

VOLUME 33 No. 10

lIislun' will sho\\- that despite sume ~ etbacl'$ the Nav)' made enormous progrt'ss during the 19i~0s and this is amply bornt' out by the impro\"t" m cnb thaf hal't' been made in the pen;onnel :trt' :.! . by the del'cloptuent or our shore inrras truc· ture and h,· the ract that we lue currently engaged in the larie§t peace lime re-etjuipme nt program in uur his tory.

, .. -'ctlhd" ... ,. much rCm<lHl~ 10 he (jooe 3.K1 ,h ... challenge to our profc~lon"hsm HI Ih(' nc" oJcC""uc'~ 10 m.llmamlhc Ill1pCW~ nfpro~­rc~~ Ifl ,I domeslI.: :lnd mlcrn.lli,)n,.1 dnn .. ,c "hlCh ''III nOl ~Iw:l)" he ,}mp:llhclic !U Ddcnc(",

In Ih" CT" of change 1\ j, Ihe people faefor which ",II dornin,He and ill' Ihi, ",h'ch Isecm­nil h}lhc fuo r Themes J h~\'c ,el for th .. • further developmc", of the Nav .... I c"n Ihem the "Four R~- Rccrul1ml'm. Retention. RC",)f,HC"" :Hld R,Hionalisation.

The on'mumg ~'{)al of the RA"' .. L~ ,m IU-1I:!!T .. 1 clemen! of the Au,[r"Ii.IIl Defence I -or~ .... , mu,t be to conlmue In c\(.hc Hlto ;md m ... mam 1!-,eI(:lS " marillm ... turn' ""p"'pn,lIe tnT Au,tr.,II,,·, 'Iralcg;' IK'c(k ,\11 "Oil arc

. o r hUH' S!:T\cd, can I'<! Ju,tlri;lhh nf "hat " ... h:l"c achlc\cd. BUI HI !1m

"orlJ nothing IS SUlle and ( ",Ill! II) ,. on my Ihemes in exp(analion of where ( 'ce (lur prlorilie~ nmSI (ie.

BUI fir~1. ~ commenl on whal ( mean hy pro· fC'Slo IM h,m in Ihe Service. Forcmulol II means '1ri~ing for exce((cncc in \l'h;llcver lOU do. ne'cr ;ICCCpl 'ccond hc~l; il mc;m, laling Ihe ,"'II,II"C 10 .ulvocalc Impro\'cml'nt : 11 means " or l,nt: ,.~ a team: and il mean~ uO!lcr,IJndint: Ihe '"~ p.cture. for p;nochi;.lism geb u~

Turn'"g to m\ themes. the "Four R, M

~h()uld IM,t he '>Cell ,II .. IlJrro'" .cnse. If }UU likc thcy arc "hUll' "ords.

Rl.'cruitmcnl RccrUltmell1 mca", more Ih:ln Ihe

me~h;'lIIi", of enticing }oung men :lnd women to JOIn Ihe Na\\ (I m .. an, dC\'clop,"); within Ihc cnmmumlV ;I t 1:llg" . anll wuhln Nuvy. u far heller unllcr\l;mlling ;mll ",,;. rene'~ of wh;lt Ihe NiI"y is all .. hou l . "11\ II i\ Imporwnl1U our nalion,,1 defC"nc.: "nil ho" we fit mto Ihe Defence force.

It m .. "n, cducJlln]! our f~lIu" ~lIllen~ on the need for;, N;" \ ;lIId to dU!>(l "e must fa\our .. · bt> projcct ou ....... l\cs Jnd our s..'T\ICC al c\c~ po-..5ihle ol'p'-'r! unlly.

,ll1s i, wh> ( ha' c "rl1l~'n th" ;l<llcle. [t i~

'" liy we urI' >.Cding more funlls for puhlic rela· tionS:,1 IS "h) ( h:l\e crealed Ihe new IJ'O!>lIion of DlTector of I'uhile' Inform"tiun In Navy Of­fice unller Conllll(lnder lIodgnmn: il is why I ha\'e rccenlly cnllor~cll a Puhlic Information Stra tegy: and it i~ "'liy I have appoin ted Com· modor .. Hutem;!n as head of the M;! rl time SlrJle~IC Studies l'rOjcet .

Hr themscl,cs I""SO: :oel lons arc fa r from the 101al ans", e r hUI Ihey ",II be cat:IIYlib for othcr

Ic,eI uf '~~.':'


and 10

Kl.'h' ntion 'lere. ret,'nl.on i~ u".-d as ib hmade'l '>C n<.c .

II me;ms crcat'"g an envi ronment "lIhm N",'y " ".(( cnoour.'gc people to conllnue "'Ih the.r e;,rcc~. It means recogmsmg soc,etal ch"nge~ lIml domg somclhmg :looUI Ihem: II me;m, Impru''"g joh ~mbraelion anll nl ;smg Ihe qua Illy of life of scrvmg memhcrs :mll Iheir fa milic,.

Much h:I' "lready becn done hUI Ih,' 111\ '

pew, mUM lx' maml;,ined. Impro\emenl' h,,"e ""en nl;l(1c IU hou,'"g: Job ,tability "'mprm. m~: I';') and al1u";mee~ are conslanll} und .. r r .. , .c" O",:rallon Llfc-.t)1c ",I, dIrected al Iho~ "ho Ii,c '" and has becn "",11 rccc"ed: lh" relic" of DFRDB " "dl ulld.::r ";'} ;lIId Ihe end rc~ull ",ll "" morc allun .. d \0 l·On!em· r."r;Jr\ ;II1I1Udc,: mor .. "ocnllon " h.:ing paId to 1:lIIlIly need~: career oppor!umllc, for "omen arc merc;"'"g hul not at the e\pcn...c Ilf men: m·"!:T\ ice training i, impnwing: and:m oulcome of I he Officer Career Slull} '" ill he an emph:,'i' on through c:ITeer ellueall,m and 'ilre;mllng.

I w"n t 10 S1re~~ that creating the right envi, ronment .s not JUSt an ",mphusis on Ihe !>Crious thl1lpuflifc.

I enc()urJg.;" people 10 p;! r l;eip"le III e'cry furm ohpottlll!:! :,ethily as I do for advell iure

May 25, 1990

Navy Budget 89/90 $M


" Notes on Navy budget

Personnel includes PNF, RANR and civilian salaries and allowances.

Operating Costs include! ruel, storeS, repair, weapons, tra"el , removals, clo­thing and Jiving out allowances.

TheS(' 3etl' itles 3re impon ;IIl1 in developing Ihe alt ribu tc"s of ph)",ical OInt! m~n ta l fi lnes.,. ;lIIt;;I11\e. ~I f discipline und I~am spirit . <III o f which arc 'cry relevant .

• Continued centre pages.


• ,


II ''"ItS goodbye 10 an o ld frie nd rea>nlly " 'hen members of Darwin Port Division gathered 10 fare \o\ ell G PV BASS on her "oyage 10 Sydney.

The 266 [onlle General Purpose Vessel sen'cd as the port di\'ision's training ship rrom October 1985 until February this year when that role was laken over by the recentl y recommissioned HMAS BALlKPAPAN .

Crewed by Reservis ts, she look an active role dur-109 K89 In the deplo)'ment o f Norforce ITOOPS as p;arl of her Annual Continuous Training Period .

GPV BASS. first com­missioned in 1960. also served as the trainmg ve~scl for HMAS H UON in Hobart prior 10 her deploy­men! In .he Top End.

Forces take to catwalk

Commodore Sam Haleman has become head or a ne~' Marilime SlrAlegir Siudies Project (MSS P).

In his new po~.t ion he will becomc increllsingl} fam.llar throughout the Na'y o"~ r the next III mo nth •.

l bc /I.·ISSI' , i n . t. g~tcd by eNS, has bee ll estahllshed to:

• De'elop a gre:.ter le'cl of a"':'rencss wlthon the RAN of marillme L~sues, in p:utieular maritime stratel!y; and

• De"clop a grL'ater pub­lic awareness of the need fur sea power 10 defence of Australia and 11 <' .o'-ereign mteTCSb,

Commodore Bateman (or Commodore "SeJ' power" !) "'ill meet thiS ehalh.'llging and wide·rang· 109 ta~l hy ronduetlllg lec­tures ~nd scmin~r.. [(l RAN and Defence cst:lblish· ments , as well as umver· sit ies lind eommunlly 01-

gan;)..1!ion •.


