  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale


    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

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  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale




    The morning it started Mum freaked out about

    the Christmas tree.

    It had been thirty degrees most of the night and

    I wasnt sure if Id been asleep for any of it. I could

    tell from the safety of my bedroom that Mum had

    woken up foul: heavy footsteps in the kitchen,

    cupboard doors slammed, the dishwasher drawers

    yanked out and rammed in again. When I walked

    into the living room the floors were already baking

    underneath the sloping glass roof. The air-con

    remote was in the fruit bowl on the kitchen table.

    I pressed the button, hoping it would cool Mum

    down, and kept my distance.

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

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  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    There was toast in the rack and everything

    else set out. Dad was up and dressed, watchingthe scene in his usual way without saying a word.

    He winked at me, but there was no smile. When

    Sam walked in I tried to give him a warning sign

    but, after he stuck his finger deep into the peanut

    butter I was about to use, I decided not to bother.It didnt matter anyway it was me Mum was

    going for, I just didnt know it yet.

    Id tiptoed around her for half an hour when it

    finally came out.

    Its almost February, thats what it is. Sheslammed another cupboard door.

    So what? I said.

    So we were supposed to take down the

    Christmas decorations a month ago. Its bad luck

    and god knows we could do without that.

    Dad walked out of the kitchen and Sam turned

    up the volume on the TV.

    Take them down then.

    I cant, Im late for work.

    I shrugged. Leave it till later. Does it really


    Not to you, Im sure. Do you ever do anything

    to clean up around here? Mum smacked a box of

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

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  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    porridge oats so hard on the kitchen bench that

    they flew out the top. Did I have to smirk at that?Of course it was what she wanted. Now she

    could really let go.

    Mum stormed around the kitchen bench and

    swept the breakfast jars up from the table with one

    arm the giant Vegemite that Sam got throughevery week, Dads blueberry jam and probably

    our last ever jar of peanut butter, because last

    week shed read an article about peanuts being

    poison. She paused for a moment and then with

    the other arm she swept away my plate and knifeand the trail of toast crumbs, and they shattered

    all over the floor. I stood there in shock. This was

    a new level for her.

    Youve totally lost it, Mum, you know that?

    Can you blame me?

    Whats your problem? The trees been there

    for two months and you havent said a word. Why

    are you going all schitz on us now?

    She dumped the jars on the bench and pulled

    her hair back so her face went tight, her eyes


    Youre breaking stuff, for gods sake, I went

    on, wishing Id never started. Going back to school

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

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  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    tomorrow was no longer the worst option. At least

    the routine kept us out of each others way.I looked over at Sam but he had his eyes on the

    TV and his little finger in his ear, picking out wax

    or shutting us out, or both. Mum was back with

    the dustpan and brush, noisily sweeping up shards

    of plate. I sat back down but kept my chair a littleway from the table.

    And go check on Essie, she snapped. Essie

    was my grandmother.

    I was meant to see Chloe. Mum, come on.

    I looked down the hallway for Dad. What was hethinking, deserting us when she was acting like


    You saw Chloe last night. Youll see her

    tomorrow and every day. Its always Chloe,

    Chloe, bloody Chloe! Mum neverswore. Shes

    bad news.

    Not this again. Ill take down your stupid

    decorations, okay?

    She slammed the fridge door, grabbed her huge

    bunch of keys and unhooked her handbag from the

    chair I was sitting on. Then she put her mouth

    by my ear but she didnt whisper, not even close.

    The decorations andEssie. I flinched and held

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

    photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    my ear. I cant do everything. As she walked

    around me and down the hallway she called out,You too, Sam.

    My brother pressed the off button on the

    remote and rolled his head back on the sofa.

    Great. Nice one, Hannah.

    I looked at the dead-straight boughs of the faketree Id put together with Dad seven weeks ago.

    Fine, I thought, Ill do one thing you ask, but not

    the other.

    We rang the bell but Essie wasnt answering.

    I opened the screen door, knocked on the glass

    panel and called her name. My voice started out

    high and sweet the way youd sing to a baby but,

    as the minutes passed and there was still no sign

    of life, it turned to a yell. The look Sam gave me,

    as we stood in the shade of Essies porch while the

    sun fried the grass out front, said it all.

    Get the spare key, I said. Essie kept it taped

    inside her letterbox even though Mum had told

    her a thousand times it was just asking for trouble.

    Lets just go. Well tell Mum Essie didnt

    answer. She can deal with it. My brother, the

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

    photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    hero. He didnt love Essie like I did. Even so,

    I wished I could go along with his idea, but a badfeeling was burning holes in my gut.

