  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    ROAD RAISE TAKES OVER NEIGHBORHOODSLa elevacin de calles apodera de los vecindarios

    DONT BLOW IT: CANDLE SENSE ADVICEConsejos sobre velas

    TRIMMING THE TRASH TRAILRecortando el rastro de basuraELECTION GUIDE INSIDEGua de elecciones dentro





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    MB magazine | Fall 20152

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    COMMISSIONERJonah Wolfson

    [email protected] Term 20112015First elected 2007, Group IVProfession Attorney

    COMMISSIONERJoy Malakoff

    [email protected] Term 20132017First elected 2013, Group IIIProfession Retired Banker

    COMMISSIONEREdward L. Tobin

    [email protected] Term 20112015First elected 2007, Group VProfession Attorney

    COMMISSIONERMicky Steinberg

    [email protected] Term 20132017First elected 2013, Group IProfessionRealtor

    MAYORPhilip Levine

    [email protected] Term 20132015First elected 2013Profession Entrepreneur

    COMMISSIONERDeede Weithorn

    [email protected] Term 20112015First elected 2007, Group VIProfession CPA

    COMMISSIONERMichael Grieco

    [email protected] Term 20132017First elected 2013, Group IIProfession Attorney

    I am proud to share that while Miami Beach

    property values have seen a 13.2 percent

    increase, the city has managed to provide a tax

    relief to residents by decreasing property taxes.

    Our strong financial health remains intact with

    a balanced budget that includes $1.2 million in

    efficiencies and various enhancements that address strategic priorities

    in public safety, transportation and storm water infrastructure.

    In our fight against the rising tides, we continue the aggressive

    installation of storm water pumps citywide. To date, 25 of these

    systems are now operational. And thanks to artful engineering, theyare providing a much cleaner bill of health for our prized waters. I

    encourage you to read more about our pumps added environmental

    perk on page 16.

    The city is at the tail-end of finalizing the transportation master plan,

    which includes improving connectivity with mass transit options

    and cultivating the pedestrian and bicycle experience. A first-rate

    transportation network is paramount for the prosperity of Miami Beach

    and the city is gaining momentum on several mobility initiatives. Our

    Getting Aroundcolumn on page 44 provides additional details.

    Election season is around the corner and we have included a

    voters guide inside that outlines the two ballot questions and their

    corresponding explanations that will appear on the November 3 ballot.

    Voting is the cornerstone of a democracy, and I hope you will take the

    time to voice your opinion.

    In this issues Meet Your Team, you will get a glimpse of the woman

    who is leading the citys high-profile, $592 million Miami Beach

    Convention Center renovation and expansion. The project is on target,

    and I invite each of you to the public preview of this state-of-the-art

    building on October 22.

    Together, lets continue to make Miami Beach an even better place to

    live, work, learn and play.

    Me enorgullece compartir con ustedes el hecho de que aunque el valor

    de las propiedades en Miami Beach ha tenido un aumento del 13.2%,

    la ciudad ha logrado ofrecer una reduccin fiscal a los residentes

    al rebajar los impuestos a la propiedad. Nuestra solidez financiera

    sigue intacta gracias a un presupuesto equilibrado que incluye $1.2

    millones en eficiencias y varias mejoras de prioridades estratgicas en

    seguridad pblica, transporte e infraestructura para aguas pluviales.

    En nuestra batalla contra las mareas altas, seguimos con la instalacin

    acelerada de bombas para las aguas pluviales en toda la ciudad.

    Hasta la fecha tenemos en operacin 25 de estos sistemas. Y gracias

    a la ingeniosa ingeniera, tenemos un resultado de notable mejora

    en nuestras preciadas aguas. Los invito a leer ms sobre las ventajas

    ambientales de nuestras bombas en la pgina 16.

    La ciudad est en la etapa final para culminar el plan maestro de

    transporte, el cual abarca mejorar la conectividad mediante opciones

    de trnsito masivo y aumentar el volumen de peatones y ciclistas.

    Una red de transporte de calidad superior es fundamental para la

    prosperidad de Miami Beach, y la ciudad est cobrando mpetu en

    varias iniciativas de movilidad. Nuestra columna Getting Around en la

    pgina 44 ofrece detalles adicionales.

    Se acerca la temporada de elecciones y hemos incluido una gua para

    el elector que explica las dos preguntas de la boleta de votacin y sus

    correspondientes explicaciones que aparecern en la boleta del 3 de

    noviembre. El voto es la piedra angular de la democracia y espero quetomen el tiempo para expresar su opinin.

    En la columna Meet Your Team de este nmero, encontrarn un breve

    resumen acerca de la mujer que lidera el proyecto de alto perfil de

    renovacin y ampliacin del Centro de Convenciones de Miami

    Beach con un valor de $592 millones. El proyecto marcha segn

    lo programado y estn todos invitados a una exhibicin preliminar,

    abierta al pblico, de esta edificacin de vanguardia el 22 de octubre.

    Juntos continuemos haciendo de Miami Beach un lugar an mejor para

    vivir, t rabajar, divertirse y aprender.

    Jimmy L. Morales



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    MB magazine | Fall 20154

    PRODUCTIONOffice of Communications



    Nannette Rodriguez

    EDITORMelissa Berthier

    DESIGN DIRECTORDean Chambers

    RECREATION REVIEWJackie Gonzalez


    Shari Holbert LipnerYanira Pineda

    Leslie D. Rosenfeld


    Dean ChambersJackie Gonzalez


    [email protected]


    [email protected]

    MB magazine is produced quarterly by the Office ofCommunications. The publication of an advertisementdoes not imply endorsement of any product, service oropinion by the City of Miami Beach, its employees orofficials. Revista MB es producida cada tres mesespor la Oficina de Comunicaciones.

    To request this material in accessible format, sign languageinterpreters, information on access for persons withdisabilities, and/or any accommodation to review anydocument or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding,please contact 305.604.2489 (voice) or 305.673.7218(TTY) five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY usersmay also call 711 (Florida Relay Service). Para solicitaresta publicacin en un formato accesible, pida intrpretesde lenguaje de signos, solicite informacin sobre accesopara personas discapacitadas, si requiere cualquier ayudapara revisar cualquier documento y/o para participar encualquier proceso patrocinado por la ciudad, comunquesecon el Centro de Informacion de la Ciudad por telfono,305.604.2489 (voz), o 305.673.7218 (TTY) de serposible con 5 das de anticipacin. Tambin al 711 paracomunicarse con el Servicio de Relay de La Florida.

    COLUMNS6 Round Up Resumen Safe Haven One Book, One City Veterans Day Parade Refugio seguro Un libro, una ciudad Desfile del dia de los veteranos

    10 Meet Your Team Conozca a su equipo Convention Center Project Director Maria Hernandez

    Directora del proyecto de centro de convenciones Maria Hernandez

    12 Cultural Corner Esquina cultural New Exhibits at Wolfsonian-FIU

    Nuevas exposiciones en el Wolfsonian-FIU

    20 Green Matters Conciencia verde Recycling Dos & Donts

    Normas de reciclaje

    22 Cooking with Fire Cocinando con fuego Candle with Care Shepherds PieUse velas con cuidado Shepherds Pie

    24 Planned Progress Progreso planificado Sunset Harbour Takes the High Ground

    Sunset Harbour eleva sus calles

    26 All Ready Todos listos What to Know When Calling 911

    Lo que debe saber al llamar al 911

    28 Safety First Seguridad primeroProtect Yourself from Identity Theft

    Protjase contra el robo de identidad

    32 Next Generation La prxima generacin Spanish Language Immersion

    Inmersin lingstica de espaol

    MB magazine Advertisements2 Gray & Sons11 Coca-Cola15 Baptist Health 30MB Suncare 31Dora Puig34 GPS Security Oliver Davis 35 GMCVB North Beach 45 Miami Beach Parking51 Food Trucks North Beach Bandshell 56 Urban Resource MB Church 57 Miami Beach BotanicalGarden Boucher Brothers66 Atlantic Broadband67Precious Smiles BCJontiff & Jontiff

    Were Social!Follow us on your favorite social media sites




    Twitter | Scribd

    Facebook | YouTube | Flickr

    TAP INTO FREE, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH APPSFrom finding a parking spot or playground to reporting potholes orgraffiti, mobile apps are improving Miami Beach city living.

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    COLUMNS42 Your Space Su espacio Election Guide

    Gua electoral

    46 Getting Around Movindose Transportation Updates

    Actualizaciones de transporte

    48 Beach in Bloom Playa florecienteLiving RoofsTechos vivos

    50 Since You Asked Usted pregunt Tree Permits Ocean Rescue Hotline

    Permisos de rboles Lnea directa al departamento de socorristas

    52 Health & Wellness Salud y bienestarPara-Rowers Go for GoldPara-remeros van por el oro

    58 Senior Scene Escena para mayores Medicare & Medicaid Open Enrollment

    Inscripcin abierta para Medicare y Medicaid

    60 Recreation Review Informacin de recreoMove to the Beat with Parks & RecreationMuvete al ritmo con Parques y Recreo


    By Melissa Berthier


    By Yanira Pineda

    FALL/OTOO2015VOL. 11 | ISSUE NO. 1




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    MB magazine | Fall 2015

    A Salute on Veterans DayParade, Show & PicnicWednesday, November 11, 11:11AMWashington Avenue from 17 to 11 streets intoFlamingo Park baseball stadium.

