦ i

TEUTONS IN TRACK TRIALSCold Hampers Athletes at Olym¬

pic Preliminariea at Leipsic.I,eip.«ic, May li..Tbe Jir.-t of the y r.

Hmlnarlea to aeleet Oermany*a repreaentitlves for the Olympic gamea were eont*to-.lay tn told weather. whlch gr.atly bam-j.end the athletee. The Olympic flprni. v

won not approached, exeept m tiie i""metres, whl< h Kem, of Munlch. won l:iii i-io aeconda. The hlgfa Jump wa.s w..n

l.y I.eisch.. with .'. feet 10 3-4 lit- hes; 40nmetres, Buriowlta, M aeconda; 1<* kil<-metres, Vi. t/, .'!3 mlnutes 4j 1-10 aeconda.Tliiw is a new German record.The other performan- cs were mediocrr.

The ahot put measured only 37 teet 1 t-tInehea nnd the dlacua throw \ll feet ii-SInehea.

STATE LEAGUE ranton, >. Albanr, I

Elmlra. 3: T'tlcaBlni Byrac iae, -:

__ Irvi, il; Wilkea-Barre, W,



YANKEES EXPECT BIG CROWD 1SpIo of Scats for Mcmorinl Day

to Begin To-morrow.yankeee ar.- plannlng to entertaln a

throng of 'fana*' al the Polo Groundaon SJemorlal Bay. With the Phlladi

ll oppoi nta ln the twoi .t ii felt that American League^vlll not be lar>;e enough to accommo-

dati the h'dlday crowd, ei John T. Bl IBhhaa offered tbe blg atadlum to Frank Farrell and hla men. In espectatlon of a Wg,.¦. dance arranKemetits have been made to

^-eii the rr«-fr\'d aeata In advance. TN t will be held al the headquartera of tbe

Rooni . thi Flfth AvenueBuilding, beglunlng al 10:30 o'clock lo-mor-row mornlng. Tbe prlcea of tbe Held boxeewMi i*> <... upper grandatand boxea 0 .¦ dreaerved I

>: o tami a lll tx pla; *.t In thiand another in the *ft<.on. andahould be produetlvi of much ».'""'i baae-ball. Tbe ^"., nk*-. -- r, ,t beglnnlng tohlt their atll.le after B k "* whlleihe Athletica are reaponding to the warmthl.¦i the ali and havi atarted In purault "fthe fast fl>1ng ia Whlte Box. Much la

take In the aerlea bot teama anda flne I ar of hail bt

INDIANS RALLY, BUT LOSEBailey's Pitching for Providencc

Provcs Enigma Till Nintb.

rki lurned d*>fe i Into i

it Pi ¦.. eaterda!bul the ir;- ¦. ¦' *

ol to 3rhe Indiana dld not | I

rl .- | 'Or,.;, iBt-off,they i la |

too, form and heldProvldence to four all of a

after th-' fourth InnlngA st ut-oul h > "..! Immii ent en the

fndlana took tl a fli Id for aalon.Klrkpatrlck, flrai ip a ilked Bnd went t"

.... na'a alngle, the I t hlt forthe locala. Beymoui "llir*. i ut

Klrkpatrlck a -¦<'.. on thlrd. B«aeat "Kirk home with a alngle and Vaughngot an Indeld hli that fllted the baeea w

Zlmmennan'a aacrlflce fly t.ighimour Zlmmerman «aa not >'i inito ti.' occaalon and flled oul to AtlTbe ai >>r.-. folloa

PROVIDRl NEWARKabr h i ...' t ahr !. p© a .

MetH r tt. 8!. 100 i»10 i. irkp'l. 3b 2lo l a

A'/. 3b ,400 3 2.ini rl 20 10 0 0II. 4 l . ii. <f 4 1 0 o 00

rf.. 4i' 1 ;: 0 0 Ib 40 1 17 1 3Prake, rl... 2 20 000 a 401 : 41Ollieapla, If. 801 B( 0 W./lm'ai If 100 I 00Roek, aa.. 4 0 l 330 ri.Zlnian.3b 100 o ;«g >.. |,||, i 0 .< .'. I OJMeCartj "" B 0 "