    Dont be a wuss. I meant that for both of

    us, and went to the letterbox. The key fell into

    my hands as if it had been just about to drop off

    anyway; the sticky tape brown and dry. WhenI saw three newspapers in the overgrown grass

    I was sure it was another sign that something

    was wrong. Essie was a creature of habit and her

    newspapers were the only reason shed stepped

    outside her front door in years. She never went aday without them.

    I gathered them up and cradled them, warm

    against my skin. Then I knocked loudly on the

    front window even though I knew there was no

    point Essie never used that room.

    Back on the porch I pushed the papers against

    Sam and started to speak but he cut me off.

    Bloody hell. Whats the old bat done now?

    Sam! She could be I didnt need to finish.

    Not all of Essies habits were as innocent as

    reading the paper. She was reedy and only up to

    my shoulder, but the way she got through a bottle

    of gin had worried us for years. Wed known this

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

    photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    day was coming. The thing was, we didnt all feel

    the same way about it.She could be asleep, he said. Essie didnt sleep

    and Sam knew it. Mum said you couldnt knock

    her out with horse pills. Tiny as she was, Essie was

    on some kind of constant alert, even after six or

    seven gins.I stood there holding the screen door open.

    It had to be nearly forty degrees out here already

    and Essies house didnt have aircon. I stroked

    the grooves of the key with my thumb, biding my

    time, and thought about all the times Essie hadstarted a conversation with the words When Im

    dead . . .. Shed say things like that just to get a

    reaction. In that way, and in others, Essie was like

    a child. Thats why Mum hated her. It was also

    one of the reasons I loved her.

    Sam took a deep breath and puffed it out.

    Youre scared, I said.

    As if. Its just stinking hot.

    Well, I am.

    Just get it over with. He waved his arm

    towards the door but looked away across the

    street. Ive got stuff to do. Mum shouldnt even

    make us come here any more.

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

    photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    My hands were shaking but the key and the lock

    melted into each other.The smell of Essies house was something youd

    forget until the moment you stepped into it again.

    Then it felt like the most familiar smell in the world.

    It was old wood and dusty fabric, cigarettes and

    the musky perfume she always wore. I dropped thekey into a tin dish on the sideboard and it echoed

    in the silence. Slowly my eyes adjusted from the

    glare of outside, the shapes of the dark hallway

    beginning to make sense.

    Essie? I called.I went first, taking small steps along the hallway

    runner, olive green and worn down to nothing in

    the middle. All the times Essie said she wasnt

    well rushed into my head, along with all the

    times Mum had shouted at her for lying. Sam and

    I didnt know about any of Essies lies, we were

    just supposed to believe Mum.

    I passed the good room on the left where

    everything was in its place. Essies square table:

    you only had to look at it to give Essie an excuse

    to tell you for the hundredth time that it was made

    by Parker. Everyone had them in those days but

    Essie was the first on the street. Shed say, Worth

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

    photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    a fortune now. Dont murder me in my bed for

    it, will you, darlings? I never knew what to say toEssies jokes.

    The table was from the 1960s the decade

    Mum said Essie had dug her heels into. The four

    chairs had yellow padding that used to wheeze

    when we sat on them, the plastic sealed onto ourbare legs on scorching afternoons. Not that wed

    sat on them for ages. Family meals had been crossed

    off the list years ago and I was the only one who

    wanted them back, which didnt count for much.

    Sam poked me in the back and we went on,past Essies bedroom where the bed was unmade.

    That was nothing unusual. Mum always used to

    pull the door shut as she passed by, back when

    shed visit Essie with us instead of sending us on

    our own like missionaries.

    I cant breathe in here, said Sam. Why didnt

    she ever get aircon? As if it were too late now.

    Sshh, I heard something. But it was only

    the click and hum of the fridge as we came to

    the kitchen. The bathroom door was open too.

    Empty. There was only one other room in the

    house straight ahead, and that was where I knew

    shed be.

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

    photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    Jesus, look at this place. Sam had stepped into

    the kitchen and was looking at the table piled highwith used cups and plates. That mess was normal

    too. He circled it, his lip turned up. I suppose

    he was doing Mums job of picking at Essie over

    stupid little things. As if his own bedroom didnt

    need to be condemned.Sam turned on the old overhead fan and took

    his time adjusting the speed, looking up at it as if his

    testosterone levels made him perfect for that

    particular job. I knew he was just stalling. I knew

    he couldnt handle any of this and that hed feelashamed because he was two years older and a boy.