    Un Saludo para el Da del VeteranoDesfile, Show y PicnicMircoles, 11 de Noviembre, 11:11AMWashington Avenue desde la calle 17 a la 11 enel estadio de baseball Flamingo Park

    Continue the Miami BeachCentennial Festivities

    Join in on the citys first community book read with How Sweet It Is!by Thane Rosenbaum a novel that celebrates Miami Beachs vibranthistory and local talent.

    Contine las festividades del Centenario de Miami Beachparticipando en las reuniones comunitarias para la primera lectura del

    libro How Sweet It Is! escrito por Thane Rosenbaum una novelaque celebra el talento local y la vibrante historia de Miami Beach.

    Using the Internet to Buy orSell Items?The Miami Beach Police Departmentis committed to keeping residents andvisitors safe by proving a SAFE HAVEN forexchanges from online transations. Set themeeting point for your transaction to take

    place at the Miami Beach police stationlobby located at 1100 Washington Avenue,open 24/7.

    Usas el Internet paracomprar o vender artculos?El Departamento de Polica de Miami Beachha designado la sede de la polica en1100 Washington Avenue como punto dereunin para llevar a cabo intercambios detransaccin que vienen en lnea. La sedeopera 24/7 y proporciona un lugar seguropara realizar transacciones de ventade Internet.








    November 4: Kick-off at the Jewish Museum of Florida - FIU | 6PM - 8:30PM

    November 7: Read-a-thon, Miami Beach Regional Library Auditorium | 2PM - 4PM

    November 15: Author book discussion, Betsy Hotel | 7:30PM - 8:30PM

    November 17: Author book discussion, Miami Beach Regional Library Auditorium | 6:30PM - 7:30PM

    November 18: Book discussion, South Shore Library | 5:30PM - 7:30PM

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    Commission meetings are generally held monthly on Wednesdays at 8:30a.m. in the Commission Chambers, third floor, City Hall, 1700 ConventionCenter Drive, unless otherwise scheduled.

    OCTOBER 14* OCTOBER 21**



    *Regular Meeting, 8:30 a.m. **Presentations & Awards Meeting, 5 p.m.***Special Convention Center Meeting, 5 p.m.

    Live telecasts of t he Commission meetings are closed captioned in English (CC) and Spanish (CC3).

    2015 Upcoming Commission MeetingsReuniones de la comisin

    Meetings Live and ReplaysReuniones en Vivo y Repeticiones

    On Demand and

    Watch MBTV on Atlantic BroadbandChannels 77, 90 or 107.3AT&T U-verse (99)

    Dr. Stanley Sutnick Citizens ForumLos Foros de los Ciudadanos8:30 a.m. 9 a.m.1 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

    Residents with PerksMiami Beach residents will have the opportunity to purchase tickets to select 2016SOBEWFF events at a 15 percent discounted rate October 5 18, 2015. Residentsmust call 1.877.762.3933 during business hours, Monday through Friday, for theduration of the promotion and have a credit card with a billing zip code in MiamiBeach. For participating events and more details, visit the citys Residents with Perkspage on the resident portal.

    Residentes con BeneficiosLos residentes de Miami Beach tendrn la oportunidad de comprar boletos paraalgunos eventos del SOBEWFF a un descuento del 15 por ciento en el periodoOctubre 5-18, 2015. Los residentes deben llamar al 1.877.762.3933 durantehoras de oficina de lunes a viernes mientras dure la promocin, y tener una tarjetade crdito con el cdigo postal de facturacin que corresponda a Miami Beach.Para participar en los eventos y para mayor detalle, visite la pagina de la ciudadResidents with Perks.

    OCTOBER 28***

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    MB magazine | Fall 20158


    CELEBRATESHundreds voted on their favorite MB magazine cover from acollection of 10 years. With over 42 choices, these are thewinning picks.

    Centenares votaron para su portada favorita de la revista MB de

    los ltimos diez anos. Con ms de 42 posibles selecciones, estasrecibieron la mayor cantidad de votos.


    MB magazine | Fall 20158

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    MB was awardedthe 2015 3CMASilver Circle Award.















    #1#2 #3 #4 #5


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    MB magazine | Fall 201510



    f you live, work or attendbusiness conventions on Miami

    Beach, hers is a name andface with which you will likelybecome extremely familiar.Maria Hernandez grew up inMiami, but recalls spending agreat deal of time with familyand friends visiting MiamiBeach as a child. Her interest inarchitecture led to a degree fromthe University of Miami, whichevolved into a graduate degree

    from New Yorks Columbia University and overseas studiesin Europe. Yet, it was her love of all things South Floridathat brought this home-grown talent back to our shores.Hernandez is about to leave an indelible mark on MiamiBeach as she serves as project director for the new Miami

    Beach Convention Center.*

    Proudest MomentI think its yet to come. My proudest career moment may verywell be the day I deliver the new Miami Beach ConventionCenter to the city. Its the largest public capital project in thehistory of the city; it is something very high profile, not justhere, but throughout the country. Its a convention centereveryone is looking at. It will be the highlight of my careerand we have a great team in place that will help me makeit happen.

    Female LeadershipI am the project director of the 52-acre convention centerdistrict overseeing all projects within the district and reportingdirectly to the city manager. The fact that women can be in

    positions of leadership in construction management to bringan important project such as this to Miami Beach also speaksto the citys diversity and the opportunities granted to women.When I started at the citys Office of Capital ImprovementProjects department, it was wonderfully eye-opening to see somany women managing construction projects for the city.

    Miami Beach FavoriteI love the restaurants. The beach drew me in as a child andnow that Ive gotten older, I love to dine here especiallyat Ice Box. Theyre dear to my heart because Robert [owner]made my wedding cake when I got married. At the timehe was just starting with the restaurant and it was mostly abakery that would serve coffee and pastries and make greatcakes. Today its the go to place for lunch and Sunday brunchin Sunset Harbor. Its a success story and thats just part ofwhats been great about Miami Beach.

    Si usted vive, trabaja o asiste a conferencias comercialesen Miami Beach, el nombre y el rostro de ella se le harn

    sumamente familiares. Maria Hernandez se cri en Miami,pero recuerda que en su niez pasaba mucho de su tiempocon parientes y amigos de visita en Miami Beach. Su intersen la arquitectura la llev a cursar estudios en ese campoen la Universidad de Miami, que luego ampli con unpostgrado en Columbia University en Nueva York y estudiosavanzados en Europa. No obstante, fue su pasin por todolo relacionado con el sur de Florida lo que trajo a este talentolocal de vuelta a nuestras costas. Hernandez est a puntode dejar una marca imborrable en Miami Beach ya que sedesempea como directora de proyecto para el nuevo Centrode Convenciones de Miami Beach.*

    Momento de enorme orgulloCreo que todava no ha llegado. El momento de mayororgullo de mi carrera profesional tal vez sea el da que

    culmine el nuevo Centro de Convenciones de Miami Beachy se lo entregue a la ciudad. Es el proyecto de inversin decapital publica ms grande de la historia de la ciudad; esalgo de extrema proyeccin, no solamente aqu, sino entodo el pas. Es un centro de convenciones en el que todosposan la mirada. Ser el punto ms destacado de mi carreray contamos con un equipo maravilloso que me ayudar aconvertirlo en realidad.

    Liderazgo femeninoSoy la directora de proyectos del distrito del centro deconvenciones con un rea de 52 acres que supervisa todoslos proyectos dentro del distrito, reportndole directamenteal administrador de la ciudad. El hecho de que las mujerespuedan ocupar cargos de liderazgo en gerencia de laconstruccin para lograr este importante proyecto en Miami

    Beach tambin es indicio de la diversidad que ofrece laciudad y de las oportunidades que se les otorgan a lasmujeres. Cuando me inici en el departamento de mejorasde inversiones de capital, fue realmente revelador encontrartantas mujeres involucradas en el rea de gerencia de laconstruccin de la ciudad.

    Favorito de Miami BeachMe encantan los restaurantes. La playa me atraa cuando erania y ahora que soy adulta, me encanta salir a comer aqu,sobre todo en Ice Box. Son muy especiales para m porqueRobert [el dueo] hizo mi pastel de bodas cuando me cas.En aquel entonces l estaba empezando con su restaurante,que era bsicamente una pastelera que serva caf yrepostera y haca pasteles maravillosos. Hoy en da es el

    lugar perfecto en Sunset Harbor para almorzar y para brunchlos domingos. Es una historia de xito y es apenas una partede lo que ha sido fenomenal de Miami Beach.

    Ground BreakerShattering Constructions Glass Ceiling

    * The Miami Beach Convention Center will be undergoing a $500 million renovation and expansion that will include anew state-of-the-art, 60,000 square foot ballroom, a 5.8-acre public park surrounded by canopy trees, a flexible lawnarea, food pavilion, a public plaza to honor U.S. veterans, and much more. For details, visit

    * El Centro de Convenciones de Miami Beach tendr una renovacin y ampliacin por un valor estimado de $500millones que incluir un saln de banquetes de vanguardia de 60,000 pies cuadrados, un parque pblico con un reade 5.8 acres rodeado de rboles de copa, espacios verdes multiuso, un pabelln de comidas y una plaza pblica parahonrar a los veteranos estadounidenses y mucho ms. Para conocer ms detalles, visite

    Maria HernandezProject DirectorConvention Center District

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  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    MB magazine | Fall 201512 MB magazine | Fall 201512


    A LEADER IN THE PACKBy Melissa Berthier

    Illustrating the persuasive power of art and design throughobjects in a variety of media, The Wolfsonian-FIU boasts acollection of over 180,000 articles from the period of 1885 to

    1945 the height of the Industrial Revolution to the end of theSecond World War.