. p. a 0 " 1 *. ", p 'i 00 u 8 0ii ii n 0 0

Dem, p. 0 00 u I 0

ToUli -' 4 '-" 80 lah M 2 21 10 3

.n.iti-^ f..r Kniru.i in ni InsProrldenit.n 0 0 0 I " " l 1Ni w,rk . " 0 " ii 0 i' J

Baerlfli «¦ blu 'olllna, Di ..-¦. (;flj u /.uiuie r ,. baaea

Drake and Roi-k Baaea..'f Baalli '¦. 4. Bti Ui k uut By

niaim 8; by Balley, 1 Hlt bj pltched haililley, j (Colllna, E Zlmmei man i. Mi' -

namann, :; In * Innlnai off Denl, i ln itiinliiK i ral baae on rora I'ri Idi m .-. '.'beft mi ba *. Newark, 5; ProvldeiDouble plai ll ill< y and Hoek. Tlm« il

a Mattlma ¦ and Mui raj.

JERSEY CITY, 6; BALTIMORE. 2.ln tbe preaence of Iwelve thouaand

.faiie," the Skeetera t^...k another"from tbe Orlolea at Weat Blde Park j*-terd'iy. The Boore wa E lo .'. Vlckera, whowa" on the moiinii fi.r Baltlmore, weakencoin the thlrd Innlng.The arore f( llowa;

.Tl.HHKY CfTY. B ILiTIMORE.abr h po a I alir h pa aa

Hte»:n. "b. 4 1 I li 4 0|Murphy, tf 1 u l 8 0 0McCrona.rf 1'1 0 4 10 Cbrroran, Sb .1111 i'<>Purtell, If. 311 1 00 u.i h, If. :i o i 10"Barrowa,ef 802 4 10 Oettnian, .-f 400 0 00lanvrlB Sb 800 8 23 Bchmldt, Ib30il I.V.'ellF ,- 200 * 00il'avii". Ib .100 I n '»

Pemla, e,.. 1 <» <» 1 "" I'an nt, 2b. 401 8 "

Ro*. aa. 400 U 31 Malael, aa.. :t'»o .1 80Aaler, il. - i 7 "" Ik r«en, .-.. n: :i z >>

ii |. ;i l o o 0 0 Vlckera, p.. 20.iSllillll. p 10(1 a

¦. M B I :: 10 Totela ?:i I >. '.'i 11

laraey riiy.n 0 4 0 10 0 0Batumora .... . O O . 1 a 0 >> 2

H.U.*. hitf 'inr Vlckera 8 in 4 molaaaan balhi OB Vlckeira, B; <<ir atnlth, i. ..rr

ptml baaa oa arrata Raltln.I^ft on baaea Kaitlinoie, f>: .l.-rr-e> t'liy, B.

iu Htnlth, 'J. by I'nil, .'¦ Twuc 'k»n, Purtell .-'-' rlflee hli D

r.a. a, Bai rlflt-e tib Ni -. lant hni.i.s^B ''-'' Walah, M'r..n. N.iiHi.

\t. -i mi .oid i: m l. ItarTiuati b '-' On 'iu rei K. II) an


MONTREAL, 1; T0R0NT0. 2.Ai Moatreal ''¦ "

Montreal :i 0 '.> o I » i nTorontn. ii >> .' -' s

B itti rlea Pa] l*ti ¦ d IM' I.n mPlshei


Minneapclla, ti; Mllwaukee, :Columbua, fi; Indlanapolla,

Toledo. 4; TiOuisvllle.


Brldgeport, " SprtiiRlleld. 2

Mt.i-baJI 1 " I P. M..W r An.erKaiiBka. WaaUlnfcion. Auitr. i-«-«ue i «ra AJoa. 00c

TY COBB BACK FOLDDctroit Cclebrates by Defeating

Chicago White Sox.May 38, l ».*t rolt celebrated Ty

itirn to t1". game to-day.% wai ''. io 2

Mullln pltched aplendld ball, holdtng the

f..r eight Innlngs. In theninth the local team got to him for tive,

.,. ., | vi to iicore only one mn

Callal .-ii .1 id Bodli were pul out of thepark In the ninth Innlng for prote ¦

d. .-l lon.Th. core followa

M.i r. .i r HIOAG.abr o . abr h i

Hu»h. na. 4 >» 1 .i 31 Rath, 2b :n I -' 4 <>,o 2 i .... \. !. ,80 0 I H l

Cobb it 10 16 10 I'aJlahati if 4 .< I 00.;.,». i\i rf .'. 13 10 U Bodle cf.. 40 1 0 00