    Ill go in by myself then, I said. He didnt


    That was when my own fear stepped up a beat

    my heart was a wind-up metronome set to a

    frantic rhythm. I took the smallest steps into the

    room, feeling and smelling things more sharply

    than ever but not letting my eyes stay on a single

    object for too long. Heat danced on my skin and

    the deep carpet seemed to reach into my thongs

    and brush against my toes.

    The back of Essies chair faced me. The TV

    was off and the light was dim. The red curtains

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

    photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    were drawn at the far end of the room, a shaft of

    light shining a pathway to a red pool on the rugby the coffee table, fed by a delicate drip . . . drip

    . . . drip.

    It was an upturned bottle. I crouched to pick

    it up, keeping my back to where Essie would be.

    Red Baroness nail polish, the one Id bought herfor Christmas. I held still to stop the film of tears

    over my eyes from spilling over, and set the bottle

    down. I wanted time to stretch out, to spare me

    the difference between having a hunch that Essie

    was dead and knowing it for sure.But I could sense her. I knew she was there.

    Maybe I could just pretend Id looked. Sam was

    still in the kitchen. Hannah? he called hesitantly.

    We dont have to do this. Its not our job.

    I let my eyes creep across the carpet to her

    stockinged feet. Then a little further up until I

    saw her bony hands resting on her lap. Her black

    onyx teardrop ring, a black silk shirt buttoned to

    the loose skin of her neck a large bow tied there

    and, finally, up to her face. Essies eyes were

    half-open, staring into a space that was somewhere

    between this room and wherever she was now.

    Wherever people go.

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

    photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    Shes here, Sam. Was that my voice?

    It sounded separate to the rest of me. Sam sworeand his shoes squeaked on the lino. I heard him

    walk down the hallway, dialling a number on his

    phone. Not triple-0. Mum.

    I stayed there beside her, looking at her hands.

    Essie, I whispered. Thats what she liked usto call her, not Granny or Nana, which made her

    feel old.

    My body was suddenly shivering even though

    it was stifling in there. I kept looking at her nails,

    and thought how like her it was to be paintingthem when she died. Shed always been immacu-

    late red lips and nails, a shock of white hair. She

    had hundreds of bottles of nail polish. What would

    happen to them now? Mum wouldnt want them,

    or want me to have them, and maybe I didnt want

    them anyway. Why was I even thinking about

    that? Essie was here and probably warm and

    Jesus I felt sick and dry-retched. I couldnt even

    stand up. The adrenalin made my body judder and

    spasm. I was on the other side of blind panic now,

    the fallout had begun. A faraway spot in my brain

    told me coldly that this was shock.

    Essie. Essie.

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

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  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    We werent going to grieve for her like a normal

    family would, I knew that. Mum would be angry ifI cried too much for her. Sam would join in because

    he collected excuses not to show emotion, and

    Dad never thought she was anything to do with

    him. But I was going to miss her. She was the sort

    of person whod leave a massive hole in your lifeno matter how you felt about her.

    Mums not answering, Sam called from the

    front of the house.

    Having Mum here would change everything.

    Youll have to get her, I said.Shes at work.

    I waited for him to get it in his own time.

    Yeah, okay, he said. Come on then.

    Im staying. I couldnt believe Id just

    said that.

    Why? He was angry, probably pissed off

    because he still hadnt stepped foot in this room.

    That just made me more determined. I didnt

    want to be outside with him where he could say

    anything he liked about her.

    When the front door slammed, I flinched.

    I had to do something. There was a teacup not

    quite on its saucer, a plate of toast crusts and an

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

    photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
  • 7/30/2019 May Free Chapter - Steal My Sunshine by Emily Gale



    overflowing ashtray I took them to the kitchen,

    stepped on the lever of the pedal bin and chuckedin the crusts and the ash. When the lid slammed

    shut I closed my eyes.

    Here, Hannah darling, give me your crusts.

    Mum says I have to eat them.Sshh. What she doesnt know wont hurt her.

    Essie had always been on my side.

    Every breath was short and quick as I started

    to clean up the mess in the kitchen. I couldnthave Mum or the ambos or whoever showed up

    thinking badly of her. My hands were shaking

    as I held the washing-up liquid upside down

    and watched as if nothing else mattered but the

    last of it sliding down the sides of the bottle. With

    my other hand I yanked the old tap and the water

    drummed hard against the steel as I picked up the

    first teacup.

    Thats when she called my name.

    Copyright Emily Gale 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

    stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

    photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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