TIL, RAN's /l rad 0/ llor Marilim, Strau~ir SI"din I'rojrcl. Cammodaff' 1I''s.G. 'Sam ' Ilalemllff.

lie ""I! also re";e,,, exist· rerommcnd iOn org;lIli,a· even many l1:1\'al officer ... ,ng RAN roun.cs with a tion for the 'centre ofe~ccl· who cannot tillk Imo", · HC'" to IIlcre;c,lng their Icnce' for the stUlh of ledge:!bl) aoout manllme ro\-enlge of marlllme manllme issues. I~UCS_

affair.. . CUmmell111lS aoout hiS "The MSSI' i. a great 01" A~""'"ng hlln In his appointment Commudore portunity to en,ure that we

duties is his research of· "Scapower" ~id: -Austra· in the Nav)" and the rom·

II seemed only fitti ng that the same Comman(ling Officer who sailed GI'V BASS 10 Danr.·i n in 1985, CMDR Ian Gibson, was also in rommand on her voyage to Sydney where s lle will con tinue 10 sene as a nllvigalion Iminong w:ssel for the RAN. C MDR Gil>­SOil was joined by a crew composed of local Top End Reservist.;; plus pcrwnnel from port divisions ill Bris-bane, Melboume.

ficer, Sub·Lieutenant hans o ffen forgel that Au· mun,ly at large arc full) Tht Na.·y and RAAF' jointd fot"ft) to "'asjotned on the ClI I""alk b)' LtadingSea- P~u"ne Reynolds_ stralia ' $ an island Olllion a",are of the '"'poMance o f

slalt a fashion parade for the recenl NT man Writer " P IC' Andre .. ' ~, of H MAS The MSSI' "'ill conclude w,th e~!cnS l ve marl1lme scapower and ",aritime Adelaide. I'lobar! :lIld Perth.

Dtfen«,Spou>'l's conlt~~nceinUar,,",;n . COONAWARHA , and Corporal Greg late ne~t year and one of IIlteres t ~. ...ue~ genera ll) to Model and KAAF spoUSt Fran Ihlnstn Blanch. of HAAF Bast SlfulKlron 1>3,...;n , the tasks of Ii'll' prolect is to "Unfortunalely the re are Au~tr"ha , "

lIThe great Australian

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Your own home is within your reach.

The home buyer plan can help you whatever your cirrumslances may be whelher )'OU are ..... _ * tv\iddle oqed * Newly wed * Single and concemed about your fvfIxe

Now forthe first time a comprehensive plan is offered to those persons inlerested in totol home ownership - yea~ ahead.


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2 (98) NAVY NEWS, May 25 1990 . ,.,',' ., ..... , ,''' . ' . -' ...... .. .. . .. ' ." r. , • •

• ..

~" """"""""" "~"''''~'''''''''",''''''''''''''''''''''''""""""""".""""",,::;;:~;;;;;; ,,;;,;;;;;:; ,;;:';;;~;, ;;"""""",;, ;, ;,;;,;;;,;;; ,; ",,, ;,,~:::,, ,,,,,~,,,",,, "'''';'' '''''''' ' '' '' ''''' '''' '',''''

a ro Thl: .'edcra ted Slales or M ieronesia

have received the first or 1" '0 $5 Australian designed and built

Patrol Boat!; during a ceremony in '~.n .. n Wesl~rn Australia,

Defence, Scnalor Robert Ra}', 31.5 metre·long panol boat to

l~;~~i:',;:~ ' /be Ho no urable John R . at Victoria Quay. Flemantle.

The new patrol boat, named FSS I'ALIK IR ,ro",", capital of the FSM). will fo rm the nue·

of a maritime son'e illance and conna! ~i" t,;" .. " for the small Pacific nation.

ooat was buil l at the Australian Shi p-

(ASI) ~~~~~:~~~,SOUlh of JC Defence

• f I :'


, , , , , , , TRANSFERRED To or from Canberra. Pets cared for while you are settling in .

Rates on application. We collect and

forward your animals on posting to & from


eo·operation program undertaken by Australia . The vessel IS the 10th I'acifie Panol Boat

bro ught 11110 sen 'ice in I'acifie Island countries to assist them III policing their importanl 200 naut­ical mile Exclusive Economic Zones.

The !'acific I'a trol Boat Project is a major romponcnt of Australia's defence co-openllio n with South I'acifie roun tries to improve sun'ell· lance of ternlOrial and regional w~ters . The pro· ject complements RAN ship visits, RAAF P3C Orion maritime surve illance nights and othe r re­lated activi t ies_ The ronstruction program has also provided a significant number of jobs and new skill s in the local region.

BACKGROUND 1be Pacific Pat rol Bo:ot l'roJeC'! was an·

j j


Tony and Chris 's Boardin!! Kennels

Ph : (062P6 9207 PSM Prnjd~",. TII~ 1I0ff ,

boar's Commofldiflg , , , I I I t ,

nouneed by the I'rime Minister, Mr Bo b at the 1983 meetmgof Ihe South Pacific The rolllract for ronstruction of the vessels awarded to ASIIIl Scptember 1985. Other tTiCS paMicipaling in the project arc . GUlllea (10 take four boats), Vanualu . Samoa , Cook Island, Marshall Islands (one each), Solomon Islands <1,,",0 boats) and ( three ooats).

The project . conducted unde r AUSltalia's fence Co-opcralion arriOngcmellts, is by the Royal Ausnahan Navy. As .. ell as "idlllg vessels, the project includes a range _;,;~ siSIanee covering crew tra ining, advisory port, a t,,",o·year spares support package and,n" gio na l through·life support arrangements. tOlal value o f the project is no .. $91.5 million .

• •

• • • •

• •



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Curtin Shopping Centre Canberra ACT

Ph 285 2425 F1nt indIan & lnternatloNl RNtaurant In Aer. A chok. I Uitabl, tOf' both adub and chIldren.

G.nul .... home cooked authentic indian food.

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FUNCTlON SPECIAL Free UI. of PA $yetem, Audio, VIdeo Camer .. Plano and Oanee Floor.

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I 7 •

eace Pope John Paul II has ~a lled on Ihe men or sub·

marine Hl\IAS OXLEY 10 make a personal con· Iribulion 10 world peace by promoting respect and e$!eem fo r a ll people .

The pontiffs mcss..1gc came during a priv:uc audio ence with 33 men fro m OXLEY allhc V'l tiean.

The invitation for the audience was extended 10 OXLEY when she arrived in Taranto. on May 3.

The Auslrali;m embassy 10 Ihe Vatican said such a private audience wa~ .. ra rc event.

The visi t beg,1Il with a bus journcy through thc wUlhern Iialian coulli ryside. OXLEY's represenla­tives arrived at the Holy Sec in St Pelers Square on May 5.

After p::Jssing through the large bronze door~. guarded by Swiss guards. Ihe represclllalives were escoTied through numerous ha lls and ~Iairways of highly polished marble. decorated with :.II1cient fre~· co~ by Raffacl, to a small ante room in the Popc's pnvale "pilrlmenl.

The Pope then entered and welcomed the Com­m,lnding Orricer. Lieutenant Comm:.II1dc r P. H. Ear· lam and OXLEY's personnel 10 Ihe Va tic;m.

In his .tddress thc Pontiff expressed his desire for AuslTalian!> to rememhcr the f,lllen at G'lllipoli .lOd for the men of OXLEY to str;,'e for world peace.

He then presented each of the visitors with a gift :LIId wa~ pre!>Cntcd wit h ;1 bronze figure of ,I pJatypu!> 111 relu rn .

Another RAN first •

A ) oung "Ian \'I ho entl' red Ihe R ,\ N as :In Ordinal} Seaman COIIIIIIU nicalions sailor in 1965 ha~ just been admitt ed as a Barrb ler uf the Supreme Court uf NSW.

ComOlander Marlin Toohe) wa~ ;lUmllted 10 the B:lr on May HI.

CMDR Toohey IS the firsl na"al pohce offICer to quahfy In 1;1 .... and is aiM) bche~ed 10 be the firsl spe· cia l dUlie~ list officer to ;l lIaU! thi ~ qualirka tion.

Originally from Albury. C MDR Toohey ~f\'eU on the fa't HOOp Hansport. IIMAS SYDNEY during Ihe Vietnam conflieL wa~ a membcrof Ihe commission· ing ercw of IIM AS STAL­WART and 1:l1er served in I·IMAS IJRISBANE.