3 :i 4" Colllna, rf 8 1 S 0 0.»- l». ;. 3 0 7 00 /...! ier. tb. 4 o ^ 13 1 3

.-.i. B >. I |o W eaver, m t1' : 4 ."¦ 1h: ,. ,». c 4 0 3 'i " Hui Ivan, 20 0 ,1 1 0Mullln p .". I 2 tl 2 o Kuhn, o. »0 o 1 o»'

p. ,30 1 1 5 01 .. p... 00 0 0 0 0.M. Intvi'. 1 0 <» .1 00tl'ournlei 10 0 0 0 0(Lang. 10 0 0 0 0JMatttck.. l <» i ii <»'»

!¦ 4iM 13 37 11 ll reUI ".' ii -¦." i- I.H..M.-.I t... Butltraa In tha aeventh inntn*.

IBatted for Beni ln the aaventh it.iiin* IB«for Kuhn In tbe ninth Innlng. |Hatted forPetera In tha ninth Innlng.Detrull .0 0 o l o 0 (1 2 .!ci,i. ago ...0 . 0 O 0 0 1 0 1 '-.

Two-baae htti Crawford, Dwlehantj riirrelehant] III' DfT llel

Innlnax; ..rr I'etera 1 In 3 1i.ii ,: atol. l.miii .-i. .'¦

d,., iialner (3), n«t i, IH) .. playa W...I'. I, lilllltv t'. Bll li !¦¦ ¦< ¦'¦ ¦.' - «'l'l

ivtrolt, 18, Klral baneMullln 2 off I'.'!...-. a

l. Henx, ¦'.. bj Mullln. 4. Time 2(YldO ighllu ¦' .< I'


ST. L0UIS. 3; CLEVFLAND, 1.u .. land, May S8 Bt. '¦ .¦'>. 'te*1

|, y-eland b) a aeore of ?> to to lay,IVIty holdlng the Napa t.» fom liiia, Jack

II .... . hit ;i"il Bt' plu n'- rr >i

Ini previ nt. A h hui n ilUraney waa pul out ..i th. tam. foi »r»i

a de. Won,ri.. more folb >'

-i i"ain h po ¦>

i.i:\ i.i.ani.ah r»bi h po .. abr

n " 2 -" .;i in- i> .i n i ot .' ...' Hui. hi p lf. u ".

, t,« M .¦¦.¦. ... .11. hui :i :. .i

-,. ¦; I I .1 II .. ,lu! ¦' " "

i .¦ i.IgKW, II. 4 ..

|02 I .1UJH| i'. I 1)0 1 ti 0Walla. ¦> * "" -' ' 0 Ball 2b 30 » l 0

... .. .;.. ii t ii |'.. aln'b m 100 :: I ..

',., it i.' 300 <» 'J" tdaraa, .1.1 0¦; n p. io.. .1 '.'.»

Total* 83382717 I r.I" '¦' ¦ -~ 130.-. i,...:¦. . '. :;

.leveland ..» ".' " "

.. paas ini Oram i Thre* baae hli li¦on sn.ieii baaea Oumpton » i, norie, \v..ii.i... and Btovall Klral i:.~

mHaiia on oreaa. ', »« P«<«y. '. ,'¦¦¦ b>nitrhf ball H Urei (Hhott. ... Htruoa t»u

)., orega ¦. ¦.r* u'lavaland, i,i 3b, Unpbea -Ceaaolli ami



CARDINALS WIN ANOTHERDnfcnl Cincinnati Reds After

Twclve Innings' Work.Bi l/".l~. Maj 36..An error by Ksan on

Konetehy'c . urj roller, Evanafa alngle and

a >.it by H iuaer ln the twelfth Innlng gave

Bt lx>ula the wlnnlng run over Cmdnnatlto-day. The b »re waa I to 4. To-day's

vletory put the Cardlnala In Bfth place.Tho s. oro followi

ST. l."i !.- C1SC1NN \

abr pen ahr h pyae.»o:"iii ¦¦¦¦¦" if. ;.; v 222;.. 50 0 4 0< v ti lana t 6 I ' J00