    This museum, library and research center, nestled in the heartof Miami Beachs Art Deco District, conveys the story of social,

    historical and technological changes that have transformedour world. Their collection encompasses furniture; industrial-design objects; works in glass, ceramics and metal; rare books;periodicals; ephemera; works on paper; paintings; textiles;and medals.

    The Wolfsonian-FIU hopes to expand the museum physically anddigitally, making most of its permanent collection available onlineunder the leadership of Timothy Rodgers, the museumsnew director.

    Rodgers relationship with The WolfsonianFIU dates backto 1989 when The Wolfsonians Journal of Decorative andPropaganda Arts published his first scholarly article. Prior tocoming to Miami Beach, Rodgers served as the director of theScottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMoCA) for six years.It was there that his reputation for creating synergies between artand education was solidified.

    It is my hope for the Wolfsonian to deliver programs connectingthe museums collection with a community of supporters, students,scholars and researchers from around the world, said Rodgers.We will aim to be at the forefront of all conversations aboutthe future of museums, visual studies, modernist scholarship andaudience engagement.

    This fall, the museum will debut two major exhibitions,Philodendron: From Pan-Latin Exotic to American Modern andMargin of Error.



  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    Philodendron: From Pan-Latin Exotic to American Modern opensOctober 16 and features rarely seen objects from around theworld, many on public display for the first time. The exhibition willcelebrate the, cross-cultural influence of Latin American plant life onU.S. and European fashion, art, cinema, architecture and design.

    We are excited to present this exhibition in Miami Beach, agateway to Latin America where these plants originate, saidWolfsonian curator Christian Larsen. Philodendrons now grow inthe U.S. like weeds and decorate every home. They are so commonthat they go unnoticed. By focusing our attention on the way they

    have inspired artists and designers, we tell a story of Pan-Americanexchange and American notions, including stereotypes ofthe tropics.

    The Margin of Error exhibition is slated to open November, andit will explore cultural responses to mechanical mastery andengineered catastrophes of the modern age: the shipwrecks,crashes, explosions, collapses and novel types of workplace injurythat interrupt the path of progress.

    I want to ensure that more people recognize the fact that TheWolfsonianFIU is a world-class museum, one that intelligently andcreatively engages with a vast array of cultural artifacts to help allof us understand our history, our present and our future,added Rodgers.

    Lder en su grupo Ilustrando el poder persuasivodel arte y el diseo a travs de objetos en unavariedad de medios, el museo Wolfsonian-FIU sejacta de poseer una coleccin de ms de 180,000artculos del perodo entre 1885 y 1945, elpinculo de la Revolution Industrial hasta el final dela Segunda Guerra Mundial.

    Este museo, biblioteca y centro de investigacin,anidado en el corazn del Art Deco District deMiami Beach, expresa la historia de los cambiossociales, histricos y tecnolgicos que hantransformado el mundo en que vivimos. Su coleccinabarca mobiliario; objetos de diseo industrial;obras en vidrio, cermica y metal; libros raros;publicaciones peridicas; efemrides; obras en papel; pinturas;textiles; y medallas.

    El Wolfsonian-FIU espera ampliar el museo en el mbito fsico ydigital, poniendo la mayor parte de su coleccin permanente a ladisposicin en lnea bajo el liderazgo de Timothy Rodgers, nuevodirector del museo.

    La relacin de Rodgers con el WolfsonianFIU se remonta a 1989cuando el museo public su primer artculo acadmico en su revista

    Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts. Antes de venirse a

    Miami Beach, Rodgers se desempe como director del ScottsdaleMuseum of Contemporary Art (SMoCA) durante seis aos. Fue allque se consolid su reputacin como creador de sinergias entre elarte y la educacin.

    Tengo la esperanza de que el Wolfsonian ofrecer programas quevinculen la coleccin del museo con una comunidad de defensores,estudiantes, acadmicos e investigadores de todo el mundo,expres Rodgers. Nos empearemos en estar a la vanguardia detodas las conversaciones sobre el futuro de los museos, estudiosvisuales, el conocimiento acadmico modernista y la participacin

    del pblico.Este otoo, el museo inaugurar dos exhibiciones mayores, comoson: Philodendron: From Pan-Latin Exotic to American Modern(Filodendro: De lo extico pan-latino a lo moderno estadounidense)y Margin of Error (Margen de error).

    Philodendron: From Pan-Latin Exotic to American Modern seinaugura el 16 de octubre y muestra objetos rara vez vistosprovenientes de todo el mundo, muchos de ellos en exhibicinpor primera vez. La exhibicin celebrar la influencia interculturalgeneralizada de la vida de las plantas latinoamericanas en EstadosUnidos y Europa en los campos de la moda, arte, cine, arquitecturay diseo.

    Nos emociona presentar esta exhibicin en Miami

    Beach, un portal de entrada a Latinoamricadonde se originan estas plantas, afirm ChristianLarsen, curador del Wolfsonian. Los filodendrosahora crecen en EE.UU. como hierba y se usanpara decorar los hogares. Son tan comunes quepasan inadvertidos. Pero al fijar nuestra atencinen la manera en que han inspirado a artistas ydiseadores, contamos una historia de intercambiopanamericano y nociones estadounidenses, incluidosestereotipos de los trpicos.

    La exhibicin Margin of Error est programada paranoviembre y explorar las respuestas culturales a lamaestra mecnica y las catstrofes ingeniadas de la

    era moderna: naufragios, choques, explosiones, derrumbes y tiposnovedosos de lesiones en el lugar de trabajo que interrumpen elcamino del progreso.

    Quiero asegurarme de que mientras ms reconocido sea el hechode que el WolfsonianFIU es un museo de clase mundial, uno quese involucra de manera inteligente y creativa con una vasta gamade artefactos culturales para ayudarnos a todos a entender nuestrahistoria, nuestro presente y nuestro futuro, agreg Rodgers.

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    MB magazine | Fall 201514




    THE BOY FRIEND (1971)











    WOMAN IN GOLD (2015)


    CAST AWAY (2000)






    MINIONS (2015)






    FURIOUS SEVEN (2015)



    FIVE ARMIES (2014)





    THE QUEEN (2006)

    Schedule is subject to change.Film listings for February throughMay 2016 are posted on programacin est sujeta a cambios.La programacin correspondiente alperodo febrero-mayo de 2016 seencuentra en



    to 91011

    Citiwill beproviding weekly


    such as popcorn,photo booths,

    and musicalentertainment.

    Presented by CitiWednesdays at 8 p.m., Miami Beach SoundScape (500 17 Street, Miami Beach, FL 33139)

    DO NOT MISS A BEATSubscribe at

    to receive the weeklyMiami Beach culturalarts calendar.

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    THANK YOU, MIAMI BEACHAt Baptist Health South Florida, we feel truly humbled and grateful

    for the outpouring of support from the Miami Beach community.

    The approval to develop our new healthcare facility at 709 Alton Road

    comes after months of insightful conversations with neighbors, businesses

    and civic leaders a comprehensive process that truly improved our

    project. We look forward to bringing high-quality and convenient healthcare

    choices to the residents and visitors of this vibrant community when we

    open our doors in late 2017.

    Healthcare that Cares

    A not-for-profit organization supported by philanthropy and committed to our faith-based charitable mission of medical excellence

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015



    By Melissa Berthier

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    Crushed plastic bottles, perforated Styrofoam, chipbags, liquor bottles and a red flip-flop. Theseare just some of the hundreds of remnants that

    have washed up inside of one of the storm water pumpstations on 10 Street and West Avenue.

    It is a quiet morning, and while tourists and denizensof this tropical city able towards their destinations,municipal workers have been busy underfoot, piecingtogether a robust system of pumps to keep streets dry.

    These new structures also deliver an understatedenvironmental perk: cleaner water into the bay.

    For the past 80 years, the City of Miami Beach hadrelied on an antiquated storm water gravity system thatdid a subpar job of blocking entering debris into the

    ecosystem. Basically, anything caught in a storm draintrickled into Biscayne Bay or clogged the system.

    Todays new pump stations provide more ecological

    sophistication. Sifting the water entering the pump, theyremove harmful pollutants before they have a chance tosurf down into the bay.

    If not for the extensive environmental measures takenby the city when installing our new storm water pumps,people would be swimming with this trash, said CityEngineer Bruce Mowry. Our pumps successfully preventseveral tons of debris from ending up in our waterways.

    Specially-trained crews remove debris from these systems

    on a quarterly or more basis by utilizing a multi-levelcleaning process.

    Dishearteningly, the majority of refuse being cleanedup is not naturally occurring. It is generated by youguessed it people.

    Residents, visitors and businesses are all contributors tothe pervasive problem of litter, noted Lily Furst, long-timemember of the citys Sustainability Committee. Eachof us can do our part by minding our manners and notbeing part of the problem. This is our home.

    In the 2014 community satisfaction survey, cleanliness iscited by residents and businesses as the most importantcity service to retain.

    For the past ten years, the city has been conducting apublic area sanitation assessment program to objectivelyrate the cleanliness of Miami Beach.