Aftel being promoted to the r;lI1~ of PORS he tran.­ferreu to the n,,'al police c:,tel:"ry and !,lIained commo-Sloned rank 111

Decembcr 1976. Ills na .... 11 police polbtmgs

ha,·c lIIc!urJed t .... o po,lIng' a~ Command I'olice Officer (NSW) and twO postings as Na''al I'ro ... ost ,\larshal -the lasl being ··rJuJI·hattcd M

as DepUly Director Security - Na ... y.

CMOR Toohey ,taMed parl'I,mc study for lhe NSW Barrislers' Admission Board examinations 111

1982. He has been sponsored


CMDR '/ "oohry ••• firs' IID"DI poliu vfflur IV qUDlify in fa .. ·.

by th .. DireclOr of Na ... al Legal Scrvkes since May 1989. ~Ic will relurn to that dlrCClor:ltc for furth cr con­solidation training "flcr his admission 10 the NSW B'IT .

Married to Lorr'line.

C ,\1DR Toohey lives in Canberra.

He has IWO children . Paul. 19. who ba third year midshipman at the Auslr:,· !ian Defence Force Ae:'dcmy. and Jennifer. 14.


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NAVY NEWS, May 25, 1990 (99) 3 •

unn side u for boat from south

11M AS WARRN,\MIIOOL d l'pa rled CERB E R US h l'lIdin~ north chasing " 'armn dima l~ r ..... e.go fish,o!: ,·cssd~.

Cominuing ill h ... r Ir;IIning wh: the ~hip'~ ("<ldre crew w,,~ ,uIlP!c·mcn1co.! h) p<'Nlnoc1 from !>olh CERBERUS ;uuJ Melbourne I'ort Di"i~i()n rc${'"n.·c·~. Onho<trd '''L~ the m,)I>, ("mili", ~iglll or '"" km"lc junior offl(:c ....... mhar~c,j rUT f<lmili"rizal ion.

For 11><, lir-I Iq~ (Lf Ihc p;!lrol to Jcf\'is nay the Com­m:mrJlIlg Officer uf IIMAS CERIH~RUS. CilJ>I .. m M .J. Dunne traded CERBERUS house for the """ig,,tor'~ cahin to vicw Ih(." VICIUr;;1lI nee! in actinn .

111.., ship cnjo).,.u Cr.;;'f ~I.ics :m.! ~ll1ool h ~"s ..:nroutc ,<> Jervis B .. y. hOll1 commodi1ies 10 he in ~h orl ~upply for Ih ... remainder of Ihe palrol. During Ih is lime the ~hip re­m,lined in the S)'dnc).JJcrvis U"y "rca the shlp's comp,my .. Jiu thc ~B roullu of hdo winching "noJ fire-fighting.

A (it N~\'al Colkge touch rughy 'IOC uefe,lteoJ the ~hip "ith sweet rc\enge corning with ~ uemolitKm of;1 scr;.tch CRESWELL cridet ~Iue. leoJ hy the hlg hllter LSETC 'Axle' Foley.

The ship p;ort icipah."<.I 10 PERTll's workup ... cting as a uug,ge r I'KP on two ~)1I)oCcuti\(e nigh1 s unoJ h),,·ing" largel on " Ihiru.

During thl~ 11111<' WARRNAMBOOL .. Iso ~pcnt" u;,y l'xercising " 'ith fdle»< p .. trol bo;.t II MAS lI'SWIC Ii.

A wcclenu in S)oJnC) alloweoJ five of the regular cre .... 10

hir<' a fa~t cn ;mu he .. oJ home to Mctbourne for a couple of da)~ with their familil'S .

A ddeet forceu an un.cheduleu del •• y in Sydne) before .... iling on to Coffs l1arbour. anu although arrival was two d;oys l<lle. the e~cellen l smorgasboru lunch org;lIliscu ~y the friendly w"ter police for both ship's companies. r",sed )pirits.

lloth ~hip!> "uku Ihe ne~t day he;ouing nUfthward. On the "~Iy furthe r opportunity was talen to exercise

"ilh IPSWICII . Both )hlp!> parted company off Southport. the tricky

entry was m"de Into Soulhport ,lIld the ~hip ho;:rthed <II the magnifkent ~brilla Mirage among some of the mO!>t ex­pensi\'e y;lchts in the business. incluuing one O"'neu by the ex-Formula I drin'r Alan Jones.

UnsucC\!",ful attentpt~ were m"ul' to exchunge the ship'~ huff ... r LS 'Arty' 1I:lrtshorn with the more aesthetkally pleOl5l1lg huffer on the •• djoining y .. cht.

The rem"lnder of lime at Southport was enjoyed b)' the crew. also the managemenl anu cash registers of nearby Sea-world .. noJ Fisbcrman's Wh"rf.

The p .. ..-.sage south to Newc;ost le was ruoJdy interruptcoJ hy Co", rce weather in " 'hich the ship w"s oul of the wat.::r more th:1I1 in.

An :lIIchoTagc in Trial Bay had to do in~teaoJ of Newe"stlc.

The remainder of the trip was u!lCventful except for an afternoon with ~ister sh ip. the rellow minimum­manned I'IMAS FREMANTLE.

After ~ ""eekend RANR tl<lining in Mclhouurne the ship finally arri \'cd hack at CERBER US after five weeks o n Sunday. April 22 and commenced :. five w.:ek leave pe riod .

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Hasty saving proves costly The Nand ll ealth Be·

nefits Society sometimes rccei",~s good news items such as Ihe ~utteSlirul

birth uftriplelS to a h~pp)'

famil),. or thc joy uf find ­ing alm~ 100 ~r fc nt fO, e r applyinC to the need for a senior retired m('mber ha" ing .. compli ­nletl hip replafe ment .

nut then- are also some rairl), hard luck stories thai net'd equal prOlni· nenee.

• R OES (ott6Qry ~rso"ntl 0 " tht job.

In recoullling the fol· IoWIII& siory 10 Navy News. Norman Branson the genera l manager of the society admitted it wa~ one of the consequ· ences of the h"ru cconomic times now f~cing members.

* The Radio Operator Electronic Systems (ROES) plays an essential role in supporting the electronic warfare requirements of the Fleet. ROES skills are highly technical and involve indepth understanding of electronic systems, communication systems and, for some category members, foreign languages. This article explores the benefits of becoming an ROES.

A recently-retired of· ficer was experiencing difficulty with high mortgage ~ymellls and Increased COSt of living generally. :1110.1 let his long lerm. highesl level hospi­tal cover go but retained hiS ancillary co\'Cr for de­ntal and extras and took the punt that nothing would happen.

, The KOES talegory is broken into two smaller

sub-ategories, the operator a nd Ihe linguist. Both sub-categories are tra ined to operate the moot Ul""

to-da te computer-assisted radio receiving and recording equipment.

They can read high speed morse aceuralely. touch type and use compute rs.

The basic levd of tr"ining is "ery high. enabl ing him to have a thorough understanding of the world's m051 com­plex communications s)'$tems.

'The ROES operato r then upgrades his knowledge of communica tions systems even further while the ROES lin­guist studies his chosen language.

The standards required of an ROES are high. and the training is bolh long and thorough. PefSOflnd passing the ROES board will be required 10 study for up to 42 weeks depending on current qualifications. After inilial train ing. you will ha"e the opportunity to study a major language and furthe r t raining overseas.

As an ROES linguist you will be taught by profe~lonal language tulOrs using a modern language labor.llory at Point Cook in Victoria.

As an ROES operator you will be given .. good bac~ground knowledge o f r .. oJio theory and a thorough grounding in many highly complex communicat ions sigmlls and radar emissions.

As an ROES you can upcct to sel"e both at sea and ashore . I'eriads al sea can vary from weeks to months. "nd give considerable soope for forC'ign travd.

Additionally. opportun itiC's exist for shore jobs o\·C'r· seas. where married sailors can be accompanied by thcir families .

• X'

, , 7 -

• •

The variety. interC'51 and importance of the jobs arc second to none.

In consequence. the ROES branch is truly an eli te unit with a strong $ense of purpose and high morale.

As an ROES you will earn the Royal Australian Navy'S top ra tes of p"y for sa ilors. A oJditiona lly. your promotion prospects will be good and better than many other catego ries in the RAN.

