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Pg 5

The inside story SANDCLOCK

ering journey infused with oodles

of fun which will never be forgot-

ten by any one of us.

This year has been a rolling odys-sey of experiences that laid the

foundation for our second year.

Can’t wait to see what the final

year has in store for us !!!


Although light travels the fastest,

Time is nowhere behind. When I

look back, exactly a year

ago, we were mere MBA aspirants high on hopes but

equally nervous about our

future. One of the biggest

dilemmas we all must have

faced some time is to take

the decision of pursuing an

unconventional career op-

tion like Human Resource.

But like warriors, 26 of us

arose and won the battle of

the stereotypes v/s the brave heroes who followed their


The first day of the first semester

where everyone introduced each

other seemed like a beautiful melt-

ing pot and every one belonging to

different educational backgrounds

was getting to know each other. It

was followed by ice breaking ses-

sions and exciting games hosted by

our seniors. All work and no play

makes Jack a dull boy and the stu-dents of N.L. Dalmia, keeping this

in mind organized and participated

in various extracurricular activities.

The first event organized by HR

was that of the launch of the spe-

cialized HR batch where eminent

people from the industry were in-

vited to commemorate it. It was a

glorious mark in the history of N.L.

Dalmia and we are sure that the

gleam of the course will be illumi-nated by the hard work and efforts

of our professors for many years to


The winter training which followed

the 1st semester gave the freshers an

experience in the corporate setting

for the first time and served as a

brush up for the experienced. Our

HR students know

how to work hard but they party harder and

never leave any stone

unturned to spread the

‘fun’ virus around.

December brings the

spirit of Christmas and

the ample lists of New

Year resolutions. For

us, December brought

the much awaited and

successfully conducted Alumni meet which was attended by

our super seniors and profes-

sors. Since HR batch is known to do

things differently, this event was no

exception, organised on a boat and

themed Pirates of the Arabian. The

guests had a lovely time interacting

with the HR pirates and the party

turned out to be nothing less than a


One of the biggest events that

made the specialized batch special this year was the Tata Industrial

visit at Jamshedpur attended by the

seniors and the juniors and lead by

Prof. Pooja Shah and Prof. Tejas

Fadia. Apart from the well organ-

ized industry visits, we also played

a lot of intellectual quizzes and

games where we got to know each

other better and we absolutely

agree that the visit brought everyone

closer. Immediately after the Jamshedpur

visit, arrived the most talked about

and awaited trip- The Khandala Per-

sonality Development camp hosted

by Prof. Ronie D’costa. The three

days of PD camp was a self discov-


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ing. In the rapidly expanding global

workplace, the celebration of these

successes not only drives the imple-

mentation of Corporate Social Re-

sponsibility initiatives, but also allows

the sound corporate HR practices to

facilitate them.

CSR without HR is often termed as

PR. If employees are not engaged,

corporate social responsibility be-

comes an act of PR.

To conclude, with HR spearheading

CSR, the future of an organisation can

be strengthened in terms

of its product responsi-

bility, sustainability, and






Coro Strandberg, Principal, Strandberg Consulting ;

h t t p : / / h u m a n r e s o u r c e s . a b o u t . c o m / o d /


The thought, Human Resource and

Corporate Social Responsibility alli-

ance first crossed my mind when I

was helping my friends for ‘Utkarsh’-

The annual HR national level paper

presentation competition of our Insti-

tute. As I started delving further in to

that area, I understood that the inter-

face of Corporate Social Responsibil-

ity (CSR) and the role of Human Re-

sources (HR) professionals, in embed-

ding CSR culture and practices in the

business are immense.

Corporate Social Responsibility is a

concept that seeks to bring together

the apparently exclusive worlds of the

corporate and the society. Society here

means all the stakeholders in the firm.

CSR implies that it is the duty of the

corporate to ensure the safety of all

the stakeholders. It is closely linked

with the concept of sustainable devel-

opment whereby not only financial

concerns should drive the decisions of

a firm but also concerns of the society,

environment, etc…

Why CSR ?