    The cleanliness index measures against four factors:litter and trash, organic materials, fecal matter, andgarbage cans and dumpsters, said Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld,chief learning and development officer, City of MiamiBeach. It does so on a scale from one being extremelyclean to six being extremely dirty. Areas assessedinclude: streets, sidewalks and alleys, parks, surfaceparking lots, waterways, and beach areas.

    Miami Beachs cleanliness has steadily progressed asevidenced by the index and the results of the most recent

    Inside the 10 Street and West Avenue pump station.

    FOUR STEP PUMP CLEANING PROCESS1. Catches large debris.2. Filters sand and particles.3. Removes remaining floating material.4. Introduces oxygen into the water.

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    MB magazine | Fall 201518 MB magazine | Fall 201518

    Mantngalo limpioBotellas plsticas aplastadas,poliestireno perforado, bolsas de papas fritas, botellas de licory una chancleta roja. Estos son algunos de los centenares derestos que han sido arrastrados hasta el interior de una delas estaciones de bombeo de aguas pluviales ubicada en 10Street y West Avenue.

    Es una maana apacible y mientras los turistas y habitantesde esta ciudad tropical se encaminan hacia su destino, lostrabajadores municipales han estado ocupados bajo la

    superficie, armando un sistema robusto de bombas paramantener secas las calles.

    Estas nuevas estructuras tambin ofrecen una ventajaambiental desestimada: llegan aguas ms limpias a la baha.

    En los ltimos 80 aos, la Ciudad de Miami Beach habarecurrido a un anticuado sistema de control de aguas pluvialespor gravedad que no funcionaba del todo bien para impedirel paso de desechos al ecosistema. Bsicamente, cualquiercosa atrapada en un drenaje de lluvias se colaba aBiscayne Bay.

    Las nuevas estaciones de bombeo brindan sofisticacin ms

    ecolgica. Al filtrar el agua que entra a la bomba, eliminancontaminantes dainos antes de que estos tengan oportunidadde escurrirse hacia la baha.

    Si no fuera por las amplias medidas ambientales adoptadaspor la ciudad en la instalacin de nuestras nuevas bombas deaguas pluviales, estaramos nadando en basura, afirm BruceMowry, Ingeniero de la Ciudad. Nuestras bombas previenencon xito que varias toneladas de desechos terminen ennuestras vas acuticas.

    Cuadrillas entrenadas especialmente extraen regularmentedesperdicios de estos sistemas trimestralmente o con mayorfrecuencia mediante el uso de un proceso de limpieza devarios niveles.

    Muy lamentablemente, la mayora de los desechos sacados noson de origen natural. Son generados, como se lo imagina,por los humanos.

    Residentes, visitantes y empresas contribuyen todos por igualcon el generalizado problema de la basura, acot Lily Furst,integrante de larga trayectoria del Comit de Sustentabilidadde la ciudad. Cada uno de nosotros puede hacer su parte al

    survey in 2014: 87.2 percent of public areas citywide wererated as clean or very clean as compared to 65.2 percent infiscal year 2006.

    Land on the island comes at a premium, as does refuse space.Still, that is not deterring the citys Sanitation Department.

    We added 160 new trash cans last fiscal year and have 100more slated in our budget for this year, noted Sanitation Director

    Al Zamora. It is our hope to get one trash can on every streetcorner in the commercial and entertainment districts.

    The city will also be launching a pilot program by adding 20Bigbelly waste and recycling stations along Washington Avenue,Ocean Drive, Lincoln Road and 41 Street. These solar powered,rubbish-compacting bins have a capacity of compacting 567liters of trash, increasing the bins effective capacity by five. Theyare also wireless technology-enabled, which allows these units toreport their status into a dashboard that gives sanitation workersinsights for monitoring and route optimization.

    Legislation has also been a key component in promotingrecycling and curtailing trash. In 2013, the city required allresidential buildings and businesses to have a recycling program.

    Styrofoam was banned from the beaches in 2012. Two yearslater, prohibition expanded to include parks, city-ownedfacilities, sidewalk cafes and special events serving as thefirst municipality in Florida to ban polystyrene in public areasand setting the example for others to follow. This September,

    the commission also passed an ordinance to ban food serviceproviders and stores to sell or use Styrofoam.

    These seem the kind of new age prohibitions that most residentswant to get behind.

    Laws are what change behavior, added Furst.

    Preserving the quality of waterways and vital marine resourcesby keeping trash out of the bay is paramount in Miami Beachsfight against the rising tide. No one wants a trashy reputation.

    The city is currently conducting a pilot program ofstorm drain grates to measure the effectiveness ofkeeping trash and debris out of the storm

    water system.

    Pictured: Corner of Meridian Avenue and 11 Street

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    prestar atencin a nuestros modales y no formar partedel problema. Este es nuestro.

    En la encuesta de satisfaccin de la comunidadrealizada en 2014, residentes y empresas sealaronla limpieza como uno de los servicios municipales msimportantes que deben mantenerse.

    En los ltimos diez aos, la ciudad ha llevado a cabo

    un programa de evaluacin de sanidad de reaspblicas a fin de calificar con objetividad la limpiezade Miami Beach.

    El ndice de limpieza mide cuatro factores: basuray desperdicios, materias orgnicas, materia fecal yrecipientes de basura y vertederos, explic la Dra.Leslie Rosenfeld, funcionaria principal de aprendizaje ydesarrollo de la Ciudad de Miami Beach. La medicinse hace con una escala en la que uno significaextremadamente limpio y seis significa extremadamentesucio. Las reas evaluadas incluyen: calles, aceras ycallejones, parques, estacionamientos abiertos, vasacuticas y reas de playa.

    La limpieza de Miami Beach ha progresadoconstantemente, tal como se evidencia en el ndice ylos resultados de la encuesta ms reciente de 2014:El 87.2% de las reas pblicas de toda la ciudad

    fueron calificadas como limpias o muy limpias, encomparacin con un 65.2% en el ao fiscal 2006.

    La tierra es un recurso muy valioso en la isla, al igualque el espacio para los desechos. Aun as, no esimpedimento para el departamento de sanidad dela ciudad.

    Hemos agregado 160 recipientes de basura nuevosen el ltimo ao fiscal y tenemos previstos otros 100

    en nuestro presupuesto para este ao, expres AlZamora, Director de Sanidad. Nuestra meta es colocarun recipiente de basura en cada esquina de los distritoscomerciales y de entretenimiento.

    La ciudad tambin aplicar un programa pilotoque agrega 20 estaciones con recipientes grandesde recoleccin de desperdicios y de reciclaje enWashington Avenue, Ocean Drive, Lincoln Road y

    41 Street. Estos recipientes compactadores de basurason operados con energa solar y pueden compactar567 litros de basura, lo que multiplica por cinco lacapacidad efectiva del recipiente. Tambin funcionancon tecnologa inalmbrica, lo que hace posible queestas unidades reporten su condicin en un panel quesuministra datos a los empleados de sanidad para lasupervisin y la optimizacin de rutas.

    La legislacin tambin ha sido un componente claveen la promocin del reciclaje y disminucin de labasura. En 2013, la ciudad exigi todos los edificiosresidenciales y empresas tuvieran un programa dereciclaje.

    En 2012 qued prohibido el poliestireno en las playas.Dos aos despus, la prohibicin se ha ampliado paraabarcar parques, instalaciones propiedad de la ciudad,cafs al aire libre y eventos especiales, todo ello paraconvertirnos en el primer municipio de la Florida enprohibir el poliestireno en reas pblicas y dar elejemplo que otros pueden seguir. Este septiembre, lacomisin adems aprob una ordenanza para prohibirque los proveedores y establecimientos de servicios decomida vendan o usen poliestireno.

    Parecen el nuevo tipo de prohibiciones de la nueva eraque la mayora de los residentes desean adoptar.

    Las leyes son lo que hacen cambiar elcomportamiento, agreg Furst.

    Preservar la calidad de las vas acuticas y los recursosmarinos vitales mediante la eliminacin de basura en labaha es primordial en la lucha de Miami Beach contralas mareas altas. Nadie quiere ensuciar su reputacin.

    If you witness an illegal dumping incident inprogress, please call 305.673.7901. You maybe eligible for a $250 reward. The Miami BeachPolice Department is dedicated to the detection,investigation and apprehension of those

    responsible for polluting the lands, waters andatmosphere of the City of Miami Beach.

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    MB magazine | Fall 201520


    By Yanira Pineda

    According to Duke Universitys Center for Sustainability and Commerce, theaverage person generates 1,569 pounds of waste per year. Multiply thatnumber by the nearly 100,000 residents in the City of Miami Beach and wehave approximately 78,450 tons of waste that is created within the city alone.The weight of 13,075 male African elephants!


    REFRESHERWe are all familiar with the routine of separating our clothes intocorresponding colors and fabric types. But do you apply that samethought process and action to your recycling habits?

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    In order to help combat the amount ofwaste that reaches our landfills andto preserve our environment, the cityrequires recycling services for all single

    and multi-family residences.

    If not currently enrolled in recycling services, propertyowners, landlords or condominium associations shouldimmediately contact a permitted commercial waste hauleror recycler. Services and prices vary widely, so make sure

    you choose one that meets your specific needs.

    Local vendors licensed to operate in the City ofMiami Beach are listed at Remember to check with your waste haulerfirst, they may provide recycling service as well.