If you arc a well-motivated person " 'ith an agile mind . who is able to work unsupervised. and "" ith the self confi­dence 10 take charge of a team of experts. you may ha\'e the qualities required to be selected for the elite 'ES' world .

As the minimum rilnk in the category is leading seaman. all applicants IIIUSt be at le;lst p:tssed o ut for leading i>Ca· man.

You need to be physically fit for service at sea. including submarines. (male members only). and in aircraft.

If you are eligible. ),ou will be required to sit a fi"e day board ilt the RAN Tactkal Electronic Warfare Support Section (RANTE WSS) at HMAS ALBATROSS. Nowra. where you will be gi\'en a numho;:r of aptitude teslS. and will be interviewed by officers who will assess )'our sui tability for ROES training.

Conside r Ihe adyant"ges: • pay leYd six. • overseas posting and Ir""d. • submariner qualificllion and subsequent allowances. • language bounty. and • membersh,p of an elite unit.

For further information contact: Lieutenant Comman­rlcr J.G . Pickel «(M4) 21 1881. WO w.F.J . Wells (Q.W) 21 1892. Future OO;lrd date: ]8-22 June 1990.

. .

• HANTE IVSS ... homt' oj the R OES optirudt' resr.

In April this year. just $C\'en months la te r he had a fairly severe heart al­t,lck and was treated in a public hospital III

Oucensland. The trea tment for the

lIIitial condition was good. but whal was rc · commended for longer lerm reco\'e ry was a heart by-pass operation.

The story there was not so good. the re was a sig­nificant waiting li st for surgery and the wi fe ....anted it done a t one of the private hospitab. ~ot only to gel over any queue problems. but also to ensure tho;: besl ca re. atten tion and comfort at a time when this was obviously important .

Their dectslon to change Iheir cover had sa"ed them short term $3.\7. but the long term COSt is now quite horrific (or Ihis fa mi ly.

Hospi tal costs ;done for inlensi"e care afte r heart surgery are a minimum o r $tJOO per day. but rmH"C

generally around the $1000.

Four or fiye days in in­tensive care and ~ perh3ps slightly lo nger pcriooJ in normal care brings the final bill to many thousands of dollars.

No health fund will be able to orfer the ex-ser· viceman cover for the 0p­e ra tion for the next yen. they ha\'e to undc rgo waiting periods for this pre-cxisting conoJition. It ·s hard. but it's tTOe.







J . Donnelly (02) 520 6429 J. CliernClQCh (054) 837 508 K. Barry (071)954132 I. BurnSide (062) 476 068 G. Mclnlosh (086) 491010 G. Combe (09) 354 2089 A. Broomhall (004) 731584

f • ,


, , , , ,

our is pro'-;ng 10 be a year for Warranl

I folre flthter Peter Hol~ltin , fire and SlI ret}


Peler saw Ihe year in his promotion 10 war­officer. At the same

I he look opcrJtional of the Country

Fire Authority's ZIJ7 aircr.aft .

By the end of Apnl. Peter had logged his 100000h hour in command of a fi~ed wing airer.aft - the ZIJ7!

What is the ZIJ7? The ZIJ7 :l ircrJ(t is u Rockwell Commander which is air­borne by IQum o n all tota l firc ban days In Vicloria.

It remmns airborne througho ut the day 1J,l1Tol­ling the Melbourne and Momonglon Peninsula

stopplllg only for

... UN

reac • In co

••• •••. IAN •.• UN

t •


X-ray whiz snares

• prizes Sub Lkult'nanl I

"' lI l1lkntr " as ' 1"«'0111," ... '.nkd II diploma of IIppliw scielKt in dilll(nos­Ii( radiol~' Ihe Qu~n~l:lnd Uni> el'Sily of T«hnolop'_

Not only d id G:lr1h o b­lain his diploma with d,s­tinct ion. but he "'!IS also awarded thc 1'JS9 Kodak pnze for thc Shu.! .. nl 10.1100 obtains the beSt academic record for the course com­pleted in Ihal year. thO' Hugo F1ccker memorial prize for the ~Iudcnl .... ho obtains the beSt perfor­mance in thc dinical pr~c ­lice subjects for Ihal YC:lT. and the Winthrop/Air u3\clhng fellowsh,p pnle fUf the graduan t "'00 ach,e\'cs Ihc best "eademi ... record over the three-ye ... course.

His ;1 men! was

and changes If OFF lIofsuin (/tft) dis(uJis;ngjlighl pf(lll dtwfls ... i,h lirt aUlhority colftoguts.

crewed by one pilot 1"'0 country

relieved by ' Firebird'. a heilCOple r.

cence class fo ur IIISlrumenl ratlllg. In addition to 1000 ho urs in command of songle engllled fixed wlIlg aircraft. he has o\'c r 200 hours logged for twin engined aircraft.

autho rit y air observers ill dive rted from ils pat­

whenever a fire recd,'ed .

ZJ)7 ai rcraft then the fire unlil if is no

required o r until it is

Out of season . Petcr o p­e rates the regional tr.ulllng aireraf! bringing air obser­vers up to scratch for 11K: next season .

Pe ter holds a private Ii - Pe ter Ho ls{ein joined Ihe

• sal 5

memo ane .' resh rrom her participalioll ill the Galli]Jo!i pilgrimage. IIMAS SYDNEY

(Colllmander Urian Robertson ) pau~d 10 remember the gallant nploits or her World W ar II namesake.

8 (1 04) NAVY NEWS, May 25, 1990 • • • • " .... . .

The ,h,p ~wppcd o\"cr the pollll "here, on 19 1111) 19~(). Ihe ltCcond sh,p of lhe RAN 10 IK: nmned SYDNEY <:ml.: Ihe hal ian crm)Cr BARTO LO MI:O COLLEOi';1

Thc "te is Oflthe north·we~lern co,,,, o f the 1~I~nd IIf Crete in thc Ael(cao Sc'1

SYDi'oEY ~'lIned d rearso,~e rcpUld. lioo from Ih~' bailie III "hich ,he <:;i'cd four 1In1"h de~tro>er.. from ~lmU\t cer-13m ~l\nlhil'1I10n. 'lIld m·crcamc the tKkJ, to ~in"" the COLLEON I and lhcn )Cnd " ,ccond It"lian cnu~e r nccing.

SYDNEY wffered 110 c:bu"l tI C~. When thc current SYDNE\ ~lOpp'cd

10 "'> ~ ",reilth o\'e r the "fed: uf Ihc COLLEONllo p"y ITibule 10 the 11 ,11t.1I1' .... illed. the occasion held ~1"-'"(;i~ 1 M~n,fi­rance for Able Scumiln A"'n Curt i' "f Shcpp:uton. Vict" Tl J.

Hi, gram..lf:.ther . 1'eny Officer Rld);' rd Curti" "J, " memlK:r of SYDN FY', crew in the b"nlc.

Hc "iI' 1..1er killed "·hcn Ihe ,hlp "ii' 10,1 "'Ih "II h,mu" on [') Nc)\embcr 1')41 off Au,lTali:l\ north \o' c,tern co:., 1 ;lflcr :1 lnIule "ith lhe Germ,lIl rJ,de r KORMORAN .

The KORMQRAN "as abo ,un l.: in the cla,h.


RAN in hnuary 1972 as a junior rcc rUIi .

an industry aw"'~ :'~~":,:%':~:'~~ hosled by Ihe _l He was promoted 10 able

seaman avia lion III 1973, tr.ansfe rred to the fire fighter category III 1986, and was promOled to war­rant officer in l<lnuar), this year .

SBI. T ,.·(JulJi."tr ... on the job in ,h, x-fay d'parlmtnl 0/ NANJl PENGUIN, "'hut ht is 1101<' working.

Technology's facu lty I

ence on Apn l JO, 1990 m BriSOOIlC, enabling him meet his prizc ~ponloOT!i and reprcscntati,'CS of companies which support ~clencc .

, • \ ,

, • •

oos 0 museum

A World WIT II uior"as dog 'le' I roU tClioa or u ...... . z.onbilia. rptn,'111 60 yean:, 10 ItIt- HMAS

" lIffll " . , 5' ,.... 40mned III. roUeelioJl 10 tile

• J ._ OIl April2!J. He _ ItorII '- tJU . u4 joiMd IIw RAN .. 1m

rro. lite Birlrnlilu' 'tpl>t. Soatlll A~". He .. ~ 1'-« 71" 1M _ ....u 1946 "",,", IIIe retired" I dIid" IN, t~ 111'11 zr's Mate ill 1946.