Ethics in business has been an issue

for academicians, practitioners and

governmental regulators for decades;

some also believe that unethical, im-

moral, and/or

illegal behavior

is widespread

in the business

world. During

the last two

decades we

witnessed nu-

merous corpo-

rate scandals

and scams. The corporate world had

faced a lot of humiliation and financial

losses. As a result of all this, firms

started sitting up and taking notice of

CSR activities. Today CSR activity

has become an integral part of many

of the leading enterprises of the


Why HR ?

HR has a major leadership role to

play in initiating CSR practice in a


Creating a culture of change and re-

sponsibility starts with HR. HR pro-

fessionals work in a business func-

tion which readily identifies business

benefits as well as

people benefits thus

advancing the align-

ment of HR and CSR.

Human Resource can

be the key organiza-

tional partner who

shall ensure that what

the organization is saying publically

aligns with how people are treated in

the organization. It is the only func-

tion that influences across the enter-

prise for the entire ‘lifecycle’ of the

employees who work there – thus it

has considerable influence if handled

correctly. HR is poised for this lead

role as it is adept at working horizon-

tally and vertically, across and within

the organization, so important for

successful CSR delivery. Human Re-

sources technology can help with

Corporate Social Responsibility pro-

gram, including reducing the com-

pany’s carbon footprint to benefit the


Celebrating success is important to

sustain the momentum of any CSR

program. Involving company leaders,

and praising the success of these ini-

tiatives, gives the program real mean-

Human Resource & CSR – A Permanent Liaison


Utkarsh – The Event Unfolds!

them with each other’s help and learned

to organize, thus getting a first hand ex-

perience of what kind of hard work goes

behind making an event a smooth flow

and a success too. The support and the

enthusiasm with which everyone worked

was ‘the thing’ that kept the event going

and so making it a memorable one. A

month of hard work, anticipation of what-

comes-next, faults, misunderstandings

and a lot of pressure to make it great was

all that Utkarsh was about.

But the results of such hard work and the

appreciation from everyone, gave us the

satisfaction that our efforts paid off.

Working for Utkarsh was an opportunity

and a learning experience.


To prosper, to rise from the level of medi-

ocrity…is what Utkarsh means and that’s

the kind of experience it gave us; to rise

from the level where we were naïve to an

event as huge as UTKARSH and yet man-

aged it exceptionally well.

A National Level Paper

Presentation competition

which has to keep up the

name of NLDIMSR has to

be of some magnitude and

was a big responsibility for the managing

committee. Corporate, Students from

across the nation, various Management

Institutes were to participate in the event.

Being new to it, we had initial hurdles

about how and where to get started. To

handle such a magnificent event required

detailed planning and cooperation.

After the briefing from the experienced

hands, the three of us who were to helm

this event, decided to get an in-depth un-

derstanding of how and where should we

start so as to make it big. Mutually decid-

ing to split up the tasks and coordinating

with each other, faculty and the

members, made it easy to outline

a clear picture of the event.

There were multiple tasks at hand;

from arranging for the accommo-

dation of guest students, preparation of the

flow, coordinating with the Institutes,

managing the entries, updating the web-

site…and the list was never ending. We

even had to look into small details like

availability of refreshments, sitting ar-

rangements, invites across students etc.

One by one, we went about doing all of

Reshma Nair

([email protected]),

Jesal Manek

([email protected]) &

Dr.Shashi Goswami

([email protected])

So see you in the next edition. Till

then keep enjoying the Summers &

Mangoes…(by the way did you

know that one mango has 135

calories….pretend you didn’t read

this….no one’s watching) :P

Team Drishtikon.

A very BIG Hello & A Warm Wel-

come to all our DRISHTIKON


We are the New Team from the

current batch of 2011-2013.

Our wonderful seniors have passed

the baton on to us & we hope to

live up to the expectations. We are

also extremely grateful for their

guidance and relentless support all

the way through.

We hope through us you shall ex-

perience all the latest happenings in

the HR area of NLDIMSR!

This is our team’s first edition; a

lot of honesty and handwork has

gone in to its making.