    For more information on recycling services orwhat is recyclable, please contact the Environmentand Sustainability Division at 305.673.7010

    Free Household HazardousWaste & Paper Shredding EventNovember 15, 201540 Street and Chase Avenue8AM 3PM

    Remember, do notplace plastic bags in

    your recycling bin.



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    MB magazine | Fall 201522


    There is a special splendor when lighting a candle from creating ambiance to religious customs andaromatherapy to festivity dcor. Available in all sorts

    of sizes, shapes and scents, this centuries-old article hasno signs of burning out. Yet, it is paramount to ensure thatburning candles do not spark a disaster.

    This past spring, a Miami Beach couple left a burningcandle on a table and went downstairs to lay by theirbuildings pool. When they came back up, they wentthrough their broken-down front door and were greetedby Miami Beach firefighters who had doused their livingroom successfully extinguishing the fire.

    Fortunately no one was injured, but property damage isalways costly, said Investigator Claudio Navas, MiamiBeach Fire Department.

    The Home Candle Fires report published by the NationalFire Protection Association (NFPA) in 2013 cites anaverage of 115 civilian deaths, 903 civilian fire injuriesand $418 million in direct property damage related to

    fires started by candles each year. On average, 29 homecandle fires are reported per day.

    These alarming figures should serve as a warning to themillions that light up candles or other incendiary devices.

    We cannot stress the importance of never leaving aburning candle unattended nor placing it near somethingflammable that can catch fire, warned Navas.

    More than half of all candle fires start when things thatcan burn are too close to the candle. Make it a habit toblow out all candles when you leave the room or go tobed. And never leave a child unattended with a burningcandle. Matches and lighters should also be kept in alocked cabinet, out of sight and reach from children.

    If you can part with tradition, consider using flamelesscandles in your home. Many look and even smell like thereal deal.

    By Melissa Berthier

    UP IN


    MB magazine | Fall 201522

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    RECIPEFrom Miami Beach FirefighterBrendon Byrne

    Shepherds PieServes 4

    Multiply ingredients by two when feeding a fire house.


    2 lbs ground beef or lamb

    1 large onion

    1 tsp minced garlic

    1 tbsp olive oilSprinkle of cayenne

    1 cup peas

    1 cup carrots

    1 cup water (more or less to thicken)

    2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

    3 tbsp Bisto (Irish gravy) or other brown gravy

    3 cubes of Oxo (Irish seasoning) or beef bouillon

    2 lbs mashed potatoes

    3 tbsp milk (for brushing)

    Cheese optional

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a frying pan, saut oil,

    onions and garlic until soften. Sprinkle cayenne. Addground beef until browned (drain fat if needed). AddBisto, Oxo, Worcestershire sauce, peas, carrots and water.Simmer for a few minutes until mixture thickens and addmore water, if needed.

    Place mixture into baking pan, cover with mashed potatoes.

    Coat potatoes with light brushing of milk, sprinkle withcheese if desired. Make circle indentation and fill withBisto gravy.

    Bake for 30 minutes.

    Served best with White Mountain bread.

    Pastel de carne

    4 porciones

    Ingredientes:2 libras de carne molida de res o cordero1 cebolla grande1 cucharadita de ajo molido1 cucharada de aceite de olivaEspolvoreada de pimienta de cayena

    1 taza de guisantes1 taza de zanahorias1 taza de agua (ms o menos para espesar)2 cucharadas de salsa inglesa3 cucharadas de Bisto (salsa de carne irlandesa) u otrasalsa de carne oscura3 cubitos de Oxo (aderezo irlands) o de caldo de res2 libras de pur de papas3 cucharadas de leche (para barnizar)Queso opcional

    Precaliente el horno a 350 F. En una sartn, saltee elaceite, cebolla y ajo hasta que se ablanden. Espolvorepimienta de cayena. Agregue la carne molida hasta qudore (escurra la grasa si es necesario). Aada el Bisto, salsa inglesa, guisantes, zanahorias y agua. Cocine a bajo durante algunos minutos hasta que la mezcla se ey agregue ms agua, si es necesario.

    Coloque la mezcla en un recipiente para hornear, cubrcon el pur de papas.

    Barnice el pur ligeramente con leche y, si es de su gusespolvoree con queso. Haga surcos circulares y rocelosalsa Bisto.

    Hornee por 30 minutos.

    Queda mejor servido con pan campesino (White Moun

    Con fuego no se juega Se produce un esplendor especial alencender una vela: desde crear ambiente para costumbres religiosasy aromaterapia hasta decoraciones festivas. Disponibles en todasuerte de tamaos, formas y aromas, este artculo de varios siglos deantigedad no da seales de agotarse. No obstante, es fundamentalasegurarse de que las velas prendidas no enciendan un desastre.

    En esta ltima primavera, una pareja de Miami Beach dej una velaencendida sobre una mesa y bajaron a sentarse junto a la piscina desu edificio. Cuando volvieron a subir, encontraron la puerta principalde su apartamento derribada y a los bomberos de Miami Beach quehaban logrado extinguir el fuego en el saln.

    Afortunadamente nadie result lastimado, pero el dao ala propiedad siempre cuesta caro, expres Claudio Navas,investigador del Departamento de Bomberos de Miami Beach.

    El informe sobre incendios domsticos causados por velas publicadopor la Asociacin Nacional de Proteccin Contra Incendios (NFPA)en 2013 cita un promedio de 115 muertes de civiles, 903 civilesheridos y $418 millones en daos directos a la propiedad vinculadoscon velas cada ao. En promedio, cada da se reportan 29 incendiosdomsticos causados por velas.

    Estas cifras alarmantes deberan servir como advertencia para losmillones de personas que prenden velas y otrosdispositivos incendiarios.

    Nunca ser suficiente el nfasis que hacemos en la importancia denunca dejar velas prendidas sin supervisin ni colocarlas cerca decosas inflamables que pueden incendiarse, advirti Navas.

    Ms de la mitad de todos los incendios causados por velascomienzan cuando hay cosas que pueden quemarse muy cerca dela vela. Hgase el hbito de apagar todas las velas cuando salgade la habitacin o se vaya a la cama. Y nunca deje a un nio sinsupervisin en una habitacin con una vela prendida. Las cerillasy los encendedores tambin deben guardarse en un armario concerrojo, fuera de la vista y el alcance de los nios.Si puede cambiar la tradicin, considere usar velas sin llama en suhogar. Pueden verse e incluso oler como las velas reales.

    The MB Crew spent a day at Fire Station No. 1 with16-year veteran Miami Beach Firefighter BrendonByrne. As a nod to his bloodline across the pond,

    Byrne prepared a quintessential Irish dish.

    El personal de MB pas un da en la Estacin de

    Bomberos No. 1 con Brendon Byrne, bomberoveterano de Miami Beach con 16 aos detrayectoria. Como homenaje a sus orgenes delotro lado del charco, Byrne prepar un platillo

    indiscutiblemente irlands.

    Go behind the garage doors at Fire Station No.1s kitchen in Cooking with Fire.@CITYOFMIAMIBEACH

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    MB magazine | Fall 201524



    HIGH ROADBy Melissa Berthier


    unset Harbour is bustling with restaurants, shops and residents.This waterfront neighborhood is also one of the lowest lyingareas in Miami Beach. For anyone who has recently run an

    errand or gone out for a bite in the area, they have undoubtedlynoted an additional lively component: a cascade of construction.

    As part of the City of Miami Beachs comprehensive approach todealing with the rising tide, major roadwork in the Sunset Harbordistrict includes storm water drainage installation, replacingunderground pipes and utilities, and raising the roadway to animpactful 3.7 feet center elevation.

    Despite the unsightly debris, we welcome the tearing up of ourstreets, said Sunset Harbour business owner Thierry Mas, ThierryMas Salon. We are excited to eventually have new streets that donot flood.

    On a recent visit to Sunset Harbour, Senior Advisor to the PresidentObama Brian Deese noted, This issue of climate change is real andits not going anywhere. The question for coastal communities acrossthe country is how can they prepare and how can they do somethingabout it.

    The roadway elevations to be completed this fall include 20 Streetfrom Purdy Avenue to Sunset Drive and Bay Road from 20 Streetto the intersection of 18 Street. The next phase of the project willbe comprised of raising the end of 20 Street from Sunset Drive toAlton Road, the rest of Bay Road from just south of the 18 Streetintersection to Dade Boulevard, and all the remaining streets inSunset Harbour.

    Our design will prevent storm water from flooding our streets andsidewalks, said Bruce Mowry, city engineer.

    The citys road-raise does not stop at Sunset Harbour. It continueswith the rebuilding of West Avenue raising it from 1.5 to 2 feet,from Fifth to 17 streets. Five more storm water pump stations are

    also slated for installation at sixth and 17 streets (City of MiamiBeach) and at Fifth, 10 and 14 streets (Florida Department ofTransportation). This work is being performed in phases and isexpected to be completed this fall.

    As streets are fast-tracked to be elevated and pump stationsaggressively installed citywide, Miami Beach is undoubtedly anational leader on the offense to adapting and mitigating MotherNatures rise.

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    Prevencin elevadaSunset Harbour vibra con susrestaurantes, tiendas y residentes. Este vecindario costero estambin una de las reas ms bajas de Miami Beach. Cualquierpersona que recientemente haya hecho un trmite o haya salidoa comer en el rea seguramente habr notado un elementoadicional de actividad: una cascada de construccin.