Mr 51 ." .... , flad ZS1\_Z _ l iiet an oldie yean ft fltt'VH 011 bou4 HMA S".fSTUART. CANBERRA .... AUS11lAUA.

0. dzpmifll: die Navy. Wa! wellt .10 pri ... ~e bol;. Mil _ 01" to I "'yeat~ wklillhe SydlHy City COMd.

NlRlMDA'$ C-..ndin, otrker. C'plllie B.L SM"2l1atnpled 1M coUeftiOlll 011 ",_KotOlIl' • __ •

Piff¥red aH~: CAPT $wa" alld Wal $IIff/fflJIf Widft 111ft MII.Jft.", wl,lt ~ 6/J·yftur C6l1utiollf. , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


, , , , , , , I I I I I , , , ,

------DANCE-------A Dinner Dance lor all past and present mem­

bers of the Naval Police and their guests will be held on Saturday, September 29. 1990. at· Bankstown Paceway Function Cenlre. 178 El­dridge Road, Condell Park, NSW .

TIME FRAME: 1930-0100.

COST: $34 per head.

TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE FROM: Naval Police Dinner Dance Committee, Naval Police Headquarters, Garden Island, NSW 2000 .

ENQUIRIES: (02) 359 2228 office hours.

Price includes a four-course meal with two choices. all beer, wine and soft drinks. (spirits to be paid lor by individual) music and MC. Par1<ing available on the premises.


•• • HMAS CE RB E R US ,)crsonll cl Inn cll cd ra r and \\id e Ihis )'ca r 10

support or th e 751h Anzac coJllmemornlions . O"~r 35 oHic;,,1 ('Omm'ImO:Ol .. " "rc fulfil- IIMA5 CERBERUS. ,hl~ )c;,r. pro-

Icd and on one \\,11 c\'cr I.n"" hu" m~n) \u.k.! C~I;tf"lquc Part" ". Fbg R,liscT"_ uther m"rchc~ or cumme mora tion '" 1'\ Il"t:' A \'1E I' Mile,. un"rmcd cOllung ... n h "nd/or :>;I " mcmhcrsorthcshlp'~comp,'n) "nend· gllc~t 'I)\.'"h'r, al o'er 35 ViclOri:m '<I"", u'l; ,oluntaril) "t ,n!>ur!> ...

A fult guard of lUI ... .cortmg Ih .. Au)'r,, · han White En"gn and "cromp.mlet! by the ViclOri" N,,,,,I U:ond Icd th .. • ANZ,\ C D"~ Commemoration 1\I " T('1I through t ile em " f M elbourne. The nliLrch cnucd ", the Shrlll c uf Rememhrance where th..: [Tad,­tional MemoTh.1 St::rvicc "a~ held.

Th~-..c Ineluded: . Ikaurn~n~.

II hemg the 7~lh Anni'cr""r) ufthe G"I­hpoh boding' there \\cre a grea ter numh.:r uf rt'quesh from RSI Suh·Br,mchc, rur , .~­,,,wnce ""h thc.r commcrnor~tlun )Cr­,ices and m:lrche' than III :my pre\'.()u~

C"rn .... ;H:·. Coburg. \\ l>nth"');,I;I. T:.fY,1n Lo\\cr. W~rrn~mbool . Ruthcrglen. Crlh I'oull . PUTI F:llry . Wat")I1I'I. Spon,,,"oudl KI1lJ.'",lIe . l\Iordmllocll\len\onc. Dunc,,~· ler. Glenr,)). Sunshlnc. 1'"SCOl" Vale. Geclong. Tucumal. \I<1nhll lk. S",m 11 111. Bunk-no" n . Et"ood . Keitor Ea,t. Nobic P"rl . SprlJlgv~ Ie. Loch Spurt. l\Iorl1lngton. Dand~' n ()ng. Cr:moournc. L~·ongatha. &". ford. Jlastmg,. Elth:ml . l\IaTlb)nongl l\I :lidstone and Dromanafl{cd lI ill .

1111111111 1 III II

Spouses' Canberra The National COII~ ul­

tath'e Group of Sen 'ice Spouses ( NCGSS). at a national con" ent ion in Canberra, has prepared a lis t of priorities fu r the next six months.

Delegates mCt 'lith senIOr Service personnel for briefings on la te$t de­"e1opments on rondl tions affecting service families.

Delegates 1tbo met Mr G . Bilney. the new Minis­ter for Ocfent'e Science and Personnel.

Gen. P.C Gration. Chief of the Defence Force spoke to the delegates, as did Director General Ser­vice Conditions, the Ser· vice Chiefs of Personnel and others.

Mrs. Robyn Brynes. co­ordinator of Ihe Spouses Working Party on removals gave delegates an up-date on information from her areas.

Mr. Paul Fennell " 'ho is Project Officer for Projects of National Significance spoke about the lour books on the Education of Mobile chi ldren .

One of these books has been written for parents

meeting and "ill be sent to all serv1CC f: lIllihcs.

The Defence Iiousing AuthoTII), organised a d:l)' semln:lr for the ladles. all of "hom worl in their own areas "'l1h the DHA local managers.

Delegates will be work· ing 011 several papers for the Defence Housing Au· thority O\'e r the ncxt few mollths.

The NCGSS delegate III

0 31'\\' 111 reeenily chaired 3

comminee which held 3

Defence Wives Seminar over two days in Darwin .

Workshops were held on Housing. Education and in particular the employment prospects for )'oung people in Ihe Northern Territory.

Workshops were al),() held on Re·Entry into the Workforce. the Legal Right$ of Defence Force Wives and FIND.

Information about Ihe NCGSS is avanable from the Convenor. Mrs. Anne Curt is. Telephone: Office 06-2669057 Home 06-2732067 or PO Bo:< 280, Civ;c Square 2806. CanbelT3 ACT.

The Minisle r ror Dc­rence. Sdenee a nd Pe r­sonnel . Mr Gordon 8il­ney. has offid ally opened Ihe Nowra Air Dh·is ion. No)'al Austra­lian Reserve (RANR ), al HM AS A L8A T­ROSS.

Thc cerelllon)' wa~ "ho attended by lhe Chief of N,lVal Stuff. Vice Admiral and M~ M . HudMln.

While at the Air Statio n. I-lr Bllne) . ... Iso opened 1'1'0 ne"' buildll1gs - the Au­strahan Joint Acoustic Anal)'~i ~ Centre (AJAAC) and the RO)'al Australian Naval Tactical ElectroniC Warfare Suppon Section (RANTEWSS) buildings.

The Air Division wa~

formed in August 1989 and . when fin a ll y manned. will consist of 26 Officers :lIld 124 Sailors.

The pnmary purpose of the Reserve Air Division ",ill be 10 mtegrate with the Pcrmanent Naval Force (PNF) and supporl Fleel Air Arm opcr<l tions of the Nav,,1 Air Stat ion. Nowra.

The majority of the Air Di~ ision arc e!t·servlee· men. who ,,·ith the exper· tise gained during their per·

Blind test for MORESBY men MOVING TO CANBERRA? Why not contact one 01 the most helplul real estate offices in Canberra?

As our main role in lile is selling SERVICE, we would be only too pleased to offer assistance With your real estate needs, whether buying, selling or renting_



All serving personnel of the RAN. are Invited to Ihe 49th Commemorat .... e Church SeNIOO at the Naval Chapel. Garden Island, on Sunday. June 3. 1990 al

10.30 a .m.

The Service Will be followed by Luncheon at HMAS KUTTABUL (Cost $1 7)_

Contact Secretary, Mrs D. Ande rson. (487 23 t 8) if wishing to attend luncheon.

Six officers and crl'"' from 1I1\1.\S MORESBV e...-perien«4 firsl hand Ihe problt'ms associaled .. ith being bl ind when they a i­lended the opening of Ihe HMAS MO RES BV el ienl lounge li t Ihe headquarters of the Assoriali(lfl of the Blind of Weslem Au~1ralil .

The MORESBY contin· gent head"d by her c-... pt:lin. Commander L Gee. was blind folded and taken un a ~ mobllity walk M around the streets or Victoria Park be· fore the openmg ceremony. as a "thanl )'O lJ

M for the fund raismg effort ~ of MORESBV during the pre­ceding yenr and to give MORESBV personnel a deeper undcrslanding of Ihe problems enrountered b) th.c blind in e \'ery day life .