\|,.«r'v 3h 11 0 1 40 Roblit !. 11,1b 40 0 , 1 "

tv . hy.lh .:.' -f. 8 0 Mltthell. rf .'iO S 800rf 8 1 8 2 0 " Kaan, 2b. 4 n 0 .. l

.. j i ii an 3b. 80 2 I 00., i i ,, ii r<-r. r>nd, aa. 8rt '* 81 "

.. 2 2 20 M i. an, c. ."« 1 1 l»«¥:, i. Keefe, p... '1 1 ¦>}'

i, ,,.. 3 0 . 0 J 0

w . M ,,¦ -a| 4.1 41048 7 -

. \,. »hen wlnalna run »«-.*

. ... i' .' o » . o O 1 o

10 I. ".'*

Twi ''",.Keere.., .,

. Knblittell. Bto-Irn ha ! Oakca. Double

M iwrey, MageeIi orf Keefe I

Ktrack out ByHarmon. 1 Hlte.

< i: off Beaton, 7 in." fthl '¦"" on

0Ula 13; .' n Innatl, ... Ime: er and 1


PLAY AN ERRORLESS GAMEPirates Defeat Cubs When

Cheney Weakens in Seventh.... > i, Toota

itted agelnat each other ln a pltch-.-.!,. here to-day, ln whlch Ptttsbur?h

won over Chlcago by a acore of s to l.

O'Toolt e '* wlld, but pltched con*l*tent

bal!, whlle Cheney weakened In tha aeventliand allowed foi whlch netted thn e

Th" game waa marked by ¦.

Tbe i

rrrrsHCRc.H '"'urr b pe a e

, | DI 4 1)1)...-.'. raii a oo

. ¦...' .- rf. 402 2 00. I 3 'i /ini 800 1 8 0

u, 3 1111 0 0 Itofman Ib 801 8 10I i t l ...'-.. aa.. 40 1 4 204 . no Evera. 2b .. 8 00 0 go

* r .. 4 00 .*> 10,. Toolf, r .' "" "

"'¦ 100 0 Id

- j ; 120 Tr.'.,;, 28 1 8 21 IS*,. 0 - A O 0 3 00 3ii ii ii ii (i 0 O 0.1

baae hli '.' ''. " OBBBB,i;to!en ''.*'- r7>'oe to

i iaei fhteago, 7;. «Iff ''her.e.v,By I'Toole. B;

.... . ai Tl!ii*--2 oo

GIANTS PLAY A TIE GAME.\ team compoaed <<r New York «;ianta

played Dlck Cogan'a Bmart Pet in OlymptePark, in Pateraon, yeaterday, and tho came

ended tn a tle, with tha acore ;: to 3. 'in©N> w Yorkera were dlepleaeed with the de-dalon of the umplre In the nlnth Innlng. andrefuaed to contlnue. Tiie team was hiesedon leavlng the Held, nnd waa mobbed byth^ crowd when tiie playera were gettingmto carrlagea t'.> ko to their hotel.The acore by lnr.lnK* fellowa:

n H. eSf.i Tork .. O l 0 0 0 0 1 t 0.3 T 4Miiart >.t ..

.1 . j a a :; « irtea.Drui k< an Hartlej; MeClellaa

r I'mplre W.irner

OFMcGoorty and Moha May Clear

Up Middleweight Muddle.

BOTH IN FINE CONDITIONWestern Boxer Clever and Un.

defeated After Seven Yearsof Fighting.

t'hlef interest In the bouta of the aajacentres around the meetlng between EddkMcOoorty, Ihe poaerful mlddlewelghtjwOakoah, Wle., itn«l Bob Moha. the sturdyhoxer frotn Ifllwaukee, at the St. Mchoij,Aihletic Club to-morr..\v nlght Thla hattlemay <-lear up the muddle coneprnlng ak|tltle om-e held by Stanley Ketch.ll.The men are already ln perfert <'.n^:u..n

for tlu' eonteat as a renult of »*vertiweeka' atrenuoua tralnlng, and mrh |« q^,,li.i.-nt of rletory. They «rin i.,)X al .^|...und>, welghlng in at " o'clock. Ait.houfhafcOoorty and Moha have been Mvhting f,,ra long time this wlll b.- the Drat taaa th»tthey have. met.