    Como parte del enfoque amplio de la Ciudad de Miami Beachpara hacer frente a la marea creciente, se estn ejecutandoobras de gran envergadura en el distrito de Sunset Harbor quecomprenden la instalacin de desages de aguas pluviales,reemplazo de tuberas e instalaciones subterrneas y elevacinde las vas a una elevacin central de 3.7 pies que tendrgran impacto.

    A pesar de los feos escombros, agradecemos los destrozosen nuestras calles, acot Thierry Mas, propietario delestablecimiento Thierry Mas Salon en Sunset Harbour. Estamosentusiasmados con el prospecto de tener pronto calles nuevas

    que no se inunden.En una visita reciente a Sunset Harbour, Brian Deese, asesorprincipal del Presidente Obama declar: Este problema delcambio climtico es real y no desaparecer. La cuestin paralas comunidades costeras de todo el pas es cmo puedenprepararse y cmo pueden hacer algo al respecto.

    Las obras de elevacin de las vas que culminarn este otooabarcan 20 Street desde Purdy Avenue hasta Sunset Drive y BayRoad desde 20 Street hasta la interseccin con 18 Street. Laprxima fase del proyecto comprender la elevacin del extremode 20 Street desde Sunset Drive hasta Alton Road, el resto deBay Road desde el sur de la interseccin con 18 Street hastaDade Boulevard, y todas las calles restantes deSunset Harbour.

    Nuestro diseo evitar que las aguas pluviales inunden nuestrascalles y aceras, afirm Bruce Mowry, ingeniero municipal.

    La elevacin de las calles de la ciudad no se limita a SunsetHarbour. Contina con la reconstruccin de West Avenue, conuna elevacin de 1.5 a 2 pies, desde 5 Street hasta 17 Street.Asimismo est prevista la instalacin de otras cinco estacionesde bombeo de aguas pluviales en las calles de 6 St y 17 St(Ciudad de Miami Beach) y 5 St., 10 St. y 14 St. (Departamentode Transporte de Florida). Estos trabajos se estn realizando enfases y est previsto culminarlos este otoo.

    Como la elevacin de las vas y la instalacin de estacionesbombeo se emprende con gran impulso en toda la ciudad,Miami Beach es sin duda un lder nacional en la ofensiva paraadaptarse y mitigar la embestida de la Madre Naturaleza.

    Purdy Avenue and 20 Street where road was raised by 3.7 feet.

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    The 911 system has been an integral part of our daily livesfor nearly 50 years. For people experiencing an emergencysituation, these three numbers on a telephone are their lifeline

    to urgent assistance.

    The City of Miami Beach Public Safety Communications Unit(PSCU) receives an average of 350,000 calls per year. Greaterthan 85 percent of those calls are emergency calls that requirepolice and fire rescue response.

    If you find yourself in a situation that requires emergencyassistance or witness illegal or dangerous activity, calling 911is the right thing to do. On Miami Beach there are trained andexperienced call-takers and dispatchers who can assign theappropriate response based on the severity of your emergency.

    We know that if you are in an unfortunate situation and need tocall 911 for an emergency, you are probably not thinking clearly.We are trained to think more clearly for you. And because of that,we can help you, said PSCU Supervisor Nuria Diaz, a16-year veteran.

    Diaz cited cases of near drownings and childbirth, and noted thatbecause call-takers remain on the phone with callers, they sendvital information to the dispatchers who relay it to responders whilethey are enroute.

    911 has really evolved over the years, added Diaz. With theway technology and even our procedures have progressed, I canproudly say that we, the call-takers and dispatchers, really dosave lives.

    When cellphones were first introduced, the majority of callscame in from land lines. Today, 75 percent of calls come fromcellphones. Although determining the exact location of somecellular calls continues to be a challenge, technology in use byPSCU has resulted in greater accuracy and better results.

    There is even better technology on the horizon. In the nearfuture you will be able to text your emergency to 911 and sendidentifying photographs or video to the call center from

    your smartphone.

    By Shari Holbert Lipner




    MB magazine | Fall 201526

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    911, Cul es su emergencia? El sistema 911 ha sido unaparte integral de nuestra vida diaria durante casi 50 aos. Paralas personas que afrontan una situacin de emergencia, esos tresnmeros del telfono son el recurso vital para recibir ayudade urgencia.

    La Unidad de Comunicaciones de Seguridad Pblica (PSCU) de laCiudad de Miami Beach recibe en promedio 350,000 llamadas alao. Ms del 85% de esas llamadas son llamadas de emergenciaque ameritan la intervencin de la polica y los bomberos.

    Si usted se encuentra en una situacin en la que requiere ayuda

    de emergencia o es testigo de una actividad ilegal o peligrosa,lo correcto es llamar al 911. En Miami Beach hay operadoresy despachadores entrenados y con experiencia que reciben lasllamadas y pueden asignar la respuesta apropiada segn lagravedad de su emergencia.

    Sabemos que si usted se encuentra en una situacin desesperada ynecesita llamar al 911 por una emergencia, tal vez no est pensandocon claridad. Estamos entrenados para pensar con ms claridad queusted. Es por esa razn que podemos ayudarlo, afirm Nuria Diaz,Supervisora de PSCU con 16 aos de experienciacomo despachadora.

    Diaz cit casos de ahogamiento y parto, y explic que ya quelos operadores se quedan en la lnea con la persona que llama,envan informacin vital a los despachadores que la transmiten a los

    socorristas que van en camino.911 sin duda ha evolucionado con el paso de los aos, agregDiaz. Con la forma en que ha avanzado la tecnologa e inclusonuestros procedimientos, con orgullo podemos decir que nosotros, losoperadores y despachadores, en realidad salvamos vidas.

    Cuando aparecieron los primeros telfonos celulares, la mayorade las llamadas provenan de lneas fijas. Hoy en da, el 75% delas llamadas provienen de telfonos celulares. Aunque sigue siendoun reto determinar la ubicacin exacta de ciertas llamadas desdecelulares, la tecnologa que usa la PSCU ha generado mayorexactitud y mejores resultados.

    En el horizonte se avizora tecnologa todava mejor. Pronto ustedpodr enviar un texto con su emergencia a 911 y fotografas ovideos de identificacin al centro de atencin desde sutelfono inteligente.

    TIPS Know your location. Provide the location of the

    emergency you are reporting as the call-takerwill ask and verify the address. This is for yoursafety and for confirmation of the location.

    Stay calm. Try to be aware of the situation andclearly and carefully convey the informationthat is asked of you.

    Let the call-taker guide the conversation.All call-takers are trained to ask the properquestions to get you the help you need.They are entering information into fields ona computer screen which can trigger thedispatch of proper emergency response. While

    you are giving the information, it is being sentto the responding emergency services.

    Follow directions. Listen carefully, call-takersgive you helpful instructions, they guide theperson who is experiencing an emergencyand/or the first responders.

    Stay on the line. If possible, do not hang upunless you are directed by the call-taker to doso. You may be asked to provide additional

    information or to give vital updates on thestatus of the situation.

    CONSEJOS Conozca su ubicacin. Suministre la ubicacin de la

    emergencia que est reportando ya que el operadorpreguntar y verificar la direccin. Esto se hace por suseguridad y para confirmar la ubicacin.

    Mantenga la calma. Trate de estar consciente dela situacin y transmitir con claridad y cuidado lainformacin que se le solicite.

    Deje que el operador gue la conversacin. Todosnuestros operadores estn entrenados para hacer las

    preguntas apropiadas que le proporcionen la ayudaque usted necesita. Ingresan informacin en campos dela pantalla de la computadora que pueden activar eldespacho de la respuesta de emergencia apropiada. Almismo tiempo que usted da la informacin, es enviada alos servicios de emergencia.

    Sigas las instrucciones. Escuche con atencin, losoperadores le dan instrucciones tiles, guan a lapersona que se encuentra en la emergencia y/olos socorristas.

    Mantngase en linea. De ser posible, no cuelgue lallamada a menos que as se lo pida el operador. Esposible que le pidan informacin adicional o queactualice datos vitales acerca de la situacin.

    DID YOU KNOW?Any cellular phone that has ever beenactivated, even if the number has beendisconnected, can be used to dial 911. Thisis the reason shelters and organizations thatwork with domestic violence victims acceptcell phone donations. Old cell phones maybe dropped off at the Miami Beach Police

    Stations Domestic Violence Unit at 1100Washington Avenue.

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    By Melissa Berthier



    ou make a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up afew items and the cashier informs you your credit cardis declined. You try another and she regretfully gives a

    discouraging nod. When you call your bank for help, they ask ifyou have recently purchased $4,789 at Best Buy and $7,412 atMacys in Omaha, Nebraska.

    Once a thief has your personal information, they can maxout your credit cards, open new utility accounts and even getmedical treatment on your health insurance. An identity thief canalso file a tax refund in your name and obtain your refund. Insome extreme cases, a thief might even give your name to thepolice during an arrest.

    Identity theft is a serious crime that can wreak havoc on yourfinances, credit history and reputation if you become a victim.Thieves obtain personal information by a variety of creativeways that include rummaging through garbage, coercingindividuals into providing private information or installingmalware on your computer.

    In recent years, online identity theft has become a big business.The number of malicious computer programs written to steal yourinformation has grown exponentially to an estimated 130 millionfrom about one million in 2007.

    Shredding documents with sensitive information before you putthem in the trash are among the ways you can protect

    your identity.