[n March [9119 ~cven eye· lisll. from 11M AS MDRESBY . p:lT1lcip;!ted in a chanty bike ride from E,.". perance to 11M AS STIRL· ING :1 dl~tance of appro.\i­maid}' 121M' ~,l(}me lrc,.

The nde r:lI!>Cd o, er $33110 for lhe A",..ociation of the Ullnd uf \\ A.


Th, Min isl'" Ivr D'ltnu. Sci,n<:r and P'~vnnd, M r Gordan m in" insJHrting Ih, guard during I h, o/flcin! apm hW 01 Ih, Nno'ol A ir V il'isiun Ul IIMAS A UlA l'R OSS un It prillN.

-~ \ •

ANZA C VA Y in Md bvun" ... willi CE RBERUS JHrsonn, / marching alvng S"'onJ/an S,,·ut. Guard ,.'0 )

I. CDR p"", Ra"'lings and guid,s, I'OETI", Dav~ ,,,,'arada and I 'OETS K' ;lh Cuulon(/.

manent careers With the SISt dUTlng exe rcisc~. cover 1911(). AJAAC has ~up- Wing :Icou~tic operators. Navy. now have the oppor- tlOI<;:S when PNF personnel ported operational unlt ~ h). AJAAC i ~ Jointly man. tunit )' to continue using arc on tram,"! courses. providing acoustic mlelli · ncd bl' a ~mall te:.m or these skil ls on a part time temporJ ry sea po5l1ng~ or gcnce obtained rrOnl ter· RAN and RAAF anal)'sb basi~. ,' - -, w,' ,h ,'II" "" ' - '0" '" , - -I)' ,. ...",.. .ar), a.... ",u " . and ci" ili :II1 I' ro fe,sionall

These RANR personnel The AJ AAC is II lodger techlllcalofficers. wi ll provide., skilled labour unit a t HMAS ALHAT. In :.ddition to ib prilllury pool '0 "

" II MAS A L ROSS 'bl role.a numberof b:lsicluld ,~ I ' . . respons. cope ....... BATROSS during peak 1I0nall), to Marillnle and advanC\;J aroustic truinlng

The RAN Tactical Elec· tronic War(;lre Support Section (RANTEWSS) was e~t~bhslK:d U) yean. ago. "

d 'od COUI"St.-S arc conducted fo r "or 0<1 pen ~. Air Ileadquan1;'rs. In addilion they "ill as: Since its incepl.on m Acet and RAAF Maritin)e

Up to 40% at YOUR Holiday Centres


efIed ... 1 12" C ....... •• st II Se_ : , ~


'" "'"

FORSTER GAROENS Tills <=OIlSISU of 9 toItIge$ set WI SpatlOllS 1lI'11'!1$ . close 10 wrI ¥Id a lake lor SWUl'l· mill" . ' is'III1g. ~~1Ig and reluJlIg ldeaJ

lor young lamllH!s. Normally boolllllgS are Liken on a weeklyl 'ortlllghtly ~SIS from 5.J.lurday to SltUlo.y Overlllghllshort Stay accom~brm may ocaSlO~11y be Mdible 01.1 s.IIo<1 noIlQI 0II1y Tarif!s ef!ec\lve 1 12 89


"'00 $l'O 00 $12500


S50 00 SSS 00 SJO 00 S3S 00

SI60 00 S200 00 (lndudes llnefl)

Write tg; Ian & Sheila Mc:uughlln (E x-CPOWTR ) MFgrster Ga.dens". PO 80_ 20. For,ter, NSW 2428

(065) 54 6027

• "",re" ', ""' ," f iM in all" a st:lmped

• •

ucept 'Of school

HOLIDAY IN NEW ZEALAND ReciproCJI arrangements are available lor RAN serving members and their dependants to use the RNZN ho~day centres at Palhl3 and Mount Maunoanui. Details and applicatIOn lorms are available from Personal Services Dnices.

AMBLIN CARAVAN PARK This Centre consists 015 New Col\a9l!s. 14 Modem On ,Slte C,lIivans ind t 30 CamPIII!j Sites Situated in 9 acres 01 ooutlhIJ ~rldind which fronts directly onto lilt wle ~ch iIld cIUI ~ters of Geoorapl'uc ~y Cenlral to all South WtsllOUnst spots and all SI)(Irtlllg faobbes ColtIIgn s.rwk:e ~_t Clvi'ians

Oidy Weeidy Weeldy

)IS )<20 S240

'" .83 SI"

'" sa, St70

SlO '" Sl20

'" .73 St(5

SlOO WI all

Writ. 10 : Amblin Caravan Park, P.O. BOil 232,

BUSSElTON, W.A. 6280. Ph: (097) S5 4079

- §( - - - -- - - -I I I I I I

APPLICATION FORM llIe Manager ................................................. . P lease book

.. .... -. me a : 0 Conage 0 Dn-slte Van 0 Van Slle Period ............................. .10 ........................ .... .. 0Iher prelerred dates are: ........... , .............. 10 ............................ ..

I N.'Jrne ....

I RankITrtle I No. Adul1s

I Address

.- .......................................................... .

...... , ....... . ........... -.... .. .................. ..... . . . ... . ... NO. Children ................ ..

-................ -.. - ................. . .....................

I ' ................................. .. ...... , ... ......... .. ........ _ .... Telephone ........ . ,

NAVY NEWS, May 25, 1990 (105) 9





Basketballers unconquered in NSW series NSW Navy inter-Service basketball learns hal'c

returned undefeated from the competition which was held at DSU R:mdwick.

The teams were selected from an array of players who competed in the Oberon Shield bask,;,tball knockout.

The players were together for a three-day pt'"riod of ar­duous training a l the Coca-cola stadium Mt Druil! in order 10 ready themselves for the series.

Coach. Mark Hewish. had the unenviable job of coach­ing bolh the men's and women's sides to a level which turned out 10 be a btandard which filially won Navy the l"()mpclilion.

Navy's first games were against the RAAF. The women were first off the mark winning their game

convincingly by 25 points. The same day the men competed against the RAAF and

(rom the start Navy's defence was inlensive . forcing Ihe compelilors to make minor errors. These Navy eapilalised on giving il a 2o.poinl lead and eventually a oomfonable Wln.

The second day of Ihe competil ion was a rest day for Navy.

On Ihe last day Navy competed agairlSl Army. BOIh men's and women's games were won with considerable case with all team members contributing.

The most valuable players for the series were Stephen Ford and Kay Tremmelon .

Navy was again the best killed team always turning up in their distinctive inter-Service tops supplied by the manager. Gavin Selkirk.

The Combined Services selection was dominated by Navy personnel wilh Ihe following selected: men's coach Mark Hewish: men's manager Gavin Selkirk; and Bruce Fallon, Mac Edwards, Darren Wilson. Gary Baker. Trevor Sellers; women Un'da Molineaux, Sue R3Ih. Margaret Goodes, Alison Dixon and Ka te Chalmers.


In a nail-biting finish to the ACf inler-Service series al the Defence Academy. Ihe Navy women's learn was nar­rowly beaten by Army right on full-lime.

With 90 seconds remain ing 10 DUlican scored a Ihree­pointer to tie Ihe game at 40 all. But in the closingseoonds Navy fouled giving A rmy a frec shot to dinch the game 41 -40.

Jo Duncan was named most va luable player. In Ihe men's game Navy was beaten by RAA F 88-68.

Wayne Springhall was named most val uable player. Navy representation in Ihe Combined Services squad is

st rong. with Wayne Springhall. ABETC Powell. Vernon Elms, Mac McLelland. Narrelle Smith . Jenny Graham, Sheena Morrison, Trish Dower. Kim Holly, Barbie Reid , Deanne Pit! and Jo Duncan selected. Rod Cooper was selected as the men 's manager.

Good luck to the women's coach. Dusty Miller. who is le:wing the inter-Service basketball scene afte r many yea rs o f CO<lching and playing.