BfoGoorty ahoui.i win on potata n. (tall and clever, arlth a fast left naadaeaajarring in bla rlght. He r,i:mt*njan ong hi;* vi.tiin-. tlM formidable Jack Dil-i,.11 He is only tweaty-two >-ar< ald ardbaa naver oeen beaten m sev.n yeanMoha will undoubtedly glve MrO.-ort\ »

bard Jlajbl He ahowed hla mettle in knoek.i: c oul .litu gmlth, outbo: Ing s.-uior Burk«and beatlng Freddle Hicka. He ia rieverin hla own way and 1 iaa a good wallop lnboth hande. He la abort, however, n-.r ni(

The frlenda of Preddle Wi lah, thi tjrmerllghtwelght champion of On a' Briiain. win

he ploaard to learn of hbi aga!n»tJttrtny Duffy. t.i" heretofon undef^atH

bghtwelghl of Rjff-ilo Wetoh nutpointHDuffy m Impreaalve utyle ln a e0nt.est at

B'.ffalo recenf!> and boxed >nly rird

anough to win the rerdlct lt .* thetataa-tlon «,f *h« clever Wetehman to hor hu

v perfert ronditien and th»n

ao after the IkbI m the bualneaa.

charlev IVhlte, the Chlcago r.o>. proMlus ahilitv in no uncerUtll manBBf when b«, eclaiveh utpolnted Oweu Moran in a bBBt

,.,,.; . White ls the «ame lad who...i .Tohnny Kllnane a twelve-ro-md dr.^

and waa ewarded the declaioo o\er .Ichnnyrnmde.. White wlll meet Voung s-hugru*.,,t th.- .-t Ntcholaa Athletlc Cl ib on Junei

Al Halzer haa signe.i his own emandpa-'tlon proelamatlon, and from BOW et, h»

Haya h.- wlll do his ewn buabwea Ba :i4

aiigllng for a matrh between himself ar4

Bombardler Wejla In one of the larger of

the local cluhs. The Melfahon brothenhave offered 313.fO for the mateh.

There is not a Mttle lnt. rest around orn

the nie.tlntf of "Voung' Pol«herg andFr.inkie Burns at the Koyale Aihletic Cluhon Wednet-diy nlght. Hurns has decid-d a)stlek to th- ranks of the* and aill

boa Boleberg at Hl pounda at 6 o'clock,Home of the other bo'its of ihe week fot-

k>w: To-night~4"al l». 'atiey vb Jack

Doyle, at the Olymi v' Uo Hub ofHarleta; Hel Coogan ve. .'Youhg" Fri«-*;ine, at the Brooklm Beaeh Athletk Club.To-morrow nlglit--"Yourg" Kurtz vs Joe.5te.p. af Brown's ijymnasitim; tiddle Me-Ooorty vf. Bob Moha. at tbe Bt NlchoU«*.thletlc Hub. <~>r< Wedne.^i .y tiijrht ther*wlll be an a'l etar abOW it t'*., ShartoyClub._SPEEDCRAFT IN LEMON RACENew York Motor Boat ClubOpens Season on the Hudson.The New York Motor Boat Club opened

Ita aeaeon yest-rday wlth a eerie* ef fourr^.es on the Hmlson. all etart'.-'g from e"the clubhoii«e. at HTth ?':. *..

were in full v:ew from the rl-ibhouje, wher»

many membera and thelr gueeta *<=«embledto wltness tiie en^rtThere were six classes in the firsf rac«. t

champion«hv. eonteat, ln whleb the boa»»went twlre, around a three-mi'- eourw

The wtonen were: ln <'iasa A, H. 7Pratt'9 Tiny Tad; ChUB B, K C. T'.enkeniQnestion: t'laas C, W. C M^r-lmaa*f'a.sro; ''laec D, C. P, Chapman's ^onion;<;iaas r^ P. 1». liheen's Kltsix, a'.'l <"!»»«