    I never throw out my bank statements with the regular trash, butkeep a box with all of those papers securely hidden until I canattend the citys paper shredding event, said Patricia Singleton,Miami Beach resident.

    The City of Miami Beach hosts a biannual hazardous wastecollection where complimentary paper shredding is offered inNovember and April.

    If youre banking or shopping online, stick to websites that useencryption to protect your information as it travels from yourcomputer to their server. To determine if a website is encrypted,look for https at the beginning of the web address (the s isor secure). Some websites use encryption only on the sign-inpage, but if any part of your session is not encrypted, your entireaccount could be vulnerable. Look for https on every page

    you visit.

    It is also vital to create strong passwords and keep them in asecure place. The more complicated and longer the password,the harder it is to figure out, noted Detective Vivian Thayer,Miami Beach Police Department. I recommend using a mixtureof numbers, letters and special characters with a minimum of 12characters in length.

    You should also not have the same exact password for yourvarious online accounts. If one of your accounts becomescompromised, it can be used to take over all of youronline accounts.

    To help guard against identity theft, exercise your right for a freecopy of your credit report once every 12 months.

    MB magazine | Fall 201528

    Free Household Hazardous Waste & Paper Shredding EventSunday, November 15, Street and Chase Avenue8AM 3PM

    MB magazine | Fall 201528

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    Robo de identidad Va al supermercado a comprar algunascosas y la cajera le informa que su tarjeta de crdito ha sidorechazada. Usted intenta usar otra tarjeta y ella le hace unademn resignado con la cabeza para animarlo a que lo haga.Cuando llama al banco para pedir ayuda, le informan querecientemente gast $4,789 en Best Buy y $7,412 en Macys,en Omaha, Nebraska.

    Una vez que el ladrn tiene su informacin personal, puedeagotar el crditomximo de sus tarjetas,abrir nuevas cuentasde servicios y hastaobtener atencinmdica con su segurode salud. Un ladrnde identidad tambinpuede presentar unasolicitud de reembolsode impuestos en sunombre y obtener unreembolso. En algunoscasos extremos, unladrn incluso podra

    darle su nombre a lapolica duranteun arresto.

    El robo de identidades un delito graveque puede destruirsus finanzas, suhistorial crediticio y sureputacin si usted esvctima. Los ladronesobtienen informacinpersonal medianteuna variedad deformas creativas queincluyen hurgar en labasura, coaccionar alas personas para quesuministren informacinprivada o instalarprogramas maliciososen su computadora.

    En aos recientes, elrobo de identidad enlnea se ha convertidoen un gran negocio. Elnmero de programasinformticos maliciososcreados para robar su informacin ha crecido exponencialmentea una cifra estimada de 130 millones, en contraste con

    aproximadamente un milln en 2007.Destruir documentos con informacin sensible antes de arrojarlosa la basura es una de las maneras de proteger su identidad.

    Nunca arrojo mis estados de cuenta bancarios a la basuracorriente, sino que pongo todos esos papeles en una caja que

    guardo de manera segura hasta que pueda asistir a un eventode destruccin de papeles, dijo Patricia Singleton, residente deMiami Beach.

    La Ciudad de Miami Beach organiza jornadas bianualesde recoleccin de desechos peligrosos en los que se ofrecedestruccin gratuita de papel en noviembre y abril.

    Si hace transacciones bancarias o compras por Internet, limtesea usar sitios web queusen encriptacin paraproteger su informacinmientras viaja desdesu computadora hastael servidor. Paradeterminar si un sitioweb est encriptado,busque la indicacinhttps al inicio dela direccin web (las significa segura,de conexin segura).Algunos sitios webusan encriptacin

    solamente en la pginade inicio de sesin,pero si alguna partede su sesin no estencriptada, su cuentaentera podra servulnerable. Busquela indicacin https encada pgina que visite.

    Asimismo es crucialcrear contraseasfuertes y mantenerlasen un sitio seguro.Mientras mscomplicada y larga

    sea la contrasea, msdifcil ser descifrarla,expres Vivian Thayer,del Departamento dePolica deMiami Beach.

    Recomiendo usaruna combinacinde nmeros, letras ycaracteres especialescon 12 caracteres delargo como mnimo.

    Tambin es aconsejable que no use la misma contraseapara varias cuentas en lnea. Si una de las cuentas quedacomprometida, podra usarse para apoderarse de todas suscuentas en lnea.

    Para protegerse contra el robo de identidad, ejerza su derechoa obtener un ejemplar gratuito de su informe crediticio una vezcada 12 meses.

    Jornada bianual gratuita de destruccin de documentos yrecoleccin de desechos domsticos peligrososDomingo, 15 de Street y Chase Avenue8AM 3PM

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015





  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


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  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    MB magazine | Fall 201532


    By Dr. Leslie D. Rosenfeld


    Betsy Mateu learned how to read and write Spanish in her early30s in order to land a dream job that required her being bothbilingual and biliterate.

    Nearly a decade later, she is thrilled that her six-year-old twinswill have less of a struggle. Her kids are enrolled in the ExtendedForeign Language (EFL) program at North Beach Elementaryand spend up to 40 percent of their day immersed in Spanish

    language daily.

    The program integrates Spanish in a way that is seamless, saidMateu. My desire for my childrens future is that they ultimatelybecome bilingual. If I can give them the advantages of beingbilingual at the outset, they will avoid the challenges I faced intrying to learn Spanish as an adult.

    In Miami Beach, the programs level of rigor has made it highlysought-after by parents, but still out of reach for some studentsdue to insufficient teachers having the training or language skillsto teach Spanish. The EFL program requires teachers to be ableto read and write in both English and Spanish.

    In an effort to address parental demand for access to the districtsmore robust Spanish EFL program, Miami Beach partnered withMiami-Dade County Public Schools to fund the training of up to

    45 Miami Beach public elementary school teachers to earn thedistricts linguistic qualification to teach EFL. EFL is offered at all

    Miami Beach elementary schools and emphasizes the teachingof language arts and curriculum content in both Englishand Spanish.

    The EFL program is challenging, but my daughter is learning,noted Lisa Pearson, parent of first grader Tess Pearson at NorthBeach Elementary. I am excited to see what more the programwill bring.

    Benefits of foreign language learning programs like the EFL,include:

    Improving overall academic performance.

    Positively impacting students intellectual development.

    Helping close the achievement gap for economicallydisadvantaged students and English as a second language(ESOL) learners.

    Enhancing students career opportunities.

    Providing students the opportunity to explore other culturesand more fully understand their own.

    We live in South Florida, so knowing how to speak, read andwrite in Spanish is a must for everyone, added Mateu. The real

    measure of fluency in an increasingly competitive economy.


    For additional information about the EFLprogram at your public elementary school,visit and/or contact

    your school directly.

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    Hablas espaol? Betsy Mateu aprendi a leer yescribir en espaol cuando estaba en sus treintas con elpropsito de conseguir un empleo ideal que requera quefuera bilinge y bialfabetizada.

    Casi una dcada ms tarde, est encantada de saberque a sus hijas mellizas de seis aos no les costar tanto.Sus hijas estn inscritas en el programa de extensin deidiomas extranjeros (Extended Foreign Language, o EFL)de la escuela primaria North Beach Elementary y pasanhasta el 40% de su tiempo inmersas en el idioma espaola diario.

    El programa integra el idioma espaol, de maneraarmnica, sin tropiezos, expres Mateu. Mi deseo esque mis hijas logren ser bilinges en el futuro. Si puedoofrecerles las ventajas de ser bilinges desde un principio,se ahorrarn los desafos que yo enfrent cuando intentaprender espaol siendo adulta.

    En Miami Beach, el grado de rigurosidad del programalo ha hecho muy codiciado por los padres, pero fuera delalcance para algunos estudiantes debido a la escasez demaestros que tengan la capacitacin o las habilidadeslingsticas necesarias para ensear espaol. El programaEFL exige que los maestros sean capaces de leer y escribirtanto en ingls como en espaol.

    Como parte del esfuerzo de cubrir la demanda de acceso

    por parte de los padres al programa de ELF de espaolms robusto del distrito, Miami Beach se ha asociado conlas escuelas pblicas del Condado de Miami-Dade parafinanciar la capacitacin de un mximo de 45 maestrosde escuelas primarias pblicas de Miami Beach para queobtengan la calificacin lingstica del distrito para ensearEFL. El programa EFL se ofrece en todas las escuelasprimarias de Miami Beach y hace nfasis en la enseanzade artes del lenguaje y el contenido curricular tanto eningls como en espaol.

    El programa EFL es retador, pero mi hija estaprendiendo, explic Lisa Pearson, madre de TessPearson, alumna de primer grado de la escuela NorthBeach Elementary. Me emociona ver qu ms ofrecer elprograma.

    Entre las ventajas de los programas de aprendizaje deidiomas como EFL encontramos:

    Mejorar el rendimiento acadmico general.

    Causar un impacto positivo en el desarrollointelectual de los estudiantes.

    Ayudar a cerrar la brecha en el logro acadmico deaquellos estudiantes desventajados econmicamentey los estudiantes de ingls como segundo idioma(ESOL).

    Potenciar las oportunidades de carrera profesionalde los estudiantes.

    Ofrecer a los estudiantes la oportunidad de explorarotras culturas y entender mucho mejor la propia.

    Vivimos en el sur de Florida, por lo que saber hablar,leer y escribir en espaol es una necesidad para todos,agreg Mateu. La verdadera medida de la fluidez en unaeconoma cada vez ms competitiva.