So a humble request to all of you,

for your continuous support, con-

structive criticism, questions,

comments, suggestions & of-

course PRAISE! You can write in

to us about your expectations

from Drishtikon. All the negatives

shall be taken in a positive stride

(don’t worry you won’t be black-

listed for further editions) :D

Present Team members are: -

M A Y 2 0 1 2

From The Edi tor ’s Desk


declaration was made, the visualiza-

tion was done but the moment had-

n’t arrived yet. The wait before the

presentation grew our anxiety, but

when the time came to be on the

stage, it vanished. We went, we pre-

sented and by the time we finished

we knew we had conquered, con-

quered our nerves, ourselves. Now

the result was eagerly awaited, but

before the results were to be de-

clared I went into a flashback mode

thinking of all those who stood by

us, supported us at every instance, at

every time we needed them and two

such people promptly came to my

mind, Reshma, who constantly

worked with us and for us relent-

lessly and Prof Pooja Shah, the

“Secret” behind our success. All my

classmates, seniors and professors

also supported us; their support mo-

tivated us to achieve the best.

The moment had finally arrived,

results were being declared, the sec-

ond prize went to Maharashtra Insti-

tute of Labor Studies, and we were

holding each others’ hands and

praying for the best outcome. And

then the winners were announced, it

was Team 5, NLD, it was our team.

Our joy knew no bounds, we were

excited, elated, jubilated……..and I

can list down all the possible adjec-

tives yet the feeling wouldn’t be

aptly described and yes we were

also relieved to have continued with

the trend of getting the trophy back

at NLD. NLD won UTKARSH yet

again and I am sure NLD will win

UTKARSH next year too………….


I got up this morning and saw a new,

sparkling trophy on my table……

made me nostalgic, reminded me of

the day we won it. We got this for

winning the National Level Paper

P r e s e n t a t i o n C o m p e t i t i o n

“UTKARSH’. I sat down for a mo-

ment to look back at the journey of

winning this prestigious event.

UTKARSH, the name depicts ‘to

rise’, and this year the rise was ex-

perienced in our lives. From the day

we stepped into NL Dalmia (NLD),

HR was defined by the HR Club and

the HR club took immense pride in 2

events particularly, Manusandhan

and Utkarsh. We knew our previous

batches had kept the flag flying high

by winning the event on previous

two occasions and we had the re-

sponsibility of continuing the trend.

After we came back from Jamshed-

pur (Industrial visit) and the PD

Camp, the advent of Utkarsh was

announced and this was the time

when we decided to compete in Ut-

karsh. It was a long, tiring, yet a

beautiful journey. It began by first

forming a team, our team had Neha

Deokar, Rucha Chonkar & myself

and like the Tuckman Group Devel-

opment stages we too went through

various stages of Forming, Storming,

Norming and Performing.

We had to pass through many stages

to ultimately secure the trophy, for

the first round we were asked to sub-

mit a 2500 word report on the topic

‘Modern HR Practices- A Harbinger

for Growth’. More than 50 colleges

had sent their entries. The competi-

tion was tough not just from outside

but also from within the institute.

We had to undergo the internal

eliminations to cruise through the

competition within. Three best

teams from NLD gave a powerpoint

presentation on the topic and even-

tually our team was selected to rep-

resent the Institute at the National

level. It was a moment when we

felt honored and proud combined

with great responsibility to repre-

sent the institute on such a plat-


After the final selection 5 teams

from renowned institutes across the

country were selected to compete in

the final round. We were extremely

nervous as we had to compete

against the best, but as they say “to

be the best, u have to beat the best”.

The D-day arrived and our excite-

ment and nervousness both were at

their peak. I realized for the first

time in my life what it means to

have your blood gushing through

the veins, pumping of hearts and

shivering of souls.

A day prior to the event we were

shown the movie ‘The Secret’, the

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1. He was born on 15 October 1931, “Guess ???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

2. He joined Aeronautical Development Establishment of Defense Research and Development Organization as a chief

scientist, “socho socho” !!!!

3. He has been honoured Bharat Ratna award, “abhi nahi pata chala”

4. He said “I inherited honesty and self-discipline from my father; from my mother, I inherited faith in goodness and deep

kindness as did my three brothers and sisters." “C’mon frnds…..”

5. “Here is the clincher”... He served as the 11th President of India. !!!!!

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The largest milk producing country by volume in the

whole world is India.

Answer to guess the personality : Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

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