P, P. W. Horenhurger'B Jolly RThe amuslng feature of tiie regattg **'

the 'lemon race." From tha power boat

Jolly Roger 160 Bmall blocka of wood wer*

dropped overhoard whlle she waa tinderwag. Y^nrh blook was numbered from 1 ta

te, and the boat that plcked up, not UVmost hlocks. but the onea whoae sam totalwas the, greatest, won the prlze. L» CTienken'a Question proved the wdnne-. H«rMoeke numhered 854, the aeeond b:at, Mtr-kJn and Hrth'e Bunk III. having HtThree teaniB of three boata each, flyttiK

green, red and yellow flags re«i*ectlvaly,started ln the relay race of three mlleaIt waa won by the green team, conslstlnfof the Kltelx. the Mertln, owne.1 ry Com«modore W. B. Selden. and the FAitern

Ptar. K. U Klneh. The red team. made up

of the Bunk III. the Onlda, owned by F. Q

Menko. and the Cosca, W. C Merrlman.wae aecond.



Repalnted, everhaul*d and aold with wrlttan(Uarantee; lune Ki'pearnnra ef new eara; allv\l>r* of botflea; l>rli-*a from 8350 up

Mii .i iniinber of other makca at attractlvaprlcea Pope-Hartford Auto Co.Tal TlSl r<il_umjbua m:li) IIKOAIIWAT.

Renewed PeerlessCarsNo <nr letter nt miv prii-e.

\u are overhaulad nnd repalnted, and earry\<-u <\,r Ouarantea; all mod.'la on axhlbt-

raady for ilellvery at very uttructtve

i i RLKM MOTOm CAR CO. <>r X- V..:m Brt idway, N v. Cltjr

llran h, 1384 Bedford AvaUr.m 'h 37 Wllllam Bt_


On Exhtbit on Sacrifice Pricea:¦ era, Blmplea, t-m-

laca Renaulta, Natmnal,Mervedve, Naiant. t.ozler*.

erleai BI arna, Itoaa, Btevena,|.;,l,., rtingei i..... n ob la lll out eara hih

...lll !"Hs\i.iMiiiiiMs. BROADW'AI 1MI BTth |T.



Auto 6ar»ains.Best Quality.,,,.. mi i< \M' "BQUARB 1-i.At .v

[il,-, ,;. K'artory !"¦¦ aenrlce of pur.-haa^ra.

Jandori Automoblle to.,S;Z42&44W/6MSi.Bi:iC... .,,, | Ii t .i- 'ol* 1!»I I tor

,, ,x ..'!...! lon-tltton.,,,,., HUI .'.':' palntad. «*.

. ...I, trattoa fNanpaar, Braaef-*aj ai ttttb at. Telephone COOo Columbua.

.mm^, «.! ii *.! rOMOBH v^BBBBjaaajEverybody SatisfiedliKKKVS PlRtTlASIMJ *PJg&?COB 4Sril 8T. AND BBOALi\>AY.

BIG BAROAIM*.The lata aprlnj haa crowded onr »».|

rn.n.a with hundrada of dealraM* »utc-mobUee, and ownera are clameri".i ¦«

eaah. We muat rallera tha atraln. BHfor thla waek we offar tha M«eit bar

nuaa ln atandard lata modula .**»

Ka'rh and averr «ar |UUf iruaraateadand demonatratlon chaerftillv «;\,n-

h;ast terms arranokd.Oldamoblla IJmlted. iJaoBtearna raaawee. Vt-ord runabout..»i!" J JT5Hupmobllea . iH !. JwBufck, medel 10. $W » Sataaweti tear eara. we w ^Cadlllac 80 tourcara. NO JB w»

Itanler tour eara. 22 S 4001'eetleaa B and 7 paaa. eara. 4*o > *"»

Paekard 30 tour car. w> w

LoslarT paaa tourtn* car.. *W o

Palmer & b'.ngar..¦. ooo »a

Pope II irtford. lat* model ^toav <-ar.¦ #^

F. M F A Flundere mxlele BBO »P gjjNat I. late model tour ear.. ^r.o h p. k:\oi trueh.__. ,_

Taa a oara and Undaui-t.. ¦««.»-Hundrada of other bl* bereanaa.

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