    Para obtener informacin adicional sobre elprograma EFL en su escuela primaria pblica,visite: o pngase encontacto con su escuela directamente.


    Subttulos para las reuniones en vivo de la Comisin (CC3)Revista bilingeBoletn mensual inscrbase a Noti-E en miamibeachfl.govVideos en YouTube y MBTVSitio web multilingeOperadores de telfonos bilinges





  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


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  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


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    Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau The Official Des tination Sales & Marketing Organization for Greater Miami and the Beaches.


  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    MB magazine | Fall 201536 MB magazine | Fall 201536

    THESANDSOF TIMEBy Yanira Pineda

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    Our beautifulbeaches promotethe recreational andtourism opportunities

    that Miami Beach isbest known for, as wellas the citys commitmenttoward a sustainable

    community for ourvisitors and residents,said Wendy Kallergis,president, Greater

    Miami & the BeachesHotel Association.

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    MB magazine | Fall 201538 MB magazine | Fall 201538

    Beaches are living environments thatare constantly changing. Fluctuationsin seasons and weather can affect the

    overall structure of shorelines. This can meanthat the sand that you see today, may not bethere tomorrow. So aside from ending up inour swimsuits, sand washes away througherosion. A beach shoreline can lose width orheight over time as a consequence of sandbeing washed away by waves, currents,

    winds and tides.This past summer, a progressive step wastaken towards ensuring that our beachesare properly protected and restored. TheSouth Florida Mayors Beach Alliancerepresenting Miami-Dade Countys five coastalmunicipalities (Miami Beach, Surfside, SunnyIsles Beach, Key Biscayne and Bal Harbour)signed a proclamation urging the county, stateand federal government to develop long-termsolutions to restore beaches that have beenimpacted by erosion.

    Our beautiful beaches promote therecreational and tourism opportunities that

    Miami Beach is best known for, as well asthe citys commitment toward a sustainablecommunity for our visitors and residents, saidWendy Kallergis, president, Greater Miami &the Beaches Hotel Association

    Fortunately, beach renourishment and othererosion control measures are underway.

    Beach renourishment is critical in maintainingthe citys first line of defense against stormsand the environmental benefits provided byour beaches, including habitat for threatenedand endangered species, added Environmentand Sustainability Director ElizabethWheaton, City of Miami Beach.

    The sand for these projects is normally takenfrom what are known as borrow sites, suchas sand mines, coastal construction projects oroffshore sand banks. While sources of sandcan vary from project to project, all sourcesare required to undergo testing to ensure theyare beach compatible and that they meetnecessary requirements in terms of safety,quality and sand characteristics such as grainsize and color. The material must be approvedby the city, the county and the state before itcan be placed on the beach.

    MB magazine | Fall 201538 MB magazine | Fall 201538

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    Fortunately, the U.S. Army Corps of Engin(USACE) has allocated $16.5 million forfiscal year 2016/17 to be used for beachnourishment projects in Miami-Dade Counalone. The USACE also held a public meeon Miami Beach to report on the future ofMiami-Dades beach replenishment projecto the community. Based on this report, thnext sand placement project will involve arenourishment that will truck in sand from

    mine in Central Florida.

    Sand is an essential ingredient to the futuof Miami Beach and its economy, notedBeach Maintenance Director John Ripple,City of Miami Beach. Whether its througrenourishment or reef structures, it is equaimportant on both the beach and in the dwhere it serves as a recreational area andshoreline defense system for properties.

    It is the citys goal to ensure that residentsvisitors and tourists alike experience a woclass beach when visiting Miami Beach.

    While beach renourishment is not the

    end-all solution to coastal erosion, properplanning over the short and long term wilallow the region to minimize its effects asmuch as possible. The ongoing installationand maintenance of the dune systems servas a buffer between storm surge and otheenvironmental factors. Other natural solutiinclude preserving coral reefs. These marihabitats are an important element in helpito keep a great port ion of beaches intheir place by fortifying the shorelines andpreventing erosion.

    Miami Beach is also preparing for the impof climate change and sea level rise. As amember of the South Florida Climate Cha

    Compact, the city is looking at resiliencyon a regional scale and determining whacoordinated effort will be required fromstakeholders to protect, preserve and enhaour natural systems into the future.

    Las arenas del tiempoLas playas sonmedios vivos que estn en cambio constaLas fluctuaciones de las estaciones y el esdel tiempo pueden afectar la estructurageneral de las costas. Esto puede significque la arena que vemos hoy, tal vez no eall maana. Adems de terminar en nuestrajes de bao, la arena desaparece con

    Middle Beach

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


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  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    la erosin. La costa puede perder rea deanchura o altura con el paso del tiempo comoconsecuencia de que la arena es arrastrada porlas olas, corrientes, vientos y mareas.

    El verano pasado se tom una medidaprogresiva para garantizar que nuestras playasqueden debidamente protegidas y restauradas.

    La entidad South Florida Mayors Beach Allianceque representa cinco municipalidades costerasdel Condado de Dade (Miami Beach, Surfside,Sunny Isles Beach, Key Biscayne y Bal Harbour)firm una proclamacin para instar al condado,al estado y al gobierno federal a adoptarsoluciones a largo plazo para restaurar lasplayas que han sido afectadas por la erosin.

    Nuestras bellas playas promueven lasoportunidades recreativas y turisticas porlo cual Miami Beach es mejor conocida, asicomo el compromiso de la ciudad hacia unacomunidad sostenible tanto para nuestrosresidentes como visitantes, expres WendyKallergis, presidenta de la Asociacin Hotelerade Greater Miami & The Beaches.

    Afortunadamente, ya estn en marcha medidasde regeneracin de las playas y otras formas decontrol de la erosin.

    La regeneracin de las playas es clave paramantener la lnea principal de defensa dela ciudad contra las tormentas, as como losbeneficios ambientales aportados por nuestrasplayas, entre ellos el hbitat para especiesamenazadas o en peligro de extincin,aadi Elizabeth Wheaton, Directora de MedioAmbiente y Sustentabilidad de la Ciudad deMiami Beach.

    La arena para estos proyectos normalmenteproviene de lo que se denomina lugaresde prstamo, como son canteras de arena,proyectos de construccin costera o bancosde arena mar adentro. Si bien las fuentes dearena pueden variar de un proyecto a otro,todas las fuentes deben pasar por pruebaspara garantizar que sean compatibles conlas playas y que cumplan con los requisitosen lo concerniente a seguridad, calidady caractersticas de la arena, tales comotamao del grano y color. El material debe seraprobado por la ciudad, el condado y el estadoantes de que pueda ser colocado en la playa.

    Por fortuna, el Cuerpo de Ingenieros del EjrcitoEstadounidense (USACE) ha asignado $16.5millones para el ao fiscal 2016/17 que sedestinarn a proyectos de regeneracin de lasplayas solamente en el Condado de Miami-Dade. Asimismo USACE llev a cabo unareunin pblica en Miami Beach para informara la comunidad sobre el futuro del proyecto

    de regeneracin de playas de Miami-Dade.Segn dicho informe, el prximo proyecto dereposicin de arena implicar una regeneracicon arena proveniente de una cantera deCentral Florida.

    La arena es un ingrediente esencial para elfuturo de Miami Beach y su economa, afirm

    John Ripple, Director de Mantenimiento dePlayas de la Ciudad de Miami Beach. Biensea a travs de la regeneracin o de estructurasde corales, es de igual importancia tanto enla playa como en la duna donde sirve de rearecreativa y sistema de defensa de la costa.

    La meta de la ciudad es garantizar que losresidentes, visitantes y turistas vivan todos porigual una experiencia de categora mundialcuando visiten Miami Beach.

    Aunque la regeneracin de las playas no esla solucin nica para la erosin costera,la planificacin adecuada a corto y largoplazo permitir que la regin minimice susefectos tanto como sea posible. La instalacincontinua y el mantenimiento de los sistemasde dunas sirven como mecanismo de defensaentre las oleadas de tormenta y otros factoresambientales. Entre otras soluciones naturalesse incluye la preservacin de los arrecifes decoral. Estos hbitats marinos son un elemento

    importante para ayudar a mantener una buenaporcin de las playas en su lugar al fortalecerlas costas y prevenir la erosin.

    Miami Beach tambin se est preparandopara los impactos del cambio climtico y laelevacin del nivel del mar. Como miembrode la iniciativa South Florida Climate ChangeCompact, la ciudad busca lograr resilienciaa escala regional y determinar los esfuerzoscoordinados que se requieren de las partesinteresadas a fin de proteger, preservar ymejorar nuestros sistemas naturales.

  • 7/17/2019 MB Magazine Vol 11 Issue 1, Fall 2015


    On November 3, 2015, during the General Election, the City of Miami Beach will beelecting a mayor, three commissioners and presenting two ballot questions to the MiamiBeach voters. These municipal ballot questions, as set forth below with related briefexplanations, will appear on the Special Election ballot following any national, state and/or county issues.

    El 3 de noviembre del 2015, durante la Eleccin General, la Ciudad de Miami Beachelegir un alcalde, tres comisionados y presentar a los electores de Miami Beachdos preguntas de votacin. Estas preguntas de boletas de votacin, como se indicanms abajo con explicaciones breves, aparecern en la boleta de la Eleccin Especialdespus de los asuntos nacionales, estatales y/o del con

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