ACROSS 2 Ortental 38 Interlaces sallor 39 Be 8 Of the swallowed kidneys up 9 Mwsical 40 Held study piece principle

11 Censures 41 Blunted 13 Arranges a tennis draw

15 TUrned aside

17 Swift. rodent

18 Heavenly bodl ..

19 Watchful 21 Cut of!' 24 Sky­colOred

25 Wholeswn 28 Small ash 31 Repairs 34 Mystic "",bol

35 Medical social

37 Clenched h_

20 Having natural girts

22 Cause or infection

23 Uturgies 26 Night bird 2'i In the mldst of

29 Levered o",n

3D National oong

32 Fresh 33 Exercise 35 Highest point

36 Nothing more

37 Festivity

10 (106) NAV·Y· NEWS .. May·25,·1990·

For the first time sin« 1953 the \'V.A. inter-Ser­"ice Sl.'ries has ended in II threl'-"'ay til' . Na"y(2-I-20-164) beat Anny (7-11-53) on day one. On day '''-0 RAAF (25-14-164) downed Navy (7-9-51) and on day three Anny (2.0_ 19_131) deteatl'd RAAF (S_lI ... H). Of'SI

pla,'l'fS for Na.·)" .. ere '"Moose" Mullins . Alt:.. McQueen, Ronnie Ratcliffe , Ivan Oreb, Gus Gulll'rich, Ken l\1ellow­~ hip lind Tammy Power.

* * * Sweel and sour was Ihe

flavour of the day for yours truly as I sat on the sidelines at Randwick recenl]y. The sweet came with watching the ' Blue and Golds' of Fleet charg­ing a round the field. Over Ihe yea rs many of my fon­dest memories have been while I wore those 001-ours and some of my greatest friendships were

Lady Penrhyn or Nirimba was the leading yacht or rour DeCence Force yachts which com­peted in this year's Health Australia Three Peaks Race In

Tasm ania. Lady Penrhyn was a pri­

vate entry in this year's race.

The official Navy entry was Charlottc of Cerberus. skippered by Jon Sarvis.

Charlo!le was the winner of the inler-Service section from Alexandra of Cres­well (Army) and &"r­borough of Cerberus (RAAF).

The race was conducted over some 300 nautical miles of rough seas and 130 kilometres of Tasmania's highest mountain peaks.

For more than three and a half days 25 yachls with maximum crews of five. which included the runners, competed m stormy seas with 40 knot winds ,md up and down Ihree daunting mountains - two of which had to be tackled at nighl by the NIRIMBA runners_

The crews of five were required to sail their yachts

• • • series en In Ie

with Graham Thurstans

made while pla)1ng with Fleet leam~. The sour came "ith the defeat of NIR IMBA <II the h3mh of Fleel . !-leet.led by [an Wheeler, jumped the wcsterncr~ right from the gun and I;!king full ad""n­tage of the breeze ran up a substantial lead by quaner time. From thcn on NIRIMBA tried to play cmch-up fool hall and m::\'cr really looked li~c

making it. The best m<ln "\lard h:ld to go to NIRIM BA\ Ja>oo Lanham. Peter Fraatz, put in a good perfor­mance for fleet. As I said. sweel and sour as the final !;.C()res were Fleet 16-13-109 to NIR IMBA 12-9-81.


* * * Do,,'n on the south

COll!i1 Ihe season is start­

ing 10 hoI up as the rep­resentat;"e matches come around. The o ld Shoalha· "en League. now the Lei ­sure Coast League, is gearing up for the wuntry championships. The seleelors ha"e been oul and about and ;n their wisdom ha"e gone for a larr:e Navy ~onlent in the initial 30 man training squ~d. Navy are Robbie Pekin , Mick Partridge, Darren Murray, Blake Stephenson. j\hU Can­ning. Gary Holg,lIe , Juan Jewel. Coach or the team ns Robbie Rohbies rh'al as coach of

r ..


* * * • While on Ihe subject of

the Leisure Coast. Rob­bIe's Bambaderry Tigers arc on Ihe top of Ihe lad­der . Wilh the loss of 170f last year's playen; bel­ween ~a-.on~ it " ;h thoughl Ihe ligers may have a lean season_ How­ever Ihe recruitment of25 new players has alleviated that worry. The boys from "TROSS arc fourth.

"TROSS sli /l recoupcrating from some sudden poslings and has had a bit of trouble main­taining a stable team.

* * * At NIRIMBA the sea­

son is bringing its share of ups and do",·ns . The under 17s are continuing Ihe good form they dis­played in Ihe Falher Mac downing Hornsby Heights by 120 points.

The under 20s had a big ""jn O"er Hawk~bur)" on the CO"" paddod.: al Auburn. The next match ""iII be our fin;t home game of the season and ",e look forward to pl~) _

ing Ihe Penrith Rams. The rams will be Ihe fin;t ch'ilian team to eompele on a NIRIMBA Footy Oval since the demise of Brad Stead's ail-conquer­ing sides of Ihe early eighlies.

* * * The inler-Service

matches are upon us . Here in NSW Ihe squad came together for the first time Wcdnesday. After that gathering the team was pruned !O thc final numbers in time for a real work out down a t NAS Nowra on June I. 1"11 endeavour to name Ihe team here in Ihis column when the next Navy News goes to priOl.

* * *

1"he .flJue.u/ul crtll' 0/ Lady Penrhyn o/Nirimba .,. Leigh Dickie, Shaun Anduson, Richard Calf, Anthony Whitt' and Jeremy /la/mes.

to each destination where Iwo of their number Ihen tackled the mountain run. carryi ng a back pack con­taining specified survival and safety ilems.

The running teams usu­ally spent something like seven 10 eight hours run­ning/climbing before

rejoining Ihe yacht.

Once under way they were again members of the sailinl!, crew.

Lady of Penrhyn was skippered by Richard Catt from NIRIMI3A. Richard also skippered the sai l trainer in last year's race.

Other crew included: Jeremy Holmes, who also competed in last year's race and was the backbone of the running team; Leigh Dickie (ALBATROSS), who partnered Jeremy on the first and lasl runs; An­thony White (A LBAT­ROSS). Ihe yacht's mate

and " brilliant sailor; and Shaun Anderson (W AT­SON) a last minute indu­sion. Shaun added grea tly 10 the sailing st rength .

CongralUlations to all te~ms and back-up groups who undertook the arduous event.

orts wares on • IS 8's s

JERVIS BA V's "isil to To",'nsville rtcenlly ~er­

tainly ga"e muscle bosun Paul De Beus a chance to view his SlX'rtsmen on· board, T he ten pin bo .. ·Jing team really turned it on against the magncclic ex­Naul Men's Association_ Bob Rrookl; , Bru~e Kel­man Neil Simpson, Mark Tapper and Ray Inine hit their st raps against the ex­matelots. The rine shooting team had a shOOI OUI at the local rine club wilh lOp shol going to Brian Copeland wilh Bob lIao'ey aud Peln Male also shooting well. The rugby team. al lhough defeated, ne,'er Slopped tl')'ing ag~inst my rormer dub City. Pal Cougan .. as pleased .. ilh his man-or­the-match-aYHord and Bob Brooks. Pau(Ue Beus and

" 'e ll , Bob Brook's experience

in playing slX' rt and aUend­ing accompanying functions hll$ slood him in great stead. Bob pro"ed his worth lI$ CliIptain-roach of the JB boal racing learn. His learn included Pat Coogan. Paul De Bl.'us, Darrt'n Mercer. Shorty Short . Wayne Neil and Stirlinj! Moss.

*** After Uno Santini's

great game against Ihe Rus­sians he was selected in the Cairns Rugby side 10 play Townsville in the inner city XXXX Cup. At the same

play for Navy on Anzac Day at Concord Oval. I hope the na tional and ASR U selectors were the re. At the lime of wril­ing Lino is in Mt lsa repre­senting Cairns, again in the XXXX Cup.

*** Denis (ca ll me Chalkie)

Cherry. ronner "SRU and national representative .. ho is reeruiling in To",nS"ille, tells me he ran in lo Peler Cart"'ri~ht, another fonner inter-Ser­"ice rugby repreSl.'ntat;'·e. Peler is /i"ing in the Mac­kay district , ha"ing done

some time in a pra .... n tra .... ler on the Queensland Coast.

*** Without dropping names

I know Simon Poideven and he said prior to the stan of the Hong Kong Se­vens Ihe price of a grand­stand scat from scalpers was 5300 for the series, which was a se ll oul. M,lke or bre"k I am going nex t year.

*** II is wilh great sadness

that I bring the news that ex-CPOQMG "Streteh-­Northey recently passed away. Stre ich, a popular fi­gure in the sporting world. qualified for his pension and had only been married

t .... o years to his lovely " 'ife Sharon_

*** Cairns women are also

certainly making their mark in the sport ing world. Lisa Wallace. Toni Duffy and Sue Wayne represented Combined Services in softball in Sydney_ It also has two net ban learns with fine playen; such as Penny Livingstone, Lyanne Franklin. Jenny Haynes. Rhonda Duncan and wives Joanne Sparks. J~cinta

Costello and Leslie Hoare. Basketball is also a major sport with two teams in­cluding Wendy Gould. Rachel Phillips. Penny Livingstone. Rhonda Dun· can and Givenda Irvine playing well. Part-time coach is Steve Hore.

• ,


Please call at any of the following locations • 7S Macleay SI., Potts Point. N.S.W. Phone:(02) 3581518 • HMAS CERBERUS, Western Port, VIC. Phone: (03) 83 7184 • 12 Railway Terrace, Rockingham, W.A. Phone: (09) 527 7522


RAN sailor is a memher of a tcam which has ;;:~~~: ror A ll~tralia in the world par3rhuling

Petty O f/i(W Grc!! ILl'S, ':',), of I'{MAS KUT­who. "loll)! with '<even <)[hers. the

formation parachute team which " 'on Au'Ir;llia', fir,! gold nl<:d,tI in 'pu rt p"r"chulillg.

The ch<lmp;onshlp' WeT .. held in Chiangmal . no rthern T haIland.

Greg part of golden team

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ChQl'O~ SubK"pliot

. _._- -.... _.------ --.... . ........ . ...... -. -- .......... .

repoTh that compet ition wa~ fierce ",th the k au ti mes Oc!"-c!'n the Allstral i a n~ and"

';;h,,,,,,""·;;'''· gr .. dually fell away and were left nank it out for minor placings.

"Our Jump "ent well. co n.uJcring the turbulent comfi­t ,un., On Iv one t h mg " '" o n o ur 1T1ln'.b: W3' the jump guml e nough It) ""in U~ the gold"

To make condillons more len~e. going into the final the Austral ian team .... ,IS onlyO.5 of a second in fron!


" AII w", answered ;IS we ("Ime in to land amongst" crowd 01 cheering 'pcct<ltnr<' he said.

WinnIng the world mil' "a~ the result of mOnThs of in­tcn<;c tr~lJling and thousand~ of doll"rs spcm by each team member.

"Everyone knew the golu medal would be ours If we Greg had to take a slice of his IOllg service leave to ena-t a good final Jump:' Greg ~;,id. ble him to continue to train and compete.

"The nex t day the French d~d~'~h:"~':':'~O:":':J~"~'~O:P~O:':,":'~' _~N~aVY'~ gold medalist hllS been par;lchuling for scven i - unbeknowll 10 us - as we were c1imbmg 10 and in thm time ha, completed more thlln IJ{)(I to perf,'rm our last '

GUI! Hays,froat and uCfmd from t"~ righr. Ulld r~am members in front of their traininl! aircraft,


JO"iaJ ALBATROSS PTI. Rob Thomas. williollg remember his Wills Cup mid"eek golf debot - he smashed hi.~ freshly-acqoired 23 handicap by 12 shol ~:

H,,, JI' <;tahleford pouu, at St George 's Basin "erc [ I ben"r than hi~ CRl:.SWELL opponent and helped AL­BAT ROSS to a 13-point victory.

Koh ', w;o~ j u,1 one of many g(lQ{l ~cores in the airmen ', total of 214.

L<mmurker Peter Gilhcrt", t .... o-under-par 4 I points. Kel Turner's J5 . Chris H"lI;ond 's -l2 and wily Wa~ ne \ - meagre" 3S were high lights.

CRESWELL\ bc~t .... ere BTeil Trenerr) 43 , -Fang" 110""31 42 and Jim Hart -l0.

Mark HUIIc)', ;'7 oneluded " 31(' on the ninth hole' Howat carded a -l /5 and ,muther pbyer failed with :, pUll .... hich would have glH' n him a 216.

The par 70 la ~'ou t was rated at ('2 explaining the incredihle seore~.

G,lbert hit a t .... ·o-iron 2JO metres to one par fou r green ; h" opponent StefStan!!re! squirted hb drive "miles to the left" Ihen .... cdged to WIthin 10 fee l of the hole.

Pete three-p'JIIed for p~r while Stef hirdied! In anuther May 16 clash. the Roscville "specialist~-

12 (1 08) NAVY NEWS, May 25, 1990 • •

PENGU IN totalled 16'1 to edge out KUTTA 13UL 166 fO

rcmain in the competit ion !cad. Tony Hayward'S 26 h~ndieap was inv,)luable a~ he e:lme

in with his Wills best of 40 points. Con,isteni skipper Danny Emmerson had 36, Chris

Couper 3-1_ Terry Alsford 31 and Pat G illil!ll 2S. KUTTABUL's best .... ere Frank Wyllie 35, Allen Walsh

.~J Frank Arena 33 and ~lar~ Lewis and Peter Simpson each 32.

NIRIMBA 191 downed PLATSJWATERHEN in the olher match .

In the May 9 round; • A LBATROSS 180 (Wayne Asher 31!. Craig Wyman.

Jhran Dinkley and Peter Flannghan each 36s and Kel Turner 34) inflicled the first defeil t of the scm;on on a de­pic ted ,ix-person PENGUIN 163 (Keith Miller 39. Tony Ha~ ward 36, Pat Gilli;on and Chri~ Couper e:leh 3()s) at

• • C RESWELL 179 ("Fang" Huwat 39, B. Prince 38.

Kc1 W,dkcr "nd Brett Trenerry each 35s and Stef Stangret 32) downed WATSON 156 (Gary Mason 36 and Da" e Ounner 35) ;I t Highlands.

Peter Simpson had a one-under-par 41 in KUT­T A BUL's 17J (Miek Rosscndel1 36 and Mike Ward 35) win over PLATSJWATEKHEN 78.

There will be a reasl or Sen'ice representative Rugby on offer to th~ Rugby ~nlhusiasl ov~r th~ next nmnth or so_

The participation of an Au,lralian Services Rugby Union (ASRU) tcam in Ihe Au'tr"lian Interstate Under 21 Championships. held III Adelaide this month marked the beginning of the 19911 Comhined Services pmgram.

represenM ive

Following the national inter-Service carn;val. to be played at the Defence Force Academy in Can­berra during the week June J-I!. the ASRU senior team will tnur the south-eustern ,tates.

ASRU to take on US side

touring United Stntes Com­bined Ser.·iec~ (USCS) team.

Manuka Olal (Can­berra) ha, been booked for Sunday, June 24. as the venue for the m:lteh against the American ,ide.

Fixtures arc to be pillyed A lthough the USCS tour against Riverina. Victoria is sponsored by ASRU, the und ACT B in the lead up Canberr;) 'test' will he the

to a 'lest" match "''''C'chO:' _=-O_"cl)c·Cm='c"ch~'ch=-'.:.:=

will play against a $crvicc te;om during the tour.

TIle other four matches involve ci,ilian ,ides, w;th the tour highlight a game agamst BTI,hane ,ub-dis­trict, to b., played as the eunain-r;Jiscr to the Que<'ns!and "eTSUS France fixture at 13allymore on Sunday, June 17.

The uses tour will wn­clude wilh a fi .xtu re against Sydney. Th;s match will he played at Victoria Barracks (Sydney) un Wedne!>day, June 27. with the curtain­raber an under 2! mateh betl'een AS RU and Syd­ney in competition for the ' Kevin Wheatley VC Shield' .

Meanwhile. in the latest Ma y 16 Demp~ter Cup round the highlight was a narrow 4-3 victory for ALBATROSS over IIOBARTffORRENS.

In o ther games WAT­SON heat PENGUIN 11-0, NIRIMBA easily ac-counted for PLATS! W' HE N 44·ni l ;lIld the NIR IM BA No.2 side went down to KU'JTABUL 24-II.

Typeserting & Artwor1< by Points & Picas Ply. Ltd. - - TeIopea, NSW 2117. Phocle (02) 663 4t24. ~ Printed on the premises 01 Media Press, 7 Garne<s Avenue, Marrickville , NSW 2204. Phone (02) S60 3900.

. . . . . . • •

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